HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 05/03/1976MINUTES OF MEETING
MAY 3, 1976
The regular mee ing;of the City Council of the City of
Petaluma was called to order by Mayor Helen Putnam at
the hour of 7:35 p.m.
Present: Councilman Brunner, Cavanagh, Harberson,
Hilligoss, Matted, and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: Councilman Perry.
The Reverend Richard Shields of Church of Christ gave the
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Putnam called upon Verna Trayler, a second grade
student from Rohnert Park, to lead the Assembly in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES A correction on Page 2 of the minutes of the Council
meetifig April 19, 1976, was noted by the City
Clerk, as well as an addition to Page 9. The.minutes
were then approved as corrected and amended.
CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was.made_by Councilman Mattei, seconded by
Councilman Harberson, to approve the ABC application
on the Consent Calendar.. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #1 ABC application, The Victorian, 208 Petaluma Boulevard
ABC APPLICATION-- North, on -sale general eating place, person -to- person
THE VICTORIAN transfer, was approved.
AWARD CONTRACT- -WATER A detailed result of the bid opening April 28, 1976, ����
MAIN IMPROVEMENTS was submitted to the Cit y Clerk and is on file. City
WEST PETALUMA Engineer David-Young advised the Council ten bids had
PROJECT WD 1 -73 been received for the project. The range of the bids
RES #7377 NCS was from $589,617 to $850,150 for both Schedules 1 and
2 of the.proposed project. The Engineer's Estimate
had been $741,715. Mr. Young recommended, on the
basis of the bids received after reviewing all the bids, the -award be
granted to Valley Engineers, Inc., Fresno, California, in the amount of
$589,617 for the combination of•Schedules_1 and 2. City Manager Robert Meyer
advised the Council if approval was given to.award. Schedule 2 it would be much
more economical than having City forces install the lateral lines to replace
the galvanized pipe with - copper on the west side of the .community.
Resolution #7377 N.C.S. awarding contract for "Water.Main Improvements, West
Petaluma, Project WD 1 -73," to Valley Engineers, Inc., P.O. Box 12227, Fresno,
California 93777, in the amount of $589,617,• was introduced by Councilman
Brunner, seconded by Councilman .Cavanagh,.and approved -by.5•affirmative, 1
abstention,, and l.absentee votes:_ Councilman Harberson-abstained.from voting
stating his firm does business with this particular contractor.
RES #7378 NCS
Purchasing Officer-.C; Huffman reviewed the five '� ^
9E bids which had.been received and opened on April 28
1976, for traffic and pedestrian signal heads. The
low bidder was Singer Traffic Information Systems,
Simulation Products Division, 1077 East Arques Avenue,
Sunnyvale California_94086. The amount of their bid
was $4,929.58. When asked by the Council if there
would be additional costs for the`installatioh of'the signal heads to complete
the project, Public Works Superintendent Roy Kelly stated this was a very low
figure and would supply only the traffic signal heads and the pedestrian heads
as outlined in the preliminary budget, where each intersection had been listed.
Additional materials would have to be purchased, however, and the installation
would be done by City forces.
248 May 3, 197.6
AWARD CONTRACT-- - At the.conclusion of the discussion, ,Resolution 47378.
PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC N.C.S. awarding the contract for the purchase of
& PEDESTRIAN traffic signal and pedestrian signal heads for the
SIGNAL HEADS Street Division to Singer Traffic Information Systems,
RES 47378 NCS Sunnyvale, California, in the amount of $4,929,58, was
(Continued') introduced by Councilman Harberson, seconded by
Councilman;Hilligoss, and approved by 6 affirmative
and 1 absentee votes.
PETITION RE A petition containing 1162 signatures regarding the
J INTERSECTION OF dangerous condition at the intersection of English and
WESTERN AVENUE., Howard Streets at Western Avenue, had been received in
ENGLISH AND HOWARD the office of the City Clerk on April 30, 1976. An
STREETS additional petition containing 392 signatures was
presented to the City Clerk by Mrs. Mary V.tali at the
meeting. In addition, Mayor Helen Putnam had received
114 letters from students at the St. Vincent's Elementary School. The peti-
tions and communications are on file with the City Clerk.
Community Development and.Services Coordinator Frank Gray depicted the subject
intersection by means of an aerial view on the overhead projection unit. The
request in the petition asked to have a four -way stop sign placed at the
intersection of Howard Street and Western.Avenue, and some alternative means
to be devised for entering or exiting from English Street.
City Manager Robert Meyer suggested that since the City Engineer is also the
City Traffic Engineer and•works with.the Traffic Committee, he outline the
problems and possible solutions for ° the benefit of the City Council. Mr.
Young stated this intersection and the problem with it is not a new one to the
City Council. For many years the Engineering Division has recommended the
intersection be signalized and traffic from English Street be prevented from
entering the intersection. Prior recommendation had been to discontinue
English Street at Post, and have traffic diverted by way of Post Street to
intersect with Western Avenue. The recommendation for signalization of this
intersection as well as Keller, Liberty and Kentucky Streets is contained in
the Capital Outlay Program. The difficulty has arisen because of lack of
funds and not because the City did not desire to correct the dangerous si-
tuation existing at this five -way intersection. .
Mr. Young also stated to signalize all five sections of the intersection would
be much more than...a four -leg intersection. The other problem which
arises with a five -way multiple phase.-system-is the loss of movement time
because the cycle has to include the yellow light. In addition, Mr.
Young stated the fifth intersection, which is.English Street, is some distance
from the actual intersection and would cause difficulties. Mr. Young advised
the Council the ultimate solution would be to divert traffic via Post Street
or, in the alternative, to hook it around -in front.of.the church to intersect
directly with Western Avenue, thus:avoiding the five -way intersection.
During the course of the discussion, it was brought out the same situation had
been discussed'by the City Council several years ago, and there was an objec-
tion raised by residents west of the .intersection and -by the principals of the -
Hagstrom's Shopping Center. Mayor Putnam asked the circulator of the peti-
tion, Mrs.. Mary Vitali, to address the City Council, and it was at this time
Mrs. Vita'li presented additional petition signatures to the City Clerk.. Mrs.
Vitali spoke in support .of some action being taken to alleviate the dangerous`
intersection and asked the Council to take immediate action..
Mayor Putnam advised Mrs. Vitali everyone shares the concern regarding the
intersection and the City is trying to do two things: one, meet theimmedia`te
need and provide safety at the intersection; and two, accomplish the long -
range goal by_ signalizing the intersection.
After some.discussion on the method for placing the signs at the intersection,
it was determined to make Western Avenue and Howard Street a four -way stop, to
hook English in front of the Church to intersect with Western Avenue, '
and to place barriers at the end of English Street in order to prevent traffic
from entering the five -way intersection.
May 3, 1976 249
PETITION RE Mayor Putnam asked the City Engineer if he felt the
INTERSECTION. OF matter should be referred.,,back to - the Traffic Com
WESTERN AVENUE, mittee to approve the interim measure of placing stop
ENGLISH AND HOWARD signs at the - intersection. Mr. Young the
STREETS Traffic. Committee has already recommended something
(Continued) should be done at.the intersection and recommended
signalization at a time when funds are available.
Mr. Jim Gaultney, the owner - operator of the Hagstrom's Market spoke to the
City Council regarding his concern of•.the, closing_or.realignment of
Street. He suggested,the loop- to with Western- Avenue be moved back
further onto the Five Corners Community Center property,.rather than below the
property, in order to provide greater visibility and easier access for police
vehicles. Mr. Gaultney stated he was opposed to the use of Post Street as an
alternate for diverting traffic from English Street to Western Avenue.
Mayor Putnam stated she felt some immediate action should be taken and in-
quired how long it would take the Engineering.staff to prepare the inter-
section for the stop signs. Mr. Young said - ,it - probably could be accomplished
in a week or 10 days,.
Councilman Cavanagh.then asked when more positive action on the long -range
plan would be taken,,and it determined this•would be discussed during
budget sessions. .Mayor Putnam said she would like to see the interim measure
accomplished before school- closes in,prder for a determination to be made of
the effect on -the traffic situation -and children crossing the street to go to
Some question was raised whether or not trucks..would_- have.ample turning room
at the proposed intersection of English Street with Western Avenue. City
Engineer David Young advised the Council.some.Engineering studies would be
made before the placement of the stop signs at the proposed intersection.
At the conclusion of the discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Hilligoss,
seconded by Councilman Harberson, to place four -way stop signs at the inter-
section of Western Avenue and Howard Street, . and to intersect English Street
with Western Avenue. Motion carried unanimously.
REQUEST FOR STREET A letter dated April 27, 1976, addressed to the Mayor
CLOSURE- -GRAND and members of the City Council from Mrs. "Gus"
OPENING -- NORTHERN Campbell, Vice - President., Community Relations, North- FF
CALIFORNIA SAVINGS ern California Savings and Loan, had been previously
distributed to members of the City Council was not
read.at the meeting.
A letter supporting the request by Northern California Savings for the closure
of Kentucky Street between Western Avenue and "At" Street was received,by the
City Clerk from the Petaluma Lions Club. Both letters-are on file in the City
Clerk's office.
Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray advised the Council
the request was to close Kentucky Street from Western Avenue to the beginning
of the "A" Street parking lot, from noon to midnight on Wednesday,.May 26,
1976. Northern California Savings and_Loan Association would like to hold a
barbecue to celebrate their grand opening, the proceeds of which would.be
contributed to various youth organizations in the City of Petaluma. Mr., Gray
advised he had met with the Fire Chief, Police Chief, and the City Manager
regarding the proposal and they plan to meet later in the week in order to
outline the conditions if the Council.approves the request.
Mr. Harry Sackrider, Manager of the Northern California Savings and Loan
Association, spoke to the members of the Council stating this is the way they
have celebrated the opening of their new-offices throughout California. They
anticipate feeding 1,500 people during the evening of Wednesday, May 26th.
The need to close the street from noon to midnight would be in order to make
the preparations for the 'barbecue and clean up time to be provided after the
last serving had been completed. Mr,. Sackrider advised Council the Santa
Maria Barbecuers, an organization from the City of Santa Maria, would prepare
the meal, and a donation of $2.50 per person is being asked in order to donate
these funds to youth activities in the City of Petaluma. Mr. Sackrider
advised he had talked with the business people whose establishments face
`qq v
V A1
May 3, 1976
REQUEST FOR STREET Kentucky Street where the street would be closed and
CLOSURE -- GRAND he had received no adverse comments. Local enter -
OPENING-- NORTHERN tainment would be provided. Various community groups
CALIFORNIA SAVINGS had been contacted regarding helping with clean -up and
(Continued) various-phases of•the• celebration, and these groups
would' also be renumerated by his company for their
A motion - granting permission to Northern California Savings and Loan Associa-
tion for the closing of Kentucky Street May 26, 1976,.pursuant to conditions
required by the staff was 'introduced by Councilman Harberson, seconded by
Councilman Brunner, and unanimously approved.
CLAIMS & BILLS Resolution #7379 N.C.S. approving claims and bills
RES #7379 NCS #7849 to #8108, inclusive, General City; and„ 4518 tc
#539, inclusive, Water, approved -for payment by the
City Manager, was introduced by Councilman Hilligoss,
seconded by Councilman Brunner, and approved by 6
affirmative and 1 absentee votes.
1976 -77 PRELIMINARY City Manager Robert
Meyer presented the
1976 -77
to the City Council.
He advised
the' Council
that in
addition to the budget,
Program of
Service was being presented
at-the same
time. The budget
message prepared
by the City Manager
was read and
reviewed by him.
Mr. Meyer stated
study sessions to review the
budget would
be scheduled for
a:later date.
Councilman Mattei asked if .a printed schedule with suggested dates could be
given to the Council to insert in their copies of the budget in order for them
to have a guide to follow.
"A" STREET PARKING City Manager Robert Meyer informed the Council the
LOT EXPANSION staff was not prepared to report to the Council on the
matter at this meeting, and requested it be.scheduled
for the Council meeting of May 17,.1976.
Scharer, the
ship for the
"Fleet" of buses was 361 people. Mr
children, and transfers on the first
first day of operation of a similar
67 passengers.
Robert Meyer advised the Council,. John
Finance Director, had reported the rider -
firs,, t day of operation of Petaluma's
. Schrer gave the breakdown of adult,
day of operation. He also advised the
transit system in Union City netted only
MAYORS' AND City Manager Robert Meyer reminded the Council of the
COUNCILMEN'S Mayors' and, Councilmen's Association Meeting to be
ASSOCIATION held May 13, 1976, at Rohnert Park.
LEGISLATION AFFECTING Councilman Cavanagh reported he and Mr. Hudson, the
CITIES City Attorney, acting as the Legislative Committee,
had met to discus"s.the bulletin from the League of
California Cities, and he asked Mr. Hudson to review
their discussion.
The City Attorney asked if the Council had no objections, instead of taking a
vote and preparing resolutions, he could review the legislation with them and
write appropriate letters of support or opposition to the various Assembly and
Senate Bills. He then continued to review the legislative bulletins of the
League of California Cities dated April 23 -29, 1976.
May 3,: '.1976
AB 3762 -3675 Mr. Hudson stated the bills, as proposed and reviewed
MONTOYA by the League of California Cities, would place addi-
REDEVELOPMENT tional burden on redevelopment agencies by requiring
PACKAGE - .complete.environmental impact reports, and would
further'provlae, the necessity for audit and review
which, in'ef'fect, would be a consultant's reemployment
program. The bills would provide monitoring by I the State and would create
additional financial burdens on cities having redevelopment agencies_ Mr.
Hudson stated the sum of the bills would be to impose encroachment on local
governments to deal with local problems. He feels this is the main basis for
the opposition by'the League.
AB 3204 The bill would increase assistance by $58,000,000 by
SENIOR CITIZENS extending homeowners' exemptions to senior citizens
PROPERTY TAX RELIEF which would apparently have no impact.on cities'
finances. The League urges support of the bill.
SB 1714 This bill would prevent school districts to override
REPEAL SCHOOL local zoning provision's and the League of California
DISTRICT ZONING Cities urges support of the bill.
SB 1638 The purpose of the bill is to increase the of
P.E.R.S. MANDATORY living'benefits for retired members of agencies -
COST INCREASE contracting with P.E.R.S. The opposition from the .
League arises from the fact it is inappropriate for
the Legislature to unilaterally raise retirement
benefits and authorize local government to increase
property - tax rates beyond those prescribed in SB 90.
SB 1644 The measure recommends pension benefits substantially
PUBLIC SAFETY higher for police and fire personnel than available in
OFFICERS - -most cities: - It also proposes an. annual cost of
STANDARDS living adjustment for retired safety members equal to
the consumer price index. It would also provide that
a safety officer receive public safety retirement
credit for any service in a public agency,'even though - that service may not
have been in the capacity of safety employee. The League recommends opposi-
tion to the bill.
Following Mr. Hudson's resume of the proposed legislation, a discussion was
held regarding the.method of advising our legislators of opposition and
support of various issues.
Councilman Brunner wondered if by sending too many pieces of legislation to
Senator Behr and Assemblyman Wornum, as well as'others concerned with bills,
the City would not lose its effectiveness. He suggested perhaps these types
of communications should be saved for an issue which was of particular interest
to the City of Petaluma. Councilman Brunner also stated he felt if an issue
was extremely critical the legislator should be contacted personally by the
members of the Council. Councilman Cavanagh remarked he had heard Assemblyman
Warnum state he welcomed the communications from the various cities.
City Attorney Matt Hudson stated even the of California Cities
lobbies for cities in Sacramento, they do look to local agencies for support
in order to provide "ammunition" to confront the Legislature.
GARBAGE COMMITTEE Councilman Cavanagh, Chairman of'the' Garbage Committee,
REPORT advised the the Committee had met and dis-
'cussed compulsory collection for 'residential and
commercial accounts throughout the City. Some adjust-
ment would be made for small users and senior citizens who depended upon
social security or other retirement income. If compulsory pickup is not
adopted by the City sometime in - the near future, rates-would have to be re-
evaluated and raised: .Councilman Mattei, a member -of the Committee, advised
the refuse company has not had a rate increase since 1973.' They, as well as
f May 3, 1976
GARBAGE COMMITTEE others, are experiencing increases in costs of op-
REPORT eration. He further stated if a mandatory type of
(Continued) service was instituted, better service would be
provided to the citizens of the community without a
drastic raise in charges. One of the advantages would
be unlimited service. Almost anything a homeowner wished to dispose of
would be picked up by the refuse company.
Some discussion was held "regarding the amount of raise necessary if mandatory
collection is imposed and the raise needed without mandatory pickup. Coun-
cilman Cavanagh indicated these figures would be ready for the Council's
review at the meeting of May 17, 1976, and action could be taken_ at a later
NEW MAYORS' AND Councilman Hilligoss reported she had attended the New
COUNCILMEN'S Mayors' and Councilmen's Leadership Conference held in
` CONFERENCE San Diego the previous week. Workshops were conducted
relating to land use, legislation, labor - relations,
employee relations, as well as other items of interest
to local governments. Councilman Hilligoss felt ii
was a very worthwhile conference organized by
the League's staff._
APPROVE FINAL'MAP- The minutes of Planning Commission dated April 20,
TAMAR SUBDIVISION 1976, regarding the subject subdivision, submitted and
RES' #7380 NCS filed,; Planning Commission Resolution #10 -76, adopted
April 20,, 1976, recommending approval of the final map
for,Tamar Subdivision, submitted and filed. A brief
discussion was held regarding :the -type of fencing to be installed along the
rear property lines of the subdivision, since these fences would directly abut
on the future extension of Caulfield Lane.
Councilman Mattei expressed some concern about the deterioration of fences
along the completed sections of Caulfield Lane and hoped a better type of
fencing would be installed in this subdivision.
Community•Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray advised the - Council.
the standards for fencing have been improved subsequent to the installation of
the older fence.
There being no further discussion, Resolution #7380 N.C.S. approving the final
subdivision map of Tamar Subdivision was introduced by Councilman Hilligoss,
seconded by Councilman Brunner, and adopted by 6 affirmative and l absentee
AUTHOR IZE SUBDIVISION Resolution #7381 N.C.S. authorizing the Mayor to
AGR EEM ENT- -TAMAR execute a subdivision agreement regarding Tamar Subdivi7.-
SUBDIVISION sion was introduced I by Councilman Hilligoss, seconded
RES #7.3.81'NCS by Councilman Brunner, adopted by -6 affirmative
and 1 absentee votes.
1A, ESTABLISH PUBLIC Recreation Director Jim Raymond advised the Council
SWIM HOURS the Recreation, Music and Parks Commission had held
public hearings during the review of the Program of
Service for the 1976 -77 fiscal year to determine
whether or not some public swim.hours could be es-
tablished to accommodate the working adults who were unable to use the-pool
during the.previously established summer swim hours. The recommendation from
the Commission was to set the hours Monday through.Friday, from 1:00 p.m.. t.o'
4:00 p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., with the exception of Tuesday
nights. The intention is for a trial basis for a 30 -day period commencing
June.14th to July 16th, after which a review would be made by the Commission
to determine if any changes should be made. The pool would be closed during
this period on Tuesday evenings for previously scheduled dual swim meets.
A motion was made by Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman Harberson,
approving the proposal for the change of hours as outlined in.Mr. Raymond's
memorandum dated April 29, 1976, which is on with the City Clerk. Motion
carried unanimously.
May 3, 1976
RECESS Mayor Putnam declared a recess at 9:50 p.m. and the
Council reconvened at 9:55 p.m.
ZONING ORDINANCE Planning..staff recommendations to the Planning Com-
#1072 NCS=-AMEND mission dated April 12,1976, regarding the proposed
&.UPDATE 'CERTAIN amendments, deletions and updating of certain sections
SECTIONS of the Zoning Ordinance submitted and filed; minutes
ORD #1213 NCS of the Planning Commission dated April 20, 1976,
submitted and filed; and, Planning Commission Reso-
lut on #11 -76, adopted April 20, 1976, submitted and
Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray outlined the pro-
posed changes to the Zoning Ordinance for the benefit of the City Council. At
the conclusion of his explanation, Ordinance #1213 N.C.S., amending Zoning
Ordinance #1072 N.C.S. by removing Mobile Home Parks as a Conditional Use in .
an R -M -G District, by renumbering and revising certain regulations for mobile
home parks, by establishing parking requirements for drive -in food establish-
ments, and by limiting advertising for home occupations was introduced by
Councilman Hilligoss, seconded by Councilman Mattei, and ordered published by
5 affirmative, 1 negat.ive., and 1 absentee votes. Councilman Cavanagh voted
11 no " .
ORD #1214 NCS
City Attorney Matt Hudson explained to the Council the
City is permitted to designate certain employees to
enforce ordinances. The ordinance before them this
evening is designed to'include a new classification,
that of _Bicycle Pedestrian Specialist, to enforce the
provisions of Title 11 of the Petaluma Municipal Code.
Such enforcement powers are already delegated to
Parking Enforcement Officers.
Ordinance #1214 N.C.S. authorizing Bicycle Pedetrian Specialists and Parking
Enforcement Officers to enforce the provisions of Title 11 of the Petaluma
Municipal Code, was introduced by Councilman Harberson, seconded by Councilman
Cavanagh, and ordered posted by 6 affirmative and 1 absentee votes.
REQUEST,FOR OUTSIDE This matter had been discussed by the City Council at
SEWER.CONNECTIONS =- their meeting Monday, April 19, 1976. Community
LEONARD. JAY, Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray
10 BERGER LANE explained the matter had been referred to the City of
Petaluma by Sonoma County and the request was to
service a 4 -lot subdivision in the County with four
sewer connections. At the prior Council meeting, Mr. Jay expressed concern
about being annexed to the City and having to provide substantial public
improvements to serve the subdivision. Mr. Gray indicated he had discussed
the matter with the City Engineer and the Planning staff, and the staff's
recommendation was for the property to be annexed to the City, then be sub-
divided, and a request for outside sewer connections would not be necessary.
City Engineer David Youfg indicated public improvements would not be required
because, at the present time, it is uncertain just how Magnolia Avenue would
be realigned. If sidewalks were required_, they would serve no useful purpose.
Mr. Gray indicated the procedure now would be for applicant to apply to
the Planning Commission for prezoning and the annexation would be accomplished
through the reorganization procedure.
-- Mayor Putnam asked Mr. Gray if Mr. Jay was aware of the procedures. The
applicant, Leonard Jay, indicated he was aware of what needed to be done, he
was in agreement to annex the property to the City, and would withdraw his
application No. 760/05 for outside sewer connections.
City Manager Robert Meyer indicated an adjustment of the fees already paid by
the applicant would be made if annexation is completed in the near future.
25 t9
May 3, 1976
There being no further business to come before the
Council,`the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. to an
Executive Session and to 7:30 p.m., Monday, May 10,
ty Clerk