HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11/01/1976MINUTES', OF MEETING'
R 1, 1976'
NOVE . .
The: regular meeting of the City. Council was called to
order by Mayor Helen Putnam at-, the hour of 7:35 p.m:
Present:' Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Harberson,
Hilligpss,; Perry, and Mayor Putnam:
Absent. Councilman Mattei,
The'Reverend Gary Lombardi, St. Vincent de Pawl Church,
:gave the Invocation.
A motion.was made by Councilman Perry, seconded by
Councilman..C.avanagh, to adopt the resolutions on the.
°Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously:
Agenda Item:- ��1 ..
Resolution ��7560 N. C'. S. accepting completion. of public
was a
nts - A. C. Adams West Street, opted.
improveme - .
RES #7560. NCS- .
Resolution #7561.N'.C..S..authorizing the Mayor to execute
a parcel map agreement with Barstone Corporation (Land's
:of Sambo`s) was adopted.
(SAMB'0' Sj'
- . RES " #7561 - NCS
Agenda., Item ��3
P .
. expressing . . o .,.,
Resolution y�7.562 N; C. S. ap reciation t
Nor, hbay °Savings.and:Loan.Assocation for. donation of,
` fl'ag pole .to the .City. was ..adopted.
- RES° #7562 NCS
Agenda= It #4
finding personal pr operty herein
Resolution ��7563 N`. C. S._ ���)I
named as`. surplus.; no longer required,, and' directing, the
City Manager to .dispose' of :and ; sell• -the same, was , adopted.
RES . #7563 NCS
Finance Director John Scharer reported.the results of`
the; bid opening October 29, 1976, for one offset dupli-
RES 47564 NCS
eating machine. A :memorandum dated October 29, 1976,
directed to the City get by Mr. Scharer, outlining.
the bid results and the analysis of'the bids, is file
with the City Clerk'.
Mr:. Scharer stated even
tYiougli. the bid received from Addressograpl- Multig-raph
Company was . higher than,
some .of the-other bids it was the. one- which . complied
with the,
in -.all respects, including feature's which are' not
now required.by CAL' /OSHA, but probably will, be some- time-in the near .future.
At the conclusion of Mr-. S'charer's presentation, Resolution #7564 N.C.S. award-
'ing•the contract:for one offset duplicating.machine.to. Addressograph= Multigraph
Company., 494 McCormick
San Leandr in'.the amount of $10,067.65,
introduced .by Gouncilman,.Brunner,;,,seconded b y Councilman Harberson, and adopted
by 6 affirmative: ,and ' 1,.absentee=
Chief Robert. Murphy advised' two bids had been.received:/
for. this . piece. of .equipm _nt.., to .be included , in, the:. Public bgC7
Safety- Communications " Center: Of 'tYe> two: b'i'ds, °rthe; ".ones
RES #1565 NCS
submitted Dictaphone - Corporation; South S'an Francisco,
1 -Ut"
November 1 1976 Y
AWARD. BID.> DUAL amounting to_$9,240...94; was - the:; l'ow� bid. In addition;.;.
10- CHANNEL RECO2DER } °Chief Murphg.stated� the equin.ment, is `compatible''with
REPRODUCER that`:', already ~`n use in the Po'lice'Depat -Went: Wti °ens°
questioned by'_;the 'Counc -1 'if' there, we-re suf f- icient ,funds
to :. cover the. pu'rchdset ef"`this, item,;, F ianre Drrecaor
"J ohri•'Scha'rerstated'Ya roxiatel �8S;;Q'00 �GCkhad,: been
.; estimated °t:o cover- of"equipr;�ent 'f.ti,r the :Saafety
;< .
Go imur�'cat ons Center . The cost- '•for-. p ece< of `equipment i's: �cwer than then
amount "estimted _ 'The total over`'all' expend 't res are: nara'' ver-:y closej:' toi- wif - ; : -h'Ad ,
been allocat.ed,.
At the.;,conclusion`:of the disco s on' -Resolutf'on. V5b'5k N. C;;S:...awar.d ng the, con
t.ract_ fors one new7,;�1976 YDua Channe
1;�10- l' Trans ort= ec!ore'r= R der to
ep NDicta
P R d Y , 40 �
phoneYCorporati'on, South_S'an' Franci:sto, Cal for -n 'a•, in 9,2 :,94,
was" introduced bVe."CouncIlman Perry; .secon'd'ed >bya. -Coi►'ncilman. Hill goss',, and'- adopted
by >' 6 `"af f rmat- ive�,and T' absentee' votes ,,
LETTER- =ALVAR L. z'' A�letter,_date& '1 addressed to -_the ",City
OrO LARSON RE PROPOSED, -s• Clerk by."Mr. Larson ..was,; :read and ..ordered filed
ails. >letter Mr Larsen asked'titobe'heardrat.,her' y
�6 Council;. MeetIrig „ on November 1', 19:76 .
Mr Lar -son was present'in, the and,'sp.oke,.to the ,Council.: He stated }ie
g . P Po., ,
ad, attende d' .th'e' hear n s on
h thet ro sed Animal4 Cont =rol Ordinance =r and�had�
fol lowed' itvery , close'ly:. Mr Larson was j anxious to_ :have; aYie new ordinance
enacted by the City Council,, as :lie felt the ordinance un.det.4which the Animal .
Control ='Of.f ;cers `we,re` work ng at= tYieN pres:e:nt -t me; was4_iheff cI nt b'ecause� theN
7 ,x officers do. not', have the laws necessary. to -enable them to` pe "rf`o,rm their; duties
. , .
" adequately: Mr% Larson' stated unde'r., the- p.reserit or:dinarice$;, i`t. took him' °'twg: ,
-years tg haye regarding > ,,two barkng: in hs,`:are'a handled':: " He:.,:
stated it ,was necessary for him . to ` upon, the City Attorney to resolve some .
nuisance pro blems'Yregarding: dogs;; whereas;.:,, if'the; City. had a strong' Animal
Control Ordinance, the matter could have been handled by `the .Animal; Control
Officer;: He',urged the act=ion - :to ad
op new';ordnance
w Mayor Putnam::advised "Mr: La'rson'`t efore- the' Cou'neil 'can adopt the ordinance, the
y, ft . o "f the, ro osed , :ordinance ,has';;_:tq be� resented to :the Cit. Council for"
dra ; k
P P 'P y
} their'y review': She then asked` 'the City." Attorney for: his comments:.:
C try Attorney •Matthew - Hudson advised °a p..u6r - I6 hear n•g had -been °' held> in February
of. this. year after .he`.had•J 'pared: a- draft'' Animal -Contr:ol Ordinance:'- ..A;,ndmber j
of peopae attended ,the meeting,an(f made..comments ,' , Many .of the.-comments ,made~ at. _
this first' public °liea "r- ng mere ncorporated- into a `second' draft ordinance-,, w h inch"
�wgS cooperav vely drawn up,. by himself; Chiefe. Higgins; U-4. Kohl;' and.: Animal
Control Officer -,Take Morgan. , A, second. public meeting was` -held in May At th
meeting; • morel ;'suggestj Ons. uiade`. and- '.other = �revlS.ions, were -made to „the •-
pro -:r
posed •draft -, ,Ani:ma.lG CgntkolYOrdinance The ord nancez had` not b :een ; p to
the Cr'ty Council.primari$ly because the Council was occupied with ,budget:: sessions,
r,h'ere, was.. th:e smatter,, of the; Redevelo went' Agency-' and ,Mr.. Hud '
p , son and Mr: riorgan
f.e._lt many. Of'i the°`probaems .liad :1?'eeny resoled through- .,`a =�sys.tem3 they- h'ad.'worked out -:
+o s Mr Hudson: stated Dyer. ,the summer, . he and Mr:; Morgan: had, gon barking
b -
7 etween: them., to •accomp;lish., what` most.-citizens •'wanted, i e. to uie t
c , o e to,..cour.t. .
four-, ,times,; to have- dbg's dezlared -. a[ nuis {sn`ce . The°problem_:with which Mr; .Larson_
concerned was, resolved- :;without going to, court . Mr.. Hudson. stated , although
R : hP, telt; Animal Control.; Ordinance =vt7asr mpo,r'tant; there• had been, others matters.;
wlt;��h;,he :'fela had gseateraprllor 'ty He. °t1e-City's draft or.3.n'ance� was
pattc,r= =Wed after. Sonoma" County' - ..ordinance, and he has 'learned,tlie C
:. -
swill , some:.lp:roblems -.u, the ,lie,. enforcement . of , this,, Ord nance .,:
riayor asked, if' .Chef," Murphy, has had_:' an opportunity; to ;reviCi� #• the�.ord nariee.
Cla'ef riurphy ",, iin'di' cared '.rhe, °had''receiped''a� of. t _e,= draft• or;d- inditc'e 1`as',t Taed:nes
d"ay, and at. °that times " had. 1' °earn'ed. o €' Mr ;' Larson'' &, case._, :Her- advised° h&- , will: r ='ead`
the- proposed: ord ance as- `��el "1:, asa th'e; 'Gout.ty;'',s' ordinance =, and. ,intends�-to become
involved: Mayor Putnam asked -tli'6 , City A_-7 rney -to work - the - pxoceduresw -
:out car- *h
the x staff.;, have the, o.rdirance,- ca]end'ared, as� "'soon •:asp poss ,ble,.. azd,,.:get it back
`b;etforer.ahe; -,.Council with ahe: appropriate +V publ� c;cnot�•�'ces
4 B 5 .,
November 'l,. 19:76
LETTERAFROM A' letter. dated October 25, 1976,,addressed to the Mayor f.
SUPV. McCORQUODALE, and Council members 'from Dan McCorquodale Chairman,
RE BASSA; SUIT. = -U. S. Santa Clara. County Board' ,of Supervisors, . had: been dis--
DISTRICT.COURT tributed .to all members 'of the -City Council, was not
read..by the " City 'Clerk', but is on file.
Mayor. Putnam asked Councilman Cavanagh, a "member of the -Board of Directors' of. .
BASSA; to cominent,on the 'letter received from Supervisor McCorquodale.- Council-
ran Cavanagh stated; basically the,. question raised by BASSA is: the. division of
the $4.3 million grant.given.to 'the Assocation.of Bay Area Governments under
Section 208' of: the..Water. Pollution Control Act. The :proposed expenditure by
ABAG.of these funds is 70% for water quali y, 20% for. air quality, and 10% for
solid.waste,..BASSA.contends the funds should be used _T00 %..fo`r water quality.
Councilman. Cavanagh stated. the, BASSA Board of Directors would be meeting.Novem-
ber.3, and the matter would be discussed... BASSA had allocated $10,000 for legal
fees for the suit, .arid as 'the. Agency- will no longer. exist after December 31,
1976, no further funds would'be expended. Mr. Cavanagh stated he felt even if,
BASSA would drop the suit,. there would be others-who would continue the court'
case. He further . stated -he did not feel the Council needed to take any action
on the matter.*
PETITION-- BAYWOOD The petition.received by the City Clerk 3,
DRIVE RESIDENTS:'RE 1976, to the -City Council from, the tenants' of` the
ARCO "TRUCK 'STOP Baywood Arms Apartments, 1136 .Baywood Drive, was read by
the City Clerk and ordered filed.
Community.Development and' ' .Services."Coordinator Frank
Gray advised 'the.. Council- he. had personally surveyed.the :site and found.the,
complaints- received by the Council.were justified. He.then reviewed the files
and,found the conditioris.of.the - site design review had not been met. The
s conditions of the site design review in 1968 . called for landscaping to be
installed, paving to`be.done,.fences to be erected, as "ll as other work. None
of this .has beern -ac mp ished. Mr.- Gray - also advised when he was at, the site`,
he discovered' °there was an'old bunkhouse being used for a retail sales opera-
tion. Mr. Gray indicated he then contacted Atlantic Richfield Company.and met..
with - '.Mr. Mitchell from Arco, who gave him the. following schedule:: Landscaping,
including screening, landscaping from Lakeville Highway, fericing.and low ground=
cover.lands caping,on the area to be completed by December 31, 1976. Soils
samples.will.be taken within the next .month' "and. preparations. made- for - paving on
the.site..: The paving. on .a't -ruck stop such as.this is not a minor item and the
subsurface has to be very substantial. Mr. Gray stated Atlantic Richfield - .felt
they -could not do'the- paving before the rainy.seas'on and it would be the latter..
part: of April. or ;early
in May ,before paving will be done.'
Mayor Putnam asked.that
the residents who had submitted the petition to the City
Council be advised of"the
schedule for the improvements to be made at the sub-
ject truck stop.
Resolution #7566 N.C.S. approving.-claims and bills
RES'#7566_NCS " '.
9760 - #796, inclusive, General- City -; and, X6121 - #128,
inclusive,, Water, approved for the :City
Manager; was introduced by Councilman Cavanagh, seconded
:'by Councilman Perry., and.adopted by.. -6 affirmative and 1
Absentee votes.
Assistan -t City Manager David Breninger referred to a
memorandum,dated October 25,: 1976, directed to.the Board
of.Directors of County Water Agency by Gordon /O/
W. Miller.. Copies had ,been .mailed to - the City Council;
RES 9675.67 NCS
alongo with a- letter from John Olaf Nelson, Chairman of:
November- 1, 1936 f
REQUEST °S'CWA _ '° the `Water.'AdvisoryCommit;tee: Tle: ,matter 'has to`,'do' with
CONSTRUCT ' .SYSTEM the ,water, systems• operation center for the aqueduct:.
- . 4 , ..
ADMINISTRATION` & Mr Bren tiger requested. the 'Counc `l` Vote `on adding the'
OPE °RATIONS CENTER :: matte to: ;the enda': Yh'e motion was made..,by Councilman
REST E7a56,7` NCS F, Bruni er;n, seconded by �Gouncilman ; Per.ry - add ,` the ',,.item
(Continued) ^..to th.e Agenda. Motion carried un'animously;'
C3 En veer" David. Youn re sorted .: on- .,th'e' si uation ..
y' g„ g`` p
Tyre 'aqueduct agre'eme'nt `wh3.ch .'the, C. ty h'a's entered` into; with x'th'e `Sonoma' County: "•
Water Agency - ;~..provides 'f - or - ai :` Advisory' Committee :, Mr., Young is., the C ay's
representative' .on: ahis "- Committee.; Mr ^r Young stated :rthe : Comm t•tee- had 'been=
inf`orme& last.- :month..by' :the Cl of Engin'e'er of the:Water- ='Agency; ;Mr Gordon - ,Miller,
: ..
that the _;delay;, in `the.::construction of ahe.'Operations .Center .for't'he,,. aqueduct.. has :';
continued. , so now ;t1fat ..the' Center would not-be operat•idri 'by" tli -is -- c` omi ii ,
summer. i This :delay,is going 'to result�_;iri additional' costs�of from `to--
$75' -` Mr: : Young. =s.tated - , the- Board " Dir.ec�tors - 'of, the' : :S'onoma- •'Coun'ty Water-
Ag°en'cy'lias� no't" -, given; a,,.go- ahead -on--.the ,a n' lter Stives 16ri the Water Sys! ems
Operations- Center: •The,. Board,° of Directors had selected a particular ,site or;:
theme :Center,. designed. the', facilities, 'the' ar. chi' tectura -1 :fees have' °been - 'paid;- and''
the -Board was = -'on- the verge., of ad' W ertising, the- project' for' b 4,.:but_ for one
reason- 'or-aanother- the', action• was. delayed. Mr Young -_ stated' the;; Operations' :
Center. 3 S •- a,:neces ary..part 'of` the .aqueduct .sys em: -'to insure a smooth, oper'at:3 on- .
when,�thernew intertie._is 6omp.1et,ed. Because the . 0perations' Center wi -11., not_ be
comp,leted`,-,_additional: costs':'•wliich.kwizll :be incurred. will be passed along ,to,tthe:,
aque , users!. In' the first: summe , this, could amount to $50,000. _ Mr. Young
stated.' the Ad'v- isory._ Committee is;• also' concerned• 'about: the .,reli'ab hty,' the *�
operations ",. During" the `coming °''summer; it = is Board" s intention t hire
unskilled operators who will lie supervised *by the 'ma ntenance , workers ; whreh"
could'; 4 severe ,probl'ems - .du'ring - the:; in 'tiah months',.- of :'' operat Fon-: and. develop ,,-
'meat of thesystem.
Mr. John;•Nelson: Chairman of the 'Water Advisory: Committee,; spoke; briefly 't'o; the
City Council stating they had. Ho the' new. Operations Center would. b'e completed
when the :inter "t> e p,roj;ec`t had° been <l finished• in_ ,or,,det� to coftser„ve .energy 'fo•r ° the
operation of the agued'uct ' I is the feeling; of the Advisory 'Board the 'S °onom'a;
County Board o : f Supervisors have he • thefmatter` up ,with on§* rega -rding
space requlrements;' - ' other, County facili',ties
Assistant: City Manager David Breninger suggested. a, resolut on.Ae drawn up--: urging ,'
the ° of.'Supervi`sors to - proceed with' Alternate -III fo.r' tfie".c61struct -ion of
the: -Op e' Atxons - ;. Center
At 'the -c'onclusi'on'of M the discussion; Resolution 0567"Nt C..S; , requesting'._Sonoma
County-Water, AgencyG to; construct., an Aqueduct Sysfem, and Opera -- -
tions Control' Center, was ntroduced by Councilman > - Harbers.on se'cond'ed by ='
Councilman ':Perry; . and'�ad'op :ted :by, 6 of f rmat ve� and 1' absentee votes';,'.
JOINT. SCHOOL. .- Assistant ''.City Manager David: Breninger. reported the '
COUI�ICIi. MEET -hNG Board of=� Drect_ors • of the Petaluma' Scho'oL, Di:sstrict' would'
like, to-. resume the annual. meetings.'w nth trie' City. Council .
to_ discuss ; mutual - roblems,, The; dates of November:= 29: or,
November 30 have been suggesaed, for•' a - meeting between• the' "two. a'gences : ;'' Mayor
Putnam asked. to -have the-4 ormat . for__ the, meeting . -.where, •thee meeting.,.
would - beyhFld ;, and ; :zf tn' ere..were :.sp�cific'agEnd a. >items�t discussed an'd °'noa
Just,, general t -less She, felt : somel- ;-arrancement. should . be,,worked, ou f.,or 'the'. two
agez rtes' to'. meet:_ ?4r :''Brer'i. i•geY °' nd cated.< ther.sch'oolsq wo.uld'be. "c'ontact'ed,: to:
d ea:e'rmine i +f -. t'he <r- e ;.were'sF ;eei1 items to ;b' e
SU1EwULE_,S.TUD'Y Mi " B'reninger, advisee_ a letter had ''�een received'Ocr :oV .
SESS'IOV- T :Q,DIS.'CtJS'S ; . 24� from the* Pe :taluma eop,,le- Service's,- Center; : ust : wel as--
' PFT - LUM4'h _EOP,`LE a copy'..of: their :: propgsed °budget', an'd suggested - -S -
S� sion be= scheduled for "Novembet - 22.; 1976.; - to' review ;
_ r _
PROL' ;OSE7D BLLGET & r: t..E - 3ette.r .arid' the =budge't .
November 1 1976
STATE HOUSING.ELEMENT .': Mr. . Breninger.advised a.aegislative bulletin
GUIDELINES- =REQUEST 'had -been re,ceived,regarding:.the revisions to the Housing;.
ADDITIONAL TIME TO . Element Guidelines proposed by the State Di- rector of
CONSIDER ' . Housing and Community' Development. This .legislative
RES #7568.NGS bulletin _ been: received by the City after the agenda.
for °this _:been finalized. In addition, the
City' ;s; Planning_ Director, .Ronald F. Hall, had, pr.epare'd a
memorandum directed to'. the City. Manager, copies; -'_of which had. be.en_, submitted ,: -to
the.0 ty. Council, regarding :tli'e revisions:. _ Both the legislat -ive bulletin ah'd'a.
copy of the memorandum.;are on file with the City Clerk.
Mr. Breninger stated some guidelines are being proposed by the.' administrative
staff of the: Housing:'and Community. Development..Division of 'the. State of Cali-
fornia,..and the, League', s:,B.ul let -in outlines:.the scheduling for the hearings and
the implementation of,- ,these regulations. The first hearing the'Council would be.
able to attend -.is November 8 in San written comments must be
received.by.the..Department - of Housing.and..Community Development prior to 5:00
p.m: on November. 15. 'The implementation of the, regulations is.- scheduled for
December -10. Mr. Breninger suggested-the-Council may want to -ask the Department
of Housing and Community.Developmen -t to allow additional time for consideration
of the proposed guidelines. He -then asked 'the .City 'Attorney comment on the
City Attorney. Matthew Hudson reviewed _the� League! s Bulletin. and st'ated:he felt
the.State Director of Housing.and Comm unity•Development .was a=role
which should lie with 'the State_ Legislature. The! guidelines also propp.se,.man-
dates each city must alleviate identified need.and remedy,the; housing problem,
however,, no_par,tnership' role. or responsibility would' be assumed by the Federal
or State '.government Tl'e League' bulletin ` feels the State Director of, Housing.
and'Comminity Development is going.outside his authority by issuing these
guidelines and-the League is of the opinion insufficient time has been allowed
for review and. , comment .
A motion was made by, "Coun'cilman.Harberson seconded.by Councilman Hilligoss
to add the i em- regarding the Housing - _Element to the Agenda. Motion carried
Mayor Putnam suggested and it was. the consensus-of the Council, a resolution be
prepared 'requesting additional- time'fo the'-proposed. guidelines. She
further suggested th .City 'should' be represented at the ehearing. on. November 8` by '
a member of the staff and an elected official.
As.sistant.City Manager David Breninger said the City of Petaluma is probably in
abetter. position than California.ci.ties, because it has"adop.ted a very
good Housing,.Element:,.but other communities and counties may not be in that same
position and should have' ample time to review the guidelines.
Resolution #756,8 N requesting additional .time to.consider.the proposed
guidelines" regardinng the State Housing Element was introduced . by Councilman
Harberson, seconded by Councilman Hilligoss, and ado'ted'by 6 affirmative and 1
absentee votes. The resolution asked for an extension of time for comment on
the. proposed .� r l egulations, and to change the,. proposed date for promulgation of
said regulations to a time not - earlier than March 1, 1977.
DELEGATES NATIONAL Resolution. #7569 N:.C.S. appointing Mayor Helen Putnam asF�j59
LEAGUE OF CITIES voting. representative - of the <Ckty Council of the City of
CONFERENCE -- Petaluma and appointing Vice-Mayor Robe;rt A. Brunner. as
NOVEMBER 28:TO alternate voting representative at the 52nd Annual
DECEMBER 1,, 1976 Congress of- Cities.was int:r.o.duced by Councilman Cavanagh,.
RES" ��7569 NCS seconded'by Councilman 'Harbersor., , and, adopted by 6
affirmative and 1:absentee votes.
November''JL, 19 .6
' PUBLICNOTICE- -CORPS City Engneer.,Da�d Young - -advise :d the,.C'ouricil'tle- notice
OF..ENGINEERS�RE is a, routine, notice submitte'd`'by the San Francisco
MINI- WAREHOUSE, " District Corps of'. `Engineers ., It' had ''originally been``
PETROLEUM AVENUE - .. issued in-August, of 1976; however, not
(J A4. ComBS)` . made „to- all., concerned 'partiesv,: and. the • is �.aga n ,
distributing..the ' noti:ce at this time:. Mr. Young stated,:
the only, 'comment he would have. would be" that' Mr.. Comb's
should submit design. calculations: • to. 2 the .,Sonoma County„
Water: Agency. ;to have'=the' size of. the culvert• hydrauli -`•
cally ver f ed.:by the': Sonoma- County,Water Agency.
GENERAL - REPORT Fire., Chief Joseph' Ellwood reminded. - . Council.', some time =.
FIREWORKS , ago they had "received a fetter from•the•Sonoma '.County
Fire°Chief's .Inc. asking communities in Sonoma.County'to ban
the sale.. of- 'fireworks:.' ChieffEllwood s'tated.,.he,.was_.
directed to prepare a report on =, the� ='and: had--done
so'. , Oc , —r 28'°` 197,6 A ,co of. the -let--ter- and =
report 'from Chief °submit.ted and—filed
Chief : - Ellwood stated °h' ..contacted he- :State' "Fire, Marshal's'._Off c'e...to: deter-
mirie`'whether� or-$ not. -leg slab on '•was being: °propos'ed" to <. ban "' the'- sale: of fireworks
in th' "S'tate This. is riot�beii g proposed` at'this time,
A gene °ral di'scus-sion: followed and, Vice- Mayor Brunner stat'ed`he felt by setting
an.- age; limit - of "18 years = ;to- 'purch'ase�-.firework's'. would only -add'. another � law:' which
would', not been• forceable. - as :'agencies`•were - -'able "to• :sale: -of'
c gar:ettes...ora alcoholic bevera'ge's to•' minors. Chief".Ellwoo'& suggested .''stress°
should, be put ::on: educational. programsofA the dangers. of ""safe -. and sane.",' f=ire_-
works ;' He recommended the Council take no-action. until the—State has' again. .
p F sane 'fireworks and` the' 'ages 1 =unit' f.ori
r reviewed° the `matter regarding safe and
sellin fireworks
A- motion to =table the matter was'mad'e by Councilman. Brunner,, se_conded,by Council-
man Cavanagh,, and.. adopted-` by 6" afff ma'tive and: 1 absentee. votes'.
;Mr,. Don Pe` tro: addressed- thei: Council ,stating,; he,' was .in, the- fireworks business 'and:
wanted;.;ihe.,:Council to - know, the engaged.3in'•t1ie. al "e of, fireworks' had,.
advertised ; for caution in,,the,'use.,of fireworks,. 'articles_,had appeared in; th&
paper .written: by,; the. Fire :Marshal, an:d `the Police!•Department:, h fertA, efforts
were be ng;- `to educate the public in , safe. -use. of fireworks..
AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE Community: Development and.Services Coordinator.F.rank
FOR 701x: PLANNING Gray reminded the Council , they had' cons.ider,ed` the' City'
O GRAINY application for a ..701_ Planning, Grant to study the;,
7570 N S effects of, wastewater reclamation 'and the general..and,
., r -
- .specific plan implementations on Retaluma.and " its
environs,.' . The Council, .indicated the y,. were in favor of
applying for. the funds They . asked "Mr.. Gray and', then City -:Manager to'- report - back
to them. where the City's portion: of the funds would be .'availalile. and .type
of sere 'ces. -the :'City, would provide. The recommendation, f the -•g'r.-ant i's.... approved
is 'to have. $'8;000` in . cash taken from the: Sewer Fund' -and. com�a;t' the; .City~ to
$2, 00 0' .in, in -kind staff services' $20; 000`would be .granted:. by "the 'State,.
Resolution 4'7570: N'C:S. authorizing expenditure - for 701 Planning Grant,was n,
intr.oduced'by- Councilman Harberson , Hill "igoss,' and
ad opte'd' : -b y'- 6.., of °firmative'' and 1 abs entee - votes.
STATUS`- 1975`- 7,6 .. ` . Community' Development and Service`s Coo.r.dinator Frank`
H.OUSZNG;& COiL'f[JIyITY Gray advsedb `the, Council; h'ad app l`ed�.for`Hou'sing; and`.
DEVELOP-GRANT . Community.; Development. Act . funds - f:or_ two'- projects:; tti'e
REQUEST -' firs being site 'ti_acquis 't on'for:-Senior Citizens _ Hous'ing ;
Projects, and .the .second to begin_ hous:i-ng,,�.rehabili a,t -ion,
and' make .property' owners ,within - the City eligibles for
- - - ._ _
November. 1, 1976
STATUS -- 1976 =7:6
available State funds to aid.them in.rehabilitating
their homes. Mr. Gray stated all of funds, with the
exception of $50, i.e., $156,000 have been approved.
The availability of these,.funds will permit the City
Council to contract with the Petaluma Community Develop -
ment Commission to carry:forward two programs.
Ordinance #1230 N.C.S. extending ,time for abatement of
certain signs.-and outdoor advertising structures was
introduced by Councilman Perry, seconded by Councilman .
Brunner., and ordered published by 6 affirmative and 1
absentee votes.
ORD #1230 ,NCS -,:
The meeting was adjourned at 9.13 p.m. to an Executive
Session, an&.to November '8, 1976, at 7:30 p.m.
Citya 1 erk