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October 4, - 1971*
Council Meeting Regular meeting,of..the Council of
City of Petaluma was called to order by
Mayor'.Putnam.at the hour of 7:30'o'clock
Attendance Pres'ent': Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, 'Jr.,
Clecak, Daly, Mattei, Perry, Jr.,
and Mayor Putnam.
Absents None.
Invocation The.invocation was given by the Reverend
John Salvador, St. Vincent's Church.
Approval of - ,Minutes: - The minutes of September 20, 1971, were
approved as recorded.
Petaluma P.A.L. Mayor Putnam paid tribute to the Petaluma
Junior Girls', P.A.L. (Police Assistance-League) Junior
Driil Team Girls' Drill. Team for.winning the
Championship banner in Santa'Clara on
Sunday, October 3, 1971. She.commended
the Team for its accomplishment and for
the.honor.bestowed upon the community.
The Police Department was also commended
for the group.
Water Main
Relocation and
Project WD A -70
Res. #5886 N.C.S.
Notice to' on the subject project
was ^.duly published. Director of"Public
Works"David Young reported the following 1 �
two bids! received at - the. bid opening on
September 23, 1971:
Amount of
Everson Construction^Co. $13,900.00
West Valley Constructors 10,950.00
Mr. Young recommended that the low bid
be accepted; whereupon, Resolution No.
5886 N.C.S'., awarding contract in accor-
dance with the plans and specifications
for the subject project, was introduced
by Councilman - Perry, Jr., seconded by
Councilman Daly,'and adopted by affir-
mative votes.
Demolition and
Removal of
project 96
Hopper Street
Res 45887 N.C.S.
Notice to bidders.on the subject project
wa-s.duly published. Director of Public
Works Dawid reported that one bid
was at the bid opening on Septem-
ber.23, 1971, from Ghilotti Brothers in
the amount of $1,,,375.00. He recommended
that said.bid.be accepted.; whereupon,
Resolution No. 5887 N.C.S.., awarding
contract in accordance with the plans
and specifications for -the subject .pro -
ject, was introduced by Councilman :Daly,
se,conded�by Clecak, and - ado:ptec
by 7 affirmative votes.
�- P
October 4, 1971
Old Adobe Fiesta
St . ' Vincent's High
School Homecoming
4- Week
Res. #5888 N.C.S.
Letter; dated' September .14 1971, - request -
inq ,presentati the. subject - Associa- .
tion"'s - directions and aims-,.and-for . funds,
submitted - and.fi.led. Mr: Ross-Smith,
President :of.- the•.Asso,ciation, •appeared -
before the Council 'requesting, release: 'o`f,
the :$600 allocated -in the.Budget ,for. the
Fiesta Association. He- informed - the Coun=
- cil that tables were , acqui.r -ed
to meet. Council's directions at
1971- 72 s;tudy.'that the funds be
used.for permanen.t.assets.• Howeve_r,,he
pointed ou.t. that funds are more approp -_
riately.'need,ed for advertising purposes
in order "to- promote better attendance at
the.Fiesta. In the discussion that fol-
lowe'd, Smith•ques,tioned the
interest.in the Fiesta, and'sug.gested
that.a of recreational act-
ivities for- community be - appointed
within. -the City structure. He volunteered
to serve -on "a committee to expaor•,e such
an appointment. Upon-concluding hi,s ,pre
sentat Mr. Smith presented 'a copy of.
the Association's Balance,Sheet- Dis -
tribution of Funds for Council,. information.
Said copy submitted and filed: Mayor
Putnam noted that Mr. Smith's,s.uggestions .
would be:.taken.under advisement. Mr..,
Smith was advised to contact•
Director Gealta.and submit a.claim f "or
the.$600 budget - appropriation..
Letter, dated September 15, 1971,. from
Cynthia Agius, and.Michael Yraber-,o.f' St.
Vincent's High School, requesting °a bon-
fire on November- - -12, 1971, for homecoming
week,, submitted and filed: Fire 'Inspector
Clyde,. Thomas;, Jr., approval of: the r;e-
quest. - with a no.tation that bonfires: -'are
permitted- .'b y•the - Bay Area Air : Pollution
Control 'Ds,tr -ict Regulation No.. read
and'. filed:. Resolution 'No. 5888 N. C'. S.,
permitting the Girls' Athletic ociation
and.the Block Society of St: Vincent's High
School to have a bonfire for homecoming
week onlNovember. 12, 1971,,wa:s
by..Counci "lman Clecak, seconded by Council -
man Daly, and'adopted by 7 affirmative
Development Policy Resolution, dated September 21, .1971, No..
S City Petaluma 3.4425 of ..the Board of Supervisors of'.
Sonoma County'recognizing , the.Development
Policy of.; the City of Petaluma ;and ,pledg-
ing a Policy of'-'Cooperation and Co.mmuni.-
cation with!the City of Petaluma regard-
ing such,Devel•opment Policy,- submitted..
and filed
, dated September 17, 1971 from
Commet:t Wil Psent President, Irate .Tax -.
® payets�' Committee;, Inc., congratulating
- the Council on the favorable vote to
support.a Northern Aasociation.of Cities
and Counties and to.withdraw from any
affiliation with the Bay Area, read and
October 4, 1971-
American Letter,_from the. American Field Service •�-�
Service inviting-.representation from the City
Council-to an - informal reception for the
current Foreign Exchange student and
Ame'ricans,Abroad.Returnees, read and
filed... Councilmen Clecak and Perry., Jr.,
offered to represent the City at this.
Agenda A-motion. made by Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr.., and seconded.by Councilman Mattei,
'to .consider and act upon a request for
a bicycle parade and rally. Motion car-
r'ied .unan;imously. .
Bicycle Parade. Letter, dated • October 2, 1971, from
.and Rally Co,lette_.Hofer,.. Secretary of Rallies,
Petaluma Senior Petaluma Senior-High S'chool., requesting
High.S'chool °permission to conduct a bike rally at
Homecoming. Walnut Park in with Petaluma.
Res. #5889''N;C:.S. Senior High School Homecoming,.read and
filed. Report, dated 1971,
..from Police Chief 'Higgins approving the
request and.recommending the Council
grant a permit and adding that the use
of Walnut Park to hold'a rally has been
East Washington Letter September 1971, from
Street Interchange . Harold Assistant Secretary,
Improvements - California °Highway Commission; that..Coun-
cil 5873 N.C.S., urging
earliest_possble cons.truction of'said
interchange'improvements was -read into
the the Commission meeting in
Ventura.�September.'16, 1971, read and
Mayor'Putnam reques:ted,the City Clerk to
check � and let . her- . know the date of the
Commission's October meeting n
when final - action.will be taken on the
1972- 7=3 Year State Highway•Budget.
Regional'Government Letter, dated September 30, 1971; from
Val. I-. Hess,.Editor, Argus - Courier; -with
results of . a.-poll. conducted to get a
public reaction as to which
be'taken.regarding regional government,
read and filed. - Mr. Hess noted in his
letter that'the poll revealed Southern
Sonoma residents are not well in-
'fdrmed`on various regional government
proposals,. and recommended. that -more de-
tailed.information,be'obtained on
proposals and be made.
before.-any kind.of.a decision 'is reached.
Mayor - Putnam :noted that both 1057 and
SB. 920- have not been. finalized by the
Legislature.. Councilman-Mattel's-suggestion
to approach the - Sonoma County Board of
Supervisors with a proposal.to align with
Napa and •Solano.. Counties..on a regional,
government plan was held in abeyance un-
t'il.. final - State -: legislative action on the
two Bills. ;
American Letter,_from the. American Field Service •�-�
Service inviting-.representation from the City
Council-to an - informal reception for the
current Foreign Exchange student and
Ame'ricans,Abroad.Returnees, read and
filed... Councilmen Clecak and Perry., Jr.,
offered to represent the City at this.
Agenda A-motion. made by Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr.., and seconded.by Councilman Mattei,
'to .consider and act upon a request for
a bicycle parade and rally. Motion car-
r'ied .unan;imously. .
Bicycle Parade. Letter, dated • October 2, 1971, from
.and Rally Co,lette_.Hofer,.. Secretary of Rallies,
Petaluma Senior Petaluma Senior-High S'chool., requesting
High.S'chool °permission to conduct a bike rally at
Homecoming. Walnut Park in with Petaluma.
Res. #5889''N;C:.S. Senior High School Homecoming,.read and
filed. Report, dated 1971,
..from Police Chief 'Higgins approving the
request and.recommending the Council
grant a permit and adding that the use
of Walnut Park to hold'a rally has been
October -4, 1971
Bicycle ,Parade cleared with- Director of Parks -- and* Rec-
and Rally - reation Sholle.nberger and with -the
Petaluma Senior Traffic - Committee, read and filed. Res-
High Schoo.1 olution No 5:88'9. N.C.S., consenting to
Homecoming_ the and rally, and of
Res:. #5`889 N.C.S. Walnut Park for- to be held
(continued) on October 1 1971, was introduced by
Councilman _Clecak.,, .seconded by Council-
man' LBrunner, rand _ adopted by • aff.irma
tive` votes.
Dr. Derk Timmer
Dr. Frederick Ems�of Petaluma - introduced
Dr.' from The Hague, Netherlands,
who is presently - 'visiting with his
ter in Petaluma. Dr. Timmer.has been
an exchange at the Ball State
Teacher "Training College in Muncie,.
Indiana, ,and is making his - s'eventh
visit States. Dr. Ems
stated" that they were present ..to ob -.
serve'a' City Council of a small city
in action.. The' two doctors were - warmly •-
welcomed Mayor Putnam.
Claims and Bills
Resolution No. 5`890 N.C.S., approving
Res. #5890 N.C.S
Claims: and Bills Nos. 3878 to 395 -in-
clusive and Nos. 816 to inclusive
approved ' f;or- payment by the City ;'.Manager ,
was ,introduced by Councilman Brunner,.
seconded Counci,lman.Daly,,and °adopted
by "T affirmative votes,
Assistant City Manager John Nolan re-
ferred to a'let"ter,..dated September 17,
1971; from Joseph D. Rodota, Sonoma County
Director of Parks Re.creat bn, recom-
mending a coordinated-program with re-
gard to the development of Petaluma .,R ver
Park, and requesting exploration of the
feasibility-of the City
assistance in co..nstruetion whereby the:
$2.5,000 appropriated by - the Sonoma - Count .y.
Board-of •Super:visbrs could bea utilized '.
for materials and ,su.pples with -the labor
being provided by the City'Park.crews,•and
for consideration of the Joint Parkes Agree-
ment for maintenance and of
the - facilities when constriictd. - Copy
of said 'letter submitted and filed.' Sup-
ervisor.'Joer.:ger °was present and a
coopera -tive - e:ffort,,on the development.
Counc'ilman J;r., and'appropr. ate
staff, , members wore - appoi -nted :to meet with
the'.County Park and•Rec.reation•Department
regarding a coordinated program The.0 ty
Manager..was requ'e'sted - to . send d letter of
apprec'iation thanks and to indicate..
the Council's action With regard to Mr.
Rod:ota's recommendation.
ilmanBrunner reported that Council
A g reement -
membe rs made -an on site inspection :of the
Cavanagh /State /City
portion of Street involving the
City with .the subject proposed -boundary -
October 4, 1971,
Boundary °Line line-agreement, -.and after.consideration,
Agreement the.. recommends to the.-Council
Cavanagh/State/City that ,Ct.y invol .in the agreement be
(continued) deleted'-- be use.*it would not be to the
City - '~s. best interest to an easement
over Baylis "Street. . A motion ,was made
by.,Councilman,Brunner and seconded "by
Counc ilman . Mattei - that the Council,'
through the City inform the
State Lands'Commission that the City
does not, wish.to enter into -an agreement
regarding Baylis Street. Motion carried
by ,6 - affirmative ,votes and .1 abstention.
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., abstained.be -.
cause -of his involvement with the sub-
j.ect agreement.
La Tercera :Park At the request _of Councilman Mattei, a �3��
progress report was,given'by Councilman-
Clecak,.on development of La Tercera
park.._ Director of Parks and,�Recreation
Shollen.berger.added -that some °of the
work being done by local volunteer
services. 4�
League of
Annual Conference.
City Code
Cherry Valley
Res. 45891..N.C.'S.
Mayor Putnam reported on the 73rd
- of - Cal.iforn_ia"Cities Annual Conference 52
held in�'Sah Francisco September 26 -'29, ter®
1 -971.: She highlighted some of the
tant accomplishments, and
particularly noted that Petaluma has two
representatives on the.L•eague of
niaJCities.Board of Directors - City.
Attorney"Robest was elected to'serve as.
the Attorney Division Representative
and . she is currently serving astRepresen-
tati"ve of the Empire Division.
.City Attorney referred to a memo,
dated.September. 1971, directed to
the City Manager-,, pointing out the need
for additional copies of,the City Code
and'recommendinq recodification be'done.
next budget.year, if not undertaken during
1971 -72,, and,again have a disinterested
party.examine the ordinances and
recommendations for updating: Said memo
submitted and filed. Following'a brief
discussion, Robert was, asked to.sub-
mit .,a report at the . October 18, 1971,
Council meeting on the.costs involved,
styles of'codes available, services
available,*and.systems used by other
-cities . -
Planning Commission Resolution #24 -71, �1�
approvirng.final map of Cherry Valley y-
Subdivision submitted and filed. Re-
port, dated September ,29, 1971, from
Dir ector of. Public Works David Young
recommending approval o:f ad d'final
map with certain-.provisions, submitted
October 4, 1971
3/ Res. . #58,91' NC.S.
� w Dredging
and filed. Following.des'cription of
the location. map, ;- Resolution, - No. 58;911
N C::S., approving final map of Cherry
Valley was introduced by
Councilman seconded by Councilman
Brunne r,-'and adopted by 7-affirmative,;
-Dk�reetor' of Public -Works David Young
ref.`erred to a - letter,- dated September
21, '1971, from Colonel Charles R.'Roberts
of.-the - :U. S. 'Corps. of Engineers, regard
ing the subject .matter and .pointing 'out
that the - government dredging
is allowed the option of using spoils
areas - other ;than those - .provided.; by the
Ci"ty'. Colonel Roberts recommended that.
the-dike reconstruct -ion: contract de
ferr-e.d - ,until a dredging contractor is
awarded, and- he`further informed the
City -that the - anticipates ,the
amount of spoils materials to'.be re-
moved probably will be :increased, and
any• substantial - increase would :require
additional spoils areas. 'Copy of Col-
one'l Roberts letter submitted and filed.
Mr. Young discussed a number -of problems
nvo lye d.'with deferment of-the dike con-
1.'Exp the 30 -day time
of executing the dike .construction con
tr act - . awarded, by the Council 'on
- September. 2.0', .1971.
<2. Higher construction costs for build -
ing`dikes the rainy. season.
3.. Stipulat=ion by some of the , property
ownera - t - hat - ,dredging be performed
between'becember, 1971, and May-,
He also pointed out to the Council the
- difficulty• :in , obtaining another site if
spoils materials is increased.
Following some - discussion- of. the risks
- invo , lved ..with rebuilding the dikes at .
- this - "time, a motion was made by:Council-
man Pe rryl; ,Jr. and seconded
man Brunner to_ proceed, with the signing
of the, contract. =award'e'd 'to 'Phillips Con-
struction Company for. dike reconstruction.
- Motion• :carried ':by' 6 affirmative and. 1
negative votes. * Councilman Cavanagh. Jr,. ,
voted "'no "; stating, that he doubted all
the "dates . involved could be ,met.
Councilman Brunner reported that the
Ci -ty's request to the Board of Supervi-
sors for financial assistance is'being
considered, : although such a - request, is
not' routine .
October 4, 1971
Feasibility Study
Proposed Cherry
Valley Assessment
Creekside Creek.
Culvert. - Extension
& East Washington
Creek 'W d
Project. G 2 - 70 -
Res. #5 89.2 N.C'.S.
"A" Street
Parking Lot
jec,t project, submitted and filed. Res-
olution. No.. 5892",N.C.S., accepting com-
p.letion..of.work - for said project, was
intr.oduced.. :by Councilman - Daly,
by and adopted by
7 affirmative ::votes .
Police Chief Larry Higgins again reported
that._',W' Street Parking Lot has declined
to virtually.no. since the change-
over to - two -hour parking.meters and permit
parking ::z,:.He recommended Council
ation of a committee of ' Council
and staff -member.. to , explore. various ave-
nues.=of:_ thec proper usage of the. lot with
the.-Chamber: of_Comme'rce . In line with the.
suggestion',_ Councilman Brunner was appoint -
ed .wth_.Ch'ie.f Higgins :to discuss-and meet
with -:the Chamber:.of Commerce on the matter.
Copy . of.. " -
Cherry .Valley :As'sessment .District" prepared ��
by..Kirker-,.:Chapmari & Ass.oc.iates, Consult 1
ing'Engineers; and filed.
Mr - - •Bi1 . 1. Chapman..of , the Engineering firm,
ap.peared..before the Council and reviewed
the reportby the magnitude of
the .project , estimated , at a total-overall
cost With the use of
an aerial map of the area, he outlined
the-boundary ..of the .proposed district. and
described: .the.. various. improvements there -
in. .Upon conclusion of-Mr-Chapman-'s pre -
sentation,.. , Director of Public David
Young °sizgg,ested that the Council hold a
public meeting within the next-six weeks
to:dis.s.eminate - information on the matter.
..He- added that copies of the report are
available for at the City Hall and
that °copi.es will be provided to the'Cherry•
Val-ley T': A. :and the spokesman in the
ar ea....
Report, dated September 21, 1971, from
•Director.of'Publ'ic:Works David Young,
.,.certi,fying to the completion of the sub-
Striping °and. Parking
Restrictions: East
Washington - Hopper
Lakevil Caulfield
Director..o,f Public , Works David Young dis-
cussed'var•ious plans for striping and
parking restrictions for the following
streets now under construction:
East' Wash=ington._:Street from Washington.
S,treet.Br.dge to::200 feet ± east of Hop -
per. ;Satreet:;, sand ,
Hopper_.Street = ::Lakeville Highway -
Caulfie from "D" Street south-
easterly to:� Payran Street.
Mr . , Young reported, that the Traffic Com-
mt.te:e� recommended . "no parking:' on East
Washington;Street.-with a 13 -foot wide
October 4, 19.71,
® .1 Striping• a.nd .Parking 2 -heft _turn • lane __down. the middle ..of =the
D '
Mr. - Young reported that the Traffic
Committee tow- away.zones
(nor parking) :be. installed along the
entire- route Hopper Lakeville -
Caulfield and.ithat from Lakeville -
Wilson, Street.:,in:tersection ° sout'heast-
erly. to•= Caulfield Lane, a wide
2= way.left turn lane be installed down
the.:middle; e :., 4 moving travel lanes
with a fifth' 2= -way left. turn lane Coun-
cilman Brunner moved that the Traffic
Commit:tee:s r'ecommend`
The:,!mot •on - was. seconded by Councilman
ation be accepted
Clecak and. - adopted by 7 affirmative
votes. The;C ty. :- Attorney was directed to prepare
The" necessary. l for the October
18tth•Council meeting to.establish.the
app- 11 -away zories_.__:, `
Restr.ctions : ,...East -.. street �betw.een the..Bridge and Baylis
41 Washington -..- .Hopper :..= S reef °Disc:ussori followed :in which
- •
Lakeville Caulfield ..- Mrs. - Charles •.Lever =.and -Ed Nordman of
(continued) Lere�r Auto •Parts, 19 East .,Washington • Street, :;arid = Harry. Friedman of Friedman'
• Brothers,:Hardware, Inc., : 17 East wash -.
ingtgn "Str,eet_; addressed the
. and `u.rged�:• ,th�at. parking remain on 'the
• . - north ,side of East Washington , :Street
'be :Bridge and Baylis Street.
' . •After `consderirigthe •matter, :•Council-
man :Brunner moved that the
. presented.:.by. ;Mr . - Young (the compromise
plan) for parking to °remain
"on the-north side .East Washington
Street" between •.the Bridge and Baylis
Street.7along with an 11 -foot wide. 2-
way :left . turn lane. down the mild e, : o f
_ the treet lbe adopted. This .compr:om e
plari.:would: parking on • the:.south
side-of East etween.
the Bridge and - -Baylis Street and also
Prohibit parking ;be B
twe.en •aylis, - Street .
and '.200 -feet. f east of :Hopper Street':;
i.e,.., the only location on �Easa • Wa•sh -.
. t ington •S.treet:.wher.e - parking , would still
' •b:e•� allowed;.wo,uld be the -north side. `be:-
tween 'the Washington Street Bridge •.and
Baylis Street.. -A-11 � All other bl ° ocks on
East Was:hington. ;would have a
- tows- away..zone "'no parking"
Sr Petaluma Swim Club N Letter.., dated September 24,..1971 from
3 'Dan Longaker, Recreation, Music
/ and".P'ar-ks Commission, .that the 'Petaluma
Swim -for additional usage
of.,.t ' :Petaluma Municipal Swimming Pool.
has, -been -- endor:s,ed by - the Commission, and
requesting that the.Council act favorably
•. IKot
was::seconde y ,d.b Councilman Clecak and
adopted by 7 affirmative votes.. _
Sr Petaluma Swim Club N Letter.., dated September 24,..1971 from
3 'Dan Longaker, Recreation, Music
/ and".P'ar-ks Commission, .that the 'Petaluma
Swim -for additional usage
of.,.t ' :Petaluma Municipal Swimming Pool.
has, -been -- endor:s,ed by - the Commission, and
requesting that the.Council act favorably
October 4, 1971
Petaluma Swim<Club .::
on the program., submitted -and filed. The
matter` :was.'deferred to the 1971
Counc.l•,meeting pending a,financlal
sis - of - the , ;swimm ing pool T. from the . Director
o:f Finance.
Miwok (St. Francis)
Letter, , dated , .September. 24, 1971,. from
Park Name
Dan Longaker., :Chairman, Recreation, Music ejOL
and Parks.: °Commiss.ion; that the .Commission
resolvedr -to recommend to the Council that
aypark site•adj.acent to Miwok School (also
, .known. as St Francis Park) consisting of
2*:5= ,acres - .be named. "Curly Acorne Park",
read-and filed.
Mayor P.utnam:.appointed.Councilmen Daly,
Clecak _and: .to serve as a Committee
. . study :precedure and policy of
- naming. any..City ,facility, street, etc..,
for:�a :xeport,rto. the Council thereon. Coun-
�cilman Daly was .a °sked to serve a -s Chairman
.. of 'the - Committee—
Amend Zoning.
Ordinance No..-1,0.31 N.C.S., amending Zoning
Ordinance re Home
Ordina.nce'.No: 662 N.C.S.'by adding to Art- y�
Occupation Use
isle 18,-Section 18-706 to.provide for
adminstr--ative. grants of home occupation.
Ord. #1031 N.C.S.
_; use •permits., was-..introduced by Councilman
Clecak, :seconded-.by Councilman Daly, and '
ordered _po:sted by'77 affirmative votes.
Uniform- Build-ing
Code , Amendment
Ordinance No. 10 29. N.C.S.., amending the
Uniform, Building' Code, Volume , T , 1970 1
Ord. 410`29 N.C..•:S.-
.Edition,_ to amend Sections 301 to pro -
(second .reading)
vide for. permits.,: 303 (a) to provide for
permit fee : arid. _S'ecaion 304, and , repeal- .
- ing. Ordinance - .rNo :. 982' N.C.S. , was•!intro-
duce,,by Councilman Mattei,- seconded by
Co lman..Perry_,, Jr. , and adopted -by 6
af:firmative._and-.1' ; negative votes. Coun-
'c.'hman .Cavanagh, Jr. , voted "no" and
Stated that he, wanted to make - a more
- .tho>ro.ugh. eompars`on of the subject ord.-
inance :with-:Ord•irnance No. 982 N.C.S.
- O ; r.dinance: :No., 10.3;0 - N. C. S. , prohibiting. 362,
Open .B
..burning .the -City of Petaluma, was in-
Ord. #°1,030; N -C; S.
tro:duc;ed:by,., .Co)unc°ilman Daly, - seconded
(second reading)
- by. - Co:unc.ilman ;Mattei, and - adopted by 7
affirmative votes. Said Ordinance con-
tains an emergency clause and thereby
becomes ef'fec�ve - immediately upon- its
Authorize Purch °ase -:-
•Re:solut en'. 5893 N.C.S. , authorizing
of Vehicles
the - De.partment. o :f ,General - Services of �-
Res... " #5893'•N.C.S'.
'the of , California to purchase ve- .
hides (4%.one -hal,f ton pick -ups) for the
Cityof�Petaluma,,•was introduced by Coun-
- ci.lman - Brunner; 'seconded ;by - Councilman.
Perry; ik, ,., and" .adopted by ,6 affirmative
and 1.. negative, Councilman.'Cavanagh,
Jr.,,Voted "no ".
October 4, 1971
r Certificate of
,,6 65 Public Convenience
and Necessity ,
Res. # N.C:S.
,Letter-:,dated 197.1, from
,�q - iam_ , ,C - ' McGI ern,. Director of Plan -
n ing:;.
approved.ahe Public Con-
venience -and Necessity' filed "by 'Ridhard
E.- Stevens o ..&- K Enterprises for a.
-Taxi Cab. -and filed.
Letter,_dated 4, 1971,,from
Chie o . Ro lice Larry Higgins recom-,
, fne•ndin , g- ,- . - . - .ap.pg.,ovalr - -'.of the subject cer-
.t filed.
Resolution No. 5894 N.C. a
Certif Convenience and
Ne e s�s i ty:ito.: Rkc hard Stevens, - President
:of:" D 7&: "K, Enterpris - to operate a - Taxi
'Ser,.v. ice,�in'the,-City of Petaluma, was
introduce-d: Daly,
:by - .�counc.ilmdn,*,•C , avanagh,.Jr., and adopted
by -7. aff i.rmative' votes.
_Rezolution.No. 58 "95 - N.C.S., authorizing.
Employment' the. , Mayor. .;to_ - execute an agreement-with
Act of-.1-9,11.- T _t .County,,IIo,f, Sonoma. the Emergency
Res. 458.95- 8mployme.nt ,- and authorizing
zpecia-l accounts, wa introduced.
. - by Councilman Daly - seconded.. by
man "'.Cavanagh.; .. Jr,. -,, and adopted by 7
af f irmative',--votes.
Re ' HUD.. Grant -City. Attorney �Rpbert explained that :the
Mi wok .(St. subg'act, ;.resolution is -a - r equirementof
Francis the -Go.vernment when agencies
Res. #5896 N.C.S.! :_re f unds_� for --acquisition. of pro-
I)e,rtes-, - whereupon, Resolution No. 58,96 ,
N..C- ..the _CJ:ty of Petaluma, - provid-
ing . to Uniform Re.-
1-0 - c:at`ion.Ass -and Real - Property
'Acqti-LsIti Policies Act of 1970; , . was
'introduced, Councilman Mattei,*secbnd-
- .ed - by ,- Councilman. _-;Daly,, and -adopted by
_7,af firitiative votes.
Adjournment -There ..being .no furth business to come
:before th -Council, the meeting -was ad-
'i ourned-, 1:0-: 5 0. o.'clo,ck p.m. to an ex--
.:e:cutive 'sesslon..,
Ci ty Clerk,_,_*...