HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/19712 o) MINUTES. OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA., CALIFORNIA April 5, 1971 Council Meeting. Regular meeting of the Council'of the City of Petaluma was called to order by Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. Attendance Present: Councilmen Battaglia, Brainerd, Brunner,,.Cavanagh, Jr.., Daly, Mattei, and Mayor-Putnam. Absent: None. Invocation The; invocation was given by the Reverend G.'Roland Bond,-Petaluma Christian Church. Approval of Minutes The minutes of March 15, 1971, were approved as recorded.' 1970 UNIFORM BLDG. This.being the time set for.the public CODE, 1970 UNIFORM hearing on the subject Codes, Mayor Putnam PLOMBING CODE, 1968. opened the public.hearing.'. The Deputy. ELECTRICAL CODE City Clerk announced that no written pro- tests were rece and no protests were heard from the audience. Following a brief'discussion, the.Mayor closed the public hearing. 1970 Uniform Ordinance No.. 1016.N.C.S., regulating the Building.Code erection, construction; enlargement,.alter- Ord. #1016 NCS (second,reading). ation, repair, removal, conversion, demol'ition. equipment, use,- h eight, .area and the maintenance of heat- ing comfort cooling'and re- frigerator-systems and the maintenance of buildings and structures in the -City of Petaluma, California; by reference to, and the incorporation hereunder,, of the 1970 .Edition of - the 'Uniform Building Code,•.Vol -. umes I "through.VI and Volume entitled, "Uniform Building Code - Standards ", 1970 Edition; all adopted.by the International Conference - of Building Officials;.amend- ing.,certain sections thereo,f;.providing for -.the issuance of permits and collec- tions of fees therefor; declaring the establishment of .fire districts and zones; pr.oVi • pena•lt.ies . for. * the violation _ thereof•; and rep:ea!ling all ordinances and partsi -of r;ordinances in - conflict here -, with, was introduced -by Councilman Brain - erA.,_:.se.conded by -Councilman Brunner, and adopted by :7 .affirmative votes. 19.70 Uniform Ordinance No: 1017 N.C.S., adopting as a Plumbing Code Primary�PL-imbing.Code`the Uniform Plumb— Ord. #1017. NCS ing Code .publ'ishe.d by International (second reading) Association of and Mechanical -- _ Of f.icials.-, - ado.pted•, by, the, 40th Annual Con - fer.ence, excepting certain s.ections�thereof,,'excluded and-amended ' -r 204 April 5; 1971 1970 UNIFORM,BLDG, as herein provided; providing for the- CODE, 1970 UNIFORM protection of,the public.health and safe- PLUMBING CODE, 1968 ty; requiring:a..pe -rmit fbr the install -. ELECTRICAL CODE ation or al:teratio:n of plumbing and drainage.,systems; defining.certain terms;.. 1970 Uniform establishing.minimum regulations -for.the Plumbing Code insta•l.lation, alteration or repair of Ord. #1.01'7 NCS plumbing and drainage systems and the. (second reading) inspection thereof ,providing penalties (continued) for violation,'and repealing Ordi- napce .No . -9 0 6 :N . C . S . , was . introduced by . Councilman Daly, seconded by'Counc.ilman Brunner- , °and adopted by 7 of f irmat °ive. votes. 196.8 Uniform .. Ordinance No. 1018 N.C.S.; regulating Electrical Code the of.electric'wiring, Ord.,. #1018 N.CS devices, appliances*or equipment within (second r.ead.ing)• or on any building, structure or pre -• mises " in the 'City, of .Petaluma,, and, reg- ulating the•alteration of or- "additions to',existin.g'electrical wiring, devices, appliances and equipment�in said City. by .reference to the. incorporation- here- under of- the "National Electrical Code ,, published by the National Fire Protec- tion Association-as approved by •the -. American:•Standards Associationon July- 11, 196 providing "for the issuance -of permits:; collection of fees; providing' penalties . f`or violation of the said. "Na-- tional Electrical Code ", and repealing: OrOnance No. 876 N.C.S. and all.ordi-_ nances and ,parts of ordinances in con- flict'herewith-, was introduced by_Coun - , c:ilman,Mattei, seconded by.Councilman Battaglia, and adopted by 7 ,affirmative votes. ' Extension- of•Time - Ce rtificates Time.Extension from Archi-, Fire Station #3 tects Lieb and Quaresma for Fire•Station- Pro ect - No. -'3 project under• contract with Swallow Res. #5704 N.C.S. Construction "and for Fire Station Res. #5705 "N:C'..S: No; 3 improvements -arid site work project under contract w - and Smith, submitted 'and filed.- Fire. Chief -Roscoe .Benton,explained that 55 days of,addition- al time are! being ;requested due to 'the.• in- .t which would revise the clemen­weather, e completion ;date to June 15 , ,1971 ; ;where- upon,. Resolution No. ' 57 , author- iz•ing Swallow Construction Company.an extension of time within which•.to com- plete construction 'of 'Fire Station- No. 3 proj -ect, was Councilman Battaglia, seconded by Councilman Daly,: and adopted by 7 , af firmatiye votes. Resolution No.. N.C.S., authorizing_ DeMartini and.Smith an extension of time within which to complete ments and sitework for Fire 'Station No.. 3 project,- was'introduced by;Councilman Battaglia;, by Councilman Daly, and adopted by 7 . a"f f "irmative .votes . April - 5, 1971 Citizens' Committee Letter,,,dated March 18, 1971, from the - General Plan Petaluma Vall'ey:.Home Owner.s Association, Petaluma Gardens Home Owners.Association, an,d the , .rEast -;Petal:uma Civic `Association requesting,,representation from the .east - . .ern . por.tion - of the: City be included the•Citizens': Committee tc participate in the preparation of the new General. Plan; _.read 'and filed.. Parade - American, Letter, dated March 19, 1971, from Rich - National & Valley 'ard.+W:- Baker; . Vice - President, National Little Leagues. Little.League, requesting permission to Res. #5706 N.C.S. hold a parade on Sa- turday, April 17,,1971, submitted - and - filed: Letter, dated March 30', 1:9.71, from: of Police Larry-Hig- gins. recommending • , that , . the . Co.uncil. author- iz;e the 'eevent; submitted and .filed . Police Captairi• Henry Esli.ck =briefly .described the. procedure for the parade; whereupon; Reso- lution No.,. 5706. N.C.S. , consent`ing "to a parade, to be- he by the .American, Nation- a . ~Valley Little .Leagues , was . intro- duced by Councilman Daly, seconded by Councilman.Mattei, adopted -by 7 af- firmative Parade - - -McDowell Letter, dated. March 2.Z, 1971, from Juanita A School P . ' T _A,. . Res. #570 >7 N. C'. S. M:. Br.otemarke , .Parade Chairman ; McDowell School :P., T...A: raques'ting-permission to hold.a - parade on April-24, 1971, submitted _and. fil'e:d _, . Letter, dated March 30 , .197:1 , from , Chief o:f Police Larry Hig- gins;.recommending: the Council auth -. or'ize the event,:, submitted. and filed.. Police- Captain..Eslick briefly described the procedure for the parade; whereupon., Resolution No. 5707.N.C.S.,.consenting to. a parade • to, be. •held .by_.the McDowell School P.: T. A.:,on• Saturday,, April _24', 197.1 , _was introduced by , Councilman'.. Daly , seconded -- `by` , Counc - ilman Matte.i, and adopted . by 7 votes. Spiritual Meeting -Letter,,,dated March: 13,, from Mr. Don Res.. #5708 N.C.S. Lee-, requesting permission to use Walnut Park for-•:a- spiritual meeting on Saturday, April 10, 1971, submitted and filed. Letter.,. dated._ March •30 , 1971, - from Chief of Polkce..Larry Higgins approving'the re- quest -and recommending that a permit be granted - subject .to-,. condition that two uniformed,- officers- are present at this. function at the - sponsor's expense; sub- _ mitted. and_ filed. _- Po.lice Captain Eslick briefly..out'lined_.ahe event, pointing out that the requirement - ; for the two officers , was - . due - to the of people an- ticipated the location, and ,the• Saturday traffic 'situati.on. �5V April 5, 1971 1 S iritua _- Meet g ,P Mr Don, Lee s, - 3 Kentucky Street , y , was � Res. #57 N,..0 °S.. resent °in. •audience and addressed P ;' (continued). ., ,• the,,Coun,cil, .explaining the purpgse of the_ - spiritual, meeting.; Ot'her.s ..pre sent •..who spoke in ,favor: of the event'iwere Mr.. George .Mueller,,. 90,0 Pecan Way Mr -. Art Cerini, 1301 Schuman Lane Following some.discussion, it was.the. consensus : . - the_Council that if the silze .of ;gathering .did not ,necessitate the calling two police,officers,to, duty- the event;.Mr.'Lee's deposit would � - Resolution No. '570.8 N.C.S.,.,authoriz- ing -the use of Walnut Park °for '.a spiritual meeting on April 10 ;.:.1971 ,.:between the of '10:00 a.'m.. and 100.`p.m.',; was introduced by Councilman�Daly, by Councilman Matte., and l.adopted by. 7 affirmative votes'. L Easter Sunrise Letter,. -from Mrs. Moore of the. Services Christ an::Adventurers of the United Meth - Res. #5709 N.C:S. odist•Church of Petaluma, requestinq.per- mission to use Walnut Park f'or'Easter Sunrise<Se- rvices'on Sunday, April' 11, 1.9'71,, between the hours of 5:,30 a.m. and 9:_00. a :m..,. submitted and .filed. ' Letter,; dated AApril :5 •, -­1971,. `from Chief., of Police Larry H`igg ns:, ;- approving the request- . and r.ecommending•that a:permit be granted, submitted and..f'iled: Police Captain ; Es- lick brie.fl -y -.outlined the event; whereupon, Resolution .No. '5709 N:C.S. , authorizing., the, use:, of Walhu' t Park ' for Easter Sunrise Services'aby.the- Christian Adventurers of the United Methodist; Church on April 11, 1971,' -was ,introd.uc6d-.by Councilman Daly, seconde'd:by Councilman Mattei, and adopted by.,7 , affirmative votes. Cobblestone Letter',. dated March 31, 197:1 , from Mr. Curbs & Gutters.. L.,,- Mart- in..Khgpp, .requesting permission to _retain•cobblestone.curb in front' of 102: -:8th Street. ' Dire.ctor of.Public Works: David. Yo:urig• on the , condi.= tion. of t•he cu,rb.,and gutter in-front of 102 - 8,th Street: City'Attorney Robert pointedl. out .ahat the-preservation of .co blesttone.' . and' gutters is - a matter ;of. Council policy..combined with the - engineer' -. ing necessities;',w,hereupon,.;the Council agreed-to continue to, consider, individu,- ally_.req,ues.ts' for the preservation o.f_- cobbl'estone, :curbs.and.gutters. After some: &cus s ion, LE was the ,consensus • of - the to: grant. -Mr.. Knapp per- mission :to.retain.the cobblestone curb'. in:'front-.of 102 = 8th Street. 1 7 April - 5 , 1971 • Claims &.'Bills . Resolution No . .571.0 N . C . S . ,, approving Res. #5710-N.C.S. ('Iaims, and Bil'l's- No's.'. to 2464 1n- elusive, and Nos: 518 ;to 532 inclusive approved for payment�-,by the .City: Manager, was introduced by Councilman Brainerd, seconded by.Councilman Daly, and adopted by - 7 affirmative votes." Mayors.' , and City. Manager Rober -t Meyer informed the Councilmen's Council that 10 -12, 1971, the Sec= Legislative and Mayors and-Councilmen's Legislative Institute Institute will be held'in Sacramento, and information regarding the program and reservations is available the.City Manager's office. Chamber of Commerce City Manager - Robert Meyer reminded the Council that the.65th.Annual Dinner -the Chamber of Commer,ce,will be held on. Wednesday, Ap.ri'l l4; 1971. 1971-- 19.7 City Manager'.-Robert Meyer requested a 30- day extension of , 'tim'e- to present the 1971 - 1972 Annual Budget to the Council,�thereby moving t presentation date to-..June -7, 1971. The Council agreed to Mr. Meyer.'-s request.. Trip to Mayor' - Putnam :report'ed on the 5th Annual Washington, D.C. Congressional City Conference she attended in Washington ; - D• - . 'C. 21-23, 1971 held- at t°h_ e Wash i,ng.ton Hilton. The spon- sors were- the_ National League of Cities. and the• U.. S;: Conference of -Mayors. The .. Mayor. continued ..by= reporting, that the Conference opened cially on March 22nd with the entire focus on. Revenue Sharing, and that the. - two w6tkshops - offered focused on "Environmental Quality" and "Manpower. and. Human- Re . About 150 Mayors . and :Councilmen were 'present from approxi- mately 90 California- cities. The Mayor, reported that she met with Congressman - Don Clausen and­ with °Senator - Alan Cranston to discus.s..the .Petaluma Library,.Two Rock 'Ranch St and the Petaluma- River ' dredging. Pedestrian Over -.. 'Director. of Public Works David Young crossing in the . br explained .that. although the allo- 3 �� - Vicin'ity.of East cation TORICS funds for the - subject Washington, Street, proj'.ect - is being - 'requestted from the Cal - Res,. #5711 N.C.S. ifornia Highway. Commission, +actually the money - comes from the Federal government program .but. `is - .administered, by the State; whereupon, No. 57.11 N.C.S., re -. questing• allocation- o.f TOPICS funds from the Califor- -ni�a Highway Commission for a Pedest'r'iah, - Overero.ss;ing of .0 U. S. 101 Free- way prior :to ' of an areawide TOPICS pl-an was - i�nt , roduced by Councilman Daly, s'econded:by Councilman Battaglia, -and adopted: - by 7- ;a:f'firmative votes. 2 ji . (8 April 5, 1971 .Agreement Pedes c rossing' in the Vicinity of East Washington 'Street Res. #5712 N.-C.S. Appropriation Ordinance, Ord. #1019 N..C•.S., (second reading) at Call S L Calli Sp c, Municipal Bond'"� E 1 e c t. 1**0, Juno 8,, Ord, #162 o N, (sedond:;reading) lbire'C'to - of Public viewed the background, . of the . -oi con:. j ct� P, i�-�i�Lh Qv�pr­ - struction of-.�the- e ddest crossing,..,-,'- He, reported that the latest estimatb_!of'the__CityUs expense for this P L-11, b&:..approximat y'- 3 .. ,rojec, W_ 1, - I . - F 00. 1 a ra , Mr. 1717 1� mb,_ Court,• commented t from _the, 'au'diences -'Followi-ng a .lengthy - '5712 N, C. au t7j, ��or-i'zanig." he- Mayor . execute an- .agr:eement.with the Std,.Le of Ca�lifornia t� �gljc '. to the'.con r w d` const of'' a, P,e estr:' ft bVercros�s,ing._ of, Highway- -101 , was inttoduce&­ , ..,C'6uhci: - lman Daly,-'seconded .. �_ . • YL. 1 -4 Councilman by-Counciltan Batt:aglia, and "adopted by -71 aff:Lrmativ­e vot es:, Or No, 10.1:9 N amending Ordi- nan J .9 N.-,C,. e .as am'"end ­d' to pro­ P add "'.the vide add' it-ionali apprqpri�at-ion-s for fiscal ",ye -' `ending a' idne' 3 . 0 19 7 1" was intto 'by: Councilman BattaTlia, • sec.- ond-e by�, C C'avanagh, Jr., ir and -.1 adppted,by. 71 aff.irmat'iv'e votes;. Letter,, date March, 15, 1971, from ,Richard er i C P fr" Pds'ia'e V alley !a - ' H ome Ownera.As�saciation -expressing :opposition to qq"&­,8th 'S'ewer .Bo the �T n Election as­_ premature, prle io'. completion :and C aaop,-�qn A o , �of , r evised Master Plari read' and Tiked'.. Discuss. on followed 'regarding ' of h a �tjje, qapa t t 6, -pr&sc�nt sewage. treat=­ ment faIdi-I-,'itIi,e§-I luture dapa the con of additiorial..facilit'dz PPR e 1-At-ion'. icrp j :d control of o , ,an p - ulatib j n-indrease�. Mr. Lawrence Forneyj, 1 Burlington btive, .spoke in favor ', of t issue. Those who spbke''In opposition of -the - Sewer -Bond. Miaasure_ Election of June 8th -we'he: Gerald: Anthed-niss.e,;, at. Franc brAve Sheldon Ma-*P'cl'h,-i- Alhambra '.Drive Sue Langan,s., address unknowrf.'. Upon'_ conclusion -of - �, the -discus s1on', ',the. . following Ordinance. -was adop'tdd by :the follow,4 vote :._ A)� S Councilmen. B a ttacTl Bra Brunher I '- Matted - :and Maydr - -Putnam. NOES: nci Cop 11-men QaV anacrh -and Dal ABSENT Non J I Co uncilman Cavanagh Jr., qualified his 2' 0". vote ' A,s ' �t g "Pe'rhaps in �i, . r_ t],e`e',_or­f-out,- we"11,.have more answers I'm not voting against• sew(E r plant; but more or less the, Co'L Daly quallfipd his "NO" vote' 'by' ng 'he, 'felt the 'Sewer, Bond Election'of 8th was premature. 1 k dE V April' 5>.,,­.,1§3 ORDINANCE NO 10' 0 N. S'. INTROD UCED BY1COUNCILMAN SECONDED-BY COUNCILMAN. - L.'BATTAGLTA. -DA-V I W BRAINERD•` • ALBERT" AN,. CALL�ING'rA' SPEC1AL­'MUN-ICIPAL BOND •LECTION-IN THE-CITY-OF-P FOR THE PURPOSE -.OF SUBMITTING,T'O THE ELECTORS 0F,,SAID-.CITY- THE . MEASURE OF-,INCURRING -I .- BONDED NDEBTEDNESS 'OF' i .1 SAID CIT.Y TOR' A�C*Q-UT;S.1`TtON;-,' CONSTRUC AND , MEN COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL IMPROVE- ­ , MENT� TO W ', S , IT-- SEWER ST tM. T ..- ; DE- Ty -1 . - - . I I.- - I . - CLARING Tl�g - ESTIMATED- COST 'OF SAID MUNICIPAL IMPRbVEMENT,THE AMOUNT 6F"THE OF SAID INDEBTEDNESS TO BE I - TREREFOR, 'AND THE MAXIMUM RATE. OF INTEREST- TO BE PAID THEREON MAKTNG P-RO THE 7 LEVY'AND COLLECTION OF` TAXES; . -,FIX - ING THE DATE- OF - 'SAI 'Et.ECTIQN, THE MANNER OF ' HOLDTING - THE,. SAME AND - PROVIDING FOR- NOTICE THEREOF AN . D- CONSOLIDATING 'SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPALi bbND_ ELECTION ..WITH THE GENERAL MUNI­ C'IPAL, ELECTION; TOE BE, HELD- ON .JUNE 1971. WHEREAS; -the Council ' the- City of Petaluma, by tion- duly.,pa,saed and adopted at a meeting of the Cot_n'ci:1 and regularly held,, .by vote' than two-thirds, of all it's,, members.i did determine that the- p'ij.bli.c interest and.ne d6man the acquisition; construction and.,.completi- on & i: of, - th munci-i- ­ pal ',imp,F.,qye�Me - t. h'ereiriakter mentioned and did further determine. that 'the 'cbst'.of sand :proposed 'muhicipal improvement' will'be too great."to be: -Paid -, btt of -the, ordinary annual, .income 'and revenue. of • - said'­mundc.- - �pality-;and that said muni.cipa require an expenditure- gte;ater' they JLmbunt• allowed therefdr by' the an nual. tax' -levy, , and will requi,re.. inturring of a bbn(:ked indebted- ness there -for which' --res'olution.was-dul� 'entered on the-minute of said . meet i'ncr.-of -now on file and of record .in the Clerk's office .bf..8aid'City---NOW' -BE IT ,ORDAI•NED. BY THE, COUNCIL - OF"THE CITY OF-PETALUMA AS FOLLOWS , Sectdon.l.� A special..:muni.cipal bond election shall be and 'is - hereby 8TOeied. and, will - held , in the of - Petaluma (he"teiftaf ter called• ;' "the City, on--T14esaay 8,-1971, at 'i . su mitted' to �u" which election- -b�` b e- alified electors.of the Ci the que,stion of incurr1hq '.a bonded %indebtedness of - the City for the ob e.ct and - ,purpose­ set -. f "in the following mea- sure to wit: .MEASURE (A) Shall the City 'of' Petaluma (Sewer System incur a- indebtedness Impr vptehts R in the- amount of _,. $:2,000,060"for the-acquisi" - tioni coni�tr'iiction` arid- bompletion of the following municipal impr ,. ovement- . t6• wit S­ wdr system im- .- provemeritsij Pu ing includ - mpt - , .sat1ohs, force mains,- e . . _. trunk.sewersyj ­(5xddatioh ponds - and outfall - lines, together with: pip ,pumps:; -mach.ine,ry and -manholes; lands an--�' h d -i�i'q,uts, of `-,way; and -other works property- or 'necessary. or convenient for sewer. system.,improvements:,for City of Peta'luma?• �-_o O April, 5, 19 Ordinance No,. 1020 N.C.S. (continued-) The- estimate'd -cost of the municipal - impr6vement• as , set forth in measure (A) (Sewer System Improvements,,)- is the s,dm of' $4 33211.000 -and , the amount of I the,indebtedness I pr . oposed.to be I n curved for said municipal' I improvement -is' the :sum of $2,000,,,000'. It is 'contemplated by the C-ity• that,, th&. dif betweeh • the estimated.cost of said municipal improvement and'the amount of the, - indebtedness proposed to,,;be incurred therefor . will be , up by,gr'ants from the United•State�'s of America and/or ­the� . Stat of,California 'and from ktin s o th erw se,o n hand and 'availabl&.'to, ' i the -City- for.such,pur os ' e.*, but this' � 'Council of the City,reserve.s the right in.. its d-iscretion to provIde otherwi's'e for -- the - payM�_ of said di.ffdrence,-. or`if' any _.qk- such moneys over : -and above , th e�. �, amount.to be realized from the proceeds of 'the sale- of.,bonds. are-, not available, then to 'reduce, the cost of said, munipip 1 1 iordve­' a _m_ merit to the actual amount,to"be­realized from-thp proceeds.b.1 sake of said b6nds.,,to'gethe'r with funds .adtually available l for ;the pay - ment - of . - the coast of said municipal­improvement-', and said` estimated cost herein set forth shall not be deemed to'const a limita,-' ;-tion,.or. upon -the issuance of ahy..of, S{aid-, bond s,a` - 'The estimated cost hereinabove stated of such municipal improvement includes• legal and all other-fees incidental to- with the authoriZation', issuance and sale, ot.the- bonds. evidehcingthe indebtedness prbp6sed-t*o be - incui.rdd for such municipal 'improve�_ ment and the costs of print, lng'. said bonds "and... all other costs: and expensels'incidental to or connected with, the authori,.zat i s,su,-., ante and. sale of. said. bonds.;,.', Section. 2. The Council- does hereby submit. to the",qual- ified of the City ,,at.':sa:id special municipal bond, election said' measure set,forth, - in Section 1 "of this ordlinance a,nd-desig-'' nates and ref to said measure in:the*form of ball8 't, heroinaf ter i prescr a ibed for .use. t, said ection. (a) , Said_ spacI&L,municipal bond election shall be held and conducted, and -th*' vote's" ereof canvassed, .and the returns thereof made and the..re.sPlt thereo.f_:ascertairidd and as herein provided in all particulars n b'y- this ordinance, -said election shall be held as provided by Iaw_for , the holding.of municipal 616c.tions in the Cit Y (b) All persons,qual-kfied to vote at municipal elections in the City upon the date of the election herein provided. 'f or • shall-be. qda:1ified to vote upon the measures sub bmi tted 'at sa special :mun-ic,ipd:l bond election. (,c) The polls at. pedling places hereinafter desig'� noted' shall *be',-o.pene-d ' 9 .at _7,:00' -o.'clo,ck a�a.m.: of sald d•ay•.,o election and shall ;be kept open "c ' - ntinuously thereafter until: until: 8:00 . O'clock, - p .m.. of . said day- of election, when , the pbIls shall be cl.osed .(Px dept as provided in Se,ct 1443!6. of the Elections . Code ),: and the'' election officers shall thereupon proceedto"canvass,the ballots cast thereat. (d) Said special special municipal bond election.hereby ca-1.1ed shall be ano,.is,,h6reb z-7 held with the Geriral Muni ( cipal Election to beh6ld ift,,the ion June� 8', 1971 all -as re- ';: I ­­ C ity : 1 4 ­ I quired by ,and pursuant to-law; and. the ,.election precincts , , - polling- pl.acers, and of flicers-- O'f­election. wdthin-•the City for -said special municipal' bond election -h.er��by the same as I those' selected and designated by the Council • f or -,said Gen&raI ­Municipal' Election by its �'Re o_ 1u,t.ion._No% 5713 N.C _entitle'd-"Reso.lut lorf Apri 5, 1971 Ordinance No.'1020 N.C.S. (continued) 26 Calling. sand- Providing : for.., a. 'Regul Mun:c•ipal Election to be Held on June,8,•197.1, Including the P:etaluma.High.School District and the Pe.tal.uma Hospital .Distr-ict., the, Purpose :of Electing Public Off•icer's,; to Vote a - Certain -Bond Measure; D.e•signating, t Pre- cincts _and Polling -Places for Said. Election;; Appointing`. Election Officers'and Providing. -for Notice �There.of "., .passed.and.adopted on April. 5 ' 1971 , to which - resolution' reference is. hereby speci.f.ically made for a designation. of-,the pr.ecinc:ts.,...po.11ing places: and elec- tion, officers of the.. spe_cia-l• municipal bond:; election.; hereby._ called. (e) Only. one: .foam. of - .ballot .shall be used. at said Gen- eral Municipal Election,.and-.sai&' special municipal' bond ;election hereby consolidated. therewith - ,.which,. in. addition. .to all othe'r- - matters required •by.l :aw to be printed .:thereon,. -shall state the measure. set - f ; or.th ' in Section'- L. here,of . - .In, ,all. precincts, where voting machines - will be used . at. said el:ec.tion .. the:. >,ballots shall be ., in the -form required. by-taw and - said, voting machines ' and - the. preparation thereof' shall .comply in, all - respects with-.the appl cable provisions, of -•law,;; and, : in- addition..to:; any other- :matters re- quired-by law.', "there °shall appear ,on -the. front of each voting machine the measu'r.e.. or..an authorized condensed° statement, thereof set - .forth in Section 1 hereof.:... t•.: (f.) ,In. all precincts where paper - ballo,ts are used , -.at:' , said election— voter; to �vote..for ,the measure - her,-.eby .submi.t - ;ted . and for incurring said; bonded indebtedness shall'-stamp .a cross . ( +) in the blank space.opposite the word "YES '.,-on the ballot to the right of said me,asur.e, :.and to. vote aga=inst. said measure and- against incurring : said bonded. `indebtedness:. shall-, a crass ( ±) •in-• the blank' 'space •opposite_ the, word "NO_:' on the'..bal -hot �.to. the ri -ght of; said measure; ..provided , .however.., _that- ,on, 'absent- voter ballots the cross ( +) may.' be with- -pen, or ,pencil:.; I:n, all precincts where voting machines.'-are' u!s:ed at said .el'ec.ti.on , each • voter: to, vote for.the measure - . hereby submitted and for:, incurring•said bonded indebtedness-.- shall. pull down a. votAng..pointer over the word - "YES" over or-.near s'aid:.meas'ure:::.appe•aring, on.the-. ront the machine and pull the operating'lever,.and•to against said measure and against in-curr•''ing said -bonded indebtedness_ sha11 pull down a voting. pointer, over � the word NO" over- or - nea =r- said measure appearing on the front of the .machine and..pull the open -. ating lever . - (g)- The returns, of .said election sha•11 be made signed' by the election- officers; _sand shall. be • by deposited with:the City Clerk; and the Council shall mee't.at its.usual .meeting place and canvass- said returns �on ,Monday:, the, 14th day of June -,` 1971 ,. at the hour 8: 00 0' clock p-.m.. and declare the result.of.:said election:. Section '3 The Council - proposes to issue- and. sell bonds of the, City for ,the ,object.. and :purpose' specified :.in said measure, if s:aid.measure is approved at said election by the-then legally. applcable'vote requirement. Said bonds-'shall be negotiable in form.'and of *the char- acter known as- serial,. and shall bear interest, at a • rate - not. to. exceed seven (7,)' per -cent per annum,.payable -semi- annually (except that,interes:t for the first year after the date of.:said -.,bonds may be,made.payable, -at or before.the end.o -said year).. Provision is hereby.made for the payment of -the principal of and interest on 262 April 5, 1971 Ordinance No. 1020 N.C. 'S. (conti•nued) said bonds as follows: At the time of the- general'.tax levy after incurs , ,in'g,.the. bonded- i,indebtedness,, .and'. annually. thereafter., until the. bonds are paid or until-'the;re.: i-s. a sum in. the. treasury s'et, apart for• that - purpose su:- Efic -ient. '.to All,'.paym'en•ts of.—.prin.—' cipal and interes -t on. the.- ,bonds as they- due.', the ; Council shall levy and. collect, a: -. eta =x,- s. if fi.cient..to..:pay the, interest:- on, the bonds and. such ,pant . of the... principal -as will - ,become ,due, b:e fore. the proceeds_ of.. a .tax ,,..levied lat,,the..,next_ general, tax_ levy_ _ will be ,available; provi•ded.;_ . however., •.:that' cif; said bonds 'are, auth— orized to' be :issued - -at,'said_ elect:ion,y, and; lt� is _expe that. all. . or any .part.of'said . bonds.wi.11.be sold at such'time.that the pr- n- cipal of or interest o41 .such, b.ondrs,. wi.li.;. , due - .befor'e the pro- ceeds of is tax levied:aft'er such., sale '.would, be: available.. to pay such principal or interest- the ..Cosunc;il ,, at. the time of fixing the annual tax levy: ; may levy: a tak-�in..,an.- ;amount clearly.•suffi - „. cient to 'pay_ that- .portion = of the;, principal, of and interest on said bonds which; .it' is , expected. will- become .due before the ; pro- ceeds -of - the..next- , succeeding tax levy..,,will_..be, available. If - the earliest maturity- of the bonds As. more, than one year a:fter the date of issuance ,.the�Council. -shall .le.vy..and collect.ann.ually a tax sufficient xto .pay. t°he interest- ;as -i•t - fal,is due and to .con stitute a s- inking .fund '.for..• the .payment of :the; principal %on. or before maturity. Such taxes shall'be•lev.ied and collected as _ other 'City taxes and shall be in addition-'to all other taxes and shall be us_ed.only.for payment of.;the; bonds and'the_`interest. thereon. Section ; 4 ._. The City • C.lerk - , o:f .the City is hereby dir ected,! upon . the: pasasage. and= adoption. of this. ,.or..dina- nce.,' to . pub- lish the same once a day.-for..a -t. least .seven _ (7) .days -in .the. -A Petaluma rgus- Co.urier,; :which is a. newspaper :of g.eneral .cireula-. tion published .ate least .six ; (6 ): ,days°: a -week in the City,, and such publication - shall. constitute: notice. _o•f..said election - , No other notice of. ,the .election .,her.eby:'called_. need. be .given:. . Se ction 5 .- This :'ordinance :shall.be .forthw,ith .ent'erb upon the -m n;ute�s of 'the7. o' uncil.. and, In .the, Ordinance_ Book of the City. Th• _s - or- d - ,inance,,. , :be`ing..an ordinance; calling, •and_or.dering •an election, shall take e -f -feet from - .a•rd .a:fter .,,its .final, passage . and approval. PASSED AND:ADOPTED this 5th day of,April, 1971, 'the following vote: AYES: =Councilmen - Battagli :Br inerd.,; Brunner Mattei, . arid- —Mayor— NOES Councilmen- Cavanagh :,Jr.. , 'and —Daly. ABSENT: None. HELEN PUTNAM. Mayor of the City Attest: •ROB -EDELMAN Deputy C-ity.-Clerk Th_e.f ore gorig ordinance' - was presented to me for approval And is hereby `approved th:'s 5th 'day of April, 197,1. HELEN PUTNAM Mayor of 'the City April 5, 1971 Recess Calling- Regular", Municipal Election Res. #5713 N.C.S.- Mayor Putnam declared a -recess at' 10 :52 o'clock p.m. - The meeting . was. I called back to -order- at 10:.56,o'clock p . Resolution-No. 5713.N.C.S., calling.and providing for a Regular Municipal Election to be.'he,ld on June.8, 1971, including- the Petaluma,High School District-and the Pet- aluma Hospital District, for the purpose of electing piublic,officers;. to vote on a certain-bond measure :; � designating the precincts and polling places for`said Election; appointing Officers and providing for notice thereof, 'and,. conso'l,idating said , Special : Municipal 'Bond E- lection -with the.General.Muhicipal.Elec tion _to be held �on June ; 8 ,. 1971, was in- troduced-.by'Councilman Battaglia, - seconded by- Councilman -Brainerd:, and adopted by 7 affirmative' votes.' Weed Abatement Resolution No . 5.714- N. C .'S . , . - Res. #5714 N.C.S.,_- that.the weeds growing arid --the rubbish, _ refuse,. and - dirt - ex- isting streets. p rkways,,side.walks and parcels of.private• property, referred -to and.described in this,resolu.tion, constitute 'and are a public nuisance, was . introduced' by.. Coun -•. cilman-Battagl,ia,�secon,ded'by Councilman Brainerd, and;adopted,by 7,affirmative. votes. The-Public•Hearing was set for April 19, .19.71;. at 7:30.p.m. Shasta Avenue Director of Public Works David Young Conduit.Project reported that the subject resolution ®� Res. #5715 N.,C.S:' covers the installation:of a 27 -inch ,.- storm drain pipe by the Sonoma.County Water-Agency on,.Cemetery Lane for the .: Shasta Avenue Conduit project; where — upon'; Resolution- No. 5715 N.C:S., grant- ing the Sonoma County Water.Agency the right.to control faci.l•i.- .ties in the area more generally described in the of this resolution, was in -' troduced by Councilman Gavanagh, seconded.by. Councilman'Battaglia, and adopted by 7 affirmative Votes. Surplus Property Resolution No. 5716 N.C.S., finding Res. #5716 N.C:S. personal-pro,perty herein named.no . longer. required, .and .directing the City Manager to dispose of and sell the same, was introduced by Councilman Battaglia, seconded by Councilman M_attei, and adopted 7 affirmative votes. ABAG Councilman Cavanagh,,Jr. -, reported that Res. 45717 N.C.S. he was requested by Supervisors.Joerger and Theil;ler -*of' the Sonoma .County Board of Supervisors, and various individuals ®' to bring this resolution before the-Coun- cil. Upon conclusion of discussion, April 5, 1971 ABAG REis'.. #5717. N.C.S. (coi7iti-nued) U.S. - Coast Guard Res.. #5718 N.C.S_ Adjournment - Re No.. 5717 N.C.S. ', con,cerning, ' ABAG, `in trbduced�by'CounciIman Brain- erd, seconded by:Councilman Brunner, and def,eated by the fa vote: AYES,: Councilmen-Brunner, Cavanagh,'' - Jr., and Daly.• NOES!; -. Cb,uncilmen Battaglia, Brainerd.. Matte ABSENT Nb Resolution, .No 5718' N. C. S_. , concerning' U. 'S. .'Coa: 't Giia ' Ran h. S td use of -Two Sfa wds-int'roduced by-,Counc Daly s by, Cdtin6klman�Bruriftet; and - adopted' by .7 a'ffirmative- votes . There being no farther busiftess come before the Council, the meeting was ad.- i ou.rned, 'at 1 10 f 26 o'clock p-M..' t an ex- ecutive session: to Monday, April- 12, 1971. at 3:,30"o"cDock P.m. 1317 PJJ 77�, Mayor Attest: Deputy City I 1