HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1971MINUTES OF MEETING
. July 6, 1971 - .
Summary.of bids submitted and.filed. Mr.
Wood recommended that the low bid submitted
b.y 'W. K. McLellan Company be accepted;
whereupon, Resolution No. 5791 N.C.S.,
awarding contract in accordance with the
plans and specifications for the subject
project was introduced by Councilman
Matte i seconded.by Councilman.Clecak,
and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. �d
Block Party - Letter, dated June-30, 1971,-from Chief of
Sarkes'ian Drive Police Larry Higgins approving a request
Res. #5792 N.C.S. made by Mr. Donald Carey, President of the
Petaluma Valley Home Owners.Association,
to-close a part' of Sarkesian Drive for a
block party' on. July 18, 1971 from, 2:00 p.m.
until.d •ark = =and recommending that the Council
grant permission for the event,.read and
filed. Resolution No.-5792 N.C..S., consent -
ing to the closing of the dead -end portion
of Sarkesian Drive as requested, was intro-
duced by Councilman.Clecak, seconded by
Councilman Daly,.and adopted -by 7 affirma-
tive votes.
Council Meeting Regular meeting.of the Council of the City
of'Petaluma was called to order by Mayor
Putnam.at the hour- of 7:30'o'clock p.m.
Attendance— Present: Councilmen.Brunner, Cavanagh,
Jr., Clecak -, Daly, Mattei,
Perry., Jr.- and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
Approval of Minutes.
The invocation was ..given by the Reverend
Richard S. McMillan, Neighborhood Church.
The minutes of -June 21,.1971, and June 28,
1971 as recorded.
Introduction of Before starting with the business.at hand,
Council-Members Mayor Putnam introduced each of the'Council
members to the-audience-and gave a brief
resume of their background and business
Western _Avenue Notice to bidders -on the subject project
Extension Between was duly published. Assistant-City Engi-
Petaluma - Blvd . - No . neer' Hal [mood . reported .that . the following
& Water Street five bids were.received.at the bid - opening
Project GT 11 -69 June 30, 1971:
Res. #5791 N:C..S.
Name Amount
f. Argonaut Constructors $12,205.00
DeMartirii & Smith 10,964.0'0
Don Dowd Company: 15,880,00
Ghlotti Brothers: 14,575.00
W.- K. ,McLellan Company 10,290.0.0
July 6, 1971
Enforcement of
Letter, dated June 23, 1971, from Walter'
Food Handling
C. Clowers, M._D., Sonoma.County Public.
Health ,Officer, stating that the ..two bus -
inesses in.the City of Petaluma -in viola-
tion.of the Food Handling Ordinance have
paid the .necess -ary :health permit" , -fees, and
that all places business in-the City of
Petaluma,required to file application for
health permits,,now have done sof and, in
his letter,- Dr.'Clowers, also asks'for dir-
ection o;f- the .Council - regarding enforcement -
of the Petaluma'City Ordinance No. 960 N.C.S.,
as' amended . by Ordinance No . 1012 , N . C ::S . , in �
the event of a need to take legal enforce -.
ment•action, -and whether the Council wishe 's
to be apprised,_of each case or should the
matter to the City Manages,' City
Attorney,_or'both, read.and filed. Follow - -'.
ing a -brief discussion, -the City Attorney'.
was instructed to direct a letter to,Dr.
Clovers indicating--that enforcement.' of . said'
ord-inance-be handled by the County, that the
City Manager and City be apprised'
of any.problems which may arise,.and that
collection of fees should be the responsi-
bility bf,the County with availability .of'
Smal.l'Claims Court service. In- addition,
Mr. Robert was -asked to inform the Council
of the District Attorney's•answer to, his
recent.,letter regarding the.City's position
in the matter.
Caulfield :Lane
Letter, dated June 29, 1971, from Alan S.
Hart, District Engineer, State : Division of jo
Highways, attaching . a copy' of" Negative De-
claration for the proposed construction of
the.Ca,ulfield'Lane Overcrossing - on Route
101 in the City. o,f Petaluma .and County -of -
Sonoma, which has been endorsed by Mr..
Donald E.- Trull-, Division Engineer of the
Federal Highway Administration, read and
fil'ed•. City Manager Robert Meyer. explained
that the Negative,Decl,aration,actua,lly
states that the overcrossing- project will
have no significant adverse effect.- upon '
the environment of the area, and that the
Division of Highways has the approval to
go ahead with the project.
Term Expirations - ,
;Letter, dated, June .28, 1971, from the City'-,.
47 Commission &. Board
Clerk .listing the term expiration',s for -
Commission: and. Board . members and. Council
member - representatives on the various. Com-
®°� r-
missions -and the Board, submitted
and filed.. ,Mayor Putnam indicated that-
the_appontmenta will be acted upon at a
-later date.
Resolution regarding "Ringing of -the Bells'"
- 'Congressrian .Clausen.and Senator Collier.
Resolution commending Two Rock Ranch Sta-
tio.n`- Congressman Clausen and Admiral.
Bender; and
1 r fit. 1 -' xis
July 6, 1971.
Acknowledgements -
Resolution urging work on the Space Shuttle
Received- -
- Main Engine.be: done in.Northern.California
- Senator Collier.
All letters submitted and filed.
Claims and Bills
Resolution No. -N.C:S .',.approving Claims
Res. #5793 N.C.S.
and-Bills Nos. 3195 to 3324, inclusive and
Nos.:: 662; to 677 `inclusive, approved .for pay -
meat by City.Manager, was introduced by
Councilman Mattei y.seconded, ..by Councilman
Daly,.and- .adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Calendar of Meetings
City Manager. Robert Meyer reminded the Coun-
cil of the following meeting dates:
-.Thursday' July 8,. 1971, Mayors'-and Coun-
cilmen's Association of Sonoma County at
the Green Mill Inn - hosted by "the•City
of Rohnert Park;
Monday July'12, 1971, Council Study Session,
Supervisor Spomer regarding North Coast
Planning, and' Development Commission;
Tuesday, July-13, 1971,.Joint Study Session
with` the Planning Commission and Williams
& Mocine, P1.anning.Consultants - Progress
"The Bay Area
City—Manager—Robert Meyer referred to the
1 70.`Census Series " -
subject- report:received.from the San Fran-
cisco Area Council and related some
interesting statistics regarding age groups,
in the City of Petaluma. A summary of the
report.will be forwarded to the - Council at
a later date.
Report, dated June.29, -1971, from Director m�
Parcel Map
of Publicr David A. Young, stating that 7F
Res. #5794. N.C:S.
the subject parcel.map has been reviewed by
the.City.Eng,ineer, and recommending,that
a subdivision agreement with'certain.pro-
visions whereupon, Resolu -
tion.No. 5794` N.C.S., authorizing the Mayor
to.-execute agreement prior to
the re.cord-ing ' of the-parcel. map .to •insure ,
- the.- installation.of public improvements,
was introduced -by Councilman Daly, second -
ed- and adopted by 7
affirmative votes ...
East Washington City Attorney Robert explained that the LIV
St.. Widening subject.legislation covers a right -of -way
Project - NWP & permit and agreement.with the Railroad
P &SR-Ra °ilroad Co. Companies in:connection'wi.th� the East Wash -
Res. #5795 N.C.S. ington Street Widening•Projec,t. Resolu-
Res. #'579.6 Y. C. S. tion- No.. 57.95. N.C:.S. , authorizing the
Mayor.to accept_Noethwestern Pacific'.
Railroad,7Compahy._and the Petaluma.and
Santa-Rosa Railroad Company's right -of -.way
permit, was introduced by Councilman-Perry,
Jr.,.seconded.by�;:Councilman Daly, and adopted
by affirmative,, votes .
July 6, 1971.
East Washington
Resolution No. 5796.N.C.S_, authorizing the
St- Widening
Mayor to execute agreement with the North-
Project - NW:P.&
western.Pacifi:c'Railroad Company, was intro-
P &SR Railroad Co.
duced by.Counc,ilman Perry, seconded . by•Co.un -
Res. #5756 NCS
cilman Daly,,.and adopted by 7 affirmative
Assistant City. .Engineer Hal Wo.od explained -
NWP Railroad Co.
that :the- subject" agreement-covers storm.
Res. -- 4579.7 N.,C.,S.
drain.improvement encroachment of the rail --
road ; .crossing'in:the vicinity of Petroleum_
Avenue;, whereupon; Resolution'No. 5797 N..C.S.,
authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement-
with the Northwestern Pacific,Railroad Com-
pany,__ ..was introduced by Councilman Mattei_,•
seconded by Councilman Daly and adopted.by
.7 affirmative _.votes.
Revenue Bond Law City Attorney Robert explained that.the.sub-
Ord. #1026.N.C.S. ject . legislation estab.lishes'a
procedural ordinance to adopt by..r,eference
the Revenue.'Bond_Act Law of 1941 in order
to provide..a:rmore marketable bond.
.Mr. Ernest of Stone & Youngberg,`•F n -,
ancial.Consultants, also spoke to the Council
on ,the subject,.,-e'xplaining .th -at the City must .
demonstrate by.July 31, 1971, its fin °ancial
capability to fund the local share of tne,
Was.tewa Tr Improvement Proj,ec:t
costs however -, . he ,point'ed: out that the City
is--not-bound to the revenue bond :method of
financing in the event "general obligat-ion,
bonds are.passed at an' election.
Mayor Putnam announced that Director of Public
.Works- attended the public hearing July 1, 197`1,
held.'by the:-California Water Resou Control
Board., and-that the City of Petaluma remained
..on the.Wastewater..Treatment Facs.lity=Projects
List . for 1971 -72 for 80 percent :grant as.sis-
Ordinance,-No 1026 N.C. :S. of the Council, of
.the City.. of-Petaluma, enacting the .Pe.taluma
Revenue.Bond� Law relating to the i
and sale of .revenue, for certain pur-
poses, was-introduced by.Councilman.Mattei,
seconded _by.,Councilman -Brunner, and ordered
published by.5.:affirmat•ive'and'2 negative
votes. Councilmen.-Cavanagh, Jr and Daly
voted "No"
Bicycle License Ordinance No. 1025'N.C.S., decIaring
Ordinance .Amend moratorium on ::bicycle license fees , amend-
ment ing Section.6.12:of the Petaluma C ty•Code
Ord.. #1025. N.C.,S. of 11958 to requirelbicycle licenses,be.re
(second reading] newed ' annually; and . declaring this ,o.r.dinance
to be an'emergenc:y.ordinance, was introduced-
by.Co:uncilman:Cavanagh, Jr., seconded'by
Councilman. •.Daly,,, . and adopted by , 7 a.f f Irma. -
. tiv_.e, votes.. 'Said ordinance contains an
emergency clause and thereby becomes ef-
fective upon its adoption.
July 6, 1971
. 34 - 0
Resolution No. 5799 N.C.S:, employing Craw-
ford & Banning, Architects, to perform a
feasibiiity study for an addition to the
Petaluma Library and.authorizing.the Mayor
to execute an agreement.for the -same, was,
introduced by Councilman Mattei, seconded
by Councilman Daly; and adopted by 7 affir-
mative votes..
Commendation to Resolution No. 5800 N.C:S., of commendation �s
Albert L. Battaglia and appreciation directed to Albert L.
Res. #5800 N.C.S., Battaglia,- was- ntroduded by Councilman
Mattei, seconded by Councilman-Daly, and
adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Commendation to Resolution No. 5801 N..'C.S.,.of commendation
David W. Brainerd and appreciation directed to David W.
Res. #5.801 N.C.S., Brainerd, was introduced by Councilman
Cavanagh,.Jr.., seconded by Councilman
Brunner, and adopted by 7 affirmative
Mel Hein Mr. Mel Hein appeared before the Council
inquiring about a letter from Mr. Ernie
Curtis addressed to the Mayor proposing
a meeting between any group of City govern-
ment with a- private group, to discuss pro-
blems the proposed sewer -.bond
issue, and requesting that'such,a group
be appointed.immediately. Mayor Putnam.
informed Mr. Hein that`the letter has'not
been received but will be taken.under'ad-
visement when,received.
Executive,-Session The.Council retired to an executive session
at 8:35 o'clock p.m. to discuss litigation
and appointments.
The meeting reconvened at.10:30 o'clock p.m.
Resolution No: 5.7;98 N.C.S. authorizing the
Logging, Recorder
purchase of .a Multi- Channel.Logging
System - '..Police
System for the- Police Department, wa -s- intro -
duced by- ,.Councilman.Clecak, seconded by .
Res. #57.98 N.C.S.
Councilman and adopted by-7 affirmative
Feasibility Study -
Councilman Mattei expressed considerable
concern regarding,the cost of the proposed,
Res. #5799 N.C.
Library_.addi.tion,.and that consideration
should. be ;given to-a monetary limitation
of- approximately $150,000 for the project, -
- which amount-has been discussed with the
Library Board at several meetings.
Fo.Ilowing _a. brief discussion, ,City Attorney
Robert was:instructed to include a provision
in -the subject feasibility study agreement
. for.the monetary limitation -and also a pro-
vision-specifying that the $2 fee for
the - study be ' app-li:ed to the architect's fee
for the.Library addition if the Council de-
cides to proceed with the program.
Resolution No. 5799 N.C.S:, employing Craw-
ford & Banning, Architects, to perform a
feasibiiity study for an addition to the
Petaluma Library and.authorizing.the Mayor
to execute an agreement.for the -same, was,
introduced by Councilman Mattei, seconded
by Councilman Daly; and adopted by 7 affir-
mative votes..
Commendation to Resolution No. 5800 N.C:S., of commendation �s
Albert L. Battaglia and appreciation directed to Albert L.
Res. #5800 N.C.S., Battaglia,- was- ntroduded by Councilman
Mattei, seconded by Councilman-Daly, and
adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Commendation to Resolution No. 5801 N..'C.S.,.of commendation
David W. Brainerd and appreciation directed to David W.
Res. #5.801 N.C.S., Brainerd, was introduced by Councilman
Cavanagh,.Jr.., seconded by Councilman
Brunner, and adopted by 7 affirmative
Mel Hein Mr. Mel Hein appeared before the Council
inquiring about a letter from Mr. Ernie
Curtis addressed to the Mayor proposing
a meeting between any group of City govern-
ment with a- private group, to discuss pro-
blems the proposed sewer -.bond
issue, and requesting that'such,a group
be appointed.immediately. Mayor Putnam.
informed Mr. Hein that`the letter has'not
been received but will be taken.under'ad-
visement when,received.
Executive,-Session The.Council retired to an executive session
at 8:35 o'clock p.m. to discuss litigation
and appointments.
The meeting reconvened at.10:30 o'clock p.m.
July.6, 1971
Council Resolution No.. 5802 N.C.S., appointing.
Representative - Robert `:. _Daly. -s : Council . Representative
Planning to the Plannirrg'',Commission, wa•s. ntroduced
Commission by - Councilman Cavanagh, Jr -'. ,'' seconded • by
Res. #5802'`N_C.S. Councklman.Cl-e6ak,rand adopted'by.6 affix -..
mative._voaes, .1.7abs'tention. Councilman
Daly abstained..
Adjournment Th- eres_be•ing :no. further business , to .:come.
b'e101re' -tdie ::Councd:l,- -,.the meeting .was ad
jo.urnedwat -1:0 _32 :,o;_`'clock p.m: to .Mond +ay,
July. 1 >2, - -1:, at 7•:30 o'clock p.m.
City Clerk