HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/14/1975MINUTES OF MEETING OF'CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA July 14:, 1975 COUNCIL MEETING An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Petaluma was ealled,to order by Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7:30 p;.m. ATTENDANCE Present': Councilmen,Brunner, Harber.son, Hilligoss, 'Matted, Perry, and Mayor Putnam. Absent.: Councilman Cavanagh. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of June 23 1975,- and June 30, 1975, were approved as recorded. 1975 -76 CAPITAL GAS TAX FUNDS City Manager Robert Meyer referred to PROJECTS FOR the tentative capital improvement list for Gas Tax APPROPRIATION Funds consisting of List A and List B. The first item CONSIDERATION on..List A was modification.to traffic signals, East Washington Street -at. .'McDowell Boulevard, with the City.'ss: estimated share ,State FAU Funds to be $23;520 which the'Council, had already by"signing a cooperative agreement with the State of.CAlifornia. The second item on the list was the reconstruction of "'I" Street and Olive Street funded at $31,200; however, Director of Works David Young stated.the:'County would pick up $22,400 of this amount. The third item was the street overlay project. Mr. Young explained the project would.- tailored to fit - the sum of money included in the budget which amounts to $'84,000. He did'. state however, a new street deficiency"report would have to be prepared ' bef,or -e any street overlay projects could be-undertaken. Fourth fifth projects on the list amounted to °$21•,000 each to modernilze the school crossings at Avenue at Western Avenue and "D" Street at Sunn.yslope Avenue.. The sixth,; seventh, eighth, `ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth items on•the minor list' submitted would provide traffic signals systems at various locations inside the City of Petaluma. The thirteent-h-•item - wou-ld provide a more sophisticated traffic signal system at Lakeville Highway and Casa Grande Road; however, Mr. Young -stated that if ,South McDowell Boulevard were"to extended this would be at the intersection of Lakeville Highway and South McDowell Boulevard. The amount of this project is $70,000. The last project on the list.was the , ,Western Avenue traffic signal system amounting to '$174,,000., which would plate traffic signals at Howard;. Liberty, Keller., and Kentucky Streets. The total ',,' . for the List A, including contingency and engineering,, amounts to $90$,160. :Mr. Young said even.though the projects were considered as minor projects, the total cost was quite sizable and he knew there was no way for all of.tle items to be funded - 'He.reviewed each -item, specifically - explaining the reason for the listing. Councilman_Mattei had a question,on Item 4l1 re'gard.ing the traffic signal at Lakeville Highway one -to be shifted to South McDowell Boulevard if extended.. He:quest=ioned whether or not the developer of. the property would be required to provide this traffic signal'system; or, would there be a possib- ility of some county or state participation in "this intersection? City Manager Robert Meyer advsed•.Councllman Mattei the Director of Public Works has up until this time, advised "the - developer . -it .would be his. responsibility tb _have the system installed. The, developer, however, has pointed out that his development alone would "not add appreciably to the traffic, but. once the street was opened up, It would receive most of the through traffic on the valley side of the community: Mr. Meyer further stated it would be doubtful that the State would'. contribute to. the construction of the signal. system. The. developer - is aware, . however, . of the' City'ss feeling regarding. the developer's responsibility .for installation'of the signal system. ;Mr., Young then went on to List B.of major projects which total $4,679,000 including contingency and engineering costs:. Mr. Young explained the first project- -the East Washington Street'widening -from Lakeville Street to the Freeway at a cost estimated to 'be $325,-000 - -did not include the right -of -way acquisit -ion or the cost for right= of -way agents. Hesexplained the funding for 1 ) July 14, 1975 the right -of -way acquisition should'come out of the Federal.Aid Urban monies and not out of the Gas Tax Funds. Mr.. Young continued to explain -the need for the remainder of the items on the major projects, or List..B. Mr. Young again reminded the-Council, the figures in List B did in'clude,any figures for right -of -way acquisition. The report submitted is on file with the City Clerk. City.Manager Robert Meyer reviewed the minor projects.,.which had been com- pleted in the pror.year,, including traffic signals at Kentucky and Howard Streets and at Maria Drive. Caulfield. Lane had been completed in,the past two years from St. Francis Drive to McDowell Boulevard. A street overlay project had been completed. The railroad crossing protection -gate was completed on Lakeville and Madison Street; the signal system had been ;installed at South McDowell Boulevard and McGregor Drive; the maj�or'project- completed was the widening of- South'McDowell Boulevard'from'McKenzie Drive. to Fire Station . #3 by use of ,Revenue'Sharing Funds. These were the projects completed out of the original five -year projected capital outlay projects for street's. The report submitted by Mr. tonight updates the original five -year capital outlay project. Mr. Meyer then reviewed the proposed capital project funding for the 1975 -76 Gas Tax Funds, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk. He summarized the funds available which equal $595,308. He summarized the encumbered and unencumbered. funds from or years', , .and 'the-.additional and new projects, which total $595,035.. With funds available for this.year.,. Mr. Meyer stated. the Council could probably approve the "I" Street Recons -io.n. at Olive- Street which they had more or less committed themselves to and Mr. Young had carried forward, along with,the modif,ications.of. the traffic , signals at East Washington Street and McDowell Blvd.. The other project whic Council has considered as aNumber 1 project, would. be the widening of Washington Street. Mr:. Meyer further stated the City can expect to receive approx= imately $300;000 a year in gas tax funds, and ".it has been:the City's practice in prior years to spend approximately $'84,,000 of - that money overlay projects. Councilman Mattei questioned whether the,proposed proj,ect.included a con- tinuation "of the overlay project.. Mr. Meyer stated' the overlay not included in.' the .gas tax - fund projects;; however, he' referred to the proposed capital project funding° from the general. fund, where $84,363-had-been included for str- eet_improvements•(for off- street parking -- library). ,Mr. Meyer stated he felt if an overlay project could-not be completed until 19'76, these fund's could be used to provide parking for the library. Director of Public Works - David A. Young reviewed traff ic• counts at, variolls locations to..qualify the priorities set for the major projects ion the . , B" list. 'He stated the count taken on East Washington between Lakeville Street and the Freeway, equalled 22,5OO. per day. On North 'McDowell Boulevard,, the count was 4,000 in a 24 -hour - period; on "D" Street between Petaluma Boulevard South and Lakeville Street, 13,300 vehicles per day; Petaluma Boulevard North, between.Washington Street and .Magnolia Avenue,.20,5OO vehicles- per day; and the count taken•last.year on Magnolia Avenue was 5, 2 vehicles per day. Mayor-,Putnam then asked for comments.fr,om the audience,, since many residents of mobilehome parks adjacent to.North McDowell were° n the audience. Mr. Andy Anderson speaking for the Estates Park Association, stated he had appeared before the Council at the June 16th meeting. He also stated the road had been patched by the Street but, at the this was only a very temporary measure. It would revert to its "potholed" condition probably within five or six.weeks.due to the heavy truck traffic along this section of the road. "Mr. Anderson'stated, there are approximately 1',.000 residents living in.mo:bilehome' parks adjacent to North.McDowell Boulevard, and they are asking the City to widen the road, to, make it safe for travel for the residents in the area.. He stated the road has to be used to service the industrial area along North McDowell Boulevard,'as well as a new mob.ilehome park which will be built. He also cited the-fact the building of the McDonald's July 14 1975 . Drive -in would f.urther traffic. Mr. Anderson stated the group, as a whole., is not trying to have the Council install sidewalks, curbs and gutters, but,only -to provide a safe highway - from.:,Candlewood,Park to the vicinity of Lauren Mr. further stated -'the condition of the road causes the residents in the area: add it- onal.madxtenance re_quirements'on their auto- mobiles because of the need for alignment and' He felt -this was due to the condition of the Mr,,. Anderson stated he ; felt the road had not been resurfaced or reconstructed since it was ,insta °lled.over 35 years ago. In discussing the. possibilities 'of arriving -gt'some type of improvement for the area,. 'Mayor, Putnam asked. Director, of Pub'lic Works - David Young regarding Item No:. 6 on the " B.'' list to extend North• McDowell ,Boulevard• from Corona Road to Scott Streea,,.. Mr-'. Young'. stated this was beyond the point where the mobile - home parks were located and would serve -an. I ndustrial area; however, he had figured out a cost estimate to provide a 26 -foal .roadway plus a 5 -foot shoulder from the.intersection . at Drive to Corona Road. Mr. Young stated if this ,action were taken,, care should -b,e •ta +ken, to be able to salvage the in- stallation of this portion the roa'd..for future development in the area when it would be, necessary to :°widen the - road to- four lanes with curb., gutter, and sidewalk. The cost estimate, for widening the structural section to 26 feet, with the 5-foot shoulders.' is $554.,000. To overlay the road to Corona Road;. which ; he ; does n ot recommend because of 'the - poor Structural: base., would cost $74.,000 at today' prices., The discussion then aed to-future planning for;development'along the road, principally. the Millmeister properay''frot the creek to the Candlewood Park,-.and when. this development might take - placed.. Director of , Community Development Frank Gray ind =sated the project is now' in the prezoning and rezoning and annexation -stage., and it ;is' unlikely; but there could be a possibility,, ,of it beginning by -'next Spring.. Councilman Maatei acknowledged the fact the City - wou'_ld: have ',some responsibility for.. building - the road along properties to the City,,'such as Lucchesi Park . and - where the City has some water wells,. City Manager ;,Robert Meyer advised 'the Council if'.the-City were to install the 26 -foot surfaced roadways -long, the area,-it would be setting a.p.recedent which could cost the t'axp'ayers additional . monies in :future developments.; Developers of subdivisions would then feel because :the Council did not require, the 'comp,lete> r:oad.construction along McDowell Boulevard North, they should be excused from the requirement as other-subdivi's'ipns develop. Mr. Meyer further stated one of the principal -problems with McDowell Boulevard -is due to the fact the County has not�spent; any -money .on its upkeep in.the last.35 years. He further stated-when , port_ ions, -as they were developed ,along .McDowell Boule- vard, were to the City, the City was forced to take the entire road as ts ty.. Mr. Meyer '-further stated he.-does not feel the Millmeister pr be•developed all In, one-phase, and that it will. take several years before development is completed:, Other members in the and ence'who spoke -to the Council urging improvement be, made on Nor.th.McDowell.B'oulevard inc of the Petaluma tstates mobilehome .Park. In addition,: Mr. Sam Mosto,voy of 132 'Napa Drive, Petaluma Estates;Mobilelome Park, spoke in favor-of having the:Cty make improvements to McDowell Boulevard North. Mr. Ro.y Dougherty of Candlewood '.'Mobilehome Park also spoke to the City -,Council urging isOme action, be taken on the three miles .of road necessary to reach'the- mobile-home parks in the area. Mr. Dougher.ty within the two mobilehome parks; there are' - approximately 7­4 miles of macadam ,streets, which are f,inished..,and properly drained,, and he. wondered how long,, as the as'signments are shown on 'the "B" list; it would take to correct the, situa ion• "on the roadway to the mobilehome parks. Mayor Putnam advised the audience °that in 1973; a five -year revenue, : and - expenditure list for. the :years 1973 to ,19 , ,78 was . prepared.. by the City.. The City has never had 'sufficient funds to-complete all the projects out - -lined An the report for the year it was scheduled Jn the. report, this pa:rticular.project, was scheduled to be completed in 1977. May or Putnam stated -the_Councdl is very much con- cerned not only about'the res- idents in:the ar-ea,'but everyone who has to drive on•jthat street. City.Manager Robert Meyer reported -to the' - Council that almost any road on 'the . east side of the community �wh ch had'been in the County area had not received any maintenance by the' County', probably anticipating the area would be annexed E July 14, 1975 to the City. He suggested that since there is not a.sufficent amount of money to properly improve the - road, an overlay project may give the residents. some relief for the.next; few years-. Mr:. Meyer further staged if the road were still under the j,ur-isd'ction 'of, the County and they :received as much; pressure as the City Council.. has' received' to improve the road,, they would have done an overlay project by this time. Mayor Putnam advised those present in the audience.she.felt : it, wa °s necessary for the City Council to 'contact the Second' District Supervisor Bill Kortum, as well as the County's .Director, of Public Works, and .have- them get with the City to ,determine, whether -any arrangement, even .a temporary one, ,could be, made to give the'r.esidents in the area some relief.. Mayor Putnam instructed the City Clerk to contact: Mr. Andy Anderson of the-Petaluma - Estates Park A ssociation when such meeting had taken place, sand the ,result<s. LOCAL BUS. SYSTEM City Manager Robert Meyer advised,.the. Council because this item on fhelAgenda also . was concerned with ' Revenue Sharing, -he asked. permission to 'discuss, - the matter out of context: as shown on the Agenda, to which the Council concurred. He referred to•a summary :of the.:events of the last few months regarding the proposed bus system for Petaluma, which had been . presented to the City Council prior to the meeting, a copy of which _is on file with the City Clerk. In addition to the-proposals in the summary,.Mr. Meyer reported he had received a proposal from Mr.* Myrel Moss July 7-th,, f_or a transportation system for the City of�Petaluma, and an indication from Patterson Transpor.ta- tion.of'Union City they-would be submitting a proposal for a bus system on July 16, 1975. = Mr. Meyer advised the. staff would like to have ,an. opportunity to review'-the proposal by Patterson Transportation Company of -Union C -ity as they are presently running transit system in that City-- a.f-ive -bus system which would.be similar to the. one proposed for the City of .etaluina.'. Mr. Meyer mentioned the various options open to the City.fbr the operation of a transit system. One would-be- to go with the Golden Gate .Bridge Di'str.ict,,,- the second would be -to go to a private operator, and the third would be "for the City 'take over the opera'.tion. If the - City c'hose,'the option where it was necessary to- purchase the - buses_, I�Ir: Meyer he had ..been advised by the 'Department of Transportation if 'the City ,sought UMTA funds:, we would then be- expected° to - operate the, system 'for four- or five years. Mayor Putnam indicated since, all proposals; have, not been received by the Cit she felt the matter should be. deferred until the proposal from Patterson Transportation -can be- reviewed,: Councilman Brunner indicated he felt each proposal should be thoroughly reviewed, either 'by the full Council, or at a Commtte'e.level._ ,He then asked the question about the availability of funds. Finance 'Director John Scharer advised ' the ,Council ` there would $134,617 annually available under S. 325 funds for the: operation :of the system Any difference in the cost. of operating the system- and the grant,- would have to become available from otl'er funds, i,e.., ,revenue sharing or general City funds. Mr. Scharer advised the Council- the funds by the S,.B. 325 monies, is from the 'sa'les tax on gasoline, and this'f:igure should. remain fairly constant . over a five --:year period He did indicate, however, the isales - in gasoline might decrzease'over this five -year period, but the price of gasoline would rise and the City''s, share would increase in .pro to -the inflation rate, over- the next five 'years. Mr.. also .advised the Council - he had not included capital funds and it would be 'possible-for : the City'to receive a grant of $189,82'9 under S.B. 325' or UMTA monies, to acquire the buses. Another possibility would be the discontinuance of Route TO and 71, presently operated by -the Golden Gate Transit, and supplementing the local bus. This would give City an addi- tional $34,000 from MTC funds. Councilman,Mattei questioned-if the City were able to ; hire a.firm to operate the system on an - annual basi of, around; $134, 000:, would there be any restrictions placed upon the City., Mr,..S"chdfer'indicated the only restriction he knew of would be "under the provisions•' of.° UMTA, the City would `have to be responsible for the system and the operation to'run. the, local transit system.. Councilman Mattei'indicated he'was opposed to going into 'local transporation 'System, on such a large scale and :felt City should ;try to scale the ,system to meet the available funds. He would be opposed to the imposition of any 1 July 14, 1975 additional taxes in order to run - a: local - transportation system. City Manager ,,.Robert- Meyer then;.remarked I �t - he. Council , would have to make a dEz1s.ion on which., routes td c: ut,- out 'whether. or. not they: wan = ted the time schedule on the.•.0-minute route. or an - hourly route. He. also advised the. ` C fi (fi 1 - UMTA, is probably going to: push, f , or the City' to Join the Golden 'Gate QU Transit, Sys emCouncil that $93; of the Golden Gate : t . He did 'remind, the Coun Transit System 'proposal 'resulted f rom, '�deadheadingP- buses - to • and. from Petaluma. Mayor Putnam: asked if the City would' be able t bus system which v "Id, take care., needs of some of - the , citizens ,of the he community; those ou who do .not own automobiles:, the, elderly-' who can,'.t get from one side of town to the, other; she suggested perhaps the City could think in terms of a simple system - that -stay within . the framework,- the $134,617. Director- of Public Works -David Young advised' the Council that �one of the proposals received by - them was not� t far out of the range of the available funds. 'It still has.. a four-'bus system. He also indica-ted he didn't think. all of the proposals received off ered' ered - the , same 1v e v el of service;, some were: better than other&. He further in . dicated, he, did. riot feel a satisfactory -, ayst could be off ered to the citizens of Petaluma-with fever than four buses. Finance Director - John Scha rer-reviewed the summary of funds allocated and/or available for the. Oity.bus ,system,,• stating that the-1974775 TDA (S.1B. 325) funds:ican be used 1,ot capital purposes . only?,, and amounts to $189,829 The 10 S-Bi 325 :funds can 'N­ used f or capital .and /or operation's, and am * ounts ' the to $114,617. Item­3''would be Revenue Sharing Funds, out o,f 10 75 fo r _ fi'scaj*;year 1974-75, is available 'for ca�nry"',qver,, amounting to $ 49.,4 80., .,or a - subtotal.of $373,,926., The f ourth -item on the summary. of f unds pertains to, a possible UMTA-.grant- which would k..be -f ederal , f unds avail,able only for' ca . pita'l purposes with the City, expending 267., - in - marching. f unds. The possib gran't1would .$2'j6-,.40,0 Tot a!-grand total of $,610,.326. In,, answer to Councilman 'Brunner questl what 'ii�would. cost the C ity ty to it run t- - bus system, Mt., Scha -rer remarked it would 'be the, dif f erence between any of the proposals received by the City, less, the -.$,134, 61-7., The,balance wodld,have �toi - be picked tip. by the City., The. ' Cbuhcil coclu&ed their discussion- on -the..Jocal bus system ' y stating they would I icons . i , n der _ July.- 1975 the cutoff' date for receiving proposals, would . submitted, the'.mattqr 'b ck- to the City- Council,. review the proposals su -te.d, • The C.-it, Clerk advised the:�Counc.il sh&'haA received two petitions, one f rom' , v 'the!-'P'etaluta 'Estates-`Park Association, with 1 5 0 . .s_ -igna, uses, asking : f or bus service•to their area and,, the other f rom. , Golden _St,alte Mob ilehome Owners eagub, Candlewoo'd- Mdbilehome Park -, containing ;57 .;signatures,. Bbth-. ions were ordered filed-1.. REVENUE, �$HAR-TNG City Manager Robert Meyer. reviewed, Page B of-the 1UNDING 197"5 teport - submitted. by the Finance Department which , — -.-- I I . - I ­ l inolude& the proposed . Capita1- Project Project Funding f or V_ ze Revenue; Shar for fiscal _e -advised 4-o �year.,1975�76., H _ advised thia Council hearings held on all of the. --iet'ems on the report, and the _ I merely updating _�the,. recommenda- rg�port, to the. Council- tonight. was mere Lions made ;by the City CounciL. On.'th& bottom of the page, under 'New PropQsed, Proj ects, the, item, f or Police D,'epar`tiTf&ii­t equipment,, memo dated May' 12'., 1915, was deleted in an amount of j` , $3,-.42 , '5 , ,. Also deleted from, the New Proposed, Projects was the study fbr the tolay Fault, which ``removed r$12,000. the, Peoples: Service, Center,. Councilman Mattei Ifi th`e recommendation for - repor •the -committee comprised of him`self, Councilman Brunner, C : and, ouncil- man' Harberson, ha& me`t three. or four­-ftmes regarding, the matter. The original g . from the.'Cenier fiad­been 'for $ After revie wing the expenses r e q:ue:s,t I _ --- w - I ded: to tecommend.t e sum-.of. $,-5,000,to pay f.or the. Center, the 'Committee decided I ys� of su plies.- They did not rent ufilities insurance- and�,som Types feel,i however..,,' they could. j u§tify paying for O 'the, telephoRe. service:. .The Committee, also imet with representatives.of tbp-PIE�pp,'les' Service Center and, 'Cound-Umn M a ttei.a:dvis, S chmidt 4 ed the,'C' the,, Committee had invited, S from:the . Center to be present;' however, the Committee is. standing firm on th recommendation of $,5,000,., July 14, 1975 M&. - Schmidt.- spoke to they Council-, stating she 'Was­ One of the co t o the Peoples Service.Center.-, and were very pleased- the Committee h ad allocated the fu nd's to ..continue, the Center's work f or . the next fiscal 'year,. Ms. :Schmidt advised - the C'ouncj'i, the original.reqdest: had beeft for" $ to cover rent, utilities, insurance, telephone - , and.,supp They felt the telephones were-a very::importantvpart of the service., and.she asked'- the Council to reconsider-, or at 'leas .grant the Center V, 000 instead- of the ,$�5:, 000. Jts:; Sdhmidt said- in to make up the ' d eficit t ,would ould ,, have to."enter into more fund-raising events whereas they:would much pr direct energies -toward the services offered by the Center. Ms. Schmidt' advised the-Gouncil they had requested $70,,00O.from,the County of Sonoma And were awarded $36 000. They were shill trying, to negotiate- with --the County-for additional funds. However, the contract is being'-written up, and they have little -hope of getting more -Allocations from the County'. Ms.. Sthmidt ad,V11sed- the Council the had been -awarded a $17,000 man-power. grant-which, helps to provide- some, of -the services;, And, in addition., they have senior citizens who -work on a. volunteer- olunte6t 'ba:s-s. Th eyy i had' hoped. to expand,' to ; some• T child care, teen aftd,senior services, in the forthcoming year. City ManAger Robert Meyer questioned Ms Schmidt, on the-: teen program, anticipated - I I _ i by the_�Pebp Service Center. Ms, Schmidt replied they `had. made.a survey of approximately 900 teenagers in the high .scho and -at the junior' high, school level to determine how these young people c6til energies toward community projecta, such as helping the elderly, and the ' program would. not be, oriented toward recreation. Ms. Schmidt advised. the.Ebuncil when the survey and the,figures , were compiled, it would. be presented to the RecreAtion Department and to:-the City- Council. At the (fonc , lusidn Of - 'the &isoussion -the 'Council f ollowed . the recommendation of 'th ' e Committee,, which 'had worked with the Peoples Service Center,, and. awarded $,,5,000 out :of -revenue sharing :funds. At this -po in• the hearing �Mr. John. L. BAlshaw. asked to addr-,es the Council regarding• the need for bus -shelters for' commuters ,wfthin He also took exception to the. fact the Council: was appropriating money ? ney for the, acqui- sItion of lah& f or. -the Xivic Centt!r when therO was no master plan approved He.further disagreed with considera:tion, parking- 'Within 100 f eet: of the,• City Hall-,, and 'f elt there. must be a use f or: f unds. Mayor Helen, -Putnam commented stating she felt Mr. BaIshaw" s: request for shelters -had , some merit, '.The,.Elty. Council 'was also concerned with the availability of 'pitkin - g, f or people who co.mmiftei the City — = someplace where they could leave their cars and commute on the Golden Gate Transit,i City Manager Rob,*Ort Meyer responded to; Mr. Balshdw's remarks -:stat -ing the City' Council had, a program over the several years- setting :aside a certain ' amount of money•to•expand the•Civic in order, for the Council to ha,v& funds available when buildings. ar. e - of off ered f sale -.i in' the vicinity. g_ , .1 .- I - : . They f inal 'two items under- the ,new P,ro.posed projects - -included - the Police Department - Productivity Report whic, h, the Council agreed . should keffid'in. A motion was made by Councilman flat.berson; -seconded by Councilman Mattel„ to , allow. the $3,,6.00 t 00 to remain in the budge, subj ect to quarterly review, " Motion -carried, unanimously; On the last-. "starred" item, $ - 12, 000 fo r I the - T Fault� W' f Community Q . Dir ector to r, o. . Community_ - � Development.Frank Gray.advised' the Council the State.,Division of Mines and. G I eology.plans to ]study the Tolay Fault;Tho City is aware and knows where the Tolay Fault is as it enters the Petaluma Nalley to 'the south, and. where it ex its e s the Petaluma.Valley to north, but Mr Gray -advised,t - he CouncIl, we do not know where the fault: lie's' between the' . entrance and °the exit points., The he proj - �ect-- is to be partially funded by the- State, with An estimated cost of $40, GOO. A. motion was: made, -by *Councilman- HArberson.j -seconded by Mdy a P.utnam,. 'to include.- the '$12 00' 0 for the Tolayt Fault Project Study 'and the motion was. defeated "by 'a .3. to 3 vote-. City Manager Robert Meyer then to - , , what he, called.. the Green Sheet which is Sheet ",C.", Pro.posed'Capktal - .Proj - 'ect. Yundihg for .19,75-76., Mt. Meyer reviewed t1fe 'Items! - catrr f:orVqra, . T. - prior year and the new proposed July 14, 1975 funding, as well as. the funds available. The only change made was to delete after "Street Improvements " -, °the parenthesized remark "Off - street Parking- - Library". This amount�was�$84,363 had :previously been discussed as an available fund for an overlay project. Mr. Scharer suggested the item could be•carried forward in..the budget a's.street improvements, then if-the County shared! in the overlay•proj'ect : of North McDowell Boulevard, it could be ear- marked.for other purposes. In the new.proposed Meyer indicated the $48,000 had been included in the Capital'Project Funding General -Fund, in order to have architectural drawings made for a public safety building. He was aware that some federal grants are sometimes.made available on very short notice, and if agencies had certified plans available and could proceed with construction within 90 days, it may -be possible the City would be eligible for this type of grant. Mr. Meyer further stated there could be'a possibility of using part of the..$50,000 designated for the City•bus .system:to� provide the bus shelters to which Mr. Balshaw had - referred. Mr. Young also indicated he had contacted Ned Gage to determine if TDA (SB 325) funds - could be used for purposes other than rolling stock; primarily,,.he in using TDA funds to provide parking areas near the fairgrounds for commuters. ..,,He is aware, however, that the Golden Gate Transit District is building shelters along their routes, and felt the matter should be investigated. PARK DEVELOPMENT The Council then moved on to- proposed projects under FUNDS the.Park Funds. The majority .of the items listed on "D" of the report had not previously .been discussed.by the City Council. The-only exception the Council.took to the listing was the $55,000 designated for the Washington Creek Linear Parkway, and have it transferred along with the $5,.900 to undesignated funds. In discussing the East' Wash- ington Creek Linear..Park,.Councilman Harberson indicated the Park had been approved by the Planning- Commission, as well as the Recreation, Music and Parks Commission,. and would be coming back to the City Council at their meeting next week. Director of Community Development Frank Gray indicated. the Planning Commission had approved the site design._ review and the use permit; and the only action necessary.now by the City Council would be the approval of the plans and the appropriation of the money. Councilman Harberson questioned if the Council removed the $55,000 as design- ated for the Parkway, would :it be legal to transfer the money to another park within the area. It-was his understanding there was•a certain radius where the funds could.be used, to which Mr. Meyer °replied the funds could be used for further development of McDowell Park or'Lucches'i Park, both parks being within the radius outlined: Councilman Mattei indicated since he-would not be available.for the July 21st meeting, he had some concerns about - parks.which he would.like -to express. He feels Council should .take.a.good;.:hard look at.the East Washington Linear Park because it seems to be an expensive park which nobody in.the area really wants. He indicated the Council has earmarked.$35,000 to create this parkway when for the past 6 years they have been trying to accomplish some type of development at Lucchesi Park. Councilman Mattei further took exception to the fact the City was considering purchasing the La Cumbre °property. He felt that regardless of whether the City purchased this.acreage or not. it would remain•-permanantly open space. He- further expressed concern about the proposed.County regional park in the same area,, and felt-local input should be made a part of any proposal to purchase the lands-;in the La Cumbre area, whether'it was City.or County lands. He wondered, because of the:h lly terrain': n.the area, what actually could be done to the area to convert'at into`a He.felt better uses could be made'of'money anticipated.to - be spent.for.the,La property, perhaps by build -ing a or a dam wh ch'could ~be. stocked - with fish. or, in some of the lower areas; to build a municipal golf course. Mr. Mattei stated he felt Petaluma should making some..plans for: type of recreational facili- ties to the needs of the community. Councilman Harberson responded by stating the linear:parkway had been given a great deal of publicity and he was rather. surprised: who.were opposed to the parkway did not make a formal appeal against it. He also E 69 0 July 14, 1975 indicated he has.had some very positive responses toward.the building of the pathway. Councilman'Brunner stressed the fact that he was' unalterably opposed to.linear parkways Petaluma, and.in fact, he was opposed to any parks which would back up. toward people's homes.. Director of Community.Development -Frank Gray advised the. Council at the time Council approved the Greenbrar Subdivision, which generated the $55,000 for the linear ~parkway,.the Council had - available the option to require the developer to build the parkway.or for the Council to take the money and develop the linear parkway. If the Council had.not exercised the option to place the money .in the park development fund, the developer would have created the linear parkway. The Council's decision to take the second option was in order to have control over the development of the linear parkway. It was at this time_City Manager Rober-t_Meyer suggested moving the $55,000.'for the Washington Creek Linear'Parkway into undesignated funds. WATER FUNDS Director- of Public Works David Young indicated the -two items 'for, the replacement of Well Collection Tank. No. 1 and.Well.Collection'Tank No. 9, in the amount of $70,000, should-be reduced to $35;000 for both projects. However, he d'd report the City is under orders from the Regional Water.-Quality Control Board to cease dumping the filter plant wash water into Washington Creek, so it will be necessary to build a wash water reclamation tank and system, which Mr. Young estimates will cost around $30,000. This item needs to be added under Water Funds.. He-further advised the Council the design is nearly complete and he will becoming back to the Council with'pl'ans and specifications and a request to go bid in approximately 45 days'. This reduces the total -water funds to $361,000 instead of $366.,000. WATER POLLUTION Director of Public Works David Young advised the CONTROL FUNDS Council he was not sure this $200,000 figure was correct,. It is necessary for them to-get a detailed report ready for the Regional Water Control Board indicating how the City plans to correct-the situation.of storm water overflow from very heavy rains going, into the sanitary sewer system. Mr. Young -felt the $,200,000 would be an outside figure, and - it could be less than this amount. CITY MANAGER'S _ REPORT Mr. Meyer the City.Council of three upcoming events. One would be the Redwood Empire Division meeting August 2nd, and he asked the Council if expect to -lease advise his office.so the reserva- tions could be made. The next conference Mr: Meyer spoke about was the League of California Cities Conference in.October.." He advised the Council six rooms had been reserved :for the conference and he would like to know -how many of the members expec'ted.to. attend the conference in San Francisco on.October 19th to 22nd. The third' conference Mr. Meyer reminded the Council about was the National Congress of Cities in Miami in December. CORTE.MADERA SU. =IT City Attorney Matt Hudson advised the Council he had RE GOLDEN GATE gone to San Mateo on 'Thursday, July 10th,, to hear'the TRANSIT DISTRICT arguments prepared by the City of .Corte Madera Attorney. RES #7044 NCS Pleadings have been-filed on both sides. Mr. Hudson advised-that a City Councilman who,is an attorney in Corte Madera had been appoint ;d special counsel for the City of Corte. Madera. Mr. Hudson advised, temporary.restraining pleadings. have been.filed. The issue now is whether the temporar -.y restraining order can become a permanent injunction. Mr. Hudson further stated the Corte Madera suit-was on'the fact that the district had failed to follow the rules CEQA:and that an environmental impact repor-t.had: not been filed before the rates were raised. City Attorney Hudson felt this manner of pleading could cause difficulties because he felt CEQA was the wrong-approach to take in the'matter. His feeling was that our own City raises rates from time to time, and if an E.I.R. were required each time the City desired to raise rates, it would place us in a very ' difficult - position. He further stated he could not.advise the,.City Council to join in the suit because of the reasons he has given. However, he had prepared.a resolution for their consideration, putting the matter of the E.I.R. aside. July 14, 1975 At•the conclusion of Mr..Hudson's presentation, Resolution- #7044 N.C.S. urging reconsideration and public dis.cussion proposed rate increase for Golden Gate Transit commuter buses was introduced by Councilman Harberson, seconded by Councilman Perry, and approved -by 6•affirmative and 1 absentee votes. 1 1 ORDINANCE AMENDING CODE RE TERM OF OFFICE -- VICE - MAYOR ORD #1178 NCS Mattei, seconded 1 absentee. Ordinance 41178 N.C.S amending Title 2 of the Petaluma Municipal Code amending Sections 2.04.060, 2.04.080, and 2.04.100; to provide for-the title of Vice - Mayor, to provide that the of Vice- President (Vice - Mayor) shall be' for one year, and prohibiting consecu- tive terms in said office., was introduced by Councilman Councilman Perry, and ordered- published 6 affirmative votes, PURCHASE PROPERTY Ordinance #1179.N..C.S. authorizing the purchase of 10 BASSETT STREET real property at 10 Bassett Street, Petaluma, at a ORD;_ 41179 NCS price of $25,700 for the future expansion of the City Hall Complex, was introduced by Councilman Matted, seconded by Councilman Hilligoss, and ordered published by 6 affirmative and l absentee votes. PURCHASE PROPERTY Ordinance 41180 N.C.S.-authorizing the purchase of 721 EAST WASHINGTON real property at 721 East. Street, Petaluma, STREET at a price of $3`8,;,000 for street widening purposes on ORD 441180 NCS East Washington Street, was introduced by Councilman Perry, seconded by Councilman Mattei, and ordered published by 6 affirmative and 1 abs'ent'ee votes. LEAGUE'S PROPOSED A brief discussion was held=on the proposal for State STATE REVENUE Revenue Sharing; which'each member of the Council had SHARING PLAN received from the League of California Cities. No ' formal action was taken.;-however, the Council did indicate they did prefer to take a similar stand taken by the City of Santa Rosa as voiced by.their letter of June 20, 1975, to Mayor Putnam. A -copy of the letter is on file with the City Clerk. The feel ng-wa's that the-residents within the State of California simply could not afford additional taxes; whether they be property taxes, sales taxes, or State Income taxes. Santa Rosa indicated.their only interest in ,this proposa- l.would be directly associated with the possible reduction in property Mayor Putnam advised the Council she would relate the City's feeling on the matter- at.the Board meeting of the League of California Cities July 16th. ADJOURNMENT •There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting,was- adjourned at 11:32 p.m. Mayor Attest. City elerk. M