HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCDC Resolution 08 03/01/1976: ~"'_ .i ^~L~II : mi PETS'-1LLThI11 C'(ir~1MUNITY llEVELCPhtL;NT COMMISSION RESOLUT7.ON NO. 8 Ft.~SOLU'I'ION r?DO'I''rIN(_; L'I~c~CEDUFtES FOR I?R}~I?Z~R~~`I'ION, PROCFSSII~G ANI) P_IV'IEW OFD' L,NV:IRONMET.~~TL1L I~1T'E?C`i` ~1~PCi}:Z'I'S WIiERE~S, the C~1:Lifo:rni.a Environmental nualit~~ _?1ct of 1970 and the Statcj E.IR ~I,.iide]_ines adopted T~ursczant thereto !~equire public agenc::ies including reclevelopme.nt ac~,encies, housing authorities and. cornnTU.nity develoL}ment conunissions to adopt specific ~r_ocedu.res consistent therewith f.or_ the orderly evaluation of ;~r.o_jects aid the pr_epara.tion of environmental ,~ documents; and, `, WfIERY?,z1S, the ~'etal.uma Cominuni.ty Deve_lo~~lrent Commission is a commun.i:ty development commission ;idly established pursuant to the Calif.ornia flea l.tl'1 and S~-ifety Code anti i_ntc~nds to under- take activities res~~:Lting .n the fo :mul_aton anci implementation of a Redeve].opcnent :Pl~]il fo.r_ a redevelopment project. in the City of Petalcii:~ia; 1`]U[~d, TIII~,REFORi;, L1 'CT RI?SOLVEll by the Petaluma Cornrnunity IJeve opmeri~t Commission t.h~rr_ t'ne 1ollowincj procedures a.r_e hereby establ_iShed fc>r_ t=11F: p:ro~~a.r_at=ion, l~roc(~ssinq and. revieca of crivronmental_ dactlin~~nts SEC`i'I01~~ 1. PUF~~i?(JSE. The pT_irpose of t}1~ procedures and cr_itc~ria set forth herein i.s to inal~lelnent tl-1 C' reuuirenTents of the Calif+ornia CoIr~TTTi]ni.ty Redevelopment I„rw, the California Envi ronlnental Quality Act of 1970, as a:~,(-~ndc~d ("Ci~'QA"') , and the Stag FIR Guidelines adopted by the Secretary i <.]r Resources of the State of Cai_ifos_-nia and contained i_n Divisi_c:~n 6 o.f_ `~':Ltle 14 of the California Administrative Code (trle "Gu.i.deli3les"'~ , ~%articuiar_ly wish respect to redevelop- inert ~~gencies. The appJ_i_c~~ti_on of ('EQA and -the Guide:Lines with respect to r_edeve7.op;nent agencies I~i-evi_des that= all i~~ub1_ic and private activities or uncie]:ta}ciilgs pilrsuant t.o or in furtherance of a R~deVelOpm~~nt P ~.arl SOL' a rOC1eVe~_O?=)ITIE=1~t p~~_O]r`Ct COnSi_1.tute a single pr0]eCt an(~ only One LnV]_r01"17T1Gnt:a~. 1.1npaC:t Report need Ue prepared and adopted in conriect.ion ~ai.th the' adoption of a Redeve.lop- Inerit Plan for rc-~~devr?:i_o~~lnel:,t~ projects ,~,:~op;4ed af_t_~ar the date of t=hese .procedures. Lti'ith respect to e;~i_:tiricj redeve_LOpr:~ent pro- ]eCtS, an 1';nV1rOI"11TTeI"1'ta~_ _l_TIIpaGt Report may ~~~ rec7Ulred .O.r _Sep_ a.rate • (_r]V1rOnIRE'ntd.l_ e`Ja.~_i]c. L.1.On~S r,lav be Jnad° IO:2 the private Or puh11C aC;t1V1t1(J~' Or L1nQP_,':tal•;..1I'lc~ 1n aCCO]:C1anCe 4J1_ti-1 t~"1C se prOCGCjuL`ES. As used hcr.ein, "Aclei.lcy" t}le City- of Pet~.li>>iTa "Ciity" '~ tt]e "leg:i_slative body ine~jns For purposes of C'~C`t? and the ~~ Agency" anc3 the rest>ons_ible men,t pro:sects . _ • means the I~~developrnent Agency o.f means the City of Petaluma; and City Counci_I of the City of Petaluma. „ G~.lideli_nes, '..he Agez]cy is ~.}]e Lead agency" wit}7 ]-expect to rcdevelop- ., ' - ~ • SECTION 2. Dr,-TERM:IN.ING k'HEN EIR REQL)Ii?ED. (a) Exempt f~cti.vi_ties. _ All acti_viti.es of the Agency and ,t_he City prcrec~ui site to or . prepar_ai=ory .~o the adopt__ion of a R~dc-vel~prrzent Flan by the legzs- lative body= are exempt from CEQA. ?•1~_~st o;f such acti_vi_ties a.re ministerial ~r ?could be caassifi_a}~le as infor_maticn collection; however, the formulat=i_on of procedures fox- ide_ni._if_i=i_ng specific exemptions is rendered unnecessary by tr'r7e_CEQA p.rovisi.~n that all such activities arc -part of a single pr_ojcct_ rc_>quir~i.nq an Environmental Impact Report (EIR} at the time the Red~velepr:~e_r7t Plan is considered for adoptior? by the legislative body. . (b) Activities t~~hich A]a5l Fie E>_emnt.; Nt.>gatt~ive Dec larati.on. All public and pri,.Tate activities or und~_~r'=a}:_i.ngs pursuant to or in ?=urtl-Ierar~ce of <. F-'.F-de~~elo_~~rnerit k~l_r~n ror wn:i_ch an EIR has been prer~ar_ed and certi_fi~~d do not recrui_re ~-in1% ~llrt-}i«r_ environmental determinatlOn. It 1S 7;Gt neCesSar~% t0 C.IaS:1:T~% S1rC;1 ciC'_tl'J1t 1es as exempt or mini_ste.i=i_a1, _,ec~::use of the specific definition of "project'° i n CisQA and t}-ie Guidel.i.nes as it relates to Redeve_lop~r~ent Plans_ The Agency or -the legislative body= may, hoti•.7ever, determine that any of such act.ivi_ties rcauire an acidit.ional ens%i_ronmental determination under CL;Qt~ ~~nd the Guidelines, or .t-hat an EIR would be useful in consideri_nq ar7d implementing any of such activities. Any additional ~nviroiirncrital_ deterrninati:on s}7~7:~1 he made as rrovided in these Procer~rires. With respect to an e~:i.sting redr~vel_ol~rrierrt project for which no EIR has prev.iou.sly 'r~een approved, the 7~~gF-~n:y, or its E.•;ecutive Director, shall, as to n7atters comi.nq before t},e :Agency for apprOVa1.= 1"ev3~~v p17b11C ~3rld pr"=7_vate aCtlVit'_E':=, T->:1"O~:?Osed pursuant t0 said exlSting rF=deVC~lGprTlent pro]ec.t ar7C1 mi?}',C-' a detE='rminatl0n that: (1) t}?e prcpc~se~x ~3rtivity i s not a "project" for_ purposes of CEQA anal the Gt7i_de3_ines; c?r. (2) the propc~sc_d acti.v.i.ty is a project. for purposes o~: CEA and the Guidelines, but qual_if_ies for a Catec;ari_cal E}:empti:on, or is of}~erwise c~x~~~rnr-~t ur;der CEQA and the Gu.i.delines; or_ (3) tree proposed ~activit}- it:, a project for purposes of CEQA and ±_he Guidelines and may 'r7ave. a significant effect on the envi_ronrn~rit., in ~,=hich case thc~ ~af.Tt,:nc_~= shall proceed to prepare and process an EIR; or (4} the p.r_oposed activity is a project for purposes of CE~iA anal the Gui.c~eii_r;es b.::t will_ have no significant efr".ect on the cnvi..r_onrnent, irr w}~i.ch c<_rse the Agency shall proceed to prepare and. file, not less than ten days (10) prior to its approv~~l of i~he pr.o~ect, a rln;gat=ive Declaration In the form and cont~_•nt reauir.ed by CEQA and thy.=~ Guidelines and shall, followi rig approval or d_isapproyal of i_}~e project, prepare and file a Notice of Det_er7nination as regii_red by CEQA and the. Guidelines. The t?gency or i.ts ET:ecutive Director, ma)cing such environmental. detenri_na:tion under this Section ? (b) s}7a1_l maimain in the records of t7e Agency the prF'limi_nary ~=naTl~sis corasti_tuting said environmental determination. The t:~ency has not detei=mined ~cny _li st of rnini_sterial projects or cr7tegori.cally r;e;r~pt activiti_e.s in addition ~to those :set _ forth in the Guicel.ines. (c) Nor]-Exempt.. Act.iv.ities. The Agency s?',all prepare or cause to be. prepared an EIR in connection wi.t=h the. fo)_1.owi_ng activities: (1.} I~,do~~ti.on by tl-,e legislative body of t'he City of a Redevelopment Plan for a particular•re- d~-~~eloprnent project puxsi~3rit to the California CoTnmuni_ty I~edevelop,nent Law. (~) T,r~iopt.i.c~n by the le~~risl_ati ve body of the City of ~ an am`-'ndment to a Rede~~e_loprnc~nt Plan for a pa.?'ocular red~~vel.opment ,?~-o j ect pur_ scant to t.r~,e provisions oi: the Cal_iforr,ia Cornrnunity I~F'devel_opnlent- I~a"v,T WhP_rE~ t-n'e Ti=3%~nCV or the 1_egisl_at_ive body of the City determines that suustaiztial c?iariges arc pi: oposed ~ n the project whi ~}i have a p~tcr,ti_a1 for envi_ron- mental_ irvpacts not presen-` at the time the.. Rc-_,de~.~El_o~pn,ent Plan was adopted. ~F~,CTION 3. i'ROCt~I~'JRFk'nR_ PilEPAR.NG 'r;II~. L•~h~r; a-n 1;_LR .s required, t=},e Agency shall first prepare or -~, If i=}-ie nI of cct ~ s to be ca?-ric~d cause to Le p~ c.p ~t~ ~i~ a craft EIP.. out by ~ non- yo~.~er.nnier,t~~l persor],. the Agcnci,% ,nay require such . pe,~so?z to submit nec~,ss'ar;% information and data to it in the form the os a draft F'IR. In ~-rray event, the d aft ~'rR s:,al_1 contain info~~=mai.ion requirr. d b.j% the Gui.cie Li ne.s ir] s~.T f iciest detail, as determined by t2-~e Agency., to pezmi_t <:,dec~uate ~,valuati-on and revi_e.w of the envi?-onrrr~~~r,tal impact of the proposed project. (b) ~ ub-lc'{=r_s `I'o Ike Included. In Lons,ideri-nq the p1.an,ii_ng, accluisii=i_c_~n, dev~~lopinent aril operation of ti-1e proj ec tr, the fo:1 fowl ng su]~j ects shall be include~3 for discussio,~ sepa]-~.:teljd: (1} t=?-rc impact of tl,e proposed actions on the envir~~rr,i,ent, c~_ii_reetly and i.nc.:ircctl.y; (2) adverse effects which cannot be avc:~_cic.a i.f tine pro~;osal ~i_s carri_ed out; (3) proposed n]itiy~~tion Jne.as~ures ir,cl_uding tho>e- suyg~ sled for the conserva-~i.or, of energy; (4} reasonable alte!-r]ativ~_s to the project as planned; (5) relatioa~,ship between snort-L~~.rrn u_-yes proposed and the long-team, curnula i=~~ve e:f f eels of t.he, project.; (6) dc_scri.ption of any irreversible chances t}-gat may be poduced by the project; and, (7) growth-i.r;d uciragJi.mpacts of the proposed ,actions. (c) Consultation on L~.r. aft EIR. Aft_er_ completiz~.~ the draft EIR, i=he,~~Ac~clicy shall circulate for cornrnent come-s of the draft EIR to°' ~tnd sha11_ consult with all. ~a, ~ , p,blic agencies having ju.ri_sdiction b;,~w~~taw_ `Ihe agency may also consult ~.,it}~ ~~ny pr _-s.on wino h=.s spec]; ex,perti_~e with respect to any e.nvirc~,nm,~n.t~l irnp~:,ct involved. To facilitate the consultation pT=ocass, "the Agon.cy ,ray ilse ea:i_sting state, 1_'cg:i.onal or local clear'nc3,gus'e;s_ t`c~ di:stri.but.e EIR's anc~ rraay ce~rn~:>:ile Listings of ~the.r. ageri~i.E~s~ which h~yE juri_sdietio by .l.aw ~,nd/or special ex- p.ertse with' r~sp'ect to. .r-edeveloprr,en t: t~roje.ecs. r~ - _ _~ r (d) Notice of Cornpleti_on. As soon as t]e- dr~]ft' t~'IR. is comol-et.ed; the A~?enc}~ shall cause to be filed wi.trl 'she Secr~~taryl for t}`r<~ Resources Agency a Notice of Completion in. the form set forth i_nt1-!e Guidelines and containing a brier description of the project, i.ts proposed location, the address ~:~}Ire copies of t}~!e LIR a.re available, and the period of not less than 30' or more than 90 days during which cornrnent.s will be rc'c~ei.ved. (e) ~rbl_ic .nevi et,*. The Agency ma)r Furnish copies of the. dram EIR to ~-pr~r_opriate public libraries to fa~~i~_itate review by t;-, e. pub ~_ic. Additionally, the Agency may hold a }pub::tic hearing for t.t~,e purx;ose of obtaining comn]ents from the: public; Either i_n separatc~ L..roceeding_; or in conjunction ~ai_t}i ot.}Ier proceedings of the A~enc~Y. (f) Eva:l.uatiora b~~ Agency. The Agency shall. re~?iew and evaluator t_he coriurierits ?-~~ ceived from persons, enti l_i es ..]nd 'agenci_es who revie~.a~=d tiie draft EIR. (g) F_ii~al F~IIt_ Following the period establisi~ed by the Agel]cy for receipt of corrunents on the c?r<.!ft FIFt, tt~e ljc~er!cy s}~a o_l ;:,r~;r~are or cause to be prepared a fi r;a1 I;II~_ 'The ; i ~-~1 t IFt ~~~ all c~onsi st of : The draft I~IR or a nevi Sion c7f the dr-af_t EIFc~ cc~,~~rnent.,r and ~-econunendati~~ns received on t"r]cy ,]raft EIR eit.her_ verhat.im or in surn!nar}'; a list of 'per•S,Or~S, or'gci7]1:'-at:.2onS- aI"!d pUb?_1C ,~g•'r!Cl~~c :~'Or%rilentl.ng on t}1@ draft EIR; .and Lhe ].~esoonses .of the Agency i_o signifi_cant environ- mental poir;ts raised i,n t}~e review and cony-,u1_ation process. SEC`I`ION 4. AC'i=tOI~S I?(~LLC3+dING_COMPI~}.~'_i'IC~iV OF f'INAL EIR. Prior to itr; c.ertifcat:ion of the 1_i_rzai F;Ii?, the Agency shall cons°i.de:r t=he final EIR at a ptlbli.c ?~,~~~~r~.ny. `~:'r,e p~~blic i]ear.ing n]ay lie ~!eld ai= the carne time and i.n conjuncti.on with the public hearing on tt]e 7:~>.u~~v~~loT,ment Plan or umcncirnents to the Redevelopment Pi_~~n, or at any other time.: (b) 'Ivot..ice. Fubl.ic hF_,aring notice shall be given i n ti-~e carne form and tune a5 nc>t.ice. for any other regularly cnrducted public hearings before the Agency. prc~v_ded that in e~.7ei-y case not=ice of review of an EIR shall be pub]_s}]ed in the local ne~~;spape.r not less than ten :days (10) prior to the public hearr,rg on the EIR. Notice of t:he ~:uh:Li_c 1.ea.ri_ng on retiiew of an ETR may be combined ta,i.t}5 n~~icE~ of the public }re~_r-_tnq on t_r]e Redevelopment= P1_an or amendments to ti]e Redevelot~ment Plan. (c) Cei__-tip ica~tic~sl by Agency. T'he Agier!,~y shah certify the final EIR prior to the Agency's adoption ari'c? .avpL~val o:f the Rr~deve:lopment Plan or amendments to the- Redeve.l.~}erne"nt Plan; provided, however, that when the Agency ai7d the legsl.at'i_ve hoc?y of the City s}~ral~_ hold a joint public: hearing as provided in Secti.oi]s 333.5'5-3.3359 fir- Section 334,58 of th,~ Health and Safety Code, then, in sur_rI event, _th~ Agency may certify the- final FIT: following the: joint pu}~Ii_c ,hearing and beafgre final. action by the legi_s ati_ve body adoptir]g the Red'eye,lap=, merit 'Plan or alnenc~ments to the Redevelopment Plan... ..,, --• ~.~_ The certifi~ion of the final EIR sh<~_ state that the ''` - ~ ~ final EIR has beelr' completed in compliance w ~ th CEQA and the :~ 'Sta'te Guidelines and -'that the decision-maki.r,y l:~ody or administr~ti.ve ~~ offi_cial }laving final approval authority over the project has review and cons iciered mile information. conta i r~led. i..n the EIR. {d) Suhmi.ssion to Legisl<=rt.ive Bo:]y. .I~n EIR pr_epare.d in connection wit}? a };ecievelopment Plan sha11 be subrnittcd to the legis_latit1e body ar, part of the report recTUired by Section =~ 335 of tl~c r~ealti~l anc? ~~a:`ety Code., prior to the adoption ot: the Recie~,~elopment Pl.a_n b~- the Ir•c?slati.ve body. J',rl Z, 1_R prejlal"eC~ lIl ConneCtl.Qil 'vJ1th arilCr)dri1~~1-1t:~ tt:~ a RedeVeloprnent Plan shal_1 be suY:>miti_ed to tine legislatz.z~e. k>ody }_,rior t-o the adoption of the amendr7lents to the Re.develonment P1_an by tale legislative body. SECTION 5. IvDTICE O`F D.ETF~R!~slr~f'?T1:ON. Where an EIR has been prepared, thc. Age-~ncy shall fi-l..e or cause to be filed, a grief. statement, ca7_led a "Noi=ice of D~ter- mination" , with the County Cler}~ follo~.a'i r7g f inas_ action on the project. The statement ~h~l?_ i_ncliade (l) a sta tcrnc=•nt of the decision to app-grove or disapprove the project, (2} the deter- - ;nination as to ~•:}1etiler ti?c project wi_11 or wi1.1 not. have a signifi_- Cant effect On the en~'1rOnmP_nt, and (3) a Statf'Inent that the EIR Baas prepared pursuant to t}?e provisions of Ct;nA_ With respect to the adoption of a Redcvr:7_onment Plan or, an amendment t_o a Re- development Plar. r"egLli.rinc an EIR, the ?Jotice of Determination shall be fi7_ed aft=er final. action by the legi s_iat~.ive body which shal_1 be the adoption of an or_dir,ance areopting ~.he Redeve_lopment Plan or amendment to the P,edweloprnent P7.an _ Thr~ Agoncy may include with the record of the project approval a si=at=crnent of_ overriding considerations, as pe:rmi.tted by th`> Guiidelines, and may attach suc;l a stat~„~ent. to the Ivc~tice of_ De~i~rir<in<?ti_on. Alternatively, t}-le st,_, tcrlc_~nf: of overt i dZnca con~_ T c:Cr~?r ions may be separately stated irl t}?~ ri_nal EIR_ SECTION 6 . f.F'PLICA'I'1:t~N Q£' CF'nA A?~7D GUIC~E~__INE:.~ . This Resolution is intended to crovern cnl.y the procedllres pllrSUant t0 .Z~'1"]1Ch 1~1?e I1g'enCV ~~'1~_1_ p7`P_pa7=C?, pYOCeSS and ZeV1eW an EIR and ma}_e relatc~~i cox-ivir_o7?rner7tal. .c?eterrnin~t:i.ons. C.~;QA anal the Guidelines will govern such s,1b-tantive matters as {]_} the definition „ '- - (?_) the contents of of a signi_fi.cant e=f~~ct'" on the cn~~~i.rorlrrien~, an EIR (3) the na tu.re anc? Lunction of an E=iF-~, ~irrd (9) the appl-i-cati.on cf CEQ~_ and the Guide ~_irres to particul.~r rede~~:='1_e~pment projects. 1-;here a pxocedu.r_e is riot speci_~_ied herein, th=~ procedure to be f0110`:JeC7 1i~y the f~gCnC~~ s}-lal_1 be COn.`-T1StF_'rlt ~ti'l.t}? ~EQ~': anC~ the Guidelines. ~ • ~^dl?EREUPvTJ, the fore}Ding r.escslut~.c„~ ;times adopted on the lst d a;% of - March -_--` ?.9 %6 , by the i o1 1c~.7i:I~g vote AYES: Councilmen Brunner,. Cavanagh,: Hllgoss, Mattei, and Mayor Putnam. ivOES : None, IT;t~S}NT: Councilmen Harberson and Perry APPROVEL: A'I': TF S T. •_~ • C h ~ i. r r~, a n -- -- ------- ----- _ ~ • o - ~-c- ~_ .~ - ~ ,. r .. ,, - :,I~++ ^m a .. ,v "~ r ' n . .. ... . _ ~_