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March 13, 1970
Council Meeting
Special meeting of the Council of the
City of Petaluma was called to order
by Mayor Putnam at the hour of 3:00
o'clock p:m.
Present: Councilmen Brainerd, Brunner,
Cavanagh, Jr., Joerger, , Mattei ,
and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: Councilman Battaglia.
Notice of the Call
Notice of the subject meeting called for
March 13, 1970; the Certificate of the
City Clerk of delivery of said notice;
and, the cons`ent'of the members present
of the holding of said meeting, submitted
and filed.
Purpose of
The meeting was called to consider the
the Meeting
granting of occupancy permits in Avon-
dale Subdivision No. 4.
Occupancy Permits -
Mr. Robert.0''Neal, President of the Young
Avondale Subd_ #4
America .Homes and Developer of Avondale
Res. #542.1 N.C.S.
Subdivision No: 4, before the
Council requesting consideration to allow
occupancy of certain homes that are com-
pleted but not finaled by the Building
Department because street improvements
have not completed. Mr. O'Neal
claimed that.on the basis of misinforma-
tion from the Building Department that
move -ins would be allowed before comple-
tion o street' improvements , firm move -in
dates were'made.by Young America Homes to
buyers of- houses. He added that three fam -.
i:lies are scheduled to move -in this week-
end. (One of these move -ins was permitted
by an occupancy permit issued in error.)
He also stated that.due to inclement wea-
ther the has been unable to com-
plete the street- work. The problem arises
now that occupancy ,permits will not be
granted.,untia completion of the street
Mr. Marino Crinel -la, Subdivider, addressed
the Councilland Council consideration of
authorizing the execution of an.agreement
to permit move -ins and to protect the City.
P'la'nning Director McGivern read his
report, dated March 13, 1970, entitled
"Move --Ins into'House Prior to Installa-
tion and Construction of Public Improve -
ments ". Said submitted and filed.
He ;also reviewed.. "Status report regard-
ing construction' of dwellings within
Avondale Subdivision No. 4 as reported
by the Building ' March 13, 1970."
Said report submitted, and filed. It was
pointed out.that - although the City does
not- have•a definite policy on move -ins,
it is a general practice to require com-
pletion of streets and public improvements
prior to occupancy.
Mardi 13, 1970
Councilman Battaglia:
Councilman Battaglia entered the meeting
at 3;20 p.m..
Occupancy Permits -
Mr. Smith of DeMartini & Smith, street
Avondale Subd,, 44
paving ,contractor, estimated that the
Res. #'5'421 N.C.S.
paving 'operation could be completed in
four days after the proper "drying
process of the - subbase material,,,point-
ing out that the schedule depends en-
.tirely on the, weather.
.Mr. Richardson, owner of Lot 14 and
scheduled to:'move -in this week -end,
spoke in support of the request..,
Fire Chie €, Benton indicated there would
beano problem with emergency vehicles
using the unpaved streets. However, in
response to the *Fire Chie , Mr. O' Neal
agreed to a-rra with the pavi=ng con-
tractor and' the'. Police and Fire Depart-
meets the.pperati.on of paving one -half
portion -oaf the street at one time so* as
to allow :ad "equ'ate paaaage of emergency
vehic.le's .
Mr. John Gripe, representing.Young,Amer-
ica Homes , listed - the 21 homes committed
for occupancy (actually 20-as one was.
granted an occupancy permit) and.th;e date
of move-- 'ins.
City Attorney- Robert reviewed the-agree-
ment mentioned by'Mr. Cri and ex-
plained "that the, :agreement covers the
signing of a letter by the home owners
waiving any and all claims for compensa-
- tion and all damages resulting from the
conditions of .the unf;in,ished pu'bl -ic
improvements of'Avond.ale Subdivisio,n.No.
A. Copy of draft of said letter re'ad, .
submitted, and filed. After reviewing
the dgreement,'And with the consent of
the S,ubdivider'and Developer, the follow - -.
Lng additions: were made to the agre'ement:
1. At the end of paragraph 1 of Condition
No'. 2',. "Builder shall obtain all let-
to -rs within te'n (10) days of March 13,
1970 ".
2. At the end o'f Condition No. 3 "and
applies only Lots 9 through 18`,
Lots 20 and 21, and Lots 6.6 through
73 r� . .
Following deliberation by the Counc -il of
all the facts presented, Resolution No.
54121, .N : C•.. S . , • authorizing the Mayor to
execute an. agreement to permit occupancy
in Avondale<Subdivision No. 4 prior to
completion of the said subdivision, was
introduced by Councilman Cavanagh.,, Jr..,
seconded. -by Counci -lma.n Joerger, and
adopted by•7.a�ffirmat.ive votes,.
Adjournment There, being no further'busines's to come
before the Council, the meeting was ad-
journed at 4 c 05 o'cl ck p..m.,
Attes .�
City Clerk