HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCDC Resolution 22 12/12/1977-.~... .
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_ -. _ PLK:mi 12-30-77
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- .. RESOL•'UT,ION; NO,, 2'`2 _
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BE: IT RESOhVED -that the. Executive Di°rec•tor 'is hereby
_ . , ..
authorized: to. sign ari:d the secretary. ~ to -attest that certain
agreement fore the demolition of~real•;property located at _the
. .. ,• -
' . corner of ~ Western;. Aveiiue:~ :and Keller 5tre~et',. • ~whieh real pro=
•,per,ty ~~ more fully .des`crbed .on t'he..a_ttached .Exhibit A:
. .. -. .- VJHEREUPOTI, the • foregoing resolut~ion,• was adopted this ~• _ ~•
~.2.t'h day` o`f De,ceriber~ 1977; .by the following vote: _
• < - AYESc Comm:Ssioriers 'Bal•sha_w, Bond, •Cavamagh, Hi.lligoss
- - and Chairman>~<Putnam` : ;:: ~ ~.'.:~ ~. -°,. ~ .
NO~S~: None; .. ' . -.
~, - ABSENT: Comnss:one•rs . Harberson and Perry. ~ ~ .
~. ; . ~ ~ ~,
• _ ~,= -:~ _ ,~ ~ ., ha ; rmari, Petaluma ..Community
_, . _
Atte^t`s.~ _ '. ~ ~ ~ ~Deve `opment~ Commission
f.Y. ~ .
.:Secr",-. ~a-ry - ~ ` ,~ :. .
' ~ ~ i
~~ .
~~ '~ - ~ •.
~: ~ TO-I 00 6 2..JG
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Thy land re.ferrpd to herein is describee~ as ~fa11a~•r :
ill that certain real prop°rty situate in'thQ City of Retaluma,
de:srribed as follows:
f Ca li
county of Sonoma, State o: ,
All of tfiat portion o-f tot 315 as sfiown a_nd dAiineated upon tfiu map
entitled °°i~l~p of the City of Petaluma, Sonoma County, California,
surveyed under instr~ucti~ons from the Board Qf~ Trustees of said City, .
and the United States Surveyor G~ne'ral by Jas:e T.-Stratton,.United
States Deputy Surv®yor, Dec~mb~r T86~5" filed in the office of the
County Recorder of Sonomz County, Calfo.rni;a an D~eember 3Q, 1865;
beginning at the point of the intersection of the northeasterly linp~
of lCeTi er Street with the ~lorthwesterly t inQ . of llest°rn Avenve, run-
ning.thence northwesterly a7onq the Northeast-nrly line o.f Keller.Str_et
90.3 feet; thence at rio.ht angles northe°~sterly 80 feet; thence
south~ast~r7y parali~1 with Kel1'er Street 90.3 feet to t'h~ Northwestc-rly
ling of 4!~stern Avenue; thence seuthw~s'terly alan.g the Plorthwesterly
line cf 6lestern Avenge 80 feet to .the point of t~pginning.- -
PARCEL. Tbl0° ~ .
All of that portion o~f Lct 315 lying pasi:Prly of the vrpsterl`y line
of the following described parcel:
EEGI~l-IIHG~ at a point -on th.e°. Pfiorth4r~s-tpj~'~~ Tine=af 4~'pstern Avenua frpm
wfiich point the most.easterTy ccrner of said Lot 315 bears North 64°-
47' East 20 feet distant; thence from said point of beginning.and _
along said North~resterly line of Western Av°enue South 67° 41` West
1 faot to a point. from whic,h'a cress in tfip concrete sidewalk bears
South 23° 15' East, 1 foot. d`%stant.; thence 'North 23° 15` Wpst, 90.3'6
feet to a point marked b`y an iron pipe; thence North 67a 41' East,
1.92 feet; thence South 22° 40' East, 90.35 feet to the point of
pnaC~L TH°EE:
LYI~~G in the City cf Petaluma and being a portion of Lot 315 as said
iot is shown en the J. B. Stratton Official t~1ap of said City of
P~tal.uma and b?ing more particularly described as~follows:
All of the .portion of said Lot 315 lyinct E.~steriy of the Easterly line
of the fe1lfl~~rirn,g described parcel:
g~Er 1ld'PJLFIr at a point on the North.wsst°rly l'i'ne of hest°rn A.ven:u°
fron which point the most .easterly corner of said Lct 315 bears el~rth
EG.° nl' East ZO feet distant; thence from said point of beginninn and
along said most (V;orthwesterly line of k'estArn Avenue, South 67° Q1:° '
-I;;-,-5i--; -,'oot- to a poin~c f~-om+-whi-~h a 4,r..QSs 3n thQ concrete -s?dp~~a,1 i
bears South 2.3° 15' East, 1 fact distant; thence tJorth 23° 15° Wesi:
90.36 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe; thence North.~67° 41'
East i.92 fe°t;~th?nce South 22° 40' East. 90.35 feet to the.poin't of
.. ~ .