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Council Meeting
October , 5, 1970'
Regular meeting.of the Council of the
City of Petaluma was called to.order,by
Mayor`Putnam at the'hour. of 7.:30 o'clock
p. m..
Present: Councilmen Battaglia *; Brainerd,
Brunner, - Cavanagh Jr . ,' ,Joerger ,�
Mattei, and
Absent: None.*
* Arrived at 7:37 o'clock p.m.
Due to.the absence of the Reverend Stephen'
Canny, St. Vincent's Church,-no invocation
was given.. (Mayor Putnam noted that the Rev-
erend Stephen Canny has been trans,f_erred
. to' another city) .
Approval- of Minutes. The minutes of September 21, 1970, and
September 28, 1970, were approved as re-
1971.Police Car Notice to bidders on'the subject purchase /,& 7
Res 45584 N.C.S. was duly published Report, dated October-,.,...-
5 1970, of October 5, 1970,
from,Purchasing Officer John Nolan, sub -_.
mitt'ed and filed. Mr. Nolan reviewed -.
following; three bids received:
Name. Amoun
Petaluma Dodge, Inc. $3,655.19
Jim Rose Chrysler Plymouth 3 , 867 . 99
Sanderson. Ford - Mercury -Sales 3,727.50
Mr -- . -Nolan noted that-the bid -from Peta-
luma Dodge included the following excep-
A. 30'0 horsepower at 4800 RPM. The
specifications call for.315 horse-
B. Circular sideview mirror.' The spec -
ifications call for three
three inch rectangular mirror.
Some discussion followed on the first
exception, and it it was -the consensus .of ' .
the.Counc it that the low bid _did. not
meet the specific.at�ions whereupon,'
Resolution No. ;5584- N.C.S. , aw..arding.
contract :for One ( Police Car
to Sanderson .Ford- Mercury - Sales , 'was
introduced.by Councilman Mattei,-second-
.ed,.'by Councilman Battaglia, and adopted
by 7 affirmative votes.
October 5, 1970
t � Beautification - Public Utilities Commission Opinion, - dated.
V Railroad September 24,- 1970,'-.that the Commission
Rights -of -Way does have jur'is.diction•to convene•a hear -t
ing "f:or the . pu- rpo.se of conaidering . a plan
to landscape - railroad rights--:of-way in
urban areas and to thereafter- issue approp
riate orders, read and - filed.
NWP • Drawbridges .
U. S . .Coast Guard Public Notice No.: 12-32,
\ a Ac -rocs Petaluma. dated September "28, 1970, of proposed.
\/ River change in special operating.regulations
for the Northwestern Pacific Railroad
swing bridges' across Petaluma Creek.at
Black• Point . and Haystack Landing Ca- 1 -i,f-
orna, submitted and filed. City, Manager
_Robert Meyer was`asked to contact appro.p
riate groups for an expres.son.of opin ion',
in regard to the• - proposed change so that
the.'Council may take action on-the matter
{� at its on October 19, 1970.
/ Petaluma River- Resolut,ion:No.. 30581.of the Board of -Sup=.
Project 1970 ervisors of the of Sonoma acknow-
ledging the receipt..of the "Petaluma. River
Project 1970" report and comments and rec -7 .
ommendations of ethe Planning Commission.in.
•directing use of report in future pl
submitted and-filed.
\�a Errors :& Omissions Letter, dated September -18, 1970, from
/ Insurance Coverage- Mr Robert P -. Stimson of the Petaluma'
Association of .Ind:ependent .In'sur :ance -.
Agents that an annual premium of $1,0.00
- would -provide - coverage for the $ 5'0 ,,0 0 0
gap in the7 Errors and Omissions,
basic _policy and. the Umbrella, coverage,
and requesting . notification if-such cov=
erage. -.is desired, -read and fil,ed,. Coun -,
cilman•Brunner,• Chairman.of the Insurance
Committee,.r.ecommended not to purchase
the , .coverage because of the high'-premium.
In discussion that followed, City
Attorney .Robert, pointed .out that under the
Government Code.as it exists :covering.claims
against public•entities, the possibility
of being sued for errors and omissions is
very -slim. He could not recall.any. direct
City involve.ment.in an-errors and omissions
claim. He felt th at.the City was generally.
adequately - covered. A. brief discus!sion'.
followed, and.-it was agreed not to take
any action on the subject insurance coverage.'
City Manager Robert Meyer was asked to -keep'
the.Co.uncil informed of any- deve3opments
in regard to this matter.
Claims :and• Bills Resolution No. -558.5 N.C.S. , approving ',
Res. #5585 N. -.S. Claims .and Bills No .. 12150 to 1307 in
elusive .arid Nos'. 231 to inclusive .
approved for payment by the. City. Manager,.
was introduced by Councilman Brainerd,
seconded by Councilman Matter, and
adopted-by 7 affirmative votes..
October 5, 1970
East Washington
City.Manager Robert Meyer.reminded the
St: Interchange
Council of the public hearing to.'be held
by the.Division of Highways at Kenilworth
Recreation Center on Wednesday, October 7,
1970, . at 7:30 p.m.' on the proposed.
reconstruction-.of,East Washington Street
'Interchange. He,noted that the Council
will have 30 days the public. hear-
ing in which to file a statement. The
matter was directed to be included on
the October 19th Council meeting.agenda.'
Acquisition of
City -Manager Robert Meyer explained
Land - -East.
the .Council that the subject ordinance
Washinaton St.
is. being presented cofisideRration to
cover.necessary acquisition of land for
Ord._ #999 N.C.S.
widening East.Washington Street from Red-
wood- Street to 200 feet + east of'
Street.to four lanes of traffic. The
proposed:ord,inance.'was read for Council
information. Councilman,.Mattei objected
to extending the.project .feet + east
of Hopper Street; as he understood -the.
project terminated,at Hopper"Street. Dir-
ector of Public. Works David Young•,explatined
that according'to the project- Consulting
Engineers., it is economically advisable
to extend the project,through the Hopper -
East Washington-Street Intersection for
proper signalization and transition from
four ,lanes .�to : two .lanes - . Disc,ussion fol-
lowed and.Counci.lman Brunner was informed
that,the matter of the East Washington
Street Plan Lines from Hopper Street to
the Freeway was. tabled._ In line with his
request, the City Manager was directed
check the proper procedure to.resubmit.the
East. 'Washington- Street .Plan Lines ( fro,m
Hopper'Street to the Freeway) to the.Coun-
A motion was. made.by Councilman.Battaglia
and seconded by Councilman Brainerd - to add
the subject ordinance the agenda for
consideration at this time. Motion car-
ried .unani-mously. .
'Ordinance •No. ,99.9 ,N.C.S. , authorizing the
acquisition of:land for.the East Washing-
ton Street. Improvements, was introduced.by
Councilman Brainerd; seconded by Councilman
Joerger, and ordered published by the fol -
l•owing , vote •,
AYES:. Councilmen .Battaglia-, Brainerd,
Brunner, Joerger Mayor Putnam.
NOES: Councilman,Mattei.
ABSTAINING: Counc Cavanagh, Jr.
ABSENT:.. None.
Counci.lman`Cavanagh,,Jr., stated that he-.
is involved -with property in the area..
October.12, 1970 -
City'Manager Robert:Meyer.,notified the
Holiday -
Council that Monday, 12,.1970,
is a holiday for the..City employees.
October 5, 1970
Civic Center
Counc,ilman Jr., stated that the
Civic Center Committee 'Will have -a meeting
this• week' and 'a report will be made to - the.,
State Regional
Mayor Putnam sta ted that the Petaluma Water-,
\� Q y -C ,
Quality Control
ont 'Commiteewil•1 meet tomorrow morning
Board Regarding'
' letter to be sent to -the State
Petaluma River
Regional Water.Qualitty Control Board- beford
October -15', -197'0 , explaining -the steps to'
,be taken by the City of Petaluma with regard
to eriforc,ing = 'regulat concerning waste•
di;scharg;e -from - vessels . and providing dock -..
side 'sewers 'at - ber.•th -ing : and- launching .fac:i-
lities owned by the the City ... The Mayor � 'add:ed ;
that.the matter will be brought;to the�Coun -'
cil for consideration:.
S Use of
Councilman Brainerd reported that. *tYe Water',
Lafferty Ranch
Commission 'met• - ori - September 30,, 1970,' to
consider the; iise of Laffer - ty .Ranch. He
read -•the',minutes of Water. Commission,
which 'indicated that three-bid's were re—
ceived for -lea -sing the 269 +;—ac ranch .
for agricultural- purposes. - Councilman
Brainerd 'furthbr reported that the Water -
Comm•is recommended to -the . Council 'tha.t
Frank =BdfEa b6' granted the lease for .a two -,
year period at $2400 per year, payable semi
annual -ly.; and - .s:ub..je:ct to use; of the property.
for :ah .educational program 'by. the Petaluma.
City - School" . District. Copy of - minutes:- sub-;
mitted and filed -; three . ^s.received,sub -..
ro tted and' filed-.
Councilman Brainerd further stated that
the' Commi's:sion also considered the pro-
posal `of the Petaluma City .School, DI, strict .
to s use ' the: property. for .,edtcati:onal' 'and
environmental..purposes,.and -that the Com < -'
mission''recommended I to the Council an agree-
-merit between the City - of Petal'.uma and the
Petaluma City 'School District Abe- executed . .
t'o cover the program. Following a brief
discussion on - - the details of the education-
al program, the City Attorney was directed
to prepare the- necessary,lecgis.lation cov-
eying ',the ; vario.us leases involved ,for
- Council consideration -on October .19, 1970-
Foothill Manor.
Report, dated Qctober 1, 1970, from.•Dir -.
/ Subdivis #3
ector of Public;Wo:rks David Young, cert-
Res.. #5586 N.C.S
fy.ing to thel completion of public .improve-
merits •in the . subj subdivision with
certain -provis -ions .and recommending, accep-
lance of said," 'rove ,, submitted' and
filed. Resolution No. 5586 N.C.S., accept -.
'ng completion ,of ' work required in Foothill'
Manor Sub.divis.ion, Unit No.. 3,, was - Intro-
duced by Councilman Joerger by
Coune-ilmah °Brainerd, and adopted by 7
of f irmatve.:-vot-es,.
October 5, 19.70
Agenda A motion was made by Counci lman•Battaglia
and. seconded "by. Councilman Mattei- to add
acceptance*of•Casa Grande Subdivision #2
to the agenda•for consideration at this
Subdivision #2
Res. #5.58.7 N.C.S.
Animal Control
Ord. #1000 N.C.S.
Ord. #1001
Acquisition of
Property - Water
Pump . St
Ord. #1002 N. -C.S.
Rezoning - 8.33
Petaluma Blvd.. No.
Ord. #'998.N.C.
Report, dated October -5, 1970, from Dir ®� r
ector of Public Works David Young, certi- d
fying to the completion of public improve -
ment in the subject subdivision with
certain provisions. and recommending'accep-
tance- of said improvements, submitted and
filed'... Resolution,No. 5587 N.C.S., accept-
ing completion.of.work required in Casa
Grande Subdivision, Uriit No. 2, was. intro -
duced by Councilman Joerger,
Councilman Brainerd, adopted by 7
affirmative.votes.. -
Ordinance No. 10,00 N.,C..S '., amending Chapter
Iv Qf the Petaluma City , Code of 1958 by
amending Sections 4.29,.A.32, 4.36; 4.38,
4.44; and adding'S'ection 4.47 to establish
fees.and charges with respect to animals -
kept or served by the pound, to establish',
license fees, and,to establish - a minimum
fine, was introduced by Councilman Brunner,
seconded by Couhcilman.Cavanagh,.Jr., and
ordered publ by - 7 affirmative'
Ordinance No. 1001'N.C.S., amending-.Chapter
23, Article•3,Sections 23.15.and 23.16.0f
the Petaluma.'City Code of 195,8 to establish-
Transient 'Occupancy Tax at five ,percent .and
to delete - certain exemptions from-the said
tax, was ' introduced - by Councilman.Joerger,,
seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., and
ordered .posted by) 7 - affirmative 'votes .
Ordinance No. 1002 N.0 -.S.., autho.rizing.the
acquisition of certain.property for the
purpose.of construction thereon of a water
pump station site °. (Magnolia Avenue)', was •
introduced,by Councilman Brainer.d,'seconded',
by Councilman Mattei, and ordered posted by
7 affirmative votes:
Planning Director William McGivern showed
various .maps to it - -ra,te : the zoning rec-
ommended by the -P. anning Commission, the s`
uses of the .adjacent properties'in the.
- Petaluma- Boulevard''North - _Magnoli Avenue
Keokuk..Str.e'et - Cherry Street area,. and
a'drawing_of future, access from Liberty
Street. Extension: east .through the s.ubj ect
property to Magnolia Avenue.. For Council
n_formati._on, Mr. McGivern read the Planning
Commission minutes of Se.ptember'15, 1970,
giving an •account,of the rezoning hearing.
Said-minutes - submitted and filed. Mr. Mc-
Givern pointed out that the Planning Com -.
mission,recommended'•rezoning'the entire
parcel of 4.6 acres - - to an R -M -1500 (Multiple
Family) Zone; however, the staff recommended
approval of the R -M -1500 •Zone, except for
the long, narrow portion of the.subject
October 5, 1970
Rezoning - 833'
j Petaluma Blvd.. No,
Ord. #998 N.C.S.
parcel fronting,on,,Petaluma- Boulevard
North. This - .portion• was recommended
the sttaf f '. to remain-* in the _C -S Zone' in
order to protect the continuity of the,,
Commercial.Zone.,along Petaluma Boulevard.
Mr . _ David Tra.ver-s i ,. 'attorney representing
C S Enterprises1; developer of - - the pro -.
posed multiple .family complex -, spoke and
stated tha -t ;techn- ca.11y the ,developer . does
not : object• ••to the- C =S Zone Zof the narrow
portion fronting Petaluma Boulevard North.
Those-who- ; spoke in-opposition to the re-
zoning - . proposal.,- were.:
Delmo Cuppolet,ti, Cuppoletti Iron Works,
825 Petaluma Boulevard North,
Mrs..: Jbhn.Carlsen representing. Lacher.
Hatchery_:, 839 Petaluma Boulevard North.
.Francis-Lazia, 34- Cherry Street
Victor DeCarl,i,, owner of property at the
southwest corrier.of Petaluma Boule -.
vard North and Magnolia Avenue
Mrs..S'antina Hoope;r,.51 "D" Street spoke
in regard to the, proposed , extens "ion, of •the .
streets and,suggested that.ser.ous consid -'
eration be given 'to. proper .future ;projec
Mr., Leroy attorney r:e,presenting.
the .prop.erty ,owners •opposing the . rezoning.
application,.appeared before the Cb,,uncil
and pointed . out'. the- reasons for the' s;tr"ong�
objection.. ; The main reasons were .out- lined ..
by Mr: Lounibos as follows: Rezoning. would'
be- incompatible , - .the. existing surround.,
-ing zoning -and uses-,,of the area there- are°
many 'hazards involved with the ,buAimess.
establishments in the area; .the. one access,
on Petaluma ..Boulevard North. ; would, not pro --
vide - adequate : ing -ress and egress for . the
complex.; the •devel•opment wound create a
flooding .pr:obLem -in the 'area; and in gen- -
er'al , the. �z,on -i•ng .would be improper.. Upon
- con"cl;usion of �h ;s remarks; Mr..: 'Louni -boa
requested Council denial. of the.':rezon`ing.
In h-i pze +sentat on;, Mr. Lounibbs - s.tated.
that .s,everal. of-. the, property owners, pro- ;
te;s rezoming claimed tha;t
were 'received from the Chairman of the,,
PI.ann -ing Commis ;q Mr. ,Paul S.tanley.,,, and,
therefore, 'he intended to address a_ letter',
to the- Grand 'Jury of Sonoma-.County request-
ing , an investigation of - the conduct of - Mr.
Stanley. -•
Mr ;. ,Tr,aver.si again addressed the. Council
y , , and pr,,esented the following -comments :
October 5, 1970:
Rezoning - 833 The rezoning would provide'a convenient.
Petaluma-'Blvd. No. buffer between commercial uses .and . single -
Ord. #998'N-.C.S. family residential developmen.t;. there
(continued) a definite need for - apartment units in
Petaluma; the•'proposed`development will
be completely-'fenced;, the proposal would
provide revenue for the,-City; and,. the.
narrow frontage of-the property makes it
unfeasiible for :commercial development,.'
He..stated that. the.developer is agreeable
to provide - an , acces,s - to the' property from
magnolia Avenue'.
Those who spoke.in favor of rezoning,
Jack Garrison of Rollins Realty
Herbert Buiidesen,of Bundesen Realty
John. `King , J . J,. .King- Insurance Agency
� F
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., presented a let -
ter,. October 5, 1970; from�Mr and
Mrs. John Cavanagh; 'Said letter was.
-read �a'n(T_f iled . Mr .. Cavanagh requested in
his.letter.that the term "condemnation be
omitted in the.reso°lution to negotiate.so
that future generations need not be led to
believe that any Cavanagh family ever
objected to sound progress,for the -City
of their.adoption•.:o:f. already many years
Following considerable debate from the
floor, considered all of the
- facts ' A motion was then made
by.Councilman.;Brunner and seconded by
Councilman Matted to amend ordinance-No.
99.8 (.introduced on September 28,
1970), so that the narrow strip fronting
on Petaluma Boulevard North remains in .a
C: -S District ..as.. recommended by the - staff. .
Motion- carr--- ied.by . 1
abstention. Councilman Joerger abstained
statingcthat he owns property in the area.
In compliance with, the.- Charter, City Attor-
ney.Robert pointed out that the amended
ordinance requires..publi_cation; whereupon,
said.amended. ordinance was ordered published.
Property for
Councilman Joerger. •q.ues.tioned the ne
sity- of condemnation procedure to be
taken to acquire, for the East
Washington_Street Project
Res. #5588 N.
'from Mr. John Cavanagh;.Sr. (father of'
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.),., He .asked
that Mr. Cavanagh be given an opportun -
ity* to .nego.tiate .on .a friendly basis
before any.legal; action is taken. City
Attorney explained conflict of
interest situation involving Councilman
Cavanagh,-Jr., and because ,of this, .it
is necessary to'-file legal action. He
added that. such. action does .not prevent
negotiation , after f=iling wi -th the Court.
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., presented a let -
ter,. October 5, 1970; from�Mr and
Mrs. John Cavanagh; 'Said letter was.
-read �a'n(T_f iled . Mr .. Cavanagh requested in
his.letter.that the term "condemnation be
omitted in the.reso°lution to negotiate.so
that future generations need not be led to
believe that any Cavanagh family ever
objected to sound progress,for the -City
of their.adoption•.:o:f. already many years
October 5, 19-70
Property for
and -mo.re years ,in -the - future,. City Atto.r.-
East Washington
neyo.stated that the:word "condemnation. "
does not,appe,ar in the..resolution.'. Re_s -.
o'lution No:.. 55 °8 8_ - N . C . S . , declaring public.
Res. #558:8 :N.C.S. ,
necessity;,,d recting `the acquiring of
easements and fee•;ttle,in real , property
. for - street: widening-purposes, and •direcat-
ing . the•.:City A.ttbfney to take such pro --
ce.edings • as _a•re,,.rnece'ssary to acquire the
real property. was introduced by Council -
man `Mattei , seconded by Councilman Brain
erd, and adopted by 6 affirmative•ivotes,
1 abstention..' Councilman Cavanragh, .Jr. ,
abstained stating that he is involved
with property concerned:
Policy-- Weed
Resolut °ion :.No . 55.85 • N;. C . S : , , of policy re-
garding- .weed' introduced,
Res. #5589 N.C.S,_
by Councilman.Cavanagh, Jr., seconded
by'Councilman Joerger, and.adopted•by
7 affirmative votes:
Resolution. No. �5590—N.C.S.,, establishing
Operation, Fee
procedure, for opprat'•ion of City
(� Schedule, etc.
fixing:the fe.e 'schedule for said service,
Res. #55.90 N.C..S.
fixing the , ser- vices :to be paid for City
personnel recalled to participate in said
ambulance -. and repealing all. rest=
olutions.in conf:Iict, was introduced, by
Counc'Iman Brainerd, 'seconded by Council-
man Mattei,.and•.adopted by 7 affirmative
Civil Defense
Fire Chief. Roscoe Benton reviewed the
activities of the 'C'ivil. Defense equip- .
a� Res. - A5591
ment for the past two years-and recom-
mended-the Council a- ppro.ve of the. extension.
agreement with-the State of California;'
whereupon, Resolution No. x5591 N.C.S.,
authorizing.the Mayor to exe;cute,exten•
sion agreement for.temporary transfer of
vehicular equ pment"from'th State of Cal-
ifornia•, 'Of e of ,Civil Defense was in-
troduced by Councilman Joerger,.seconded
by Councilman Cavanagh,•Jr., and adopted_,
by 7 af.firmative'vo,tes.
There being no further',business to come ;
before the Council., the .meeting was ad�.
journed -at 10;50 o'clock p.m. to an ;ex:-
ecutive session.
Attes .
City Clerk