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Signing and
Endorsing Checks
1'911 Assessment
February 12, 1968 ^
Council Meeting
Adjourned meeting of the Council of the City
'..'Wells Fargo Bank
of Petaluma cA'lled * to order by Mayor Putnam
'Ves•: #°4923 NCS'
at the hour of 4:00 o'clock p.m.
Present: Councilmen Battaglia, Brainerd,
Cavanagh, Jr., Colin, Joerger,
Municipal I-mprove=
Lipman and Mayor Putnam.
ment Bond & Coupon
Absent: 'TNone.
Following a review = -by City Manager Robert Meyer
City Treasurer
of the duties o`f" the Assistant Finance - Director
Re - - =49!22 NCS
(Accountant) and the Administrative Assistant
to the City Manager, Resolution #4922 N.C.S.
Active & Inactive
appointing Thomas'T. Behnke Deputy City
Accounts- Crocker
Treasurer and repealing REsolution #4297 N.C.S.,
Citizens National
was introduced by Lipman, seconded
by Councilman Brainerd, and adopted by'7 affirm -
ative votes.
by 7 affirmative votes.
Signing and
Endorsing Checks
1'911 Assessment
Reso lution #4923 N.C.S. authorizing signing and
D'i Funds
endorsing checks -dhd other instruments (1911 .
'..'Wells Fargo Bank
Assessment District Funds) and repealing Resolu-
'Ves•: #°4923 NCS'
tion #4.926 N.C.S'., was introduced by Councilman
Lipman.; seconded by Councilman Brainerd, and
adopted by 7- affirmative votes.
Municipal I-mprove=
Resolution #4924 .S. authorizing signing and
ment Bond & Coupon
endorsing checks and other instruments (Municipal.
�Fun'ds -Wells Fargo
Improvement Bond and Coupon Funds).and repealing
Resolution #4309 N..C.S., was introduced by Coun-
Res.. #4924 NCS
cilman Lipman, seconded by Councilman Brainerd,
and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Active & Inactive
Resolution #.4925 N.C.S. authorizing signing and
Accounts- Crocker
endorsing checks and other instruments (Active
Citizens National
and Inactive Accounts), and repealing Resolution
#43'06 N.C.:S., was ,introduced by Lip -
Res. #4925 NCS
man, seconded by Councilman Brainerd, and adopted
by 7 affirmative votes.
Active & Inactive Resolution #4926 N.C.S. authorizing signing
Accounts - Sierra and endorsing checks and other instruments
National Bank (Active and Inactive Accounts) and repealing
Res. #>4926 NCS Resolution #4308 N.C.S., was introduced by
Councilman Lipman, seconded by Councilman
Brainerd, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
,Inactive & Active
Wells Fargo Bank
Res. #4927 NCS
Resolution #4927 N.C.S. authorizing signing and
endorsing checks and.other instruments (Commer-
cial Accounts - Inactive and Active) and repealing
Resolution #4307 N.C.S., was introduced by
Councilman. Lipman, seconded by Councilman
Brainerd, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Commercial Accounts-- Resolution #4928 N.C.S. authorizing signing and
Inactive & Active endorsing checks and other instruments for the
Bank of America City of Petaluma Water Department (Active and In-
`Res. #4928 NCS active Commercial Account) and repealing Resolu-
tion #4305 N.C.S., was introduced by Councilman
Lipman, seconded by Councilman Brainerd, and
Adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
February 12, 1968
Signing and Endorsing
Checks (Continued)
Commercial Accounts-
Resolution #'4929:N.C.S. authorizing signing
Inactive & Active
-and endorsing checks and other instr:Umdnta
Bank of Mar ia
(Commercial - Active and Inactive Accounts.)'
Res. #4929 N
and repealing Resolution #4342 N.C.S., was
i"Introduced by Councilman Lipman,_ sec_onded.f:a
by Councilman Brainerd,-::and,-adopted by 7
affirmative votes.
Payroll Account
Resolution #4930 N.C.S. authorizing signing
Crocker - Citizens
and - endorsing. checks.. and other. ; instruments,,
National :Bank
(.Payroll 'Account) Land repealing Reso ution.
Res. . #4930 N <.,C.S.
#4785 N.C.S., was introduced by Councilman
Lipman,, seconded. by Councilman Brainerd,
and-. affirmative 'votes .
Golden Concourse
-Resolution #4931 N.C.S. authorizing and
Fund -.Crocker-
directing Treasurer of the City of Petaluma
Citizens.Nat -onal
to establish a, separate fund to be entitled,
"Golden Concourse Fund" to receive all monies
Res. #4931 N.C.S.
City and other, which are pledged for r the, -
construction of the Golden Concourse_: ,Au,;th-
orizing the deposit of the funds in.the ,
Crocker- Citizens National Bank::; Authorizing
signing and endorsing checks and o-ther,_instru-
ments and repealing - Reso'lution #4446 N.C:'.;S.,,
was introduced -by ;Councilman Lipman, seconded
by Councilman Brainerd, and adopted by '7 af-
firmative votes.
There being •no .further , business to come. be-
fore;the Co.unc l,.the meeting was. ad;journed
at 4:30 o'clock, p.m. to ..an-.executive session'
and a study - se.ss . n.