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March 25, 1974
Council Meeting Adjourned meeting of the City Council of the
City of Petaluma was called to order by
Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7:35 o'clock p.m.
Attendance Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr., Daly,
*Harberson, Mattei, *Perry, Jr., and
Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
*Councilman Harberson arrived at 7:55 o'clock
p.m. and Councilman Perry, Jr., arrived at
8:25 o'clock p.m.
CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr., and seconded by Councilman Daly adopting
the Consent Calendar, Agenda Items #1 through
#4. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #1 Resolution #344 of the Sonoma County Local
North Petaluma Agency Formation Commission making deter- 66
Annexation #6 minations and conditionally approving the
Res #6566 NCS proposed annexation of territory designated
as "North Petaluma Annexation #6" to the
City of Petaluma, submitted and filed.
Resolution #6566 N.C.S. adopted setting time
and place.for hearing protests to the pro -
posed annexation of territory designated as
"North Petaluma Annexation #6" to the City
of Petaluma (Wojciechowski).
Agenda Item #2
Library Services
and Construction
Res #6567 NCS
Resolution #6567 N.C.S. adopted authorizing
the Mayor to apply for funds under the State
Library Services and Construction Act.
Agenda Item #3 Resolution #6568 N.C.S. adopted authorizing 1 f -V
Permit - -BCDC the Mayor to execute on behalf of the City
Res #6568 NCS of Petaluma an application for permit from
the San Francisco Bay Conservation and
Development - Commission (for Water Pollution
Control Facilities, Project 1972).
Agenda Item #4 Ordinance #1032 N.C.S. amending Title 9 of
Re-Amending Dog the Petaluma Municipal Code to regulate and
Ordinance license dogs, to establish methods of set -
Ord #1432 NCS ting certain fees, and to establish minimum
fine for violation was ordered published.
Water Pollution Re-- contract signed with Yoder, Trotter, L 19_7
Control Facilities, Orlob, and Associates to perform consulting
Project 1972 -- engineering services for the Water Pollution
Engineering Contract Control Facilities Project, 1972, and the
matter of those employees who acted as the
sanitary engineering .team resigning from the
City Manager Robert Meyer explained to the
Council that there was a question whether or
not.there would be a possibility of terminating
the City's contract with Yoder, Trotter,
Orlob and Associates, but he informed the
March 25, 1974
Water Pollution
Council that Director of Public Works David
Control Facilities,
Young has recommended retaining the firm for
Project 1972 --
the present time as the City's project
Engineering Contract
engineer. Mr. Young further explained that
this recommendation was made because of the
project administrative involvement between
the project engineer, Y.T.O. and Associates,
and the.C.ity's contractor, Granite Construction
Company., In addition, he pointed out that
the construction phase of the project now
involves electrical and mechanical construc-
tion engineering. as well as the routine
facets of the normal_ civil engineering
construction and,the project engineer (Y..T.O.
and Associates.) still retains the electrical
and architectural engineering capabilities.
He added that the sanitary design engineering
phase of the project: is largely completed.
Council concurred with the recommendation.
South Sonoma /North In the.area of, the Wastewater Management
Marin Subregional
Planning Program for the South Sonoma /North
Sewerage Plan
Marin region and the City's Joint Powers
Agreement.relationship. with the Novato
Sanitation'District, it was Director of
Public Works David Youn.g',s recommendation to
the City Council that the Novato Sanitation
District be urged to.retain'the services of
Carl Yoder, Robert Whitley, and Max Burchette
in the development of the engineering consor-
tium.to handle the overview report involving
wastewater reclamation in Sonoma County- -
.i.e., the proposed.Tolay Lake alternative
involving,the City of Santa Rosa as well as
Petaluma and the Sonoma Valley.
Following a brief discussion,, "it was the
consensus of the .Council that there was no
objection to the recommendation a -nd Mr.
Young was asked to convey the Council's
City Manager Robert Meyer stated. that the
Conflict of
Governmental Conflrt of .Interest Law forms
Interest Law
from the'.League of California Cities have
been distributed to the Mayor and. Council,
. .,Commission members, the:Director of
Community Development, and to the City
Manager to be completed by Apr.i.1.30, 1974.
City Attorney. Robert urged the Council to
r.ead.the material provided and to complete
the statement as soon as possible before the
deadline date. ' The Council members were
asked to contact the City Attorney for any
questions.regarding the matter.-
In re.sponse.to.Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.'s
question, -the City Attorney explained that
no. other City officials are required to file
a statement unless individual cities adopt
legislation providing.such a r.equirement..
It was his opinion that an ordinance would
be,more effective than a resolution and that
it is too late this year to adopt such
legislation and meet: the April 30th deadline.
He also indicated that Councilman.Ma.ttei's
suggestion to issue a directive requiring
other City staff members to file a statement
would be in conflict with_ the City Charter.
March 25, 1974
Governmental Considerable discussion followed and it was
Conflict of Councilman Mattei's feeling that those who
Interest Law have any 'influence and input into policy
(continued) making or guidance and suggestions for the
Council to make a decision should be required
to file a statement. Upon conclusion of the
deliberation, the City Manager indicated
that such legislation would be proposed next
Re Additional
Planning Commission Resolution #8 -74 that 306(--
Water -- Sonoma
the Water Commission of the City of Petaluma
County Water
has recommended to the City Council that the
Sonoma County Water Agency construct facilities
Res #6569 NCS
so as to provide water for the City of
Petaluma in the amount of 17 million gallons
per day and after holding a public hearing,
the Planning Commission advises that this
amount of water will provide sufficient
supply for the projected population growth
of the City of Petaluma that is in concert
with its General Plan or 'a population of
77,000, and further that the Planning Commis-
sion finds that the growth inducing impact
of an entitlement of 17 MGD from the Sonoma
County Water Agency is in accord with the
City's projected population growth as en-
visioned by the City of Petaluma's General
Plan, submitted and filed.
Planning Commission minutes of March 19,
1974, submitted and filed.
In reviewing the proposed resolution for
Council action, Councilman Mattei suggested
that "through the year 1985" not be specified,
but "or a population of 77,000" be stipulated.
After some discussion and with the consent
of the introducing and seconding Councilmen,
the change was approved.
Councilman Harberson stated that he will
vote against resolution as it was his
opinion the 17 MGD entitlement will have a
very significant impact on the City.
Mayor Putnam opened the meeting to a public
hearing and asked for comments from the
public. In response to a question from Bob
Wells of the Press Democrat, it was indicated
to him that it would be difficult to know
whether or not the Sonoma County Water
Agency would be able to supply the water
request if the Warms Springs Dam is not
As there were no other comments, the public
hearing was closed and Resolution #6569
N.C.S. of findings on the effect of contracting
for additional water was introduced by
Councilman Daly, seconded by Councilman
Mattei, and adopted by 6 affirmative and 1
negative votes. Councilman Harberson voted
March 25, 1974
Re Additional A motion was made by Councilman Daly and
Water -- Sonoma seconded by Councilman Perry, Jr., directing
County Water that_a.,letter be written to the Sonoma
Agency County.water Agency requesting Petaluma be,
Res #6.569 NCS entitled to the 17 MGD and that the 17 MGD
(continued)... entitlement be delivered to the City of
Petaluma. Mo,tion.carried by 7 affirmative
votes`... _.
Agenda A motion was made by Councilman Perry, Jr.,
and seconded by Councilman Harberson: to add
to the.agenda,an. item regarding a permit
with. the State .Land's Division. Motion
carried unanimously.
Permit - -State Resolution #6570 authorizing the
Lands Division Mayor to execute.a permit with the State
Res #6570 NCS Lands.Division.(for - the Water Pollution
Control Facilities Project 1972) was intro-
duped by Councilman Matte seconded by
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,'and adopted by 7
affirmative votes.
Adjournment There being no further business to come
before the..Co:uncil., the meeting was ad-
journed a -t -.8:45 o'.clock p.m. to a study
session and an_execut ve session.
City lC'lerk