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September'21, 1970
Council Meeting Regular meeting of the Council of the City
of Petaluma was called to order by Mayor
Putnam at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m.
Attendance Present: Councilmen.Brainerd, Cavanagh,
Jr., Joer,ger, and Mayor. Putnam. .
Absent: Councilmen Battaglia, Brunner,
and Mattei.
Invocation The invocation was given by the Reverend
Thorval Evenson, Elim Lutheran Church..
Approval of Minutes The minutes of September 8, 1970, were
approved as recorded.
Street Resurfacing, Notice to'bidders on-the subject project
Project PW15 -69 was.duly published. Director of Public
Res. #5567 N.C.S. Works David Young,rep,orted on the follow
ing three :bids . received at the bid-opening
September 1970:
Name Amount
Brown- Ely.Company, $61,331.55
Ghilotti Brothers. 64,803.64
Johnson Excavating 53,222.59
1 D�
Mr. Young read a letter from Johnson Ex-
catat,ing.requesting permission to withdraw
their bid because, of an arithmetical error
in extending two items. Mr. Young added
that Johnson' -s total bid should be
$61,141.26. Copy of letter submitted and
filed. He recommended accepting the next
low bid submitted by Brown -Ely Company.
Mr. Young also explained that the.speci,-
ficat,ions were prepared to cover deletions,
and recommended that Items.2, 3 and 4 be
deleted and-the work be performed by City
forces. The Council agreed to grant John
son's - request of bid withdrawal, and also
approved deletions as recommended.. Resolu-
tion No. 5567 N.C.S., awarding contract to
Brown -Ely Company for the subject project,
was introduced by Councilman Joerger,.
seconded by Councilman- Brainerd, and adopted
by -4- affirmative votes, 3 absentees.
"B Street. Storm Notice to bidders on-the subject,project was
Drain 'Imp.rovements, duly..,published. Director of Public Works
Project , SS 8 -69 David-Young reported on the nine 'bids re--
Res. #55'68 N.C.S. ceived at the bid opening.September•16, 1970:
Name A mount
Evenson-•Construction $44,974.00
Flipovich Construction 43,
Future Construction 75,852.50
Healy- Tibb'tts Const. 31,347:00
September 21, 1970
"B" Street Storm
Drain Improvements
Project SS 8 -69
Res. #5568.N.C.S.
- Name ,
L. J. Kr'zich $3;6,88.7.50
Madsen Construction 32
M, cGuirb and'Hester. -. 46,100.00
'Arthur B.• Inc. 29,694.50;
L. R. `Yegge .Company 39.,734.00
Mr .• Young recommended accepting the low -b ,
whereupon, Resolution No. 5568 N:- C.S..award
ing contract'to Arthur B. Siri; Inc.,..for the
subject proj,ec,t, was introduced by Councilman
Joerger,- .seconded by Councilman Br'ainerdi and
adopted 'by 4 ;affirmative votes,- 3 absentees
Dust Nuisance -
Petition, dated September 12, 1970, signed by
40.residents of•Leisure..Lake Mobilehome Park,
300 Stony Ppint.Road, requesting aba- tement._o:f
dust and dirt nuisance created from a feed,
loader'boperated by-Chicken International_, read
and filed. Re,portJ.dated September 16., -. 1970,
from-Building Inspector Donald, P., Uhr- of - f ind-
ings,.recommend�ation and conclusion in,
to the,. complaint, .submitted and - filed. ._ In
- referring to, the- staff report, City-Manager
Robert.Meyer.noted that.Mr.'Johnson of Chicken
International . was most cooperative and.stated
to the Inspector that every effort.wll be made
to alleviate the problem.
Mr. Leon Barlas of <.Barlas Brothers.princi,pals.
involved who lease to Chicken International,.
appeared - before. the Coun.cil explaining the.
operation of the loader and the method to solve
the- problem. -He' expressed willingness to
Mr. Jean V. Whiteley and Mr. Harold A. Turriff
of-Lei-sure Lake Mobilehome Park spoke in support .
of the petition.
- Upon.,conclusion of the discussion, •it was de-
cided that the pr ncip,als •involved be given an
opportunity to•solve the problem inasmuch as
willingpess_ ,coo'perate has been indicated.
The staff was asked to closely check the open-
With the con- se.nsus of the.Council, Item 27 a,
b and-c; Page 3., rega- rdirig.,thr.ee, underground
uti districts was moved for consideration
at : this' - :time. .
Mr.-Coy Gore, Customer Services Supervisor :of_
Utility Districts:
P.G.& E. Company, estimat that the cost for
the property - owners. to-install underground s °er-
McDowell Blvd.
vice would average-less'-than $100, but could be,
No. 1
higher.if any unusual . exi.st. He
Res. #5569 NCS
added 'that It would be, impossible 'to estimate
an• - average .c,ost for commercial. .connections,
because of•varying•requirements.
Petaluma Blvd. No. As a matter o:f.information for the property
No... 1 owners involved, Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,
(No clarified .that•the districts under consider -
ation are not .assessment di.str,.icts but
anted by Rule' monies in accordance with
a Public - Utilities Commission decision,.
September 21, 1970
Washington St.
No..2 -
Res. #5570 NCS
McDowellL Boulevard Underground: Utility- `
District No. 1:
It explained to Mr. A. Blankenship 94
North McDowell Blvd., that the subject
was not selected as a single-area-.for under -
grounding but the start of a-beautification
program to be continued throughout entire
city as funds are` accumulated:
Mr. Larry Bernaue -r was informed by Mr. Gore .
that if a property owner. refuses to make the
required- .connection,'electrical service will
then be disconnected. .'
Mr. B. Kirsch questioned whether or not under -
ground'`'�utilities would increase assessed
valuation' of a home..
Mr.,Herold*Mahoney, representing Petaluma Pro-
perties, Inc.., owner of the Petaluma Inn, re-
quested that the four poles located to the rear,
of the Inn',s property and on the back lot line
of parcels facing - McNeil Avenue be included in
the . sub j,ect , distri,c,t , and if not, then in the
next district. Mr. Gore indicated that back
lot line -poles do not meet the criteria for'
Petaluma Boulevard North Under
Distr;rct No.: 1- -
ound Utilit
Considerable discussion was held on Mr. Victor
DeCarli's, req exclude a parcel owned by
DeCarli Brothers.located on-the southwesterly
corner of Petaluma Boulevard North and. Magnolia
Avenue because service is being - provided from
a`' pole outside 'of the boundary.' A motion was
made.. by Councilman - Joerger and seconded by
Councilman' Brainerd to remove said .parcel from
the district however, after further .considera-
tion,'Councilm.an Brainerd withdrew his
, and_ the - ,motion died upon City Attorney Robert's
recommendation ,th'at boundary- changes be. approved
by . the councilmen. who introduced (Brainerd) and
seconded (Brunner)- the resolution establishing
the district. Councilman.Brunner being absent,
it was to consider, amended legislation.
- at the next Council meeting..
Washington Street Underground Utility District
No. 2
Mr. Victor- DeCarli stated that at the.`.1ast
meeting h_i,s:.estimate of - $800 referred strictly
to...commercial, connections .
Upon• recomme.nd'atiori by' Director of Public Works
David Young,. agreed to require recon-
nection not late 'than July 1,.1972, and re-
moval poles - :etc:,, not later than August 15,
1.9 7.2, for McDowell Blvd_. - No. ,1 District, where-
upon..Resolut.ion No. 5569'N.C.S., establishing
McDowell.Blvd_. Underground Utility District
No. l ,' was introduced-by Councilman Brainerd,
s by Councilman Brunner, and adopted
by 4 affirmative votes, 3 absentees.
10 �G
September 21, 1970,
W Underground Utility
SqyDi'stricts: (continued),
McDowell Blvd...
No. 1 -
Res: #5.569 'NCS
Petaluma Blvd.. No.
No�. 1 -
(no action)
Washington St.
No. 2 -
Res: #5570 NCS
y Resignation -
®� Recreation.,
Music and 'Parks
Res.. #5571 NCS`
Extension -.of Time '-
Eastt W&shington
/ Payran'Street
Traffic Signal
Res' #5572 N.'C.S.
V Pollution of
; Railroad
gional Quality
N7 control Board ;re
from Vessels-
. ,
Upon recommendation by Director of Public -
Works David it.was agreed to require..
reconnection not than June 1,:1.971,
and..remov_al o:f - poles, etb., not later, than
July 15, 1971, for Washington Street No: 2
Di- strict, whereupon, Resolution' #5570 N.C.S,.,
establishing Washington Street Under-;ground.
Utility District was introduced'by
C seconded by Councilman
Brunner,,.arid adopted by 4 affirmative votes,
3 absentees.
Letter, dated•September-6, 1970, from Carol
Brafidner, '15 , Mano:r, Way,, resigning from the
Recrea.t'ion., •- Music and .Parks- Commission, read
and filed. Resolution No. 557,1 N.C.&.,
accepting re•signat on' of Carol Brandner ,from
the Recreation, Music and Parks Commission',
was introduced by:Co.uncilman Brainerd, seconded"
by Councilman . Joerger,- and 'adopte by •4 affirma-
tive votes,.'3 absentees., The City. Clerk was
directed to send an.appropriate letter of ser -
vice 'appr,ecat.iori.
Letter, dated.-September.8, 1970, from Rosendin
Electric, Inc:, r.eques.ting of Mime
to compl -ete the•subject- 'proj.ect, - read and filed.
Resolution No. 557.2, N.'C:S. , authorizing Rdsendin
Electric, Inc an extens.ion.af as- requested,
was introduced by Councilman Brainerd seconded
by Councilman Jberger,, and adopted by.4 affir-
mative votes, 3 absentees.,
Letter, dated,September,l4, 1970, from Public
Utilities Commission, that the time limit for
submitting written comments regarding, the
adopt.ion'of'Public Utilities Commission
General Order- prohibiting pollution of rail.
road 'rights -o'ft way by rai -1 -road corporations
has _been extended to October 30, 1,970, read
and filed.
Letter; dated September 4, 1970, from -Fred H.
Dierker:, Executive. Officer, California Re =-
giorial Water- Quality 'Control Board', with copy
of Re'solutiori.No. 70' -65, "Poliey'Statement
with Respect -'to Waste Discharge from Vessels
to Tidal. ; o_f- San. Francisco Bay ", adopted
- by'the.Board and an additional motion adopted
regarding, dockside requirements, and request-
ing a reply .by..October 15, 1970, c -itir g . th_-e.
steps be ng to adopt and enfo.rce
regulations -with a schedule of steps to be
take to provide dockside.sewers._at berthing'
and launching facilities owned by the City,
-read and ;filed." .
Mayor Putnam . reported that the Waterfront
mittee ('Councilmen Joerger, Battaglia,- and
Mayor Putnam),•and members- of - the staff held -
two.meeting's in an_ endeavor to reach a con -.
cl.usion:on'the , matter the.Board,,.
and .that material'is'p.resently` being developed
into an ordin for Council consi•deration —
September -2.1, 19.70
Penngrove Fire.
:9.f the Sonoma County Local
Resolution No.. 1
Protection District
Agency Formation Commission making.determinations
Annexation.No.'70 -1
and. .approving.the, proposed annexation of terri-
tory designated as "Penngrove Fire - Protection
Dist rict- Annexation No. 70 -1 ", submitted.and
Denman .Annexation
Resolution .No . 162. ' of the Sonoma County Local
No. 6
Agency Formation,Commission making dete,rmina-
tions and,.disapp,roving the proposed annexation
of territory designated "D,enman Annexation
No. 6 to the City :of -Petaluma.
Councilman Joerger- .pointed out that the Council
did have sufficient notice of LAFCO's public
hearing on the- subjedt.annexation,to.make.an
expression at.,a Council meeting. Discussed and.
approved was Joerger's suggestion
to request the - County Executive Officer, notify
Planning Director McGivern when annexation pro -
_posals are:rec.eived and the information be sup-
plied to.the,Council for consideration before
LAFCO's hearing.,
Al ?Ale
Young Annexation
Local Agency Formation.Commission of the County
No: 70 72
of.Sonoma Notice Public Hearing regarding
"Young Annexation,No. 70- 2 October 1, 1970
at 3:00 p.m.., , submitted and filed. ..Director of
Planning ' Mc.Givern showed . a map of ''the . area He .
noted. that .cont-act was made - with the , C.ounty in. .
regard to as no informa't.ion was .
:received .by• the City from the. proponents..: He -
a the-County be asked to continue the
hearing until.all information is furnished to the
City.. After discussion,, the Planning Dir-
ector to attend the public hearing
on.behalf the City.
Claims and Bills
Resolution 14o.,.5573-N.C.S., :approving.,Claims and
Res.-#5573 N.C.S.
Bills -Nos .1131 to 1249 inclusive and Nos. 192
to.,230 inclusive approved for payment by the
City Manager, was - introduced by Councilman
Joerger,: seconded by.Councilman.Brainerd, and
adopted - by 4-affirmative votes , , 3 absentees.
Fire Station #1
Fire Chief Roscoe Benton reported on the pro- .,,, �,..
Alterations and
gress.of Fire.Station No. l�Alteratioris and
Addition Addition
Additio_nI project., Delivery and installation
of. the: fire alarm.- and complet -ion ; of.
minor details wil the contract within
the next thirty days,: He noted that an expen-
ditur.e of $2 -75 wi11:be made.for office letter-
ing and: blinds ,f,or' : _the office windows.
Fire. Station
Fire - :Chief' .Roscoe Benton', reported that bids
for Fire-,Station .No - ..•3 Sitework and Street
Improvements project will be opened on Sept-
ember_ 2:4,, 1970,_ and :that. plans and specifi-
cations- -for, the- facility will be completed
around October 1., 1 -970.
City-'Manager. Robert .-Meyer stated that an "Open
. is be,inq- ; planned -for a joint tour. of the
Poaice- . Stat°ion - and' Fire Station No. 1.
Study Session -
..City: Mana;ger••Robert.Meyer stated that the
September 28. 1970
mobilehome-,park.tax.r.evenue. study has been re-
scheduled for-September 28, 1970, and other
items to be studied.at the same session will
be the weed abatement program and ambulance
d/ _ I
September.21, 1970
Dredging -.
City Manager Robert-Meyer,reported on,the
.fie -ld survey - made. with Colonel - Roberts-, Dis—
trict - Engineer., iCor -•ps of Engineers; Mr. Gordon
Tippet-t-, Congressman Clausen's ; r.epresen i tative .
and members of the staff of the area near "F"•
Street - along the River acid around .the. docking
facility•to• discuss dredging of the Petaluma
River. by the U. S of Engineers if-emer-
gency funds are - granted. Mr.. Meyer added: .that
if . ',the project is authoriz;ed, City is res
ponsible for-providing -the spoils areas and
.co nstructing ---.the - •' Director_ -of Public
Works:David Yotingreported on the necessary
contacts to b.e: made -for the spoils areas -and
recommended that the-dikes.be constructed for
the City by the..'dredging contractor.,
La Tercera .,School -
-City Manager: .Robert .Meyer reviewed -a - proposed
Joint Recreational
agreement by.the:Old Adobe.School'Distr'ict and
_ the City of, for the . developmen.t- of a
joint - recr-;eational - area (not to, exceed five.
acre,$)- ...".at the La- Tercera School. Following a
brief�disc:ussion, Mayor Putnam asked that - the
question rai ed;by Recreation, Music and:Parks
Commissioner Ray . Boccaleoni regarding, . number
of acres be thoroughly checked and that.the.
Commission be furnished with a copy of'tle-
agreement.. It..was: generally approved to present
th& agreement for action at the next Council
East Washington
City Manager'Rober't Meyer, reminded the Council
that maps . of - the ° Washington Interchange
Reconstruction`Pr.oject will be displayed. by
the - -Division - the.Kenilworth
.,-- Recreation - Center on- September.29; 1970, for
public review.' The..public hearing on the
sib,j:ect- .interchange reconstruction.is scheduled
for October. 7, 1:9.70.
Parking Petaluma
Councilman J erger reported on the Traffic -Com. -
School Administra-
mttee'.s consideration of a request received
tion Building - -
from Mrs, E'lvyn 'Lee of -the 14th 'D:istri,ct
P..T.A.- fo,r , stick : ets to be pl on. cars so no
tickets : ,will be- .received by those attending
Board meetings, etc. ,, at the . School Admire s,-
tration Building. The Traffi.cCommittee,
approved two -hour limited parking in.front
of . the School. Administration Building on the,
east ,side, of Fifth. Street between "A" and "'B"
Streets (approximately 15 spaces,). He noted
that -there are another .10 to 15 parking spaces
-on 'the school.-grounds.
Director of. Public Works :David .Young - discussed
the subject annexation which - fronts on. Casa
Grande :Road' and . is •lo.cated o;ppo'site of -the pro-
pos'ed - high schoo site. If the subject parcel
is annexed before development of the - school , ,
there -i's � a.- possibility that the County 'of
SOnom wil not.participate, in the const
of Casa :Grande Road on .the high' school ,
area - a'cost of approximately $:6,000.: mayor'.
Putnam , r epo.rted that. at the LAFCO publ hear
ing.en-the- ,subject annexation, Supervisor, Vella
strongl-.y ,bbjected,..to 'County participation' of
the•roadwor:k if - the area is annexed prier to
the school development. She added that the
matter• -was • held over by LAFCO, for a • solution,
to -the problem..
September 21 „1970
Mr. .' . Jack .Leue. of .Mazza- Taylor Corporation .and ���
repre.s.enting!Briaxwood Annexation, addressed
the 'Council requesting.support.of the.
tion at LAFCO. He-assured the Council cooper —
ation -his ,firm-on the street'matter.
General.discussion followed in which Council-
man Joe- r.,ger tpoint.ed out-that subdivision
deve:lopment .school :needs could become
a future problem. Mrs. Carol Sartori,
..County resident, appeared before the Council
- -and spoke-of ,the.do.uble session schedule in
.the Old.Adobe School District and of the con-
cern :of the parents-in the.area of the .increased
school from the.proposed. subdivisions.
Upon completion of the discussion, it was
gener-a agreed- that the street matter does.
.-not*ap.pear unsurmountable and -that the
of. ' the annexation by. LAFCO , be - continued for a
Civic Center Coun. ilman Cavanagh; 'Jr..,, reported that pre 7 r
Committee liminary plans of -;the proposed City Hall Addi-
tion be presented to the Board of Super-
vksors: of Co.un.ty, tomorrow morning for
consideration. Further.information will be
submitted'.to -the ,Council - on the matter soon
State Chamber Councilman Cavanaghi Jr., reported on the
Highway Meeting subject meeting held in Santa Rosa
1 He .:no,ted -that there were .no, changes• -dn
prior -ities as East Washington Street, Interchange
is. still _ h in , pr or.ity and State..Highway 116,
is still. on the list..
Rezoning =
833 Petaluma
Monarch - .Pacific
Subdivision #6.
Res.. #557'4 N.C.S.
Purchase of Land
Ord. #994 N.C.S.
Planning.Commi Resolution #Z12 -70 recom-
mending.proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance
No.. 6.6.2 N.C`.S,. by reclassifying 'Assessor's Par-
cel - No. • 6- 0.41 -04• and a portion of .6- 041 -27 (833
Petaluma Boulevard .North) f rom a . C-.S (Service,
Commercial) Zone -_to , an R -M =1500: - .(Multi.- Fami,ly).
Zone, s.ubnii - and filed. Consideration-of
the. -subject rezoning was'held ove.r� for the
next Council - -meeting.
City Planning:Commi :ss =ion Resolution-No. 23 -70
approving an extension - of -time 'within which
to . file, final -map of-the remaining portions of
Cambridge.Square, submitted and filed.
Report,,. dated - September 18, ,1970, from .Direc- .
tor.of Publ.ic'.Works David Young certifying to g/�®
the.completion'o:f public improvements in.the.
subject subdivi•s.ion.-.with certain 'provisiohs and ..
-recommending• :acceptance of said improvements
submitted and Resolut,io'n #5574 N.C.S.,
accept Eng let ion of work required in Monarch -
-c.Pa- ci•fi'c Subdivision, Unit No. 6; was-.introduced
-by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,. seconded by- Coun-
cilman_Joer.ger,.:and adopted by 4 affirmative
'votes,. 3:: absentees..-
- ordinance No :: 99.4'- >N..C.S., authorizing the pur-
.chase of land, for:.park site • (La Te_rcera) , was
introduced.=by- Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.; sec-
onded by-.Councilman:Joerger,, and ordered
posted: - by 4 :affirmative votes', 3 absentees.
September 21, 1970
Parking on Streets- In. response to Ray, Bo'ccaleo.ni.'s question
Ord. #997 N.C.S. • whe`t'her'•.Section 15,.3".8 of the , Petaluma' City
Code ,al -ready �alutheriz :es towing away'-of
.- vehicles `parked. - excess , of 72 hours, City
Atto;rhzpy• Robert that -said sect "ion
snot ;clear an'd, thdt the proposed. legislation
ciari•f-ies.. and amends the Code .to cover.. auth -..
or•ity.ur det,�. one section; whereupon,, Ordinance
No.' .9.97 :N;. C .-S,,. ,: amending Chapter 15, Article
X., -Secti-on 15 :10. of the Petaluma .C'ity
Code of :195;8 :to 'prohibit parking on streets
or _:alleys: for•,more. -than 72 hours s. and•. to
authorize. towing away- :of '. such vehicles , -.was
introduced-.by Councilman Joer•ger,•_
by 'Coun"c;lman.- .Cavanagh, Jr.,, and ordered posted
by 4 ".affirmative' votes., 3 -ab'sentees .
Planning. Director Wi -lliam McG'ivern .showed a
map. of 'the .area 'proposed for a future ' service
st.a Ordinance No. ,•99°1 'N.C.S.,,,
amending Zoning' Ordinance No. -6 62 N:.: C. S by.
rezoning- Assessor's Parcel No 5 - 04" 71 from
an -! _.(Agricultural). Zone to 'a ,C -H - (Hi way
commer.cial)` Zona j- ,was'_ introduced by Councilman .
Brunner - ; seconded.by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr..,
and' adopted' .by .4, - a'f f?irmative votes , 3 absentees .
Ordinance No. '- �9 :9 N ,C ,S...-,N amending ' Zoning Or.di
nance.No. 662 N.C.S.'to provide ..for an "addition
to Section 3•.30 =0, to';pe.rmt .certain dgmest,c .
ani.mal.s '.to= :be..- housed , in, residential areas: to
.dele,te- :Sd,ction 3:- A -3'.Ol b and e:; to renumber
Section 3.- A- -301 !c and d; and; add thereto
a.. ry0w , :Sect ion .13` -A - =3 01 d, was- introdiic:ed by,
Councilman !Brunner,, .-.seconded by Councilman'
Joerger:, and adopted by 4 affirmative votes,
3. absentees'..
1 1 0 % Rezoning Area -
3►x Casa Grande Road -
Lakeville Highway
Ord. #991 N.C.S.
Dome�s'tic Animals
in Residential,
Ord.. #992•`NCS;•
('s'econd reading.)
Permits for
Ordinance.No,.,9.93".N.C.S.', amending'Chapter IV
of the Petaluma City Code o,f 1958, !Sections
the City
4.. , 4. i8 ,`:.4 .9 - and, 14. 110 to provide fo:r per fits
Ord'. # 993' N. C . S .:
to '"-*k'ee.p livestock within the City Limits; to
(second - reading)
require.. -n application therefo,r-. under cond--
tions" " and .to -provide. a, method for .revocation
of such permits; was introduced-by Councilman,
Brunner, seconded -by Councilman•-Joerge.r, and
adopted 'by.;'4 affirmative votes, 3 abs „ entees : ,
Sewer : Connection
Or'd'inance !'No . 995 `N.0 :. S . ,; amending- Chapter
XI!X, Article VI , - Section 19..4;0 `A, ",B,, C and --.D
Ord- #995 ; N.C.S.
of the:Petaluma Code , of 19.5 -, 8 to establish
(second. reading),
connection fees . for the privilege . of ,connec-
tion ' to the .City sewer! system, was .intr.oduc_ed
by'Councilman "Brunner; seconded by :Councilman
Braine -.rd; and adopted 'by 4 affirmative votes,
3 .ab'sd tees . •
Parking - Meter, Frees
City. - Manrager Robert Meyer .pointed out' to the
Ord:. 4_996 - N.C.S."
Council - the,problem with 38 meters on the
(.second reading)
"A Street Lot that cannot be con
vested to, implement, -the - subj,ect'ordinande.
He referred a report dated Septemb -er'4,
1970,,'from Acting Chief of Po ice .-slick re
Bard "ing the cost ;to"purchase reconditioned
meters �to replace th&set that :cannot be cori --
verted.. 1 ht.. was .a'gre'ed that a decision ,could
be made',, on this matter bef.ore "the effective,
date of the ordinance, which.is October 21;
1 Ordinance . #`996'N.C.S "., amending Chapter.
September,21, 1970
Parking Meter Fees
Ord.. #99:6 N.C.S.
(second reading)
Request,County to
Defend the-City
of .Petaluma
Res. #5575 N.C..S.
_15, Article-14, Section 15.14.4 and Section
15.14.8 of the Petaluma City Code of 1958 to
establsh.park.ing meter fees, was introduced
by Brainerd, seconded by.Council-
man Cavanagh, Jr.--, and adopted by-4 affirma-
tive votes, 3.absentees.
Resolution No., 557 N.C.S., requesting the
County Counsel of the-'County-of to
defend the City of Petaluma (complaint filed
by the Santa Rosa Cigarette Service) pursuant
to.the provisions of Revenue and Taxation
Code,5103, was introduced by Councilman Cava-
nagh, Jr., seconded'by Councilman Joer.ger,
and adopted by 4 'affirmative votes, 3 .a- bsentees.
Purchase, -of Land Resolution No.•5,576 N.C.S., authorizing_ the'
Res. #5576 N.C.S. purchase.of certain lands of Rollins.on-Mag
nolia.Avenue for $3.,,000, was:introduced by
Councilman - Cavanagh, Jr.,, seconded by Coun-
cilman and adopted by 3 affirmative
vote 3 absentees and-1 abstention. Council-
man Joer-ger,abstained and that he owns
property -in. the vicinity.
Agenda Items , 30', ,31 and 3.2 and the. Executive Session
were deferred for f -ull ; Council consideration
at the adjourned meeting on September 28,, 1970.
Adjournment There being further business to come be=
for.e.,'the Council, .the meeting was adjourned
at 11-00 o'clock pl:m:. and to Monday,'September
28, 1970, at 7:3'O-.o'clock p.m. .
City Clerk