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July, 16, 1973;
Council Meeting Regular meeting of the City Council.of the City
of Petaluma was called to order by Mayor. Putnam
at the hour of 7;30.o'c'lock'p.m..
Present:. Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr.,
Daly, Harber'soh, Mattei, Perry, Jr.,
and Mayor , Putnam.
Absent: None.
Approval of Minutes
Agenda: -Item #1
Cancellation of
Res #-6348 NCS
,Due'to the absence of Monsignor Clyde Tillman,
St. Vincent's Church,, no.invocation was given.
The minutes of June 25, 1973, . and July 2,.1973,
were approved as record'ed..
A motion was made by Councilman Cavanagh,-
and 'seconded by Counc.i -lman Perry, Jr.., ' ad'opting
the.Consent Calendar, Agenda.Items #1' and. #2..
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution #6348 N..C.S:. adopted requestin'g:.can-
cellation of taxes on various properties acquired-
by the 'City of
Agenda Item #2 The following Chamber of Commerce Resolutions
Chamber of "" were submitted'and .filed: #28,.sup.porting the
Commerce concept of the Environmental Design`Plan as
Resolutions adopted.by the City of Petaluma; #29, urging,
passage of AB 24,95 re petroleum deliveries to
the dairy-.industry; and #30, recommending an.
incr..ease in the fluid milk basic price- -Class
I Commodity..
Frates Road Sewer
Main Extension
Res . #6349 NCS
Notice to bidders on the subject project was
duly published.
.Assistant City Engineer Tom Hargis reported
that the following three bids were received
at-the bid opening July 3, 19.73, and he recom-
me.nded that the low'bid be accepted:
Name Amount
Mann Construction Company $31,875.00
Soilarid.Company Inc. $16,740.00
Tyler Construction. Company $26,850.00
- Sewer Benefit
District-- Ftate's
Res. 46350 NCS
Resolution #6349 N.C.S. awarding.contract (to
Soiland',Company,, - Inc.' 'in accordance with plans
and,specificati'ons_ for Frates Road Sewer Main
Extension Project, was introduced' by Councilman
Daly -, .seconded :by •Councilman Mattei, and adopted
by "7 affirmative votes.
Mrs. Jeanette Nilsen', .Secretary - Treasurer, Stero�
Dishwash Manufacturing Company, pre- _
rented d check in the.- amount of $12,000 to.cover
Stero'.s.contribution to the Frates,Road Sewer
Main Ext on .Proje,ct,, a portion of which is.
to*be recouped by Stero from future connections of
adjacent properties whereupon,•Resola • tion # 16350.
N.G.S. of Intention.-to establish a•S.ewer Benefit
Zone was introduced.by Councilman Daly, seconded
by Councilman Matted, and adopted' by 7 affirmative
July _16, 1.973
'Bay Area Air
Santa Rosa - 'City Councilman Gerald M.,.Poznanovich
Pollution Control
appeared::be.fore_the'C'ouncil as the newly appointed
Chairman of the Bay Area Air Pollution Control.
- Disttrict • a-n'd to give- ,an up - -date report of the
District - 's activities;: In h °is .presentat.on, he
s Northern District',s request . (Windsor
area) to the Sonoma•County.B,oard of Supervisors
to change present r:equlations -of allowing.back-
yard , burning on. burn. "days from 8':00 :to 10 -:00
a.m: to allowing backyard burning everyday from
6: UO to 1000 a..m. He. believed such a change .
unacceptable.. The Board will .conclude .its hearing.
in two weeks and Mr.`Poznanovich requested the
. Council to 'expres.s its feelings on the :matter:
'Mr. Poznanovi:ch highlighted the recent Air Pollu --
tion:Conference held in Chicago, Illinois,,, which
emphasized "th "energy crisis " issue. -among the
many.topcs discussed. Healso..informed the
- Council that in,accordance with a State:m.andated
program;, ., the D istrict will be' patroIIin.g h ghway.s.
to tick;et.automob les violating air pollution
contr`o,l -.regul .
Upon completion of -Mr Poznanovich''s; pre;s,`entation,
a motion -was made by Councilman'Mattei and
onded b . Counc" �
y lmari Harberson , that a letter be
directed to,•the"Chai -rman of the.Boa -rd'of Super-
visor.s oppos-ing the Northern District's proposal
t ;o.change backyard burning regulations and that
the present ban program be continued. Motion
carried :by.6 a°f.firmative and 1 negative..votes.
Councilman.. Perry, Jr., voted "No." The City.
Clerk was asked to send a'co:p.y of.the letter to
Mr. Pozn°anovi'ch: '
Urban' Development
Letter,.:dated Ju -1y 2. 1973, from the,. City of
Son ith oma w Resolution' #66 (197 opposing Urban••
development,in County territories , .submitted
and filed,.
City 'Manager ,Robert Meyer, noted that the . City
of Santa Rosa - adopted.a similar resolution,; how -
ever, Councilman Daly pointed'o.ut that the City
of Petaluma already presented the issue to the
County_in•the City's'Environmental Design Plan,
and he,sugge_sted- that'an individual resolution'
be draf.ted'expr'essing the Council's concern and
`thoughts: on .the matter. Councilman - Mattei ,con -
cur,red and fol lowing .a brief discuss on,• the
City Attorne.iy- ,.,was'directed to prepare,a resolu-
tion for the •Au'gtist'- 6th Council meeting. Council-
men Daly, a nd, Mattei .were asked to 'fu'rnish input
to' the City Attorney 'for the preparation of *the
Claims and Bills
Resol-ut =ion- #63.51, N.C.S.. approving claims and
Re #635 °l NCS
bills #335:2; to 435H, inclusive, and . #1795 to
#18'09, inclusive, approved for payment by the
City Man'ager., .was introduced by Council'mari
Perry, -- Jr. ,, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr., and adopted:by 7 affirmative votes.
Ca ital- Items: -- 1,973 =74
Memo.,: dated- July 1,2, from City :Manag:er
.Appropri- Or.din•ance.
Robert,Meyer`li;sting the follow.irig Capital 'Items
- be - char;g,ed" to Revenue Sharing and shown in
the 19'73=74: Appropriation Ordinance: 2 street
July 16, 1973
Capital Items; -- .1973 -74 sweepers, 000;, 1.- pumper, $45, 00,0;.
Appropriation Ordinance .•str'eet sign- replacement, $15,000- -(State_,mandated
(continued) .:. . prepa- r-.e;a:poil•s site -- Petaluma River,
_ $,30,, 000; - a. "nd. already`: approved $159,000 for spoil
site elands - ,; submitted and filed. A 'recap of;
the _estimated balance o.f "Revenue Sharing 'Funds
at the. end of 'the 1973 -74• fiscal 'year plus, balance
of_1972: -73- funds; if -the above. items are approved,
.totals - $431,993 plus interest.
•I - n , response,.to• Mr.. • Meyer's request for considera-
tion to include the above items in the Appropria-
tion,Ordinance., a.motion was made by Councilman
Perry.,.,Jr:, and seconded by Councilman Brunner,
approving the items'listed.to be charged to
Revenue Sharing Funds. Motion carried unanimously.,
At. the reques -t :of Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,
As'sisaant City Engineer Tom Hargis was asked
to change the. population figure on the, City. of
-Petal uma signs. to .30, 050. It was noted, however,
that the State - signs on the Freeway-will not' be
changed until next year.
Occupancy Tax
Letter dated 10,. 1973, from Sonoma.County
Administrator David L.: Nichols that the County
Transient Occupancy- Tax has been equated with 333 r
the total sales tax levied,in California and
..:since sales- tax .was, increased from 5% to 6 %,
the . Bo.ar.d< o -f. Supervisors . - .contemplating in-
creasing the •.;Tr:ansency Tax to 6% October 1,
1- 97,3.; .and that;: it is -the County's +desire that
this',change b.e.,coordinated with the cities in
cane . increase.; in the - Transient Occupancy Tax
is ;planned., read and. filed.
City • Manager Robert Meyer suggested ..that the-
Counc take no <:,.acton. until after .the State
.Legislature_makes,a decision on reducing the
State tax to. 5:%..,.
Mayor Put -nam. reported that the League of
California Cties,',�Board.of Directors at its
meeting last. - week adopted a resolution opposing
the additional one-cent sales tax and its eon-
tinued unnecessary-•collection and urging the
Le.sisla-ture,!,and•. the :Governor, . immediately upon
the ,State Leg,is•la.ture s, return August 6, that
it .enact •and approve legislation which has the
effect of-. redue �-total State and local sales
tax -from 64 -to 5 Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,
pbserved, - that the City has a balance of $31,40,1
it the, - Transient Occupancy Tax Fund and could
see no :reason for an increase
Fol- lowing a brief discussion, , a motion was -made.
by,-CQunc- i'lman. Cavanagh, • Jr.. , '.and seconded,*,by..
Councilman Perry. Jr that the Transient -Occu-
Renaissance Faire
panty ,Tax remain at, 5,% 'and that' an increase is
not co.ntemplated,:. Motion carried by 6 affirmative
and negative-votes. Councilman Mattei voted
City Manager Robert Me.y,er' notified the Council
that .Marin County• 'w -i11 hold public hearing
at. .•-9.. :00- ,a..m• -.; .July .23,, .,1 .to • cons ider the
apppal.filed by the County of Sonoma on the Use
Permit - :for the Renaissance Faire.
July 16, 1973
Chamber of Commerce --
Downtown Improvement
I Rescind Resolution
#'6326 'N.C.S. --
Establish Summer:
Water Rates
Res. #6352
/ Garbage.-Committee
League.of.Califo-rn -ia
Cities:'. Board -of:'
Directors Meeting
C'it y H t Ma -Hager Robert .referred. to.� a letter
. dated July `7,_,197 3 ,, . f roin the Chamber- of • Comrcierb
regarding t'he . Dbwn.town• .Improvement Program• and'
stating, that no answer- „with the exception:of
Council approval to reimburse. the first quarter
period• cost- of: ,operation,- has been received to,
the Downtown Improvement Committee lette of
March 2
, 19 73 outlining: a four- -point program,
.and also • thaat no answers have been received on
letters •'dated. February 6 and March 26 requesting
a large scale map o_f = >the Downtown Par king ;District,.
an estimate to 'deck'thb. Keller Street parking.
lot, and a recommendation that the. "A" Street
park -lot revert to ten -hour parking,
Mr Meyer repor -- ed 'that' the map and decking in -.
formation has-been furnished to the Committee,
but that no',, action was taken by the Council - -at
it's budget study session on the matter of
r.evertirig •the "A' Street parking lot meters to
ten hours. Mr. Meyer added that the budget.will
be ekpla -ined to the Chamber on Thur-. day.
Councilman Cavanagh; Jr. , was a to meet
wit'h .the'Downtown Improvement Committee and
obtain' 'nece,ssary mate =ri'a,l • :and information
for Council "reply 'to their letter of. March 2
Councilman Matti• reported that the Water Com-
mis:s is recommending that the Council rescind
Resolution #632•;6- N':C::S: establishing summer
water . rattes - bec.aus'e ' of the shortage of water- in
the_ aqueduct system of the .S.oftoma County' Water
Agency,, and'that water` consumption is to be
discouraged., Reso.`lution #6352 N rescinding
Resolution - # °6 - .N: C'.S.. , which e'stabl'ished :s:ummer •
water 'rates,`'was introd. by Councilman 'Mat'tei,
seconded by Counci'lman,Perry, Jr. and adopted
by 7,aff irmative votes.
Councilman Cavanagh,.Jr., reported that the
Garbage,. Comm'ittee' met with . representatives, of
the Petaluma ,Refus'e. Company and that three pro -
posals .for a -rate ;increase` were prasen;ted and
di- scussdd;.. He reviewed the proposals, and'.as`ked
member§ of.the Council' - to furnish'inpu:t to the
Committee , on ' the matster. .
Mayor Pu- tnam'highlghted topics discussed at
the'' ,,of Cali-fornia Cities' Board _ of Direc-
tors' meeting held 'July ll -13.
Planning Commi-ssion _Resolution #11 - recommending
app'r`oval ,of the• tentative map of ° Cambridge Square,
Unit #3', with Exhibit "A (Tentative Map,) and
Exh bit "' (�Cond t •ons- of Approval as approved
by ' -the -Planning Commis ..si on May 29;, 1973, to
include the City Engineer's letter, -dated April
30, 1973), submitted'and filed..
Planning staff report, dated May 25•, 1973, sub-
mitted and filed
�, Cambridge Square
1_�ubdivis, -onr, Unit #3
Ten,tatiVe Map
Res #6353.. N,CS
Planning :Commis`s> on minutes, dated May 29, 1973,
;regarding the -sub jdct•.mat.ter, submitted and
July .16, 1973
Cambridge_ Square. P'lanning.• staff "dated July 1-2, 1973
Subdivi;s 'Unit. #3 regarding Condition' . the :Cc)nddtion�s of
Tentative.<Map _- of the Tpntat•ive Map whiQ4 states ".9
R'e #.63 NC'S, , acres .o,f'.laftd.`1shal1 be' .dedicated for park and,
(continued) recreational,purposes within this development,
at., such a location -as..determined by the Recrea-
tion Commission.. -If ' this, is not plausible or
f-..e.asible*,*a' paid in lieu thereof
in-accordance. with Section 22.7.1301.," and'
that the Rec.r..eation Cortatission recommends that
- located. in the'z.
land so corner of the s,ub-
b %
se ct subdivision e dedicated for panc, purposes;
and in the fut the.. park would be extended
as adjacent lands.'are•developed, submitted and
..P-lanning, Director William McGivern assisted
by�Senior Planner- Frank pres'ented a map
of the subdivisibn-and.of' thd proposed park,
area and the Environmental De-
. sign �Pl-an designates d neighborhood park along
South McD,6*_>ll- Boule'vard. and adjacent to Cam-
bridge-SquareAl, but that park designations
on the Environrq'ental Design Plan are intended
to be gene`ra1.-indications and not piredize
location.s.. ;.Mr,.-;-.Mc.Givern's staff report also
indicates that 't-he.. subdivision- is, to
the Casa Grande Junior-Senior Hig'h..School and
that the,,de.vdlopifient)is.,pl in such a way
that backyards abut..the with
no easy Access - to - the school grounds,
City Manageif Robert. Meyer "info"rmed the Council
that, a discussion •as.'.h&ld with. the School
n 'd
Superintende t. zte4ar -in'g the possibility' of
lo cating re -ne park in the
bc , a,. 2 "a cr
school grounds.'. suggested that access
be provided. by elimin two lots in the sub-
-dis -L that followed,
divisi.on,.-.,-'-Ih. the'-
Mr..'• We.s1ey :E�aIley..of, Vail ley Green Company,
- Y
,owner and: subdivider,.'addre the Council'
:and indi:. to,,. park being
located - ,(yin; the.;sc grounds with access
on conclusion,of, the
Up .-.deliberation, Condition
99 of the -Cond it ionsi of Approval was modified
to require , that ..two, lots adj'ac to the
Schaal; grounds be for park access
,p-1us.,payment,.o fees.1to, equal, a total value
of- 9,. ,of_ an -.acre as required by Section 22-.7.1300
of 1 , - 8ubdivisi l on ordinance #1046 N.C:.S.-
Poss�ible::constructi-On--of the park- with the park
fees. and . the 'Park i.Development Tax, the precise -
- l.ocat , iQ,n,-,,of.-the`-pa!r,ki - .a'n6 landscapin of-the
park Access were
- �:r&r
fered to the City Manager
and the s.,taf,f further negotiations with the
Resolution.#6353 UiC.S. approving Tentative
Subdiv-is1o`h, MaP"o,f Cambridge. Square #3 with
Exhibit "'W!" (Tehtatlive Map) Exhibit . "B" (Con-•
ditions - of - Appr-,oval and City Engineer I., s letter)
an,d. Amodi-fa of Condition #9)
and to Casa Gr'ande Annexation becoming
complete, was introduced by Councilman Daly
.seconded•by Cou-ncilman*CaVanagh, Jr., and
adopted by 7,affirmative votes.
July 16,. 1973
Sunny Hills.
Tentative Map
Res #6354 NCS
Planning Commission Rbso1ution #13-73. re
- the 'Tentative Subd'ivf ib
ing appr-pva-1, of - the - I .. 11 . . §
n Map -
of Sunny Hills Subdivision with ExhIbit• "A.!"
(T-en. Map,): and - "B" *(Condit•ions
of Approval as approv,6d' by the. Riannin 11 g :C ommi t s =
sion on May 29,. 19,7 to,includ.e the. City
Englin6erls letter, dated M�iy 23, ,197,3) :-mi-ft,ed, an d -f iled.
. . -commiasion Resolution #14-73 of f indings
otf fac,' and '.rec by the Peta'ldMa City
Plannih I t g! CbiTimisi slon with respect to the applida
' ' o1 W&s' lAn&Development Company ny for a
ti -
mod of the provisions ,of Ordinance
#1 046 NX.S., s and ffled.
DirEi of Community Development report,, dated
May 25 1973. on the Tentative M p,,
submitted -and fi led - :
Planning Commis'sion minutes, .dated may 29, 1973,
on he subject' TlentatiVe.Ma,p, submitted and
filed. . I -
Pla.nning',ataff, report, dated July, 10., 1973,. re
Condition #14r-of the Conditions o:f Approval of
- 'Tehta-t-LV, Ma'p, - f or Sunny H i 1 Is Subdivision,
4a,appkoved•by the Planning Co "mm isz "'In
accordance. with, Section 22,.7..1301 of the Subdi-
vis'ionfordinance, adbdivider-9hal.1 dedicate
land• on pay a fe,d in lieu thereof for park .and
recreational purpose's, " submitted and -filed,. ,
The rep6rt further - sti.ted that 'in eva
the subdivisioh,'wi•th, respect- to th `
park,. f a•cilit-ie;s.,, - it, was f.elt by the staff that
th& Casa Grande ,School., WhIch 1.5 'adJac'Q_if.t
the. su:,bdivi s ion i , would 'provide - ample. op,*eft- space
:for recreational pu r p oses. o. purp In addition. 'to other
!cQhs,ic!E,�ra contained in "the report, it
wa-s felt by .'the 'staff
aff 'that it was not necessary
to require subdivider. to dedicate land
fo r
a• ; -- In li.e of 'dedication of land 't'he
stdf.f, recommended that the deVelcp.dr-,-pay d f ee
o equiValdnt to the value of 6.5 'acres bf : land
Planffinq Director Mc,Givern presented a map of
the aUbd
Mr. -.Matino Crin'&lla of Westland. Development
Company;,, owner•,and. - subdivider, was :present and
sta that a s would be 6 d. -
along the adjacent to the ' school property;
whereupon, ,Resolution' #6354 N..C,.S�.. approving,
Tentative Sub'divi'sion' Map, of Sunny Hills '�'Subdi-
vi. s I i6n..w-ith E "A" (Tentat-ive Map). and
Exhibit "•B" (Cbnditions of Approval and City
Engineer's 'letter) and sqbfect to Casa Grande
Annexation't-1 be comp-lete r was introduced'
by Cbunc.ilfna-n Da-ly, iseconded by 'Councilman
Cavanagh', Jr. , and'adopted by-7 .affirmative
By consensus, the Council agreed to move'
'Agenda # 2 4* r6gdrd.in . g John J. Clement out-
'side sewer, applica-tion for c6ns.iderAtion as
the nokt•'I:item re'g'arding outside sewer policy.
I �1,
July 16, 1973
Outside Sewer
Planning. Commis,slon,minutes of - July 3, , 19,7 3,
Polic J.
re_gard discussion of John. J. Clemen ' s- ou
Clement Qii'Es'ide
side -sewer..-appli:cation. for four single family<
Sewer riConnect4on
dwel,l-ing'!Ei�.to be located at the westerly en&6-f-
Roy, Hagar, Outside
Morn i - ngsu n Vrive_xe,forred to the Commission by
Sewer'-Con , n6ction
-the City �Council- 'submitted and f iled. the
Commiss, on,_suggested_that a joint meeting with
Sonoma County..,:the and the Planning
Commission I be, held regarding peripheral' develop-
ments and.,r6quqsted.,the City Council hold the
m and, ,water for this
developmen in.- abeyance until a study session_
qan -i tt e d
be held, . s'ubm, and- filed..
„Ro Hagar application for outside sewer.con-
nection for one single - family dwelling at 127
A - submitted-
Hill Drive;, and filed.
Pla 4 nning, bire�ttor,. Mc,G.;Vern informed •the .Council
than., a. - joint study session has. been l arranged ,
and is. scheduIed,, f or. -July 24, 1973, at which
-time it ,i hoped a,',pol,icy Will be resolved.
Mr. John J..Clement appeared before the Council
with plans'bf the•proppsed four-lot development
and agreed',to..wait for a decision on his.-appli-
cation at the August 6 Council meeting.
Preqe ding adoption of each of the following
ord e s, ina Seniot.,PIanner Frank Gray presented
a map:. of. the area: and proposed rezoning involved.
Fr,,qte.s Road and
Ordinande#l09T,Ni-.C.�SI.' amending Zoning Ordinance
#107.2 N,.C-.S- ., A.P. #005-04,0-01
from an.."A" '-(Agricultural) District to an ML
Ord #,1097 NCS
(Light Indqstrial') District; located at Fra
.(Second. Reading)
Road,, and- Lakeville Highway, was .introduce*d"by
Councilman,:Brui:iner, seconded by
Cavanagh, J r.�j and.adopted by 7 affirmative
4 .' Street
Ordin 'nce 41-098 N.C,.� amending Zoning Ordinance
a. S
Ord NCS-
�C-. � _
# 1072 N.S by r jt r eclassifying A.P.-HS"061-12
(Secohd Reading)_
from a C.-.&- and Pr`o.fessiona-1, Of-
fice). District to a - C-C (Central Commerq'ia'l)
located.at . 4-14 "C" Street, was intro-
duced Councilman seconded by Councilman.
- Cavanagh., Jr, and adopted by 7,affirmative votes•.,
- 2 15 • 1 e3p
0 rd i n a n c e # 10 9.9, N . C ., S':.7 amending Zoning Ordinanci/
St ..
42072 N. C.S. by reclassifying A.P,. #00
Ord # NCS..
from a C.-N, .(Neighborhood Commercia''l) District
(.Second- Reading)
to a R-C (Compact Single- family Residential)
Di s t ri c t., o.c Ated at-215 Valle.jo-Stre'et, 'wast
introduced by. - Councilman.. Daly, seconded by
CQuhci.- Cavanagh,, Jr. and adopted by..7
af,firma,tive. votes..
P Boule-
. 0rdi - nance #ll00-N,.C-S Zoning Ordinance-
-vard :South
#10721 N'.C.S.. by re'cla:ssifying #008-530-04-.
Ord #1100, 14CS
from an R-M7G ,(Ga-rde.h.-Apa-rtment'Residential)
(Second Reading)
' pi - s' . tric,t...�an . d a •(,H,i,ghW,,ay Commercial) District
t6 .an. "V' . (Study) .. pi strict located •on Petaluma
e v a s i
r�j. $,outh.,, , wa by . Counc i lman
Br - s ' econded Councilman Mattei, and
'�Ldopted'by 7 affirmative votes.
July 16,. 1973
330 P leasant
Ordinance #1101 = -N C-.S.' amending Zoning. Ord?inanc.e,
#147'2 N., C. S:: reclassifying #006 2401 _
- :Ord =. #11 -01 NCS
rand= A P;• - #0;06= 2'42 -02 from an M -S (Speeial;Tndus-
(S,econd Reading):...
tr : Dist_rid:t' to an' "S" (Study) District lo-
dated 3:3'0 Pleasant : Street.; was .;introduced by
Councilman Brunner, seconded by-Councilman:
; .;anr?, adopted% by : 7 affirmative votes. _
`� 18:25+: Petaluma
Boulevard North
Ordinance. #1102 'N C. S... amending Zoning, Ordinance,
# 1072- N. C.'S'.'by reclassifying.A.P.,.. #006- 491 -01
Ord , #110;2 NCS
from an .R C .-(Compact ;Single - family Rd.sidential)•
(Seco.nd� Read hg') ::
n -" S" ' ( Study) D.i tr ct, . - located at• .
Di.s to a'
1825 Petaluma Boulevard'. NortFi, was introduced
by Brunner, seconded by . Councilman
Mattel` , and adopted- by' 7 off I i-rm`ative votes. '
Petaluma = Bou -e-
Ordinance #1103 N.,C.,S, , 'amending Zoning. Ordinance
7 �
#10:72 N. -C S'. by•recla_ss.ifying.A.P.. , ,#006-24 91 02
Ord #1103 NCS
and..,A.P. ,' #00:6 4�9- 1 -0a9: from a. C -H (Highway ommer
(Second Reading " )
cial.) `D strict to' an. "S" (Study) Dis;tr:ict, located -
on Petaluma Bou'l North, introduced by Council-
::. man Daly, seconded, by Councilman Nlattei, and. .
adopted', by 7 af,firma:tive votes. .
.401 Seventh..
Ordinance #-1.1 - 0A N.,C: S amending Zoning: Ordnance
�� S
#1072 N.0 S., by r:e •A -.P. #00!8- 20:3 -29
Ord 411 NCS
*:from an.. -M S' AS'pec. al, industrial)' Di.s,tr,ict to an
(Se,co.nd Reading, -)
"S "' . (Study) •:District,,.. located a't 401: Seventh
` Street, ,was .- introduced by ,Councilman ,Brunner
seconded, by, "lman Matte-, 'and adopted by
7 affi.rmat votes.:
Executive Sess
Vice - President - -,
a731 City Dounci.1
Res #:6 3 5'5,.. NC'S
733 Library; Board
Res e #,635.6- N S'
Appo i Htmen:t
a�3 Recreation,,. Music,
and- Parks:Commiszdon
Res #635`7 .NCS
Planning Commission
7 Res, .: #,6358 NC:S'
The_ Council.. retired to an Executive Session,
at 10 4Q; o'clock, p'. _• The meeting resumed .at -.
.Resolution #63:5.'5'. N C�. S'. ; •appointing John W.
`Cavanagh, Jr., as President, of the City
Council_was'Ahtroduced by. Councilman.Perry,'
-Jr:., second'`e.d "Councilman Brunner, and adopted
by.7 aff'irmat.iv'e votes.
Resolution, #635:6 N C:. S : appointing - Counc-il'man
Robert '.A Brunner t "o the Library Board was in-
troduced byi_Councilmdn"'Cavanagh, Jr.., seconded
by, Co.unci,lman Perry,, Jr. , and adopted by 7
affir-ma,tive" votes
Resolution #6357 N::C..S:. appointing,Councilm-an
James -L,,.. Harber'son to " the Recreation,,, Music,
and Parks Commission was ,introduced by Council-
man':D,aly;`�sec,onded by_Councilman Cavanagh,.Jr.,
and adopted 'by.'7 - affirmative votes:
Resolution #6:358 N:C..S'. . appointing Councilman-.,
Fred V..Mattei. to the" Planning Commission was
introduced by;Councilmin= Perry, Jr: ,seconde'd.
by Councilman Brunner-,.and adop- ted•by'7 affirma-
Live vd'tes.
Appointment - Resolution #6359 N.C.S.,appointing Councilman
jJF Water. Commission Robert `�E Daly to the 'Water .Commission was.' n-
Res #635;9 NCS troduced, by Counc loran Har.berson, seconded,, by
Councilman 'Brunner, -and adopted by 7 a ,f'irmative
July 16, 1973
Reappointment _Resolution #'6360 N. >C S. reappointing Lester
Planning. Commission "B "ud" -Popp' to the Planning •Commiss;iori was' intr.o-•
Res 30' NCS' dddced by• Counc'i Daly, seconded:,by Councilman.
Matt'ei and adopted •by- 7 ;affirmative "votes.
Reappo;in;tment —
Libary Board
Res #6361 NCS
.Reappointment -. -.
Recreation, Music,
and Parks - Commis, =ion
Res #6362 NCS
Reappointment. -
Water :Comm'ssori_
Res #636,3 'NCS. '
Reappointment -
Recreation, Mu
and Parks Commission
Res 46364 NCS' ''
Reappointment -
Personnel. Board
Res - #-63'65 :NCS
Resol'uti�on #63161 N,.C.S.'..reappointing Dorothy
a6rt.ucci to' the -'Library'Board -was intr- oduced.
by Councilman Perry ,Jr:. , .seconded• by Council-
man Matted, and'.adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Resolution- #63.62 N.0 •:S.- reappointing "Dan,;Longraker
to the - Recreation,:'Mu`siic, and Parks Commission 1f7 -
- was introduced by 'Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,,-
seconded -''by Councilman.. ~Mattei, and adopted by
'7 affirmative votes.
Resolution #63,63 - -N•. 0 S'....reappointing�:'Ro,bert' W.
Pope 'to the Water" Commission was introduced by
Counci seconded by Coundilman.Harberson,,
and adpted -by 7• ,a�f f irina.tive votes.
Res'olu:tion -' #63.6.4 N• .reappointing John- Dado
td, th-e `Re'ereat ori,''Mus c, and .Parks Commission ?
was introduced by Councilman Brunner, seconded:.
by JCouricilman Harberso'n.,.- and adopted 'by 7 =affirms-
tiv votes -. '
Resolution 46365 N.-C. S-. reappointing Lester. 3/9 �=
"B,ud , P'opp to , the Personnel Board was introduced
- by' Councilman Perry; Jr., seconded. by Councilman
Brunner, "and adopted by '7 affirmative votes.
'There being no further business to come before'
the the meet.ng.was adjourned at 11 :10
o' clock.p.m..iri ".memory.of.Curly Acorne who .passed.
away.oH,Friday, July 1;3, 1973:, with the following
tribute expressed by Mayor Putnam:
I wi +sh to adjourn this meeting in memory, of
Curly Acorne',, dear citizen of our
In alai things 'he'. `put all of us before, himself.
He served so many individuals and groups in so.
many . ways. .•I f' -he was - needed, that is whd' e :he
was; always accommodating, always pleasant.,
always - friendly: � His- -will be a long and fondly
remembered voice -of Petaluma. Let the minutes
show that the Co unc•i-l`adjourns this meeting of
July 36 1973, in affectionate memory of Curly