HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/15/1971MINUTES OF MEETING
March 15, 1971
Council meeting. Regular meeting of the Council-of the
City "of Petaluma was called to by
Mayor Putnam at,the hour of 7:30 o'clock
Attendance. Present: Councilmen Battaglia, Brainerd,
Brunner-, Cavanagh, 'Jr., Daly,
Mattei,,_and Mayor•Putnam.
Absent: None..
Invocation The invocation mas given by the Reverend
Robert Edwards,.Evarigelical Free Church.
Approval of Minutes The minutes of - March 1, 1971, and March
8, 1971, were.appr:oved as, recorded.. 1P
Appeal re.Rezoning Letter,,dated March 11, 1971, from Arthur SDI'
Denman #5 Annexation L. Lafranchi, requesting.continuation to
Area August /Q, 1971, of appeal filed by Arthur
Condidttlof McDowell Investment Company
of, Planning Commission-denial to rezone
Assessor's Parcel #136- 110 -112 (Denman Annex
ation No. 5 area) from.an Agricultural Zone
to a Mobi`lehome Park Zone, read and.filed.
Request,wa s,granted.
Appeal by. Appeal, dated March 3, 1971, filed by Ray'
Ray V..Aguirre V. Aguirre of Pl,anhing .Commission denial.
Res. #5696 N.C.S. '';to allow an automatic,car wash and gas
sales -at.43 East<Washington .Street, read.
and filed. The City Clerk announced that
all required documents were duly filed.
Following an outline by City Attorney.Robert
of the procedure,to.be followed, Assistant
Planner Richard Anderson showed a location
map of the lot and reviewed the Planning
Commission's basis :for, denial of the permit -
that the size of.the,lot would.be reduced
to a minimal:in order to provide for-
maxi-mum future.w,idening of East Washington Street
which could occur on the,property.as shown
on the plan ' line's under•consideration; and
that the amount..of traffic and stacking of
cars' on the lot would crowd the lot and
create a traffic problem East Washington
Mr..Ray V. Aguirre appeared before the
Council on -behalf of-.his application. He
claimed that the denial was based on an
unknown..line. and not an actual line. He
agreedto make the necessary changes when
East..Washington Street is widened.. He
explained that the primary operation of
the .business will ,be gas sales..
Upon conclusion of hearing, it was
determined.by the Counc.il.to include Plan -.
ning Commission bse.Permit 13 -21 Conditions
two through eight
March 15, 1971
, by
in the resolution as' Exhibit . It was,
Ray V. Aguirre
also agreed to 'add the word . "existing" .
Res #5696 N. '.C.S.
before the .word :'curb" on the 1`ast line
of Condition No. 3. Said additions -were „
consented %by•introducing'Councilman Battag=
1 -ia :arid . seconding Councilman - Mattei : Res-
olution No. 569 of findings and
of fact.and actions taken by the Petaluma
City Coun:ci-l'on the appeal of Ray V. Aguirre.
from the .- P..l,anning ' Commission deliial l of his
-application for a'use permt (granting the
appeal subject to Conditions-.2 through 8),
was introduced by Councilman.B
seconded by Councilman Mattel, and.adopted
by 5.a_ffirmative. - a -nd 2 negative votes.- Co.un-
cilmen•Brainerd and Cavnagh, Jr.,,.voted
"NO". ' . ";NO" votes-were qualified. Council-
man Cavanagh, -.Jr., questioned -the size of
the lot, and Councilman Brainerd .felt that
the .layout of the lot presented more of a
traffic, hazard :and circulation of traffic.
Letter, da•ted�March 3, 1971, from John
'Balsh 1680 Kearny Court, that at a7
recent Council' meeting the quest on ..ar:ose
regard- ing.controlling the type of industry
which could bef brought into our industrial
zoned and�at which time.the City Mana=
. areas
ger 1ndi`ca.ted that,'by Council or City auth-
ority to 'set sewerage connection ; fees , un-
desirable industries could,:be prevented
from'estab1ishing'.themseIves; and request -
ing . the .Council .to d °irect ` its ':attention 'to
initiating- s'ome.type of local ordinance
which would�be-'legall,y valid 'read and filed.
Following a brief-discussion with�Mr. Bal-
shave, the City Attorney' Was directed to
explore` ordinances adopted by other. commun -'
ities on the matter and,make,a report there-
on to the Council.
Petaluma Basin
Resolution, No.. DR32099 of the Board of
Z 2A Advisory
Directors of the Sonoma County Water
Agency, pp- ting and .reappointing .Pet-
aluma Zone 2A Advisory Committee
members, read and filed.
®� Sonoma County
1 Health Insurance
Resolution No. 32262 of the Board -of Sup -,
ervi,s'ors of Sonoma County authorizing the
participation of other government agencies,
in. the , Sonoma' County Health i Ins;urance' Plan, -
and - establishing conditions and 'cr-ite'ria
for review of Agency requests ,'.for inclus_iori,
read and filed.
Claims and Bills,
Councilman Matte' referred'to Claim.N6 -.
Res. #5697 N.C.S:;
2363, "'Petaluma Swim Club - - Trophies,
A.A.U. Invitational ,, Swim Meet; - $554.
He pointed , out - to the Council that 'a
policy nor guidelines b& ,considered with
regar6 to providing'funds for other City.
sponsored events or recreational group's.
March 15,.1971
n �
/, 4 '
Claims and Bills
He requested that'a study session•be held
Res. #56`97 N:`C: S .
on thb- matter before budget time. Reso-
lution No. 5697 N.C.S., approvirig Claims
and Bills Nos. 22 - 47 to 2373 inclusive. and
No. 489 to inclusive approved.for pay-
ment by the City Manager,;.was int- roduced
by Councilman Brainerd, second'e.d by Coun-
c.ilman*Daly,•and by 7 affirmative
Questionnaire -
City.Manager,Robert Meyer reported that ®o�
the Council and.Planning.Commission re-
ceived a copy of-.the proposed general.
questionnair'e.which , is to be used,to pre-
pare a Statement' ,of Policy . for adoption
by Planning Commission and the City
Council as the City's official guide as
to future growth,.needed public improve -
ments and- necessary,controls on private
development. He added that the informa -.
tion'dbtained from the:que'stionnaire will
be compiled by- Williams and Mocine, City's'
Planning Consu- ltant,'to assist in the de-
velopment of all phases of the Planning.
Study:'.. :Following:•a+.brief .general, discus-
sioh the distribution -of the question -
naive, it agreed by the Council,to use
the water billing list for direct mailing
and to publish the questionnaire in the
local newspapers'-to .cover those interested,
who live , ou , tside of ,the corporate limits,
It.was also - agre.ed•by the Council to.deD -te
the. of Question No. 1 referring -
the. precise location, and to include on the
form�ia- cutoff date for return of the ques =.,
tionnaire.. The-City Manage -r was* asked to
provide-as many ways as possible for-the
return-of the questionnaire. Copy of
questionnaire.submitted and filed.
Chamber of Commerce
City - Manager Robert• Meyer reported that
.he-attended the Chamber of Commerce Board
of Director's meeting today. Election of
officers was held.- The new slate is':
President, Arthur Lafranchi -,
dent', Michael.Serpilio; Second-Vice!Pres -.
ident, Arthur Cerin- i;.Treasurer, John
Mohrman •..'
Zone 2A Committee
City Manager Robert -'Meyer.noted..that the
next Zone 2A meeting will held Friday,,_
March 19, 19,71,, and requested that those
who have regardifig the, .Capri
Creek Project and- :Shasta Avenue Conduit
Project.contact Councilman:Cavanagh, Jr.,.
newly. appointed: Couri'cil representative , on
tYie . subj ect - Committee .
Magnolia Plans and specifications for the'.subject
Pump .Station project submitted filed. Director 53
WD 12 =69 ..of Public Works David.Young'briefly des -
Res. #5698 N.C.S. cr.ib.ed - the location-and the work; where-
upon, Resolution No 56 =98 N.C.S., approv-
ing plans and specifications entitled,
`il- 6
March 15, 19'71
Magnolia Avenue,
"Magnolia Avenue Water Pump.Station •In-
'�� Pump Station
stallati"on." acid authorizing the. City Clerk
WD .1.2 -69 .
to' advertise; for bids for the work; -. wa:s
Res: #56.98 N.C..
introduced by Councilman Brainerd., sec-
onded'by:Cou'nc'ilman and .adopted..
by.7 affirmative votes.
-Amend Appropriation
Ordinance-No. 1019 amending
Ord. • #990 N.C..S.. .-
Ordinance 'No. 990 N.C.S.-,, as amended,,
Ord. #1019 N.C.S.
to provide`addi',tiorial appropriations for'
the f scalye June 30, 1971,
was introduced'by Councilman_Ba.ttaglia,
seconded• Cavanagh, Jr..,
and ordered - posted by 7 affirmative votes.
Policy - Wastewater At the request Councilman Mattei,, a
b y Pollution Control motion made by Brainerd
Facilities and by'Councilman,Battagl.ia to.
Res. #5699 N.C.S. add the item-for discussion at
this'' time . Motion carried :- unanimously,.
Councilman Mattei suggested.that a state =.
ment of�'development'policy be adopted as
the C'i -ty's official guide 'concerning 'future
growth, and presented= for discussion a pro-
: posed-resolution,indicating'the Co.un'cil'-'s
intent 'a =s `to • its pro.ced,ure in * -the ' matter
Cons,ider;able igeneral ,discuss ion ° followed
in- .which John 8dlshaw,.1680'Kearny Street,.
spoke", claiming that.there are many un-
answered questions and the community needs
more. to the matter.
With the consent of - introduc,ing 'Councilman
Mattei! -.and seconding Councilman Brainerd,
the date of 8, 1971, in the last para-
graph of - the,reso:lution was deleted,,; where -
upon, Policy No. 5699 N.C..S.;
reg,a•rding- wastewater .pollution control
ff.acil•i "ties; was" introduced by Councilman
Mattei, seconded by Councilman Brunner,
and adopted .by- -7 affirmative votes.
Resolution. of .
�X Public Interest
& Necessity
Res., #57.00 N.C.S.
Re-solution No. 5700,N.C.S., determining
that the public 'interest and necessity
demand the acquisition, construction and
completion by the City.of Petaluma of the
f_,ollowing•' municipal improvement,, ,to wit
.sewer -- system,improvements; and that the
costs of said °:municipal .improvement •wil,l
require an expenditure greater than the.
amount allowed therefor by the.annual'tax
levy,'was by Councilman'Brainerd,
seconded Councilman•Bruft e,r; and adopted,
by 6 "affirmative, and 1'negative votes.
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,. voted '! , NO ".1 He
quaii.f.ied - his "NO" vote by stating - that he
thought the`res,olution wast somewhat. pre-
mature and• that the" answers are. unknown
until-the questionnaires are returned.
March 15, 1971
Calling - Special Mayor Putnam invited audience members to
Municipal Bond. speak,on the - proposed ordinance, pointing
Election,. -. out, however, that :'further,discussion.will.
June 8,1971 be.held on April.5, 1971, when the ordinance.
Ord. . #10.20 N.C.S. comes before the Council for adoption..
Those who spoke in opposition of the sewer,
bond measure election on June 8, were:
Sheldon Monchick., 171,7 Alhambra-Court.
George Mueller, 900 Pecan Way, who rec-
. "ommended .that the . election "'be- held in
Mr. Lawrence Forney;..1'00 Burlington Drive,
spoke in favor of ..the.issue..
Upon ; "conclusion of : the discuss - ion,.,; Ordi.-
nance.No. 1020 N.C.,S., calling.a Special
Municipal-Bond Election in the City-of
Petaluma for the purpose of subm=itting to
the _.elector.s.of said City, the measure.of
incurring•a bonded,indebtedness of said-
City the acquisition, construction and
comp -l.et on "of_ __the . following municipal im-
provement;, to - wit: ',sewer system .improve -
ment ;.declaring the .estimated cost -of.
said municipal improvement, the amount
of the pr.incipal: assessed , indebt.edness•.
to,be.incuried•_therefor; and the maximum
rate.of- interest-.to paid thereon; making
provision for. the levy and collection of.
taxes; fixing•_the date of said elect
the - matter - of_ - holdi•ng the same and pro-
viding for notice thereof; and- consolida-
ting.said- Special Municipal Bond.Election
with the-General Municipal Election to be
held-,on-June. 1971, was, introduced by
Councilman Brainerd; by.Council -.
man'.Batta and ordered published by
5 a'ff°irmdtive:and 2 negative votes. Coun-
cilmen Cavanagh,. -Jr . ,, and Daly "voted "NO".
In voting "No ", Councilman Daly stated,
"Ori, February 8 , , 1971. I went .on record as
suggesting..four points that I.fel*t - were
necessary =for control in the -City `pl:anning
and. growth. (the: four points were-read from,
the..:minutes - - February' 8 , 1971) . I was
on -the Committee :that.selected.Williams and
Mocine: for consideration'to the Council..to
do the;_pl,anning,.for I understand on
abou.t_May 1,:1971, they will give us a plan
that hopefully will- include these,types
of this material.will be
avaihable on:May lst. At that time, if the
material. they :present to us fills .the needs
that _I 7'feel- from, the :citizens are necessary
to - con.trol _'the - -gr- -,owth of . Petaluma , then at
the time T will give,my full support to
the :bond issue;_but. „until that .time and
until. - I'see , . dust exactly what Williams
and.Mocine come up with, I will have to
vote "NO.”
March 15, 1971
Recess Mayor Putnam .declared a recess at ;9:30
0 "clock p:m.
The me=eting was called back to order,at
9: o.'.''c-lock.p.m.
Ordinance - No. 1015 N.C.S., amending Zoning
Ordinance - re.
Ordinance .No. 6.62 by deletin'g.there-
Conditional Use .
from .Section' 5 -307• • (multi - family �dwelling.s.
Ord. , #1.01 N.C.S.
as a. in the Professional-
(second reading)
Medical of_'fice. district) and transferring.
the us:e'to a conditional use by adding to
Section„ 5 =400 ; =Section ;5 -404 , was intro-
duced- by'Councilman Mattei, seconded by
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., and adopted by
7:.affi- rmative. votes:
The,_ City At- .torney briefly explained that "
the proposed,reso.lu•tion covers City Council
of Taxes-
authorization of. cancellation by County
Res. #570.1 N.C.S.
Off'ice_rs -of any •tax .erroneously 'or illegal-
ly :..levied , .or charged pursuant to Section.
496 (a:). (b) of.. the :.Reven.ue and Taxation .
Code without the..consent•of the Cit.y..Attor-
neg.- He addedi.that:aTl the. City .Attor
_.have concurred- preference - tha,t.. the County
Couns'el.as the full.responsibility'for
any ;auch- legal 'approval as• may • be. required
for•cancel of-taxes; whereupon, Res-
olution No.:- 5:7:01 - N.-C. - S. , of the, City, Council
of :the -_C ty•of,Petaluma regarding approving _
cancel' of - taxes,: was . introduced by
Councilman Mattei ,• :seconded; by. Councilman
Daly,:,and•.adopted . by 7 affirmative votes.
Policy - Hous-ing ...
Resolution:.No. 5702 , N.C.S. , , of policy `with
Authori,:ty in
respect to e.s,tabhis'hing a• housing authority ..
in Petaluma; was , ,introduced by Councilman
Res: #5702 N.C.S.
Daly, seconded. °by•Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,
and adopted -by 7•a- ffirmative•votes.
Litter - .Disposab
As -the propos`ed.resolution urging action to
Non= returnable
alleviate , the , - problem of litter 'and waste
disposal created- by.the sale'of beverages
in.. dis,posable , non - returnable containers
received no introduction and,second, the.
Council' - agreed that-the staff explore the
matter for- amore broad viewpoint'and con -
tact the League.of, °California Cities*re-
garding : its pos.Ition .
Resolution•No.' N.C.S., authorizing.
the Mayor and , Ci-ty, , Clerk to 'enter, into a
Res . # 5 7 0 3'. N : C . S .
contract • w•i'th 'the 'Department of Finance
of the St- ate of , California for ,thee purpose
of . preparing -a population estimate of the
City of_Petaluma, was introduced by'Coun-
cilman Daly, seconded by-Councilman Mattel,
and_.adopted .by :7 - affirmative votes.
March 15,1971
American City Manager Robert Meyer informed the
Federation of Council that -the agreement the
State, County subject Union has not been.signed. and
& Municipal that the Union's negotia,tor•desires.to
Employees discuss the differences with the Council.
Mr.•Ernest President and Chief Nego-
:ator for. Local 956 of- American Feder -
ation..of State, County and• Employ -
ees Union, spoke to the Council about the
agreement - i , n ques.tion., He stated that agree.
ment,has.not been.reached on three' issues:
Shift differential,- wages, and starting
date of-agreement. He „particularly dis.-
cussed the wages , 'point , .ing out
that ..3.5 cents an..hour raise is being re -
quested and 20 cents has been offered -by
the City. He appealed to the Council for.
a favorable decision on.the part of the
Union group.
City Manager Robert.Meyer -, negotiator for
the Petaluma, reviewed the.terms of
the proposed.agreement and -the various add -
ed benefits upon and provided in the
agreement:' He- explained the basis for the
recommended 20: cents. hour to
become effective July 1, 1971, if
As no,comments were heard from the Council
with regard -to the Union's demands, Mayor
,Putnam indica.ted''to'•Mr. Pigg that. the posi-
ton'of the Council.is as negotiated by the
City Manager.'
In to a request from the.audience
for a comment on the subject , , City Attorney
Robert ruled -a procedure would.be
Adjournment There being no further business,to come
before.,the Council, the meeting was ad
journed at 10:10 o'clock p. -m . , to an.execu=
City Clerk