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October - 10, 1:9'72
Council Meeting
Adjourned meeting of the Council of the City -
of Petaluma.was called to order by Mayor
Putnam at-the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m.
Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr.,
Daly,'Mattei, Perry, Jr., and
Absent: Councilman Clecak.
Upon :a motion made by Councilman Mattei and
seconded by Councilman Perry, Jr., Agenda
Items #1., #2, and #3 on the Consent Calendar
.were approved by 6 a- f and 1 abs.entee
Agenda Item #1
Resolution #6146 N.C.S. amending Resolution &Ar
Employees' Com
#4637 - N.C : .S'. a,s amended by Resolution #.4877
pensation Re,
N.;C.S.- by'amending,Rule II by adding;Sed.tion
Sick Leave and
4 to- General Provisions, adding Sections 3,•4,
and*5 to:Rule V relating to.compensaton and
Res #6146 NCS
amending Rule XI, Sections 2 and 7 relating
to sick leave and-vac,ations.
Agenda Item #2
Resolution #6147 N.C..S. amending Resolution 17$r
#6118 to amend the classification -plan as to
For Water Pollu-
the duties'and educational requirements for
tion Control
the position' -o,f Water-Pollution control Superin-
tendent and establishing a salary range therefore.
Res #6147 NCS
Agenda Item #3
Resolution #, 6148- N.C:,S.- declaring police reserves
Police Reserves --
to.be regular employees of. the City of Petaluma.
Regular City
Res #6148 NCS
Appeal-- Rezone 817,
City Attorney Robert addressed the Council re- S 53 F
821,,82'5, and 829 East
questing a.motion be•made to hold Agenda Items
Washington Street
#4, and #9 in abeyance until questions.caused
Ord. #1066 NCS
by .the_ Court decision in Friends vs
Mono. County are answered.. The suit was based
on the California Environmental Quality Act ; of
1970. This Act requires an environmental impact
report on any project that might have "a signifi-
cant ,effect on..the environment . " He explained
that a project ; may -'be stopped until a report is
submitted and approved.by, a legislative body
(if-said project was reported to have a signi-
ficant effect on the environment).
He attended a meeting of the Sonoma County City
Attorneys and reported -they had not arrived at
any conclusions as to how cities should proceed,
who would be held.legal -ly responsible, what guide-
lines should be followed relative - to - approval�,of
projects, and at what.point in the building pro -
cedure-- building °or rezoning - -is a report required.
He'alao.point.ed. out that information required in
an environmental impact.report and what projects
.will need a report is uncertain. The City Attorney
believes a report -will be needed for any change,
in zoning such as a low intensity to a high
intensity use and for "projects. ".,
October 10, 1972
Appeal--Rezone 817,; Supervisor Jo'erger ,reported on the Board of
821;• 825, and 82.9 East, Supervisors' •actions since the Superior Court'
Washington Street decision.• He commented on the Boa =rd`s approval
Ord. #1066 NCS of- re.zonings.in the.County with the County
(continued) Counsel''s presence at their last meeting.
The matter was discussed extensively and.many
questio.ns.were' directed to City. Attorney. Robert
. regarding the City" sr' legal posit -io_n - if .it pro -
ceeded to •act in. a ,normal manner :until the
present situatioh •is clarified •and - the'- consequences
if the Court de'c1s= on. were' ignored <.
The -: following, members 'of .the audience spoke in
opposit.ioni�to.�any, vd -elay in the Couricil"s- taking
action on 'Agenda ,Items #4 and 0 and the effect
of delay concernn•g.,their interests:
Mr. Ernest Curtis, Jr., 1277 Ely'Road",
Mr.. Norman Rollins, Petaluma realtor'and
Mr. Barry
Inc ,
Mr . Stuart Curtis , : 21
After further discuss,ion:a motion was-made by
Councilman Brunner, seconded by'Counc.ilman
Perry, Jr,, to dis.regard.the City Attorney's
recommendation to hold:in abeyance Agenda'.
Items #4 and #9 and to proceed. with Agenda
Item #4 The mot -on was approved by 4.affirma-
tive; Z negative; and I absentee votes. Council-
man Mattei and Mayor`•Putnam voted,. "No.
30(1 F Appointments- R'e -
Sonoma County
..Water. Agency
Res # N "CS
representing Foodmaker,
Alma Court.
Ordinance #`1066 N..C.'S.. amending Zoning ,Ordinance
#6'62 N.C'.,S. by rezoning A'ssessor's 'Piar,ce1
#7- 022 -29_, # -33, 4-37 and the southerly 130
feet of Assessor's Parcel #7-022 -49 (817; 821,
825;., _8r29.East Washington Street) from: R =M -1500
(Multi - Family Residential) District to C -N
(Neighborhood Commercial)_ Distr-icct, was intro -
duced" by! Councilman Jr.,, seconded. by'
Councilman Dar'ly,:a_n_d ordered,pu'blished by 6
af ve , a . l absentee votes.
PlanningrCom miss ion Resolution #Z14 -72 recom-
men.din'g � den-ial. -cif the application of Ernest
Curtis -to rezone 817, 821, 825 a_nd 829 ;East
Washington Street an •R - 150'0 'bistrict to
a 'C -N Dis,tri-ct :was .overruled when Ordinance
#1.066 N.C.S: was introduced and seconded and
. an appeal was then unnecessary. ' City'
Robert Meyer explained the introduction and
second in effect,, took the place of an. appeal
of the.Planning'Commission's decision. He'in-
formed •'the Counci1 that a hearing will - be held
when -Ordinance #.1066 N.C.S'. ds. to be on the
agenda -f,or .adoption,,October 24, 1972.
Resolution #'6`14 -9,. N,C.S..: appointing persons to
committees of -the Sonoma County Water Agency
was infroduced,by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr:,
seconded'by Counclilman Perry, :Jr., and adopted
by 6 'a:f f ir-mat ve 'and l' - absentee votes
October 2:4, 1972
Appointments - -Re
Sonoma . County_,
Water. Agency
Res #6149. NCS
The:ap:point:ees,and their respectIv.e committees
.are as ;follows:
-Carty Engi.nee.r David A.. Young, Water Utility
Engineering Advisory Committee to the
Sonoma County Water Agency.
City. Attorney .Edouard. E. Robert, . Water Utility
Legal Contract Advisory Committee to the
..Sonoma County Wa.,ter- Agency . ' -
Councilman Pred V. Mattei, Water Utility
Policy Advisory Committee to'the Sonoma
County .Water - Agency.
City Manager Meyer asked the Council to 691 V
consider a- resolution.es- tablishing guidelines
for the issuance of building permits until,need
for environmental impact reports is clarified.
He adv -ised the 'touric 1 oaf a .temporary .halt in
issuance of building permits since last Thursday
until the Council could meet and take formal
legislative action.
City- ; Attorney..Rgbert explained the
of the resolution-was to estab'lish.guidelines
by - listing those -projects that would not require
an environmental impact report.
Planning.rirector William McGivern expressed.
concern for lack of direction for proceeding
and urged - ; the- ,Co:uncil ,to establish adequate
guidelines before _the,Planning�Commission-
met on October.17, 1972. Of the two agenda
items to be contemplated at said meeting,. one
could ,have -an. environmental impact on the area
Mr Jim knuthson representing Camille Enter- .
prises,-urged the Council to make a decision
tonight regardingbuilding permit issuance,
He,explained his company's project has been
financed and has been.waiting for building per-
mits for two weeks: Mr. Larry Venturi,.repre-
senting Go.lden.West Savings and:Loan Association,
also - asked * the- Council - to clarif what an environ-
mental impact- report.is and what project -s would
require such -a report. -
City Attorney - Robert -re.iterated by declaring
no one is.certain,at.this time to what the
..gudel.ines are and what-is required. The League
o:f.California Cities -will be meeting next week
to , explore the-implications of . the Environmental
Qual ty' Control Act 1970 and the Supreme
Court' decision.
Supervisor •,Jo .erger informed the Council that
the Board of Supervisors established some guide-
lnes•,for. the County - :Planning 1 De;partment opera'-
tons but re,served.the -right to determine., what
projects will require environmental impact reports.
After- f- urther discussion a motion was made by
Councilman�Mattei;.second`ed by Mayor..Putnam, to
add a.resolution,esaablishing guidelines for
the Building Department for issuing building
October 24, 1972
permits to the Council. Agenda..- The motion
failed affirmative, 3 negative, and 1
absentee votes;. Councilmen Brunner., Cavanagh;
Jr . , Land, ,Peary., "Jr ..:' ..voted "No."
Th Gity Ma- nage`r ; sked the Council to make a
motion... regarding _a building permits; whereupon; .
a motion-was-made Councilman Brunner, sec'-
ond'ed •;by 'Councilman . Per , Jr .- , authorizing_
the Bui,ld•ing - Department to issue , all building.
permit requests ., ' The motion , was- passed , by ' 4
aff- i- .rmativd, 2 ,ne,gAtive,, and 1 absentee votes.
Mayor'Putnam and:C'ouncilma-n Matted voted "No."
),37V Knickerbocker
Fire Chief Joe Ellwood reported on the history
Hand Pumper #1
of Knickerbocker Hand Pumper #1 and an'offer
from'the Sierra•.�Conserwation;Center, a State
correctional facility, to restore the pumper.
He asked for. authorization to use the..$4.0:0 :. .
budgeted-,for this project and to- contribute
surplus - brass to• bb used for ornaments; as. a
part of•the restoration.
A motion .was made by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,
seconded by Councilman Perry,, Jr.
the City Atao - rhey. "to prepare, an agreement for
the r•estoration'of . the pumper -by the Sierra
Conservation Center. The motion.was passed
by 6'affirmative; and 1 absentee votes.
The Mayor , expresse' _ .,h'ope of, having the pumper
exhibited during Petaluma's of our
Country's bicentennial celebration..
East Washington
Ordinance. #'10:67 N.C.S. pr.ecis'e
lines- var certain .proper.ty-for the re- •
Lakeville to.
Pervaton of future . right- of-way for the„
0 ' . ' S..101-Freeway
proposed realignment of a portion of East,.,
Ord #1-0'67 ..NCS '
Washington Street;. . from Lakeville Street to
U.S Freeway.,; was introduced by Councilman
Perry., Jr.:; seconded.by_ Councilman Daly, and
ordered published by 6 affirmative and 1
absentee votes.
2 ) 49,, F .Rezoning--833 8,37,
Counc-ilman Mattel commented on the traffic
and 841 East
problem in- proposed area- The
Washington Street
matter" was discussed and it was concluded that
Ord #10,65 NCS
the - problem will be •investigated. when the site
(Second Reading)
design is reviewed.. Following' the •discuss. on
Ordinance 410 6,.5' U -C . S . •amend 'Zoning . ordinance
• #66;2 N: - C.S. by "rezon•ing "Assessor's Parcels - #7-
022; - = 1.0; #"118,; (8.33:,, 837, 8`4:1 East Washing-
ton stree,t): from an R=4-15 (:Mu�l.t i= Family
ReSldell= tlad D]_`str.ict to C -N (- N,e.igI- orhood -
Commer-.cial) - bi, trict, was introduce -d by Council -
,ma`n Daly, ,s!ec6 ded, by Co;unc,ilman Perry, Jr. ,
and adopted by ; .6' affirmative and 1 absentee
" .Reque :st , f,or
Cityt-Ma'na -g.er 'Robert .Meyer referred to letter ,
Deviation --
dated October .5�,- 19,T'2 •,f:rom. David -..C. Traversi,
Magnolia :Avenue.
attorney .represent `f g Paul ':Ciampi, in which
Plan. Lines, -_
-Mr. Ciampi proposed to-move the b,u.ilding located
at 2 °0i •Nagnoli a `A4venue to the, ream of the. property
- dedicate 22 feet 'along the front of his property,
f'o -r Iuture widen - Magnolia Avenue, and con -'
sxtzuc curb, gutter, and one =half, ,of the street
along th-e, front of the property i,f the City
will contribute $2 ,,0,00: towards., the project.
October 2A, 1972
Request for
Mr. Traversi requested the Council also agree .
- to._the, proposal subject to the. approved site
Magnolia - Avenue
de'sign.not .having:to.be resubmitted the
Planning.Commission-before the structure is
moved. He explained any delay may cause dif-
ficulty in relocating the structure due -to
weather .conditions. Pla nning Director NlcGivern
suggested, - if the proposal is approved, a condi-
tion be .included all applicable setback
requirements are met:.
Following a brief discussion a motion was made
by Councilman seconded'by Councilman
Matte.i, directing the- City Attorney to. prepare
the necessary legislation for Council considera-
- tion.. Motion passed' by 6 affirmative votes, .1
- - ^�
Appointments - -.
The Mayor explained the procedure followed forbeo F
the drawing of'committee appointees and how
Development -.
the final names were se,lected,. The applicants
Evaluation Board
were contacted by the Mayor to determine their
interest in serving on.said committee.
The .following: `people: were appointed to the
Residential - •Development - Evaluation Board:
City Council: Richard W._Clecak and John
W.;. Cavanagh , .Jr .,
Planning Commission; Lester "Budd" Popp and
Mervin S., Waters.
Business or Professional: East- -Vince DeGregory;
West -- George Geiger; Central - -Mario Figone.
Petaluma Elementary School: Robert Stimson..l._
Old. Adobe Union School District.: Bob Renaldo.
Cinnabar School District:. Himmie Barlas.
St. Vincent School System: Irene Chambers.
of Buildings --
30 3.. Post Street
Res # 150
:_Citizens at Large: East - - Lee Lbf ton' and Jim
Harberson; Wesi - -Dona Cook and Fred Zurth
Central=- Miss,Margaret Soberanes and Mr's.
Ch-r -is Hendricks - h.
The Council investigated the.possibility " - of 5 F
rehabilitating the subject structure to bring
it up to code.standards.; however, after reviewing
bids received Se 1972, for demolition
and rehabilitation "c'os'ts of said building, it was .
decided to - demolisPi the ;building'.
.After further dis cuss:. on,: .Resolution #6151 N.C.S.
award -ing contract to the lowest responsible bid-
der',' F. G; Mi'llerick, 5375,LOne Pine Road,
Sebastopol, for the "Demolition and Removal of
Buildings - - Project 303 Post Street, at a cost
of $1,30'0, was introduced by Councilman Brunner,
seconded by Councilman Perry, and adopted
by 4 affirmative, 2 negative, and 1 absentee
votes. Councilmen Cavanagh,.Jr., and Daly
voted "Nb._ (The resolution was defeated by
a 3°-3 vote, but. Councilman Brunner requested.
his vote be changed from a "No" to a "Yes"
vote.-) -
October 24, 1972
Adjournment There ~being no.further,business to come before
the Council; the meeting Was .adjourned,to an
executive session at 10:20 o:'clock.p.m.
putt' Ci y Clerk