HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/06/1972215 Council Meeting Attendance MINUTES: OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL; P`ETALUMA, CALIFORNIA November 6, 1972 Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma wa-s called to order by Mayor.Putnam at the hour-of 7:30 o,'clock p.m. Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr., Clecak, Daly, Mattei, Perry, Jr., and Mayor Putnam. Absent: None. invocation Due to the absence of the Reverend Kenneth Russell, St. .James Church, no invocation was given. Approval.of Minutes The minutes -of October 2'4, 1.972, were approved as recorded. All Police Activities Accompanied by-Captain-Henry Eslick of the Police, League -) Department, Paulette Leagge, Kathy Kristovich, and Eiieen.Van three B- members of the Police Activit ies , League,.presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the City of Petaluma for its participation'.in the P.A.L. Drill and-for -its effort.in making the program a success. Mayor Putnam accepted the Certificate on behalf of the•City.and h -ighly praised the P Team for its - achievements and success. CONSENT CALENDAR By consensus of the Council, it was decided to remove Agenda Item #3, "Approval of Claims - and Bills," from the Cons.en.t- Calendar and consider same under "Ci.ty:Manager. "' Directed that said item not be included under the Consent Calendar in the future. Upon motion made by Councilman Mattei and sec -. onded by Councilman.C;lecak'., Agenda Items #1,. #:2, 44, #5,,and #6 on the Consent Calendar were approved by 7 affirmative votes. Agenda Item #1 -- Resolution 46.160 N.C.S. authorizing the Mayor Federal Grant - - to accept Federal Grant for Sewage. Treatment Sewage Treatment Works. Works-.. Res 46160 NCS Agenda Item #'2 -- Marin /Sonoma. Subregional Sewerage Study Res #6.161 Agenda Item #4 -- Jitney-Bus Service . Res #6162 NCS Agenda Item #'5 One Half Ton Pic Up Truck -- Public Works Res #6163 NCS Resolution 461.61. N C..S. authorizing the Mayor / 02 r to execute.a,suppl,emental Joint Powers Agree - ment.relating -to the- subject sewerage study and approving form of..'agreement.with consultants. Resolution 461.62 N.C.S. cancelling Certificate,39� of ,Convenience and,Nec,ess,ity issued to Howard and Marvin Graveson,to operate a jitney bu.s . service'-in the City of Petaluma.. N Specifications - for. subject vehicle submitted s5� i✓ and filed. Resolution #61.63 N.C.S. authorizin lk purchase of one half. torn pickup truck for Public Works Department. I 216 November. 6 , 1972 Agenda Item #'.6 -- Specificati,ons.fOr purchase of.- iiquid- ;,Liquid Chlorine submitted and. fi Resol.ut1ion #61,64 . ' N.,C.Sr. Res : #6164: N.CS authorizing -the purchase of -liquid - .chlo.rne,. Audi- ts-- C:ty.of Financial ,Statement_and Auditor's Report :of the Petaluma :and Water -: City of; Petaluma an °d of the Petaluma .Water De.- -. -June 30 partment'submitted by Wadsworth, Smith, Mohrman-, � FDepartment 19 T2 and Dado, June 30-,: 197 2 , submitted and filed. _ Mr.. Charles F "Rb,ge'rs :of the ac °counting firm was= pr-es,ent. to' review the a;udit_'s, " 'A ,brief dis- cus,sion was held.and in resp-ons;e.to. Councilman Mattei' "s question, Mr. Rogers was. asked "to furnish the.Coun.cil with i'nfgrmation as to the, reason'why -the fire and.extended insurance cover.age'fo.r the City does not the in- crease of the -as:sets`f:or the year. ?5F Recych ng „Program Letter, dated. October 12, 1.9.72, from Bob Salinas, g 3236 Skillman Lane, proposing , a ."recycling program and coordinating this with a work experience pro - gram :for the. locally. retarded, read .and filed. Mrs. Luetta Thomas,. - 53'2 Virginia Drive, and .Mr. Bob. ,Salinas,, 3236 Sk- illman Lane, addressed: the Council and .outlined the pro- gram.. They':requested support, partl.cula -r.ly assistance. to acquire a _permanent. for th_e operations. Mrs. Thomas spoke of youth group involvement during a previous operation and that proceeds from resale�o:f materi- als were g.ve to” the_ .treasur,es b`f the various .. . groupa. Mr:. Salina 's 'also expanded on work expo- - r once for--th`e mentally retarded. Upon. 'concl,usion. of the pr.esentation,; Mayor • appointed - Councilmen, Clecak, and Mattei _ t0 s.erve on a .co with Mrs Thomas ' and . Mr. Salinas . to explore sand di,s ^s the program. Councilman Cle'cak was a:ppoi chai of the comm it .,ee. S;tero Dishwashing Letter from Stero 'Dishwashirg Machine Manufa:c Machine ;Manufacturing, �, turing, ..Company requesting Ci -ty part.ic'ipation Company in sewe extension 66st:s Vas. postpo for Council consideration on .December 4,, 1,972. PUC Public.• Utilit =ies Commi.ss.ion, Order Institu Investigation on the Commiss`ion's; own mot into methods °.of compliancei with Envi r on m enta l Quality Act of� 19 ,,__submitted and filed Claims and.- Bills Resolution..,, #616'5_ N..C.S,. approving claims and Res - #6 NCS bills'. #1208 'to- 41320:` inclusive and, #1415 to #1439 °inc'husive, approved for payment by the -. City A*mager,, 'caas introduced by Councrilman Cavanagh, Jr.,,s:econded by`- Councilman Mattei, and adopted by 7 a•f•f;irmative. votes. Population ;Estimate Resolut:ion, #.6166 N C.S. authori.z; 'ng the execution _ Res #.6;1.66 RCS d� Re - .. of an agreement to prepare � �`� ` was introduced by ;Counclman.Cavanagh Jr.. s ec or ;ded by Counc- aman clecak ,: and adopted by 7 a f f i tmat ive 'v0 tee ;.. Study- Session A study session -.:was sch "e ;dul at-4 ::00 - o'clock November. 13., 1972 p:,,m,. on Moriday, °November 13,. 1.972, to meet with ,- the - Fair 'Board -and .the. Hospital Board."' November 6, 1972 Shol,lenberger River. .Park Res #'61;67 NCS Counc'i,lma.n-- C'lecak, :reviewed the following corres- po;ndenc'e- with -, regard "to the proposed Shollenberger River Park {s Let ter ,..:dated .October 27, 1972,. from Sonoma Co:unty.Parks; and Recreation Director Joseph D. .Rodota- with copy_ of .the Board of Supervisors of Sonoma Co.u.nty,re,solution approving and authorizing the.._'ekecution of the lease agreement for the subj.ect•par`k; that the federal grant assistance for .development of th,e' park has been refused, therefore, t°he.County' will develop Phase . I with the $25.,000 ay.ailabhe'and will request additional funds-in next year's, budget if needed to complete .,Phase I, read and filed. Letter,..dated.october.:25, 19.72, from the State De partment -of Navigation `and,ocean.Development responding to. City Attorney Robert• "s, letter of October ;10,,,.1972, approving the use of the Petaluma :Boa -t Launch,ing-_Facility,parking and sanitary,facilitIes on•a cooperative basis with the proposed Sho lehberg.er'•:River develop 7 meat -, sub_ject, to 2 conditions regarding priority and 'over.c- roweling, -• -read and filed. ' : Councilman Clecak .pointed out° tha.t. - under these conditions .the City would be•responsible to expand,the parking and facilities when needed. Le tter, dated October R.'A. Muzio, Cha irman; Recreation, Music, and Parks Commission, recommending to.the.Co;uncil that any funds desig- mated Y for, devel-opment.�of ..a water main-to serve Phase I of Sho.11enberger River -Park be allotted from the Water- -De .partment Funds, read and filed. Councilman �Cle:ca�k . stated: that the Commission further . funds allocated�-'fo.r the Park. Department' n the =.5 -year capital outlay program sho.uld,,be stressed primarily for Lucchesi Park. as .the number; one pr'iori'ty project. He : asked for discussion on this priority. .Upon conclusion - o;f -tlieed scussiori,on'the,Comm s- sion.'s.r:ecominendation the matter of .financing •developme.nt:al water main - for Shollenberger River Park was;...re,ferred'to Council consideration at itsi capital outlay':study Councilman Matted was- -aske(i to present the matter to the Water Commission -for it's considerat ion. and recom- mendation. Following -•,.a brief general discussion on 'the -pro posed agreement.; Resolution #6167 N.�C.S.'author- i.z;ng the, Mayor. to - e.xe,cute an agreement with ' the County of Sonoma for -the use and development., of Shol- lenberger River Park,= was. introduced by, Councilman Clecak,. seconded by Councilman '.Daly; and' adopted. by Z of f irmatlive votes. Director of. Public Works David Young reported 2A" ,on. the -- Sonoma. County.. Board of Supervisors' meeting regarding. SB -32'5 :f.unds which he and Councilman,Cavanagh,: Jr. last-week. The County filed a claim with the Metropolitan - Transportation m .Comis,s.ion under Article 8 of , the: Transportation- Development -Act of-1971 for a Balanced Transportation Study for'Sonoma County. SB 325- Gasoline Tax Money 62 18 November 6, 1972 At the meeting a plan;was by' the- and agreed upon by Golden Gate. Bridge ',Dis- trict, to allot-. $430, 000 of the '.$"1- ,1.3,`1 , 0.00• = available fr6m',19'72 -73 Transportation.'Development Act funds -'to ,tYie Brelge District and to disburse the balance - of ;$6`08,0`&0 to the County and the. 8 inc.orpgrated `cities therein.. , Bas ed. on ar popula- tion formula, Petaluma's share for- 1.972 -73 would. be approximately $•881,000. Mr Young stated that upon, checking with:'the'Metro.politan Transportatio_ Commiasion, it is too late for the City of Petaluma to file, an application fo'r- 1972 -73 - funds as the deadline date was November 1, - 1972 ; however -; the C`ity's'`197 - 2 1 allotment will not- be lost, but will:-be added to' the next succeed-in g 'year's - total Sonoma County a,l'lotment funds. Sonoma County may protect Pe.taluma's 197`2- 73'.funds by 'adjusting their r 19.73. - "74 County claim. Claims for .1973 -74. are to be filed=, b' :March -1, 197.3'. Mr -- Young added that.the County is reques,ting.Counc l`.su'port -of its claim , submitted to' the Metropolitan Transporta- tion-Commission. Sonoma, County •Director of Public Works Donald _ appeared -.before the Council to' further, d °i the Cointy.'s claim .and the u e of; the funds . He =' also Jnf.ormed• the -Council that the Bridge ,;District - _ will `be allotted an additional $1:7 , ,&&0 • f or - plan . nIng.purpos „and - he recommended that -th G ty request_ °a -study' :.of •routing . Golden Gate Transit bus'e_s in -the City of:° Petaluma. In response to. a question; Mr: Head indicated - that the 4. , Transportation Stud should include . inter -City transit needs,, .. uc'Yi as a „j .they service in Petalu The proposed re'solut'ion supporting the - failing : o.f the claim - f , or the Co ;Oty of. Sonoma was , reviewed with Mr'. Head and found to appropriately cover ' -Article 4 f.or `trans� t :purpos:es ,. Article” cle" 8 ; . Sec— tion -99400 (A) for the _Ba-lance. Trans portation - . • study, and. `Article -8 , 'Section 99'4'00 (C) for County road purposes , :whereupon '-Resolution : #6168 N . C ..S . ` -of the City „Counc1lt`of Petaluma approving .the- f il:ng 'of t_he claim to the Metropolitan Transporta- tion Gbmmi,s ;sion.iri accordance; with the requi- rements of ithe '.Transpoftat•ion,•Developmen't Act of 1971, was introduced- Eby, 'Councilman Brunrie"r seconded. - by Councilman Cay.amagh; Jr.", and adopted by 7 affirmative votes:., - The- City Clerk wars directed-to send -a, letter to ., the 'Metropolitan- Transportation Commis Comm%sson, request= . ing that `the City's, .elicribil ty. for_ the' 197:2 -73.. . pr.o - -rata allotment funds in the amount - of `: 88 , 000 be added to the 'City. share based: on population Chamber of Commerce/ due iri 1973:= 74.x- -rifj; - - - -- Go`1'den Gate Br` dge . Di °stri:ct Meeting' City Manager Raber .,Meyer reported on the sub j ect - meeting held today at. the Adobe Room. It. -was explairie'd 'by the Golden Gate 'Bridge Dist ct that buses serving Petaluma commuters are fuhl and none , . - are avai la'b1e' to route over .._McDowell Boule- vard He. added- that a .&tud_y s;e;ssion is ' being, - schedul'ed. in; November -w th.the Bridge District to ",further dis'ct t'he ;matter of .additional bus s "ervi -ce . November 6, 1972 S31 F Modification - - Planning .Commi,s;s�ion: Resolution #14 =72 recommending "on: Environmental - that. a. sp;edific' planning .area be designated Design,:Plan_ the °Environmental "Design Plan to industrial land Res, #616.9 NCS use and, s.ervi.ce_ commercial' land use, submitted and filed. Resolution #6169 N.C.S. - setting November 27, 1972, as hearing date'to consider.modifications to the Environmental Design-Plan, was introduced by - Councilman Daly, seconded by Councilman Brunner, ` and.adopted .7 affirmative votes. Rezoning Area -- .-Planning- Commission - Resod, ttion- #Z19 -72 recommend- Lindberg. Lane ing the adoption'of a proposed amendment to Ordi- Or d 410.69 NCS" ." nance #662 N. C.S. by reclassifying certain lands in.."the Lindberg. Lane .,area from-an "A " (Agricultural) District and an R -1 =600'0 (1- FamilyResidential) _ D:i.strict to an- ML (Limited Industrial) District, submitted and filed. Ordinance #1069 N.C.S. amending Zoning - Ordinance #6'62 N.C.:S..•as- recommended was introduced by Councilman Daly, seconded by Councilman. Brunner, and ordered published by 7 affirmative votes. Rezoning- .Area,= Pa.anning Commission .Re=solution #Z20 -72 recommend= Lakeville ._Street- ing, .the' .adoption of a proposed amendment to -Ordi- Lindberg`Lane, riance #662, N :C.S.' by -• pe,dlassifying certain lands o r #107O:,NCS ; in ,the Lakevilae Street= Lindberg' Lane ,area from an. ML;,` (Limi ; ted' Indu'str'ial 'Dis trict -to a CH (High- - way Commercial) Di trio submitted and filed. ordinance #1070 ° :N.C.S­-. amending Zoning Ordinance #662.NC.S.•as••,rec,ommended, was introduced"by Councilman Daly,•seconded by Councilman Brunner, and ordered 'published "by 7 affirmative votes. Rezoning.;Area -- Planning- Commission .Resolution'. #217- 72•recommend- We s ,Street ing the adoption o.f .pro.posed amendment to Zoning ,(Nunn Or.d' trance #'6 °62.: N :.0 . S . by reclassifying ' A . P . #6-7 Ord #1071: NCS: 412 - -1:4' and A- .P.. #6- 412 -23 (approximately 342' by . 347' and 30.'.by 390'),from R -1- 10,000 (1- Family Res=idential) District: to a PUD (Planned Unit be •velopment) District, submitted and filed. Ordinance #1071 N.C.S. amending,Zoning Ordinance #662 N.C.S.. as recommended, was.introduced by ;.... Councilman_ seconded Brunner, and ordered,. published by ".7 affirmative votes. Environmental In, relation_ to the 3_ preceding. -ordinances intro - Impact Report d.uce by .tl e ,Council., the City Attorney pointed Res #6170.NCS out that adoption..of'said ordinances may have to wait for• the deype and -filing of sufficient : environmental impact reports. City Attorney- Robert.reviewed the proposed"resolu- tion •,discussed.,at,the,-Council meeting on October 24,,, "1:972, and in 'line''w-ith .Councilman Daly's suggestion; the resolution was modified to include ".The City Council of ;the City of Petaluma believes that-- this .City as- a. charter c=ity is not bound by the.. Friends of Mammoth-,Decision, but in keeping with. the spirit, of. the decision desires to estab- lish,,gudeli•nes.and policies as to those projects that do' note have a significant effect on the en- vironment And therefore, .d'o ,not need environmental impact studies. ". Mr. Robert noted, however, that - in :his, o- pinion .the "Fr=iends of Mammoth Case" is - a-State -wide matter.and that all charter cities wll'have to comply. November 6, 1972, : Envi'ronmental - A proposed resol =ut =ion - to be considered by `the Impact Report- -: Planning Coinmission-. November T 19 recommend- -Res #6`170 ' NCS ing -to the •.City "jCouncil,_ that it adopt "interim' (continued) -- gu de-lines,«and` ,procedures for the preparation of. envir.onmentali "impact reports was'.reviewed -by the. City Attorney. for Council inf.orinat� o.n . Mr. Robert ",,further- stfated• "that he wi11 reeommend :'o the: Planning Coft=fs's;ion the d6yel•opment =a,-rd p're- . 'par'ation.. o:f" t le :. environmental 'impact r" eports be .a P'lanni°ng. Commission ' fun;ction :arid the .Council will not be involved.. ,'Due to _the" "Friends-of :. Mammoth"- decision-; many projects:will 'be delayed,, but it is :hoped; t °hat' procedures .will be developed to minimize' these ; de1hay;s - however , �developer.s are r'ec'ognizing,. the - eff,e'ct' of decision -and are aware'-of the,-reports.'' Mr.. Nerman,• Rol1-in 'l,ocal developer; •appeared . before •the Council and stated • that: a ' site' ",de -sign. and .an environmental - impact. .stateme'nt have been f 1'ed - en- the propo"sed development at -the' north- west corner of East'• ;Washington and' Ellis Streets. He request�ed� that` thes'e .matters", be included,- on the next P Commission Agenda in order, tc meet - certain deadline dates .." Planning . Director McGivern ind'icated.p.ossibil.ty if requirements are •Motl. Following a• brief general discussion, .:Resolution #6170 N' C.: S'. "e,stablishing ,, guidel ; ines. for those projects' * the City not requ-iring environ- mental impact, studies under the California Environ- mental Quality Act of ;l'9'70, was introduced by Councilman" Daly, seconded by Counci -.iman Mattei, and adopted - :by 7 a�ffirma:tiv,e votes. Washington Creek Resolution #6171.N.:C.S requesting the 'Sonoma Bank Repairs County Water 'Ag.enc.y, 11 s: gas sistailce `,in' the. repair - Res #6171 NCS of erosion. in - Washington Creek, was:, introduced by Councilman. Cavanagh,, Jr., seconded by,__ Council- man Branner:, and adopted by 7 affirmative v'ot'es" ►JOJ F Rezoning - -Area. City Attorney Robert' - recommended .`de,f err ing Along Washington o th s abject - ordinance until a n- e n - vi r o nnen tal, - Creek (.Qantas), impact., repo is fi l:ed. a -nd app r ove d for - su Ord: #1068 NCS Pl an "ing .bir ec,to r' Will McGivern reported that- an envi- _ronmen "taa ° - impact ;negative- statement .was receive from -the app l ic'ant's, Q Development Corporation; however•,; the statement has 'not been reviewed for . 'sufficiency by 'the• departments ' in= volv.ed: He, asked - that.:the "h , ng• on -the•` rezoning b--delayed, �unt`il the next Council- "meeting e' Mr. .;John Joayln•'and. Mr Robert I O;'Neel of Qantas Development Cot poration appeared. before the, Council and questioned -he' ;ne.e'd for- an environmental- im. pact' r e, p o rt... Fu d iscussion. pursued `o 'the `f .. matter, arid, a..ft•er • a lengthy- presentation the Council questioned Mr;. Robert on the, disposition of �req.uifing' sueh a report. In ,Light of the State Sup Court deCiSio .City Attorney Robert -stated the was convinced that the subject development -does require a n •envi ° impact report and is to e,ofttain= findings on" :elements as 'outlined: in the Public` 'Resou - Code . _ The 'io -i natt W a s , co ,: f or further ' con-, deration '.by the Council on November. 27 ,' 1972 , November 6, 197.2 __- Counc,ilman- ' also 1 added that the Residential .- Development,-Allotment, Board 'is interested in en- vronmental - impact ,reports' to assist -the Board in determining .its,selection of developers for the _ 50.0 units_ per, year:. ABAG_ :General - - Co:unc -lman Cavanagh, Jr.: , . referred to information Assembly .`- :.. r.eceived,,from the -As iation of Bay Area Govern- ments -reg.ardrng,.the- °g,rowt °h 'policy to' be. considered a:t:the° General Assembly on Friday,. November, 10 , 19..:72: Mayor. - Putnam, .brief:ly reviewed the growth statement's`. A motion..was made by Councilman _ Cavanagh,, Jr,. , ..-and seconded by Councilman Mattei, support'in:g, the growth poai•cy and authorizing the City's.- delegate 'to• use­ discretion on changes made in the policy. Motion carried unanimously. Council_- .Chamber-Air :. Councilman Mattei_ requested ,a staff study of the Conditioning.System ,air conditioning system in the Council Chambers. Adjournment A motion was made by Clecak,. and sec- onded Councilman:Mattei,.adjourning' the regular Council meeting -o-n November 20, 1972, to 7:30 - o'.clock p : m..,,'Monday- .,=November 27, 1972. Motion carried .unanimously, -'.. -, There being no .further- bus;fness to come before the Council., the meeting was adjourned to an executive session at 1:0:35 o'clock p.m. 1 Mayor .1