HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/24/1978Y MINUTES .OF 'MEETING OF CITY .COUNCIL PETALUMA,. CALIFORNIA APRIL 24, 19.78 ADJOURNED MEET=ING, The Adj,ou_rned Meeting of the Petaluma City Council was called to order by Mayor Helen Putnam.at the hour of 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Balshaw, Bond, Cavanagh, Harberson *, Perry, and Mayor Putnam. Absent:. Councilman Hilligoss. *Councilman Harberson arrived at 7:38 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Councilman.G'avanagh, seconded by Vice -Mayor Perry,.to adopt resolutions .on Consent Calendar, and approved by 5 affirmative and 2 absentee votes. Agenda ItemJI Resolution 4816:8 N.C;.S.. authorizing the Chief of Police AUTHORIZE POLICE to execute a contract with the State of California to CHIEF TO SIGN provide security services..for the Sonoma -Marin Fair was CONTRACT FOR Adopted. SECURITY SERVICE'S _ l • - SONOMA -MARIN FAIR RES 448168' NCS Agenda Item #2 —Resolution 448169 N.:C.S, appointing Warren,Hopper and APPOINT TWO MEMBERS Marilyn Hoff,,members to the Community Development TO COMMUNITY,DE- Advisory Committee, was adopted,. VELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE R_ES 448169 NCS APPEAL BY CERTAIN' The :Publ c.Hear -in& had been,.continued from the meeting MEMBERS OF,WASHING;TON of ,April 3, 1978. The Public Hearing was opened to SQUARE MERCHANTS' hear only :any newt information regarding, the operation ASSOC.=- 115& PERMIT', of the Dodge City Arcade,, .located in Square DODGE CITY' - ARCADE Shopping,Center. . Submitted to the�City Clerk and (WILLIAM; BROTMAN) copied for the Council `were•.letters from.Mrs. Claudette CONTINUED FROM 4/3/78 Mores.,, 905 Pecan.Way,, supporting the Arcade, as well as• a letter'- from; Advance Automatic+ Sales Company., San Francisco, supporting the Arcade. In addition, a,-memorandum da -ted April 19, 1978, from DENY APPEAL OF,_CERTAIN Police Chief Robert Murphy ;to the City. Manager, sub-, WASHINGTON SQUARE, • mitfed and fi.led;, •an, informal petition, including, 8 MERCHANTS &. signatures, opposing the Use .Permit for Dodge City GRANTING OF USE PERMIT Arcade,, 'submitted and filed. There was some question DODGE CITY ARCADE; on the validity of the petition,, as the petitioner's RES•.48170 NCS name was not. known. ;and- the papers had been left_ at the City Clerk' Office when- no one was in attendance. Mayor Putnam advised the matter - hadl.'been discu_ss:ed, in detail--on. April 3, 1,978, and at that time she indicated .there would,.not be r-ev_ev of the. -testimony given and .the Council, would only; be •interested in any ,new information which was to be submitted.'at this time. Mayor Putnam,as,ked Police Chief Rober=t - -"Mu.4by to bring the Council up to date on the 'situation. Chief. Murphy stated since the time he forwarded his memo of April 19., he has received only one, ,additional repor=t. Chief Murphy indicated the,incident reported in hismemo.and the .,one.which „happened.subsequent to his writing tie memorandum could have,.occurred, any p.lace;.i ,Thee Police Departmen=t has viewed. the Gong- rega,ting,.groups, ,in the : area. Chief, Murphy stated, he .felt the' s on i appearsi to hq 'somewhati better, than in, cthei•,pas.,, c and rtfie-re have. been, no 'severe problems siric'e he last spoke to, the, Council on April, , 3. , s April 24, 1978 APPEAL BY.CER MEMBERS. OF WA ASSOC. - -US DODGE CITY DENY APPEAL OF CERTAIN WASHINGTON SQUARE Councilman Bond asked Chief Murphy if there was 'any. change in his recommendations,, made on two occasions, that the U "se,Permit be revoked:. Chief Murphy stated there was no change: in`his recommendation that the facility be relocated. Councilman Balshaw asked what Chief Murphy's recommendation regarding _location would. be. Chief Murphy stated such a recreat'i'on center should be located either in an enclosed mall or an open space area wher:e.peoplee would not have to ;pass in such a narrow alleyway. MERCHANTS & UPHOLD Some discussion,was held regarding the possibility of GRANTING OF USE PERMIT the,City adopting an anti - loitering 'law. City Attorney DODGE CITY.ARCADE Larry Klose advised. .the Police Chief had asked him to• RES #8170' NCS draft such .legislation,;.however, it is difficult, (Continued') because if the law.is written which is strict enough to do any good, it may be declared unconstitutional,. Anything less would probably not ad'dress,the real.problem. Councilman.Balshaw asked if .the City did not have some responsibility for people congregating in other areas. once Mr;. Brotman has taken.care.of the situation in front of his place of :business,. The :Ci;ty Attorney advised if there is a comp.laint,, the. Police Department can, handle it; however, it is. a .matter of. priorities and it probably is not ,possib'le 'to assign an. officer full time to the location: Councilman Balshaw pointed out there are other type's of businesses which con- tribute to problems, such as.7= Eleven•S ores 'and taverns;' how, ev.er, the City does not' want to close these businesses.. City Manager Robert Meyer stated denying the Use Permit would be, amatter, of judgement to be considered by ° the .Counci -L. He also pointed oust the Use 'Permit could be reviewed by.the'Council at any time the operation becomes a problem. Mayor Putnam asked the City Attorney to comment, on the letter he had written regarding the release of informationthe attorney f.or Mr. Brotman requested. Mr. Klose stated the attorney' had requested 'disclo`siire` of the various .P'oli'ce reports and the incidents which gave justif'ica.tion for the Police Chief`'s recommendation. Mr.. Klose stated he felt it is the right of' Police Chief to keep the documents confidential-, basted . upon his judgement for, security of the investigation. Mr. Klose also stated there is a burden on the opponents to bring forward enough substantial evidence to indicate the presence of this business as the vehicle which, attracts persons who are causing th'e nuisance Mr: Klose advised it is the responsibility .of the Council to evaluate the evidence. 'If there is not a substantial amount of evidence,.in the:Council's` opinion,, then the appeal should.be denied and tte.Use'Permit granted.. If "the' Council ,determines there is sufficient evidence. that the ,people who are attracted by'th'e business, or assocated,somehow with the presence of';the business in'the area, Ar.e creating; the disturbances, or nuisances, which have: been,' talked about:, the - Council should, f nd'in favor of the appellant and deny the permit.. Mayor 'Putnam.called to the Councl';s attention the ten conditions imposed on the Use.Permi:t by the Planning Commission. Councilman•Cavanagh :stated - the' -only question, he'has .was; with Condition .No,.•. 8, : .. e. ,; that' 'music played -inside the building shall not•, `be audible to adjacent uses or' exterior-of, the building. City Attorney Larry.Klose commented it wil,l.be the responsibility of :.the.appli- cant, if he accepts the benefits , of the Use .Permit, to .p•rovide the soundproofing necessary to keep the noise within the limits of, his' own business,. Councilman 'Bond asked for some clari'f cation'on the staff "s report of :February` 16, and the minutes of the C'ommission..of February 22.. The specific points he questioned were whether_- this Use..P'ermit is to 'be considered a new permit, ,and °whether the activities taking place ins'W6 the building should have a bearing on the ,activities on °th'6 outside. Pl=anning Director Ronald Hall' explained .the 'ins truetions to the Planning I - Commission, were to consider this a. new use and a new Use Permit. He had asked for clarifica,ti0h,reg4rding the outs=ide activities'' from the City Attorney prior to the Planning, C'ommission's hearing. The City Attorney advised the Paanning ssion was to consider the matter an environmental . problem. Mr: Hail .stated,, how,ever the•.City Attorney did not state how far• this should be .extended. At this meeting tonight ?, however, the ,Police Chief, has questioned. how far.from the site the matter .could be extended. The City Attorney, stated, the. Council,, in mat -tees of this kind, operates' in a quasi judicial Cfunct°ion. If the, Council, feels the' outside activities have a direct connection with. operation. of. the facility, then the ap=peal should be sustained and the. Use Permit - denied... Mr., _Klose pointed oust, it ,should ,, 1 April 24, 1978 1 1 DENY APPEAL OF CERTAIN WASHINGTON - SQUARE MERCHANTS VUP,HOLD be remembered, that a.,shopping center exterior is a common use for the entire center. Councilman•Balshaw stated only those_b"usinesses in the immediate area were the ones registering complaints -. The rest of the merchants and ; .the .prva,t:e,owner of the Center made no appearance at.the Bearings. All of the conditions wer,e.reviewed by the City Council„ The City Attorney referred to Section 26 -505 of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the findings the City Council should make ;regardless: their decision. GRANTING OF'USE PERMIT Counc- ilman.Bond asked to.review the matter for his own DODGE CITY ARCADE clarification. He.stated he Dodge City is an RES #8170 NCS, existing use, even though it is being considered a new (.Continued) use." From the review,-.of; the,:material he-has received, lie feels the-establishment is being, run on a clean basis: "'It is -d use'that is. needed; he'.feels it is in the wrong, location, but the proprietor I feels it is in a: good • location' because of -the. proximity to schools and being in a shopping center.' He stated-fie was reluctant to 'dismiss the recommendations of the -ice Chief, and the complaints of the neighboring businesses.. Councilman Bond.indicated he ,would..also be reluctant to dismiss the rights of the applicant': He feels Mr. Brotman =has .done all he can to run a clean business and police the - front of, the building,, Councilman Bond stated he did not feel Mr. Bro,tman -could beheld responsible for everything that was happening within,a wide.area. He.als.o stated he felt. .this Use Permit should be. reviewed on a continuing'bas s to determine if there are substantial and repeated complaints. The Publ -ic Hearing was then closed. Resolution #81.70 N.C.S. denying the, appeal of certain merchants the- Washing- ton'Square "Shope ng Center and! upholding the granting of the Use Permit, in- cluding all necessary findings, was introduced by, Councilman 'Bond, seconded by Councilman Balshaw, and adopted by 4 a ffirmative,.2.negative, and 1 absentee votes. Councilmen,; Cavanagh, and Vice - Mayor. Ferry' voted "no "'. Af`t'er zthef vote had' been' taken; on- the?. resolution -;, Mayor - thanked" .the City Attorney- '.f or the:attention he had given to. -the matter, and the manner in which he had kept 'the Council .informed." She' also: commended., Planning Director Ronald Hall for making p.reparations'• the Planning Commission; and' the Council.. She stated during the discussions:, theifa'ctcnover surfaced` the Council, was dealing with young people. She felt sure, the owner was trying to,provide a safe,. pleasant place for young and many par.ents•- indicated they felt a certain degree of security by permi their children to go to.the'Arcade. By allowing the business to operate..und'er a very limited format, she indicated it should be.realiz',ed this is not the only place..young .people congregate. Young people - congregate:around scloo,ls,.and every so. often complaints surface from the neighborhoods. She stated she would hope since so much attention had been given to this matter, a good.way to keep everybody going and' in business would be to adopt a good attitude,. Mayor Putnam also Commended the audience for the att gave the matter. AWARD CONTRACT FOR Memorandum from Fred Scho.eneweis, Director, Water BAR SCREEN.REPLACEMENT P,ollutioi,Coritrol Plant., and Michael Acorne, to the RES, #81.71 NCS City Manager, dated.April.l9,' 1978, submitted and f fled'.. Two 'bids had been received - for vthe bar iscreen replacement at tB e..old Water Pollution-Control Plant.. 'The one from E..C...Cooley. was the high bid' in the amount of $23,738.70..' 'The bid f rom. T'. W. Associates :amounted to $ The recommendation of Mr. Schoenewe s.and.Mr,. Acorne.•was to award the bid to E. C. Cooley Company, as.their` bar :screen replacement was to the -one which has, been, in 'operation at the old plant for 40 years,. Mr. S'choeneweis stated the 'do-vice in T W. Associate's bid was a.comminut:or, device called a "Muffin.. Monster ".' This device shreds .th,e debris ands, a1 -lows it to. pass - through the plant. The bar screen moves the, .debris ,from .the `,inf low= -and the debris is deposited •in a garbage bin.,, The. Muff'in,.Mona,ter would allow the debris to go'. into the main stream. Mr. Schoeneweis also. stated.the well where the bar screen wouuld be placed is . a proximately, Z& feet deep. at the old' plant, and if there would 'be a power failure, 'the device-bid by. T. W. would have to be removed &. - Resolution #8171 N.C.S. awarding;contract.for the purchase of bar screen replacement (shredding device) for Water Pollution Control Plant to E. C Cooley Company, in;th'e.amount of $23,738..70, °was introduced by Vice -Mayor Perry, seconded by Councilman Bond, and adopted • by 6 affirmative and 1,absentee votes. April 24, 1978 AWARD CONTRACT FOR City Engineer David 'YoUng advised four bids had been SANITARY SEWER received for the proj.ect,, ranging from. a' low . of $154,270, INSTALLATION -- PROJECT to a high of $400',865: The engineer's- estimate was• #WP 1 -76 (4002- 9115:) - $140,895. The low bidder is:.Albay Construction Company, RES #8172 NCS Martinez,.California. Mr. Young, indicated he had .checked their previous work experience and financial status, and recommended the bid be .to.Albay Construction Company. Excluding the'h°gh bid, Mr.. Young.indicated the remaining three bids were very compet- i- tire.. Bef,ore.the.vote: was taken on the.ma ;ttet Councilman Harber son indicated he would have to abstain 'fx0m.vot ng. because Albay ,Construction Comnpany is an occasional customer, of his. The 'Gi,ty.Attorney ?advIs.ed Mr: Harherson to dis= qualify himself from voting. Resolution #8172 .N,. C,'. S i ,awarding ; contract for sanitary , sewer installation.,,. Project #WP I..36. (40.02 = 91.15) to.Albay. Construction Company„ Martine " Cali fornia,. in ,the amount of .$154,270,, was ,introduced ,by. V=ice - Mayor Perry - seconded by Councilman, Bond,, and adopted. by 5• affi.rma- tive.._and..1 ,absentee, votes. Councilman Harb.erson disqualified himself from voting APPROVE SUBMISSION City Manager,Robert,Meyer requested permission.to PRELIMINARY BUDGET. submit the Preliminary Budget :for 1978 -79, no later: than 1978- 79--N.0 LATER the f r.st..Monday.in:J.une rather, than in May. THAN JUNE 5',, 1978 Councilman Balshaw indicated he would - have liked to have some figures to review on the budget as soon as possible. There are two components to the Budget,'the programs. and how'they will be funded. City Manager Robert Meyer sta "ted t st aff needs some additional time''for lntgrpre t There is a .ques!,tion of 'whether• or, not -some fees can b raised. Mr'. Meyer indicated' the .budget is usually prepared by May: l.' The s af.f would like to determine; the results of. the Meet and Confer and be . abler to present a meaning= ful Preliminary Budget to the Council. Mr. Balshaw w under the impression program Would, be i n cluded in,the budget presented to them. Mr. Scharer indicated.the Capital.Outlay Budget is usually not presented to the, Council until August, or Septemb of the y ear,, or as, soon as °the, final. balances are determined:.. The budget; to be! discussed. by the Council in June would 'be, the Maintenance and Operating, Budget. The.,City Manager, aIs staged, the Council usually_ tries; to set aside: one. or twq days for review of the Maintenance and Operation portion of the Budget;. A motion was made by Councilman H'arberson,..seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, to approve submission, of the 197:8 -79 Preiiminary.Mairitenance and Operation Budget no later than.June 5,.. 1978. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT- -9:11: Police Chief Robert Murphy gave - a history of his in- EMERGENCY TELEPHONE volvement with the preparation of the' 91'1 Emergency SYSTEM PLAN Telephone System which has been mandated by the'State of California. He advised it will be necessary for the County and the cities, to approve some plan :prior to July '1, 1979. . He has worked on th task fotc`e with former Fire. Chief J be. Ellwood, and now with Chief Sharps Chief Sharps, and Chief,Murphy attended the last Task Force Me'et'ing when the plan was described—Shortly :thereafter,,, they visited Mr. Allen Chapman, the 911.Coord riator for Sonoma County.,.: ,Chief Murphy . ptated' - because -of. the physical facilities of the telephone company and the. 'tme element for submitting the plan to the`State, 'the.City . probably .doesn' °t.have much ;choice. regarding approval of the plan. He.did adv s'e,, however, there maybe a pqs- sibility..of revising• th:e. ,plans,.b,etween,ahe: �t -ime it., Is submitted, to the. State` and the actual -date :of' start:r -of- - installation, or one year from July,,,, `197,,`8 : Chief Murphy. - .stated :he.:was° not comfortable recommending ,.the .plan. to ,the City ;Council andi.asked :Mr:. !Chapman if. there were ,any,• al ves�. ..There .are, 1not =. Mr Chapman :advised• Chief:Murphy and Chief. Sharps, he • did. not .feel there had been proper; involvement from public sa-f'ety�ieaders:, nor from elective officials in the County and ci,ties.to,be °more. progressive in..;the;:involvement, ,of telephone installation., Chief Murphy. stat.ed,..from what he has:. learned,,. Sonoma County is believed.to have the most.tantiquated,sys tem. in the State, while Monterey County has the best.. Chief Murphy stated he had. invited Mr., Chapman• t this meeting in order. to ,. answer any:..questions the .-Council may have. r � April 24, 1978 r t REPORT = -911 Mr..Allen:Chapman explained he is a private 'consultant, EMERGENCY TELEPHONE hired:by•the County, to;help�:wi.th a number of technical SYSTEM PLAN problems in the: tele- communications field. When he (Continued) started his assignment on September 6, 1977,,he learned the decision had" already`been.made t,o.-have a, single Public . "S&fety Answering. Paint (P with no dispatching,. This is probably' the most ineffic ent' and expensive. way for the .County to .go; however, theie'are' other counties `ilh the State in the. same. position. ; Th'e probaem lies ' in the fact there are so many' political subdivisions ".`in..the ,County° that do not coincide . with " telephone company, ' "s..'subdivis ons.: If 'it' was' ,'possible for anyone to dial 9`11 and. ,go to fhe'.correct P'SAP, this problem_ would not exist. Mr. Chapman stated the telephone company 'indicates it' is impossible to serve.such,a system because ,,there . "are ,about j, 50 , f, re . ., 8, cities,, several, nedi6al facilities and the County.. itself The position.Sonoma County has taken is to have the.,State assume the entire cost. In order to give the public the-same level of service they now enjoy, it is felt the PSAP will have to be, equipped with some expensve' items such as computers,: which normally-would.not be,:needed. It will also be necessary to hire staff to ;man. the 'PSAP. The Center will be. able., to filter "crank" - calls and repeat calls. It is anticipated 22 operators will.be needed, as well as a manager for the Center, a_ secretary and a data base operator. This would be an additional staff and would not include dispatchers in the various communities and districts. City Manager Robert Meyer asked the PSAP Center could not have been estab- lished in Petaluma. If the Center.is located in Santa Rosa, Petaluma will have to pay for costs on a,mileage, basis. Mr,. Chapman.advised the State Guidelines indicate the telephone cost,, with a f w exceptions ,_would be: paid by the State and all the mileage will be the State. ill incremental costs, including the personnel - 'to man the PSAP Center, will be on.a sharing basis. In addition., the SIate,has indicated ,they would '8,t assume the cost for switch- hook.s,tAtus /ringback, as outlined on.Page 3. of theItmeigency Telephone'System Plan. Mr. Chapman stated the,Plan is so cumbersome and expensive, that sooner or later' those involved 'n' ,the Coiinty are going to get together and do the right thing. City Manager Robert Meyer. questioned.what would be, the'right system. The best system,. Mr. Chapman explained,..would,be to have a central dispatch system, where" the telephones. ,are, ,answered and .the' public safety respon- dents are' dispatched from the`same. point:..:Under::the proposed systeiq,; all .calls are .transferred. Mr.' Chapman stated there is* one advantage; however, ' and' that is calls will be filtered and repeat.calls.will not.,b.e received by the local agencies. The Council asked what the penalty would be.,if the City did not sign the agree- ment. Mr. Chapman advised the :plan has to be submitted.to the State by July 1. If any agency does not submit or join a.plan by that date, the matter will be turned over to the.Attorney G'ene'ral.. It would then go . through the Courts, and the City would have to produce a.plan and pay for. it from its own budget, as the State would assume none of the costs. Discussion was then held..on the merits of a centralized dispatch system. Police.Chief Murphy stated such.a system,had been,installed in ,Santa Clara County several years ago. The County Boar.d.of Supervisors, at that time, instigated the action and invited various cities to•,join if they desired. From his experience with the system in Santa Clara.Count and San Jose, in particular, he feels the system - co uld :wor`k in 'this County. if the County Administration would be respons veto local.entities.. Chief Murphy. stated there has been some discussion regarding a Southern Sonoma..County PSAP. This would cause some difficulty With_Rohnert Park however., as part of their calls would be routed. to the Southern,PSAP, and other's to Santa Rosa. He.also stated with all its faults, this plan is a step in .the direction of,.central dispatch,, ,.as any kind. of a success experience will help to speed the installation of central) dispatch.. If 911 fails, then he feels the system'will be abandoned. :k3 Mayor Putnam stated.i.t.app,.ear"ed.the Council.'would no:t be.able to reach a conclusion on,' the . matter at this meeting- She .thanked. Mr. ,Chapman for his appearance and stated the Council would 'take the, matter under advisement. ADOPT ENVIRONMENTAL Community , Devel .opment.and.Services Coordinator Frank DESIGN PLAN -- Gray ,reviewed the draft.. of,, the .Int -Range Goals INTERMEDIATE -RANGE and'Policies of the.`Petaluma.,General Plan,with the City GOALS AND POLICIES Council.. During the course of the discussions., recommen- RES #8174 NCS dations were made for changes and deletions to the draft, which Mr- Gray indicated.would be incorporated. At the conclusion of the review and.discussion, Resolution #8174 N.C.S. adopting Environmental Design Plan, Intermediate -Range Goals and Policies (1978 to 1985) of .'the .`Petaluma ;General Plan,, was introduced by Councilman. Harberson,' seconded by Mayor Perry, and adopted 6 affirmative and 1 absentee votes. 5 April 24, 1978 MOTION,TO ADD A motion was,.made.:.by Councilman Harberson, seconded by ITEM TO AGENDA !, :- Vice - Mayor: Perry, to. add the, following item to. the .. �. Agenda. ;Motion carried•unanimously. AUTHORIZE MAYOR TO City Attorney Larry Klose stated sometime in the SIGN' AGREEMENT.-FOR the ': Council, had. authorized, the, _empl.oyment of a consultant DONATION .OF FUNDS to .develop An Airport Site Selection & udy. Some_ of AIRPORT SITE STUDY the developers, 'aff;ected by. the Study have offered t'o' RES #81;75 NCS; donate' the money' to the ..City. The. `resolution before " r ' the _Council authorizes - acceptance ,of the.funds, designates the, uses, and -how any. remainder would be returned ;.to - the d Resolut'i'on #8175 N. C: S,. autho,r"izing, the Mayor:.to sign agreement, for donation of funds for Airport Site Selection Study, was introduced by.Counclman Bond, seconded by Counc lman•Bal_shaw, and adopted by,6.af:firmative and'.1 absentee votes. MOTION .TO , ADD • - .. A motion was made . ,by.: Vice -Mayor Perry, seconded by' ITEM: TO AGENDA ' : Councilman Cavanagh, to -add the following item to the Agenda Motion'carr.ied unanimously. APPROVE' OCCUPANCY FOR A, letter, d- irected. to the City Council by. Jeffrey A. , PORTION CASA DE ARROYO Cohen, Secretary, Eeat_ure Homes;, Inc: submitted and' SUBDIVISION' UNIT #2 RES #817'6 NCS' r Mr. Douglas Weeks was` present support'`Feature Homes'' request' for occupancy of Lot" Nos 94 through 126', Casa' de Arroyo' Subdivision, Unit ��2`. City Engineer D'av'id' Young, udica'tea, a`'.puncl list • A, been '.made` `of the items which would have. to' be completed prior' to 'occupancy. "`'City Attorney Larry Klose indicated 'the, resolution indicaies.occupancy is subj;eet to the approval of the. City 'Engineer, the Chief 'Build•ing I- nspeent-, arid. that' the 'developer shall ;hold' the City harmles"s., and' the `resolution,' shall: not' be deemed` to °consii- tute, or final approVal' of 'the public improvements, either in whbfl:e f. or in 'part. , , Resolution 48176' N..0 -.S -. approving occupancy for. a, portion of Casa de _ Arroy Subdiyision,�_Unit #2, was introduced by Councilman Perry, seconded by Council- man .Harbeeson aid' adopted 'by. affirmative' arid' 1 ab'sent:ee •votes,. ' ADJOURNMENT There, being no further business to come 'before' th'e "_ Council, the •ineetting was adjourned at l0. "c50 p..;in. ,Mayor; At test.: City 'Clerk W I i