HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/08/1971MINUTES OF MEETING'
February 8,
Council Meeting Adjourned.meeting of the Council of the
City of Petaluma was called to order by
Mayor Putnam'at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
Attendance . Present: Councilmen Battaglia, Brainerd,
Brunner,.Cavanagh, Jr., Daly,
Mattei, and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
Traffic Counters
GT 12 -69
Director of Public - Works; David Young
explained to the Councih the need of
four'recording.traffic counters to effi-
ciently complete the.traffic data for
the Federal•TOPICS Program. He noted
that the.counters were included -in the
1970 - 1971 Capital Improvement Projects
subject to.further.consideration by the
Council. Mr. Young informed the Council
that the report for.the TOPICS Program
must be and approved before -June
3.0, 1971, and failure to do so would re-
sult in the loss to the City of-Petaluma
of the 196 -- 1970 apportionment of.
A motion was made, by Councilman Brainerd
and seconded by Councilman Brunner auth-
orizing the purchase of four traffic
counters-in amount of $3,300 from
Gas ,Tax - Fund 12 -69. Motion carried un-
Marin- Sonoma
Report, dated February 3,.1971; from.
Director of Public „Works David Young
Sewerage Study
to City Clerk Lill Nommsen regarding
Res. #5670-N.C.S.-
the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement
for the subject study,- submitted.and
filed. Mr:,Young ,reviewed the report
and explained the.app'orti "onment of the
costs for each agency involved; Peta-
luma's share being $12,710, or 22.9% of
the net cost-of $55,500 to'the District..
Mr..Young also read a letter,-dated
February 4, 1971, from Mr Charles A.
Joseph, Manager = Engineer of. the Novato
Sanitary Distr (entity.assigned to
administer - the Joint Exercise of-Powers
Agreement),.to the Regional Water Quality
Control Board giving a progress report .
of -the '' Sorioma . Subregional ' S.ewerag.e
Planning Study as requested by the - Board.
Copy of said letter submitted and filed.
Resolution 567,0 - N.C.S. ; authorizing
the' Mayor to execute a Joint Exercise,
of Powers Agreement regarding: - Marin/
Sonoma Regional Sewerage Study, was in-
troduced by Councilman - Battaglia,, sec -
onded by Councilman.Mattei, . adopted
by 7 affirmative votes.
h a
2 1- 6
February 8, 1971
J Pedestrian Director of Public Works David Young pre-
Overcrossing sented slides of two- .proposal's received
of Freeway - from.the State 'Division of Highways`of
Vicinity of the pedestrian overcrossing of•.the Free_
E. Washington St.. way � in the. vicinity of East-Washington
Street at Kenilworth Junior High,Schooi
Alternative l - Overcrossing located
south of the interchange,.directly across
from McKenzie- Avenue extended.
Alternative No.,2 - ..Overcrossing located.
immediately south of the interchange near
the northbound exit-to East
Mr. Young stated that.the proposals have
been discussed - with Mr. Lesly MeyerjiSuper-
intendent of Schools.,. who.indicated an un-
off.icial'staff preference of Alternative
No. l Plan and the granting of necessary
right -of -way of the school property. The
matter has not been - officially - discuss`ed'
by the School Board and no amount -of par"
tic;ipation of -funds has been designated
Mr. Young pointed out,that.the right -of -.
way .:needed - ..for ,the east side of the Free-
way, for the pedestrian overcrossing-is
also, required.by the State for future
widening of the Freeway -in the second
stage of the interchange project, and
he suggested that the State be approached
to bear'the entire cost of such,right -of-
way, amounting to approximately $2. 0,000.
This would reduce the total estimated
construction, to $176",000. The
State has requested 50.percent of the.
cost to be shared, locally.
Mr. Young also sugcges.ted that the City
request the State. allow.the City to
fund its..share by transferring the accu-
mulated City TOP.I.CS Program money over
to the State to `the extent 'necessary. to
cover -the City`s'share of the cost, and.
that'the State be'. further requested to.
fund the entire project with State monies
and use the City'a TOPICScredit for State
projects elsewhere, Such a trade would,
not delay:the project waiting for Federal
approval of the.project TOPICS fund
ing . ,
Following some .discussion, ,the Council
generally agreed to approach s ;drools
for one -half of'the cost of the local
share, and to present to the State the
trade ,of TOPICS. money for .State funding'
of the City' share as suggested b y 'Mr.
February 8, 1971.
q Pedestrian
A motion was made by Councilman,Battaglia
ko Overcrossing
and se'conded,by Councilman Mattei,.approv-
of. Freeway
ing 50 percent of the cost of the local
Vicinity of -
share, ($44',000 +) for the pedestrian over -
E. Washington St..
- crossing. Motion carried unanimously,.
Mr. Young was,'directed to notify Super=
intendent of Schools Lesly Meyer of the
Council's action and that the - .School Board
at its Meeting.Tuesday night consider-par-
ticipating one- half'of the local cost
($44,000.00 +).
Annexation Policy
Suggested .four- point.an- nexation policy
l ( g �
guide lines,-dated February 8, 1971, from
City Manager Robert Meyer, submitted and.
Councilman Daly recommended four points
to -'be included in 'the policy:
1. First -work With the schools to determine
ultimate level.of growth on,a yearly-
basis that would be beneficial to
2, - Consider a detailed plan.for the growth
of the City -'including.parks, streets,
lot - - size, commercial areas, green belts,
and tree regulations.
3.. Encourage-annexation and development in
areas where facilities already exist.
4. _ -those areas that increase
the City's..tax rate base'- such as com-
mercial and industrial areas.
Mr. explained to the Council that
guide lines.are needed at the present time
to the staff 'in answering current
questions regarding annexation's and -to be
developed resolution form for Council.
action on February 16, 1971.
Mr. Meyer's four- point,guide lines were
reviewed by the with the following
1. The City - will annex areas previously
in a sewer assessment district outside
the City Limits that . the Council - has in
the past required.annexation to the City
before,app'roving. the development of the
property? . - Y es X No
Areas which-.are now receiving sewer ser-
vic'es..and -want annexation .in order to
eliminate the outside sewer service
charge? - Yes -. _ X No
2. The : areas-that want to
be- annexed for - development - .as bona fide
commercial. or..industrial uses ?*
Ye No X._
February 8, 1971
6� Annexation ,Policy . , 3. Does. the Council want to establish, .for
(continued) control'led:,gr,owth_,- the maximum amount.
._.of , area-, that. they will annex _for :res .
._.dential_ use each year? Ye's No X
Or � an amount .that would not . exceed,,. , in, ..
a five -year - period ; . a certain number- o
acres? . Ye;s No X
4. Does the Council.want the staff.and the
Planning Commission, working with a cro'SS-
section of citizens of the community, to
hold a.. series. o.f- meetings' and discussions,
and' f.o:rums °to arrive at an optimum
growth for Petaluma which would establish
"green be'lt." areas between this ,o; 'tiinum
growth and the .Cotati- Rohnert'Park area:,
the Novato area:,. and the Highway' 37 -
Lakeville.,Road .area• where there is talk
of the urban development, etc.?
Yes No
It was .felt . that this point merited-
sible dis,cus.s:ion with the 'County other,
cities involved;' the' Mayors' & Council -
men:'s'Assdcation.of .Sonoma County; and.
...consideration :by. the outside consultant
to.be employed to study, the-General Plan
and Zoning Ordinance -.
For...clari.fication .purposes to develop the
res.olut.ion on annexation poli_cy,, the•City
Manager - reviewed the Council's intent - that
no.. annexation. be . accepted for six ;months':
except those...qua- lifying under Point. 1 above.
Mr..Meyer stated that requests::for annexa -,
tion will be filed and held for.Council. con_.
sideration.when the,-:moratorium is lifted-
Councilman, Brunner requested that-annexa-
tion fees be explored and,studied'in the -
. interim period.
Policy,of Financing No.consideration.
Capital Improvements
Level.of Service As a.guide line for-the preparation of the
Bj 1971 - 1972 .Budget, the.Council.iridicated
to :'City - Manager Robert Meyer .'that the pre-
sent level of service be maintained:
Methods.to Raise "Suggested source income by imposing.a.u'til-
F New Revenues. ity tax or increasing property tax" from
,5 0 6 - of..Finance C.. G: Gealta submitted
and It was noted that the property
tax increase method requires the -vote of
the electorate.'-
A short followed on the suggest-
ed alternative :method to raise revenue by-
using water surplus fund's., City "Manager ,
Robert Meyer..'stated that the suggest
ed methods wi.11..be considered if add'i-.
tional revenue is� required to balance
the 1971 - 1972
February 8, 1971
�J Trip to A motion was made-by Councilman Battaglia
Washington, C. and seconded- by.Councilman.Brai'nerd., approv-
ing I the trip -to Washington, D. C . , for 'Mayor
Putnam to accept -the Beautification Award
and visit-Senators Cranston and Tunney and
Congressman Clausen'regarding Two Rock Ranch
Station, revenue sharing; and Petaluma River
dredging. Motion - carried by.the following
AYES: Councilmen Battaglia, Brainerd,
Daly,. Mattei.
NOES: Councilmen Brunner and Cavanagh, Jr.
ABSTAINING: Mayor Putnam.'
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., qualified his "NO"
vote by- stating that he.was not too impressed
with the National F'ix' -up,. Paint -up Bureau'.
representative who visited Petaluma last
year, but approved`the contacts to be made
with the various representatives..
Adjournment. -. There being no further busines.s to come
befor.e.the.Council,.the meeting wa's'ad-
journed to an executive..s_ession at 10:20
o'clock p.m.
Attest .
7 City Clerk'