HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/15/1966MINUTES OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA 'August 15, 19:66 J Council Meeting Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma called to order by Mayor Putnam at the - _ Attendance hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m.. Present: Councilmen Battaglia,.Brainerd, Cav- anagh, Jr., Colin, Joerger, Lipman and Mayor Putnam Absent: None Invocation The invocation.was given by Reverend Richard Wilcox, the United Church of Christ. Approval of The minutes of August 1, 1966, were approved as Minutes recorded. Nor.th'a °s.t Annex- Local Agency Formation Commisuion approval of. ation. #.6 the subject annexation (Maria Drive Area : ). with Res. #4.5 NCS certain amendments, submitted and filed. Dir- ector of Planning Byrd showed a map of the area-and-.explained the amendments required - 1. That the:owners',extend Maria Drive from the existing cul -de -sac to Lynch Creek, and; 2.. That a 50 ft:.-str.eet.be.constructed from Maria-Drive extending to the northeast along the Corry pro- perty to provide access for the- proposed conval- escent hospital.. Resolution #4585 N.C.S. giving ,.. notice of proposed annexation to the City of Petaluma of uninhabited territory and designated "Northeast :Annexat -ion.No. 6" and giving notice of time and place for hearing protests there - to,-was-intrcduced by Councilman Lipman, seconded by Councilman.Battaglia, and adopted by 7 affirm- ative votes. _ Public Public.Utilities Commission notice of applica- Commis.s.ion, Lion of Greyhound Lines, Inc., Western Greyhound - Lines Division, for an order authorizing state- wi.de -in intrastate passenger fares in- cluding fares in the Peninsula, Contra Costa and Marin services, submitted and filed.. S/. _ for Damages- Notice from .Charles M. Giovanetti, Attorney.at Argonaut Construe- Law, that Argonaut Constructors claims damages t'or:s from the-City in the amount of Res. #4586 NCS $2.2, 774.69 together with interest thereonland that the claim is based - on damages sustained by the City's failure.-to-'.comply with Business _ and Professions•.Code ='regarding agreements -with a subdivider,.r.ead.and filed. The City Attorney recommended_that - the-:Council deny the claim as he.•felt it does: :not'.have any merit, whereupon Resolution #4586 N-.C.S. denying claim of Argon- aut.Construc.tors, was-jtroduced by Councilman Lipman,fseconded,by :Councilman Brainerd, and adopted-by-.7--affirmative votes. Claims',and Bills. =Resolution # 4587•'N.0 S. approving claims and bills Res.-.4458 "7 NCS Nos. 9 to: .9492• •inclusive and 542 to 579 inclusive, was•'introduced by Councilman Colin, seconded by Councilman Brainerd, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. 2 August 15, 1966 Fifth Monday Assistant City Manager Robert Byrd, reminded Forum the Council about the subject, -Forum on August 29, 1966, . which - was proposed by Councilman,Lpman. Council Meeting Assistant City Manager Robert Byrd ; stated that the next regular Council meeting will be _Yield on Tuesday, September -6th, and that the P.lai`ni,ng Commission meeting will be on Wednesda.y,,'Sept- ember 7th.. Charles- Potter, Charles Potter was honored upon his retirement from the'- Police Department. Mayor Putn°am pre - sented him with a.Retirement Certif cate.,'and on behalf of the- - Council, c- ongratulated him for his fifteen years of service - to the .com- munity. Many members of the Police Depart. -' ment personnel' were. present to participate in the ceremonies. The.Mayor'left the meeting at approximately ` - 7:55 o'clock p.m. to answer a telephone call.; Greenbriar Planning Commission #24 -66 approv- Subd. #2 ing an extension of time within which to,f,ile 3/o the final ma • p of the subject subdivision, - sub- mitted. and filed. Washington Street Director of Planning Robert Byrd- presented a Bodega Avenue• sketch plan .designed by Mr. Sidney Lewl.n�.of San Realignment. Rafael for landscaping the subject project. Res....• # -4588 NCS He added that landscaping was not included in the project and that the area is deserving of a landscape treatment The fee for this ser- vice is $75.00 -and the work is to be done by '& personnel of the Public Works and Parks . Recreation Departments. Resolution 4 4,5 +88 4; N.C.S. authorizing employment of landscape - architect, was•introduced by Councilman - Bat;tag,lia, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, - Jr. and adopted by 6, affirmative votes, 1 - absentee:. McDowell Cu- lvert- Director of Public Works David Yo-ung's ` memo:., Bridge Reconstruc- dated - August 10, 1966, . to the City Manager tion, Project ST64 -1 certifying to the completion of the. subj;e'ct, Res. #4589 .NCS' project,. read..and filed. Resolution #458'9` N.C.S. accepting completion of 'Work .required . U on,McDowell Cul +vert- Bridge Reconstruct - ion, ,2-71 Project ST 64 -1,, was �intr.oduced by Coune. l man Brainerd, seconded by Councilman Colin', and adopted - by 6 affirmative votes,, 1 absentee. ! The. Mayor returned to the meeting. The, time was' approximately 8:05 o'clock p.m. Tax:Levy Ordinance Director'of Finance Cecil G-ealta explained Ord. 4847 NCS that, prior to the issuance of the sewer debt service could havel been reduced from 154 to 1.0�. -Mr. Gealta said that the matter was d- .scus;sed with the City Manager and 'both _ -• of them recommend the Council conside debt service to remain at­15� to take 'care of pay - ing the i nter est a retirement of, the sewer bonds whereupon Ordinance # N.C.S. levy - ing rates,of - taxation upon the assessed val- uation of .the property in the City for. the fiscal year July .1, 19,6,6 to June .3 196 was I introduced by Councilman Joerger`, seconded by Councilman Brainerd, and.ordered published by 7 affirmative votes. 1 Aug:u s;t 15" 1966 Preemption of.the Field of .Building: Codes.,:. Res #4590.NCS In-.clatifyingahe rpr.oposed federal: and stage preemption .of the fielyd. of building codes, Director•:of. .Robert Byrd read a letter _'he-had_wr-.itten- to County Codes Ad- vi•sory Board recommending opposition ,to ,the issue.. He a.d'ded ..that if the Council approves -the recommendation;. -. copies of the resolution. ,,will be-forwarded.-to all elected state and federal , officals -and,.to all state and fed- er:al agencxes-.concerned, whereupon Resolution #45.90.N.C.S., opposing the proposed federal ._- and preemption -in the field .of building codes,-.,was introduced-:by Councilman Lipman, seconded.by Councilman Colin, and adopted.by 7 affirmative votes. Resolution 44'591 NC..S. requesting the Sonoma County.Board of Supervisors for an order to - cancel taxes"on;v.ar,.ious - parcels of property .- acquired by the City of Petaluma, was-- , intr.o- duced by Councilman Joerger, seconded Councilman _.Colin, • -and : adopted by. 7 affirma- tive votes. Resolution #4.592 .NvC, S. authorizing the ;Police Chief 'to.close,Kentucky Street from - Western• Avenue to Washington Street on.August 20, 1966, between hours of 7 o'clock p.m. and mid- night. for Old Adobe :.Days -celebration, was "in- troduced -.by Councilman Brainerd, seconded by Councilman ioer-ger,, and..ad'opted by 7 affirm- ative. , votes.: - ;: t Director of Finance Cecil G;ealta explained that -in -the past'. or three"years the City has -had three separate radio maintenance con- tractors; working " -on the radios in the various departments and Arthur Hagopian, radio maintenance" :contractor for the Police Depart - ment•;.has been subcontracting his work to the agency recommended. -Three bids were received and.the proposed - agency was the lowest to -per- . form services 'for all departments with radios, whereupon Resolution. #459.3 N.C.S. authorizing execution, -of maintenance agreement with Affil- iated Radio_Commundcations Service of Pet- aluma,.was °i"ntroduced-by Councilman Brainerd, seconded by and adopted by 7.affirmative.vote's. The City Attorney stated that certain emer- gency work is requi -red at the site of the -Sewer Plant Addition' "which is not a part.of:the;con- tract .work..required -to. be performed by C. Nor - man:,Peterson, � " contractor, for Water Pollution Control Facilities,, "l9.66, Project, ,Unit 41, and that o;f"iPaul Respini for $'2 was the.!lo.west received by Brown of Gerwick's who- made.,the.- negotiations, whereupon Resolution . #4594 N.C.S. authorizing employment of Paul A. Respin°i to perform emergency clearance work at the . s -te: of the_ -Sewer ••Plant Addition, was intro- - - duced-by-,Counc lmant:Joer:ger, seconded by Council - man - and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Cancelling Taxes Re . ' # , 4 591 NC S . _Clo.se..Kentucky, St. Reisaf #:4592 i 'S' Radio Services. Res. . #' 459.3" NCS r Sewer Plant Add- ition Res. 445:9A NC& 17 August 15, 1966 Engineering._• - Director of Public-Works David Young stated Services _ that '.any - .,Council `action - or any signalize," E. Washington.. St . - tion ; of t-he subject inte.rseciton requires McDowell-Inter- the ' approval' of_ , the ` Division. of High -: section-­ ' _r ways., whereupon Resolution 44595 N.C..S. Res. 4459:5 'NCS :•.' - -" employing De Cather- & Company for- the purpose• of furnishing engineering ser— vices for the'= subject intersection, w,ds , introduced .by Coun:ci'lman' •Colin, seconded - by Councilman - Battagl °a -and adopted by 7 affirmatv.e.- votes:•.: -. Petaluma-Aqueduct Foll"o.wing := review' 6f the to-the Agreement = agreement:1by' °:Director- of..Public Works David Res. #45'96 NCS Young - Resolu,tion•j #45 -- N.C.S. confirmiing; the execut•ion - of "Addendum #4 to the "Pet- �o aluma% Aqueduct Agreement" of May ,9,. 19'60, was .introduced :by_ CouncIl'man Colin, seconded by Councilman - .Battaglia," , :and adopted. by 7- - affirmative votes. Calling Special The —City—Attorney - poi.nted out that the Council Municipal..,Election recentl.y' - approved -.$3!;i:000.•0 :0 as the limit - Res. #4597 NCS ing amount fo-r.purchazes'Inot requiring a. formal bid, whereupon•.Resolution 44597 N.C.S.: calling .:a•nd' pr.cv ding' a Special. Munici_.- .° ® pal , .Election =to , ,be 'held - . in the City of - aluma; California, November 8, 19'66,, to vote - = on propo ed ..amendments'.to the City Chaste "r of the City of Petaluma so as to amend Art- icle - VII`, Section 46 and' - Article X, Section 6..8, -'to provide for': an increase-in the con_ tract° limita.ti.on;' and to• amend Article X,, Section 57• -to provide for a- lesser reten- < tion�on payments, .was introduced by Councilman Cavanagh,•Jr., seconded--by '. Council'man Joerger; ='and. .adopted by 6 af'fi m ' 1 - ative- and'=1` I: negative ;votes . The negative- vote was ' ca's.t- by°: Councilman Battaglia who - stated° -that .'-he. felt •$.3. was too ; high as the •..F'eder�ai­- Government has a m'ax'i mum limitation of - $1;; 5.00:•0'0,.. -• Consolidation'-of Resolution: #4598•,.N*.C..S - ; - lbf the City Cou -ncil. Sp.ec,ial. Muni.cipa'l of the•••C,ity *:of :Petaluma-' the Board Election; -- :• : of Supervisors .of' '•Sonoma- `Co;unty ;to provide Res. #4598 NCS': f.or :the• ,consolida morn of -A Special Municipal, Election %with.'..the ::Regular General E'lect:i, n of `T � the •State iof California to be held November 8, ; = 1966,, was -- .introduced b_y,.Counc- i'lman Joerger, _ _seconded - •by Councilman Lipman, and adopted by' 7 affirmative ;- votes: Submit: Charter Resolution of Intention to submit to, the Amendments to _ electors _at the• Special-Municipal Election -, the Electors - - - November- 8,•, 19:66 , '•a change to reflect the Res. #4599'NCS proposed amendments to.Articles VII and X,, -..:- ,:3o Sections 46, 67 and 68-, was- introduced by Councilman• L-i_pman,, seconded by Councilzn'an - Cavanagh,, Jr.. and"adopted by 7 a- f,firmativ.e - _ vote's . Policy re .- -•- :' - A - motien''was -made:. by' Councilman Colin and, Grant Programs - seconde'd by. Councilman Joerger to add the.: Res. #4:600 NCS subject' item :to .th:e •agenda. Roll. call on (�� this •.motion.' carried by 7 affirmative votes. rc ;� August 15, 1966 Policy re Director of Planning Robert Byrd stated that Gr:ant,.P-.rograms -' in. brder to• obtain••.assi.stance from-the Depart - Res:._. #4600 NCS, ment of .Housing and'- Urban Development,..a res- olution is required.4indicating conformance with their - standards regarding the.- :acquisi- tion • of . any_•land. involved under the Sewer .. PIant.- Addition, whereupon Resolution #4600 N - C,: S —of° policy • re. land acquisition in - matters involving grant programs of the De- par- tment• of - Hou,si:ngn• and• Urban Development, was- introduced- by "Counci:lman Colin, seconded by Counc ilman:.B;rainerd;­ and adopted by 7 affirmative Votes. Baseball The Mayor commended people .who part--- Activities Ici-pated' i•n :.the. - :recent baseball activities and the very `fine .:publ:icity' accorded the City, - and most of •°a -hl, the -very fine reflection it has on..: the kind` of 'young people we have in - 7th-is community': Washington Street- . Bodega Avenue s Realig.nment._ Asfsistant Ci.ty'Manager Robert Byrd reported. that at.if the Traffic" Committee meeting this a- ftetnoon, - s'evera:.L- businessmen and. St. Vin- cent. 1-s- school r:eprese•ntatives appeared to object to the tr.aff installed on - washington and-in order-,"for the, Coun- c, -1 to •consi a =nd -make-. any decision on the :. matter; the ",tem- mus -t be ' added to the. agenda - by' a unanimous f vote ---of. the Council. A motion was made by,•.Counclman and second - ed by CouncIlman-Cavanagh, Jr. to add the subject. i-tem', to. the.. agenda. Roll call on this motion =•carried -unanimously. Director;.. o.f •Public Works , David Young pre- sented the °Council• with - a design of the pro- jeet.showing_ the traffic controls, striping, - eurb'.painting,,: •etc. ,' installed along the street,.- - He; -then • gave: a•- brief history and backg•round� of•: the •.pro. ect referring to traf- fic-counts and- season -s- which determined the design f1c-.controls, which he• - fe'lt--were: adequate. - -.- He' said that St.. Vin -.. _ _cent's'School is concerned about the safety- of the . s.c'hool.• children because there is no stop ..on Washington Street at the Howard Street.' intersect-ion;.: He recommended try- in,g'.the i- ntersection as- .designed with stop signs on Howard..Street only and through traf- fic or):: Washington Street. He offered the 'fol alternatives for Council consider- ation': w . 1:: For safety, install a push button: sig•nal-.- system with. a 4 -way stop. :2 ,Insta.11 a_� complete . signalization - system.. . 3 .. Install 4 -way. stop signs. - Mr -. Young continued• by.sayng that the bus - inessmen Washington Street between Ke:okuk.. and -Howard' Stree.t.s are objecting to - "no parking:" . on both sides ..of the He . recommended banning parking as ` -tides .gned _ •._ offered, the follow,ng alternatives for Coun- cl consideration::- 1. Permit parking on the north side and eliminate the center line striping on the north lane. 2. Permit parking on both sides and eliminate the center line striping on both lanes. 1 76 August 15, 1966 Washington Street -. Bodega.Avenue Realignment 1('Continued) Preparation of Ordinances Cecil =Gs ( ;tea A general; dIscussion"!forl- lowed on the'. contr-,o-11' at 'the ariter-'seat'ioni; ' •.Sifster Mary � Carlos' and Siste Mary Gemma; -of 'St Vincent's 'School, were present' -to seek more safety for the,' school"chfi'ldren: After c'onsidera,tion of the matt'er's •'a motion was` ,m'ade by Councilman. Col, n,• and; seconded, by , Councilma- n.Joerger.,. to "install' temporarg: '4 = stop signs. ,at - the Wash Howard•Street intersection as an�z interim -measure -with the intent of work -ing toward- the push- button or s °ignal system. ° Ro1.'1 call- on= this motion carried by 7 affirmative votes. The staff was dir- ected. to make: a study of . the intersection'' as so'on'= as possible' and_ report to the : Couny= cil and gat th'e'y same •time the Sisters of St Vince t�' s- Were`_asked• ate analyze the matter from -.the point •of•'v.iew` of the flow of . ,school. " children. The matter of "no parking" on both sides of Washington' Street from Keokuk to Howard Streets -was; then' d ;scixs'sed. Comments ;were ,heard. from Ver--non %. Jensen.; represent °ng ,Mrs. Gwinn.'' s:f p:roperty ,) Ro'bert ­ Pope of - So rens'en',s Fun'eral Home., Barney . Fauss of the She_i1,,,Se.r vice: Station,.: Art ` Weller' of Weller -Hopk -ins Furniture • � aynd Steve" Lind, Mrs Gw,inn'' s grandson: They'appea- r:ed ;'in opposition of the parking: ban.. During 'the discussion per iod; Councilman- Battaglia suggested consid erati`on of }panning parking along Washington Street f rom'• Wa"shi- ngto:n St Bridge to How- ard • Street= during ,peak 'hours. After fur then c'onsid"er.ation; a motion was.made by Councilman Colin sec'onded Councilman Battaglia?, - -to •a1low''parkin,g on . both sides as interim and.eliminate. the center line. !stri.ping on - both!' lanes, directing the- - - staff to.: complete• a traf -fic study of the• en,tir'e- project; . includ -ing a, review of "'no parking' duriing 'p'eak, hours on Washington: Street faroff••t'he'- Washington Street Bridge to Howard` Street', and report back to t Gou n- cil �there'on.' Roll call - on this motion car ried.%'by'- 6 afflirmative : and l negative votes:. Coun- oilman , Bra ;inerd.' -cast' the negative vote. •;, a -nd . • he voted "no'" 'bec`ause he felt we . should proceed with- as de— s i gne'd'. f Councilman Jo .ref erred to an item in the City Manager'.s-General of August 1.2th, which'states that the City ,Attorney is pre- par ag an ordinance t'o estabaish• a, procedure for reviewing building and 'health code vio lation °s.; . 'and. giuestioned: how any decision could be made other than at a Council meet. ihq. - The City Attorney pointed out that an ordinance can be' proposed or requested .by any Councilman •for• stfaff.'preparation and then pre-- sented'to:th"e'Council.for consideration. Councilman ..C:avanagh,, Jr. , commended Director of F-inance.';Ceci1 G. - Gealta 'for his 'fine investment program .and' time 'deposits as of June 30,, '1966. 1 1 �,r PA August 15,, 1966 Pe_r'sonnel -- Ordinance .: Councilman. Cavanagh -,, Jr., suggested.that the matter; ' o;f appointing 'three members to. the Personnel- .Boa rd,as required by the Personnel Ordinance be discussed at the,next.mee.ting. Santa Rosa, Junior; College., Counci,lman.,,Cavanagh, Jr., suggested that since the City.o.f:- Retaluma endorsed the expansion program of,.the Santa - .:Rosa Junior Campus, some indicaton-of—interest should be made by the Council with regard—to—the forthcoming tax in- crease election;: Adjournment There being no•.further business to come be- fore the Council, the meeting was.adjourned at: 10 :,15, o'clock p•.m. -. Mayor Attest: 1 ! City Clerk. -