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December 6, 1971
Council .Meeting
Regular,meeting of the- Council of.the
City of•Petaluma.wa°s called to order by
Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr.,
Clecak, Daly, Mattei, Perry; Jr.,
and Mayor'Putnam•.
Absent: None.
The invocation was.given by the Reverend
John S.a , , St . Vincent ' s Church. .
Approval of
The,minutes of November - 15, 1971 and Novem-
ber 22, 1971, were approved as recorded.
This being the time set to hear protests
- Demolition of
on_the.Director of Public.Works-' Statement
Buildings at.96
of Costs to.Demolish and Remove.Buildings
Hopper Street-'.
at 96 Hopper Street, the hearing was de-
Res. #5926 N.C.S.
clared open. The City:Clerk announced
that.no written protests were received,
and ,as no one.appeared in regard to the
matter, the hearing was - closed. Resolution
No: 5.926 N.C.S.., approving costs for demo-
lition of buildings at 96 Hopper,Street
and directing that the cost be a special
assessment against . - and a lien upon the
property, was--introduced-by Councilman.
Mattei, by- Councilman Brunner,
and adopted,by 7 affirmative votes..
Region VII,, Office
Mayor.Putnam introduced Mrs. Frances Diaz,
of Emergency
Director, Region.VII, Office of-Emergency
Preparedness.. Mrs. Diaz gave a brief'
resume of her work and offered to give
assistance to the City regarding Civil
Defense matters. -She concluded by stat-
ing that Region VII includes California,
Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Hawaii, Guam, and -
Marin County
Letter, dated November 18, 1971, from Allan ,
Mosquito. Abatement
D. Telford, Manager, Marin County Mosquito 8 IF
District -
Abatement District, requesting.appointment
Res. #5927- .N.C.S.
of .Trustee,, read-and filed. Resolution No.
5927 N.C.S.; reappointing Robert Koenitzer
as Trustee'to serve'on the Board of the
Marin.County_.Mosquito Abatement.District,
was introduced-by-Councilman Brunner, sec-
onded b.y.Councilman Mattei, and adopted by
7- affirmative votes.-'
Appeal -
Appeal, dated December 1, 1971, filed by �
George Barta
Cerf,.Robinson'.and Leland on behalf-.of George
Hide Company
Barta Hide Company.from the,Planning Com-
mission's-decision November 16, 1.9.71, per
Use Permit U31- 71.regarding renewal of Use
Permit Ull -65, submitted and filed. A
motion.was made:by .Councilman. Daly and
seconded.,by:Counc Perry,' Jr., setting
the hearing date : for -the appeal on Monday,
December.20, 1971. _Motion carried unanimously.
December .6, 1971
Tax Relief Hayward Council Resolution No. 71 -3;69
Res #5928 N.C.S. , C: -S.'; urging '.the Federal and .State Legi'sla
tures to enact -legis.lation granting tax
reldef,to owner- occupied residential,prp
peaty, read and filed. Resolution No...5928
N.C.S.,- urging.the Federal and State Legis-
latures enact said • legis'lation, was 'in-
trod'uced by Councilman Clecak, seconded by
Councilman Mattei, and adopted 7 affir,
mative votes:
Watson.Initiative. Resolution No. 35073•N.C.- S.',.dated November
29,;.1971,'of the Board'of•Supervisors of•
the.Co.unty of''Sonoma, State of California,.
in support, of the Watson .- Initiative, - limit-
ing property tax to 1.75 percent -of market
values, submitted.and'filed.
Mayor Putnam recognized .Superv-isor 16erg,er
present in the audience'.' Supervisor Joer-
ger spoke on the Watson Initiative and,re, -'
quested the Council to take immediate action
in support of the-Board of Supervisors.
City,Manager Robert. Meyer referred to•,a
comparative analysis•issued by_the,Cali.f.
ornia Taxpayers' Assoc, iation.regarding -the
prop.osed.::Initiative Constitutional Amend-,
ments relating - to,.property taxation and
noted.-the following statement, "It provides
that.wh'ere. the aggregate tax levy exceeds
s the ., limits se.t , fort`h in this amendment,, the,
Board of Supervisors •shall determine th:e,
apportionment.of the monies - based on�the
rates, not the budget••or amount,col'lected.
He that the City Attorney check out
this provision with regard to the Board's
authority: He also referred to the League
of California,Citie +s' Report regarding.the
Initiative and ' aske:d that , figures be' checked
out indicating 30 percent. - of the.taxes paid
on : the'•State of California are derived .from .
the home owners and 70 percent.from indu's=
trial and,commercial properties.
Mr..'Donald Waite of Petaluma requested.Coun-
cil ,support by- December .20th, and if not,
then in April or -.May of 1.972 when .the matter
is expected.to.be -on the June ballot. He
asked for a copy of the League'.s Report.
It was the general consensus 'of:.the
that the.matter required further, study be-
fore.action and that the item be included
for,consideration . on -the. December 2`0th Coun-
cil. meeting agenda. The City -was .
directed, to prepare the necessary leg -isla-
tioh .and the City Clerk was asked to . ap.pr- se
the Chamber .of Commer..ge 'of the ; fact that the
Council.,will discuss the7.Watson Initiative
on December 20,
Rabies Area Letter, dated November 22,.1971, from
L. Chief, Veterninary Section,
State'Department - of Public. Heaith,.redeclar-
ing Sonoma County a.= rabies area- effective
December 2, 1971 , , and requesting . completiori
of "Statement of Enforcement" form, submitted,
and filed.
December 6 1971
4 4 5
Redwood Empire.
Letter, dated November 23, 1971; addressed 9
the Redwood'Empire
to Ma.yor_.Putnam.from
Association requesting'participation in
Visitor Promotion - Funding from the Tran-
si.ent,Occupancy Tax Fund read and filed.
The- Council agreed that the matter be con-
si'dered... during. the. 1"972 -73 budget . study
sessions_, The City Clerk was directed to
so inform the.Red'wood.Empire Association.
Letter.; dated- November 17, 1971,,from Coun-
clman_Vernon.P. Smith,,City of
Park, with a policy resolution, '
regarding-relationship -of subdivisions to
school-space and,statng that
should the Council have-an interest iri .a
joint ..City /school.approach.to dealing with
the school.growth, -Mr. Smith would be.avail-
able to. discuss'.the. matter;. read and filed.
Following a.,brief.discussion in which it
was pointed o.ut that. the school situation.
and the fact that the schools are .current-
ly_ studying a 12 -month school program, the
Council decided not -to take any action on
the.proposed policy.reso.lution.
SB 325
Letter.,, dated _November 15,-1971, from
Qovernor.Reagan, thanking Mayor Putnam
for-correspondence expressing support
of SB 325 (taxations:'
which Bil ~l.was signed by the Govenor
on November 4, 1971,-. and filed.
Claims and.Bills
_r. .
Resolution No:: 592.9- N.0 -S., approving Claims
Res.. #5929 'N.C.S.
and Nos to 4355 inclusive 'and
Nos., 914!-to- in-ciusive approved for pay-
ment by the City-Manager, was introduced by
Councilman Clecak seconded by Councilman.
Daly:,-:and adopted- 'affirmative'votes.
Leppo vs. City
City_.Manager_Rbbert Meyer..refe,rred to a
of Petaluma
memo - Ci.ty_.At.torney .Robert that the
(American Hotel)
Los County Counsel has filed a
petition.in the Supreme Court`for'the,
purpose , of_ - presenting arguments designed
to overrule the.ap-pel.late decision re-
garding% the Leppo. case'. Mr. Robert
added, .that. the"Los.;Angeles County Coun-
sel's: petition, to' file an Amicus Curiae
brief to support.the City's'petit,ion has
been accepted.-- He also noted that three
cities have,also joined Petaluma in its
Petaluma Aqueduct
Ci.t.y_.Man°ager_ Robert Meyer reported that
Councilman. Mattei, . members of the - staff
Res. #593.0 N.C.S.
and of Water Commission met with'Mr.
Gordon,- Mi-ller. Ch.ie,f. Engineer, Sonoma
County._Water .Agency,,: and the prime con-
tractors.of the_Sonoma.County Aqueduct
to discuss expansion.. the Aqueduct
s_y.stem.. . Presented.. :was a proposal to
have-installed, by_no later than June,
1972., a pumping station at_Cotati
and construction for utilization by June,
1972, an.intertie: project per Sonoma
County.Water Agency Report,, dated Novem -.
ber 19, 1971, "Water Project Alternatives
for Sonoma County' ". Said report - submitted
December. 6, 1971
Petaluma Aqueduct
A. meet was.also held,with the Santa
Rosa.- _Board: of Public Utilities to dis-
Res. #59'30 N,.:C.. S.
cus,s..the. Aqueduct_' the .water . supply for
the • City..of: Petaluma..for the summer of':
1972,,- and th.e_ City- -County .Water •Purchase
Contract..: _- -This Diatrict has agreed .to• -
work with: the. City :of - Petaluma -.in every'-
way, and pis_ s'.ending a. resolution to the
Sonoma , County ,Water Agency-requesting
that-- interti.e ,project and pumping-
station be.-constructed..
Last.- week:.City.Engineer David Young and
Mr. Norton of -the Sonoma County Water
Agency. attended •a meeting with
North:Marin District to
discuss its involvement. This District
is.aiso sending a resolution to the So_
noma•.Co.unty •Water. Agency,. . Mr. Meyer re-
quested'that -the Council consider adopting
a- similar. resolution.
Said -item not being on the agenda, a motion, .
was:_ made. by. Councilman. Matte•i and .seconded '
by Councilman.Perry to consider•said reso -.
lution - Motion carried unanimously:
b ..
Approved was. following addition to the
resolution., "tF at^ the Sonoma, County Water
Agency Board- Directors has the.authori-
zation of C -ity .Council of the of •
Petaluma by this resolution to transfer
Petaluma Aqueduct Bond Reserves and,Bond
Funds_•to the - ,,Water - .Agency's - Constructign -
Fund ";.whereupon, Resolution No:; 5930 N.C.S.
requesting _.the.Sonoma.Coun.ty.Water Agency to
take_ early : action to: provide ' for .expansion
of - capac,ity in.the Petaluma .Aqueduct , was
introduced . by-Councilman Matt:.ei,.seconded.,
by,_- .Co.uncilman ,Perry.; and adopted by. 7
affirmative votes.
Letter,-dated_December.l, 1971, from Alice
Hanna.,,, Secretary, ,.Peta'luma Public .Librar.y
B- oa:rd -.of -. Trustees -, that. the Board has.
studied- architect Crawford and ' Banning = s
feasibility study ,of•.building a library
addition- and. - concluded that the project
is too e- xpens.ive and should not be boil - -t
at this • t'ime.; .. in` - view. of this conclusion
and. on_yconsidering- a .long - range develop-
ment -of-a comprehens=ive Library program,,:
the Board is•convinced to move immed ;at6.1v
toward, the- building- of a new _Library. ,cen-
t -rally located ;-- and,.the Board recommended
that the. Council. , set aside 'funds on .an.:
ann.ua`l • basis_-:fer...s;e-lection and acquisition •
of a:'s,ite- and development of .plans for a,
new .cen.tral-' Library,- and that in in-
terim,'_.aT.tempora :ry service outlet be - es-
tablished east o,f: the Freeway, read and
filed: _Cgpy.of •the = architect °s report and.
pre:liminary:drawings.attached thereto; sub-
December 6, 1971
Library - Expansion Mrs Dorothy ,- Bertucci the.Library Board
Program addressed - .tree.. Council and . discussed the
(continued) basis the B&ard'-s •decision and recommen-
d'ati:ons.- - Mr Eugene -D. Crawford was ,also
pre's'ent and stated . that 'he was inclined to
agree with.the Bo:ar&s conclusions. After
a- brief .discis ;it was decided by the
Council .to - hold .a study. session in , January
with -the Library Board and the architects
to.further discuss the matter.
Little League
Memo..,-dated Novembe z 30, 1971, from Dan,
Long :aker,_Chairman;�.Recreation, Music and q J•
Parks; Commission;- regarding- request from
the American Li.ttle_League and the Petaluma
Val.le:y: rtittle League. for assistance in de 1
veloping baseball field.facilities at their
respective. and filed., The fol-
lowingg copies'. o.f addressed to the
Recreation; Music and Parks Commission
were submitted and-filed:
1.. Letter•,.dated October- -22, 1971, from
President - Louis. 'J. Faverio, Petaluma
Valley. Little; League,. requesting im-
provements,to the League's baseball
facilities at LarTercera Park.
2. , Letter,.- dated`_ :November 3, 1971, from
Seymour- Brody.,. `Preside.nt, and letter,
dated December. 3, 1971, from Jim
McDowell ,..1972 -Pr.esident, American
Little League-. Petaluma; regarding
Proposal to convert its.minor league
playing'r.field..int'o a senior league
field: and ;:user: Bernard . Eldridge for
its 12_. minor .l&ag,ue. teams which cur-
rently require playing fields,
..:... .and.the: League's','respons.ibilities to
-. accomplish. th °is 'expansion.
Councilman Clecak- reported that these.re,=
quests .were, presented and discussed at a `.
recent..Commi meeting. The matter.-was
referred_ .to the., - Count -il because of the
operating- costs-:r-involved for .the assis
tance.and.maintenance.of the Park Depart-
Discussion wa's held. :and the•following,spoke
on . the. req.uests.::.: Mr : Jim . McDowell , Mr. Lou
Fa.ver.icr,% and :Mr..Jim.Odgers,,Representative
of.• he:local Soccer Association who suggest -
ed that.consideration be given to develop
fields that would be. adequate and available
for -all types of activities. It was al -so.
pointed -out in. the .discussion that the. - =
Lucchesi.Park Mas,ter,,Plan,and the Williams
and.•Mocine.proposal -a sports complex at
Lucchesi ' -Park studying
the varius . reques'.ts
Upon. conclusion:.ofg.the.League's presenta-
tions, it was agreed.,by the Council that
the matter be further discussed at the
December 6, 1971
Little League Recreation, Music and Parks' Commission
Development m,eet•ing Wednesday,. night, and that' Director
Assistance of: Par- -,ks+. and Recreation Shollenberger. sub
(continued) mit a: r,e.port :. °:'t•he. :,Counc;il .of operating
cos.tsi. for�•the._ expenses of 'the ball diamond,
a:t_.,Lucche Park: The City Clerk was dir
ected _to ,.inc matter .on 'the .agenda.
for . the�De.cember, ,2:Oth Council meeting.
Sonoma.vista Report., dated December 3,.1971, from Director
Subdivision #3 of. Public Work °s David Young, recommending
, #5 - 93.1 - N. C ..S . acceptanc,e . of completed in the
s;ubj-&ct..subdi.vision, with certain provisions,
read. filed. R.eso,lution No . .593.1 N. C. S . ,
accepting--,c.omp,le:tion. of work required in
Sonoma- Vista . �S.ubd-ivi ;s ion No., 3, was intro-
d:uced.,.by ,Councilman ,Mattei, seconded by .
Counci and . adopted by 7 affir-
Casa.Grande Report-,, dated December 3, 1971, from Direc-
Subdivision #3 for. of.-.Pub.lic. Works. David Young,, .recommending
Res. #5932. accep.tance completed in the
subject subdivision with certain provisions,
-read '.-fil - No 593`2 N .C:S
acce:p:ting, completion of work. required -in
Casa Grande Subdivision, Unit No. 3, was
introduced.by Councilman Brunner,- seconded
- by Councilman Mattei, and adopted by 7.affir-
mat-iive ..votes:
Sewer Main ector faPu' blic�Works DavidlYoungcertifyin
S Y P p i r r f
g .
Near `D" Street,, to the , c'ompl,eti on of the subject project,-.'
Project- .SS:.1,9 -69 re>ad-'and:..f led.. Resolution •No. 5933,'N.C.S. ,
Res:. #5933 .N.C.S. ac,cep.ting compaetion of _work' for the subject
.p.roj:ect was_;in.troduced by -Councilman Ilattei,
sseconded.by Councilman Brunner, and adopted
by 7 . af,f.irmat-ive. Votes.
tof Right -of' -Way Director of . Public Works . David Young ex.- .
5 Easement.' plained� that the. Water Agency
Sonoma County has r.eque,s t ie-_ County be provided with .
Water Agency a means.of._wider to its storm drain
Res. #- 593:4. N.C.S. channel_ im. Monarch..Pacific Subdivision No.
8.:and....No_. A ,map:' .of the said easement
was - presented and: described. Resolution
No. 5934 N.C. authorizing the. -Mayor to!
gr;an.t. the Sonoma_ .Co.unty Water .Agency .an
easement- over t'he-Ci.ty storm drain . ease -''
ment Monarch!Pac,ific Subdivision., Units
Nos:, 8,. and. 9;;. was by Councilman
Perry, seconded by Councilman.Mattei, and
adopted by ,7 af.f irmative . votes .
P;.? ®� I.ntent to, Abandon Director o.f. Publ•ic . Works David . Young , e'x ,
Storm Drain paained that a'storm drain - easement in
Easement . Lot 30,j Monarch .No. 8, requires
Res. #5 N:C..S. -abando as. the:•..location of the storm .
dram is:_ Within- •the..new easement to be
granted, by Atlantic:- Pacific Builders.
Re solution of ,
No. 5935
December 6, 1971
44 q
Intent to Abandon
to abandon and.clo,s.e to public.use the
Storm Drain
.storm•drain easement across Lot No..30
in Monargh.Pacific Subdivision No. . and
Res . #5935 N.C.,S..
as shown on . the. Map on file in 'the Office
(continued.), �
of _ -the City - .,Clerk., was introduced by . Coun-
cilman..Mattei, .seconded by Councilman .
Perry, and adopted by-7 affirmative. votes.
It was noted that the hearing.date: for the
proposed vacation is:January 3, 1972.
P. G. &.E.
Resolution No. 5936, N..C.S.,. authorizing 41
Company, - Pole,
.execution..of.contract with'Pacific ..Gas
Line Relocation -
and, Electric:• Company .to` cover ,cost .of, re-
loc-ating.a 12,KV pole line in Caulfield
Res. #5936 N.C.S.
Lane., was introduced by.Councilman Brunner,
seconded by Councilman Clecak., and adopted.
by 7-affirmative votes.
P. G. E.
Resolution. No.;. 5.937 N.C.S., authorizing
Company Pole
execution of:.contract with Gas.
Line Relocation,-
-and Electric-Company-to cover payment of.
Lakeville. Highway '
the. flat_ sum -as specified for the reloca-
at. Lane
tion .of. their. pole , in Lakeville' High -
Res. #5937 N.C.S.
way at Caulfield Lane, was introduced by
Councilman Daly, seconded by- Councilman
Perry, Jr ., and-adopted by. 7 .affirmative
Ambulance Service
Fire. Chief. Roscoe- Benton explained that �l
the.propose.d)change _ of.the ambulance ser-
vice area boundary.reduce.s Petaluma's
Res.- 45938 N.C.S.
territory by D-- to•60 square,miles. _Res-
olution No. .5938-.N.:.C.S., establishing
procedure fo operation of•City,.ambulance;
fixing. the.. fee, schedule ,for - 'said - - service;
fixing: - ,they. services,. to be paid for City
personnel.re.called:.to participate in said
ambulance,s:ervicep-and repealing all res-
olut-ions_ •:in; ; conflict .herewith, was intro-
duced by� Counc.i-lman. dlecak,. seconded by
Councilman Brunner.;kand, adopted by 7
_ .af.firmative votes.!
Deputy City
Resolution No.-593,9- N.C.S.,. appointing
- Charles as Deputy, City •Treas
Res. #5939 N. C.. S.
ur.erw, was .int-rod.,uce,d-by Councilman Clecak,
, sec.onded-.:by_Councilman and adopted
by 7_ affirmative, votes.
Resolution N,o. 59 N.C.S. , authoriz
signing.andiendorsing checks and other
instruments for.the City of Petaluma Water
Res. #5940 N.C.S.
Accoun-ts. -and Inactive Commercial.
: - Bank- of America; • East Petaluma
Branch),,,...was introduced *by.- Councilman'
Cl.e,cak:,_ seconded. . by. Councilman, Daly, and
adop-ted affirmative votes.
Res. #5941 N.C.S.
Resolution: No. .59 N.C.S. , authorizing
signing.. and -end,or,s.ing checks. ,and other
instruments .for_ the, City of Petaluma Water
Department..(Active::and Inactive Commercial
66 r
December 6, 1971
Accounts.,- Bank of. America, Petaluma
Branch)'and.,.r.epealing Resolution,N.o.
5850 N... C. S. ; ,introduced by ,Coun:c ;11
mai7,Clec'ak' seconded by Councilman_ Daly;,:.
Res: #5:94;1 N .C.S.
and :adopted::'by_.7- votes.
Res. #5942 N.C.S.
:- Reso-lution.- No.:.594,2,._ N.C.S. ,. authorizing
sign ng. and endorsing checks_ and.other
instruments for the City of'Petaluma.Water
Department. (Active-and Inactive .Commercial
Account = Bank. of- .Marin), was introduced
by Go.uncilman::.Clecak, seconded by.-Coun cil-
man. -ly:, and. adopted. by.' 7 - affirmative _
Re.s. #5943 .N.C.S.
Resolution.: No.:: 59 4.3: N.:C :S:,. author
signing and endorsing checks and other
instruments .(Active, and Inactive. Accounts
-. Crocker .Nati'onal :,Bank) and repealing
'Resollution No...' 584 N.C.,S. , was" introduced
by Councilman Clecak', seconded by- Council-
man- Daly;, .and adopted by 7 affirmative
Re , #5944, N.C.
Resolution: No. 59:4.4 N.C.S. ; authorizing
signing and endorsing che and other
instruments (Cgmmercial.Accounts - - Inactive
and_ Active - Wells Fargo Bank') and repeal-
ing. Resolution-, No,.. -5;8`4 9, N . C . S ..- : was intro-
.. duced:.by'. Counclilman.- Clecak,- seconded 'by
Councilman Daly-,: and adopted-by - 3. affar_-
matve -*.votes . _
Res. #594 -5 N.C.S.
Resolution. No.,..5�94 N.C.S., author z_ -ng
signing-+ :and. endorsing checks _arid other
instruments_.( - Mu ncipal Improvement : Bond
and'.Coupon.Fund!s. and Assessment District
Fund's." -- WelLs .Fargo- Bank) and repealing
Resolution No'. A N. C .:S . and Re °solution ,
No:.. -5B-4 N-. C S'.y was, introduced? by .Coun -
ci,lman -.Clecak -, - seconded -by Councilman
Daly, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Four 1/2 Ton Report- from Purchasing .Officer John ,Nolan
Pick -Up Trucks listing- State prices for four 1/2 ton pick'-
Res. #594.6 N.C.S. up. - trucks .to :meet C` .ty specifications, sub-
mtted and f.l It -was noted that $'11,300
was-,budgeted for the four vehicles ,and the
State price amounted to $10,1.89.56:
Debated' was - - t^he..issue whether or not local
dealers. had an: opportunity to; submit
a bi - ,d -: John, Nolan explained that local
dealers .could bid: on the entire State . p.ad-
kage., which, included. the City's four vehi-
c1es. - D:iscussion also .held. whether to
informally inquire for prices from the -l
de alers and en' develop .a bid pr.o.cedur.e,
or d-rectlyr "st. formal bids from local
dealers . ' :Upon conclusion of •,the deliber'a-
tiori.,i.- Resolu'.t "on: =N'o,. 5946 N.C.S j . authorizing
the purchase of four 1/2 ton Dodge pick' -up
December 6, 1971
Four 1/2 Ton
'Pick -Up Trucks
Res. #5946".N.C.S.
SB 565
trucks through•the.State o.f•California at
State prices,, was introduced by Councilmant
Perry, Jr., seconded by Councilman Brunner,
and adopted.by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen Brunner, Clecak, Perry,
Jr., and Mayor Putnam.
Noes: Councilmen Cavanagh, Jr.., Daly, and
Absent:. None..
Mayor Putnam suggested that a policy.regard-
ing local purchases-be'-studied,-in the future.
Mayor Putnam reported.to the Council that
SB 5*65, relative-to motor vehicle in lieu
taxes,_is before the-Governor for his sig-
nature. A motion made by Councilman
-Perry, Jr., and seconded by Councilman Mattei
that a telegram be sent to Governor Reagan
supporting SB 565. .Motion carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Councilmen.Daly, Mattei, Perry,
Jr and Mayor Putnam.
Noes: Councilmen Brunner,.Cavanagh; Jr.,
and Clecak.
Absent: None.
There being further business to come
before the .Council,_ the meeting was ad-
journed at 10:35 o'clock p.m. to an execu-
tive session: .
*"Councilman Mattei voted 'no'. because he
Would like to have had the chance for
the local dealers to see-if they could
meet_ the State price, and that -he would
- not have accepted it'if the price were
$1,0.00 more