HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/20/1973MINUTES.OF, MEETING
February :20, 1973
Council Meeting Regular
the hour
Attendance Present:
neeting of the Council of the City of.
was called to order-by Mayor Putnam at
of 7:30 o'clock p.m.
Councilmen Brunner,.Cavanagh, Jr.,
Clecak, Daly, Mattei, Perry, Jr., and
Mayor Putnam.
Invocation The invocation was given by the Reverend Dan
Toays, Church,of' the Oaks,'Cotati.
Approval of Minutes The minutes-of January 30, 1973, were, approved
with the following correction: Page 3, delete
the .word "not " the' last sentence,. paragraph
1, under "Consideration of Appeals.. ", -
The minutes of.February 5, 1973, we're approved
with the following addition Page 8, at the
end of item "Awarding Housing Allotments 1973-
74": "Iri qualifying his - negative vote,, Council-
man Daly stated that in his opinion F t-he units
within the City limits should have preference."
CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Item: #`9, -- It was��clarified that the
Transitional Use established as.one of the dis-
tricts designated.in the General.PlAn by the.
Planning Commission in its r to
the Council does not restrict `from build ng -in
accordance with the existing zoning:classfca
tion." A motion was made by Councilman Mattei
and seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.., ap
proving and adopting Agenda Items #1 through
All on -the Consent'Calendar. Motion carried
Agenda Item #1 Letter, -dated February.9, 1973,,from Gordon
`.Boy'-Scouts Ching thanking the. Council and staff for the
successful "Scouts in.Government Day" February
5, 19 7..3 .
Agenda Item #2
Agenda' Item, 43
Golden Agers'
Club By -Laws
Agenda Item. #A
Atlantic and
Pacific Building
Agenda Item #5
Claim Denial
Res #6218 NCS
Copy.of.,application_.filed with Alcoholic Bever- .55r
age Control by Anna,E. Schluter for on - sale beer
and.wine'eating.place license for Petaluma
Delicatessen,. Kentucky Street; approved by
the Police. Chief,; Building. Inspector; and Health
Recreation, Mus ic�, and Parks Commission recom-
menda -tion. regarding Golden Ager.s' Club By -laws
City_ Planning Commis.s -ion Resolution . #-1 -73
granting ..Atlantic and Pacific Building Corpora - rgt�
tion:. a _extension of time within which to
complete the requirements of'Section 21- 900,of
Zoning-,. Ordinance #662.,N.C..S. (relative to C -H
'Zoning) .
Resolution #621.8 N.C.S..denying claim filed by
Henry Nick las in the- amount of $44.58.
February 20, 1973
Ag enda.: Item A6
9 1
Resolution #6219 - N..C..S,. denyi d filed
x• , - ..by
Ryan Schott in the amount of
Res #6 NCS
Agenda.Item #7
Resolution #6220.N.C.S..authori-zing Councilmen
_State Comprehen-
Brunner-and Perry Jr., _tq_appear before the
slVe Health
State,: Comprehensive ..Health Cou for .'the- pur-
pose, of obtaining additional beds-for•the City
of Petaluma.%
S' er v i'ce s
Agenda Item #`8
Resolution #6221 NX,S. reques,ting the Board of
Conduct of
Supervisors,of - Sonoma 'Coun�ty,to-.proV.ide for the
conduction of elections in the City of Petaluma
Res #6221 NCS
by the County Clerk and repealing Resolution
#6202' N.C.S.
Agenda Item t9,
City Planning Commission Resolution 42.-73 recom-
General P-lan
mendin 9 .to. the City Council that .,.it'.am'end*. the
General-Plan. Resolution• #5222 N.C.,S_ setting
Res #'622:2
March .5, 1 as .hearing date for'modifi cations
to - the General.. Phan,.
Agenda Item. #10
Ordiinahc,e_#1076, N.C..S, of the City.•c'f Petaluma
Lease -' Fourth
a�uthora*,z 'lease of the property known as
- �ng a
District Agri,
Ken1'1Wo'rth,.,Park, Petaluma,• California, to the
cultural Fair
Fourt h Di strict Agricultural Fair -Association
of State o : Cali f or . A. term of 2 5
Ord - #107,6 -, '.RQS
year's with an- to ' - renew for ari •additional
e n
(S'cond. - Readi �g
�25 yea rs_ an 'annual rental. 'of $1 per year.
Age nda . -Item #11
- Resolution #.62 -23.N 'C.!S. re'qu'esting-Sonoma County
C;;ncelldt1on of
Board of SuperVisory-s. to cancel taxes on certain.
pa- reels of. property acqui by the City of
Res ' #62.2.3 NC-8
Casa. Grande '
- .Thi s b eing - the - time set to hear comments or
p rotests regardi-ng-prezoning property known as
Ca'sa.Gtai� Annexation #1 from County "A
Ord #1077-.NCS.,":
(A'r -District to a PUD d
lanne - Unit,
Deyel hearing was
ppment)):. District, the public hea:�i'
The City !Clerk ;announced that no written com-
munications were received. ,
Planning Director pp.inted. out .,that.,
-z . onin requirement of the I 'cal, Agency
_.pre� - - ,g� is . r 0
'P.Orma.t-idn,:Comm'ls;s -before any Parcel of land
i s annexed to `the. City. The Planning Commission
adt.e �±AV' r dbiy and recommended that the Council
approve the change
Mr. McGiivern showed•a map of the approximate.
131. ad'rqs.. tbPQs0 to be annexed, which in
p _ . 1
cl - ude$, the' :Grande Junior High School - .site
o 76' . .5' acres ,nd. co mbined areas of the
'adjacent , ent proper-t1e.s of 5,5.3 acres'.,
Mr. m,a.r-,,in,o Creel -la,, owner ..of. land proposed
'for nt-ial',deve�lbpment and Adjac'.'ent to
re:side 0
the Casa Grande School site,, , appeared. , before
the Council to- poli-nt 'out.' sever" f c,ts directly
related-,. to- the. 3-year'delay- in annexation of
the property.. He"requested Coun'cl considera—
tion os his, pos in-the matter.
28 3-
February 2 0, 19 7 3
Casa Grande " -
-'' Upon conclusion of the • discussion., 'the public
Annexation _
hearing_ was, closed * and Ordinance.. #1077 N' C'.S,:
amending Zoning Ordinance #1072 - N ::C . S . by,, pr-e-
Ord #1077 NCS
zoning.the property - hereinafter described from
an.'. "A - ' (Agricultu_ral• -) Di�s'tr.i to.. PUD. ,(Planned
Unit - Development.), District,. - .located" in" area
'bounded _ on .• ;the east by•'Ely • Road _ on the
South by .Casa' Grande- Road, on the west . by .South
McDowell Boulevard,.. and on the north by..:, the
present Ci=ty limits, was.introduced by Council -
man Clecak, seconded by Councilman Matted, and
ordered publ following vote:
..Ayes: -- Councilmen:Brunner, Clecak, Mattei, and
Noes,: Councilmen.Cavanagh, Jr., Daly, and
Perry, Jr.
Absent: None.
Counci -Iman Daly: explained his negative vote.
Being consistent with his past position regard-
ing . growth , - he opposed'..annexing . any, land that
could -be developed with a possible.250- -300
units ---on the east . side• when` vacant land. -. is
ava - lable within.`the- ` for building.
Claims .arid*.
- . Resolution #6224 N.C'.;S. approving•:c "laims. and
Res '• #6224 NCS ,
- bi11 =s 419 -6 to #'2 inclusive, and-#1564 to
- # 15 9.0 , -_inclusive,,, -- approved for payment-. "by the
City Manager, was introduced by Councilman
Cavanagh;.Jr.. , seconded by Counc- ilman'Daly,
= _ and adopted by `7 affi`rmative votes.-
World Wristwrestling Councilmen Cavabnagh.,, Jr., Clecak, and - Mattei 7 3 =7y
Charripionship we're appointed to serve on a committee with
appropriate -staff members to -meet - with members
of. the =; =World's =Wristwrestling Championship
A- ssociat on to d'scuss their request for funds
Petaluma Fair
Institute of
Labor Rel- dtioi s=
and use. thereof. for a:-report to the= •Couneil
thereon as soon : -as possible_. Councilman
Cavanagh,- Jr., was °appointed Chairman of the
commi•tt e _
Considering request in letter; dated February
6; 1973 -- Mr. James Carney of Rancho Riders,
sponsors•.of the Petaluma Parade, for funds
for'the parade; a•:motion was mad'e,by Councilman
Mattei,and.- secbnded.-by Councilman ,Cavanagh, Jr.,
approving -- $400 for -= the Fair Parade . to be used
- toward tr" o phies ; and "cash awards. Motion carried
unanimously.F =.
Collaborative Use-
Reyenue=Sharing Funds
City Manager-=Robert Meyer announced.that the
+Institute of - Labor Rehations will be held
March 25 -30 1973, in-San Francisco at the
'Jack'-Tar Ho-tel..t .
Draft - o-f letter -to , the Board o f Supervi of`�
Sonoma Counnty suggesting that the Board consider
the use-of County''.s 1972 Revenue Shariri.g
Funds•(January- December, 1972) on a matching,
fund basis for the development- of a needed
"Iliibrary +building .in, the Petaluma area, submitted
and filed-
February 20, 1973
Collaborative Use --
Revenue- Funds
Filing Feb-.-.
4 - .'Depos.it -- Statement
of Qualifications -,,
June l2 , 19'73
Municipal - Elect=ion
Petaluma River Bank.
a� Erosion -Linda Del
Mar .S:ubdivision . .
o�F Aqueduct Expansion
Res #62,2 NCS
Following a brief discussion, it - ;wa_s ; agreed that
the letter be r(; v sed- to express the Council's
app ro•ach- on, -the- matter. A mot °ion ; was' made by
Cbunci'lman - Perry, Jr., and seconded by. Council- .
man Brunner, that- a revised letter be`' f
to the ,. Board, o Supervisors,. Motion ,;carried
unanimously,. _
Councilman; v Perry, ; ,, Jr�.•; was asked .to meet with
the City Manager,to develop an- appropriate let-
ter and to °be approved.,by.the Council before
ma i -l. ng . .
The City Clerk informed the 'Council of. the!
f''ollowing 'new State. election law;. A filing, fee
proportionate to.the cost of processing a candi-
date'a- ,nomination papers, as determined by.the
City_ Council and set by 'ordinance -', but not'.
exceed'ing.'$2.5, ma.y•be imposed, be.paid upon
the. filing of nomination, paPgr_s .', After some
di'scus`sion.,' a motion .was made b:y Councilman
Matted ,and seconded by Councilman Cleca�k tabling
the matter of a' f fee.. . Motion . ,-carried
A,.motion.was made ,b.y."Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.
.and seconded by Jr.., that $50
be_coll;ected.' by- the .City Clerk as a deposit.
from those dandidate who wish to file a State-
ment of Qua ificat;ion's: for. the June 12, 1973,
Municipal Election. Motion carried unanimously.
.Counci.lman•. Ma.ttei scheduled a meeting on,- Friday,
February 2�3, 1973., at .4::00 o'clock p.m: for the
Council Committee and st,a -ff' to• meet- with Mr.
Leon Bohling to .discuss "Petaluma River- Bank
erosion problems involved with his property on
Rocca D'r ve.. '(:Linda: Del Mar Subdivision.) - .
Councilman :Cavanagh_,. Jr,.,, r.eque;sted ' that bank
•er,Usio.n •pro'b`lems a cross, the `River ''in the vicinity
..of .Val'lej`o' St re et' b e considered at the same time.,
Director o:f.Public Works David Young reviewedI
the "draft•.pro.posal' of. the Water:System Augmenta -.
tion o'f ;the 'Sonoma County Water Agency,, ' which,
plan wo presented. to the Water-- Commi,ss_ on at
its, meeting on Wednssday February 1,4 1973'.
Copy_ of: said .draft- pr,o,posal submitted
Mr. Young continued ..,b_y saying that the :Water.
Comm;uas= on ad the propo al and recommended
- :it the Co , endorse the project with ..a
proviso the:, ;Sonoma 'Cou-nty Water Agency be *urged
to aecelera,te the construction - timetable . Mr'.
Young :welded. that the County..es.t_mat,es, 42 , months.
be,fo'r.e facilities are operational,. brut that- there
is ; a need by th City of Petaluma .for earlier
completiion .
Following a short discussion, Resol:utioh. #6:225
,N..iC.,S. endorsing the Sonoma - County Water 'System
Expansion. Program .and. , urg ha
ing tt the project
timetable be accele- r;a.ted,.was- introduced by
Councilmari . Matt e seconded by Coun'cilman'Perry,
Jr. , and • adopted `by_ 7 affirmative; votes.
rf f 28
February 20, 1973
Envi- ronmental 'Impact
Councilman �Dah,y .reported on the hearing; held
Reports -- Guidelines -- -
s %gency.:of •California =:. i -
- y-.-the' R'e.sour.ce•A
Sacramento on,rt;January 130,: 1973-, on thee. guide-
" -
lines for- �Environmen.tal Impact Reports: He
con`clud'ed - that';the .guidelines presented. were
bas'ically. the';same as'.those- adopted by' the
City of Peta luma.,
City Attorney :Robert 'added, that the County
Counsel and the:'City Attorneys from. the cities
in the: County- are', scheduling a meeting on
February 28'th• to• attempt "• .to coordinate the
guidelines in an effort to be uniform through -,
out the County. - A report will be submitted to
the Council 'soon thereafter. '
Petaluma' School, - e "
Councilman. Daly; - rePor"ted that the Council Com-
Distr ct
mittee (Mayor' 'Putnam present as alternate for
Councilman, :M- attei.) -met • informally with repre -.
isentatives of Petaluma. School Board for
the purpose of dis s'sing expansion of high
school, facilities' iri the Petaluma High School
D and to encourage that the next high
school bui be' located in'the City of Petaluma..
Also discussed at the meeting, was the idea of
dividing the- Petaluma High School -` Distxi,c-t `in.to `
two .districts. =- =one_ 1o'r the - Petaluma area 'and ,., :
- another ,for:' the Rohnera' Park /Cotati• :area. - It..
,was -ind`icated• that another .meet =ing will, be held
t6`1 further :explore t1he matter.
App -- League
It was' announced -that .the following League 2,S,2N
., _
of California , Cities
'of : Cities appointments. were made:
Councilman Perry, Jr.-- Transportation:
Counc , lman'Daly- -Human Resources Development
Councilman Mattei -- .Public - Safety Committee,
Recreation _ rector James Raymond * Policy
Committee,on Community Development
Councilman :Cavanagh ;, Jr. -- Redwood Empire
Division, Chairman of the Labor Relations"
Sewer Main - "Extension --
Report, dated Februar.y:20, 1973, from Director 5�$�
Stern Dishwashing
of Public Works- - - David Young on the proposed
Mach Manufacturing
Fra es�Road Sewer Extension- -Sewer Benefit
Connection Fee Formula•and.Diagram •( Frates Road
Sewer Benefit ,Zone) ,.• - - submitted and filed. Mr.
Young explained in.. detail the proposal to extend
aria' L& • sewer main "to : prgvide sewer service for
the pr;opo °sled �Stero �D shwashing. Machine Manufac-
turi•ng.Company plant:t'o be,located at Frates
Rbad' -and Lakeville Highway, and for future
zsewer service -for area. of approximately
1,- ,00,2. - acres. The:totai cost of project was
estimated at, `$36, 0H,.: - $12,,0:00 was committed by
Stero .for. the , extension-_ Mr. Young added that
:a. benefit: zone :could be established 'by the
Council to refund'�Stero the amount over their,
share ..of'.-the project when abutting. properties
c.onnect• within the_ next 10 -year period. $24,000
oft. the: - - cost would be. -the. City's share of the
proj e'ct •..
Consideration of .the, proposal followed and an
al- ternate plan - was .discussed of providing an
February 20, 1973
Sewer Main Ex:tpyia,
extension of, either-a-. .1V. or 12- -to- serve
Stero g
�ter6 and' to. accommodate the :three ddj,..'adent:
Machine Manufac`turihg
_The,City and, Stero would -the,h'.bq :re-
imbu?:,s on, a -pro rata basis for the' ;.
--cost through' a sewer reimbursement agreement
,when --,the. -three, abutti.-ng properties connect "in
the f uture .
..Mrz., JeAnnette.N�i1s,Qn..r..of Stero Dishwashing
Mach present on
behalf . of their cqimmitment - to the project.
Upon conclusion',01. the deliberation, a motion
. ;was, made _ b -,.
y.* Counq i1man Mattei and seconded by
Councilman Cl:e that the; Director of Public
-Works , _proceed, with.-pr'eparing plans-arcd ._spe.cifica-
tidns, Ibxi - a. 10 sewer,. main extenzlon.-to-
be, - subm- Itte'd. - to -*the, ._Q.puncil for approval ,.;-,.,-
Motion. jcarri,.ed unanimously.
Mr.. Y oung - :pointed out,, that after bids are re-
..qeived..by the;..Co 'ncil,�,
P Stero should be requested
to submit, the $1 2 -0OOQ toward f inancing the pro-
Amend. City �Code', _Re
Directo ' 'Works David Young presented.
Sewer Conneqtlon Fee.
--a:n anal of s ewer, ,connection fees. He - stated
Ord 41078 :TqCS
that-_ the basld assumption` is that - volume of sew-
'�s, - .
age generated. , p r -oi, p o rrtional to .,aveage occupancy
per household, or -: 11vinq unit and that a single
..individual genera-tes, the same Vol:ut& of. sewage,
no matter-what - ,type -of residence is occupied
� 'r a
,R -m tion-: . 'Memo dated
'esource data .for this,infd
-Tanua-ry 1 8,! 19 Irpm the - Planning Department
ao - the -,D.,i,re,c- I Lot.�b f, Public Works Busing 1;970,censu
ciata'..!."and, of ".Sinqle Family Housing
Tnwenkqry". accurate to August 1, 1972, and report
dated -February 20 1973, from, Director of Finance
-CecLl Geal•a :oH,- Home Park Water Usage.. f
- ge..
Said. reports showQd. a. po uiation per - household
1 p p
f , p 1, 5 .2:
.9. per mobile 'h ome,, 3 persons
per 1 :re�sddehcep, 2- -
.11, - a*. persons - .,pet 2 -9 'units
multiple,, and .2..-,14 persons pet 110 plus unit
multiple. Assuming, that the R.-1 fee is $600,
the Pro rata - _ the connection 'fee for a type. -
of residence. would be,'.als folloWs
Mobi hRme- 010. !( persons over
-3.22 persons,e - qu . a-ls 49.4 % of R-1)
.2 -9,undt multiple $385 (2 persons
tover. 3-22-per equals 6.4.00 of R-1)•
10, plus unit multiple $400*(2.14 persons
3.22 .persons equal.& 66,.5% R"l)
-All reports submitted-and filed.
Brief con'slderation,-of'Mr.. Young's analysis
followe Ma.ttei, - who requeste-d
the.. inf n !sewer usage . was of the
opinion that-the sewer,,conne fee should
-be e'qual for any type .of dwelling. Upon con-
qltisI n. of the Ais6ussion, Ordinance,, #103
Ni; C.. S. amending, Chapter 19, Article VI.,, Section
19.40 -A' and G of the.' Petaluma. Code of 1958
-, to establish '$bwer connection fees for the privi-
Iege .connection the City sewer system
February 20, 1973
Amend City Code Re
Sewer Connection Fee -
Ord #1078 NCS
(cunt- inued
Alcohol Policy*
Recreation Facilities
Res #6226 NCS.
Application for MTC
Funds _
1 , . ,
($6&0 -per dwehl -ing unit ), , was, introduced -by
Councilman•Mattei, seconded by Councilman Perry,
Jr.-, - '.and ordered published ;by the following
vote: _
Ayes: Councilmen- Clecak, *Daly, Mattei,
Perry, Jr ".,.- -and Mayor Putnam.
. Noes: Councilmen Brunner and Cavanagh, Jr.
Absent: None.
*Councilman.Daly abstained, "but his abstention
was considered -an "Aye" vote.
After reviewing the resolution- covering alcohol
policies -in recreation facilities -and with the
consent introducing, and "seconding Councilmen,
the followng was deleted: "Be it further re-
solved that all types of alcoholic beverages
may be consumed in enclosed recreation centers
and-that beer and wine only may be consumed in
- Lucchessi,,McNear.,- LaTercera, Kenilworth, and
Oak Hill Parks " ; - whereupon, Resolution #6226
- N . C . S :: adopting policy regarding the ' use of
alcoholic beverages,in recreation - facilities
owned by the .City'. of Petaluma was- introduced
by' Councilman Clecak, seconded by Councilman
MAtte'i, and adopted 7 affirmative votes.
Director of Public Work David Young informed
the Council that March 1, 1973, is the'deadlin(
date to fi1'e:applcations with the Metropolitax
Transportation Committee under the
Transportation Development Act of 1971. The
County of Sonoma is the coordinating agent for
, all-applications within-the County. The City
of- Petaluma -would have an estimated allocation
of.$1.26,610-for 1;973 -7.4"fiscal year; and com-
bined with funds of - approximately. $67, held
over from. -the 1972- 73 year,_estimated
MTC Funds available for the City of Petaluma
would be ,-Mr';. Young suggested that a
claim be, filed for $190,000 He further sug-
gested• t °hat - the claim-be filed under .Article
VI of they- T>ransport'a'tion Development. Act for
a project to-- improve,MeDowell.Boulevard South
from McKenz Avenue to the Fire House.
Mr. Young pointed. out that in order to file a
cla -im.,, a 'public he is required on the
matter- and a reso- lution adopted. He reviewed.
a. suggested resolution prepared by Mr. Don
Head, Sonoma County Director of Public Works
for Council. consideration.
y7 F
Upon conclusion of-.the discussion, it was de-
cided to hold a public hearing on February, 2.6th
at-4 ":&0 o. =clock -p. m., - to ,consider- filing an
application.with -, MTC. The staff was directed
to- notice,the hearing and to prepare the sug-
gested legislation.
Adjournment There -being no further business to come before
the Council.., -the meeting was adjourned to an
executive session:at.10:45 o'clock p.m. and to
Monday, February-26,-1973, at 4:00.o'clock p.m.
Attest: U � .� �. Mayor
City Clerk