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September 15, 1969
Council Nteeting
Regular meeting of'the'Council of the City
of Petaluma was called to order.by Mayor
Putnam :at the hour , ,of 7:30 o'clock p.m.
_ Attendance
Present: Councilmen Battaglia, Brainerd,
Brunner,: Cavanagh, Jr,.; Joerger,
Mattei, and Mayor Putnam.
Absents: None`. '
The invocation *was_ g -iven by the Reverend
Thorval Elim Lutheran Church.
Approval df Minutes
The minutes of:-September 2, 1969 and Septem-
1:er 8,,1969 were approved as recorded.
General Plan
This "bein_g the time.�set for hearing of pro -
tests.on Modifications to the General Plan, 61
Res. #532'3 N.C.S.
the City Clerk announced that one written
protest-was received. Said protest dated
September 15, 1969 from John W. ,Cavanagh,
Sr,. P. 0'.• Box 296, Petaluma, objecting. to
Modification #4 because a portion of his
property on -.East Washington.Stree't is'being
considered in two:i'nstances for use in its
present z.oning read and filed. In discuss-
ing the.prote.st; City Attorney Robert pointed
out that there is • a dis.t•incti,on to be made
between the, '.General•'P1an. and zoning and that
the recommendations -for 'Modifications are
only'to up -date the General Plan and not
to any specific zoning.
Planning Director William McGivern reviewed
the six �Modif ,cati.ons recommended. by the Plan -
ning Cmission and presented a map of the
General Plan.to._illustrate.the reflection of
the changees..(" Director. of Public Works David'
Young also explained the anticipated traffic'
movement and'engi•neering reasons involved in
Modl• icati,ons. fl.. , 4.2. Considerable dis-
.cus?sb'n followed_.on the six recommendations
and it was agreed to make two.additions:
Modification #2 - -after the word "overcrossing"
on. the third line- = "including an interchange
at the "f ree.way "
Modification #7 - Payran Street to be
' a four -lane major.arterial street -from Caul -
field Lane. to where Gossage
Lane -intersect �Magnoli'a. Avenue. "
With the :consent o.f.the,introducing and
seconding Coun the word "
appearing twice in- Modification #'S was
changed to' "westerly ".
As there were no oral p
menus, the,-public heard
Resolution. #5323 N.C.S..
fi,cations,.to the Genera
by Councilman Brunne'r,.
Joer-ger, and adopted by
rotests or further com-
ng was-closed., whereupon_, .
adopting certain Mod-i-
1',Plan, was introduced
seconded by Councilman
. the following vote:
September 15, 1969
General Plan
AYES:. Councilmen - :Battaglia, Brainerd',
Brunner, Joerger, and Mayor Putnam. -
Res. #53.2.3-N.C,.S.
NOES: Councilman Mattei.
ABSTAINING.: Councilman Cavanagh, Jr..
Councilman Mattei objected to Modifications
#1.- and.. #2 and stated` that he favored more
east/west-traffic and preferred that the
orig inal to extend Mountain-View remain
in the'- General Plan. Councilman Cavanagh,
Jr,. ,; stated that he abstained, because he .was
.indirectly involved in Modification•. #4.
Water Main.
Notice to Bidders on the subject project• was
Project WD9 -69
duly published. Summary of bids received at
the bid opening on September 10,19;69, sub -
mitted and filed. Director of Public Works
Res.- #53:24 N.C.S.
David Young, repor-ted°that the following bids
were .received.
Name of 'B'id
Arg.onaut $'225,,A 78._10
J. L,. Hatcher & Son . . . . . . 287,091.00
Kirkwood -Bly, Inc . . . ... . . .. 251,881.00
McGuire & Hester . . . . . . 2:46,453.06
Joseph R. Ramos :* 229,Ob4.50
*Addendum #1`not included in'
Rapp Construction Company 217, 63,1_ 00
Soiland Company, *Inc. . . 199,'999:00
M,. B... Stevenson & Son . . . . . . . 228; 8:09.45
Vukasin & Rigisl.ch 2,27;479.:25
Mr. .Young recommended accepting the•low bid
submitted by Soi_land.Company,,•Inc,.; °whereupon,
Resolution #5324 N.C.S. , awarding contract in
accordance with the•plans and:specifi.cati,ons
entitled, "Project WD9,-.69, 1.6" water ,main ex-
tension on .E`'ast Washington Street between Ely
and .Adobei Road:, and P.r.oject WD14 -6.9, 12" water
main > extens`ion on Wilson Street,, Lakeville
Highway, ' and Casa Grande between 'Ea`s,t ' Washing-
ton Street and South McDoweal; "', was,-. introduced
by Councilman Cavanagh, Jr. seconded by Coun-
cilmari Brainerd and adopted .by, 7 affirmative
Note: Councilman.Joerg.er left-the meeting
for a few minutes.
Claim Jacklyn Claim for property damages filed by Behrens,
Champion Nelson & 'Mackey -on behalf- of Jacklyn Champion,
Res. #5.32 5 >- N.C.•S.'- read and filed.. Resolution #,53:2:5 N.C:. =S. , .
deny ing of Jack.lyn Champion, was-Intro-
duced by'Councllman Brunner, seconded by Coun-
cilman Cavanagh, Jr., and adopted by- the`follow-
ing vote
AYES,: fCounci'lmen Battaglia, Brainerd; Brunner;
Cavanagh, Jr., Mattei; and Mayor Putnam.
NOES: None
.ABSENT: Councilman Joerger.
September 15', 1969
Petaluma Gardens
Letter, dated August 1968 from F. Q.
Homes Association.-
Gifford, President, -Petaluma Garden's Homes
Request :for More
Association, urging that safety needs in
Stop Signs and
area,- such as more-'stop signs painted
Painted Crosswalks
crosswalks, be reevaluated, read and filed.
Director'of Public-Works David Young explained
that- certain stop signs ,located in the interior
of the subdivision.and installed by the develop-
er.were removed last year upon- authorization of
the 'Traffic• Commi't'tee because such stop signs
were unwarranted. However, he indicated that
crosswalks could.be� provided for the safety of
the school children on Gilrix Street and Willow
Drive where these streets - intersect with Ely
Boulevard.? Mr.. Gifford was present discuss
the request and informed the Council that it
was his: :unders'tanding the school children are
required cross Ely Boulevard for the school
buses.. - Following a brief discussion, . Mr. Young
was directed to contact the.Pe.taluma City School
District and•the Old Adobe:Union School District
regar"ding bus pick -up- points of
the children on Ely Boulevard and area for a
possible bus route.change.1 Mr. was also
directed to provide the'neceasary crosswalks
on Gilrix Street-And Willow'Drive where these,
streets intersect with Ely Boulevard and to work
with Mr. Gifford•on.the matter.
A. B. C.-
Copy-of application' filed with Alcoholic
Beverage Control_ by..Lo Z . , and Peter . Olaeta
for_.On7sale beery license at Offutt's, 931
Petaluma Boulevard South; approved by the
Chief of Building Inspector, and
Health 0fficer-,.submitted and filed. -
Chamber of Commerce
Lette'r,._dated September 3, 1969, from Ned
Davis for - the -Merchants .Committee,
Chamber. of Comme congratulating. the Peta
'l.uma• .City Councia on. Its action to improve
street lighting -in;Petaluma, read and filed.
Chamber. of-Commerce
Copy. I-etter,..dated-September 8, 1969,.to
Supervisor- George:DeLong from Rollan Rea,
President, -Board of Directors of.the Chamber
of.Commerce, stating..that a unanimous vote of
the eleven•Directors supporting.the current 1�
stand..o the , 'Peta - luma,� L• ibrary Trustees, which
is to oppose any -li'bra'ry merger action not ,pro -
viding for-Petaluma: representation on the Sono-
ma: County "' , Santa Rosa. •Library - Board, and urging
that a satisfactory conclusion be'reached for
the-issue,, read.!and- filed.
Quimby.- Walsh Act
Letter, dated September 8, 1969, from - .Lawrence
E`. Walsh,, :State Senator; that the 'Quimby -- Walsh
Act rec "ently signed by ,the Governor restores
control.,o'f _topless and., bottomless entertainers
to:, local: enc,lo.sin.g a set of
guidelines) drafted by .the, Legislative Counsel
which may be. used in sett.ng standards of dres
read _'and_,filed :., :. in ia-.bri.ef. discuss -ion that -foil-
lowed.., .'a qu -s,tion w,a's• -raised whether or not to.
enact_ controlling legi now or to wait
until a. prob�lem. , However; in recognizing
the.. fact . that a • matte•r -- has been returned to
local.control:,-the Mayor directed the City Attor-
ney to review the issue for a report to the
Council thereon.
September 15, 1969
Tax Reform Bil -1 '
Let ter ; , :dated. Se- ptember - 2, 196:9 , ;from. Congress -
of 1969
man James C. Cormen, and letter, dated August
21, 1969; from Senator George Murphy .in, reply
t0 t City''s, .communication on the � T:ax Refor
Bi ll, read' and filed
Letter;_ dated September 9,,:196:9, from M..,Loree
Smith, Adminis.tr-ator., Hillcrest Hosptial, re-
questing representative of the Council - to meet
with a group to� consider acquiring certain
equipment for - emergency use and to discuss
problems • in .regard , to the Hospital's emergency*
.service, -read filed... City Manager' Robert
Meyer was - asked to represent_.the Council'and
to the necessary arrangements with the'
Hospital Administrator.:
Claims and Bills
Resolution, • #`5326 N,.C. , approving Claims and
Res #532'6 N:C.S.-
Bills; `Nos 4147 to 4247 inclusive., and. Nos .'.`
2628 to 2 inc,l .app;roved for payment
by' -the City Manager; was introduced by Coun-
cilman Cavanagh.,' Jr., - seconded by" Councilman
Brunner,- adopted' by 7 affirmative votes.'
Sixth Arm Band
City Manager Robert Meyer requested that a
Council inembe.r.be'present at Walnut Park on
September, 19:.69, -to: , welcome the Sixth
Army. Band from the.�Presidio. Because o f
cohflictin,g.-d'a:tes.:with the opening of the.
Annual. League,,Conf'erence, the matter was'.
referred to the Parks and Recreation Commis -:
s-ion .
Le °ague of Calif..
City Manager, R obert -- .Meyer referred to two. .
Cit'iesF'- Bulletins
Legislative Bulletins ..received from the
League of California on the - follow=
i n s�ubj ects : ,
Major and" •Fundam6rital Changes in App_ lying for
Federal' Grants,. 'Federal Taxation of Individual
I -ncome Rgceiwed from State and Municipal Bond's,
an d .'Pr.esi,de.nt'..N;ixon'•s: , Request "t0 'Temporarily
Reduce Public Cbnstruction..'Condracts by 75 Per -
He requested that these bulletins -be
revi 'for co - atio n at .a future Study
Session. However, it was noted that the City
of'Pe'taluma alre:�ady acted on the second
matter - by 'writing='to- Congressman Cormen, Sena-
tor Murphy and Senator '• Cranston ,opposing to'
the reduction or.e imin'ation of the present.
tax exempt status ion State and Local. Bonds.
State and Regiona-1 City`Manage'r- Robert .Meyer stated that a copy.
Open Space and. Land of 'a let.te,r received highlighting a.35-page
Use report on.hearings State and Reg-
ional Open Space and Land Use Contr.ol.wil:l
be given to Council members for their review.
Special Census y''. City. Manager Robert Meyer announced,that the"
sta has' •the''Census -for the ''City
of Petaluma as-of September 10, 196':9;., but'
of fect'ive for'.'Gas Tax purpose - as - of August!
15; '1;96:9; as' being .23,.7'53, or an* inorease:.of
1,623 since September" 1, 19:.6.8.
September 15, 1969
Study Session - - At the request of City Manager Robert Meyer
Sept..22, the' topics will be discussed at
the. Study Session °ori "September 22, 1969:
(1)" Sewer :'Cori-nect -'on "Policy
(2 - ) Projects' "Ahead
Library Merger Councilman Battaglia reported that at the
last-Library-Board meeting, the members of d
the Board unari'imous ly - :voted. in favor of
joining the. Sonoma County Santa Rosa - Li
brary•.System•providirig Petaluma has repre-
serita-tioii ' on. th6 - County . Board . He noted that
the.p•resent proposal does not provide for
representation from the City of Petaluma.
Mayor'Pu, added,that- Santa. Rosa Mayor Jack
Ryersen is working the pr.oblem for a
workable: - solution to the issue:
California Marine Counci➢linan "Cavanagh,. , reported on the
Pa rks & Harbors subject meeting'held last Friday, noting
Association - .
that "rio mattes w:er`e discussed which dir-
Meeting ectly =City of Petaluma..
Petaluma-Fall Cbundilman.'Cavanagh ; Jr., reported on the
Beautification subject meeting held- which basically
Project - :Meeting is Fa 'coritii -r ation• of 'the `program involving
the youth `of, the:` commun'ity,, and a discussion
-was °Yield to • . iritere,st"tle public on the matter.
He "added'that another. meeting will be held
Friday with a numberof meetings to be scheduled
American Little
Couricilman,'Mattei :reported that.a recommenda-•
tion'will be forwarded -to the Council on Octo -.
ber 6; 1'969;.re Little League's
request. , for � a . : Le Agreement for use ':of . the
ball diamond ;'- at Park: Mrs. Judy
B arrett, 1420 Petaluma, appeared%
.before,' * the Council .and spoke about the limi-
ta:tions- imposed _ on• the:.public regarding the
usage of the'ball field. She was invited to
attend•thespeclal Recreation Commi'ssion meet- -
ing ; , date. ' and- time to be announced Later,, when
UY6 - matter will be discussed _ for a • workable
solution for all'concerned and for a.recommenda-
tion - to tthe
Councilman Matter • - als_o • reported that he and
Subdivision_ #5
other Park Committee members discussed.with�
M. Rdn Simpkins, Engineer for. the developer to
of Casa.- Grande''.Subdivision,. Unit. #5, the. pos-
s ble selection.of a proposed,park site to
be ,lo'ca"'ted . in conj unct'i - on with the adjacent
L•a - Terce�a E'lementa`ry school.
Service Station
Planning Commission Resolution #27 - -6.9, rec -,
ommen to •the City Council. certain amend-
Ord. #954 N ..C'. S .
menus-- to Z'ori Ordina " . # 6 2 N . C . S' . , regu-
lating "•ser -vice, stations, submitted and filed.
Ordifian'ee . #•954; N:C...S. amending Zoning Ordinance
#66`2 'N. C..S. "as ree- ' ended, was introduced by
Councilman Brunner seconded by- Councilman
Mattei; and ordered pib.lished.by 6 affirmative
votes:; l .abst'entiori . Councilman Joerger stated
he abstained because of* owning property that
could possb y be affected by'the subject
September 15, 1969
Casa Grande ; h
Planning Commis >on Resolution. #2;8 -6;9 , approv-
W /M'anor, Unit -#4
ing - tentative map of Casa Grande Manor,, Unit
# -4 (located -on the west side of .Ely Boulevard
and-east of La Tercera • school) , submitted. and
filed, .
Petition. •Coun_cil
City Attorney - Robert report dated September
(� Ward System
5,• 1969,regarding the sufficiency of Mr.
Petro'.s •petition for- Charter Amendment. to;
e-lect•.Councilmen from-districts, submitted
and ,f-iled,;•� Mr -:- Robert—stated that in his..
opinion -, • the- petition • as filed is •ins.uffcien't'
for.- three - reasons:
1 : ..There. fare - insufficient .numbers of
2- The - alterations; , - as-,submi.tted -by Mr - -`
- -Petro,. nullifies the whole proceeding;
3-.-' The proposal ,as • pre will violate
the1 man /one vote rule:
Bec ause: , ; of.- .these!• easons Mr.. Robert, recom-
mended - that :•the• Count.i l not act on- the
matter-as-in--hi s -opinion, the petition has.,
no- forrce•and'- eff:ect,.' -Mr. .Potro*was present
again, claiming - sufficient signatures accord=
ing. to. -the - State,- Constitution.
®i Refunding of
City Attorney Robert report, dated•Sepember
V Zoning Fees -
11, 1969, regarding refund ng.of zoning fees
Chester Elliott., -
to -- Chester- -E ,ett upon, recommendation by
311 Oak Street:•
the Planning Commission• , submitted and
Action'on .thesmatter.- . =w.as delayed.;at the request
of Councilman.- Cavanagh, Jr., to review details '
with: -the;,appl- cant • A - joint • report by Council-
man Cavanagh,, Jr: and City Manager :Robert
Meyer.—i,11 be presented thereon at the -next
Council, meeting.
`\ j.
P -lans and. for. the subject pro-
aw� McKenzie
Street Improve-
j.ect- s•ubm tted and 'filed,. Resolution #5327
N.C;S., approvi,ng.�plants and specifications.
Res #5327_ N...C
entitled,,.! - ve Street Improvements.
Between McDowell. B'ou- levar -,,,d South, to 190 Feet
Northeastt ", and authorizing .the City Clerk
to- adve r ; tise for -bids -f:or the work was - . intro -.
duced Eby - Councilman Joerger, seconded • by -•
Counci,lman.Brunner; and adopted by 7 affr-
v native
Report, dated September 12, 1969, from Director
� Cas:a•Grande
.Subd., Unit #•1
of - Rublic•Works David- Young, certifying to the'
Res. #'5328 N.C.•S.
completion of .public improvements in -the, subject
subdivision -with certain- provisions,, r -e.ad. and
filed. Resolution, #5328 N.C.S.., accepting
completion 'of- work required in .Cas,a Grande,
Unit #l, was.zintroduced by Councilman, Cavanagh,,
Jr,..; seconded, by- Councilman Joe -- ger, and adopted
by 7` aff,irmat-ive votes.
The subject matter was delayed for action -at
#4: = Storm Drain
a future .�Counoil meeting.
a '27
September 15, 1969
Food Hand -ling
Upon recommendation by the City.Manager, it
was agreed' by the. Council: to adopt the same
fees required for_ - . the subject Program as fixed
Ord. #95'5'N'.C. ;S.
by the County of Sonoma;.whereupon, Ordinance
#955'N.C.S., amending the Petaluma City.Code
of 1,958 to require local health permits for
food handling or establishments,
providing '.for' inspection .by the ' Health . Officer,
fixing annua'l'inspecton fees, providing penal -
ties'fbr- violation,; 'arid repealing Sections 12.1
thrbugh ,12.12 of`'the Petaluma Code, was
introduced by Councilman Joerger, seconded by
Councilman Brunner,'and ordered posted by 7
affirmative votes,..'
Rezoning -
Ordinances #952.N.,C',.S.., amending Zoning Or.di-
311 Oak St. . .
nance #662 U.0 S. 'b.y.. rezoning Assessor's
Ord. ' #952 .N.C.S.
Parcel' No. 6- 212 -22 (`311 Oak Street, from
(second reading)
a C -N° (Neighborhood Commercial) Zone* or •
District to': an ,'R -`1 -6 .0`00 'Zone or District
for the rear portion of the lot, was intro-
duced by- Councilman' Brunner, seconded by
Councilman Cavanagh, J•r., and adopted by
7 affirmative. votes.
Mobile Home
Ord. #953 N.C.S.
(second reading)
League of Calif.
Cities - ,Annual.
Res.. #5329 N.C.S.
Mr: Bill Foster'of Bundesen's Real Estate
Agency appeared before the Council to re-
quest consideration of a provision -to allow
a•certan percentage of the mob;ilehome parks
area f.or s'hgle width units: After some dis-
cu- s on . on the siuggestion., it was -decided to
- proceed with .the Ordinance as-published and 4,24
amend i't' wheh necessary;_ whereupon, Ordinance
#953 N.C.S'., amending- Zoning Ordinance #662
N.C.S. to establish a mobilehome park overlay
district,.setting forth definitions, regula-
tions, standard's and procedures for the same,
and repealing parts, of Zoning Ordinance #662
N` was;, introduced by. Councilman Brunner,
seconded by Councilman Joerger, and adopted
by ' 7 affirmative voters . '
Resolution 'f5.32:9 N.C.S., appointing Mayor Helen
Putnam as. the City of:` Petaluma voting repre-
sentatve and Councilman Jack W. Cavanagh, -
it., as the City's alternate voting repre-
sentative. at the'- Annual Conference - of. the
League of California Cities, was, introduced
by Councilman Mattel, seconded by'Councilman
Brunner, and adopted by-7 affirmative votes.
Surplus Property Resolution #5330 N.C.S -., finding personal
Res'. #5330 'N.G.S. ..pr-operty (whiteprint ; machine) -as surplus,'
no longer required, and,dir.ecting the City
Manager to dispose sell the same,
was"'introduced by.Councilman Cavanagh, Jr..,
s'econ;ded by Councilman Brunner, and adopted
by-7 affirmative vote's.
Liquid Chlorine Resolution #5331 `N -C . S . , . authorizing the
Res. #5331 N.C.S. purchase of•'liquid chlorine for`the'City
of.Pet °aluma,, was introduced by.Councilman
Joerger, seconded by Councilman Matted,
and adopted by 7 affirmative votes; Speci-
f'.cations.for liquid chlorine submitted and
f'i led .
September :15, 1969
Wristwrestling Resolution #5332 N.C..S. ,proclaiming, the
Capitol of the City of.Pet`aluma, California, the wrist-
world wrestling capitol of.. the world, was intro=
Res: #5332 N - .C.S. duced by Councilman. Brunnerse'conded by
Councilman Cavanagh ;* Jr. , and'adopted,by
7.a ' ff irmati�ve,,_votes - The City- Clerk was
dircted "to, send a`copy to Bill Sober;anes,
President: Wristwrestling -,
ship.; : Inc
Controlled Dangerous Resolution #5333 N,.C..S.. of the City-- Council
Substances' Act of of - the, City of: Petaluma; urging adoption by
19:69 the. United'States._Congres of -the Controlled.
Res,. #5333, - N.C.S. Dangerous Subs,tances.Act of 1969, was intro-
duced �by,'Counci.lm'an Jo.erger, seconded by.
Councilmari,.Brunner,.and adopted by 7 affir-
mative votes.
Salary Range & Resolution` #5334 N':CS.., approving salary,
Pay-Plan x4 and' pay Phan submitted ,by the Per-
Res. #5334 N.C.S. sonnel Officer and pursuant to Rule Vo.f.
the Personnel System Rules and.:Regulations
of the..City, of ..Petaluma, ,was . introduced by.
Councilman ,Bra- ine.rd,•.se.conded_ by Councilman
Matted , and adopte -d ,by..7 af.f irmative votes.
Adjournment There,, be ftg no further business to come .before
the Council,- the:meeting was adjourned.at,ll;.10.
O'clock p.m. to -an. exe'cut'ive ,.session. -
Attes;t:; "
City Cl rk