HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/05/1972i � ®r MINUTES OF MEETING OF-CITY COUNCIL PETALLUMA-, -CALIFORNIA September 5', 1972 - Council Meeting Regular meeting of the Council of the City-of. Petaluma was called to order 'by Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7;30 o'clock p.m. Attendance Present: Councilmen Brunner-, Cavanagh, Jr. Clecak, Daly, Mattei, Perry, Jr.., and Mayor Putnam. Absent: None. Invocation The.invocat•ion was given by the Reverend Godfrey Hartzel, St..John's Episcopal Church. Approval of Minutes The minutes of August 21, 1972; were approved with ,the following correction: Page 2, under item "Public Address System" for the Council Chambers -- replacement cost is $1,380.65 instead of $13,0,8 The minutes, of August 28, 1972, were approved as recorded. Amendment.to the Planning Commission Re`sol'ution. #10 -72 recommend- 9rF General Plan ing_to the City.Council that it amend the. (,Housing Element) Gener- al.Plan of -this City by adding thereto a Res #6126 NCS_ Ho Element in form as outlined, read and' filed. The Mayor declared - the - public hearing-open. The. City Cler -k reported that no written pro- tests or comments were - filed... Councilman Daly recommended that the central and west areas under- P'roposed.Residential De- velopment Program (1973 -1977) .on Page 24 be combined into one, category and titled "We °st" to'correspond with the Environmental Design Plan;. After some discussion, the change was - approved by Council consensus: He also recom mended deletion'of recommendation #3 on Page 4 dealing with passage of legislation to establish . a. City- w..ide - .ho.nsing authority .-- He explained that legislation establishing a housing authority will 'be considered the Planning Commission in the near future for recommendation to the Council,.at which time the matter should ,be thoroughly reviewed by the Council., Supplemental. Income Data of the Housing Element submitted and efiled.. Planning Director William McGivern explained "poverty level" as-defined by the 1970 census .data. He also reviewed the chart attached thereto of "Percentages Petaluma. :Area Households Earning Incomes Below Poverty ,Level H e asked that,the' Supplemental Income Data become. part of the Hbusing�Element. Upon conclusion of the discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Daly, and seconded by Council- man .Perry; Jr . •, .eliminating Item , #3 `of 'the recom- mendat.ons on. Page 4'-of - the Housing Element. Motion .carried ,unanimously. As no other - comments were heard, the public hearing - was. closed.. September 5, 1972 Amendment to the -Resolution #6126 `N..C. ;S modifying the.General General Plan- Pl.an by adding .thereto a Housing Element .was (Housing Element), introduced'by Councilman Daly, ^seconded by Res #6126 &C-S' Councilman'Brunner, a'nd adopted•by•7 affirmative (Continued`) votes . .Lot., #4 Appeal; dated August 16, 19.72, from Arthur �� Appea{1- Rollins' Subdivision LaFranchi , ; attorney,represent -ing Martin Knapp,_:deve;lop.er of Rollins' Subdiv,s.ion,; of Building Department's denial to issue bui.ld- i permit for Lot • . #4 , locat at> Magnolia Avenue.and Cherry. Street (renamed,to Antone Way) , , read and- f i led . The appellant contended that the City.has.no, authority to impose a condition the applicant to install off =site public improve- meats- on,propert the subdivision, but not owned by the developer. City Attorney Robert explained that at the time the final map o- f`.the subdivision was presented by Mr.• Rollins .. (subdivision �subs:e:quently trans - ferred � to L. ,Martin• app) -, the. "City 'Engineer required ,improvemen,tKn s fronting property :not be- '. longing. to :the developer' , (owned. by. 'T. Andresen) , and - at that - time Mt­. Robert indicated the Council could not-impose an additional requirement over and•- above the_ requ emehts of Planning Com- mission made at 't °he, time of. app.r.o.val of the tentative-map an -d that.a condition could not be.impo,sed' -on property -not under t:h,e,control of th °e. developer. It was recommended at that time the City purchase the Andresen parcel. Mr. Robert maintained his-opinion, dated June 18,. 1971, `that -a. condition be_•imposed -that ,pub- f acra;ss li�c improvements ;be constructed the, :City's property (City •p:urchased the - Andresen , on August 30, 1,971) .at -the time. of the issuance of * the building " permit , to compay with 'Resolution #5430 N.C,.S'. adopted by the Council March 16, 1970. Mr.. Arthur.LaFr-anch ap.peared'before,the Council on beh,al_f of Mr. Martini Kn °app. A.' map of the parcel in, question -,was presented to- 'the,•Council. Mr. '-LaFranchi reviewed the history- of ' t°he issue which involved p`r'e`sentation to the Planning . Com mis?sion and. two: ,presentations to the 'Counc'il. -- June , 7 , 1911, and June 21,, 19`71. He claimed the .requirement, un r, . spec•if:ically the require ment to improve 1/12 width of that portion of Magnolia Avenue- front ~ing ,the subdivi"s,ion to :col- lector street standards:. He questioned- "`the legality of'refushg to, issue t building per - mi•t.' and considered such action to be 'a .circum- vent on of `the Sub'division`Map Act. In conclud- ing his presentation,, Mr. LaFranchi •referred to Resolution. 45:430 .. N . C .•S'. "to .impose 'reasonable P,gb improvement r:e-q`uirements- - - - --" and - appeale to t4he Co.unc"il to consider the, reasonableness of the- City Manager" Meyer clarif; ed the City's position with regard, to the purchase of the _..... _ ..former .:A, ndr�esen, pare'el . Future plans are-to. widen Magno -Lia Avenue In ,order to avoid` 'a structure- being, built `tbo close to the, City' s future, right of way, the City bought the pro- perty from T. Andresen; and when a permit for 7_L September 5, 1972 Appeal- ,:got #4 Lot was requested :from the Building Depart - Rollins.' Subdivision ment, Building Official was guide'd.by Resolution 454.30 require the public improvements: `I Mr,— Martin Knapp was present and further detailed his'request. 'He.specifically•, to the street requirements.and- requested that the•City- share -in the installation of. the pub - lic improve .ments.. • A strip. 9 feet,•by 53 feet, owned by the City,(remain*der of the former 'Andresen parcel not needed for the street right -of -way -and -no value to the City, was, offered to Mr. fo.r•an addition to Lot #4.. Because of easement,s -'in the lo cation,.Mr. Knapp did not appear.too interested in acquiring the strip. Some discussion. 'followed =.on developing a -. promise without jeopardizing the Council's pol-icy,as outlined n%- Resolution, #5430 N.C.S. By Council consens.us,'tHe.matter was referred to.the staff to'-immediately work with Mr. Knapp on a - compromise '-and hold a special Council meeting, if necess`ary', to' consider and act on the proposal. Agenda A motion.was made.by Councilman Clecak and s- econded by Counci,l'man•P.e,rry, Jr., to move agenda Item' #13 -- Petaluma Boulevard North /Lake - ville Street Striping - Plan- -for consideration at this.t.ime.. Motion carried unanimously. Petaluma Boulevard- Director of Public- .Works.David Young presented ��� North /Lakeville a.plan „proposing to provide left turn movement Street Striping Plan from Petaluma- Boulevard North- into'Lakeville Street Said,plan requires-the removal of 29 park-inc • spaces on Petaluma Boulevard North ap- proximately between' ,'Kent 'Street and'WeSt Street and 9• parking :space's ,on .Lakeville Street. The proposal was.,developed for two fundamental reasons: (l). To provide -a truck bypass route of the-downtown bu "s'ness area ,;as recommended by. the 1,968 Faustman..Tr f ic. 'Re:port . (2). To provide.traffic safety. Mr. Young -reviewed'- the accident record of the intersection for the last 3 years- _ =9'•of the 16 accidents pre- _ ventable.. He expla`indd.the intersection war- r;ants a •traffic signal . system, ,but funds are unavailable "to install the system at the pre- sent time.: Mr. Young-added that a notice of the-proposal. - was,- mailed to.each.merchant,.property owner, and resident in the- affecte_d area. Auto.rney William-Be:ttinelli.appeared before the Co= unci.l on- behalf of the landowners, busi- nessmen _and: merchants directl -y affected by the 'proposal. He, debated.the truck bypass and tra -ffic- safety concepts: He spoke on the effect of the-parking prohibition and the striping plan to the businessmen and in the area. He• pointed out that a4jarg.e number' of businesses have- no- provision •for,�parking other- . than on the street and the plan:.; if approved would force merchants in the area to go out of business.. Mr. Bettinelli also spoke of the effect.on the patrons. 172 91 September 5, 1972 - Petaluma Boulevard. In 'support of the opposition to .the proposed North /Lakeville plan, Mr. Bet.tinelli_,pr-esented a petition -si Street Striping Plan by, 538, residents:., businessmen, and patrons. (Continued Said petition submitted and filed. Mr .Bettinelli presented various alternatives: for Council.conside-rati:on to control the'traf - fic at the inter'sectionr Install a traffic signal .system,, limit_ parking during peak hours, provide off - street' parking ..by the 'Cit-y; , and purclase property bythe City on the west `side o'f ,Pe- faluma~ Boulevard North to the Others who,.spoke in opposition to the plan and { directly of fiected,. were : Mr and Mrs. Lynn :Williams owner of the building.at, the corner of Petaluma Boule- vard-North and Lakeville.. Street. Charles. Olmsted. of Tri- County Heating, 604 Petaluma Boulevard` North The fallowing• "no.t directly affected by the subject plan also spoke in opposition: Mr Georgq DeLong of George Buick. - Pontiac; 822 -- Petaluma Boulevard North Mr. Clarence G'ilardi o:f :t ure, 316 Petaluma . Boulevard North. He questioned' whether or not p_rohibit-ion o,f , .parking would be 'e.xteride'd throughout the entire. length- of. the Boulevard within' the next few years,:. The I City 'Engineer irid the poss of 'such' a plan ,based on: traffic predictions at: the present time. Mr . • .Bill Silviera (ad'dress, unknown) proposed instaalation of stop signs... After hearing all comments and fa pre °rented,, the matter- was refe'rred'to the Counc'iland staff for.: f'urt'her , study and exploration and'-for pos -, sble..interim steps to alleviate the' problem at the ,.interse'ction.. Recess. The .Mayo' declared a -rece,s,s - at ,10 :50 o clock. p.m Ilie meeting reconvened, at 10:.55 o'clock p.m. ' City Business Letter.,•dated September 2.; 1`972, from Ro -bert. �j License L. Burt,, President,, Vend- It. ServiceInc. re- questing rel.ief'� -fte "the; exces °rive • and unreason- able City. ' license - f'ee against ' the bulk mer.,chan di se: vend ing..madb ne operators and :kiddie -ride operators in. the - City . of Petaluma, read and filed: r Report dated : Septeember 1_, 1972, from Finance Director; regarding non - payment of.the business • license: flee and the - court ,proceedings. involved,; • s,ubmi•,tted . and f.il•ed. Th& court ordered Mr -Burt to appear before the_. City;• Council ,and state ;his :, caste . . Mr.. Gedita noted that-?the • amount. due the City was.-reduced-to $78 1&;,. p.lus ..1.0 %, penalty and court costs, in ac'cordanc:e with the new inventory ;submtted Q by.Mt.. Burt,,.of' the machines in operation. 173 September 5, 1972 City Business Mr:. Burt- .appeared support, of his.'request. License; and detailed :the fees involved. He.also._pro -. (Con.tinued). posed that they City. ''planing bulk Vend - ing'machines in-th' category of retail businesses and pay according to gross receipts:' He stated - that - hewas not aware of - the reduced amount of the f.ee.,. Mr. Burt was advised to contact the - Finance.Director regarding this matter. - From the :facts presented regarding,the business ld _f,ee on-.. -vending machines, it was `ind'cated that a review of the Business License .0rdi-nande will be undertaken for possible.changes . and updating. o.f, the . ordinance . ' Petaluma Boulevard. Letter, dated August 24, 1972, Mr. C. North %underground Bartlett; Jr.; Manager;. Petaluma District, Utility - District #1 Pacific Gas and Electric Company,. requesting Res #61 -23 NCS an 'extension of )t -ime to .complete •the. subject Underground Ut_11ity read and filed. Resolution #,6127.N.C..S, granting,an extension of •time to P.G. & E. Company was introduced by Councilman Mattei., seconded' -by Councilman Daly, and adopted by 7.affirmative votes. Complaint­ Letter, dated August 24, 1972, . from Robert A. Structure Defects Jones, 838 Louise - Drive,•of the construction /t" defects in his-home' requesting help to remedy, the - matter, read - and filed.. Planning Director William McGivern reported_to S the.',Council that an_insp,ection was,made by the Build -ng Department,of - the defects listed, at which.t me the .limits.­of'-the City's jurisdiction was explained to Mr -, Jones as set forth in the Building, Phumbing, and Electrical, Codes.. It w_as`. fiu'rthe•-r expl-airied . to Mr. Jones that if cer- tain defects are_.not corrected to his satisfac- tion by the c.osntractor within a.reasonable time, the ma.tter _ °should be: to the State Con - t`r :L cehse.Board. May.or stated that Mr. Jones spoke to Mr. McGivern during r-eces +s and was satisfied with the: action taken. LAFCb -- Annexation Notice; dated August -.22, 1972, from the Local -1 Prezoning Agency "Formation Commission that - a meeting 'wil ; b.e .. he1d on • Septtember; 6 ,. 197 2 ,. in . the Sonoma. k� County Board.of.Supervisor's Chambers to.dis.- cuss- of annexation prezoning.to area General Plans, submitted and filed. Planning Director McGivern.wassasked to appear, on behalf of the City. " I'= - : Street Annexation Notice,, dated August 23, 19,72 , ,from • the .Local Agency :Formation Commission that hearing,on.ap- p.lic.ation for. "I Street annexation - to the City of.Petaluma will be:.on.September 6, 1972, sub- mi - -ed -;and filed -! - _Planning ` Director McGivern was asked to, appear on behalf the City. Claims and Bills In, reviewing .claim #7.9'4 for third installment Res #6128 NCS, payment -on insurance- ,coverages regarding liability, pro.per•ty, .and .umbfe;l'la °policies, the staff .was asked, secure costs, value, replacement factors, etc., "on the City's property and buildings located at - 303.-Po.st Street. Resolution #6128. N.C..S. September 511,1972 Claims and Bills Res #612-",8 'NCS (Continued) (j l Apprcaisals- -La Tercera and Mivok Parks - Taxicab Committee Jitney-Bus Operation Data Processing appr6ving claim :and bills number's ;'775 ­t :8 - clusiV.e and `n'uffiber,s -1320 to 13"30 proved `f:qr: payment' 'by the City Mana­e", *- ­ g r was. duced-by-Couhcilman- Cl6cak, seconded b ".-COUndiltan Mattei and - ad9pted , by 7 affIriTiative Votes. -' City:Managet Robert Meyer rPpor-te.d.to the Council that ,two niore,'appr-aisdlsi are required * for the grants- covering .,purchase of the�, La­TiE=&r . 'a and M.iwok Rark's, =and ­t John King and Rob.er.t., Koenil 'x4il'l the 'appr-disal: fi CounC41m4n Cavan Jr., polled the Taxicab , Com-* mittee,, y 'consensus it was agreed- . that the c--ity prepare a :resolution similar to legis" lation in eff'ect'in Santa R&sa; for Council on 1,02. consideration :o'' Councilmdh CaVanagh,p,'Jr- reported that .the Council Committee - to - 'study - the jitney..bus opera,- tio,..n will -meet „ ­�7,ith the City - Manager- as soon , as possibl&. Boundary.Line Agreement Res 4,61219 NCS 1$0 FY 1,971, Street - % Construction Pro3 ect R - O's #6130 NCS Traffic Safety Gran - t Res 46131 NCS' Recre Uses­. Former Chri'stian ChurcK: Coucilman Perry,, Jr. i brief •r&ported 'on v,the Data Processing g S , emina held by -IBM „in Sran- Jose ­ on. ;.Aiifgu 29:j: `1972-. :­Councilman 'and Fi�Hance Dirb Gea'lta accompanied c6uncilman Perry j Jr. City Attorney. Robert reviewed Mr..,,Cavanagh., Sr.'s , interest ini . kie'cikhefer property as explained at 'the, Council on August H,:­1,972 Council- man 'Cavanagh,, - Jr 'i that as soon as the agreement s' reconveyande will then be executed,..' .Resolution #6 129 12.9 N.C.S. author.izihg the Mayor, to '-execute 'boundary - l ine a'g;reement with t=he State-*oT. 'CA W.as,intr'oduced -Council- man M&tte '�s�e.q6n 'by Councilman P,erry j. 'Jr. and-ad'opted by 6 , af f irmative votes­, X "'abst-en,"Eion.- Councilman 'Cavariagh', .'Jr. , absta-ined because of - his involvement- with: the- slubject matter-. 'Report-,, dated August 30, 1972, f-rom Director of PtibIic. David,'Young cer.tLfyiihg com­= pletion of the,1971 Stree Constructiow -Pr o'3* e c t GT11 70, Fund nd T&B WD2­70 e (known: as - East, -Washington Stree,ii.. W ning , roj P eat - GT1"70, HO S,treet��. Lalkevvilllle. -. H"i,g'h , 07a,.y, ,,, W,i-d'efi-ing* Project- GG3-6'9 Caull La ' e Pto e' t GG:3- , read �69) I - ” In j c , and `Re�s,bilution - 46130 N-C-S. accep p. ing compl.6-t:i_dh_. z-,ubje'ct projlect was- introduced by Councihman,Clecak F seconded by Councilman Da and adopted by I a�flf irmati:ve, votes. Re q lat- #:6 N.C.S. authori'zing, the City Ma t sign the contract,with - Lam - Mana ger o c3 pman , and As�!§.ociate's, for Office of S a ety Gran�ts- , w'as , ° - i-iit. - toduced.' , by , ,Councilrrfan - . Cleddk 'sec - d._ ,6c nd�b- �C&iih,cilrrfan Mat�tei, and' adopted .: "T &�Efitm votes Report­,. dated .August 24i 1,972, from Recreation .Dire.ctor i1m, Raymond . finalizing ,program proposals f or ­,the us °b fY the bu-ilding as a. recreation f:acil:ty and estimating costs related I 'lateto pro-, gramming. andl r­epAI-t submitted and'f iled Mr., Raymond .'req. that the -building . be preser'Ved. and - i- - h , at- 'it '.b,e offered, to the -community 175 Septeinber 5, - 1972 Recr,eati,qnal Uses•. for, various recreational - uses 'suggested in the Former: r.epor±__. ,446 pointed :'out one - change J.- 'n the.; re- _,Chu-rchBi,Yilding _,the-_Ipresent , renter., Mr.. 'Dougl'as (Continued) :. _7 Mazonowic,z,. wi.11 .be Vacating the premises at the * � end '..of Septembet­and will. no longer be in-, terested.in renting building. Discussion w on -minimum cQsts'-to -rehabil-i- tat-e' the'-. and - the - liability 'involved if not brought code'standards. Also considered was the .previous,,suqgqstion.o,f :an ,inspect,ion of. th,e building by a_.structtiral engineer. A question was .rais 'regard ing of historical bu.ild'ings by. governmental . agencies . Along this line, �Director of R6,qr6atibn Jim Raymond was dir,e,dted to contact;a State agOncy this informa- tion and­to: : investigata.the possibility of 'grant funds to the •Chri"stian Church' as a historical building:-for a report to,the Council thereon,.` Tax Rate 1972-73 Following clarification.regardi-ng-the assessed Ord 41061NCS valuation and' l the , n ne:.cent.incredse in the (Second - -Reading') debt servi•,cEi- rate': ;,questioned­by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr. #1061 -.N.C,.S. levying fates of taxatioii upon..'the assessed valuation o,-f -the, property; in the City if or the f iscal 'year July 1, 1,972,' ..to - Jilne , , 3.0; 19'73 was introduced by Councilmdn.,Mattel, seconded by Councilman Pe ryi-Jr..;).and,,'ad6pted by 7 affirmative votes. Co.uncilman Caval�agh, v oted a.reluctant . '.. v _ . . I " A y e: " - Said ordiniance�!contains an emergency cla '.therdby. effective upon its adoption. Rules of Council Ord fnancie A.10'6 N.C the Code of the Meetingp. City of.-Ptaluma of. by amending. Chapter 2 - .1 -, -. - i - e . Ord -NCS 1. . - to provide for rules 'of :C6uncil.meeting, , was in- (Second . ::. a d-i n g) troduced by Councilman Daly` seconded' by Council- mah.Matte.il and, ad 'by 6 affirmative and I negativ6-•votes.-. Councilman-Brunner voted Blo streets,,.. Memo dated September.-I 1972 f rom . Chie f ;.of By Railroad Cars Pjo L rry'Hicr4ins expressing concern - relative,' Ord. 41.0.63 NCS.-' •,to the,: enforcement of the subject ord:rhance-. (S e c ol.nd. - Reading)., limiting-the, length of - time 5 minutes. for railroad carsto block•a crossing, read and filed -. Chief, Higgins further stated that the ordinance was t'eViewe,d 'with Mr. Gera-ld Faustine, Trainmaster for .the. - North Western Pacific Rail 'road Company. Mr..,Faustinb appeared before the Council and . -stated that - the :10-minute lim =it, is needed due,,. to. he length of trains passing through the City. He -discuss'e'd� the - railroad's position - with regard -fiQ proposed li.'rnit and as,sured' "he Council that effort is being made to reduce the time me of"'blocking traffic.. Upon conclusion of his comments, Mr..Faustihe requested the Council to consider the 10-minute limit.• Various alternatives, were :-proposed.. y the_Council for �railroad, exploration to alleviate the block- ing - problem­such -as:, - -less number of' cars on a train, co intersections to allow faster speed for the trains, 'etc. X76 September 5, 197.2 Blocking .of :,Streets Upon - -'co=lus ion . :f , the - d iacuss ion, Ordinance: By.Railroa,d Cars N #L0 �amen � , ain.g-'Chapter, 15','Artic*lb XV, 'Se "15-15 - 1 .. Ord #1063 CS ctioh'Of:'the- Code of the City of (Second Reading), Petaluma ;o.f 19,59-.to:Ere , ulate the st-oppaget of (Continued• train's fac'ross,'str-ee .t .5 minutes)., was intto - duced. by:. councilftian Daly, seconded . by Cou.nOilm'a'n Matteis and adopted by the following vote 1: Ay'es.; Coun.cilmen'.Btunner,; Clecak -. and Noes: -Counc.ilmen Cavanagh Jr­ ,Matted , - and Amending,,City. Code Re Officers and Employees Ord giO� 6 4 - NCS '(Se:cond Rda6ing). i. Cand ellation 'of' Taxes Re s #6'13.2 -NCS East .1'Washirigton Street Plan Lines (Lakeville 'Street to Freeway Res #613,3 NCS South McDowell. Boul.evard Ordinance #10 ' 6 4' ' n:.:C.SI.; affenaihg.the Code. of the City. of - Pe. ta I urna olf 1558' by r e 1 -A ticle II pea ;�_ng r of'-.Chapter >-Z', z,SIectibns Z.,30 th 2­37 deal" ing :with offic'erEi'and employees •genetally, was_ introd pc ed by . C6unc i Imam Petty,, Jr.,, seconded by CounQi Matteii, and adopte b�­7 affir e mative votes. Re . soluti,on* #`613 iN..0. reques'tin'g of t.axes o. n - , properties acquired quIred by 'the City --of - Petaluma;,, was by Coundilffian Mattei,:. seconded; by Councilman Clecak,.and adopted 7 affirma-tiVe.-vote Re of., 1p #6133 N.C designatin .1 . - 9 ,pr.ecis'e "plan. Ii nes propose to 'be estabIis'hed'' 'and of 'the time and ' lz�lace , for. the db`ections. thereto resenting of was ':introdud6d by Councilman Bruri.ner,,'-seco . nded Councilman -Cavanagh, Jr.., and adb by 7 affirmative vo.t Public hear'iinlg date set for-October 2, 197:2: Th,e, -st ' aff was dire.cted to resolve with the de- V61:0per's -o,f' WashInq..ton Square Cent er t - he problem of: .protruding k curb 6 n : South "MtDowell Boulevard at the Enc.b Service Statibn.site. North Marin/South Coundilman. -Daly again requested that - a study Sonoma Sub--regional, aessioh be' s the Sonoma County Sewerage Planning Director '.of Public Works tb recommen ' da- Study tion on'PJhase, .II ,- and_ . Phase I-ICI of the subject study;. - Adjournment There.being, no further business to -come before the C ouncil '0und the meeting was adjourned to 12:35 0'.clock a.,m,. 6 1972, to ,an executive session and in memory of the young athletes who lost their - Iive`s' terrorists -demands at the Olympic.Games. Iin_"Munich Germ4ny: Al- Ma yo r Attest: y