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July 1971
Council Meeting
Adjourned meeting of the Council of the
City:_o:f Petaluma was called to order by
Mayor Putnam.. the hour of 7:30 o'clock
Present: Councilmen Brunner *, Cavanagh,
Jr:,'Clecak, Daly, Mattei, Perry,
Jr:, and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
*- Councilman.Brunner arrived at 7:50 o'clock
East, Washington
Notice to.bidd'ers on the subject project
St. Widening
was _,duly - pub°lishe'd . Summary of bids re-
Project GT 1 -70;
ceived at the bid opening July 20, 1971,
Hopper Street =
submitted filed. Director of Public
Works David.Young reviewed the following
three bids received:
Project GG 3 -69;
Caulfield Lane,
Name Amount
Project GG 3 -69
Ghilotti Inc. $743,154.19
Res. #5832 N.C..,S.
McGuire Hester, 777,209.30
Arthur B. Siri; Inc. 799,906.00
Mr. Young recommended accepting the low
City•Manager Robert Meyer reported to-the
Council that the cost,of the total project
including acquisition of rights -of -way.,
engineering . and -attorney fees, construc-
t.on costs., etc., . amounts to $1,2.22,000.0.0; pro-
ject to be - funded as follows
69/70 Mun..Bond Fund #18 $810,286.17
General Fund�(Res,. Acq
. and. Impvt .) :
PW..2 - 71 - 66,714.00
Ga:s.� Tax Fund.:.:.
GT 1 -70. 148,378.53
,. GT_ .1 -71 131
GT .2 -.7.1 - 23,2-00;.30
TOTAL GENERAL CITY $1,.179,770.00
Water Dept. Funds:
WD 2 -7.0 $ 26 ,:500.00
WD 3_ -:7.0. 6,500.00
WD 1_ =7.1 9,230.00
GRAND TOTAL $1,222,000.00
Resolution No. 5832 N.C.S., awarding con -
tract with the subject plans
and- , was introduced by.
Co_unci,lman Perry, Jr., seconded by-Coun-
cilman Cle.cak,.•and adopted by 5 affirma-
tive votes, .:l. "<ab,s:tention and. l ,absentee.
Councilman_Cavanagh Jr., abstained, stating .
that he is involved with property in.the
July 26., 1971
Ordinance No.. 1027. N.C.S.. — Annual Approp-
riation .Ordinance'• and 'Capital.Oiitlay Program
Ord. #1027
to _be__completedduring the fiscal yea -r - July
1. ; - 1971; to.. June -3.0 , 1972 , to, establish .cer-
tain reserve*filnds for future acquisitions,
to provide for capital.acquisition of.equip -'-
men.t;•:.to provide for .certain improvement,
projects, and to provide that the items::of
the.Capital Outlay Program which exceed the
value.. .$ "3 ,.00iO: be approved .and - be (orde- -red
commenced by.resolution, and to name the
fund'from:whch particular outlay 'pro-
grams shall.be paid, was introduced by
Councilman Clecak.' seconded•by 'Co.uncilman
Mat.tei;:,and'ordered posted by 6'affirmative
votes,, 1
Coundilman' Brunner
Co.unci -lman .Brunner. arrived at 7:50 o'clock
P'. M.
SB 920
A report was made by Councilmen Daly and.,
Cavanagh, Jr:, and Mayor, Putnam on the dis
cussion,of Senate.Bill 9:20, a Bill s:pons.or:ed
by Collier , pr-opos "ing to. form. a North Coast
Planning. and�.Development Commission, and
Assembly B ll,:1057, a Bill sponsored by Knox
to form a Regional Government of the .nine
- Bay, *Area Counties -, at the; Quarterly. meeting
of the..Redwood.Empire Division, League of
California Cities, held in Eureka on July
24 :;.,1971.r:No action was taken at the meet -
ing..on.- either: Bill..
For Council further consideration of ; the.
Bills,_City"Mana..ger,Robert Meyer reviewed
a .resume of - Ass.embly.Bill 1057 received
from ABAG. Noted was the fact that if said
Bil.l__becomes 1aia;, Sonoma County is included-
in- , the - ,Organization as one of the nine Bay
Area Counties:_ Also noted was ` the ,fact that
SB .9.20 'proposal ' for a North Coast
Commission of no than 'three- Nort hern .
Counties, and if said Bill becomes - `law, the,
Council on%Inter.gover-nmental Relations -then
estab.lLshes- a' boundary (Sonoma County not
specifically-named in the Bill).
In.an effort to determine the course of-
acttion_to�be'taken for the best interest
of the City, provisions .regarding - moot.-
ing'structure and costs.involved`of'both
Bills were . compared'from - the information•
available, but complete analysis could
not- be'made. because -..of the unanswered
questions regarding the .proposals,
Aflso - . di:scu'ssed was the April 20th election
approving-'Sonoma: County withdrawal from.-
AB °AG:.. 'Mayor_' P.utn'am read a letter from a
woman. resident -statirig that_ she voted to
withdraw from ABAG - for no regional govern -
ment' - at `and, not to join the North
July 26, 1971
SB 920
Coast .Agency.. Mayor Putnam then read the
April_ 2.Oth .bal:lot measure and the Board
of -S,uper-vi- sors'' argument favoring,withdrawal
- from -ABAG: - Questioned. was•.whether or not
the - information regarding the County's with-
drawal .from.ABAG, and the - information on the
No-rth.Coast,.Agency was misleading. Mr.
Ernie Curtis••of the Irate Taxpayers Commit -
tee.spoke, taking .exception to comments made
that.the• ballot measure was misleading and
that sufficient_information was not available
before.the. election:
Pointing..ou-t that - . Council voted unani-
mous; y to oppose AB 1057 and that the City
will become involved with one form of reg-
ionalgovernment, - Councilman, Daly made a
motion to support,SB 920.• Motion .,seconded
by Councilman Brunner, and defeated by the
following vote:
AYES.:- Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr.,
and_ Daly..
NOES:. 'Councilmen Clecak, Mattei, Perry,
Jr., and-Mayor Putnam.
ABSENT:, None.
Mayor Putnam directed that a.letter be sent_
to appropriate- legislators expressing the
Co:uncil's its responsibility;to
the. citizens of: P-e.taluma on - the matter.
Mayor. - also:'requested Councilman
Clecak to-study. pros and.cons of both
Bills "for' presen,ta:tion of ,,a survey of the
available -fa:cts . .
Part -Time
Resolution N.C.S., authorizing
Services -
the- employme'nt..of," `for part =time
services in the Po- lice'Department, was
Res. #5833- N.C..S,.
ntroduced.by::Councilman Perry, Jr., sec-
onde'd,by Councilman Mattei, and adopted
by: .7 affirmative votes.
Letter,- dated .July:21, 1971, from Planning
Moratorium on
Director William stating that the
Rezonings and
Planning:.Commission is recommending Council
cons'id'eration..of.an extension of time of.the
Res.. #5834-N.C.S.
moratorium on..zoning rec,laasifications and
annexations,to the City'of'Petaluma for
a, period .o.f nine.t.y , submitted and
filed. Resolu.tion'No. 5834 N.C.S.; ex-
.tending -the moratorium on rezoning and
annexations,, was introduced by Council -
man * seconded by Councilman •.Clecak,
and .adopted .by: .7r - affirmative' votes.
Bonds.- Sewer
City Manager Robert Meyer.stated that the
proposed.legis'lation provides for inten-
Res. #5835 N.C,._S.....' . !._
tion to. call, a:.general obligation bond
election,before.January 1972 to finance
the required-sewer improvement, or the
City will exercise the authority granted
July 26, 1971
Bonds Sewer
Res. #5835 N.C.S.
Q� Property for
N DD Street ' Widening
Purposes '
Res.. #5836• N.C.S.
� Acqui ltion .
Property- for
Street Widening
Re 458 N..C.S
by Ordinance.No..1026 N.C.S. to issue rev-
enue' bonds to 'accomplish the '.s:ame purpose,.
The. subjec -t, ae_gi;s is necessary to
assure.-,the Wa ter Quality 'Pollution Control*,"
Board :of the. - City_'ts .financial capab.il_ities,
to. ;improve- the - ;Ci,ty' s sewage treatment, faci-
Titer_._ n -revi:ewing the legislation; Coun
cilman•. Cavanagh;: Jr., felt that the resole-
t 'ion: should; state , •that the Council "may
e.xerais:e %.ahe_ authority granted by Ordinance
No,-:._.102.6. N:.0 S_. ; . and not '.will".
Reso.Iuti.oh :No:: 583;5 N.C.S. of .intention to
issue- ,bonds_ for sewer proj.ect, was intro-
duced by Councilman Mattei,*seconded by
Councilman C'le,cak, and adopted by 6 affir-
mative'and.1 negative votes., Councilman
Cavanagh,, Jr:. voted " NO" . because he pre-
ferred :the.•-legislation to be permissive,
Reao1uti:on_.No:_.,•5836 N.C.S., declaring,
public.,necessIty,- directing the acquiring
of easements "and fee title' in real pro
for widening purpose's, and .directing
the. City. -Attorney -to take such proce'edi -ngs
as. are :neces;sary -to acquire the real
perty .for the project "East Washington
Street. Midefting,• Pro ject GT.1 -70, Hopper
Street - - Lakeville. Highway'Widering,.PrO
j.e,ct,.GG- _1-.6.9, -Caulfield Dane Construction,
Project ..GG :3 -;69 "y :was introduced by
Councilman Ma'ttei:; by Councilman
Perry, ;Jr -.• and •adopted• by 6 affirmative
and l negative. votes. Councilman Cavanagh,
voted. ",NO':". , stating that he felt such .
procedure Was: noti .good publ rel for
the City o:f ^- and also that he dis-
liked-the threat of condemnation proceedings.
Resolution No.::5837 N.C.S.,, repealing a
portion , of -Re;solution , No. 580.3 N -. C. S ,
describing Parcel ,::I', and declaring public
necessity, directing the acquiring of.'
easements :and fe,e title in real property
forestreet-widening.purposes, and direct =.
ing 'the. City Attorney - to take such pro'c:eed
ings.. as ;are . ,necess`ary. to- ac`quir'e the real,
property, .forvthe .;proj.ect - "East'• - Washington
S.tr_eet,Wden i'ng, Project GT 1 -70, Hopper,,
Street - Lakeville Highway. Widening,.,Pro-
j,ect ,,GG 3•= 69:,-• Caul�fie+1d Lane Construction,
Project GG 3 -&9''; was introduced by.Coup
cilman C'lecak:; seconded by Councilman. Mattei,
and , adopted by 7 a'f f i_rmative votes
There being no ,further busine,ss.to come `
bef,or'e.,,:t_-h'e ; Council., , the :meeting was ad-
journed at •9::00 , p.m. to an execu-
tive session.