HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/20/1973MINUTES OF MEETING
August .20, 1973
Council Meeting Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City
of,Petaluma was called to order by Mayor Putnam
at the of- 7 :35 :o'clock p.m.
Attendance Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr.,
Daly, Harberson, Mattei, Perry, Jr.,
and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
Invocation The invocation was given.,by the Reverend T.
Hall Bisset, Penngrove Community Church.
Approval of Minutes The minutes of August 6, 1973, and August 13,
1973, were approved as recorded.
A motion was-made by Councilman Daly,and seconded
by Councilman Mattei adopting the Consent'Calendar
Agenda. Items #2_ through #10 and removing Agenda
Item #1 for consideration following the Consent
Calendar. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda I #'2
Ordinance #1105 N.C.S.--Annual Appropriation
Ordinance and Capital - Outlay 'Program to-be com-
Ordinance 1973 -74
pleted during the fiscal'year July 1, 1973, to.
Ord # NCS
June 30, 1974, to establish certain reserve
(Second Reading)
funds for future acquisitions;,to. provide for
capital acquisition o-f equipment; to provide
for certain improvement projects; and to pro -
vide,that the items of the Capital Outlay
Program which exceed the,value of $3,000�be
approved and be ordered commenced by resolution
and to name the fund from which a particular
outlay program shall be paid, was adopted.
Said ordinance.contans an "emergency clause"
and thereby becomes ,effective upon its adoption.
Agenda Item #3
Ordinance #1106 N.C.S. adopting a revision, 1557 f
publication, and codification of certain ordi- --
Municipal ,Code.
nances of the City of•Petaluma in accordance
Ord #1106 NCS
with'the.requir.ements of Article VII, Section
(Second Reading)
53, of-the Petaluma City Charter as done by
Book Publishing'_Company o-f Seattle, Washington,
and substituting the same for the Petaluma City
Code of•1958 was adopted.
Agenda Item #4
Director of Public'Works Certification, dated s 96i'
Replacing Com-
August 15, 1973, of Completion of the subject
position Roof,
project,, submitted and filed. Resolution #6382
1954 Complex,
N.C.S._.adopted. accepting completion of work
City Hall
"Repla.c.ing- Composit -ion Roof on 1954 City Hall
Res #6382 NCS
Complex,, Petaluma, Project #135.415. "
Agenda Item #5
Sanitary Sewer
Lateral, 12.0
Hill Boulevard
Res #6383 NCS
Agenda Item #6
Opposing AB 7
and SB546
Res #6384 NCS
Plans and specifications for the .subject project
submit'te_d and filed. Resolutions #63'83 N.C.S.
adopted approving.plans and,specification's for
the subject project. .
Resolution . #6384 N,C.S•..adopted opposing AB2467 j4 ),`�
and SB54'6..,
August 20., 197,3
Agenda Ttem *7
Appeal -- David D.
Res #6385 - NCS
Agenda Item - #8.
q7r- General Pldri
Res #6386 NCS
Agenda, Item , .#9
Re Add,iti'OnA - 1,
1� Tax
Agenda Item #10,
County Service
Area '#13
Tax'Levy Ordinance
1973-74. -
Ord #1107 NCS
Water Pollution,
control Facilities
Res #6387 NCS
Res.. 46388 NCS
Appeal ""filed -- by, ' David D-.. Young on Planning
Commisalon d(ffnial to A. P. - #7-4,01-04 and-
A.P. #4'8-080'02 an R-1-10.-,000 (single-
fairi . re s . �i 1; de and'M-L (Light In6ustk-ial)_-.
District' --to &n 'R"M"G-, (Garden Apartment, Resid6nce)
Di'st-r,ict;' . submitted an filed. Resolution
F � I __ _ n
#_6385.'N,.�C.S adopted setting time and place
.'(S.eptem,ber' public hearing on David
D. YQu,ng!s apbezil
Planning Commission.Resolution #18-73
mending to the City Council that it amend the
Generd! Plan of this City by updating the
Housing Element -si the-form,as submitted, sub-
mitted and 'fi - ledi, Resolution #6386,N.C.'S
,adopted setting public hearing date (S,eptdmber
4 1973) for the purpose considering an
amendment (Housing'Element) to the General
.Letter ddted 13, 1973, from Governor
Ronald Reagan a,cktowledging receipt qf the
City s. resolution 6pposing the additional 1�
sales• tax and explaining his position in the.
ma-tt6r, and
.So ' noma,,Co.unty'Local Agency'Formation Commission
Resolution .. #310 making determinations and. ap-
proving the formation of County Service Area
#13 Suppression) submitted and f iled..
City. Manager Robert .Meyer noted that because
ofthe-as the. subject ordi-
nance-proposes to reduce the 1973774 tax rate-,
on repayment of bonds from 39�'Ito 37�, but
reduce the- general tax- rate of $1.50, thus
making - an , overall , rate of $1.8 as compared to
.$1.89 for last year:
Ordiriande_#l107.N..C.,S-. levying rates of taxation-
upon the asseaaed valuation of.the property "in
the City for the fiscal year July 1, 1,973,'to
Jun& 3:0',, .1 waq introduced by: Councilman—'
Harbetsoh'i seconded by Councilman-'Mattei, and
ordered published by 7 affirmative'Votes
'Nptice of ."14at'e Control Facilities, -
1972 was duly published.
The following bids were received at the bid
opening June 2.9, 1,973, for the subject project:
Name Amount
C and �C.Bohret $5,210,750
E. J. Freethy $5 . 055 . , 5 8,21,
Granite tons Company $4 , 92,3,9.19,
MGM Construction, Company $ 5 ,11 ,'915
McGuire and He-ster $5,315,
CityManaqer Meyer- reported that the
Califor-nia State Water Resources Control Board
with the Environmental Protection Agency's
concurrence. approved -Part B of the
Offer 'and Acceptance dated July. .10', 1973, and
August 20, 197`3
Water Pollution .-
Contro Facilities
1972 _.
Res #638 NCS
Res #6388 NCS
Norman, Rollins,_
Property -- McDowell
Boulevard. South and
Caulfield Lane
r ,....:
4' 5 .
authorized award_ofu the contract.to te.;
Constr"uction�- Crmpat, _ o:%,an_,elig'ible amount .
of,,$4, and,.that•.th6 grant part- ieipat °ion
has. been. r evised . to - a = ; total of $5,40
State letter submitted and filed. The amount
of ..the .gran-t:was increased- from 8'0% to :8'7-1/2%
f the project and 'the- amount of the City's
share is $1,025,,35.6` ($:8,15•,2.50 plus $150,106) .
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., referred to an article
in the Indep.endent dated July 25,
re "Sewer overload 'warnings • issued.,". which
stated that the City of- ,-Petaluma is among five
Marn and Southern Sonoma County.Sewage.Agencies
,put on notice that- :their•- wastewater flows are
near .the 1.imits.�.of their treatment facilities
and that, - the City of Petaluma is one year -be-
hind schedule for interim improvements. Council
man Cavanagh, •Jr. questioned whether or.not the
City had-rec,eived such
City and it ,was indi-
cited by the:.,staff that:such a notice had not been
received.. Di.rec- tor.o.f Public Works David Young
-noted that the -Water Pollution Control Facili-
ties 19:72 Project is..one� and a half years be-
hind schedule,due to.processing and approval
of the grant the Environmental Protection
Resolution. #6387 N.C.S: ,authorizing the Mayor
to.execu.te an amended contract with the State
of-California .relative to a grant for clean
water was, introduced by,Councilman_Cavanagh,
..Jr .; ., seconded.. by Councilman Harberson , and
adopted by.7. votes.
Resolution 4.63 'N..;C:•S,. awarding contract for
Water:Pollut°ion Control Facilities 1972 ..(
Granite Construction. Company) was introduced
by Councilman Cavanagh.,. Jr. , seconded, by
Councilman Harberson,.and adopted by 7 affirma-
tive votes.
Letter dated August 8,,1973, from Norman Rollins,
that . .ther& .is .evidently an intention on'
the part of the .City to • pl-ace a ro -ad through
his property located.at "the northeast corner,
..of McDowell Boulevard.South and Caulfield -Lane,
it.,s his feeling that the Gity should purchase
the desired right -of: -way at this time!, read
and filed.
It was.reported by Councilm,an.Mattei that;at
the .bast... Planning Commission meeting, Connolly
Development Company's request was considered to-
rezone. a parcel.. (owned by..Norman . Rollins')• from
R- 1- 6,.5a00-.to R - M, -G (Garden Apartment Re'side'nce)
Dis;tric:t ,to - provide a location to move an exist-
ing „twe_rity:.two dwelling apartment.building pre -
sently located at the northeast corner of
McDow,;e11. Boulevard South and McKenz Aven e,
a=nd: it . was the :decision of the Commission to
require an Environmental Impact Report.
Planning staff..,report.dated July 26, 1973,
regarding . Connolly.,.. Development Company's re-
quest for rezoning,. subm "i "tted'' "and filed.
August 2.0, 1973
Norman Rollins
Property -- McDowell
Boulevard South and
Caul.f eld Lane
3� X -Rated 'Movies- -
Sonom'a County •
Unincorporated Areas
Planning staffsp.ort :dated July 27, 19'73,
regarding . Connol,ly` pevelopment C'ompany'' s
Environmental `Impac "t..Questionnaire submitted
and filed.
Planning Comms:sion - minutes dated. August 7,
1973;. regarding Connolly Development Company's'
Environmentai_Impact Questionnaire;
submitted and -filed.. -
Mr. - Roll'ins appeared before the Council to dis-
cuss the indicated :that,he has no
intention,to file- an Impact Report.
Following a brief`discuss1on, the City.Manager
was .asked to assemble ;all related material,
-obtain speci fics' regarding the .subject property
fo;r presentation of an.up- to-date report to
the Council thereon,.
Letter,date -d August. 15, 1973., from James P.
Botz,, Sonoma County Counsel, - with proposed
ord- narc :e relating,. to the showing of X - rated,
movies -in outdoor.theat.ers in the unincorporated
portion ,of. Sonoma County, to ,be cansider:ed by
the Board of' Supervis'ors August 27`;" 1973, and
asking for comments that are pertinent,' read.
and filed.
_In t +he•discuss`io.n that followed, City Attorney
Robert responded that .adequacey.of the City's
ordinance proh biting showing of explicit
sexualma`terial in outdoor or drive: -in theaters
as compared to the Cou:nty's proposal.can only
be decided by the Courts.
After Some discussion, the City Attorney was
directed•to write: a letter to Mr,. Botz, with a
copy to Supervisor Joe -rger, on the comment made
obj-ecting to Section 4.50(d) that. X -rated movies
are' offensive to.the senses of Sonoma County
residents, the difference in the City and County
ordinances, etc. He was asked to.,send'a copy
of, the. City's ordinance with the' letter.
I'n response to Councilman Mattei, the City
Attorney stated that the matter- of confiscation
of•the -film "Deep Throat" at .the State Theater
is -still in Court..
qg Metropolitan
Letter dated August 10,, 19173, from N. A. Gage,
v Transportation
Chief: Administrator, Metropolitan Transportation,
. to
- y prta-
themCit,y of Pepaluma -r-om the Trans o
Development Act
ton Fend of-the County of Sonoma, made available
by the Transportaton.Development Act of 1971,
for construction of Boulevard South'
for fiscal 'yea>r' 1:97-3 -74, submitted and .filed.
City Manager Robert Meyer noted that the funds.
are to be expended during 1973 - and that the
remainder .of the cost. of the proj.ect. is 'the.
City's responsibility. The mat -ter was referred
to. the cap al outlay study session on Monday,
August-2T, 19 7.3 . .
August 20, 1973
Claims -.and Bills
Res #6389 NCS
Resolution" 46389.,N.C.S. approving qlaims •and..
- 118 �59 8 to 1,
b -inclusive, ._and #18:29 -, to
#;1848•,,- iiidlusive approved for .payment -by the
City Manager., . - introduced by Councilman
Mattei seconded by Councilman Harberson,'and
%adopted -by-7'affirmative votes.
City -Robert Meyer referred .to the s-
Count proposed'flood'plain zoning report
of-June 1 2, 1973, and,po.inted out importance
of'a thorough.study with the County on.thapro-
posal At his suggestion, Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr.* ' " was delegated to the public hearing
a.t:the-Co'unty on September 6, 1973, 3, with staff
. and the City Manager and.City Engineer
Flo 0 d4la - Z b ne"__
Petaluma River
werte,.given I r . contact the Sonoma
perm ssion
-.County Plannin -
C g"'Depart ment to obtain full informa-
Proposed An ti-
Noise Ordinance
Underground Utility
Traffic Committee
tibn,and,-,facts inAorde'r to a presentation
to the agencies affected before any action is
taken'on the matt.er.
,ThiE�. .',City-*Atto.rney to prepare
appropriate:-legislation recogni zin q , "Industry
W �k in' County"'• September 241-28, 1973,
for Counci September 4, 1973.
Mayor' Putnam 'r e cr
I uested' that copies 'of - the,
League of California Ci ties
' ties moel.anti -noise
ordinancelbetgtiven to the Council for c6nsidera-
t'ibn � of :;an or6 Inaftce for the City' of Petaluma.
.Councilman Cavanagh, -*Jr.j reported on a meeting
he.attended'..Iast representatives from
Cable -V and'-P."G. : and E. Company-, the City,
-Manager," C-it..Attorney, City Engineer, and
the (representative ,- ,from the
'Telephone Company unable'to attend) for the
purpo�se: of • consIderIng .the . f ormation of an
unaerground utility d'i'strict on McDowell Boule-
,vard . a portion of East Washington Street,
and "a -- portion o Petaluma Boulevard South,
P. G., ',Company il -presently calculating
estiffates -on -- 'thelse ' 'areas' and a recommendation
will made• -to'the. Council thereafter.'
A' copy of letter dated-July 19, 1973, from
North Bay Savings arid' Loan Association re-
queq,-tlrig'that cons iderat ion be given to under-
qtounding utili-tie!s - for their project on
Petaluma' 8ou.1evard South and "C" Street, sub-
.Coun.c reported.that the
Downtown Improvement- C37,bri will - meet to-
inor night at ' 7: 3 lo'!�'Ic lock ' p.m.
-.:Couh CaVanagh-'• it reported that the
rbaq,6'C mmittee completion of
a , 0 , 1
a. - repO ' rt-to''the'Counbil rate revisions and
asked that - Committee meet this week.
Councilman Petry it Jr..' - -reported on the action
taken by the l - Traffic-Committee at its meeting'
to A request from,Weller and Hopkins for a
loading zone on-Washiftgton Street was referred
to the Council for'conside *
August 20, 1973
Bay Area Sewage
.Services Agency
,0- Police Officers'
f - Award
Mayor - Putnam reported on the Bay Area -' Sewage
Services-Agency (BAS'SA) public hearing, August 15,
19,73:, regarding 'the= Regional Water - Quality Control
Management -Plan and the comments heard regarding
procedures to,determine apportionment of shares
for the' - payment 7of BASSA's commitment.Mr
Leon.Anderson presented question•s�at the
hearing n behalf' `o,f Sonoma County regarding
Table :2. •
Some• - on.followed on.the City's share
of. the: 'apportionment as calculated by the
County. and on BASSA;'s plan and budget., It
was -decided.that a letter be, directed to
Supervisor,Joerge of. the Council's concerns
on the: and asking for the. *op-
portuni ,ty-- to „mee_t "- the matter with
him and.appropriate:County. -and staff members;
also tha_t'a letter be directed to BASSA re-
garding:the.ques:tions raised by Mr. Anderson
at the hearing and the City's concern of the
apportionment and'requesting that a meeting
be,ar,ranged to obtain more information on the
matter. The City Clerk was instructed to for
ward said" letters.
Mayor. Putnam, .displayed a replica of a plaque
- presented -to the City -° "Sonoma County!s Out
standing Peace Officer of the Year Awarded by
the xchange Club-of Santa. Rosa” and donated
by Petaluma Moose Lodge . #475.- She -noted that
.two.'Petaiuma Police Officers have received
awards.: Hank Eslck in 196'0 for outstanding
.work in ,juvenile work and Vilho Ahola--for
services above and beyond the'call of duty.
Mayor %"Putnam 'accepted the plaque on behalf of
the C'it Cou
y ,-ncil and - Police Department and
expressed thanks to the Moose Lodge.for its
Showcase =.Theater , ' City Attorney Robert informed the Council •that
Marquee the Showcase Theater Marquee extends into the
City's right -o.f -way on, Washington Street;, and
due . the widening of the street, encroaches
into the- tr:avel.ed r4gh -t -6f -way and is a hazard
. to the vehicular traffic.
Mr,. Daniel To'cahini, owner of the theater, has
been requested, to remove the marq.ue'e. 'If im-
" mediate steps 'are not :taken,, .Mr. To_ cbhini .was
in,fo:rmed that it will 'be necessary to-request
the Council to authorize a suit to abate the
Mr.. Robert , that Mr. To.cc'hini has not
removed t °he,mar:quee and was advised to appear
at the�Cou'ncil, meeting ,tonight; however,,
Councilman; 'Mattei -stated that Mr. Toc,chini
w,as unable to be present,. - It .was' decided by
the 'Council to consider.,the matter at the
September 4th: Council meeting. The :City Clerk
was • directed, to` so- inform Mr. Tocchi-ni .
' rtes`- ^s`= .;•{,;; ry as €; .
August..20, 1973
Abandoned Barge- -
Petal ..River
.'Re 16 3 9'0 ,NC S
City Attorney :,Robert explained_ to , the Council
.that._an.abandoned•barge, in the Petaluma River
allegedly ,.belong.ing' to—Mr Herbert; .periodically
floats .away;�and does. damage to the "D" -Street
. .Bridge; ., and, since . the •b:arge is . located above
the • "D'.' !:Street—.. Bridge—,. other agencies .will not
.agcepb any involvement... He added that the
alleged.owner- cannot.be located and he asked
for authorization. to -abate the nuisance.
In.discussing.the, matter, Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr.,.questioned the- bwn_er of the barge,-but
indicated ,,that, he could be referring to
another barge. This.point was to be checked
Resolution #63.'9:0 N.C.,S.. directing the City
-Attorney `n'ey to .abate . a public nuisance. was intro -
dueed•by.•:Councilman Harberson, seconded by
Council -man Perry,,; - Jr ,, :and' adopted by 6 af=
f and 1'negatve votes. Councilman
Cavanagh-; •Jr.-, voted -"No!' and stated that he
did not =believe it is within the City's juris-
.diction to take thi -s action.
Outside Water Application.filed•by. F,grrest S. Lindsay for .59g1-
- !Service -- Forrest water .service for two _dwellings located outside
S.. Lindsay_ - . - : of the City limits ' at.. 211 'and 213 McDowell
Res # NCS Boulevard North, submitted and filed.
'Director of Public Works David Young.presented
a:map of the location of the existing dwellings
and explaine d _that.small residential water
meters would- _provide sufficient-supply of
water.for the houses.,.,
Mr.:• Lindsay was'present and stated that he.
.needs water..:serv.ice-for the two' existing
dwellings., as his•:•:weillr.is unable to meet re-
It was • noted -that the moratorium on •;water ' and
sewer. service-s..for, premises outside of the
City, _ which. - is primarily for lot splits and
new�,construct on., .do apply to the subject
connections ;— Resolut on #6391 N.C.S. granting
the application:of.Forrest S. Lindsay to connect
two residen.tial.outside water connections at
X211 and•213.McDowell Boulevard North, was in-
troduced.by Councilman,,.Mattei, seconded by
Councilman .Per"ry, Jr.., ,and adopted by 7
of f irmative votes.
East Wa•shin - gton Square R'e. Connolly.. Development request. for ninety - day �7!
Shopping Center- extension to .complete_.public improvemeri'ts in.
East W&shingtor .Square-- �Shopping.-Center fired
with the Council.•on August 6, 1973, Director •
of Public Works David Young• reported that
substantial - progress has been made by the
deve'lo.per on the.work required; -,and in accord -
ance with, his suggestion, a motion was made
by Councilman Daly and seconded by Councilman,
Mattei'granting an extension of five days
within which to complete the public improve-
ments for..the subject project, and thirty days
to complete the Department of Public Works'
"punch list." Motion carried unanimously.
46 0
August 20, 1973
3 - Moratorium - - Sewer.
Councilman Mattei stated that the'subject
and Connections
resolution was prepared -at his request and
Outside City Limits
c,onfirms•acton taken at. the 'last Couricil
Res #639:2 NCS
meeting. He suggested that a..meeting be held
with representatives from the County to de-
velo.p 'a d_ efinite .policy; however, it was..
decided by the Council to hold a study session
as soon-, .a pos:s,ible. _,(and before � meeting 'with
the County) to discuss specifics with regard .
to developments 'outside of the- City.. -
In reviewing the proposed "resolution -, it was -
`agreed to'limit the moratorium.to ninety days;*
and with the consent of the introducing . 'and
seconding- ,Councilmen,, following changes_
were made in the ' paragraph:
"Ninety days" was added_bef,ore.,the
"moratorium, and• " ao last °.unt "il further ''action
o:f' this Council ,- was deleted..
Resolution #6392 'N.0 ".S. ,declaring a moratorium
- -
--: on • -the granting of sewer and water connections
to premises located outside existing City limits,
was in'troduc,ed by Councilman Matte seconded
by`Couric lman Daly, and -adopted by the-following
Ayes': • . C,ounci "lmen = Rr;unner, Daly -, Harberson,
Mattel, and'Mayor Putnam.
Noes: •- co,uncilmen Cavanagh, ;Jr • and Pea ry, Jr.
" i Residential
Resolution #6393 N. ".C.S.. 1 revising .and - updating
the Residential Development System -for, the;
City of , Petaluma was introduced. by Councilman
Res #6393_ NCS
Dal y,•' seconded by Councilman':Matt'ei, and
adopted; by 7 aff irmativ.e -votes ' • -�_.
.S� Housing Quota --
Discuss.ion on the proposed =resolution.,was held
TJY 1974 -75"
and w'tli'.the consent of the introduc "ing and.
Res. #639 NCS
s.econding' Councilmen, the last - paragraph was•.
deleted : wh - ich , specif-,ied that horizontal con-
dominiums shall;be.,classifed as single - family
dwell" n'g units and vertical condominiums � sha -ll
be, classified as' family dwelling units;
whereupon Resolution" #.6394: N.C..S. establishing
the-Residential Development :Program quota. for
- the 1.914 cbnstruct on'y.ear, wa introduced
by Councilman 'Matte seconded 'by Counc =ilman.
Perry; Jr. , and adopted by 7 affirma''tive: votes.
Commemorating the
Directed that the'siibject resolution be'trans-
�3 Memory. of `Edward
cr-ibed in the Minutes :. ._
Res #6395 NCS'
Reso'luti'on No. 6395' 'N.C.,S.
August 20,.1973
Commemorating the
Memory of- Edward ;Schmelz. _
Res #6395 N.CS (continued)
FRED -7. MATTEI at Meeting of.the City Council of the City
of.Petaluma. on the 20th.day of•.August,, 1973,. at-the City Hall,
Petaluma, - .,California.
BE IT RESOLVED on- the.14th day of August, 1973, the City
of Petaluma suffered: ,great: loss occasioned by the' death of Edward.
Schmelz, an outstanding citizen, who served this 'City well and conscien-
tiously,as a Planning Commi.ss,ioner from December 21, 1970, until his
resignation :of. August 6, . 1973.- -
During hs.relatively short term of office, many far - reaching
planning.de:cisions were made. All of these required considered judgments,
which he ;exercised, fai.rly., courageously and , to, , .the best interests of this
City...H_is.input .into - decisions required to be.made, as a member of the
Subdivision Committee „- •was.of tremendous _value, as were also his comments
and views regarding, elements of the- Gene.ral.,Plan, and in particular, its
Housing Element. His impact upon the course of this City will be bene-
ficially felt. He approached all problems with equanimity and optimism
and gave.all supplicants before the Planning - .,Commission his full courteous
attention. -
His broad experience was extremely valuable in assisting
the City in formulating the policies which eventually_led to,the adoption
of the - Environmental Design Plari.,.all to his eternal credit and, to -the
ultima.te'beneftit of-the-City. _
For. reas-ons herb.in,exp;ressed and reasons beyond the expression
of mere words and because.this.COuncil.is conscious..of a great loss;
•IT. - .IS - HEREBY-%FURTHER RESOLVED that this Council adopts this,
resolution ,as - a- ,tribute - to - Edward Schmelz, a respected citizen, an
exemplary: man; , and
IT I:S HEREBY FURTHER, RESOLV that.-in tribute, this resolution
be :transcribed in:. full . in the minutes of .this .meet:ing; and
I,T IS HEREBY-FURTHER: RES.OLVED that a copy of the resolution,
certifi,ed..a sealed by the City_ .Clerk,. be transmitted to; the widow and
children of Edward Schmela sas a token--of' the sincere sympathy and and heart-
felt condolence -of , the -- members of this Council and in behalf of all those
who, knew him...-
hereby certify that. the ; foregoing- resolution was
duly and regula introduced !and adopted by the
Council of the City - of . Pet`aluma on the 2.Oth day of
August., 197`3,by, the .following vote
AYES: Councilmen•Brunner Cavanagh, Jr.. Daly, Harberson, Mattei,
Perry, Jr., and :Mayor Put -.•
NOES: None.
ATTEST: Lillian Nomms'en
City Clerk
� t
August 20, 1973
Whiskerino Contest, CongratulaE!on`sG)�ier.et, extended to Councilman.
Old. Adobe Days Daly for placing th rd.in..the Whiskerino Con -
test at the Old Adobe, .Days- Fest °ival .- held last
Adjournment There` being -.nojurther bus.ineas to come - before
the Council, 'the meeting was adjourned at 1.0:30
o' clock ,p:m� to an ' executive session.
City C rk