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April 13, 1970
Council Meeting Adjourned meeting of the Council of the
City`of Petaluma.was called to order by
Mayor Putnam at the hour of 7:30 o'clock
p .m:
Present: Councilmen Brainerd, Brunner,
Joerger, Matteis and Mayor
Putnam. -
Absent: Councilmen Battaglia and Cava-
nagh,' Jr:.
Designating No
This -being the time,-set hear protests
Parking /Tow -Away
and comments on designating the..subject
Zone— Washington
street as a no parking /tow -away zone the
St. from Kentucky,
public hearing was'dul.y- opened by the
St. to the River,&
portion E. Washing-
ton St. from River
to the Freeway
Res. #5446'N.C.S.
Councilman Battaglia
Councilman Battaglia entered the
at 7: 31 o' clock p.m.
Public Hearing
Director of Public Works David Young pre -
sented.and discussed a two -way left -hand
turn plan (three lanes), for the subject
street. Said plan, provides a center lane
for left -hand turns and no parking-at any
time. Alternatives presented were:
l: The same plan except three parking
spaces b.e provided-at the northeast
end of.' the Bridge .-
2. Two lanes of traffic - ° wfth no parking.
3. Two lanes of traffic with parking
banned during:, peak hours.
L1 �
Councilman Councilman Cavanagh, Jr.,: entered the meet-
Cavanagh, Jr-.. ing at 7:35 o'clock p.m.
Recess In °line with Mr. Young's suggestion, a
recess was declared at 7:45 o'clock p.m.
by Mayor to give those present an
opportunity to study the plans displayed
and to discuss details with the staff.
The meeting was,called to order at
8:00 o'clock'p.m.
Public Hearing Because of b,usiness.inte<rest in the area,
(continued) Councilman Cavanagh;_Jr., retired to the
audience and discussed.with the Council
the of' no parking for those busi-
nesses ;. such as'Studdert's Meat Market /
and ,Acme Sheet Metal ,- who have no rear
access to the building -and who use the
street for unloading purposes. No park-
ing would cause a hardship in these cases.
Others who spoke were:
April 13, 1970
Public. Hearing Mr Walter Mino.gue of Carl's Market, 628
(continued) East Washington Street, - pointed out that
�— those commuters - who. j oin car pools, and
leave their cars parked-on East 'Washington
Street 'near Ellis Street may-,be approaching
the Council to discuss- limited parking -.on
side streets, in'the vicinity.
Mr. E..Ornellas of -Acme Sheet Metal, 3 East
Washington Street, spoke against no parking -
in front of his business.
Mr.—Martin,—Steiner requested Council.con
sideraton to rezone the 800 block'of East -
Washington Street to permit real estate
offices that relocation of his ,office
from 725 East Washington-Street wouid'be
poasible. and at which location he would,
be able to provide off - street - parking.
Mr. Benny Friedman of-Friedman-Brothers,
17 17 East Washington Street, also - spoke, o.f.
the disaster -to his business if no park
ing were allowed 'and asked-the Council
to allow `parking on the of the
street just. -east of the River.
Barbara*- Allen, address unknown, inquired
as - to the or -igin of considering a tow -.away
zone for the s:ubj'ect street.
Carl Nielsen, owner of property.4t_729 East
Washington Street, suggested,that an over-
s at Pepper Road -and Freeway 10.1'be con-
sidered as a coast route in order to' rel -ieve
camper trailer traffic through the City.
It was pointed out that the DeLeuw- Lather
Report proposes an- expressway via Skillman
Lane.to by -pasts Petaluma.
Letter, dated April 9, 1970, from Lewi.s • -M.
Hill, Walter :Kie Company, asking
that tow-'away time be. from 4:00 to 6:00
p.m., read and filed. Letter,.dated April
13, 1970, from Benny- Friedman,.Friedman
Brothers Hardware, Inc., making the .same
request as when he spoke:, read and filed.
In respon.se.to a question - raised by Coun-
cilman Cavanagh,.. ,Jr.., -whether or not a
tow -away zone can'legally be designated
from Copeland Street to the Freeway be --,
cause of action taken by the Council
tabling establishment of plan lines -un-
til July l i 1970 City - Attorney ,Robert
stated that.p.lan lines and tow- -away zones
are two sep ar-ate matters and are not re-
As -no other.wr:itten or verbal protests or
comments 'were'p'resented, tY e .public hear-
ing was.;declared closed-.
Resolution No. 5446 N..C.S. was-introduced -by
Councilman Battaglia and seconded by Coun --
ciiman..Matte.i, designating "no stopping at
any tow -away zone" as follows:
April 13, 1970'
Public Hearing
'From Copeland Street to Freeway 101 (with
the street from CoP e'land to Ellis being
striped for three lanes; the center; laneq��
for le.f.t- hand - turn "movement); on-the south.
side of East Washington Street'-from the
easterly .abutment - of the Bridge extending
30 feet :east. of 'the Bridge; and, from the
easterly abutment.b'f the ,Bridge west on
Washin.g:ton to-Kentucky Street, ef-
fectve June 12, 1970.. Resolution adopted
by 6 affirmative votes, 1 abstention.
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., abstained.
Purchase of
Director. of Work•s•David Young ex-
Materials &
pla'i,ned that-,$2,600 is required to purchase'
Equipment -
materials and signs and $1,300 for a traf- /Nl V
Tow -Away Zone
fic striping,irradicator•. He recommended
that an irradicato'r-be purchased rather than
rented as the. equipment- ' can be .used exten-
sively in-the :Street Department-; whereupon,
a motion was_ 'made' by Councilman Joerger and
seconded by Councilman.Brunner authorizing r
expendituriY of x$3 for materials and
equipment and -to be paid from the Street
Sign Replacement P:rogram, =69. Motion
carried unanimously.
Tow Away..Service -
Assistant City Manager John.Nolan submitted
Res. #5447 N.C.S.,
f'br'filiftg specifications for tow -away ser-
vice. daily vehicle, storage fees. It
was agreeel to ca,l ,for -bids on May 14, 1970
and that: the .fees .be" in effect to June 15,
1971; whereupon, -Re�solutioii'-No. 5447 N.C.S. ,
calling for bids to'tow- away-and store veh-
icles. pursLiant to ,the ,authority of Ordinance
No ..:96.6 N . C;,. S•. , .was--, introduced by Councilman
Brainerd,, seconded by Councilman Brunner, and
adopted by 7-- af'f;itmative votes.-
Sonoma. County
Letter; dated April 7, 1970, from David
Air Pollution
L. Nichols, Sonoma County Administrator, 3-
Control District
that a meeting:will - be held-by the Board J
of Supervisors - on - April 20, 1970 at 3:00
p_.m. .in the, Board• of: Supervisors' Meeting
Room to discu as discharge standards or
regulations to be followed in the enforce-
ment and control of the Sonoma County Air
Pollution .= District, read and filed.
In the discussion that followed, the City
Attorney stated that the creation of the
Dis`tr,ict has raised` a number of legal ques-
- `
<t` on's wh_icn- are :being reviewed.
Resolution No. 5448 N.C.S:, awarding con -
of Bonds
tract to Carlisle Company for printing,of
Res. #5448 N".C.S.
1969 - Police Station Bonds and 197
cipal'Improvement Bonds, was introduced
by_ 'Counbi`lman, Mattei i seconded by Council -:
man Battaglia, and adopted by 7 affirmative .
Pioneer Shell Co.
re Dust Nuisance
City Attorney Robert read the minutes of
October 8, 1968'; which authorized'the City
Attorney to file legal action against the
Pioneer. Shell Company if the dust nuisance
April 13, 1970
Pioneer Shell Co. were not abated.within 90 days. He -added
re Dust Nuisance that equipment was installed and when
(continued) operated, basically reduced the,huisance
sat1s.factorily but At the same: time,',
created -a pollution. pron,lem by discharg-
ing..w,aste spray dust material into the.
Rives. ComplairitsT of.dust - have been re ---
ceived since the 90 -;day period, and Mr.
Robert asked for further .direction' from
the Counci l .
Further continued a -nd Dire - ctor of
Public..Works David 'Young read a letter,
dated- November l,, -1961, written:, by him
and addreased.:to' Mr,.r Beck of the - Pionee -r-
Shell. Company:,_ re'gar ing the City' -s' posi-
tion on the dust. problem. Copy of ` said
letter -submitted'- and.filed.
Possi'bi-lity of referring the problem to the
Sonoma'County Air Pollution Control Dis trict
wasp discussed.. ..Following con'sideration of
the matter., a poll of the . Council Indicated
consensus that the C -ity Attorney' s'tar.t ,pro
ceedings• against the Pioneer Shell Company
on a local level. The City Attorney was - so
Septic Tank
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., request'e'd a staff
report at a future Council 'meeting of the
amount of septic. tank or - cesspool c'leanings-
being dumped into the City's sewer system:. -
Councilman Cavanagh, Jr. requested 'a
Prel- mnary
report on.the procedure and guidelines
to be followe °d `by Department Heads for.
submitting Annual Departmental Budgets:.
As:sirstant. City Manager John, Nolan stated
that he would relay_ this reques.t.'to.Cty
Manager Robert Meyer (absent) for his
There being no - furr.the°r business to -come
before the. Co;uncil;. meeting was ad-
j•our-ned at 9:55 o'clock p.m.
Atte -s
City 'Cle'rk