HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/17/1972�5 MINUTES OF MEETING OF CITY ,COUNC'IL , PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA July 17, 1972 1 Council Meeting Regular meeting -o:f the.Council of the City of Petaluma was 'ca- lled..to order by Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. Attendance Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, - Jr., Clecak ,, Daly, •Mattei ', Perry, Jr.,' and Mayor. Putnam. Absent:. None. Invocation Due to the absence of Monsignor - Clyde Tillman,. St. Vincent's Church, no invocation - was given. Approval of Minutes The minutes of 6, -1972, were approved with the following change :., LU The first two sentences under. "Claims and Bills" on Page l; "Re Claim #366 'Helen.Putnam- -reim- burse expenses - -for CIR Sacramento, 6/14/72, $24. (Mayor'Putnam represented the minority point of view regar.d•ing Council's action support- ing - Sonoma County in request for a rehearing before CIR -on the question.to tr' ansfer,Sonoma County. from Region, to Region 1.) Councilman Cavanagh; Jr:, asked-if claims.will.be presented by Councilman Daly and Brunner representing the majority poin of view.- Neither claim appeared on -the listing. Councilman Daly indicated in- tent l of. f Ming a claim and Brunner had not decided.. &The Mayor questioned justifi= cation her. claim inasmuch- as Councilman Daly attended',as the official City representative. The Council approved payment of the claim." Abamdoriment -- Portion This being the set for public hearing on of,English Street protests and'comments regarding.abandonment Res #6084 NCS of Engl.iah Street.be.tween the east line of (Defeated) Post Street and the east line of the City Hall property, Mayor.Put•am'declared -the public hearing open.. The- City announced that no written protests were filed: Assistarit.City•Engineer.Hal Wood reviewed the background for the proposed-amendment. He stated that the 5,- point'English Street- Howard Street- Western Avenue intersection was recom- mended. in the Faustman Traffic Reportlas one of the s .dangerous inters ections • in the City requiring; improvement:: 'He- .presented a proposal for.realignment of -Post Street to Westel=i Ave - nue_'andistated that- a'second proposal would de- pend-on the outcome of -the disposition of,the for-mer.Christ'ian`Church Building. He reviewed the accident statistics for. the intersection during- the past 7� years. Mr.. David'Traversi;'a;ttorney representing James,Gaultney,, owner of Hagstrom's Market on. Douglas Street, appeared before the Council in op.pos "tion to the aproposed.abandonment. He claimed-that easy access through Baker Street to -the market. and adjoining businesses . in the shopping- center ,would be substantially reduced by the proposed He presented a *� (The Council does not have a policy re reimbursement of expenses for those members with a minority point of view. This perhaps could be a matter for discussion at a later date.) 126 July 17, 1972 Abandonment,- - Portion petition opposing the proposed.aba.ndonment for of English Street various reas_ons.� The pet- ition;con.t.ained 555 Res•4 NCS signatures: Petition submitted and, �fiT.ed. Mr. (Defeated) Traversi - referred to Section 8323 of - the-Streets (Continued and :IiigY ways Code relating to--,Council.- Im roVement Area. for abandonment of streets; and he pointed out �10 Ord #1048 NOS that the.Council is- required to make.a finding. that the street is. unnecessary, :for-traffic use _ _H'e . regi ested 'that the Council consider-the neces sity. from the standpoint of the- citizens. He fu -rther stated.that the count of.. 500"vehicles per' `day- •on Eng:l'i'sh. Street emphasizes. the impor- tance of street. Other's_whorspoke,against the abandonment were Henry Knight', 401 1�Ie,lvin - Street, who claimed that.the Fire Department uses-English Street as a, straight run-from Western Avenue. to the La Cresta Hill area, and M. Elmer-Webb., 432 Baker Street. Fire . Chief, .Toe, -Ellwood stated, that some years' ago English Street was used as-the most direct route to La Cresta and -surrounding a -rea; how - ever, routes' constantly change diie to'­tlraffic volume and cond t.ions, number of stop signs etc. Dependifig.on the address; emergency ve- hic now travel out D Street to Sixth. Street then to Western Avenue onto, Webster Street to,.serve a the English Street.and hill - "s;ection,.. or! =Out D Street: to. Tenth Street and Fair • Street to serve .the other portion. • .,.English Stree would be used as,.- direct -, route' for .emergency vehicle in the Moose Hall area. Mrs Dorothy - Chandler, 1.1.2 Engl- h Street, spoke in .favor' o.f the abandonment. Pl- anninq Director.McGivern reported. that the. Traffic�.Committee- 'recommended closure of the street temporarily on,a trial basis; but not immediate a'ba'ndonment.. Afte nx heardng. 411- protests 'and comments, Mayor Putnam declared, the public hearing closed; wher.eupon Resolution 4'608;4 ,N. C . ,ordering • the aband`onment,, closing, and - vacation - af English Str.ee't between Western Avenue and 'Post .Street in the; City of Petaluma,, was introduced, by Councilman Matted:, seconded- by Counci.lman', Brunner,. -•and' DEFEATED by 7 negative votes.. Mayor Putnam referred the matter . of - the critical f-ve-point intersect °ion at English.,Street; Howard S-treet;. -and Western Avenue to the Traffic Commit- tee for fur- ther : s;tud'y . Parki ng, and Business - This ,being the "time, set to hear. protests , and Im roVement Area. comments - regarding . the Parking and Business �10 Ord #1048 NOS Improvement Area ,,the Mayor.,declared the hear- -- iig opened. The City Clerk announced-that no written protests :were . r,.ece,ived .- Mr.' Nail of- t Downtown Merchants "', Asso- ciation appeared : .be_fore the Council and urged. the Council to decid& in favor-of p.ermitting . the . downtowrr bu °s;i'nes men to .form an . Improvement D.•str -ict as set f:or.thi in Section 36,1000 'of ;the - Streets and "Highways. Code:. He stated. that. 127 July 17,, 1972 Parking and,- -Business implementatibn law would create a -sound Improvement.Area and - objective .Down.town'As,sociat.ion operation, Ord, 41048 NCS provide funds- to,beautify and improve the down - (Continued) town area and parking facilities', create com- petiton'with'shopp,i_ng centers and develop a program'wher:ein the burden for improvement and promotion of the downtown area will -be shared 'by all businesses located therein. He.added that -the Downtown Merchants' Association unani- mous voted, in support of the program. Mr.. Nail reviewed - , the three categories of .rates of levy to be' charged as follows'- Merchants - =3 to 'l for•each dollar of City, license' tax. Service . kgencie's =2 to.1 of each dollar of City license tax. Professionals - -1 -to 1 for each dollar of City. licens'e He.continued by saying 'that the law specifies the uses of.the funds collected and that the program will be admi- nistered by a 7- member ' com- mittee appointed by the Council. City Manager Robert Meyer,pointed out the in- equit.ie's • in .the: current Business License Tax Ordina >nce' and obq'b,ct -ions could be raised when the ordinance is - revised. Those,appeared and spoke favor of the pro - gram were ,as '°follows : Ernie Jens`en,,'Presdent of the Board of Di" rectors,, .Chambe ` of Commerce. Dr. William Lee,, 127 Keller Street. George,Lacky, Manager.local Singer Sewing Machine Company. Sue.Parker (address unknown)., Owen Fredericks, Cline Furniture Company. Irene Chambers, owner Madalaine's,. 1.61 Kentucky'.Street.. Some proposal -s included elimination of, parking. meters, - higher 'ratio' of ..levy for professionals subsidy for: the jitney bus service, and more,. par-k.ing .fac,ilities. Others whop dbTw tented -on the program were the following people : ' Lorraine and Myr-e_l Moss; owners of business , off ices- at .Kel'ler- --and Washington Street, ' d1a'imea they `were• not..contacted about ,, ,the program.` They were•opposed to the program unless •some •specific ~objectives .were .estab- ' - lished,, and also were again,st using program funds ,for Christmas decorations:. Ernie Curtis of the Irate TaxPayer.s' Associa- tion opposed'the­p1dn claiming buildings would'be- demolished to provide.more parking. lots. Ed Conroy, '2:01 Bassett Street, (not a busi- nessman--in the area). Dave Smith -of Drees, My Florist, 207 Western 0 .1-18 July 17, 1972 Parking ,and Bus -iness -Avenue, felt .that a petition should-be cr-cu- Improvement Area - lated- In . the district, to determine 'supp.ort. of Ord , #1.0.48 NCS the-program. (Continued) Dr. Larry `13:1 Liberty Street, be -. lieved the plan_had merit, but -the program should be • more specific Upon conclusioni of, presentation of.. a ll : = facts. and hearing_ al:l, comments, the Mayor. declared .the public•heari•ng closed. Councilman Brunner. reiterated his'earii•er comments that he wou =ld likelan indication from the majority in.the ;district who will be obligated to carry the financial burden.- Sidewalk Sales, Letter; dated July 13,. 19.72, from Mr... B..A.• Res #6,085 'NCS Shdnnon; General Manager, 'Chamber of Commerce, . requesting'permisson for- the Downtown Merchants' Aa,soc at'ion to hold.the annual Sidewalk Sales August 4 'and ".5, ' 19.7' , read and.. fit -ed -. Resolution #60'8:5 N .C.,S. ;consenting to Sidewalk . Sales a§. reques ed was introduced by 'Sidewalk man: Clecak,, seconded by Councilman Ma.ttei and- adopted by 7 af=f=irmative votes After considering .pre•sented,"it was decided. "to.introduce -the ordinance, to establish the District., .and Mr. Nail"was asked to- ,furnish the - Council. with an indication of support from the_major.ity of the busine'sse's and: more 'speci- fics of the"prog.ram goals and.objectives before consideration :of :adoption •of the ordinance.'on August 7, -1972; whereupon' Ordinance #1048 N.C.S. of fhe_City, of Petaluma establishing "a ,Parking. and' Bus-ines.s Improvement Area; establishing rates of additional levy for certain categories _. o,f .bus`ine s licen °se holders .*and, describing -the: , boundaries o.f,the a was introduced by Councilman :Matt ,.,, s-econded by 'Councilman Perry,', Jr'. ,� and ordered, pub- lished by 6'. af'firma- tive and 1 :negativez 'Councilman.Brunner vo =ted, "No." Councilman: Daly qualified his ''.'Yps ",. vote. by" stating that, he felt the ordinance should be -published and acted upon later,, :but - unless there is.some indication of support from :t- he the people af'f,ected;,he would be opposed: to the• program because 'he .felt it . wouuld be taxation without representation Recess Th_e ".Mayor decl-ar,ed• a rec,es.s at 10:10 o'clock p.m. The meeting•reconvened'at 10:2.5 o'clock Adgenda I't was.agreed by the Council to move agenda Item . #20, ';'Comm tte.R6port- -Uses for former Christian' Church .Building," for consideration at this time'. Uses -- Former'. Preliminary report . ,on .uses "of :the former - Christian. Church Christian "Church, 'dated July - 13,' 1972 , :to „the' Building City Mana -from JimRaymond, Recreatio.n.•Di- rec,tor,, submit:ted and filed.- zMr Raymond, re- viewed ­Ehe report and recommendations . by , the " commit ee and interested people. He added that a f•nal'report, inc'lud•in'g .cost estimates, will b e submitted. to the Council - in September. , Struatu_r-al� and electrical in °spection bf the buildifig vas refer r.ed to the City Engineer'. , Sidewalk Sales, Letter; dated July 13,. 19.72, from Mr... B..A.• Res #6,085 'NCS Shdnnon; General Manager, 'Chamber of Commerce, . requesting'permisson for- the Downtown Merchants' Aa,soc at'ion to hold.the annual Sidewalk Sales August 4 'and ".5, ' 19.7' , read and.. fit -ed -. Resolution #60'8:5 N .C.,S. ;consenting to Sidewalk . Sales a§. reques ed was introduced by 'Sidewalk man: Clecak,, seconded by Councilman Ma.ttei and- adopted by 7 af=f=irmative votes July 17, 1972 Claim-Against.City Res #6086 NCS- Sonoma County Cities'' Membership in -ABAG: ABC 5� Cla -im, for personal injuries ,filed by James B. (� Cooper, attorney -f:or claimant John William Arroyo,' in the.amount of $100,000.00, submitted and - filed. Resolution #6086 "N.,C.:S. denying. claim of_John.William Arroyo was introduced' by Councilman Clec;ak', .seconded by Councilman Matte.i, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Letter; dated June 2'7 , 1972, from William R. Lucius, Co,unci,lmanil.Healdsburg, and Sonoma 15 F County. representative.to ABAG, respondingto the City CouncIV inquiry regarding the. City's membership 'in ABAG while the matter o ce,rtifica tion is being ekplored, submitted and filed. Copy of application filed with Alcoholic Bever- age-Control by - Purity Stores, Inc for person - t'o= person. transfer•.. -.of off. -sale beer and wine �4 license to Northern. California-Supermarkets,. Inc., approved ;fhe. Chief 'of Police, Building Inspector',. and. Health Sanitarian., submitted and filed: ' Limitation of Sonoma Letter arid - .Resolution #72 -93 from the City,of � - State College,.Campus, Rohne Park ..u.r:gng -limitation upon the size . of California S late College, Sonoma Campus, submitted and•fi'led. It was-decided by the City .Council.not-.to take any action on the matter. Senate.Bill 325 1 Sonoma County Board,of Supervisors' Resolution C- 374 'expres'si' g " intention to apply for all funds..produced.by_Senate 325 to be used'for r-oad_.pur-poses, and filed. City Manager Robert -•H. - Meyer• informed the , Council that the City Engineer :is wor':king closely wifh 'the County on the , pr.ocedure . involved ' to obtain funds through this source.` Ji - Bus Service Letter, dated July 10,1972; from Marvin and 1 q3 F Howard 'Gravesen; requesting ,change in jitney bus" service , hours - , read , filed.- 1 Councilman-Cavanagh, Jr., reported that Council- man 'Mattei and :he lof. the Council . Committee to explore the jitney -bus service operations, the City.Manager; °and Mr. Gravesen met last week to diseuss,'the subject letter and .operations of ..the jitney, bus service. Considered ' at the meeting.was an idea of a publicity campaign on%the use o:f .the . bus_ a .City mailing. Mr. - Grav, esen,,:wa +s,. ,pres,ent and explained the f'ina-nc-al - dif f'iculties . involved with . the bus- .operation.:: _ .He indicated - service. disco tinuat,ion in the latter.part:of September,i assistance is not.rece Counc lman'Mattei pointed out the community's need for'•the :bus :line and urged exploration of ways to increase usage,.and investigation of the - possibility of - .a subsidy: the, - .Ma was• to :prepare a report for the.Council as soon as possible with information from other cities on bus line operations,rsta.tistigs producing a profit - able - business `, . suggest ions for increased 'usage, sub- sidy.possbil=°ity,: etc.. Mr. Meyer was also 130 w July 1972 Jitney Bus Service_. asked-,.to involve. the, Chamber of Commerce and (Continued) meet with 'all concerned _to .develop' a recommended.solut 6q. to the problem. Consideration 'of resolutibn•grant ' ng Graves,en Broth ers','request ' .to decrease.jitney bus'ser- _ vice.ho.ursof:opera_tion was held pending out- come of. the'above - matter. Annexation- -Casa .. Lette-r, 'dated July .,1.1;, - 1972, from Leslie H. Grandee School `Site Meyer; G'aperintendent :, Petaluma. Schools ; re= .. 4 giiesting'procedure on annexation of the Casa -Grande Junior High School: located at the�i- ntersection�o,f. Ely Road.and,Casa Grande f Road r-ead ­ and ' filed . Directbr of. Planhing, William McGivern,•showed a location, map .,of : site , and. pointed three; adj anent parcels - to be considered for• it c'lousion the annexation. Paanning Director- . McGiv.ern was directed, to, proceed. with 'the necessary - legislation for the annexation. Claims -and Bills Resolution #60,87 N.:C.S.'approving,claims, and Res #,6083 NCS bills. Nos,. 411 - .to 503 inclusive `,and Nos. 1255, to 126:9' inclusive,. approved for payment., by the City ,Manager,, was introduced, by Councilman Mattel, seconded by.. Councilman .Daly, and adopted by,7 :affirmative votes. Study. Session A _study,aess. on was tentativeh y tentatively ..set- for Monday July 24,. '1 3 ':'0''0 'to-.5:00 .o'clock p.m.� to discus s I the Methodology 'and- the Housi qg..Element :- It was. "noted that, the. meeting is subject to change upon notif- i.cation,from Supervisor_ Joerger "if the City's :En'vironmental' Design• Plan is to be.preserited-to the Board of'Supervis,ors on July 2A,­197 Lease -= Lafferty Councilman Mattei ,reported that 'one. b'id' for .leasing Ranch the La:ffer y' Ranch was received' by the Water Com- Res #6.088 • NCS : mission. at. its •meet-ing on' Juhy 12, 1'9 "72,, 'and it is tlie. -recommendati - of the Commission that the* Council accept the bid from Frank and .Freda Beffa for $1;600 a -year. Resolution N.: :G. °.S. author -z =the execution of "a lease on the Lafferty Ranch with Frank and Freda, 'Be,ff:a and a.uthori -zing the Petaluma School Dis.trkct to' use the prerriises; for environmental studies,, was ntrodu'ced bv- Councilman Mattei s seconded •by Councilman Brunner,; and adopted. by 7 affirmative :votes Mr:. Bef :fa, was present and he was recognized , for the fine= 6;.0 -year relationship ,with 'the Water Department. .. Consent Calendar The City Attorney was,directed to proceed with preparation o.f.a sample consent, calendar .for the 'August 7 1972`,, Council._ 'me,einq ;agenda as - comparison- �wi ; .th the regular agenda., Hp.- was.. _ also asked -to prepare the necessary legislation '..... Eor" Council cons° derat-ion to ,adopt the consent calendar. Councilman- Cavanagh; Jr.., suggested, that ,the Council Commit tee 'appointed to at,udy steam- - l.ining.Council'meetings consider. the C'ity'At- torney's additional s "uggestion as outlined in his memo, dated June'5•, 1972, July 17, 1972 Pre zoning- Ar ea " -I" Clay. Planning �Commiss =ion Resolution #Z- 1.0 -72 Street and.Sunnyslope recommending the adoption of.proposed- amendment Road the - Zoning "Ordinance- #66.2 N.-C.S.-by prezoning - Ord #1049. NCS' Ass.essor'.s Parcel Nos'. 19 200 -10, 13', 14, 15 4-3, 44, 25, 35; 36 from - an "A" (Agricultural) District to a PC ( Pl-anned Community) District _ located in the "I" Street and Sunnyslope Road a'r:ea.,I ( submitted and filed. A map of the area was displayed by Planning Director McGivern. Ordinance #1049•N.C.S: amending Zoning'Ordinance #662 N . C :'S . as .recommended; was introduced by Councilman Mattel, seconded-by Councilman Daly, and ordered published ,by 7' affirmative votes. Rezoning- -Mc.Dowell Planning. Commiss -ion = R'es,olution #Zll -72 recom- Boulevard. 'South, mending-the adoption of proposed amendment to Caulfield' -Lane Zoning Ordinance-#6.62 N..C.S. _b.y reclassifying Extension Area Assessor's Parcel No..7 -57 -1- and a portion Ord . #10,5.0' :NCS of ' Assessor''s Parcel. Nos . 7 -57 -24 and 5 to a d "q th'of 500 %feet -off' McDowell Boulevard South from an R =1 6 , 00'0 District to: a CN- ('Neighbor.= , hood-Commerc;iai) District, submitted and- filed. Location map `was displayed by 'Planning Director McGivern:. ,,Ordinance N.C.S. amending Zoning Ordinance' #6`62 N: C: S. as recommended , wa"s•introd.uced' Councilman .Daly, seconded by Co,unci:lman Brunner, and ordered published by 7 a�f f; rma -ive vote,. Safest - Route. -To Resolution #'6.0.89 NCS: authorizing , the Mayor to School -- Bicycle. execute a Traffic - Safety Project .Agreement with .Route, Study the State of Cali (Safest . Route to School- - Res #60'8.9 N,CS Bicycle- Route Study) ; *',was introduced ,by Council- man -Clecak, 's:econded- by Councilman. Daly, and adopted by . 7 a'ffirmat'ive votes. Certificate of Report- ,.._da.ted July 5j.1972, from .Chief of 9f Public Convenience Police Larry. Higgins` that in compliance with,.� Res . 009,0 NCS Section.24. -541 of the .City •Code,. all'require -_ (Defeated) men s have - „b.een met,.: by applicant Wayne of ABCO .Company; 76.46' , Old Redwood Highway, Cotati, fore a Certificate -,of `Public ,Convenience a"nd.` recoinme,nding �approval"'of the application, read and filed.'. - Chief. Higgin,s the total taxi service in.the City'and exp.'lained that•at the time the above application - was investigated, the status - of:"the Yellow Cab was unknown; however, the problem hasj'.since 'beer”, cleared:. An applica- tion for cha'nge'of ownership of the Yellow Company, is -now being t prdcesa'ed and will be pre - sented.to' the Council_ - soon; and it' -is expected that: the• pr;eseht owner- will. renew the expired business -license'and' until the new ap- plication': s .reviewed and acted .upon by the Planning Commission and the.Co.uncil. Chief Higgins.further•expl•a•ined that ABCO Company.' s reques.ting.­a certificate to - operate a cab stand at:Fo:urth and C'Stre;ets for 1 cab: This would require, the removal- `1• parking meter. The phone will:be - located in'Cotati and the calls radioed to the cab: The company owns only 1 cab at the - present - time. Chief Higgins recom- mended'tha.t the Council carefully review the application wi'th'_Mr. Caldwell'.befor.e any action is taken. 132 July,17, 1972 Certificate . Pub_Ilic.conv Res.#699 (Defeated.) (Continued,),.. Sub * divi - si ' qn�'Ordinance . Ord #1 NCS Rezoning Area,--Ea Washington, Street, Weller Street, and Petaluma River Ord #1045,NCS* (second 'Reading) Appropriation Ordinance 1,972-73 Ord 1 #1 :NCS. (Second Reading.) - Mr-.. •was not... 'present to discuss the A-f ter. eonsideryng the-- matter,, 'Re;soIution---- #b9,9,0 N;C.S. granting a. Certificate of Publ veni'en ' ce and..'Ne.cbss.ity to 'Wayne 'Caldwell of ABCO Ccdb. Gomp4ny to Qperqt& . a taxi service vice in City .61 `P - t tro q_aluma was in 4uced.. counqq-J TR44, Mattei, seconded by DEFEA.TkjD.- by-.j. pogat-iv& votes. -Tir6 Chie ~reported 'that a bid >was receiv f V om, Da Ci ty, to purchase 'a. port_ ion - o. t�he-` fire-41-arm system no longer in -use by, th Petaluma Department. He.recommended that - bid of•, 'be ,a,nd,.the-. ,re mainder .of - the:systet.be stored until such, time as a� b .uyp-.r­.,.ca located . A motion -'was , ."mad'el,' by" Q-bunc.ilmaf m Gayanagh, Jr. , and seconded­by CouncIlman- Mat-;Lei, ­ approving the Fite 'Chief's recommendation• Motion carried. unanimously. Ordinance #;946- regulating the s,:ubdiVi7,' siori of: land in" the,­ City of requiring . the filing- of preIi-m-imhary,, -tentative' and final maps_. and;-.(Eist.ab.i.i!sh-ing.pr . ocedures -therefore:; es-. ta] -b I .1sh-ing-mini"mum design standards; I --requiring- cppstrji 6,f -pujDlIc-i_m pr,9vemen ts i-ft, accordance with minimum standards; r e gu'l.a t Ing, and- e stab 1 'i's h- -±nq4. r pr-o,cedufes for the division . - of property: into f our' or. -, les& lots (pa­rcel maps) ; setting:forth rules, ; r egulat ions and pro" - cedutes 7-Tor the-_ cei . , s. , ,sin , g, of; subd?ivisj_qn imp mii imum:_requir merits u irs,;.setting fo. i s rth'd�iti' d E Pro.bbddre,s to be� ,f i mm oll�owed by the P�lafihng sion'and. City; Council,;, p1toViding'for"the ad- re n�& presc 1 gulat'ib'' rdib ng, penalties for the 'vk' ola lion o;f.'Its provis1pris p � -s;' 're ­ 1i d�pt6t :and ,ing Gh 'the 'P6�aluma'City-Cbde any amOndments 't he re: o o of_.1_958. -And. -dire.ct!in that this; ordinance be;. pr-i­pt.ed: and. codi-kied-' was introduced. by_ man -Daly,. seclondpd- Cound'Ilmah Perryj Jr. . and ordered.'ppst'e0,by:. 7 affirmative; votes. Ordinance 41045. N-.C,.S`. amending. Zoning Ordinance No_ 662 N_.,C.,S-.j�by nes:7 Asses,sox s Pdrc6l,.Nb,s, '007-14-6,, '9,11 1,0 1 11, 12., and * 13. f rom an, ML (-Limited-indus-trial) Zone. t• a CC ­(Community Cbmmerc,,i, ' aT) Zo n e;, 1 , ocAted.in the ,area bounded Y 'East Was StIr-eet, Veller-Str'eet,-° the Petaluma River'to include Baylis Street,, was . introduced by - seconded. by Councilman Perry, Jr. .and' adopted; by- 6 - af irmatiVe votes,. 1 -abstention. Councilman Cavanagh., Jr . , abstai -ned stating '.that fie is' involved' with 'th'e ;parcels con cerned,.. --Annual Appropriati Ordinance #10 N.,C ,. S*. � Ion Ordinance and- Capital Outlay Program to be com- p1pated, during the f i,scal July . 1,._197`2,, to. June 30,,, establish certain reserve funds -for- future-acqui!sitions; to provide - f or. capital acquisition of equipment; to , provide f or certain improvement pi�os ects; and to pro =. vide that the'items of..the Capital - Out-Iay . Pro- gram. which exceed. the.- �,v4dUe �0' t -,$3 , &Q be - ap - proved and ,be , .ordered commenced:by.re - 13 July 17, 1972 Appropriation Ordinance 19:72 -73 Ord #1,047 NCS (Second-Reading) continued). Tntent to. .Aba=ndon Sewer Easement Res 0041 , NCS Accepting- , Gr,ant of Easement Res #'609�2- NCS Water Commission Appointment Res #6093 NCS' Water Commission Appo-intme'nt• -- Res #6094 'NCS Pla-nning "Commission Appointment Res # , 6 095 NCS ' Personnel.Board Appointment. Res . #6096 NCS r ,. Adjo.urnment.- and to '-name the fund - from which the-particular outlay program' - `shall:. "be_ paid., was introduced by C'ounc,ilman Clecak, s- corided by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr. , " and adopted, by.. 7 a°ffirmative., votes . Said ordinance contains*an emergency clause and there- by becomes effective upon - its adoption. Resolution of Intention to - abandon and close -�� .. .to public use a . sanitary sewer-easement across lots'• #17, #21, arid. #21'2 ..of 'Cherry. Valley Subdi- vision and as shown on the map on -file in the Office o:f the - City Clerk, wa's introduced by Councilman Brunner, seco.nded.by Councilman Mattei, and "adopted by .7 affirmative votes,. Resolution #6092.N.0 S' accepting Grant -of Ease- ment from Harcourt Brace 16vanovah��., Inc .., was, introduced by Cou oilman B ,fie onded Eby - AN Councilman and - adopted 'by 7 affirmative Vo Resolution #.6093.N.C,S. reappointing Donald Petro to the ,City Water - Commission -, was introduced by - .Counc lmari_ Matte,i , seconded by .Councilman.' Brunner and 'adop'ted by 7 affirmative -votes Resolution #60.94, N.C.S': appointing. Mike .Serpilio%o to. the-Water Commission, was introduced by .4% -Councilman Brunner, seconded by Councilman Mattei, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Resolution # N. reappointing Lyle D: � 3 Hood.to the'Planning :Commission; was introduced by Councilman D °aly, •second'ed by Councilman Mattei, .and adopted by .7 affirmative votes. - Re solution 46096 -N.0 .S reappoainting Royce.'.Vana Be_bber to the .Personnel Board, was introduced.- ��` by�Coun.cil­man_ seconded by Councilman Daly; and adopted'by -7 affirmative "votes. There -being ne,further business to .come before, the Council, the meeting was.adjourned at'11:35 o'clock p.m. , to. an executive session.