HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/08/1978I
MAY. 8,, 19,7
ADJOURNED MEETING An Adjourned Meeting of the Petaluma City Council was
called to' order- by Mayor, Helen Putnam at. 7:36 p,.m.
ROLL CALL Present:,,r.Coiinc'lman. Cavanagh, Harberson,
Hii'ligoss, Perry, and MAyor Putnam.
Absent: None.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES,,,, The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April. 3, 1978,
-wereapproved ras mailed....The; minutes .of the Adjourned,
Meeting of_Ap,ril, 10.,, 1978, Kere, approved, as mailed.
CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Vice - Mayor Perry, seconded by
J1 . ,.Councilman Hilligoss., to adQp,t, the resolutions on the
;Consent,Calendar, Items Ift-through #3.
Agenda Item #1 Resolution #a18,9 N.,C.,,S. establishing permit fee for
E STABLI'SH_;PERMIT FEE 'mooring in.the*.Pet in a ccordance with
FOR- :MOORINGIN Section 1.3-24.030 of Ordinance #12,84 N,.CiS. (Petaluma
PETALUMA RIVER River Mooring Ordinance) was adopted.
RES #8189 NCS
Agenda Item #2 Resolution J81.90N..,G..S. authorizing the Mayor to sign
AUTHORIZE CONTRACT contract with Dan Peterson,, A.I.A., for design consul-
WITH DAN PETERSON. t in connection with the Petaluma Histori-,
FOR PETALUMA cal Su*rvey.', was adopted..
RES' #8190 NCS
Agenda,14tem #3 'Re'solution #8191 N.,C,i &. authorizing the Mayor to sign
AUTHORIZE - ',MAYOR TO' an.-agreement with Union City Trans;it,,. Inc.; for the
,STGN. .AGREEMENT TO., operation, of-the;City:'s Bus Syqtem,. was adopted.
RES. 7 8191_NCS,1.
AWARD CONTRACT FOR 'A memorandum dated -May,4-,,, 1978, directed to the City
UTILITY - WATER Manager. by Mike Acorne, Management Analyst,,reviewing
DEPARTMENT TRUCK the. bid for the.utility- body, submitted and filed.
RES' X6819 NCS
Mt. I -Ac6fhe indicated three bids were mailed,, but only
one,'was -xeturh6d. The',bid, submitted. was f rom -Service Rody actuting 'Company
of San Lorenzo, Calif6triia in the amount. (if., $5,,666 - 'Fund's are' available in
the budget.,-and the Director",of Water Utility Operations recommends approval of
the Contr.a_ct-.
Resolution 48192 N.,C.S.,awat'aiiig: contract, for one Utility Body for the new one-
ton truck for the Water Department,,to Service Body Manufacturing Company, San
Lorenzo,.California in the amount of $5,, was introduced by Councilman
by� affi an
c 'P ..... .
.. a' rma
Ha�h�ersoft, s6conded by Cou ilman erry, ac
nega,ti've, Councilman Hil'lig6ss' 'Voted "n
AWARD Memorandum dated May 3, 19.78, to the City'Mandger by
FIRE HOSE REPLACEMENT Mike Acorne,, Management Analyst submitted and filed.
RES #819 NCS".
Of the seven bids malled,,-one bidder declined to bid,
one bid was,-returned as "..unable to deliver," and one bid submitted met"the
required.specifications. Funds :are Available in the budget.
Mr. Adoxne advised Chief Sharps had requested a sample,.from,the American Rubber
Company in order to inspect ect the product.. Chief.Sharps is satisfied the fire
hos& meets'the Councilman CavAnagh.,quest-ioned why only one bid
was . , received. M.r. Acornein) the specified. laminated hose which is
preferred. by, Chief.- Sharps,.. . Tfie, hose;has. an approximate 20-year life..span and
Chief •.Sharps felt it best toi ;go with the., type of .with .which he was -familiar.
Chief Sharps stated the unde'rwriters.1ist the.hose on a.-10-year-basis, if it is
tested.annual.1y. He also.adv.ised over.50 percent- of the hose in the Fire
Department is of the laminated,, type.
Reso'lution'#8193 N.C.S. awarding contract, for fire hose replacement to American
Rubber Manufacturing Company , Oakland,, California;, in the amount of $8,918.0i
May 8, 1978
AWARD CONTRACT- FOR was introduced by Councilman Hilligoss, seconded by
FIRE HOSE REPLACEMENT Vice-Mayo.r 'Per arid. - adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
RES'#8193 NCS
CONTRACT -WIT AbBERT; 'TA memorandum dated. M4yj 8, j to the City Manager by
CRANDELLFOR WEED' Mike.,Acorne,.Manag Analyst,. on the Weed Abatement
ABATEMENT. TROGRAM' Program, for-this iyeap, submitted and filed.
When the City called for bids. on the Weed.Abatement Program, none. ' had been
received- The staff was then directed to negotiate With contractors to accomp
lish the -.Weed Abatement Program— Mr. Bob Crandell indicated he would be
willing to provide= the discing service .,for the C 2 - 1 4
_itiy, , Which, Would adc6 1-ish'_
about ,70 .,of the required -work... Each -lot wil - 1!.cost.,a minimum of $45-00
and a cost of $, per. hour f or those.'lots' taking jover. one hour. This would
be,on a prorated,basis,.
Fire Marshal •Clyde,_Thomas 'advised,_ Fire.. Department had anticipated an,increa:se
in the 'cost this year. over-last. , In -comparing 'the work 'to' be done. by Mt.
Crarfdell, a,6,,'000 square foot lot last year cost $27.03, and this year the same,
work would 'Cost '451,.75'i Property owners with small 'lots' Will Dav about the
same as' those--havin -lar r lots. . 'Chief Sharps.: ift� th6'padt the" City
has b4en. contract and have th6 Work done ftor less than the individual
property owner. could * accomplish the} same work.''.'4 He als istated it Would be an
advantage - to the. public to have. the work, done - on. their own rather.'.than {to .
contract with the, City. John Scharer,, the Finance Director, also stated last,
year the lbw,'b:fdder was. - percent lower 'than all 'other bids.
KIos,e •indicated he wbul& prepare -,the necessary agreement -to
hire Mr. Crandell to •perform 'the 41scing services. for,the Weed 'Abatement Program.
No action Was needed.or'ta by the City Council.
AUTHORIZE PARTICIPAT R6b,.ert appeared before 'the Council
9ll" EMERGENCY. TELEPHONE and recommended, the,'Ci-ty,, the execution °of' the
agreement to.T-the Sonoma•County, 911 Emergency Telephone
AES1 #8,19_4 NCS Sy stem Plan,, as recommended by the, .City /'County Fire
(DEFEATED) District. Task Force. Chief Sharps stated, 'by, :law,, the
City has to sign. some sort, of, plan by July 1,,, 1978,, and
there Appears to be no alternative this time. He stated he do'esz:ndt feel-
the plan is in, the 'best interest of the, , citizens ',of Pet4luma,, but advised if
the Council agrees, to sign, the plari, - there would, be the, option to make amendments
for one•year, anytime between July of 1978 and 1979 when the equipment is be
ordered,. He also indicated he did'not..feel.the would be accepted by the
State: of California
If the Gouncil agrees to the plan,, it would pro'vid6 ..fo one public-.'seivice.
answerin point (F$'kP.) . This would be :a, transferr , method-, however both he,
y would like to have the, opportunity to look into. the Alternative
and Chiet'Mur��
of proyiding,, :Petaluma i, :Once the Council .-has to; the plan and
it is submitted to ;.the,Sta there would be_.a.period'oi time t0^ eXPlore alterna-
tives. • Since Petaluma does, . not Aow,.ha've.,a,.Plan to submit,.,,, there would not' be
ample time between now and.Jdly 1, 19.78, to.formulate a plan.. If the C ity
f ai I s •to agree to , jo in ,with S,onoma County and proceeds with! their - own., plan
after July :1,. the erititia-' cost Would - fall u pon the -City.
Chief Shatps. also� indidated agetc1es-thrOughout the State are dissatisfied 'with
the-fact the •9.11 Emergency,System is mandated. Legislation is pending, Senate
Bill 1457.,, which, would.ask the Leg --islative Analyst, to reevaluate the mandated
,program. There may be a,,possib.ilit-y. of.either extending the program, or Abandon-
ing it altogether.-
hey_ha)�e, agre'dd to i fi 6"d 6 U'n t'y s .'p
The - council expressed concern that once_ i An
there :may not be an opportunity to. exp re oter avenues for pfbvidirig�.a PSAP
I -
in .the South ,County., which would, covei telephone ;prefixes 763, 762, and 795
not have I t e, a - s u - in' he has
Chief Sharps" stated,, although he does' h s ranice iri'writ,
talked with Scoop Sairamen, 911 'C'o.o*kdinatot,, Department of Gene Services,
an&--has been, advised each city would have the.,op,,tion_of amending, the plan af ter
July 1.
City Attorney Larry Kose>read the body of -the resolution and°s-tated the clause
which'. resetves the rigfit to-AmEirid".the-pat,ticipa-tioii In. the plan priot to June!
30' allow P6taluma to participate_ n the,.Gounty- Wide plan, but give the
City- the option tb'explote alterna,tives I prior".tb,. the - .date when the equipment
would be-06rdered:.'
May. 8 -, 1978
AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION Chief Murphy also 'stated he felt there would be; some
911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE risk in ensuring ,some reimbursement at all if the, C'ty
SYSTEM PLAN does not sign the' County'.plan'. •. He also 'indicated one
RES 48'194 NCS . of the reasons he f'eels. they would be unable to come up
(DEFEATED)` ' with an alternative' bef,or.e July 1 would be having_ the
(. ) g e `p e surrounding areas with
Continued , a reement com feted. 'for tli'o s
the. prefixes of 762, 7.63 and - 7,95 and particularly the
795 prefix; which would split responses:, part' of which would come to the
Petaluma center and the.others would' go to Santa Rosa.
Discussion was held -on delaying the matter until: ra 'meeting in June. 'City
Manager- Robert Meyer indicated because of. the July l deadline;-he had placed
the matter.on•the.Agenda. for consideration.. He also, stated he did not feel the
staff could supply any, further .information. between now and the end'.of June.
There is another problem, and that is there are about 18 fire districts which
have to s agreemefit,' and .Mr; 'Meyer stated he ,did not know if it would be,
possible to have the.agreement fully executed,by July •l .if :every agency determined
not .to sign it .uiiti:l some time in June.,
Mayor 'P-utnam. , indicated she would spr.efer to delay the,vote on the -:resolution
until June„ Co.uncilmen'Harb..erson,, :'Hill goss and ,Cavanagh ,stated they felt
once the City ;agr .i
eedr to the plan, t probably would, be, difficul't, .*if- not im-
possible, tocamend. Councilman'Bond, stated he :felt the City was by a
State- mandated program and could see no..reason for delaying action..'
Councilman Balshaw asked if .;it, would, be 'possible to <take action at this meeting,
but have.the resolution amended .to:indicate.the City Manager would.submit it
sometime before July 1.
Resolution authorizing the City Manager.and Mayor to execute the.Sonoma County
Final 911 Emergency Telephone System Plan., as recommended by the City /County
Fire •District !Task Force, was .'introduced by, Councilman ;Bond, seconded..by Vice
Mayor.Perry,,;dnd DEFEATED 3 ,aff 'rmative and 4 negative votes. Councilmen
Cavanagh„ Harberson Hilligoss; and Mayor Putnam.voted "no ".
DISCUSSION Community :Development and Services Coordinator Frank
NEW RESIDENTIAL Gray to a, -checklist . which had.been supplied to
DEVELOPMENT CONTROL the Council at a.previous_ meeting,. and ;the Council.re-
SYSTEM _ ...viewed the eight_ sections which - -could,,provide: new. or.
•. ;
substantially modified, concepts for inclusion ,in i the
:U!i Resideniial.)Devel'opment Control.Sy,stem..
The firsi'i :tem'was the quantitative criteria _ prop'osed - to be'evaluated - by staff.
The-suggestion was to have P.o'lice, "Fire Water, Sewer;.. etc. ,' reviewed by `staff
before the application went any :further.. ',Discussion by the Council. indicated `
they felt. the.Po i:ce and Fire; should be reviewed,.under qualitative review, and
have the' staff administratively review. the availability . of water and sewer,
The - second item.on the.checklist,-to.,be discussed.contained various,suggestions
f or actions which. should` take place prior to application. for residential evaluation.
The third item on the checklist deals with long -term commitments. The statement
on the indicated because: of ,the: limitation_ of the number of units a
developer can one year,. it� has -,sometimes been difficult for...a
development- to••receve;pro.per,financing for the overall development,. Mr_. Gray
indicated recommeidation!;would be under A.,. -the allocation for a one - year
period•:with , reservation"s for two, subsequent years; for a. total - of ,three years,
and -, that no' more] than'.7 percent .of the future year's 'allocation, should: be held.
by reservation. The City_, in past history, has seen very few project requests
for over 100 units, and Mr._ Gray stated he does not: anticipate a large number
of requests for more than 100 units.
The question was °raised - if' a" developer. wan't'ed `to ' extend 'fhO "reserved' years to
possibly five, and in return would provide a public.facility, such as a golf
course, would this be possible'under the system. Mr.. Gray indicated this would
be a Council .policy, and. the,; Council- would', have: the, authority to, change the
rules and allow an exclusion if ,they felt it was.in the public interest.
It was also pointed out in the discussion, if 70.percent of the units were held
in reserve, it may preclude some of the smaller developers from receiving
allocations. The suggestion was made.that only 50: percent be held 'in reserve .
which would help to continue policy of infilling with smaller developments
in the community.
May 8`, 1978
DISCUSSION• &•INPU.T Item four, Areas of Exclusion:
DEVELOPMENT CONTROL, It was' determined.fhai elderly' and low- income
SYSTEM �_ housing should be retained 'in' - the Control System as.
(Continued) part ,of the .competition.. ,Areas,' to be excluded ,include
congregate elderly housing and elderly and low-income -
housing which, may be funded through State or Fede'raf p:rograms'.- Mr. Gray stafEid'-
there. are very: few .parcels -'of .land .of five acres . or more in the urbanized area.,.
and `the suggestion is-to permit development of, this - land' with no more than :six
units per. acre and allow it 't o` be ' excluded 'from the ' The Council ' suggested
this. be amended to inc'lud'e the provision that .no more, tl an .10 , units per year
could be developed
Also; excluded., as provided in. the ,Interim System, were developments with :ten
units or .less.
Item'fve 'referred to :,composition of -- •the ^Residential Development Control Board,.
Discussion by the 'Council varied' f ng members of _the `Council .and
Planning Commi sion, to making them ex- officio members with, no voting powers..,
,. It was also suggested, rather than have memhers of the various School. Boards
serve on the Res id entia,1.Development.,Cb'n 61, Al location Board members from,
the School Site Council. be appointed .. Mr;., 'Gray indicated thaving*members of .j the
Council and Planning-Commission serve the Residential Development Control
Board gave "6cont <inu ty.,., as.?these' inemb,ers 'were �familiat,' planning processes.
City Attorney - Lar":r " "y Khose `s,tated.. Section 515 of .the; City's Charter requires that
at least one.Councilman shall be a member of a'Commission, and although 'this
may ', not •be consider`•ed 9 Commission in_ the truest. sense of. the definition_, she.
felt •representation, was mecessary. The. conclusion 'was, -to have the Board
composition. virtually 'the', same as in previous years;, however, only' one member
of the Council and one memb,er.of the Planning Commission would serve; and the'
S'choo'l Boards would be invited" to participate.,
Item, ,*tsix 'related "to over liapping .Board.,Memb,ers., The. +Council determined .
the Board -should -be ,selected ,as had..beenxdone i.in.=ptevious .years:; - however;!- no:.
Board Member would ;serve a consecutive term.. r
Item seven related to the application of different evaluation.criteria for
different types ..of proj'ecis,: - ncluding-,,s-ingle- family subdiv sioris;, custom =built
home3proje:cts,- :- mu- 1,t'Li= family* ious ng, .mob Ile; home and planned unit
development' Oroj Mr: Gray, explained, :under.the, ,present system; 'the same
criteria -'is used for mobile homes, -.as well, as ;single-family homes and it is
very diff -icult fo:r a, c0stom- bui1t, subdivision. to meet -the criteria, as they do
not have the actual ar.chitectural'drawings,:for each . cus;tom- huiT;t, home. Under
the present system, the criteria 'being, used does. , .riot apply equally to all
developments. He advised .he would ,endeavor to work..out some various.:methods
for the Council's review and selecii'on
Item eight.pertains to whether or not the deyelopment application should be
accepted on a year..- around basis for staff analyss,._but processed once year „.
or accepted and processed at one specific time each,.year. Mr. Gray suggested
the applications be accepted and processed .at- one time, each, year,.. The
s tai f - would.' then know they . mtist ' se:t aside' approximately two months to - p.rocess
,the applications.
Planning .'Director :'Ron •'statedrone of ihis'lob.j,ec•tions to this system was that
it, places .a peak load on the P.lannii :staff . , . By receiving the applications all
at.one time brings the tentative maps to-.the Planning Department' practically at
the same .time: -and creates; i burden• on the, Planning • s:taf f.. • •Mr. Gray' advised the
tunct ion has rota - been divided inf od three phases:. >. oHis - - office ♦ and. Fred. Tarr
would Handle -the administrative, work,'!:and.ahe, evaluation will he- handled by the
Planning- 'Department.•
City Manager Robert Meyer advised _Fred, Tarr. would be, "the staff .member' Who''w,ould'
go to the Board with the evaluation on, an adminis,trat ve basis
. ,.
At the co nclusion of the discuss =ion, Mayor P: utnam , :asked M r,. Gray to prepare +the
document and, :bring it back.to the-C:o.uncil "for their -review.
May8, 1978
DISCUSSION REGARDING The.. tem -had been placed on'.ihe.Agenda at the request
OCCASIONAL ,TRAFFIC, - of Councilman .Ba : During the course of the dscus-
C.ONTRQL.AT'SCHOOLS lion, Councilman,B indicated there were times - on
AND .CHURCHES. Sunda y mornings` at various churches throughout the.
community, where some assistance could be given tfie
citizens for` traffic confrol.''He also specifically referred to the Kenilworth
Junior' High ScYioo.l during the - 'rainy . seas`on when there, is an excessive amount of
traf'f:ic East. Washington Street.. He did not feel it..:would be necessary on a
continuing basis.,., but _there would - b'e. an occasion.when police officersi: in the '
vicinity :could, ark their vehicles, ; - d1low =the , radios..to , be.'on;- an&provide help
at various intersections'... He also felt with some preplanning, it may be pos-
sible to have police offricer-s in those congested areas.at the times when church
services are over or school'has 'been dismissed, especially at-Kenilworth Junior
High School. i y
Police Chief .Bober -.t Mur h' had responded to Councilman Balshaw`s request by
memo dated May 1, 1978, addressed .to ; the .City Manager. y Copy on file with the
City Clerk.
City ^Manager :.Robert Meyer indicated if the City provides t =raffic control for
one church or school, there probably would be additional requests.. 'The pedestrian
overcrossing to`Kenilwor:th Junior High .School'.has.relieved some of the.problems,
but.rainy days do proVlems not only at this.;school but others throughout
the community'. - If the police ' ar-.e in an area and, there is 'a . specif ic* problem,
they will handle it.
INFORMATIONAL_ This discussion item appeared on the Agenda.at the re-
DISCUSSION -- SERVICES quest.of 'Councilman Bal-shaw. City Manager Robert Meyer
PROVIDED` FOR explained the Council has a policy regarding' - water
DEVELOPED LAND service 'outside, the. Cityy., .and the connection to the
ADJACENT `TO CiTY .sewer':serVice is required.in certain cases because the
City.has accepted federal grants.
With relation t the service provided, by .the Police Department, Chief Murphy
advised if - an ;.off. cer requests assistance, the Petaluma Police Department
responds. They also respond'f there.is a burglary in process. In case of a
family dispute or a fright in a bar, the people ar.e.advised if they want the
same level of service, they should annex to the City, or.wait until a sheriff's
patrol .arrives;.
y �,. g y ated, as far 'as fire service is concerned, there
cit Mana er.Robert Meer st
are areas served by Ole, Penngrove Fire. Department and others served by.
Division of;. „Forestry. Both these departments have been: asked to respo the
fires, assess the situation,, and if the 'Petaluma,Fire Department is needed, - it
is`the; responsibility of these agencies to call for help,.
Councilman Bals'Eaw indicated° his concern J wa's ' the fact _that the City had to
respond,to emergencies for,commercial and industrial enterprises which are just
on - the' -f iir ge: areas of the City, and `yet the .City does not 'receive :any resources
from these businesses. He expressed the opinion that if the City is to
the services for either'iesidential or commercial, 'these areas should be'asked
t`o annex to the City. He specifically stated he felt some response should be
received- from the W-cke''s 'Lumber 'C_ompany,,, and..he . also cited ,the concrete' plant
which .had been placed just on the fringe of the.City without benefit of City
site design review. '
The City if it was the desire of the Council to establish policy,
the staff could contact ; those, areas.on..the.,fringe of the City and determine
whether or no they would be1;.wil.l1ng,to annex. He also agreed with Councilman
Balshaw. that many of the businesses on the fringe.,of the community. have been
riding along,, on the City's "coattails” for many years. He indicated if the
Council.determined to establish a policy to annex areas contingent to the City,
the staff direction -to proceed,. He.als.o advised it would take
additional staff time %t0_ the. survey. Mayor Putnam' felt th areas should
be asked if they were interested inr, annexing; to the Ci,ty,, and it, should be made
clear if-they-are not interested,, the,Ci.ty would not provide services.
,7s "t"Q
It was the consensus of the Council to. move ahead to determine if residential
and commercial areas wanted to annex to the City.
May 8, 1978
REQUEST FOR OPPONENTS This matter was brought to the attention Of the City
OF WARM SPRINGS DAM Council by way of.a. 1 . etter from Mr. John Olaf Nelsbn
PROJECT TO' POST BOND, "Manager' of 'the 'North •karin'"C'burf-ty Water District and
RES #8195,NCS ChA iTmdn_0f the W I ater Advisory Committde: --The letter
(DEFEATED) was read by. the City .Clerk •at, the May 1, 1978' Council
Meeting, and .the matiter. bben deferred until the
legislation had been prepared.
A brief ;discussion;. was held by the.Coundil.. I Councilman -.Har'berson Indicated,
while- he., Warm, Spring6; Dam, Project he felt this , legislation l and
action.-would deny citizens .the right '.to..sedk regress through the Courts'.
Liahi.U.tyi of the',Citly, if.. the document, was, :approved was * discussed'.
Coun `: stated he f elt if. the City, was willing to require the 1-ItIessom
�gant to pos t a. bond' and they were the. City . ,should be willing, to at
least he�-1P. pa y f or the -Court, costs - .or the. ,cost of-the bond. City Attorney
Larry Klo§(Y advised - p aymdnt ... by,` the. 'City would' ,orobdbly, '1i "the li`t1Rant8
were '.'sudcessf'ul, at. I-e'6:,s't fdr the Court cosits'..
Resolution 4481195.N.-G.S., requesting; .the Federal Court to .require a, sUret-y- bond
to protect all .participating; agencies; in. the Warm Springs,.Dam. Project from the
impact;-.of: increased: costsrdsulting - ,from,Aelay; to the, .Warm; Springs Dam-'Proj
causedi( introduced byrQouncilman Cava h dedi'by
Cavanagh, secon .
V.ic'e- Mayo' „ and:DE•FP,kT,P,DI -b.p-3, affirmative and 4, negative ,Votes - .Councilmen
Bal§haw, Harberson, Hill iglogs.a'hd, Mayor Putnam. voted "no
ABA:6' ENVIRONMENTAL Ma_YO*'r 'Putnam advised' the Ge:hetal Assembly of the A8so=
MANAGEMENT PLAN 'ciation BIayke(!d'G6ver would' act on the Eniiiii
v at
ironmen I MaCndj�dment, P-lah the General AqsE�mbly.,
June, iO - 'Sh e', ind1da,t6d eith thdr she . r'..Cdunci . lman. HArberson will be there to
th �
e i - didild n6f 156 d at th' next 1 - -t me6!ALn_g
vofd'oft t matter, � and ddk6d' f it c e
of the City Council.
t % m
The diity” Ma sn"d w
i:dated'. he 96Hedule "theatter f or , the May 15 J97'8
Council Meet' 'ng, No action' - was takeii.
AMEND MUNICIPAL 'CODE CAY -Aftorhey.'Larry -ha *d prepare d a memordndum tb
TO PROVIDE FOR FILING the'Gity Council dated May 2, 1978, which 'is on
BOND S--SUBD1V,I,EUON With the 'City Clerk. He 'advised because of the
PUBLIC tares' of AB S84, - ,it was felt the 'City 'should enforce
'F ih� - ''r'e r -; - e I nt ' to ., I h' :
PRIOR' TO FINAL qu r me r the 'pds.fing of bonds. 'T 0 ord
APPROVAL nA before: the,CouncI � * W pr ovide a
I 1 would' pr. that th e
OW N68 ;to. submit the bond would be' filed at the time o`f - a . ppli-
t e o �. itse d -
EMERGENCY MEASURE' cation, - bdf," h * ft b" I `w 'not 'be re " 'u
EFFECTIU.IMMEDIATELY shortly before the Council acts on, the final map.,
20..2 '370' of
44.360` d 2 `_24
Ordinance. #12'96 N'.t-' S* ' amending Sections' *4,.100, 20. an , _'Pet' lu in
he a rdd .Municipal Cbde.to provide for;_.fil filin 'of bonds for' 'solid I'Vi
public 'im prior _ to the ,_'flnal ap'p, fova 1 of.ithe . City Council" and - than upon submission of the f inal 'niap!,' 'arid. making, related 'changes,, and','dec1ar,ihg
the urgency thereof to take I , . effect immedia tely, was intrioduce.d by Councilman*
Hifili - or. . r d6opted.,''b 7 affir vote%s>
go-ss, secon-6dii Pe ry d'"
an y
Effective date of .'drdi'na:nce, May 8, '19;78...
1978, - - . i
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business `to come"befor'e the
G ' il, t e ;ng_wIas
o'dind he t adfoilkned, At 10 : =40, 'p:. m.
Cit Clerk