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December 11, 1973
Council Meeting
Adjourned meeting of the City Council of the
City of Petaluma was called to order by Vice -
Mayor Cavanagh, Jr., at the.hour of 7 :30 o'clock
Present: Councilmen Brunner, *Daly, Harberson,
Mattei, Perry, Jr.., and Vice -Mayor
Cavanagh, Jr.
Absent: Mayor Putnam.
*Councilman Daly arrived at 7:40.o'clock p.m.
Meeting -- Russian
City Manager Robert Meyer announced that a 3O b
River`to Cotati
meeting will be held in Santa Rosa by the _ --
Inter- tie'Project
Sonoma County Water Agency on December 17, 1973,
at 10:00 o'clock a.m. with all prime contractors
and.appropriate representatives involved to re-
view the Russian River,to Cotati Inter -tie
Project status, to discuss revenue bond financing
and to review the revised contract. Mr. Meyer
suggested that representatives of.the Water Com-
mission, Council, and staff attend the meeting..
Vice -Mayor Cavanagh stated that Councilman Daly
will-be asked.to.represent the Council.
A public hearing will be held at 7 :00 o'clock
p.m.. - on January 7, 1974, by the Board of Direc-
tors of the Sonoma_ County Water Agency on the
Inter -tie Project draft Environmental Impact
Report. Because of a conflicting Council meeting
on that date, it was suggested that the Water
Commission members attend the hearing.
If the project is approved by the Board, then
the formal contract will be formulated by the
Sonoma County Water Agency on January 9, 1974.
Environmental City Manager Robert'Meyer also announced that a
Protection Agency meeting will be held at Hotel Claremont, Oakland,
Workshop at :00 - p.m. on Monday-, January 17, 1974, by the
Association:of Bay Area Governments and Metro-
politan Transportation Commission.in cooperation
with the League-,of California Cities., This will
be-a workshop.on-the Environmental Protection
Agency transportation.regulations. Councilman
Harberson - delegated to attend the meeting
with appropriate- staf f members.
City Attorney Robert reported that the Environ-
mental Protection Agency delayed enforcement of
the'Transportation Control regulations for one
Year. He further stated that a meeting of all
City Attorneys by the League of
" California Cities will'•be held in Los An
on December 13, 1973, to discuss the Environmental
Protection Agency problems.
Promotion of City Attorney Robert informed the Council that bad
Bond Issues, no public with the exception of preparing
and printing an argument in favor of the ballot
measures, can be expended to promote the Library
December 11, 1973
Promotion of
and Park Bond issues. In ,expaftdling on,:this
.Bond Issues -
statement,. he stated that donated funds can be
administered or,..used,,.. but . public ' funds cannot
be used for •mailings, advertising,. etc. Informer-
tion.,may be furnished to citizens, groups, com-
mittees, etc. 'from. available material,, but' no
material can be- created on the 'bond issues from
public funds. In discussing the matter,, Mr..
Robert continued.by saying that personnel may
make,public appearances and presentations only
on-of f =' duty time, ' but . that members 'of the
Library Board and the Recreation, Music, and
Parks Commission may make presentations' anytime.
-as there are n-d public funds involved.. Upon..
conclusion, Mr. Robert emphasized the,point
that.except.for' the preparation printing of
the argument,,, no,public funds. or on -duty staff..
time can be expended for the bond election.,
Resolution #6472 authorizing the City
l�r and Youngberg:
Manager to execute an agreement with Stone and
Re s , #6472 NCS �-
You_ ngberg, Municipal Financial Consultants,
re Park and Recreation. and Library •Bond. was ,
introduced by. Councilman Cavanagh.,. Jr.,, seconded
by Councilman Harbe.r:son,, arid.'ado by ,6.af=
firmative. votes, 1 absentee.
A motion ways made,.by Councilman - Perry, Jr.,
and seconded by Councilman Harbersoh
a .resolution regarding the Library and Park
Bond is =sues. Motion carried unanimously.
f - Library and Park-
,i Bond Election.
Resolution #6473. N.C.S..determin - nq that the
public n:ter-.est and necessity demand the acquisi-
Res. _ 46473 -,NCS
tion, ,,,construction,, and completion by 'the City
of Petaluma of each, of the following municipal
improvements - to wit,: (A) New central library
and ( B) pa rk and rec- reation improvements; and
that the cost of said mun'icip'al improvements,
and each of them,, will requir an ex
greater than.the amount allowed therefor by the
annual. tax .levy;, introduced by Councilman
Harberson, seconded, by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,
and -adopted by affirmative vo "tes 1 absentee...
f Library and Park
Ordinance #1121 N..C.S. calling a special muni-
Bond. Election,
cipal bond- election, in the City- of Petaluma for
Ord_ #1121 NGS
the •purpose, of - submitting to the electors of
said..City. the - .measures of incurring a' bonded.
indebtedness, o said, City for the acquisition,
construction.., and - comp,letion of 'the' following
miunic,ipal improvements,, to wit.., (.A). New central
library`; and" (,B) park and recreation, improvements;
declaring the ,estimated cost of. said municipal,
improvements -, and each of them, the amount 'bf
the pr`nc ,pal,of said indebtedness to be incurred
-therefor', and.. the maximum, rate of interest.to be
paid thereon:; ,-making 'provisonis° for the levy - and
collection of taxes; fixing the :date of said
election and the manner of holdig the same
and pro;vid^ ng for hotic.q thereo'f',; was introduced
by Counc'ilman,.Harberson; seconded by Councilman.
•Cavanagh,._Jr.,.and ordered published by 6 affirma-
tive votes, .1 ,absentee.,
December -11, 1973
Bond Issues--,
Tax "Rate
Board Ratings.
Mr. Zelles of Stone 'and Youngberg,' City's
__nanc al consultants; reported that the estimated
tax rate ..increase for the Library and Parks Bond
- issues been refined and it appears that it
will average 20� to 21G per $100 assessed valuation.
For-Council information, City.Manager Robert J V
Meyer reviewed -the procedure used _last year of
hearing- the- applicants' appeals of the Residen-
tial Development Evaluation Board's ratings.
To establish a procedure, the following points
were clarified relating to Resolution #6393
N*revising and "updating the'Residential
Development System for the City of•Petaluma:
. "No single developer.shall in any one year be
issued a development allotment for dwelling
units in excess of.a number to be established
by resolution of the City Council."
- Discussion followed on the question of limiting
one allotment to, a developer or to a development.
It was concluded to accept the Section as stipu -,
lated and•a motion was by Councilman Perry,
Jr., and.seconded by 'Councilman Harberson, that
no more than•one.hundred units -be awarded to
one developer Motion carried unanimously.
"The City Council shall eliminate from considers-
tion development -which has not been assigned
a- minimum of twenty -five points under Section
V- B.here-in.or a- -.minimum of fifty points under
Section V -C."
It was concluded that applicant not receiving
twenty -five points after appealing Criteria B,
no further - consideration will be given to the
Consideration of a•date to hear the appeals by
the Council was.discussed next. Senior Planner
Fran Gray ur•ged'the Council to move as quickly
as .possible for'the benefit!of the developers'
construction cycle,. Mrs: Patricia Hilligoss,
member of the Residential Development Evaluation
Board, appeared before the Council stating that
the Board .worked Very hard, on the ratings and
it.was her _Understa'nd ng that the Council was-
going to award.:allotments during the first part
o f�' January:
-" Upon ..completion of 'the deliberation,, a motion
^. was made by Councilman Dalyland seconded by
Councilman Perry;" Jr-., that'the appeals hearing
be .held 'by . the Council at 4 :i00 o'clock p.m. on
Wednesday, January 23, 1974. Motion carried
December 11, 1973
Residential I,t .:was .also decided that wr- it_ten appeals_ ar.e. to
Development. be submitted:by.the, applicants to the City
i Eval,uat'ion Clerk's. Office; on or:. before 5 :00 o' c'lo.ck .p..:m°..
Board .:- Ratings - on .Thursday., Januarys.•10, 1974, . and-the-allotments
(continued) will' be ' awarded at 1:H •o' clock., p.m. __,on.. January 28,
1'9 7 4.
4 '
I•t:was, agreed- that.the results will be based on
to :simple majority vote of the Council.
It was decided that appealing applicant with
the lowest number.of'.points will be heard.first'
and then "continuing to' the applicant ' with .the
next highest points.
S °ECTION VI -h and` VI -C:
City Manager-Robert Meyer reviewed -a recap of
1972 -73 and.1973 -74 construction allotments and
the disposition.'of the-construction. Copy of
"Disposition of D "evelopment Al•lotmen -ts,," su ; b-
mitted.and filed. It was agreed that further
discussion was r.equired.to determine Council
action'when a developer..fa;ls to initiate con-
struct'on .within six months of: a .building per=mit
pursuant to - a development allotment ('Section VI -B')
and 'to ,determine rescinding .action should. -a
developer fail to carry out fully the develop -
ment- (Section VI -C).
Other points raised-by the City Manager for Council
consideration at a later time and before award of
allotments were: What to do with the,s'ixty -five'
units_ available from the'. west :side 1:973 -74 allot-
ment and the twelve units t- were allotted but
withdrawn by;-an applican't., and whether these units
could be given to developers who have, received
an allotment but still need a. :small number of
units to fully complete their projects. Consider
the possib lLty of -dividing the east side into
three areas for awarding allotments - -the, .north-
e a st area., which would cover the area from East
Washington 'Str'eet north,; the central -east area
which would cover the area from East Washngton.
Street -to Caulfield .Lane; and, the., southea.'st area
which would cover the - area from Caulfield Lane to
Lakeville Highway. r-
'Some discussion, followed on the, question of
annexation, and it wa:s.pointed out that the
. Planning 'Department does not process any annexa-
ton application unless: an allotment has been
awarded to the developer.. _
Councilman Daly.requested that the. developments
be 'identified- at the January 23, 1914, hearing
whether. located inside or outside of-the City.
December 11, 1973
Res'idential.- iCouncilman. Brunner pointed out that the-applicant
Development- with the highest number of points is not guaranteed.
Evaluation zoning -or annexation for the project, but must
Board .Rat'i-rigs _ follow through" with the regular procedure.
- (continued) =
The City Attorney.stated that those applicants
appealing before the Residential Development
Evaluation Board and wish to further.appeal
before the.Council ar-e required to submit in
written form an appeal in reasonable detail
of the specific..criteria points involved, as
well as setting forth the reasons therefor.
Adjournment There -being no - further business to come before
the Council -, the meeting was adjourned at 8 :55
o'clock'p.m.. to an executive session and to a
joint study session with the Planning Commission
for discussion of disclosure statements.
�a 42,
Attest:; .
. y- Cler