HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/20/1972I MINUTES OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA March 2 0 ,. 197.2 Council Meeting Regu -lar meeting of,.the Council of the City of Petaluma was called to order by Mayor Putnam at the hour 7:30 o'clock p.m. Attendance Present: Councilmen Brunner *, Cavanagh, Jr., Clecak,'Mattei, Perry, Jr., and Mayor Putnam., Absent: Councilman Daly. *Councilman.Brunner arrived at 7:40 o'clock P.m. Invocation The invocation was given by the Reverend Robert Edwards, Evangelical Free Church. Approval of The minutes of February.28,.1972, February Minutes 29,-1972, March 6, 1972, and March 13, 1972, were approved as recorded. Annual Fair Letter, dated March.12, 1972, from James Parade Carney of Rancho Riders, Inc., and Chairman of the Petaluma. Fair - Parade, .listing the tentative budget for the Sonoma -Marin Fair Parade for 1972, read and filed. Joe and Agnes Letter, dated March 13, 1972, from Joe and McGillvra Agnes McGillvra that as -they approach the Res #600'2 NCS end of their ownership of-radio station KTOB, they would like to thank the Mayor, City Council., and all the department heads for their cooperation, read and filed. Resolution #600.2 N.C.S. of appreciation and commendation addressed to Joe and Agnes McGillvra. was introduced by Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., and adopted by 6.a,ffirmative votes, one absentee. HR 9993 and HR 9994 Petaluma Chamber of.Commerce Resolution #14 opposing the passage of ; HR 999,3 and HR 9994 (Bills to amend the Communication Act of. 1934) . in their present form. The.Mayor indicated to Mr. B. A. Shannon, General Manager.of the Chamber . of - Commerce, that the subject Bills will become.part of a file for matters to be considered, for appro- priate action. Mr- Carney was present. on behalf of the organization's request- for $400 to help defray. costs f'or cash awards and the - bands. Assistant City Manager John Nolan reported to the.Counci1 that approximately $400 was expended for City.services last year. Dis- cussion followed,on the matter and it was agreed by the.Council that further informa- tion.`was needed relative to possible con- tribution from other sources. The Mayor indicated that this information will be obtained and analyzed immediately and Mr. Carney"l. ill be contacted as soon as possible thereafter. Joe and Agnes Letter, dated March 13, 1972, from Joe and McGillvra Agnes McGillvra that as -they approach the Res #600'2 NCS end of their ownership of-radio station KTOB, they would like to thank the Mayor, City Council., and all the department heads for their cooperation, read and filed. Resolution #600.2 N.C.S. of appreciation and commendation addressed to Joe and Agnes McGillvra. was introduced by Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., and adopted by 6.a,ffirmative votes, one absentee. HR 9993 and HR 9994 Petaluma Chamber of.Commerce Resolution #14 opposing the passage of ; HR 999,3 and HR 9994 (Bills to amend the Communication Act of. 1934) . in their present form. The.Mayor indicated to Mr. B. A. Shannon, General Manager.of the Chamber . of - Commerce, that the subject Bills will become.part of a file for matters to be considered, for appro- priate action. 30 March 20, 1972:�r Pollution Petaluma Chamber of•Commerce,Resolution #15 Initiative opposing the passage of the "Pollution `</ Initiative" and urging that.vote reject the Initiative, . submitted and ,filed . This was also.ref'erred to the.f le for matters to be for appropriate action. Environmental. Letter, dated March 8, 1972 from C. Lawrence Des gn',Plan / - .Andrew, Executi.ve,Officer,- Sonoma County Local Agency Formation Commission, supporting the City of. Petaluma's-proposed Environmental Design -P -lan and recommending , certain state - ments.'be included in`the final text.of the Plan, submitted and filed. Bay.Area 'Air Letter, dated March 3, 1972, from D. J:. Pollution Control. Callaghan, Air Pollution Control Officer, bis'tr ct ^'`` Bay Area Air Poll ution.Control, District, with draft 'of an amendment to Regulation 2 of the.Say °.Area..Air Pollution Control District read and filed. 'The amendment requires that . _ permits to co .and operate any new or expanding.facility that omits air contaminants must be secured from'the'distric -t... Mr. Callaghan further stated in'his ::lett&r that wr'it-ten' comments regarding the, amendment are to be forwarded - -to th&,District not later than April 1, 1972 ;..and that a p:ubl hearing will be held , on May , 3 , 1.972 , wit=h the po'ssi- bility of a special meeting to be arranged if necessary, Opinion, .dated March 16, 1.972', to City' Manager "Robert Meyer..fr.om City Attorney Robert ?stating that . in his opinion. the amendment is extremely broad and should be limited to industrial and commercial °matters, and that'the language contradictory,, sub - m tted and - filed. Memo dated March 2 1972, to the City Council.-from City Manager Robert: Meyer comment,in,g on the: amendment and suggesting that the 'Council strongly appose. said amend- ment, "submitted and filed. Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., reported that the same 'basic concerns regarding the :broadness of the regulation were expr;es,sed at the A.BAG Executive Se °ssion last week. After so d iscussio n the City - City Attorney, and City Engineer were directed to forward a l:e_tte:r to the Bay Area Air, Pollution Control .-District on behalf o.f the Council of the concerns ,expressed 'relative to the broad- ness and the ihte "rpreta.tibn. o.f the- amendment. The s:taf was also directed to contact Mr. Gerald,Poznano•vich., Santa Rosa City Councilman and Sonoma :County "Repre'sentati.ve o the Bay Area Air Pollution Control District, for his views on th:e matter. Cambridge- Square ( Letter,. dated March 10., 1972 .from Mr. Robert ��. C. Burnstein, at representing Valley Green Company, requesting that :the Planning Comm'ssion'_be nstructed,to h ave their applica- tion fo,r rezoning of Cambridge .Square placed. upon its,,agen'd•a, read and filed. /, 31 March 20, 1972 Cambridge Square Planning Dir-ector.McGivern `informed the Council (Continued) that said rezoning application will be pre- sented at the Planning Commission meeting Tuesday night together with a number of re- zoning applications ...for.consideration of,a priority list.of.public hearing dates on.the var ious applications.. Petaluma River Letter,'dated March 6, 1972, to City Manager Maintenance Robert• :froiim.- Colonel Charles Roberts, Dredging 1972 District Engine'er,.,Department of the Army, San Francisco District Corps of Engineers, that if. the ,commitments outl -ined . with regard 3 � _ to . the proposed Petaluma River maintenance dredging- cannot.be met by the specified dates ,.the.pro;posed..,maintenance dredging. will have,. to be postponed indefinitely; Aft which'event, the.funds would be transferred to other works for-this fiscal year, read and filed. Director of Public Works David Young again. explained to the,Co:uncil the critical prob- lem •invo.lv,ed. •� The ."owners. of the spoils sites insist.'thatt the dredging materials be deposited on the land before the,end of - May; however,,,.- Colonel Roberts states. that it.is the.practic.e of the Corps not to dredge prior to the end of 'the 'rainy. season. The Corps.also needs -a commitment that.the lands b�e. avai.labl,e for disposal through September-1 .Mr -= .Young pointed . ou't that this cannot be..done' because, of the deadline date imposed by the-p'rope'rty owners,, • He proposed,exploring the idea of a long -term lease -or o.utr.ght of land fora future spoils . sit'e. Mayor Putnam reported that.. she' discussed with Colonel Roberts matter:of acceler- ati <iig nor . changiing.. the, schedule and also w th' one of the. land owner' regarding the, possibility of 'a change in the agreement. - A much.. concern was expressed.; . there appears to be no change. She continued by..;saying Ghat Supervisor 'Joerger has been requested to. meet with the staff in an effort to explore all,poss.ibilities of.reaching a solution on -a ,short "range and a long range basis_ Mr. Young-was asked to keep the Council informed on. the matter. Clean Water Notice,-dated-March-13,1972, from the State Grants Division of Water Quality Control, apprising ` agencies seeking clean water grants of the impact on the.Clean Water Grant Program of In-teragenc:y.Agreement entered .into on .June 7, 1971., by the. Environmental Protection Agency and the -u. S bepartment, of . Housing and Urban Development, submitted and filed:. Notice, .dated March 3, 19.72, ,from the State Division of Water, Quality ,Control with a list of , e•xemptions_ effective January 26, 1972, reflecting,_changes in the.1971- amend- ments of the Economic, Stabilization Act, submit ed and. filed..., Mr. Young poi,nted.out..to the Council that a correction letter is being sent from the eJ Z March 20, 1972 Clean Water State :to indicate that ABAG is certified Grants by HUD to review sewer.and. water elements. (Continued) Claims and.Bills Resolution No. 6003 N.C..S. approving claims Res-#6001 NCS and,bills.Nos. 5029 to 5153 inclusive and Nos 1065 , tc. IH9 inclusive; approved for Payment by.the City Manager, was introduced by Councilman Mattei,.seconded_by Council - man- Clecak, and adopted by 6 affirmative votes, I'absentee. Study Sessions, Assistant City Manager John Nolan .reminded the Council. of the ..s.tudy session . to be held oh ' March 22, 1972, at 4:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of meeting with developers and builders.. It was .:agreed .by , the Council to hold a study session on Tuesday I , March 2;8, 1972; at 4 :00 o'clock p.m. to review -the.Downtown. Parking District Plan regarding parking meters Certificates to: Mayor.Putnam- assisted by Stan LeSieur, Vincent -V.iat -` &,. Water Pollution Control Plant Superintendent, Joseph Montgomery,, presented certificates to the - following Rolf E. Schu employees: Certif'icate.of Completion to Vincent Vista from the San. - Francisco Bay Section of Ca lifornia Water Pollution Control Associa- ton - for.successful completing a course for Wastewater,-Operator Class D' through a. correspondence course prepared by the. Clemson Un:ve -i••t y and the State, of South Carolina, California Water ;Pollution Control�Associa- tion.Certificate.of. Competency to Joseph Montgomery for successfully completing a course for Grade IV.Water Pollution Control Plant Operator. California Water Pollution C'ontr:ol Associa -. tion of Competency to Rolf E. Schultz for- - successfully completing a course for. . IV .Water Pollution Control Plant Operator. California Water Clean Program Certificate of Attendance to'Rolf E. Schuf.tz•for comple- ton of Wastewater Treatment- Plant Operator training course under the (sponsorship of the State Water Resources Control Board. The employees were..congratulated by Mayor Putnam on behalf',of the City Council. Chamber- of Commerce Assistant City Manager John Nolan reminded - Annual Dinner the Council .of• the Annual 'Chamber o.f Commerce Dinner on April 19, 1972,. County. Land' Councilman Clecak,'reported that the Recreation, Ad:jacent: the Music, and Parks Commission. at its, last meeting Boat :Launching S"j considered proposals presented.by the Sonoma Ramp Facility County Recreation Di r;ector Joe 'Rodota for developing 20 acres of hand owned by the -County,of Sonoma located adjacent to the Qity's' boat. ;launching ramp facility, .33 March 20, 1972 County Land and that the•,Commis recommended the;Council Adjacent to the adopt' Plan- B •with the concept of 3 baseball Boat Launching fields and "2 .multi -.use fields;.and further, Ramp Facility that the..City'.would be responsible for the (Continued) maintenance of'tFe:facilit.ies and the County. would not required to maintain the parcel. Mr. Joe Rodota and Mr. Ken Pendleton of the County Design Staff presented and described Plan_B in detail for Councril information. In addition to the baseball diamonds and the utility fields, the Pl,an.also.includes.adequate _..- parking,�concession and,restroom facilities, turfed areas, treesy and shrub plantings. He estimated. -the total cost for developing the park to be $,1.90; 000.. He further stated that the.County..has` allocated $25,000 in the 1971 -72 Budget for development of the park and that a similar amount.will be requested in future budgets. Total .develo.pment.would -be.spread over,an 8 -year ;period., He pointed out that in- accepting the Plan the City would be re- sponsible for maintenance and operation of the park. Mr.. Richard Muzio, member of the'Recreation, Music, and- Parks.Commission,.spoke on the need of the park and :recommended -the Council accept the.-Plan.. Mr. Jsim Odgers -of the . Petaluma . Youth Soccer.Association also spoke..in favor of the Phan. Mrs. Beryl Cassaza.questioned the -•su,i- tabil•i.ty of location for a park. Supervisor - Joerger addressed the- Council and urged the Plan�be approved in,concept and that details..- on..,the maintenance and operation be considered later. 'He.requested immediate Council-action-on the matter .so that a recom- mendation can be made to the Board of Super- visors.-for the-1972-73 Budget. Following..some-de- liberation -a motion was made by Councilman `Perry, Jr., and seconded by. Councilman B'runner - recommending. acceptance of the proposal. . then .continued in which_a number o,;f• ques'tioris were raised concerning maintenance costs, •s- afety 'measures , etc. .'..Councilman Matted requested further study on these matters before committing the City to maintenance and operation of the park. with the consent of Councilman Perry, Jr., and Counclman.Brunner =, the,motion was with- drawn :and a study.ses on on the matter was schedu.led:i for . Wednesdaay, - March 29, 1972 at 4:00,-o'clock p . m. The-City Attorney was asked- to. be preaent ,at the meeting. Matter to be; acted upon at , _the April 3 Council meeting., Fees Swimming Councilman Clecak,reported. that the Recreation, Pool Music, and - Parks Commission reviewed the preliminary Program.of Service for 1972 -73, and after some,stud'y. decided to recommend changing , the , swimining.- fees from three categories of •prices:to - two categories as follows: Those children.under,6.years of-age, when accompanied by -an adult,, to be admitted free; ages -7 :through -17 , 3 5 � each; age 18 and over, 5 -0� each.. He expl -ained the primary reason for the proposed cha -nge i.s related to the mainte- nance and operation of the pool. The change I March 20, 1972 Fees - Swimming would - also provide a better,adminstrative pro - Pool (Continued)' cess'and less difficulty in recognizing the age categories.. - Councilman Clecak asked the Council to. 'consider the recommendation for action at the April 3rd Council,meeting. ABAG'Meeting _ Councilman'Cavanagh, Jr., reported on the ABAG:me'eting which,he and Supervisor Joerger - 'attended,on Th- ursday, March '16, 1972. One item,ori the agenda was the,nine Bay Area County Hous °ing.Element as presented by the: ABAG staff . It was offered to, the • Executive Board for • cons,ide - ration. Councilman Cavanagh, California- Highway Commis,sion'Meeting Right -of -Way Acq ui s,i tion Portion of Baywood Drive Jr; rive Jr ; •,; added that -the Housing .Element- is a matter. the. Council will be addressing to in. the -Hear future Mayor Putnam reported on the.California Highway Commis , on 'meeting which she - and City;'.Engi.neer David - Young.attended on Thurs- day, March .1972, .in Santa Rosa The Cityjs pos tion• relative to the East Washing- ton and ,Caulfield Lane, Tntercha�nges was, `reaf,frmed - and :strong support was :al,so voiced by .Sonoma' Cotinty Director' of; Public `Works Don Head:..,. Support• was also expressed, to' move ahead with Route 116. Director -of .Public. •Works David Young pre- sented a.. drawing of -,the - pr,opos,ed ..extension of Baywood Drive from Perry Road to State Highway- .116'. (La'keville H _ghway'). The State ,of Highways h,as consented to an access ,to� the highway at this location. Mr.'Young explained that the proposed improve- ment,Would provide traffic s- ignaliz'atioh `and a safer intersection than that existing'at Pbrry In addi ;tion t.he-= (ityJEnginee'ring Division has recommend'ed.� to the •Planning 'Commission approval , '' of a .site design application for a shopping center proposed at,the northwest quadraht.of`Perry. Road and Baywood Driv.e . contingent -upon--'the construction oI the pro posed extension of Baywood Drive to th.e high- way; and, as a part'of, the site design review applic,aton,,- the Engineering Division recomm ende:d.Ythat- the portion of _Perry Road dead- ending•at =the freeway .right =of -way .and C abutting Rich- f-d'eld' Oil :Company ' property on- one s -ide '-and :the shopping center on the other ;side be abandoned, and with the consent of the property_ owners, the fee title be equal- ly divided between. the two properties. This would provide, some additional land and par- tial compensation+ to Richfield Oil, Company for th,e =r "fight =of =way to be acquired for- the. extension tof .,Baywood Drive ., . Mr . Young recom- me:nded.. n °egotia{ dons for' the right-of-way acquisition. be istarted immediately `as .the f'irstt.•s•tep for'tle proposed project and that the City ''Manager 'be' authoriz'ed to ;negotiate with the developers of. the: -shopp;ing center for ariy necessary' advance of funds .tor the City fo:r project construction on .s'om_d type a payb.ack.arfangemenf. Mr. Young further explained that another reason to: P'r.ocedd March 20, 1972 Right-of-Way. withi the: acquisition •,at , this , time is, to be Acquisition able' to... submit'­_ plans to the .Division of High - Portion of ways for approval -of the design of the.inter Baywood Drive section. He stated Topic funds are not (Continued) generally.used•for. right -of =way acquisition, but reserved for project.construction or signalization. Sales Tax Report, dated March 13, 1972, from Director Revenue of. Finance C_, G. Gealta showing a breakdown Distribution of sales..tax revenue spread ori`a per capita basis for.a.3 period -- July, August, and September,.1970, submitted and filed. Following a brief.review of the breakdown Mr. Gealta recommended that the sales tax revenue distribution not be revised. No action was taken by the Council on City of Norwalk's request to the State legislature . -to revise the-manner in .which sales tax revenues are distributed: Reorganization of 0,rordinance #1035 N:.C.S.. amending Chapter 2, Planning Commission Article III, Sections 2.38 through 2.43.1, Ord #1035 NCS o:f. the Petaluma, City Code of 1958 to- estab- (Second Reading) lish a Planning Commission of 7 members, Some.discuss ion'followed and in.response to Councilman.G.avanagh, Jr:, Planning Director'McGivern.,stated that the proposed service station in..the vicinity complies with the- City's ordinance relative to distance between service stations.' Upon.conclusion.o,f the discussion, a motion was made by Councilman - Mattei and-seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., authorizing the City Manager -to explore the facts and all pertinent information.with.regard to acquisi tion• o:f the:_ rsight -o -f -way and report to , the Council thereon. - Motion carried unanimously. Regulating Chief of Police Larry Higgins presented Gar-.age Sales legislation regulating garage sales and requested the,Council:to study the proposal for consideration-of action at the April 3rd Council, meeting: Central Warrant Resol'uti'on , - , No -::6004•.N:C.S. authorizing the Y Index -. System, g May..or ..to,. execute . a. n , , ag.reement. for central Res 4,6004 NCS warrant-system implementation, was intro -- ,ducedaby�Councilman_Cl•ecak, seconded -by Councilman.- Mattei,.and adopted.-:by 6 affirm- _ -, ative'.votes,'•l absentee. Library - Assi.stant;City Manager John Nolan explained - Emergency Lights, that since the etry way in the Library has Bookdrop at Fire f been.rearrangedn , the exhibit case allocated Station #3 n the °=.budget is. not. needed. He.requested 9L2-(A as an alternative the funds be used to ;.:._ ,p'roVide...emergency lights, in the Library (approximately $85) and a bookdrop-at Fire Station #3 (approximately $380). A motion,wa•s made ' ,by Councilman Perry, Jr., and:.s.econded by _Councilman Brunner.that $500 designated in:th.e, =1971 -.7.2 Budget under PR #19 -70 be used for the purpose of the emergency lights and.the bookdrop. Motion carried unanimously. Sales Tax Report, dated March 13, 1972, from Director Revenue of. Finance C_, G. Gealta showing a breakdown Distribution of sales..tax revenue spread ori`a per capita basis for.a.3 period -- July, August, and September,.1970, submitted and filed. Following a brief.review of the breakdown Mr. Gealta recommended that the sales tax revenue distribution not be revised. No action was taken by the Council on City of Norwalk's request to the State legislature . -to revise the-manner in .which sales tax revenues are distributed: Reorganization of 0,rordinance #1035 N:.C.S.. amending Chapter 2, Planning Commission Article III, Sections 2.38 through 2.43.1, Ord #1035 NCS o:f. the Petaluma, City Code of 1958 to- estab- (Second Reading) lish a Planning Commission of 7 members, 36 March 20, 1972 Reorgani- nation of repealing the.provis.ions providing for a Planning Commission Board., of Adjustments,. a -nd confirming, Ord #1035 NCS appointments to the Planning Commission, (Second Reading), was introduced by Councilman Daly,' seconded by Councilman :Brunner, and adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. Cancellation of Resolution #60.05 N.C..S. requesting cancella- Taxes tion• of taxes . on various -properties .ac- Res #6005 NCS quired.by the City of was intro- duced by•:Counc;ilman­Mattei, seconded by Councilman Clecak., and adopted by 6 affirm- ative votes, 1 Intention to �'� Resolution #600`6 N.C.-S. of intention to Abandon Baylis abandono,and•:clbse .to public use Baylis Street, Street in the City of Petaluma, vas intro -. Res #6006 NCS duced by Councilman• ;Clecak, seconded by Councilman ,Mattei, acid adopted• by 6 affirm - a"tive,- votes, .l,' absentee.. .It was , noted that thb" public hearing on this matter is scheduled for Apri.1 1972. Endorsing Use Of Resolution #.6007 N.C of the,City of Nuclear Power Petaluma .endorsi-ng.• the use , of - nuclear power Re #;600.7 NCS in Mendocino County, was introduced by Councilman.. Petty" Jr:;, seconded by Council - man Brunner, and adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1-absentee,. Mrs. Beryl Cassa2a in the acid - ience questioned th -e Council's action endorsing the use of.nuclear power,. Adjournment There being no further.business,�to come.be -• fore the, C&unc•i,. the meeting.was adjourned at 10 :35 o'clock p.m. Mayor Attest: 1 City Clerk