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December 1971
Council'Meeting Regular meeting of the Council of the
City o.f Petaluma was called to order.by
Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
Attendance Present: Councilmen Cavanagh, Jr., Clecak,
Daly *, Mattei, Perry, Jr.; and
Mayor Putnam.
Absent: Councilman Brunner.
*Councilman Daly arrived at 7:35 o'clock
Due to the absence of.the,Reverend Harold
Hall, Seventh Day Adventist Church, no
invocation was.given.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of December 6, 1971; were
approved with the following addition on
Page 9, Item - "Four One -Half Ton Pick -Up
Trucks" for clarification of Councilman.
Mattei's reason for his negative vote:
"Councilman Mattei voted 'no'.because
he would like -to have-had the chance for
the local dealers • to. see if -.they could
meet the State price, and that he ' would
not have accepted it if the •price were
$1,000. more.
Time'Ext'ension -
Letter, dated December - 8, 1971, from
1.971 Street
Ghilotti Brothers, Inc., requesting a
time extension.to June 1,. 1972, to com-
- Project
plete. subject project, read and filed.
Res.•' #5947 N.C.S.
Resolution.'No. 5947 N.C.S., granting an
extension of time to Ghilotti Brothers,,
Inc.:; as requested, was-introduced by -
Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman
Perry, Jr., and adopted by 6 affirmative
votes, 1 absentee.
Letter, dated December 2, 1971, from Mr.
Curbs & Gutters
F. K. Schram, President, Heritage
of Petaluma, Inc., referring to letter,
dated February.3, 1971, to the Council
stating the Organization's concern re-
garding the unnecessary removal of large
sections of cobblestone curbs and gutters,
and again '.requesting..encouragement.of re-
taining such curbs,and gutters, read and
�B$ F
Mayor ;Piitnam. explained that Director of
Public-Works David has referred.each
building permit .involving,- cobblestone'curbs
and•gutters.to the Council forrreview and
action regarding removal - or retention of
the curbs_. and gutters.
Mr. Schram'appea_red before the Council and
spoke of the:Organi�zation's interest in
December 20, 1971
Cobblestone Curbs
and Gutters
preserving the cobblestone curbs and gutters.
He requested the following:
1. That ' builders -be informed of..the.o,ption
to retain cobblestone curb and gutters.,
2. Support of the Council and Planning
Commission that the builders are aware
of.the option and that Heritage Homes,,
be notified of each case.
3. Full of Williams -& Moc.ine's
recommendation to retain .heritage of 'the
Following. a brief discussion, it was decided
to proceed as in the past, and that sometime
in January, the Mayor will further consider
the .po_nts noted by Mr. -Sch- ram..' . The City
Clerk was asked to remind the Mayor.of this
ABAG- Airpoft Letter, dated December.10, 1971, from Joseph
/ Study Committee Gargiulo, Mayor, City of Novato, regarding..
Association of Bay Area Governments' Airport
Study _Committee . public ,hearing:s .and request -.,
ing.consdderation of�a public hearing be
held in Marin County, read and filed -. The
letter was referred to to Councilman Perry, Jr.,
for consideration by the Sonoma County Air-
{' port Advisory Board.
�1 Bicycle Lanes Letter., dated December 1971, from.Mrs.
Virginia- Vaughn °,- .Space 161, Petaluma ,Estates:
901 North McDowell Boulevard, that - a.bicycle
_lane is.- needed on North McDowell Boulevard.,
read.and• filed.. Councilman C•lecak reported
that the matter of bicycle lanes is now being
studied by the Recreation, Music Parks
Commission. The City Clerk was -directed.to
notify' Mrs •.•Vaughn that the whole matter of
bicycle riding and lanes is under considera-
tion, and that she will be informed on the
Reap,portionmdnt. -- Novice of.Intent .from Lieutenant Governor.
California, Senate. Ed . Re necke announcing his intention, to
and Assembly convene .the.Reapportionment to
Districts reapportion the Senate and.Assembly Dis-
tric£`s of the-State of California, , sub
mitted and.filed.
F .
55 5 Appeal. George Letter, dated December 16, 1971; from
Barta Hide.Company Donald_ of Cerf, Robinson,and.
Leland, law firm:. representing George
Barta Hide Company;.requesti'ng that the
the �ap.peal ;filed'. 'wit'h- the Council regard-
ing Use Petmit.Resolution U3,1 -71 be -re=
moved from th`e agenda as the matter has..
been.resblved by the City Planning_ Commis
sion, read - and filed.
Claims. and Bills Resolution No. 594;8 N.C.S., approving
Res. #59.48.N.C.S.: Claims and Bills Nos. 4356 to 443,8 inclu-
sive-approved for payment by the City
0-- .;
December 20,•1971
4 55
Claims and Bills
Manager, was introduced'by Councilman
Res. #5:,948 N..C.S.
Clecak, seconded.:by Councilman Perry,
(continued) ' "
- Jr . =, . and adopted by 6 of f irmative , votes ,
1 absentee..
City Manager Robert Meyer reported that OL
the Sonoma- County Board of Supervisors,
acting as the- Sonoma, County Water Agency
Board, adopted a resolution today author-
izing the'Sonoma.County Water Agency to
proceed with the con. of the inter-
tie project -and a booster pumping station
at Cotati for completion by July 1, 1972.
This'construction will increase Petaluma's
supply of water to 6.3 gallons per day.
Mr. Meyer noted comments made at the meet-
ing regarding the bleak outlook for non -prime
contract cities of Cotati and Rohnert Park.
The - Board also approved a letter to be sent
to• -thee , City -of Cotati - 'informing them that
new s.ubd•:ivis.ions cannot tie into the line
until Phase- "D" is completed.
Building = Former
City Manager "Robert Meyer asked the - Council V
Standard Oil Company
to consider.,'disposition of a substandard L�g
Lot on.Hopper'St.
building and lot on Hopper Street Extended
recently-acquired by the City from the Standard
.Oilicompany =for the "1971 Street - Construction
Project" .. Various` a-Iternatives were consid-
ered: remove the) building and sell the .va-
cant- land,. sell- the building and land and
.require that.-the building be brought up to
code or, reserve.the land for.open - space.
Mr . ,, Lee -Cook- of Westgate Realty Company
appearedi_ before th&Council stating that
Mr. , - Lew , .Barber .is interested in purchasing
the building- .and.land. The building would
be brought• up -,toa. code• but would require
certain variances:... An artist's rendering
of the= .remodeled.%building was presented for..
Council r.eview =.
Following a,brief discussion, it was agreed
by -the.Council to :further consider.the matter
at the-January 3rd Council meeting. The City
Manager- was,directed.to prepare a plot plan
and. present - per.tinen.t information .thereon at
the meeti -ng•..
Annual Report -
City 'Manager Robert � Meyer submitted! the -26
197.0 -1971
Annual.; -Report for .1970- 1971. -^--
Little League_
Councilman, Clecak reported tha -t. the- Ameri-
can,.. :National., and Petaluma Valley Little
Leagues and:the_ Soccer Association have
withdrawn their request for expansion of
z Lucches•ir:P.ark, and that the primary reason T
for the withdrawal is the prospect of a
sports.:area ;a.t: the Petaluma River
Park .a'dj,acent to, the, -Boat Launching Ramp.
Petaluma 'Swim
Report,„dated"December 20, 1.971, from mem -
bers. of .the. .Mayor" s :iSpecial Committees on
Recreational Facilities recommending.that
December 20, 1971
Petaluma Swim Club
(continued") ' .
the fee . for , the use of the Swim; Center `by
the Petaluma Swim Club.for'the months of
January, Febxuary:and March, 1972; would
be f.or'the Club to pay,all utility costs
less $250 per.: month .-and that the -City aasumes',
all costs for. warming up the- Pool to an 'op-
eration condition,--was-read by Councilman
..Clecak .and . Also offered :was to .de-
duct- any,inc °ome: received by the City from
other. grou ps using ;_the .Pool during the
three , mon;ths. - '_:. period.. , Councilman C-lecak .
stated;,that. the -Swim Club usage of .the
POOL• isi. being. •considered by. -the Committee
in .,its , s.tudy..- of total . recreational activi
t 1.e s 0.
The, following, representatives of .the .,Peta.-
luma -:Swim .Club were present and spoke-on"
behalf of ;the Club in opposition to the
recommended fee:
Mr. Tom Nolen,.President
Mr. Larry Coach, and _.
Mr. Clyde Nelson, .-Jr.
.They el,amed that. the fee was prohibitive
and appealed..for�a compromise by proposing
seve.ral.alternatives for Council consid-
eration Mr. Dan Longake'r, . of
the iRe'creation, <Music _and.Parks Commission,
spoke, in, 'sup.port - of - the Swim Club.
Following a lengthy discussion, the Swim..
Cl.ub.re.presentatives asked to resume fur-
thee, disc,uss,ion until :after presenting and_
co:ns`idering :,the prop.osal with its 'member,-.
ship _at,. meeting:.on January 5 1972; for
a repor-t� to: the ;Counc;il on its decision.
The The City Clerk was asked to schedule the
matterron_ for the Council meet=
ing on January- 1.7',. 1912 In the .meantime,
the Mayor's Committee was directed to con -
tinue with its. ex,ten`s ve study on all Rec-
reation•al, ,activities (which includes,the• .
Swim'Club's -usage of the Pool), and to
report the Council if a different _pro -
posal,.�r,.elative..to the .Swim Club's problem
is worked out...
Monarch Pacific.
Subdivision, No..:8
Res. #5949 N.C.S..
,\_O Monarch - Pacific.
j Subdivision No: 8
Res. #5950.N.C.S.
Resolution No.. , 5,949- N.C.S. , requesting
the Sonom'a'County Water Agency to accept
dedication of and rriainten.ance. o.f the
storm drain easement as described in
the body:o,f the re;s was. intro
duced, by Cou. ncilman •Perry;: seconded by
Councilman Matter,.-and adopted by 6
affirmative :votes;_- 1• absentee.
Re-port,' dated.. December. ,16 .1971, from Dir-
ector. of" Public .Works David A. Young,' rec-
ommendng,acceptance of improvements in the
-,subdivision with certain provisions,
read -and.:.filed. `,Resolution No, 5950 NC:S. ,
accept`ing.completion -of work required in
December 20, 1971
Monarch - Pacific.
Subdivi s ,- . No
Res. #5,950 N.C.S.
Monarch Pacific- Subdivision, No. 8.,. was
8 introdu'ced.by Councilman Mattei, seconded
by .Councilman Perry,.Jr., and adopted,by
6 affirmative votes, absentee.
Monarch -= Pacif
Subdivision, No. 10
Res. #59,1 N.C.S.
Application,to PUC
Res. #5952 N.C.S.
Proposed County
Contract - Book
Ord. #10:32 N.C.S.
One -Ton Cab &
Chassis - Water
Res. # N.C.S.
Report., dated December,16, 1971, from Dir- � (Q
.ector of.-Public Works David A. Young,. rec 5�
ommending acceptance -of the,subject subdi-
vision with certain provisions, read and
filed. :Resolution No. 5951 N.C.S.., accept-
ing completion of.work required in
Paci fic- Subdivision, Unit No. 10, was in
~troduced by Councilman Mattei, seconded by
Councilman..Perry, Jr.-, and adopted by 6
affirmative-votes, 1 absentee.
Resolution No. 5952 authorizing
the-City Attorney to prepare a Request
for an Allo'cation.of Funds from the Public
Utilities Commission and authorizing the
Mayor-to execute the same on behalf of
the City- of:.Petaluma, was introduced by
Councilman Perry,-seconded by Councilman
- Mattei,.and adopted by 6 affirmative votes,
1 absentee.
Police Chief Larry Higgins explained the
proposed'County, .Central Warrant Index Sys-
tem which_.would cost. of .the .City of Peta-
luma $41, 01.7: for -the fiscal - year 1971-72.
A b reakdown- of-the: the total
program costs to be shared by the County
and the eight citi.est the County was. pre -
s- ented- and• discussed.. Chief Higgins ex-
plained:tha:t an evaluation of the program
benefits. and .annual - costs will be reviewed
on._a..year, -to -year basis. The Council by
consehsu :: s'upported :participation- in the
program and,requested Chief Higgins to
s;ubinit report.-at budget . time ..
Ordinance`No, 1032 N.C.S.,.authoriz.ing
the.,Mayor:_ to. execute:a contract .with Book
Publishing. Company .(-regarding'City Code),
was intro.duced,,by Councilman Clecak, sec-
onded by Councilman Perry, Jr., and ordered
posted.by .6.a.ffirmative votes, 1 absentee.
Purchasing Officer John Nolan explained
that: - -ions ..;for the subject vehi-
cles. will.,go- to local bidders; • and
that:. a.: price . from ,.the State is available
for Council comparison when considering
award of the •contract. Resolution,_No.
5953' ',N.C. S. ,, authoriz;ing the purchase of
a one -ton cab and chassis for the'Water
Department, was introduced by'Councilman
C1'ecak, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr., and adopted affirmative votes,
1 absentee.
Southern Municipal Resolution No 13,=o.f the Petaluma Area
Court.D.strict Chamber of Commerce, dated December 10,
Res. #59.5`4 - N.C.S. 197.1, opposing the merger of the Southern.
Judicial Court ,District with the Central
December 20, 1971
Southern Municipal: Judicial'.Court District, submitted-and
Court - ' filed.. 'Resolution.No. 5954 •N.C.S., oppos -
Res. #5954 N.C'.S., ing ;•the merger of the Municipal Court,
(continued) Southern Judicial District, with the Cen
tral Judicial District, was.introduced.by
Councilman Clecak, seconded by Councilman,.
-Pe- rry Jr. ,: and,, by 6 affirmative
votes;; 1.absentee
Lette:r.,.dated December 9, 1971, from
Res: 45955 N.C.S.
Supervisor -Phil p that if the.
Council decide's�.not. to take action on
the. Board•.of.. Supervisors' Resolution-
supporting- -.the watsori : would
the Counci•l:.•supp.ort:. a. resolution that the
WatsonwInitiative be allowed to'be:put.on
- the'.•baliot for .the , consideration
::read and Letter, dated December
20; :1971, from B,.. A,. . (Pat) Shannon, Gen -,
eral. Manager, -,Pe.taluma Chamber ,of Commerce,.
that. the Board:. of*. Directors voted ,at its
mee:ting:today -that the City Council study
. the Watson' Ameindment..and ask for community,
input. in; order to arrive at a consensus, of.
opinion from,the.affected, read and filed.
Following a,br.ef.:discussion on the _course
of: action ::to..fo - Resolution No. .5955 .
N. C. S ., , ,agreeing the, Watson Initiative
should be..placed•.on the ballot,.was intro -
duced,.by -'..Councilman. Daly, seconded by Coun-
cilman•Clecak, acid adopted by the following
Ayes: C'ounc lmen.Cavanagh, Jr., Clecak,-
:. _ .. Daly.,. and • Perry, Jr.
Noes; Councilman Mattei and Mayor Putnam.
Abs,ent�.: Councilman. Brunner.
Donation to
Mr.. Pete Fischer- of..KTOB. presented a check
to th,e City of Petaluma for $32:5 received
from. ErZ Pickens.' S.erVice Station, _(Jack
Ho.11and:..O lrCom•an 4552 Redwood.:Hi hwa
South; toL be�, used for • any charity. that the
Ca.ty d e s;i gna'te s_. .
Mayor.Putnam extended.a happy holiday
season to one and all.
There..being no further business-to come
before. the ,Counc`il ; ,the meeting adjpurn'ed
at -10:;4.0* o.'clock. p.m�.. an executive
sessrion. :::.
... Mayor
Atte t ~.
City C. e k