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April 3, : 1967
Council Meeting Regular meeting of the Council of the City of
Petaluma,called to order by Mayor Putnam at the hour
of 7 :30• o' clock p.. m.
Present: Councilmen Brainerd, Cavanagh, Jr., Joerger,
Lipman and-mayor Putnam. .
Absent: Councilmen.-Battaglia and Colin.
Due to the absence of Reverend James F'. Cogburn of
the Church of God of Prophecy, no-invocation was
Approval of Minutes The minutes of March 20 and- 27, 1967, were
approved as
Sedan - Police Dept.Ci.ty
Manager Robert Meyer reviewed the bids received
Res. #4707 NCS
at the bid opening on - March 30, 1967, for the subject
sedan ;-whereupon Resolution #4707 N.C.S. awarding
the contract to the low bidder, Western Motors, for
purchase of one, (1) new 4 -door sedan for the Police
Department, was introduced-by Councilman.Lipman,
seconded by Councilman•Brainerd, and adopted by 5
affirmative votes, 2 absentees.
Sedan - Fire De pt .
City Manager Robert Meyer reviewed the bids received
Res_: #4708 NCS
at the bid.opening on March 30, 1967, for the subject
sedan,.-whereupon #4708 N.C.S. awarding the
con tract to the low bidder, Western Motors, for the
purchase of one (1) new-4-door sedan-for the Fire
Department, was introduced by Councilman Joerger,
seconded by Councilman Brainerd, and adopted -by 5
affirmative votes, 2 absentees.
4• =Wheel Truck
City.Manager Robert Meyer reported that no bids we e
received for this item and that specifications have
Res.. #4709 NCS
been prepared-to- out to bid again, if the Council
approves, whereupon Resolution #4709 N.C.S. authoriz-
ing the purchase of -one (1) new 4-wheel drive chassis
for Fire Department truck and directing- the City Clerk
•to. advertise for bids was introduced by Councilman
Cavanagh, Jr.,, seconded by Councilman Joerg'er, and
adopted by'5 affirmative•votes, 2 absentees.
3 a�9
Pumping Unit for-
The -City Manager reported-that one bide was receiveU
4- Wheel. Chassis
at the bid•open -ing on''March 30th for the subject item,
Res.,. # `4710 NCS
whereupon Resolution #.4710 N.C.S. awarding the con -
tract to Berkeley.Pump Company for the purchase of
one new pumping °unit.for, the Fire Department, was
introduced by Councilman'Lipman, seconded by Council -
man,'Cavanagh,, Jr., and adopted by 5 affirmative votes,
2 absentees...
- ,ABC
Copy of applicat=ion filed. with Alcoholic- Beverage
Control. to transfer on - sa - le , general liquor license
from, - Juanita M..�Greenlee to-David, Ruby C. & Joshua
S. Polonsky, The: ...Bend�,.39 Petaluma Blvd. North;
approved by'the; Chief of Police, Health Officer and
Bu =ilding, Inspector., read and filed.
Copy of application filed,.with Alcoholic. Beverage
Control to transfer beer and wine wholesalers and
off. -sale beer and wine-licenses from Coca -Cola
Bottling Company of Petaluma and Sonoma to Arnold H.
and .Herman .A.... ,Jensen, ;L & F Distributors, Corner 2nd
& "G." Streets; approved .by° the- Chief of Police -, Health
Officer and Building Inspector, read and filed.
e F.
April 3, 1967
ABC Copy of application filed with Alcoholic Beverage
Control to transfer off -sale general liquor licenrse
from- Frank J. Poehlmann to Anna E., and - Wilhelm..J.
Schluter., Petaluma.Delicatessen, 143 Kentucky !Street;
approved by the. Chief of Police, Health Officer and
Building Inspector, read and filed.
Northeast Annexa- Local Agency Formation. - Commission notice-of hearing
tion regarding Petaluma Northeast Annexation No. 7 at
No. 7 3:00 p.4m. on-April,-6, 1967, Board of Supervisor's"
Meeting Room, 2555 `Mendocino Avenue,- Santa-•Rosa- •
California, read,and filed.
Con solidate Elec� , n Letter, dated March 27, 1967, from Sonoma County
Superintendent,of Schools DeForest Hamilton , re -
Res. #4711 NCS
questing. consolidation of unification .electiohibf
the City of Petaluma High School Distr'ict with the
City of Petaluma Regular Municipal.Election June
13, 1967 and letter, dated March 30, 19.67 , from
City Superintendent -of Schools Lesl '.Mey
questing-= consolidation >_,of bond: election -of the
Petaluma:.City (Elementary) School District with the
City of'Petaluma Regular Municipal Election June
13, 196'7, read and filed. Resoluti.on #4711 'N:,C':S..
consentihq consolidation of election, was.intro-
duced by- Councilman Cavanagh, Jr., seconded by
Councilman%Lipman, and adopted by 5 aff,irmat ve•votes,
2 absentees.
Records Manage-
"Mr. Stuart,Davis, Records•Management Consultant,, pre -
ment Audit
sented the Council with a report =of Records °Manage -
/ �)
meet Audit dated March 31, 1967. Mr. Davis briefly
reviewed the -report, whereupon the . Council agreed
- to
study same and arrange a•study session to dis-
cuss details.
Retail. Merchants
Mr., Fred Mattei of the - .Retail Merchan s Committee of
the Chamber of Commerce, accompanied by a of
merchan.t_s, appeared before the .Council with, a res.o-
lution signed by 2.3 downtown -merchantst request nq .
the City_ Council to.-authorize and finance a 'compr.e-
hensi,ve study iof the central business di,stri.c _.,-
Resolution,submitted and filed.. As.a member of
-the Council Downtown .Redevelopment Committee;
Cbunc'ilman :Brainerd .r- eviewed• progress of . a study
stating, that• the ,City, has applied for 701 funds
with the Federal Government for a master study,,
addng.it was recently learned that the Gity is in
top priority position. to receive these :funds and that
an answer.,s expected within four or five weeks. He
recommended that from.,an economical standpoi:ri;t:, the
City:wa until definite information is received
from the Federal Government on: the grant; Council-
man Lipman, also a.member of Downtown Redevelopment
Committee; mentioned. that - Committee; met ex-
tensively recently - -to develop material for a . master
study° of the - .downtown area.' As suggested by the City
Manager, _a .=t—ion was made by Councilman .Lipman, and
second by .Councilman , ,Br,ainerd, authorizing,
staff to proceed with: securing• estimate's. from traffic
engi -neers and other consultants for preliminary
studies .;so -..that the - project can move ahead i.whether
Or. not- the- grant is... =awarded. Motion carried. unanimously.
. , Appeal - Jim Lutz
The time _being. 8, o'-c =_lock, p.,m,. the Mayor opened the
Res. #4712 NCS ..public
hearing for the ;continuation of the appeal
filed by Jim Lutz of; Plann °ing Comm- ission granting
Use Perm -it to Tom Ga - f- -fey to allow a servicev•station
in a C -N zone. Director of Planning Robert Byrd
read City Attorney' Robert's interpretation of•the
action ,the Council can -legally take based on the;
T) J_
, z
April 3, 1967 ,
Appeal Jim Lutz
Res . ' # 4'712. NCS
- appeal,.. Copy submitted and-filed. Mr. Byrd also
read his report to the. Plann=ing Commission wherein
he 'recommended .,granting,. the. -Use - Permit. He also re-
viewed the location of the area with the use a
map. Letter from Mr. Lutz f at the last Council
meeting.li ;sting four reasons for the basis of the
appeal was read by.the City Clerk.
Mr.. P. Douglass Schwobeda,; attorney representing Jim
Lutz, continued his presentation - by stating that not
only does he represent.Mr. Lutz but also the Petaluma
Service Station Dealers; and,he presented a.petitton
signed 31 operators requesting legislation to
regulate new service.s`tations in Petaluma. Petition
submitted and filed. In ;discussing the-appeal, Mr.
Schwobeda- pointed.out two facts -.the additional
tra °ffic on East 4ash=ington Street generated by the
proposed service station and the existence of re-
strictive covenants on Square Subdivision
where the.propo'sed service station is to be located.
In connection with the - .appeal -, Mr. S'chwobeda referred
to and.:presented. the , following legislation . regarding
service stations- for - filing,:.
"City of Napa Ord. 41766
City of Milpitas General Development Policy No. 1
City of Atwater Bill No. 21 -66,
Ordinance. No,'.. C.. S . 154.
At.this time, S'chwobeda read excerpts of the
,declaration imposing: the.-resErictive covenants,
Madison Square Subdivision Copy of said - document
filed 'by the .Planning Commission. He-then read City
Attorney-Robert's opinion to the Planning Commission
on-the Use-,Permit applica.tion....,A- petition signed by
7.:property.owners in- Madison Square - ob-
ject ng to.. the.:gra,nting of. the Use Permit was read by
Mr. Schwobeda,. Said petition was submitted and filed.
In conclusion.Mr..Schwobeda requested consideration
of enacting legislation for the control new service
Mr: L16yd Der Mehden, attorney representing Tom
Gaffey and.subst"ituting for - Attorney John Fitzgerald,
debated the various points brought out Mr. S'chwo-
beda and .:stated that. he - failed- toa see that there has"
been -`any abuse on the part of the Plan-
ning Commission. He reques,ted the Council to sustain
the dec= sion,made by the Planning Commission.
Upon question from. the Council, Acting City. Attorney
John" Klein explained that the City is not a party to
the - covenants -and is not responsible for en-
forcement and that the - 'Council is not bound to con -
sider the covenants in arriving at its decision.
Planning Director Robert Byrd reviewed the zoning
history of .Madison Square -Subd - vision :along East
Washington Street Mr Hal•Lehnhard - and Mr. Bob
Acorne,.service,station operators, also addressed the
Councilvregard'ing the .service station-problem.. After
:considering �the..facts - presented .by the appellant and
applicant, the: Council ..finalized - its by
sustaining the-Planning Comm!is::s on's per
Resolution #4'712 *N:.C..S of findings of fact and action
taken by the Petaluma.City Council on the appeal of
Jim Lutz from the 'Planning Commission's approval. of
Thomas Gaffey's application for a Use which
was introd'uced.;by Joerger, seconded by
Councilman Lipman,.and :adopted by 5 affirmative votes,
2�- absentees.
April 3, 1967
Appeal - Jim Lutz In line' _with, a. suggestion. .,made- by sCouhcilmbii 1
Res. #4712 NCS Cavanagh -Jr. , and, .Joerger,,, At was;- decided that;
the; Planning. Commission_-undertake- a study 'of 'or -'-
dinances - regardng.service stations isimilar to
those presented :for ..possible legislation in the
future-,_and..to include the...service..sta.tion opera-
tors in the -- study.
They .Mayor.:at7..this., time .declar.ed the .publ c "hear ng
Policy re Model. Director.of Planning.Robert Byrd presented a.draft
Homes Res. #4714 NCS of - a policy. resolution for Council...cons deration,
-Mobile-Home Appli-
explaining that.. n..large•::subdivision.. developments,
A recess . was :called .by, . the. Mayor.. The time was
model-homes-for display and marketing - purposes
approximately- .9: 35. o'.clock p.m.. The- meeting was
prior -to completing the - final subdivision - 'map 'of
called back .to . order a.t'.. 9 :45 o'clock
Claims and Bills
Resolution : #47.'13._N,,.C.S,. approving - claims and. bills
Res. #4713 NCS
No's. 10660 to :10713 inclusive and. 919 to 940
discussing the matter with the City. and
inclusive, was ;introduced by Councilman Cavanagh.,
the City Attorney,, it was -felt that there,-,should, be
Jr., , seconded ..by 'Councilman .Lipman,. - ,adopted by
definite..regulations - for control , of , this. type of
.5 affirmative _vot'es, . 2 .absentees.
Presentation of
- D irector ..of .Public .Works - -David - Young• presented a
cert .to - David Fettes., ..Sewer Plant Ope'r:ator,
David Fettes
issued_by.the.:Water Pollution Control'Association
"' (6) This policy confers no' right upon an% applicant
of California - for. successfully passing an examina-
. for .a .building per-mit� and , if the City �Er ineer or
tion for .Grade .II+I, .Waster Pollution .Control. Plant
other City ; •official.shall object that
Operator... _Mk... Young . comp.limented Mr.. Eettes .for
unusual - conditions prevail :which, would make. the
his accomplishment.. • The .Mayor -, - on behalf' of - the
policy inapplicable_..i-h a given :case,: the .City re-
Counc_1;.congra.tula.ted Mr. Fettes.for the comple-
serves the right to withhold approval ".. - whereupon.
t' on :.of the . course and receiving the award.
Resolution #47'1.4. :N.C; ;S. adopting a policy-, "relative
Policy re Model. Director.of Planning.Robert Byrd presented a.draft
Homes Res. #4714 NCS of - a policy. resolution for Council...cons deration,
-Mobile-Home Appli-
explaining that.. n..large•::subdivision.. developments,
it -- is. necessary 'for, - developers to .go .ahead with
model-homes-for display and marketing - purposes
prior -to completing the - final subdivision - 'map 'of
recordation - stating that the .zoning .ordinance • does
not -set :forth any •provision for .model homes; and in
discussing the matter with the City. and
the City Attorney,, it was -felt that there,-,should, be
definite..regulations - for control , of , this. type of
development. Mr. Larry Schoch.. of _ H Egan,. •Schoch
and Associates, ispoke. the merits of the :policy.
Acting City Attorney John suggested that a.sixth
paragraph be.added to.said -, policy resolution-as follows:
"' (6) This policy confers no' right upon an% applicant
. for .a .building per-mit� and , if the City �Er ineer or
other City ; •official.shall object that
unusual - conditions prevail :which, would make. the
policy inapplicable_..i-h a given :case,: the .City re-
serves the right to withhold approval ".. - whereupon.
Resolution #47'1.4. :N.C; ;S. adopting a policy-, "relative
to the:_constr,uction�;of -•model. in subdivisions
( including -Paragraph t 6 as : stated .:by the City
Attorney) , was - -. introduced by •Councilman Joer.ger,
seconded by:Co,uncilman. Cavanagh, Jr., and._adopted.
by 5 affirmative votes, . 2 .ab'sentees.
= Directot%.of Planning,..Robert - B yrd ..informed the
Council that Mr....Gerog,edes has again .gpp_l ,';f
a Use Permit for aa mobi'le home development at the
same:..location,, 4535 Redwood :Highway :South,, Petalu-
ma. The ,application,, ,:Mr. Byrd, added, will be - con-
sidered by the.County.Board of Zoning-Adjustments.
at 3;:.35 p,.m, on April 6, 196.7. Director of Pla_n
'ping report, dated April 3,_1967, reviewing.,'the
application,, submitted:'and filed.. Mr'.. %pyrd .re-
quested that the Council reaffirm it's position of
March .6th supporting-; the Planning Commis`sion's
denial of the 'Use Mr. John Georgedes again
2 89:
April 3,'19,67
Mobile -Home�
before . Council - reviewing thb. de-
John Gdargedes
ve-l-opjRent..,PropQsed.Y .and..r.equesti-hcj Council to
(Continued) -
a -sewer,service -for- the project. After
discu'ssion matter, a motion.was.made by
Councilman.Brainerd, and seconded by Councilman
..Lipmap.-,' support ing the Planning Commission's
ri i,�l_:of the U - .Permit and maintaining the
..Councill.s ;position .of rejecting the
connection ,request.because the Use Permit
flicts with.t City.(jeneral Area-wide Plan, it
_,is.premature,,'and constitutes-urban.sprawl,
- further moving the staff -be.represented at
the .County ,meeting. -Motion carried
3 �
Goldeft.Agers Club
Director.of Rereation-.RichardShollenberger ad-
dressed . the .Couric-i- -,regarding a_.problem which
has....deve loped. with -transporting - members-- -- of the
Golden-.Age rs.-Club,:"to-their weekly meeting.-at the
_Kenilworth Recreat:ib'n_7Btilding. He
that.t --loc'! Red Ckoss chapter has assisted the
- he a -
..-Rec-reaf--i in providing transportation,
but,'since its reofg.cdhization, -it. will be impos-
sib-le-for the Red service.
- e
Mr,. Sholleribergbr-requested.-th -- .Council - to assist
in a- solution.to this- problem.- Mrs. Flora Forbes,
Presi'dent:.of the_•Golden Agers appeared be-
fore .the 'Council..-aski-ng for
- in., organ i zing -vtrafisp6rtation: fok, thee: Club ''and in-
_ viting to.•attend one of*the
- -meetings. —Yo 'Former Mayor Arthur. was also
present: and '.spoke -- in 'support- of Agers'
-request—After a.. brief .discussion,, Mr. -
berger.was-dire6ted.to work,with the Golden Agers
and _Mr. Parent,*ori . the .specifics .of -- the - transporta-
Lion situation for presentation a:s s tudy to the
. -._ prob taking. into
Council.to explore thetotal
consideration the.various:clubs sponsored by the
. 'During the Mr. Shollenberger
stated-that he will..arrange-transportatioh for
.....the- Club members.
Petaluma Swim
Direc,torl Shollenberger ap-
geared before the Council with- a.recommendation
f rom the Recreation -Commission that - a - one-year
..."_con�tract be entered - Anto With the City for the
Petaluma Swim-%Club'to pay.a fee of per month.
He.- .reviewed , a lett6k.from the-Recreation Commis-
son .regarding the -fee andusage of the. - pool.
Said letter with a copy of the Club's btidget was
submittedandfiled. Letter,, dated ,March 24,
1967 from Mr, X.P. An-tognini
. Petaluma' Swim. -, Club, - requesting the . fee, sub-
.. The City - Manager , noted that
July 8th .is scheduled for- swim meetf, and in or-
der.to make-it clear to everyone - concerned - and in
line with-h-is-sqgg,estion, the Council asked Mr.
Antogn was present-in support of the
Club's request; to approach- the Fair Board re-
ga pool usage..on.July 8th the
.: agreement - :that - the ' Fa:.ir to use the pool
during the - E'ourth , :Di-strict. - -Agricultural Fair. In
discussing the usage of the pool; Mr
berger :pointed out. :Conditio :Conditions #3 and Wof the
proposed contract— "The C1 ' ubl's all
.. condi-tio . ns , .,of the-rules and regulations s
the use of the pool and.that the dates and
specified can be- °.changed subject - to the general
programming�of - thel.-pool.," The City Manager thus
. the Council the $150
fee, understood that the Clqb._is aware that
- .the schedule is subject to- general programming
of the out Pool Coordinator
*,qnd'* 9-.) Council members to be appointed
Economic Development,: `The.City._ Manager. reported .tha.t- he_attended last
of North Coast Region Thursday, ., .,meeting .of .the Economic Deve`Topmen
of the North, Coas -t „..Region .sponsored by the .Cali -
fornid State, of.:Commerce = °at which
several. excellent •panel discussions :were .heard,.
-Chamber of Commerce. Councilman RLipman, announced, that- - the, annual
Annual. Ins ta-Ilation Chamber.'wof...Commer.ce, installation- will .be .'Sa-tur-
f, day,:,Aprii.l5,, 1.967.
Petaluma Entrance Councilman h. ipman.reported.that . the- signs for
Signs each .entrance -are .ready fpr installation but that
the- .property..at .the northern - •entrance has been
sold by.'Mr. Tocch n - and” a- •new%loc'a being
Adjournment'- There- being no..: further -.business - come :befor.e the
Council,. the .meeting was. adjourned - at-11:�3b o"
Atte t:
'City C : rk
April 3, 1967
Petaluma Swim
Dr. Rudlof f., ! whereupon a -motion was :made by
Fee (Continued)
- Counc•ilman,.Lipman:, and seconded by CouncIlman-
Cavanagh., Jr. ,- .sett`ing the fee for the- Petaluma
Swim - Club : at $150 per -month for a one -year' con-
tract. . carried..
.M r ..- Walter Thompson :of the Peta luma Swim ,,Club;
invited the .Mayor' members of the :Coup_ cil.. ,
to attend the - -first] swim meet on June-Jb;, 1967.
University of
::..:F.ormer - Mayor".Normair�.=P•. Van Bebber addressed the
:-Council urging support of - ,a site selection. for
Res..- •4 NCS
the University of ,=California campus in the
Sonoma County area; whereupon Resolution 447'l5 N.C.S.
urging., establishment :of_ North Bay Campus • of Univer-
si•ty of: Cal- ifornia`.in "Sonoma - County.,, .was introduced
by Councilman, 'Lipman, seconded -by Councilman
Brainerd.;. _and-: ado.pted,, by ._.5-4•af firma•tive• - votes,, 2
Collier -Unruh Act
Resolution. #4'.716..N.0 :.S- .... the .eliminat• on
Res.. #4716. NCS
of matching .;'require .and - urging -the .cbm-
._bin -ing . , the.:adin nistration •of the gas tax funds-
which are .now ..separately . adminis.tered. and, allocated,
was.:ntroduced by:Counclma_n °Lipman, seconded.
. affrma-
by - Councilman - Brainerd, and .adop.ted 5
- tive Votes., -.2. absentees .
Economic Development,: `The.City._ Manager. reported .tha.t- he_attended last
of North Coast Region Thursday, ., .,meeting .of .the Economic Deve`Topmen
of the North, Coas -t „..Region .sponsored by the .Cali -
fornid State, of.:Commerce = °at which
several. excellent •panel discussions :were .heard,.
-Chamber of Commerce. Councilman RLipman, announced, that- - the, annual
Annual. Ins ta-Ilation Chamber.'wof...Commer.ce, installation- will .be .'Sa-tur-
f, day,:,Aprii.l5,, 1.967.
Petaluma Entrance Councilman h. ipman.reported.that . the- signs for
Signs each .entrance -are .ready fpr installation but that
the- .property..at .the northern - •entrance has been
sold by.'Mr. Tocch n - and” a- •new%loc'a being
Adjournment'- There- being no..: further -.business - come :befor.e the
Council,. the .meeting was. adjourned - at-11:�3b o"
Atte t:
'City C : rk