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January 31', 1972
Council Meeting Adjourned meeting of the Council of the City
of Petaluma was ;called to order by Mayor
Putnam at the-hour of o'clock p.m.
Attendance Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr.,
Clecak, Daly, Mattei, Perry, Jr.,
and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
Environmental �3� This being the time to hear objections and
Design Plan comments on the Environmental Design Plan,
the Mayor declared the hearing open.
Planning Commission Resolution No. recom-
mending the adoption of an Environmental
Design Plan for the City of Petaluma (including
map,and text,-but excluding Appendix, "A" which
shall be forwarded.as a separate document),
submitted and filed.
Letter, dated January 25, 1972, from William
C. McGivern, Director of Planning and Community
Development, submitting the Planning Commission's
approved Environmental Design Plan as revise.
January 14, 1972, submitted and. filed.
Letter; dated January 27, 1972, from William
C ;.McG vern,-Director.of Planning and Community
Development,.submitting -the Planning Commission's
approved Environmental nesi,gn Plan Map as-revised
January 14, 1972, with a list of recommended
changes, submitted-and filed.
Appendix "A" - Development-Control Methodology
submitted and filed.
Letter, dated January 24, 1972, from B. A.
Shannon, General Manager, Chamber, of Commerce.,
generally endorsing the -Plan; but recommending.
certain changes submitted and filed.
Letter, dated January 31,..197.2, from..Leroy J.
Lounibos, attorney representing Acme Bag and
Ashe Rag Company, owners of property located
on Weller Street,, requesting that present
zoning be retained for said property and pro -
testing against the-Environmental Design Plan
Map designation as an area for study purposes,
submitted and filed -...
Mr. Corwin R. Mocine-of Williams
City Planning Consultants, was present to dis-
cuss and explain questions rela to the
Environmental Design Plan and Map.
It was.agreed by;the to review.the
Environmental. hesign.Plan Map first and consider
the thirteen c'hanges•recommended by the Planning
Commission -.as presented in letter -of January 27,
1972. The Environmental Design Plan "Map, several
prototype drawings-and the present zoning map
were displayed and referred to in the presenta-
tion of the following changes:
January 31, 1972
Environmental. Design _Plan
Map Designation and Location
1. Multiple residential designation
on the south side of East Wash -
ington Street between Wilson
Street and Payran Street.
Planning Commiss'ion;- Act'ion
Change - E.D.P. designation to
show Neighborhood Commercial
COUNCIL ACTION By con.sensus., the Council concurred with the 'Plan-
ning Commission's recommended change.
Note: 'See item following #23 referring to request of-Mr. Stuart:
Curtis (does. - ;not relate . to Item #1) .
2. Commercial designation north of Change E.D.P. desig- nation to
Petaluma Pla'z'a -Shopping show a "Holding Zone" for
further study.
COUNCIL ACTION Mr. John King of King Real Estate.and:Mr. Bi11
Powell of Connolly Eriterprises appeared in support
of the change.. Mr. Mo.cine explained:the• "Holding Zone." By con -
sensus, ihe . Council_ concurred with-the Planning Commission's -
recommended change.
3. Planned
in the'
cent to
residential designation
area presently zoned M -L
by the Freeway, Lakeville
- Wilson Street, Jefferson
the_P irgrounds, and the
agricultural - zoning adj a-
the Fairgrounds.
Change E.D.P. designation for
all of the area presently
zoned M -.L to show as a specific
Planning Area.
COUNCII-ACTION Councilman Daly noted that the land owners will. be
included in a study of the area... Mr. John King
was informed that the Planning Commission will mbVe'ahead with
this particular study. Planning',C'omm ssioner John Balshaw spoke
on the..subj'ect matter. By . consensus, the Council concurred with
the Planning 'Commission's recommended change.
4. Planned residential designation
in the area - P resently zoned.
agricultural adjacent to'the
Change E . D. P. des ignat.on fo'r
all of the area adjacent to
the Fairgrounds pres:entl_y
zoned agricultural to show as
a Special Study Area.
COUNCIL-ACTION By consensus, the : Council concurred with the
Planning .Commiss on',s recommended change-.
S. Industrial de's in the. Change E ,D.T. de,signa °t on to
triangular area created by show as a Special.- Study'Area.
Hopper Street, East Washington
Street and the River.
COUNCIL ACT.TON By consensus,.the Council concurred with the
Plannin.R Commission's-recommended change.
6. Park and Planned Residential de Change E.D.P. des.i to
signat on on the.we,sterly side of, show as a Special Area.
tie "'I"' Street extens ion •in, the.
COUNCIL ACTION Comments were from John King and Gloria
Hadley. By consensus, the Council: concurred
with the Planning Commission's recommended change.
Councilman Mattei.suggeste'd that before final decision is reached,
a study be made of the parks situation. in various areas.
January 31, 19.72:
Envi Design Plan
Ma p- Designation and Location
7. Agricultural designation on the
Merrill Property on Stony Point
Plann:ing.Commission Action
Change E.D.P.
show limited
-designation to
Industrial- land.
COUNCIL ACTION Mr. John.King objected to agricultural designation,
stating that Planned Community or Mobile Home Park
designation would be preferred; however, he felt that industrial
would be than agricultural for the area. By consensus, the
Council concurred with the Planning Commission's recommended change.
8. Agricultural- designation on the Change - E.D.P.- designation to
Bill Lawrence in the : show:.limited Industrial land
Denman Flat area. adjacent to use."
Sonoma Joe's.
COUNCIL ACTION Referring to Mr. Mocine's statement that there is
an excess amount of industrially zoned land within
the city limits; Mr. Jack _Garrison of,Bundesen Realty.:spoke in favor
of residential designation (portion presently'zoned R- .1- 6000) for
t`h.e, p_ r.op.erty rather than agricultural or industrial. Mr. John King
also spoke.supportifig a higher classification than agricultural.
By consensus, the Council concurred with the Planning Commission's
recommended change.
9. • Commerciai . d'esignation on south Change E.D.P.- to
and west sides of Walnut Park. show residential - land - use.
COUNCIL ACTION Mr. John King spoke on the factors involved with
non - conforming uses in the area. By consensus-,
the Council concurred with the Planning Commission's recommended
10. Agricultural,designation on Change E.D.P. designation to
approximately 20 acres. owned.by show limited Industrial land
A. Sanderson on the east side of use.
McDowe .Bou,leva.rd and Petaluma
Boulevard. North,
COUNCIL ACTION Mr. Shannon of the Chamber of Commerce commented
that the subject property is being considered -by
.a ca'ient�.for an industrial.,use... By consensus, the. Council concurred
w'th_the Planning Commission's recommended change.
11. Re.siden.t al de;s- ignation. on west-. Change .E.n-:P. ,designation.,.to
side. of- Petaluma Boulevard South _ . ;;show ,Highway Commercial land
from !"I" Street north to- Walnut use .as presently zoned'
Park. .. .
COUNCIL ACTION By consensus., the jCouncil, concurred. with the
Planning . Comm- ission'.s, recommended change.
Note; See Item #14 for matter presented by Attorney Leroy Lounibos
referring. -to east.side of Petaluma Roulevard. South,.,
RECESS The Mayor declared a- recess at 10:00 clock p.m., The meeting
was called back to_or.der at 100S o' clock p.m.
12. Urban, low- resi.dential.desi,gna-
tions on - pres ; ently undeveloped
,land located in the following
1._ Wes -t of Ely Road just north
of Casa Grande Road..
Change E.D.P. designation to
sh6w, Planned Residential - °lurid
1 ( 47 8
January 31, 1972
Environmental De!sity
_n Plan
Map esignati and Location
P C Own S sib h' Ac t ibn
(Item #12 continued)
2. East of South McDowell
Boulevard just north of
Casa' Grande Road.
3. On the-west.side of Ely Road.
4. North of-East Washington
5 . ;On .thleit Vd'st -s'id&' of. the Ji. S.
101 Freeway just..north of,
COUNCIL ACTION: By con's°ehsus, the Council concurred' with
Planning 'Commission's recommended*change..
Note'* See Item. #lS for to H. Wojciechowski
perty, and' .Item #16.' for matter relating .to Young - .Amer i Ca
Homes property represented by Mn Bob O'Neil.
13. Area from North McDowell Roulevar'd
to Petaluma Boulevard North where
the Northwestern Pacific Railroad,
crosses . un'der, the - - Freeway.
COUNCIL ACTION: -By consensus, the
P Commissi
Show a.connection from: North
McDowell Boulevard to
Boulevard North. -
�Council.concurred with the
on's change.
•DD,IT.IONAL REGOMMENDET) After completing. review of the Planning Com-
ENVIRONMENTAL DESEGN m i s s ibn) .s recommended mended E.D.Pi.-.Map changes,
PLAN MAP.- CHANGES the Gounedl then considered, E.'D. . P.,
map changes ..'with the ,following..action.:
14., AREA:. Bounded by Str,& the.hoxth Peta Boulevard on
the west, 'W' Street} on t he 4 4 tj i Petal
TbutE,, ,u a Ri
, on the east.
Mr Leroy Lounibos at;tprn'ey . appearing on behalf of appr.ox1ima:tely
0, pro . owt1pr s_ qn�, property . u ser s - of sit in, the .sub -
pp U la
j ect *. area, 'sT)6ke,,a.gainst • the - high, d e n s°i' tY - r . esIdential - designat-lon
f'or a large - portion of the area and . recited reasons fbr,the.,Ptotest-.
He concluded by re.quest,ing that Pr6`sent zoning of the. area be re•
tained, Highway from. "D'''• S.tte,et to I , '..S-tT-Oe r. t for one
block depth,.to SeCrond. Street and Service' Commercial 'from Second
Street to First Street.
Letter, dated January .1972 from Mr Lounib O's f i l in g t he: ab,o ve
objection in wr submitted and filed.
Others who spoke were r Shannon, Mr. Del Ross owner_ ,of -property
on Petaluma Boulevard South,, My. Norman., Johnson, 1715 Lind.b.e.rg
Lane,. and Mr. Barney. T4argo.lis,, owner of Property on the west sdde
of Petaluma Boulevard South. Mr. Moqine_.erp'lain�ed the-tOnsultAnt's
reasoning f�qr des.ignation, and after hearing, the testi-
mony,, agro that the area included in Item kil and the. area, repre-
sented-by Mr. . Lounib,os should' be c p 'atible. - H.e..sugges that the
area be upgraded for a good market and for enhancement of the-City.
January 31', 1972
� 7
By consensus,; the Council recomme that•th,e area represented by
Mr. Lounibos be retained as presently. zoned an`ci referred the recom
mendation to the Planning Commission.
15. AREA: 'Approxima'te extension of Street fronting on M adison
Avenue in the unincorporated area
Mr:' Haro`ld Wo;jciechowski, owner of the subject parcel of land,
appeared before the Council and requested that the Planned Resi-
dential District on the E.D.P.:Map be - extended to include.his
property. Upon hearing the testimony, the Council recommended
the.E.D.P. Map be changed to show such,extension and the matter
was referred to the Planning Commission.
16. AREA: • Triangular shaped. property. bounded, by - the Washington Square
Shopping Center to the west,"Wash - .ington Creek to the • north,
and,t e extension of McGregor Avenue.
Mr. ,B'ob O'Neel, representing Young...America.Homes, addressed the
Cbun�cil. and requested that the property Located directly behind
the .Washington;Square Shopping Center be changed on the E.D.P. Map
from, planned development -to show high residential use. He
cla.im a high density use would be compatibie.with the adja-
c ent 'comm�exc al use... Mrs. Donna Cook, 1.713 Kearny Court and Plan-
ning Commissioner John Balshaw commented on the sub'j'ect matter
expressing, con about. the proposal for high density development
in th' -is - area.
Upon hearing the testimony, the Council recommended that the E.D.P.
Map changed to incorporate some of the subject area as. high
density - r'esiden'tial use with the balance of the area to be.'retained
as planned development adjacent to the Washington Square Shopping
Center. The matter was referred to the.Planning Commission.
17. AREA South side of Western Avenue, north of ,En:' fish Street'..between
Up am and Ba er, Streets Pe taluma Cooperative Creamed
City Manager Robert Meyer pointed out that the E Maki shows the
s ..ubj,ect Petaluma Cooperative Creamery property as residential and
recommended that it-be changed to-an industrial designation. ''The
Council so approved - and referred the change the Planning
18. AREA: North McDowell Boulevard bounded, -,b .the Railroad and Industrial
Park (Capri _Mob i1 e Home Par
Planning Director McGiverh suggested the subject area shown on
fhe E.D.P. Map as Industrial be `chan to _Medium- 'Residential use.
The Gouneil. s o approved and referred the change to-the
Commis s i on .
19. ' A-REA: ' Northeast section of ^the City
Planndhg Director McGivern suggested that in the- Development
area in the northeast section 'of the City,that-,an elementary school
s:t,e be designated on the E.D.P.-Map: The Council so approved
and recommended the change be refe �to the Planning 'Comm.is
20. AREA,- Southeast corner of East "D` and H6pper`Str6et
Mr.' John' Lounibos, attorney repres,enting.Mr. Larry Martini, owner
of the subject property, objected to* the l.ow density residential
&..e on the E D.P. Map and asked„ that, the property remain
as- presently.zoned, light industrial.•. It was hi's opinion that
res,d.ence's would not be a proper. use -in the. area. The Council
recommend that the E.D.P.. Map be• changed accordingly and. referred
the matter to the Planning Commission.
January 31, 1972
21. AREA: East .side of Hopper Street about- 500_ , feet - sou,th. 'of East
"D" Street.
Mr. John King, represent.inct . Mr.... E..., p.rnel.las ; owner. o,f , the sub-
ject property, addressed' the Council and protested any change
of zoning.- of. -the _property,; and_ asked,.- that. it remain•= Industria -l. .
He .also .s,uggested that,- : the .subject :pr.operty. be ,included in.
Item #3 Planning Study Area The Council recommended the-change
on thee. E.D,. Map: and.-,ref:erred.,the matter -to., the- P .
22. AREA: East side of Petalu Bo Sou and, generally to
- .- - the_ south. of "H." : Street, ;
Mr. David Traversi, attorney repr.es "enting..the van- Bebber pro=
perties, Zero Manufacturing Company,, and the Miller and
Battaglia propert:ies,, comprising app 5 a.cr,es ,located
on the east.. side of Petaluma Boulevard South.. and .genera_lly. ,to
the ' soutri. of . "H Street ;- addressed : . the . Council r e
equsting. that
sai:d•pro,pert es..r.e'main in.an industrial.,area..,_ - He referred: to.
an applie'ation- in ' 19 fo rezoning , of said., properties to .M =L
and the j ustf,icatio` n for -the change ,,,,adding- that the Planning,
Commission. at. that time approved..therrezonina..: The specIf'ic;
reason f,Or the rezoning.,. was. to.. permit Van ;Bebber .Brothers an
expansion of its "facility. High dens ity'�de;signation.
tion of the subject area,, Mr."Traversi would.limit
any further expansion o,f.the_facilities'involved,. He „ presented
a parcel' map• for.. Council .information For further testimony
Mr. Trave =rsi referred to the.Chamber..of Commerce `s; letter %where -
in . retention of the .. current zoning, of the . subj,e,et area . was_
strongly.recommended. After cons idering..the to timony the
Council agreed that the E.::;D.�P Map indicate a change to .Inaustrial
land.use and recommended this change to the`,Plarinng.Commiss;.on
to be considered in relation,wth. #14..
Re Pro.cedure.., of 'Recommendations
' In a nswer. to Mr. Traversi -, whether or .not he, should_• appear, at.,
the Planning Commission to
. . present his case. when ,the Council's
recommendation is considered it was c'lar.ified* that the Council's
recommendations will be discussed by th_e Pl.ahn” , g Commission,
and, again referred to ,the - Council for a decision, at which time
Mr. Traver -si could then' - reappear , to support h •s request..
23. AREA: Extension of Caul.fie
South McDowell Boule
,.,easterly c
Mr Norman Rollins appeared before the Council'.regar.ding.the sub-
ject- property which is shown on the E.,D.P Map as a - p the
northeast quadrant of'Caulfield Lane and.South McDowell- Boulevard
as Neighborhood Commercial.. He asked that th'e„ E. D.P. Map ; be
chang,ed. show .a small s_hopping center. to - accommod a. church
site a public use .bul'd'irig and medical offices. Councilman..
as a poir ted out - that •the,. E P . _Map identifies most of 'the . area
ark, but. added there is, a question' whether or not .the. City
could maintain another park in such close.prokimity to othet
existing parks in 'the area. After a.brief discussion.; the:Councl
decided to refer - the" subject area to.'a general study, o:f
In response to Mr . .Rollins , the Mayor', further. indicated' ,that said
park. study will be done in" '.c onriection with .the E D.P, Map.
AREA:. North side
- and Ellis
East'Washington Street bet
Mr. .Stuart Curti °s, 21 Alma that Neighborhood.
Commercial Zoninq be extended for the entire block on.the north
January 31, 1972
side of East Washington Str•eet,between Payran Street and Ellis
Street (1 /3.of block presently zoned Neighborhood,Commercial).
The E.D:P. Map designates the area I a very light.,Commercial Zone
(administrative and /or,professi'onal offices). The con-
curred with the E.D.P: designation.
24. AREA.: 17 acres located..on North•McDowell Boulevard near Corona.
Mr.. Bob Lagel, representing .D. D. Young of,Novato, appeared be-
fore the'Council to request-- that.approximately 17 acres of land
located north of the existing. Petaluma Estates Mobile Home Park
on.,North McDowell Boulevard near,Cor,ona.Road be changed on
E.D.P.'Map to'show medium density residential use instead of
Mr. Shannon spoke to the Council regarding subject property,
and as further explained in his letter of January'24, 1972, noted
it was.the Chamber:of Commerce's firm that.the property
.cannot be developed as industrial property and that the,property
should be changed to.a different use.' He also noted the indus-
trial areas within the City receivinq'the most interest and
activity from new business representatives.
Note: See #25 for Council action regarding Item #24.
25. AREA: North McDowel -1 Boulevard south of Petaluma Estates Mobile
Home' Park
Mr.. Allen Garner,.of Caster.Mobile Home Corporation addressed the'
Council requesting that approx-imately.35 acres south of the
existing Petaluma Estates Mobile Home Park be shown.on the_E.D.P.
Map as medium density residential use instead of Industrial. He
pointed out that the - parcel is planned for an extension of the
mobile.home park -and would be landlocked by the railroad and the
freeway for an industrial use. Planning Commissioner Art Cer.ini
commented on the subject matter.
After some discussion; a poll of the Council favored the changes
as proposed in Items #24 and #25 by the following vote:
In favor: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Jr., Daly,
- and Perry, Jr.
Against: Councilmen Clecak, Mattei, and Mayor Putnam.
Items #24 and #2.5 were recommended.for referral to the Planning
Commission.for E.D.P. change.
26 AREA: A.. - P.. f7- 471 -3 and 4 located on the easterly side. of. the
Freeway and on the northerly side of*Lindberg
Mr.. Norman Johnson.,.owner of the subject property, appeared to
oppose designation of his property for park - purposes. Letter,
d'ate;d January - 31,.1;972; from Leroy Lounibos, attorney
sdh" ing.Mr. Johnson, giving reasons for the objection, read -and
f. l;ed .
The item was_re,ferred.to the Planning Commission for considera-
tion and for inclusion in the study of the park situation with
the intention that the matter of parks - -their location and num-
ber--will studied,by the Council before approval of the E.D.P.
I't'em #Z6 .concluded review of the E.D.P. Map by the "Council and
the hearing was continued toMonday, February 14*, 1972,•at 7:30
o'clock.p..m. As suggested by the Qity.Mapager, it was decided
to review the E.D.P. Text at the February,14th meeting and sub-
mit the Council's recommended map and text changes as a complete
package to the Planning Commission for-consideration and recom-
mendation back to the Council for action.
January 31, 1972
Claims,and Bills Resol.u.tion, #5972' N. approving Claims
Res: 45972 N.C.S. and Bi1,ls Nos. 4708 to 4800 inclusive
and Nos_ 985 to 1026.inclus:ive, ap:proveed
for. payment by the City
introduced by Councilman Daly, Seconded
by Councilman Matt,ei, and adopted'by
7 affirmative votes.
Southern Municipal City Manager Robert. Meyer reminded -the
Court Merger '~ Council of the meeting in , ,the - Sonorria .
County Board'of Supervisors chambers on
Monday•, February 7, 1972, regarding the
matter of. merger of the Southern. Muiica:pal
Court District. Elected officials were.
urged,to attend.
Information The. Council members were.reminded of the
Congress Informational Congress to be held
February 5, 972 , ' at the F1- amingo' i'n
Santa Rosa.`
aj Population Estimate. Reso.lutiori• #5973 N.C.S.•authorizing'the
�. Res. #5973 N.C.s`. Mayor and City Clerk to enter,into a con-
tract „with the Department of Finance of
the State California for the purpose
of preparing a population estim'ate ,of,the
City of Petaluma, was introduced by
Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman-
Daly, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Adjournment:. There being no further ,business- to ,come
before the- Council, the..&meeting was ad-
journed.at 12:40 o'clock a.m. on
February 8,, 19;72, and the. public ,hearing
was continued to Monday,.February.'14 1972.•
Atte t:
City Cl rk