HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08/02/1976REGULAR MEETING
AUGUST 2, 1976.
The regular meeting of the Petaluma City Council was
called to order Mayor Helen Putnam at the hour of
7:33 p.m.
Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Harberson
Hilligoss, Mattei, Perry *, and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
*Councilman Perry arrived at 7:36 p.m.
The Reverend Hugh Goss of the First Presbyterian Church
gave the invocation.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the joint meeting of the Petaluma Com-
munity Development Commission and the Petaluma City
Council of July 12, 1976 were approved as mailed. The
minutes of the Petaluma City Council meeting of July.
19, 1976 were approved as mailed.
CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Councilman Harberson, seconded by
Vice -Mayor Brunner, to.adopt.the resolutions on the
' Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item V1 Resolution #7470 N.C.S. approving plans and specifi-
� 0\ CALL FOR BIDS -_..: cations for the 1976 street resurfacing program, project
1976 STREET RESURFAC - No. 9404 and calling for bids August 18, 1976 was adopted.
` R.ES # 7470 N.C.S.
Agenda Item #2 Resolution #7.471 N.C.S. authorizing the Mayor.to execute
(� AUTHORIZE EXECUTION-OF., an amended BCDC Permit,for the City's outfall difusser
G RES #7471 N.G.S.
Agenda Item #3
V( RES #7472 N.C.S.
Resolution ;7472 N.C.S..approving amendment to lease
with State Lands Commission and authorizing the Mayor to
sign was adopted.
REVERSION TO ACREAGE- City- Attorney Matthew Hudson advised the Council the
GOLDEN EAGLE SHOPPING Subdivision Map Act permits the City to eliminate the
O CENTER lot 'lines in the subdivision for a large number of
RES-#7473 N.C.S: parcels. In this case, it is for the Golden Eagle
Shopping Center.. Prior to the construction of the
Center, it had been divided into lots, streets, public
utility- easements and so forth. The reversion to acreage eliminates the various
lots and was a condition placed on the developer at the time the, tentative map
was adopted. The reso.l.ution for the Council's consideration is carrying out the
conditions placed upon the developer at the tentative map stage.
Mayor Putnam then opened the public hearing. No comments were received from the
audience and none had been received by the City Clerk. City Attorney Matthew
Hudson recited the two findings contained in the resolution which the Council
must make—The public hearing had been duly advertised and Mayor Putnam then
declared 'the public hearing closed'.
Resolution 47473 N.C.S. approving reversion to. acreage map (Golden Eagle Shop -
ping Center) was, introduced by Councilman.Hilligoss, seconded by Councilman
Harberson,,and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
3 43 .
August 2. 1976
to the City
COST OFHThED Mana Fire Joseph F. Ellwood
g p was revie�ied F5
A$ATIDNT.. PROGRAM by, the Fire Chief :. The memorandum outlined the cost for
1975 -7G the weed abatement program for the fiscal, year 1975 -76.
RES ;7474 N. C. S: : A copy is' on file with.'the City Clerk. The total cost
..of the program; including discing public property,.
- .amounted to $.7,044:02. The total expenses for the
annual program was $7,.053.90 leaving a debit of
The Superintendent of-Public Works' report on the cost of abatement had.been
duly on the the by the City Clerk. Mayor.Putnam then
opened th.e. public hearing. No responses were heard from the audience, no writ-
ten comments had be'en'_received by the City Clerk and th.e'public hearing was
declared closed.
Resolution #7474 N.C.S. confirming Superintendent of Public Works' report of
cost of abatement of weeds; rubbish; refuse and dirt existing upon the.streets,
sidewalks, parkways and parcels' of private property in the City of Petaluma -
ordered abated by Resolution X736'3 N.C.S. was introduced by Councilman Perry,`'_
seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
PUBLIC HEARING >' Prior 'to the discussion on the proposed rezoning. - Plan=
AMEND' ZONING ning Director. Ronald Hall and'City Manager Robert Meyer f
ORDINANCE suggested the Council may wish to move Item 19 on the
REZONE LANDS' OF' 'agenda relating to the approval of the tentative map for
MIL12 FROM '.,-_ Park Place Subdivision to be discussed immedi_ately'after
PCD TO PUD ;the public hearing for the rezoning for 'the . same subdi-
ORD #1222 NCS vision.. A.motion was made by Councilman,- Harberson,
(SECOND READING) - seconded by Councilman Perry to move- Item 19 to become
Item 6A on the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning Director.Ronald Hall then proceeded to. review the matters concerning
the rezoning of the. ;property from a Planned. Community Development to a Planned
Unit Development:. Mr. Hall stated the developer is Qantas Development Company
.of Rohnert Park. '.The subject property is located on North McDowell. Blvd. ad-
jacen:t to and south of the existing Candlewood Home Park and consists of
approximately'23.6 acres. Councilman Mattei asked Mr. Hall to differentiate
between a PCD:and a PUD for. the benefit of the Council and the audience. Mr.
Hall 'stated the' Planned: .Community .District i.s the procedure where -the City
reviews the entire area in its concept and 'shows the configuration of all three'.:.
phases 'of the °project'. ;'.The request' is to rezone .Pha_se. I of the project .to
Planned Unit District which-is more specific. Th.e.existng zoning is PCD and
the proposal. is to rezone to. .PUD. Mr,._Hall 'staged the property was prezoned and
annexed to the City .on ApriT`1, 1976. The EIR was certified for the total
project and Phase.T_on December 2, 1975 and by the City Council on December 15,
1975. The'characteri.st.ics of the project are the area covers 23.6 acres and the
design calls for 63 units with zero lot lines,. Twenty six of the units would
have flared lots and twelve units of "quad:ra.plot" design.. The development
allocation for the PCD .is 636 "units of which 410 have been allocated. Of this.
410; 211 are single - family and 199 are ' multi- family units. Included in the 199
multi = family are 19 .low- to moderate- income housing units. Mr..Hall stated
other governmental agenc including the Sonoma County Water Agency and the Old
Adobe Union School District were contacted regarding the' development and no
negative comments had been received. -
The Planning Director advised the proposed development. conforms in concept with
the General Plan. Environmental; Design Plan and was subject to Site- Design
Review. At the ad'jour -ned meeting of the.Planning Commission on July 13, 1976
eight conditions of approval were placed 'on the subdivision. by the Planning
Commission. Mr. Hall recited the 8 .condition's a copy of which is on file with
the City Clerk,`
During the course of the.,dis.cussion, City Manager . Robert Meyer asked the Plan-
ning Director if any con'siderat- ion.;. had been given to placing fencing.require-
ments for masonry'or concrete fencing�in subdysigns in order to maintain the
app earanc'e and. not have a deterioration of neighborhoods-as has occurred in
other areas. of the, Cit,y:. Mr. Hall' stated no requirements had been placed on
fencing and Mayor Putnam, asked that the matter-be explored for future consid-
eration. Mr. Hall advised the City Council the Planning .Commission's Resolution
d .
August` -2, 19 ~76
-" x #2,9 6 recommends approval. of th.e: rezoning acid the
• ZONLNG : ; '•resolu,ton and zoning •map were submitted to the City .
' ORDINANCE ' ky Clerk %acid ordered filed•. Excerpts of the minutes' of the
' REZONE _LANDS, OF b tadjourned meeting of "the Petaluma City Planning Commis-
M LLLMEISTER FROM s sign' of July '13; 1976 submitted and filed; °a- staff
•• PCD TO ;PUD rep_ort.'from the Planning, Department to the, 'Planning
ORD 11.222 NCS .: Coinniisson dated June 29, 1976. submitted and filed and
��M :Hall then concluded his resentat an .
(S, READING) ':: p-
(Continued) :
Soine 'discussion was :held by the Council and the; Ci y
r .Manager regarding the proposed placement of', the 'hospital
within _the framew *o' of the entire p-lanried community .development: Mr Lon.
Joslyn of Qantas: Development Company- advised, -if app;roval.,was_ for the
hospi.tal'.-•site,. -it; would be -at the extreme south end of. the acreage Phase I
:.. .. ,.
under consideration at'this meeting would remain as originally designated. Mr.:
Joslyn'-then, indicated'on the wall map 'how the proposed development would be'
i.n order `to accomm odate the; ho spital site: Planning Director Ronald,
changed `.
Hall stated ,.there: would be ,no' .change in. Phase I,, .hut .,the` hospital s= te" would:
' effect. the :d`evelopment,•plans for, Phase II and
Mayor-'Putnam then: opened the public .hear hg and. asked fors comments. Mr. Jon '
Joslyn. spoke, stating.this, portion of;_the development is exactly -as submit ted:to
the 'Council . f,our years ago, and has not changed at..all ! He "did
state however changes. could, be anticipated if the hospital is ,,placed withi=n the,
- -
-. ,
area .; ^Mayor Putnam asked . -the City .Clerk -.if any written comments -had been re-
ceive-d -', None had- beeri.reciev'ed and the,public hearing was declared closed
„Ordznarice ��1222 N ". C S..: amending the :Zoning Ordinance' �f1g72 N C. S .. by recYas
s A. P. ��136`- 110 -11 136 - 110' -3'1, 136' � 110 -34,; 13'6 - 110 =3 136- `110 -39 and:
W 4
.136 .110 - 40 - (cons ; sting p • appro x-imate- y 23.,6 acres) from a P'CD ,(Planned 'Com= .;
munity-'District)'' to ?a PUD (Planned Unit. District) , located on - ,North ; McDowell
Blvd.,,. adjacent to and south of the existing Candlewood Mobile Home Park - (Park
Place): Baas adopted by. . affirmative votes. ' Effective date of Ordinance Sep- .
tembe> - 1, '1976 r _
APPROVE'' TENTATIVE '; Planning Director . Ronald Hall advised , r.epresentatives of
- A. A :
SUBDIVISION MAP the. developer,, the developers' engineers, and members- of ;.
PARK PLACE cit y's staff had met regarding the' tentative map..
eral conditions had been placed on the tentative map
PHASE I _ Sev1
RES #7475 N S 'including thos e contained -in =a letter dated June-.22,_ ,.
zl rected• to the Planning Commission -. by t'he 'City
9.7 °6 di
-. Engineer David -'A, Young: Mr.: Hal read two cond-ti:otts
contained in Mr _ 'Xoung,'s letter regarding traffic impact ,mitigation measures.,.
called out' in `the. Envi ronmental Impact Report for the initial .staIges for the
: project- constrti,ctiori ..• "1) >Const- ruction. 'of Maria 'Drive from.. Lucches "i °.Pa'rk across'
Lynch Creek to,' 4 connection' with Sequoia Avenue, or- Lassen Street ; ext- ending from
Park Place Subdiv`�son, No,'1; 2)''Construction of an. interim improved pedestrian
pathway extending off'_ site ::from the subdivision. along North' McDowell to a con- -
necti:on with the' existing _public sidewalk. near East, Madison S.tree't" : ' ,Mr'. Hall
stated'the`P-lanning Commission's recommendations were to delete item_l concern -*-
ing the. extension of Maria "Drive, and' the .'su - of item 2 concerning the ,
pedestrian pathway: until, a °"firm determination is made relative to, the proposed`••
.. hospital relocation ad'j`acent' to the subdivision property. In 'addition to the
to rovde edestrian
two conditions requested n veer ted by the City g p p
students attend'ing.Bernard' Eldredge ,S,chool,'K_en_1worth'Junior High School' and
Lucchesi Park as wel -1'as m ative. measures for the. traffic - .impact n upo the
intersection. of 2M:DO and East Washington Street, the Csty Engineer had made'.
11 other comments: regarding` the-- tentative. map These are contained in his
letter: dated June 22` 1976 which.. is :Exhibit ''B" of Planning Commission Res`o- '
lotion . ��16 =76 and is on file with the City Clerk. ' In 'addition to this 'exhibit,
= Eyr,ib'it "A'' the ',tentative-map and Exhibit ''C" the , tentative map conditions of
approva l from the Planning Commission were submitted and filed
The Council 'then° requsted :Mr'. Hall, to clarify' what changes ,the. Planning Com,- `
mission had :made' in the conditions of approval as �s iggested by the 'staff and .
th-ose whIch they finally-adopted. Mr. Hall reviewed the changes. The .staff,.,had
. :: recommended the.requi'reme.nts of, the City Engineer shall be c'ompli'ed: with as
stated in. his letter'.. -The Planning : Commss,ion wanted to, delete it 1 'and
t _
r ...August 2, 1976
APPROVE TENTATIVE; suspend item 2 as. mentioned':previously. The second
SUBDIVISION. MAP Chan "ge was the third _ item on the staff's report dated
PARK PLACE June 29, 1976 which - recommended the side yard setback of
PHASE I 15 feet to provide adequate 'site distance for "quadra-
RES #7475 NCS plot" lots 27, 28, 93, 94, 99 and 100 which border the
(Continued) proposed - arterial. and collector streets. The Planning
Commission's recommendation was for a 10 -foot setback
rather than the 15 -foot setback. Item No. 8 on the
staff report recoirinended that all'rear egress from kitchen and living room areas
should open onto the rear yard for all lots. Changing items 3 and 8 would not
pose any particular problem as far as staff is concerned.. The primary problem
still remains with the extension of'Maria Drive. Mr. Hall stated, in checking
with the various agencies, no negative responses had been received. The Planning_
Commission,, - by their resolution #16 -76, recommended approval of the tentative
map placing 15 conditions of approval on Park Place Subdivision Phase I.
Some discussion was then held.regarding the staff's recommendation #8 relating
to the rear egress from the kitchen and living room areas for all lots. Mr'. Jon
Joslyn of Qantas Development Company spoke to the City Council stating 'they had
submitted four plans and of-the four only one has a side egress. The egress is
about two feet back from the rear of the home and enters onto a large splayed
lot. Some concern was expressed by the Council that because of the zero lot .
lines in the subdivision there could be a possibility of all the houses having
the side•egress. and each one.resembling the other. Mr. Joslyn responded by
stating of the four submitted for this subdivision only one has the side
egress. Af ter:so•me d- iscussion the Council felt they could agree with the Planning
Commission's recominendations' regarding the side yard setback of 10 -feet and
permitting the side egress for some of the units in Phase I of the subdivision.
The discussion then turned to the matter of the conditions of the City Engineer
regarding the construction of .'Maria. Drive. Mr. Young reaffirmed his position.
that without the construction of this thoroughfare there would be no way for
-children to get to the Bernard Eldredge School. In addition, older children
would be attendng"Kenilworth,Junior High School and some form of improved'
pathway should be constructed for their convenience. These matters were dis=
cussed in the Environmental.Impact Report which had:been previously approved by
the. Planning Commission. and the City Council. Mr. ..Young stated his recommenda-
tions were minimum.requirements for the safety of children going to elementary
school and to Kenilworth.Junior High School.. Mr. Young stated at -the prelim-
inary map stage, mention.had been : made of busing the children from the Phase I
development to the Berna"rd School, however, no formal proposal has been
..received by the - -City'. Mr, Young further commented.,the. entire Planned Community
Development for the'completion of Maria Drive and although he realizes
there.is a capital problem and the developer would like to make this._improvement,
during stages .. 2 or 3, he.still' it is necessary in.order to have children
from Phase I safely traverse to the school. The alternative route would - require
children to cross a creek. McDowell Blvd, is not safe. and does not lead di-
Eldredge School... Mr. Young further. stated whether or not the .
hospital is located
recPl to Bernard Eldr, site would be irrelevant because there would. still be
a,gap where a pedestrian facility would not be provided for the students.travers-
ing to Kenilworth, Junior'H.igh School..
City Attorney Matthew•Hudsori advised the City Council. the ordinance which they
had passed prior to this discussion on the tentative map included the require-
ments as suggested by Mr.. -Young in his letter of June 22, 1976, and in order to
be consistent..with.that finding the tentative map would have to include the same
Mr. Jon Joslyn addressed the.Ccuncil, stating he knew the completion.of the
entire network of streets' would be desirable.. The Environmental Impact Report
however recommended the completion of the, street network l.n the early stages and
did not. spe.r_ify during the, first Phase. He also said it was necessary for them
to extend the sewer line 2,200 feet and to redesign the storm drain system. He
indicated -.e Hospital District is once again taking a look at their site and
final approval.would depend upon the seismic work which still has to be com-
pleted. If the hospital,is located on the site they wo'uld'be improving one
section of McDowell Blvd. The first phase of Park Place Subdivision would
August 2, 1976
' - APPROVE TENTATIVE also oe, improving a portion.' of .McDowell Blvd . even ,
SUBDIVISION , -MAP : = . ." '�th:ough there - would be no access to the homes from
PARK. PLACE _: McDoweli as the rear lot lines would face on this'
PHASE I - - street. Mr, Joslyn stated. they would' like to begin-work
RES' V475 kS '"on th.e first' phase of 'the.. subdivision sometime by the
(Continued) ;, middle of,September and it-would be questionable whether
or .not it .would be completed this winter.. He had received .
a .communication f rom the Old, Adobe Union School District
which stated their. policy was to bus- children of kindergarten age who lived
beyond 3/4 of -mile from the.school and those in grades 1 through 6 living 1
mile from the school: :The, r'firm is asking for.A.postponement of the require-
ments in the•expe'etatiow next year -'all of McDowell'Blvd.`would be im -`
'proved;,'_ 14'r. ' Joslyn also suggested, if - t lie hospital lor_a'te's in'th'e site, an
alternate route could' be completed which is one' -of the proposed streets-In
Planned.Community Development.' When Asked'•by Mayor Putnam how he considered the ..
alternative proposed. by Mr;. Jos.lyn;- City. Engineer .David 'Young= stated the alter -.
native is 'part. of . the .plan.' The goal, however,, is to ..get the children to- Ber-
nand. Eldredge. and.'tlie. alternative, plan 'is .speculative and depends upon
ted ,
whether, or ':not the" hospital is to be built at this site.. • Mr. Young commented,
unfortunately; th -e Council must the decision on the tentative map as pre —
sente6 .to depend upon'what might happen in the future.
City PZanager. Robert Meyer, pointed out to Mr., Joslyn the developers had the = '
prerogative•.of:�beginnng the subd'ivision at the southerly end of the property,
which.iaould have taken . care of the street .problem. . However'.Mr. Joslyn stated it
' `would, mean a' longer ._extension of the' sewer main. Mr. Meyer.. stated it then
became a matter of'•the cost of the sewer versus the cost of the street.. Mr
- .Joslyn indicated'"Maria 'Driv.e is a very expensive ,street to construct and if the
requirement, is placed_upon, the tentative .map, their. capability for obtaining
financing for the•projec would be seriously :impaired'. Mr. Jack 0``Neel, also a. _
member of the ;firm. of Qantas Development Corporation:, spoke to the '•Council `
'stating he would. • like to.. a compromise that no one would move into the-
fir.st- .phase ;of' the �.subdwison before next spring and their firm .would pa,y a
.'portion of the busing cost for students.' He stated.whether or.not the hospital
goes - in they would` guarantee to complete a link to the school .by 'next Spring and
within.—two—years entire_-projeet would be completed.o
There zaaa some. discussion rdgarding.' the st reet patterns,; transportation .. •
' and rouaes ;f or. children. traveling to both- Bernar& =Eldredge and.Ken lworth Junior .;
High School'. `'Various 'alternatives. were- :explored one of wh:ich...was a suggesti:on::by
Mr.. Joslyn• th -at the Gitg, build the .improvements and the developer would,. buy' them
back as the- d "eve-lo pment pr ,ceed;ed..
Mayor Putnan asked the:City Clerk.to read the title of the resolution to be
` considered _by the .City Council. and Mr. Hudson clarified the matters which would .
be incorporated in the','res as recomiriended by the Planning Commission to
approve items 3 and 8 as 'contained in .- the'staff .report, but..to requ "ire the ..
conditions as set forth. byy. the City. Engineer in item ��1. Mayor Putnam then
' '
_ .
stated -'the. Council's action would be to sustain the recommendations-of the '
Planning Commissi on �th'the..exception of item 1 which would be, to follow the
recom mendation .of'the e City Engineer as put forth 'in `his 'letter of June 22, •1976.
Resolution #7475 N.C;.S._`approving' tentative subdivision map. of Qantas Develop -
ment Corporation - (P,ark P.Iaee .Subdivision --Phase 'I) was introduced by Councilman
Harberson, seconded by Councilman Perry, approved by 5 affirmative: and 2.negative
= vote.'_' Councilmen Cavanagh and Hilligoss voted no.
RECESS Mayor Putnam called. a recess at•9:45 p.m :and the Coun-
cil reconvened at 9:55 p.
= ' DELETIONS FROM Items #10, 21 and 23 were deleted from the Council
COUNCIL AGENDA °�'agenda:•.at the request of the principals involved.
August_.2, 1976
:• BID OPENING _,. City Engineer. David Young advised Mr. Mary Lsndorf And
OUTFACE DIIFUSER Mr. Bil -1 R- ichards of the,firm of CDM,•.Inc., were present" �]
AUTHORIZE.'MAYOR ' :'. ' at the = Council meeting to review the bids• which had been
T.O SIGN WATER opened July 21, 1975 it 2:00 p.m. Mr. Richards reviewed •.
RESOURCES BOARD the results of the bid opening. In order to clarify the
APPROVAL TO AWARD_ bids, Mr. Richards advised Schedule 1 for the outfall
RES #7476 NG5 difusser was 100 percent grant eligible. The alternate,
a slide ,gate for maintenance..purposes, would.not be
grant eligible. The- recommendation was to award both
Schedule'l and the alternate. The three bids received were as follows: Healy
Tibbitts Co.,for.a total bid of $58,36.5; Dutra Construction Co., $94,785 and;
Duncanson Construction, $104;483. The engineer's estimate for the total project
was $41,191. Mr..-Richards stated his ,firm had analyzed the bids and felt the
bid from Healy Tibbitts was a fair bid, and if it was the decision of the Coun-
cil to go`out to.bid again,.he . not anticipate a lower bid.. Mr. Richards
stated they had checked the :,references of Healey Tibbett's'Construction Co.
City Engineer ; David Young advised the Council the to b"e taken this eve -.
ning would not.•be to award.the"contract but to authorize the Mayor to sign the
State Water Resources-Board-approval to.award. The document would have to be
sent to Sacramento; returned ao.the City of Petaluma,, and then the actual award
could be made. Mr. Young also advised the Council that even though Schedule l
was considered -100 'percent grant eligible : the City's portion of this cost would
be 12z percent.
Resolution :4�74Z6 N CS..authorizng. the Mayor to sgri State : Water Resources
Board approval :to award, the .sewer out'fall diffuser_ contract was introduced by
Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman Perry, approved by 6 affirmative votes .
and 1 abstention. Councilman Harb_erson abstained from voting stating there may
be a possible conflict because he does some business with CDM, Inc., and may
: well have some contact with Healy, Tibbitts Corporation.
AWARD CONTRACT '.Assistant City Manager David Brenin.ger briefly outlined
FOR PURCHASE OF - the course of events leading up to the bids for the
PUBLIC SAFETY public safety communication system. Mr. Breninger�
COMMUNICATION CENTER = stated.it was hopeful .the system could be in effect by
EQUIPMENT January l., 1977,. at which time the firefighters' hours
RES #7477 NCS would be reduced to hours • er week. It is antic -
pated there - would,be some problem in having sufficient
personnel to schedule., thus specifications were prepared
early, in;.June an& a', pre -bid conference was held June 16. The Council approved
the specif ications June 28,'and bids were received July 20. Two bids had been
received,.one•froia ComCenter and the other from.Motorola, and both companies
requested.more.information and clarification.
In a memo dated July 30, 1976 directed to -the City Manager- jointly by Police
Chief Robert B. Murphy and Fire Chief.Joseph F. Ellwood, they stated it.was
their opinion both bids were equally responsive.- There were no distinguishing
features between.the two . bi.ds -and their recommendation was to'award the bid to
the low bidder ComCenter Corporation. Both Chief Ellwood and Chief Murphy spoke
to the Council stating they had contacted other agencies•where ComCenter had
installed their e4uipment.and both felt, on the basis of their research, the bid
should be awarded to the bidder.
Mr. Howard Margowsky, President of ComCenter Corporation, spoke to the Council.
When asked by C.ouricil.man'Per-ry who would service this center, Mr. Margowsky
advised .they would w,ork.with Delta Communications System which is presently
doing the work for.;the City of Petaluma.
The : Council ; disco sed space requirements for the system as well as the financial
requirements to pay for- the system. City Manager Robert Meyer stated the esti-
mate 18 months ago was somewhere around $34,000 and the former Chief's office
and other areas which -hold communication equipment, at the present time would be
expanded to accommodate -the new public safety communications center. Mr. Meyer
also mentioned that in addition to Police and' Fire communications, the center
would accommodate the ambulance service as well 'and' at some future date, the .
91.1 emergency service.
C; r
'August 2 1.976 ` xy
AWARD CONTRACT ��_ kti Mr requested . Bi11 Petersen of Motorola ;Communications
" City
FOR PURCHASE OF ' an'd was granted "permission t to the C6iinci1.
PUBLIC' =SAFETY . _° Mr:: Petersen. said Motorola was high, .in their bid by° _.
COM�IUNICAT,ION' C.ENTER' '. ,$800,. He complained about the specifications calling'
EQUIPMENT :fora four status cohditi,on whereas 'the standard is
ES #74 7.7 NCS three. "= In °o,rder to comply with, the specifications
(Continued), ,Mot'orola would have to redesign gat a.cost of app:roxi-
:rmately $10,000.' Councilman Harberson asked whether.or
not this ma'tf_r had`been�.discussed at the P re bid conference.and question was
answered in the'
n , the' ive
In response' to a question asked' b`y : Councilman Cavanagh regarding the number of
suppliers who'- copies `of the specifications., Mr -. Br-.eninger> stated
four asked for copest'of the specifications;° however, five had indicated they
would bid. `Onf -'two bids were received: ,At the conclusion 'o, the discussion,
Resolution #7477 "N..C.S. award -ing - the contract for the purchase :of the public
safet y center equipment, to ComCenter Corporation, 674;7' Valjean' -
Avenue; Van Nuys, California,. in, the. a mount of. 6.72.4'4 was ntrodu&e'd..by
, ::-
Counclman Matte secondedf'by Councilman Harb,erson and adopted by affirm - '
ative� votes
LETTER. FROM A letter directed to the. City Council dated July 28;
DR. FREDERICK i'1976, Frederick A. Groverman, D.V.M.
CROVERMAN. •' - �� Board `o'f .Directors; Petaluma Hospital 'District, :had been`
PETALUMA HOSPITAL received .by the City Council'and was'not read by the:
DISTRICT City Clerk, but is' on file. Mr. Charles Cowan
_SEWER LINE istrator of the Hillc•rest .Hospital, stated Dr. Groverman
EXTENSION ;' r ,', had been called away on, an emergency .and had asked' him
= `
`� ' •'to appear before the City .Council regarding "their re= .
quest. Mr.. Cowan read 'a statement prepared by Dr
'Groverman for presentation to the City Council a copy of which si on file with
the City C1'erk.
I -n the discussion which followed Mr. .'Cowan ' presentation, it was''btought out
the area they considering is 15 acres - belonging to Qantas Development
Corp'o'ration in "'the property known as the Lands 'of Millmeister. In order for the;
hospital to; connect• - into the sewer lane which -is to be built - in Phase I of, the
Park :Place Subdivision,. 1'; feet of sewer main .must be .constructed. ' Th e.
hospital district is askifig't'he City.to advance the fund's for.this 1 feet. of `-
sewer line. ' Mr-. Cowan stat some sign has to be arrived at`before.Qaritas
and the hospitah. district can; arrive •at an ; agreement on ;the .op'tion for,.fhe' land
City :Engineer David Young `stat',ed the 1,800 f eet, more or less.; would - be the
length needed . to tie into the seiaer main to, `be. cons -ucted f:or - - P ark Pla °ce 'Sub'-
division, Phase I , questioned `regar:d' ng the cost 'for such a p.rojet`t:' 'Mr.
Young estimated- cost.: to be somewhere between $50,,000 and,$55,000
Some discussion was held''on the seismic data needed for the area and Mr. C'owa'n:
stated . once they have negotiated 'an option with Qantas 'they were prepared' to go
ahead with the seismic safet and engineering studies 'neededd. However, no ; work
y g
.could''_begin until they had" • reached - some decision on the sewer lines. City
Engineer David.''Young, the. ' City bas,a mechanism whereby %t- could, recover
the funds expended by means of a 'sewer benefit district.. Mr.. Robert,Meyer, City
Manage -r, then ;stated, 'it'.would be possible, for- the hospital t'o elite` r into a
reimb whereby any .subsequent connections- to the main would
r- equire a fee being paid to the Hospital'Distrct.,':
After some deliberation,,_ it was determined pit would nof`be appropriate for the
Council to ,take%'action'•on: the matter, 'at. this meeting and the matter was delayed. "
until August T,6', 1976..
` 34, "
Ax, J L'• 11 V L I11 V1`/'.'1 V 1 \': -
BOAT DOCKING City Council by.Mr. Bob.McLaughlin, River Activities
FACILITIES FOR Chairman for the - Bicentennial Committee, had been dis- I
VISITING YACHT tributed to of the Council and was not read
CLUBS by the City Clerk, but..ordered filed. In addition, a
' memorandum dated July qO�, 1976 from Assistant City
Manager David Breninger to the Mayor and City Council
was noted and ordered filed, and a letter directed to Mr. McLaughlin from Frank
B. Gray, Community Development and Services Coordinator,. is on file.
Community ,Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray stated Mr. McLaughlin's
request is for -the Council to maintain a reservation list for yacht clubs
planning to visit Petaluma. Mr. Gray indicated the staff had discussed the
matter an_d some questions were raised which need a determination by the City
Council. For instance, the matter of increased liability and the possibility of
not being able to fight fires as the boats are rafted in the turning basin. The
City is able tq:provid'e a place.for the boaters to dock, but reserving the._
public .docks' is one problem the staff felt they-could-not answer. Mr. Bob
McLaughlin then.addres.sed the City Council reviewing the number of clubs which
have alread visited Petaluma this year .and . outlining the schedule of reserva-
tions through October. Mr..McLaughlin pointed out the reservations for the
..yacht clubs also included reservations for restaurant facilities and brought
other business,t'o the community. -Mr. Harry Simpson of the Mar Power Squadron
addressed the City..Counc'il and advised that many of the people who make arrange -
ments to come `to Petaluma make them .a year.in advance. If upon arrival, they
are unable to.use the docking.facilities because.other boats are tied up there,
the cruise to Petaluma would not be.quite 'so popular. He urged that Mr. McLaughlin
be given authority to 'reserve space for the visiting yacht clubs.
Mr. Dick Larsen of the Northbay Yacht Club, also addressed the City Council and
stated without some type of control at the docking facilities the groups would
not be able'to arrange cruises. He urged the Council to make some arrangement
to keep the dock clear when the groups_ arrive in Petaluma. Vice -Mayor Brunner
asked Mr. Larsea,if raf ting of vessels was a common practice in other communi -.
ties. and Mr. Larsen stated it is;, Mayor Putnam then stated the Council was .
concerned about fire and police safety as well as sanitation. The City is
supportive of'the:.river and is aware it has become a popular place for visiting
yacht clubs She- :also - stated the community is hopeful of having more yachtsmen
use the river.:. In _addition, Mayor :. Putnam :.stated- the more popular the Petaluma
River cruise becomes for the various clubs throughout the Bay Area, it will be
necessary to develo.p..some.'sort of procedures. The City does have a responsi-
bility a- liability as pointed out in Mr. Gray's letter. She stressed these
are points which.cannot be ignored. Mayor Putnam further pointed out there is a
bridge involved'.which.needs to be opened as yachts enter the'turning basin which
requires the employment of City personnel The City.must also face the fact
that when the -bridge..is up, traffic. backs up on both sides. Mayor Putnam asked
Mr. Gray if he had any further comments. He responded by stating there seems to
be three subjects with.'which.the.Council is talking about interchangeably and
felt the problems be handled with,the proper regulations being adopted.
One is concerned with the public safety.f'or the boating people -- adequate fire
protection, police protection, and sewage disposal. The second is in regard to
the length of time boats would be permitted to tie up.to the City's floats. At
the present time,-,,there is no regulation to ask p'eopl.e .to leave after a certain
length,of time: and Mr. Gray suggested perhaps a policy should be established
setting a 7`2 hour limit. The third problem to which he related was the matter
of reservations.'for the floats for cruise groups to visit Petaluma. These
reservations.were formerly handled by the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Gray
suggested the City Council.should either handle the.reservations or delegate the
authority to'another.grotip or person. Theses are the matters which he felt
needed clarification'.
Mayor Putnam polled. the, Council for an agreement to form a committee to discuss
the matter and.try`to resolve some of the problems:° She suggested the committee
be formed of a..member of the Council, a member of the City staff, someone from
the public at large,.a representative from the Police.Department, and one from
the.Fire-Department. No action was taken on the matter.
August l976_'.
COPIlNNICATION l`et'ter dated July 21,.',19:,7;6 add'ressed, City Manager .
: -' OLD A ➢013E ASSOC _� ;,and .the Traffic Committee from Thelma Elphick, Secretary
RIVER ACTIVITIES °: ,of, the Petaluma Old Adobe Association, has b een d_is'trib
staff`' a . ,
i -uted to the -.Cit, Council and members of the and
AUG. 21, 197:6 y
_'was not 'read by the City. Clerk. 'The points ..of the `
. were °then discussed by the City Council and Mr.
Ross Smith represent' ng•;:the Petaluma Qld Adobe. Association. 'The: first point in
the letter pertained to Banging a banner�across•Petaluma Blvd. at.Western Avenue .`
an.d:.1r. Smith was advised this matter could be handled directly through the
: .4. Police Department; tb.rough .normal procedures,.. The second ma't:ter in the letter to '
which the Counc T.:addres.sed., itself was the closing of Fourth Street,. between "D"
and "E" between the •hours `of 7:'00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.;.on Saturday August 21st
When questioned °regard•ing.the purpose of the .street closure,,'Mr. Smith stated
' there.' : would 4e.ari Ugly: -Dog Contest a: Bicentennial Costume Contest and Wheel -
barrow Races. City..Manager Robert.Me'yer- asked Mr. Smith whether the, business .
people adj acent-•.to this 'area' had. been contacted regarding the. closure - of the
street.,. It -was, •su.ggested the-resi.dents . and the business people on the ,street ;be,
=: contacted and the matter' be' ref erred to the Traffic Committee. With relation to
- closing. the parking lot between Western Auto. and Petaluma Realty and; all of
Water Street,.`between Washington, Street and the River, Mr... Smith indicated the
Bicentennial _Cel.ebrdtion. has- been expanded, this year and is being called the
Bicentennial O1d.:,Adobe.Fies;ta,Week. The Association .plans a.river:pageant and
other water related' actzvit es- including canoe xar_'e.s, wager ; clowns, a decorated
boat•contest, an un:uaual';boat kayak and .row boat races, firework "s, and
a patriotic 'cel&bration • at. the :closing of the, river.. pageant.. At ..the conclusion
of the • riv.er pageant; it , is . planned " to have a dance ...at the'. Golden Eagle -Shopping .-
Center. Tle reason for the�reques.t for banning, parking in the area: is'in order
for large number- of, people to be able to view the_, activities which. would take
place on the river r -
Mayor. `Putn`am stated she . there was a .time problem- :.in order: to get this
matter straightened out and, asked. the City Manager what procedure he felt. -should,
be' take'n. Mr.'Meyer stated that there were approximately 70 'parking spaces
involved- and he•felt.::•the association should 'contact 'the Downtown Merchants to
gets ;their feeling,regarding'the banning of parking:in t:he.area on a as .
this type of request.,,had never been made of the City prevous.ly. Councilman
Mattei suggested a'pettion could be :circulated throughout -the'downtown area to
determine whether or not the merchants would approve of the ; plan..'.,
Because of the.u"rdenc of the matter and the short. length of time invol'ved,,
Mayor Putnam 'asked if a''.special 'meeting. of the Traffic Committee could be
called, 'provi:d` the. information. was. forthcoming from Mr. Smith 'Or,-Mr-._- ; Schram,;
in order far. tte. to go ahead with their plans.. No "- action
was taken. ;
- CLAIMS & BILLS "- Finance.Director John 'Scharer advised the Council this
RES #7478 NCS Lis-the first, computer- generated claims listing - presented
to the' City Council. He regretted he did not have
su'ffcient time to prepare a memorandum explaining the
various nodes on.. the 'elaiins. listing and asked to have this matter' deferred until
he has an opportunity to:prepare memorandum for them.
• ion X74'7,8 'N. C. S ;approving : c'la'ims and bills 11 through- 144 inclusive,'
General City .=3nd,, 9f1.,through ��5,'.inclusive, Water, approved for paymen =t by the
City Manager, was'roar-oduced by Counci -lman Mattei ; sec:onded by, Councilman
Brunn`er and adopted ..by votes.
Du , length of meeting City Manager Robert Meyer advised the Council
he- ha:d., no further reports.
t 351.
August 2,` 1976
LEGISTATION City' Attorney Matthew Hudson advised he would defer any .r
AFFECTING CITIES discussion on legislation to - a future meeting.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS' Vice -Mayor Brunner reported the Library Advisory Board
FOR PETALUMA PUBLIC met last Tuesday and he was seeking a policy direction
LIBRARY from the Council regarding some additional items needed
to be acquired for the Public Library. Mr. Brunner
stated the largest single expenditure would be.to expand
the present reference - ..desk at.a cost of approximately $1,800. Mrs. Dorothy.
Bertucci, a member of the Petaluma Library Advisory Board and the Sonoma - County
Library Commission, spoke to the 'Council stating_ the items needed could come
under the contingency fund. The need for the expansion of the reference desk is
because of the heavy.use the new Public Library is enjoying. Originally,,
$35,500 had been allocated for furnishings for the library and of this about
$6,000 or $7,.000.was.not spent. She was asking direction from the Council
whether or not.they would:have.apy- objection to- 'spending the money for the
additional.irems.needed.: In addition to the reference desk, Mrs. Bertucci
stated a door is needed._for safety security in order to close the mezzanine
area. -
After a -brief discussion, a'.,motion was made by Councilman Hilligoss,.seconded by
Councilman Harberson agreeing to add the item to the agenda for the purchase and
installation of'the door as a safety measure. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was then made.by Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman Harberson to
approve the purchase and installation of the door at a cost of approximately
$432.50 with the:work to be performed by Henry Volker. Motion carried unan-
imously. Vice - Mayor Brunner advised the Council he would get a listing of the
other items and bring them back to the Council as a scheduled agenda item.
SPECIAL -CITY Recreation Director Jim Raymond advised the Council the
AQUATIC DAY proposal -was to have a community event at the Municipal ��
Swim Center for Saturday, August 14th - from 10:0.0 a.m. to
10:00 p.m. There would be, cost for participants and
he would like to:be.a.ble to.,,,award prizes . of passes for the various contests and
water activities.. The maximum loss to the City for,not charging entrance fees
to the pool would be $300. Fifty passes : f or, prizes would amount to approx-
imately- and the. drawing .for'the free family swim pass would be about $25.
A motion was made.by.'CouncilmanHilligoss, seconded by 'Councilman Harberson
approving the aquatic fun day at.the Petaluma Swim Center Saturday, August 14,
1976 and the awarding of SO free passes for prizes. Motion carried unanimously.
PUBLIC WORKS Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank
EMPLOYMENT ACT Gray asked the Council to review his memorandum of July
OF 1976 30, 1.976 regarding the local public works employment act
of 1976. The City Manager Robert Meyer indicated this
would be,one of the matters_to be discussed at the
August 9th work study session.. No action was taken..
APPROVE OUTSIDE Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank
SETTER APPLICATION Gray ..indicated the area on the wall map. At the present
1391 MT. VIEW AVE- r time, the parcel of land is not adjacent to the City Fc2--,
PATRICIA BECK,,.GW*ER limits, however the applicant, Mr. Kenner has indicated
-KI.RK KENNER, APPLICANT he will annex to the City when possible. The staff
RES #7479 NCS recommendation is to permit Mr. Kenner to the sewer
- into the City's system. There is one existing structure
on the land which is to be.torn down and a new house
built.. Mr..Ke-nner was - present in the audience and at the request of the Council
indicated he would.annex.the property to the City at the earliest possible
opportunity. - Councilman Cavanagh questioned how he. was able to get to his
property and.Mr. Kenner stated -there was a prior access easement. The present -
structure is served by 'a septic system and the intent is to extend a private
sewer line to 'the property. the conclusion of the discussion, Resolution
#7479 N.C.S. approving the application of Kirk Kenner - (Patricia Beck, Owner) for
one outside residential -sewer connection for A.P. X119= 232 -05, 1391 Mountain View
Avenue. was introduced by- Councilman.Perry, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh and
adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
N j
August 2, 1476
MODIFY' SUBDIVISION ;' Planning Director : :Ronald F. - Hall gave - the,'staf:f report
h thev
ORDINANCE' PROPERTY ;` on te::re ues;ed: located t Street
on in-the vicinity
892 WEST STREET . .for the property c n y
(DAVID .LIVIE) of'Amber Way, Lauren Street, Schuman -Lane and Paula
RES #74'8 NCS :; .` ,- Lane. -. Planning Commission Resolution Findings
of Fact, an d. recommendation of the Planning Commission'
for; the modification of the Subdivision Ordinance #10'4;6-
N. C. S'.- submitt PH and f_iled.. The request was to permit lots 2 'and 3 to have a
65 -foot width maximum- instead of the •`75 -. foot requirement in an R -1- 10,000 square
foot*. d istric ,: Lots, 2 "arid 3 would contain 8,645 square feet and-lots in the
vicinit - y are - 10,000 square feet and some are 6,500 square feet. In addition,
there are lots similar, in size to those requested by Mr.'& Mrs. Lvie. The
third :lot . in the_.Pxoposa would be 10,050-.square feet. Mr. Hall stated if the
parcel was to•.be divided. into. two parcels these lots would be approximately
15.,000 square - f -eet which would be more incompatible with the- district than'the
proposed._lot .split The Planning Commission recommended'_ the modification• be
Upon 'conclusion "of Mr;% Hall's, presentation, Resolution 97480 N.,C.S, granting
certain to: the requirements imposed by the iSubdivision Ordinance.
of this City relating to - the. premises' located on 'West Street. of David B. and
Elizabeth T.,Lve was introduced "by Councilman Perry; seconded by Councilman, .
Brunner" and _adopted ; by. 7 affirmative votes,
APPEAL = SITE .' Planning Director Ronald•Hall explained t`he reason for
PLAN REJECTION . - rejection. of the: site plan i the area calls for two
RESIDENTIAL bEV ; _ ;._ uni ts per acre and the proposal ;from lair. Sousa was to
CON TROL SYSTEM build three units acre.. The ro p.osal would .:not ,..
_rat er,
T • f
J'O1\AS SOUSA y ` ,comply with the c eria o the. Environmental Resign,
Plan. Councilman Mattei -asked if it was co . mP atible with'
'.the properties on either side. Mr. Hall indicated the
properties - which are inclose proximity are about the same lot size as proposed
by -lilt. Sousa'. '. 'The applicant indicates he has been, assured'.the proposed, site
p'la'n met every requirement of. the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Hall stated in review-
ing the text of Environmental Design Plan the slope range, which is less
than 10 percent'ori the'proposed' would be consistant.
Mr Hall advised' the'. staff's;, recommendation. would be -to .accommodate .t'he devel
- d ...
oper but'°to have, him meet with the s aff order to work out some of the dif
feulties which appear to be presented by some• conflicting ,legislat'ion Mr.
Hall also indicated there were some other' aspects about the proposal w' hich he
,. .
would: like to discuss with the developer and one is :the .length of the cul -de-
sac. : He - would prefer- to ,have two cul -de -sacs of shorter-length for-the con-
venience of public safe ty vehcles.o
g - g naric'es and :policies
There.was'some, further discussion re ardin which'Cit ordi -
had to - ,be. brought 'into conformity, and 'Mr. Hal-1••stat.ed'.there is an inconsistency
between the Zoning Ordinance and the Environmental Design Plan City Attorney..'
Matthew,.Hudson- suggested. the Council neither reject nor approve the proposal.
until these inconsistencies have been worked out and.to continue the hearing
until 'a future date..
Mayor Putnam suggested to Mr` Sousa; who was present. in the audience;, to make an
effort- to •meet ,.faith the Planning staff and . possibly'. the City Attorney in order
to resolve some of the differences and for the' application to.proceed'in an
orderly manner Letter, from Mr. Jonas .Sousa .by Humberto Sousa dated July 16.,,..
1976 regarding' the'•appeal with the City Clerk: .
Mayor` declared the. - appeal continued and asked, the principals to. meet 'with
the Planning Director in :;the near future. ;.
- -;
- -