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August 16, 197 1
Council Meeting Regular meeting..of the Council of the
City of.Petaluma•was called to order by
Mayor•Putnam at'the hour of 7:30 o'clock
Attendance Present: Councilmen Brunner *, Cavanagh,
Jr:,.Clecak, Daly, Mattei,
Perry, J.r.,: and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
*Councilman Brunner arrived at 8:03 o'clock
Invocation The invocation was given.by the Reverend
T: Hall Bisset, Community.Church.
Approval,of.Minutes The.minutes of August 2, 197 were approved
as recorded.,
Appeal - Appeal, dated July 15, 1971, filed by Valley
Cambridge Square. Green Company of Planning•Commission deci-
Subdivision sion`July 7,,1971 denying extension of.
Res. #5851 N:C,S., time (for six: months) to file final ,map of
Cambridge Square Subdivision, read and.filed.
Mayor Putnam declared the public hearing
The reported that all required
documents were duly filed.
City Attorney Robert explained that the
appeal is based on'a legal question con -
cerning.extension of time for filing a
final map.. It was his opinion.that
charter.cities exempt from Chapter
II, Section.11554 of the State Map Act
providing fora two- year.: extension and
that the local ordinance providing for
18 months' extension prevails: He was
thoro.ughly•conv raced that upon expiration,
the.applicant must: - refile a new tentative
map in accordance 'with the 'State.Map Act.
It was:pointed out that the.tentative map
was originally filed with the Planning
Commission in • ;March , . 1969' extended . in
March, 1970 for 18 months to September 18,
1971. Mr-Robert-suggested that.the City
waive.all'additional fees when the map is
refiled because .of:. the .pr rezoning •
moratori'um'•! He.also.poin'ted out the risk
involved in. the :event validity of ..the
part•icular subdivision,is - questioned.
Mr. Robert Burnstein, attorney for the
app.ellant,.appeared before the Council and
opposed the.City,Attorney's opinion.
He contended that the -State Map Act-pre-
empts, the City's: with regard,to
extension of He claimed that his
client was•a victim of the City's moratorium
on rezonings. Mr.•Burnstein reviewed the
historical points involved with the sub -
division and urged the Council to grant
the extension of time, however, if denied
a� Appeal - ,Re
/ Cambridge Square
Res; #5851,N.C..S.
(b 1971 Street -Con -
/struction Project
he recommended an alternative for Council
consideration;.of - being, allowed to file ,an
identical map with'all the same conditions,
s`am `eng,ineering, - new filing date and waiv- .
ing'of filing fees.,: As a matter.of" record,
he that his applicant would assume
all responsibility if the validity.•'of -the
subdiv,ision.is ever questioned.
Mr. John Anderson .of MacKay & , Somps ,., engineer•,s.
for the subject subdivisio ,.presented a
map of the prbpo:sed,subdivision..
Councilman Daly reported that-the-Planning'.
Commission.b;as.ed its decision,to deny the
extension on the-City Attorney's opinion..
Following - discussion .of 'the matter, .the
hearing was - closed and various alternatives
were considered whereupon,. Resolution No..
58.51 . N : C . S,.. denying extens ion . of time within
which to. file , a- final map. of Cambridge ,,S'quare
was introduced -by Councilman Daly, seconded
by'Councilman,.Mattei,•and adopted by six'
aff,irmative., - and one negative votes
Councilman Gavanagh, Jr. voted ".no" givi -ng
consideration to .State pre- emption'in the -
matter as the reason.
A motion was then made by Councilman-Daly
and seconded. by Councilman ,Perry recommend
ing that the Camb "ridge Square Map be- refiled, .
that, the time 'process for the subdivision
map. start over again, that the'City waive
any new or •addit.ional 'filing• fees,. and that
the filing of the:tentative ma-p be totally
subj,ect�to the existing zoning law. Motion
carried unanimously.
Letter .dated August 10, 1971 from Ghilotti
Brothers requesting expeditious handling:.
of. right -of -way agreements for'-the 1971
Street Construction project - 'East 'Wash ing-
ton Street-.Widening, Project GT 1 -70,, Hopper
Street= Lakeville:Highway Widening, project.
GG:3 =69; Caulfield:Lane Construction, Pro-
ject GG 3 -69 ", read and filed. Upon'City
Attorney advice, the letter was..referred`.to
the Council executive session following
�Y Petaluma River Letter' dated August .6 , 1971 from Walter
V / Public Access.to Kieckhe'fer'requesting'the Council not to
Turning.Basin. act hastily in the-matter that Baylis Street
be a permanently dedicated easement for
public access. to the turning . bas'i'n in the
Petal'uma.River because of Walter Kieckhefer-
Company's downtown commercial plants pro 7 .
posed to include the use of Baylis Street
for build n s and parking, and suggesting :.
tha:t.no'decis ions .for a permanent access
be. made until -.a , precise development plan
for th�e'turning, basin has been presented
and .approved, read and ,.filed:
Petaluma River -
Councilman.Cavanagh. ' - -Jr.'then retired ..to
-the e acid sp referring:. to the
first paragraph of. the.letter,"It ha.s
come to my,a that Cavanagh and.
Comp4ny,are requesting ,City sanction of
a request to the State'Lands and other
appropriate political entities that Bay--:7
1is Street be 'a perm anently dedicated
easement for-public access to the.turning
basin." Counc' ilman. Cavanagh, Jr. clari-
fied that Cavanagh and Company did not
request City sanction of a request to the
State lands bu only requesting deter-
mination of the."boundary of their property
facing-Wellpr Street at one corner of
Baylis Street.
The letter was referred to the Council
Committeel Clecak, Mattei) recently'
appointed -to study Cdvanagh/City of Petaluma/
State Lands-,Boundary Lin&Agre'ement regard-
ing, Petalu
SB 920
Letter, dated'." Augudt. , 1 .1971rfrom Henry H.
AB 10-57
Spomer, Superv.i Districtj Sonoma
County, requestin'*meeting and conferring
with the.City"Council either separately, .
coll6c in• a joint .meeting with
other City. decisive
position .onre , gional government, read and
f iled: Said .letter was teferr6d for con-
siaetation-under Agenda Item Number 12.
California State
Letter dated July 9-, 1971 from Phyllis
Library -
I. Dalton, Assistant State Librarian,
requesting,that all available -local
gov6rnment'pilblications.be sent.to the
State Libra'ry.'at,Sacramento, read and
filed. -
Freeway. and
Letter dated July, t -, 1971. from James
A-. Moe,.State•Director of Public Works, 3 0
regardin'-a new Department of Public
W'.rks' -policy on freeway"and transpor-
tation material,
attached e:kpla'ining'the policy, submitted
and, -f iled..
Functional Classif!i--
Letter dated 6,. 1971 from Alan.
cation Study
S. Hdrt.,' District'. Engineer, Division of �2__
Highways,', announcing a publib hearing
on the'. Fu'nb Classification Study,
September `1.5, .19.71 2:00'p.m.
Board .of S,�P&tvis6rs' Chambers; Santa
r Aosa'', submitted, and. filed.. Director
o f.... Public; Works - David A. *YOun'g from
the. City. staf.f.,.wi.11 represent the City
at. public hearing.
Pub.lic Utilities Commi, notice of
a-pp•ication filed by Pacific Telephone
and-Telegraph-CO I m 'pany for authority to
increase:: in."Iritrastate rates for
charges for..te,lephone service in an amount
to - of i-hcr,easesa in wages and salary
rates, submitt,ed and filed.
t� ABC Ap,pl`ication fihed with Alcoholic Beverage ;% -
�/ Control by�Raymond H. -& Beverly O. Wilson
for exchange of` On -Sale General Eating
Place' Li' ' se' : E e Hideaway,, 128 Kentucky
Stree.t:, approved' by the Chief 'of Police,,
Building •Inspect,or;' and, Health Sanitarian,
submitted and 'filed.
Claims , and.Bills - 'Ciaim.Numb.er 3558 As.tro turf and
Res. #58.52 -N. S adhesive. - _ Director Public Wor-ks:David
Young - explained that. this material'was
installed 'on - the, small traffic. island at
Washing ton ~"Street. - and Howard Street - as an,
Q xperiment to determine two points:, dura-
bility:of`the material and.the: public's
reacti'on' `to such a " beautification• progr'am...
Claim Number •3638 to Kirker and *Chap -.
man for progress payment regarding Cherry Valley
SeweD`istrict'; .Study`- Mr. Young.
repo`r.ted that'the 'engineering firm will pre
sent its study to the Council,either-late.
in August . or.;early in September,.'
Counc;i_ima -n CavanagYi,, Jr . ,referred to Claim
Numb ers' 3541, 3547, .3548, and •355.0,.
regarding.acquisition,of property for the
1971 S;tre'et. Proj -ect and .stated that he. in-
tends `'to vote 'n& on the claims ;because of his
disapptov:al 'w Lth the procedure, that was used
on some,• - but not all, of these 'c;laims. R6 so
lution ^N,umber 5852 N.C.S. approving claims
and. bills Numbers 3535 •to ' 36:56 .inclusive, .
and N,umbe'rs 733 to° 7'61 inclusive, was intro-
duced.by'Counc iman Mattei,'•seconded b:yy "
Councilman Petty, 'and .adopted by six affirm=
alive and one"heg`at
v dr. ' ve votes . Councilman
Caanagh, ` :vo'ted', "no ".,f or 'the. reason - stated
Bicycle License Assistant City Manager John,Nolan reported
Moratorium Extension that the''bicycle- license supply -.has been
received an 't two week extension on
the moratorium of''fees will start on Aug-
ust. 23 - and - end on September 5 19.71. - Pub -
y l city on* two- -week. extension will be--
given; to the local= news media.
c� AB 1.057 - Councilman Clecak.pres.ented report-dated
SB 920 August 16,' 971 entitled ' =A, _comparat" ve
report concerning the two forms - of Regional.
Government before . the citizens - of Peta-
luma and Sonoma County (AB 1051 and SB.9- 20) ".
Said - report submitted and . filed. ' Councilman
Clecak. pointed out that 1 the .report compares,
various aspects ° 'contained in both - Bills:
Purpo,se , . Membership, Government. Structur' e and
Represent ation,' Expenses. Finance, Revenue
and .Taxation, ;Review of Applications • for ,
F'i�na ncial'Assistanc'e', Disposal,of Waste and
Critical .Ana-'yls' s .. In his critical analysi_s•,
Count- lman.Clecak recommended that the.,Counc.i,l
vote ':a. gainst b'oth' cf these proposals. , as. they_
now exist and _`i'f need be, urge the Governor.
to veto them. until their impact . is f
and 'objectively cively - understood by the citizens
of Petaluma and Sonoma County.- He added two
SB 920
AB 1057 :^
37 r'
further points or,ally (1). so. far. as
these .two•. Bilks have been amended (July 26
and •27) , they. have ,become better for
people .arid (.2 ) - that further study should .
Considerable- discussion followed. Those in
the audience who . s_poke - in favor of SB 920
were.Mr. Ernie Curtis of the Irate.Tax Payers'
Comm Mr.. Mel Hein, 609 Keokuk S.tr.eet,
and.Mr. Lawrence Fo,rney,•El.lis,Street.
Mr. Brand Johnson, 1Q Highland Road and Mr.
William ',Bettinelli, .607 Fourth Street spoke,
agai -nst the . B'i,lls.. Mr. Bettinelli proposed
that-Sonoma.County align itself with peripheral
Counties having similar problems.
Supervisor Joerger: was also present. He
,: referr -ed.to'Superv.isor.Spomer's letter and
urged the. Council.-to- act immediately in support,
of the concept-of the, Bill. Considered was the
fact that -the State Legislature has recessed
until Septem'ber'7, 1971, which would allow time
for further study;- .however,_a motion was made by
Councilman ..Cavanagh,.- Jr .: and seconded' by Coun-
cilman Brunner support:ng:the. concept of SB
9'20 and that`:the Council try to meet collec-
tively.in'a jo. int .mee'ting.regarding.the.mat"ter
(as rrequested by.. S:up,erv.isor Spomer . in his
letter). Motion defeated by the following.
AYES: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr.,
and Daly:.
NOES Councilmen, Clecak, Mattei, .Perry,
and -Mayor Putnam.
Recess Mayor .Putnam declared a recess at 9:45
o'clock p.m., r
The meeting reconvened -.at 9:52 o'clock p.m.
Sonoma 'County
Referrals regarding
Letter dated„August19.,.19.71 from William �3 F
C.. McG,ivern., Director of Planning and /
Community Deve.,lopmefit that the Planning
Commis- sign hays, been - receiving numerous
referrals coneer-n_in.g. the development of
mobilehomes. ,on single lots in the unin-
corporated areas of Petaluma within the
GeneraL.Plan area'of' influence, and is recom-
Mending to,the -City Council that a policy
statement be .prepar'ed•,and forwarded to
the Sonoma Cbunty,Planning.Department
Indicating City's opposition to,grant-
ing'use permits .allowing- mobilehome s'_ on
si .lots, except—those housing 'agricul-
.,tural. empaoy submitted and filed.
Councilman.Dal_y explained that various
cities haverniti.at'ed such a policy state-
ment whereupon; City Attorney was
directed to prepare a policy statement for
Council consideration at its'next meeting.-
Planning Commission
Letter dated -12, 1971 from Robert
Procedural Reorgani-
E. Daly (Councilman. and member -of the
Planning'.Commission) and William C. Mc-
Givern to the Planning,Commis-
sion that the Planning Commi +ss ,,ion has
studied the structuring , of the . Commission
main.l,y, the creation'of_ ,the .Board of Zoning..
Adjustments rn its rrelationship.to the
_ Commis ,, and ; that .the 'Commission recom-
mends - to the Council the following action
be taken.: Ordinance Number 977 N.C.S.
c "reat,ing the Board, of ,Zoning Adjustments
be - repealed_ and a ,ordinance be initi-
ated :cre:ating .an,_8 =man Planning Commiss -one
with the "provi'o that the newly elected
chairman have.voting privileges only in
-the event of•a tie vote, and:upon, the expir-
ation or resignation'of the first Planning
' Commi s s io_n- member , •the Commis s on . will
become a permanent . 7_ -man , Commission, , sub =- ..
mitted and filed`. "
Councilman Daly.- explained the main.reasons
for'the.C_ommis'sion's: recommendation: .. Since
the Bo'ard's :creation-, the Council has employed
.the services of Williams and Mocine to.
completely - overhaul, the City's General.. Plan,
Zoning 'Ordinances -, . and._ other related
ordinances ,:resulting,.in reduction of the
work of - the - Pl'anning . Commission and the
Board of Zoning 'Adjustments; the dif:fi�
culty:of rotating members to serve on.
the BZA - because, of inability -to meet in the
afternoon; - aid, that those ;serving ontthe'B:ZA
do not have an.op.portunity to.participate
in all plas,es of the current Planning study.
City'Attarney"Robert noted that'the
new zoning ordinance possibily - will
eliminate the need of the BZA ,and! that
much of_ its ., wor.k`load will ,be handled -
administratively with provision for
appeal' to the .P lanning Comm sa He
suggested that the Council consider the
questin o of time concerning.the adoption_ _
of an amendment . to the Planning -Commission -_
Structural Ordinance' and3 concerning 'the'
ptes'entation- of - Williams and Moc'ii e' s
study both'. of which could -occur near the
After,-further d.iscusslon, Councilman Daly
was asked 'to refer - the matter 'back� to:. the
Planninq.- Commiss°;on pointing out the time
factor -' nvol'ved and the broader broader imp,lca-
Lions'. as 'dis:cussed by the Council. '..
Chamber of Commerce
Mr.: B- A:: Shannon, :Secretary- Manager , of . .
the Chamber of Commer-cei.highlighted the
Board ,'of ,Director" s -meeting held today.' .
He stated , that -.a proposal regarding, the
revita1izat.ioH of the downtown area will
be presented to'the :Council soon and that
the'Chamber. agrees with Councilman Clecak's
report on SB 920.and AB 1057.'
City Hall./City-Center- Councilman Cavanagh,,Jr.. reported that.he,•
Construction Project Councilman Clecak, and City Manager Meyer
attended a Sonoma County
Building Committee an'd completed•selection
of the City Hall.exterior paint color and
the necessary- inter,ior,furnishings.
Sunnyslope Avenue Near- Plans and- .specifications for the subject
"D" Street Sewer Main pr.oject;•submitted and filed. The -plans
Extension Project' were explained by Director of 'Public Works
SS 19 =69 David-Young. Resolution No. 5853 N.C.S. o
Res. #5853 'N.C.S. approv specifications entitled 5/
"Sunnys. Avenue Near. "D Street Sewer
Main Extension Project 19 -69" was
introduced•.by Councilman Clecak, seconded
by- Councilman Cavanagh, Jr. and adopted by
seven offir"ma:tdve votes.
Petaluma River Dredging. Plans and specifications for the subject
Spoil -Dike _ Reconstruc - ,:.onproject, submitted and filed. In response
ti6n-',f97'1 -72 'to .Councilman Cavanagh; Jr., Director of
Res. 15 - 85 . 4 N.C.S. Public Works, David Young, recalled previous
Council di.scusson to approach -
ing'the County for .participation in dike
construction costs:. = A .motion was made by
Councilman ^ -C,avanagh- .. Jr. ; and seconded by
Councilman.par.ry, Jr.; that a request
:be made to the Sonoma County Board -of Super-
v.sors for ,participation of funds. Motion
carried unanimously. The City Clerk and
City-Engine'er., were directed to send an appro -.
priate letter : - .the Board of Supervisors
pointing .out :the cur-rent , dredging project
and' the County benefits derived from the
use of the-. river ..
Re'solut`ion No .- 5 °8!5 4 •N . C.. S . approving
the, -subject plan's and specifications, was
intr:od:uc.e.d :by.Councilman Clecak, seconded
by Councilman ,Perry,,'Jr., and adopted by
seven affi= rmative votes
Demolition '.and; The subject matter,, was'.delayed for further
Removal of Buildings study by'the City Attorney.
Project 96 Hopper St.
Casa Grande Sub Report dated August 1:2,-1971 from Director
division ' Unit #5 of Public Works Young' certifying
Res. #5855 N.C.S. "t to the completion of public improvements
s'n Casa Grande•Subdivision Unit #5 and
recommend thereof with cer-
tain provisions,•submitted and filed.
Resolution No. 5855,N.C.S. accepting
completion ofwork Casa Grande
Subd °'Number .5, was introduced
b`y- Councilm'an; .'Daly; seconded by Councilman
Perry,- Jr . , and adopted. by - seven ' af:f_ irmative
votes .,
Tax Levy Ordi,nan'ce Ordinance Number 1028 N. C.S. levying;
1971 -72 rates :!of - .taxation °upon the assessed
Ord. #1028 N C -. S . valuation - 'of -•the property in the City
for .the, fiscal year- Ju -1y. 1, . 1971, to
June`30, 1972, was - introduced by. Council -
man,Mattei, seconded -by Councilman
Cavanagh, Jr.�, and ordered published by
seven'.affirmative votes. Councilman
Cavanagh, Jr. pointed out.the amount of
Tax Levy Ordinance
tax rate: $1.50 - general -rate 30� -
Bond Service rate (7� lower than last year) -
Ord. #10.2,8 N.C.S.
a total of $1,80 per :$100 assessed valuation:
Animal Control
Councilman re.ported'that the Planning
Ordinance Amendment re
Commi "s s.ion`revewed',the s ordinance
Hobby Dog Kennels.
on August 20, 1971 and recommended several
modificat_ion,s; however, subsequent this'
meeting, he met with the Chief - of - "Po:lice;
City Attorney, and Animal Control Officer.
It was agreed'that the ordinance was totally
unenforceable 'because of its conflict 'with
the zoning ordinance and related ordinances.
Councilman Daly recommended thatthe City
Attorney submit the matter to Planning
Consultants Williams and Moc for"
development of an ordinance that would be
enforceable -and would allow non - conforming
use permits to those who now have hobby
dog kennels -.
Councilman Cavanagh,-Jr.}
Councilman Cavanagh :Jr. was excused at
10:36 p . m•.. and returned. , and 10:3 8 ,p .m . ;
following. -action 'on 'le,gislation for,
the Sonoma ° 'County 'Water Agency.
Sonoma County
Director of Works David-Young
Water Agency re,
explained .that the subject legisla
Sanitary Sbw er` Line ,
provides for an agreement with the .County
Res: 45856.,N.C,S.
'to reroutes-the City's " sanitary sewer line
at the L-asher Hatchery on Petaluma'Boule-
vard ;North'.in.. conj ^uhction with 'the County's
Cherry Valley storm drain .improvements
proj'ect, whereupon, Resolution No_ 5856
N,C,S', authorizing the Mayor to execute an
agreement,' - with the Sonoma County Water.
Agency, was introduced -by Councilman Cavanagh,,,
Jr., seconded by and
adopted by affirmative votes;-one
absentee. (Councilman Cavanagh, Jr'. was
absent at tYiis , time)::
Repe °cling .Resolutions Resolution No. 5.857 N. C, S , repealing,
re Authorization of Resolution No's. 4.92;6, 4930, 4931, and
Signatures. 4.946 N;C.S_," which "author`ized certain
Res. #5857 N.C.S: officials of the .City to sign and endo -r =.se
checks,and other instruments, was,intro-
duced by- Councilman Cavanagh-, .Jr.,, seconded
by Councilman Cle ,- and` adopted by seven
affirmative ' votes'.
"A "Street Parking Police Chief Larry.Higgins reported to the
Lot. Council - that ,the "subject lot-is not being
utilized and to date only two permits.have
been, sold since permit parking was initiated
on the lot'. He was asked to evaluate the
entire problem and work together with.the
Chamber of Commerce on ts"downtown revital-
iza-tion for.a'report"to the Council
Adjournment There be.ing business to'come
before the Council, the meeting.
adjourned at l "0':.4"5 .o'clock p..m. to an
executive session and to Monday, Augu
30, 1971'�at 7:30 o''clock p.m.
Ma ro r