HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/15/19594:00 p. m. October 15 1959 - City Hall - Petaluma, Calif. Adjourned meeting of the Council of the.City of'Petaluma .called to order by Mayor Parent. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Crinella,. Ellis, Gustafson, King,. Van Bebber and ,Mayor Parent. Absent: . Councilman .Matzen. APPR OVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of Oct. 5, 1959, were 'approved as recorded. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: Street Repairs 1959 - Report on Bids Opened Oct. 14, 1959 City Clerk Gladys: Wallin reported that 5 bids had been receive and opened �in . the presence of the "City 4anager and Dire of Public Worka at 2:00 p. M. yesterday. 'The low bid was that of ­ yesterday. & . J urkoyich. Following is a list the bids received: : Name & Address Total Bid Reichhold- & Jurkovich, San Pablo 9, 1.90; 00 Ghilotti Bros., San Rafael $10 Amaral Const. , Petaluma '$ 285. 80 Ammons Const. , Petaluma $10, 823. 56 A. G. Raisch, San Rafael $11, 390. 80 A resolution awarding the bid to Re ichhold & Jurkovich was then read and adopted as follows: Res.. #2327 M C. introduced. byl Councilman Van Bebber, seconded by Councilman _Cr. inella, entitled, "RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE REPAIR OF CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PETALUMA IN ACCORD ANCE WITH THE PLANS . AND SPECIFICATIONS- ENTITLED, °STREET REPAIRS, 1954 " 6 affirmative .votes, 1 absentee. . PETITIONS" & COMMUNICATIONS: Submission- of Annual Audit by Begley, & Deaton The Annual Audit bf City of Petaluma, fiscal year ending June 30, 1959:, was submitted and .filed. Councilman King stated that there:mas. some question in his mind .as to the figure of $6, 512, 825. under Investment in Fixed Assets. He. felt that this figure. was misleading, and that there was actually no reason for the item to appear' in this particular' statement. (App roximately_:4:10 p. m. -- Councilman Matzen entered ,the Council Chamber at -this time.) The City Manager City Clerk explained that according to State Law, the City must show its fixed..assets. After further discussion on the subject, the City.Clerk was directed to obtain further. inforina Lion on this from the City" s "auditors, Begley & Deaton. Councilman Van Bebber called attention to the fact that Police Court fe &s_are decreasing each .year, even though the City's population is increasing. He requested that a report be .made on this, showing the number of citations issued in .compari:son to the .fines levied, etc. (1) (cont'd) 2 October. 15, _ 1959 .Annual. A ud:i.t cont ° 'd The" City Manager `was directed to check on the matter -and report back :to the Council. Under. "Genefa Comments" in the' Annual Audit, the fo llowing paragraph was discussed. "It .is r°eocammended that consideration be given to Increasing the, amount of the- T'rda:surer°s official bond, presently . set dt $25;,000. . Perhaps, the adequ.a of the Treasurer - s boncl,shald be exarriined'along'with.'his .. additional 1 . iab created by the `acquisition of th,e water department. Councilmen Matzen. & King reques *ted to .k:now if some change could be made j.n order 'to avoid haying to provide fox° a larger - . The City Attorney- and City, Manager 'were directed to check with other .cities in to determine how they provided for - bonding etc, , in connection with :the position of City "Tr"easurer, REPORTS OF CITY OFFICIALS: City. Manager Claims: approved payment. by the -City M.anager'wer-e submitted -arid _filed; whereupon, Res #2328'N. G Se introduced by.'Councilman King, .seconded. - by Counci:l man:,Ellis, approving claims and .bills (Nos. - 1248 - to 1595 inclusive and Nos. 49W to 78W 'inclusive), was read and adopted by 2 afi'irmAtive xoteso IM 1 City Pl.ann Pse ;_Permit ° Santa -Rosa ,Neon Light - Co.. Gopy of re`sol ution granting Use Permit' to Santa .Rosa Neon Light Coa 'to co.nstrnct 'plasti:c sign at'401 Petaluma Blvd. North,: C.'2 .Zone subrnitted'and filed. Water Department Roo Subdivision . `Wa:termain Con'structaony' Mt. 'View Ave , = Res. C leilei mart King rerridrked that there was a question in his mind as to wheth:er o.r 'not the footage from Phillips Ave to the City limits is°actuallv,a l ine extension; The: Cit y Ott ®rne�r read. a .portion of the: Water . Ordinance which provides that the 'applicant if - re -ked by - the Manajzey :shail,pav for any cost of increasing the size o-r °capacfty of the City ° s - mai ns. o r - any rother acilities us.ed' or necessa;ry for 'supplying a extension. During the , cou:rse of dtscussioi� orb this subject9 w as' pointed - .out that :Mr.. De Roo will be subject to refund-on the`'a.ctual cost the .. nstallation of the watetma.irxo : " -.. . Coun c;rlrnan King relates the policy of the North Maria Water Dist. , in -similar ma rers, He stated• that they chargeil tlxe subdivider merely for th,e difference between the size .line actually required for the s:ubdivisioh and the . Brae they were req!iiOsting The install.ecly. taking futu`re groWth" into consid- eratione Councilman Van 13ebber pointed out that the City of Petaluma is, in effect, doing the :same th ilg6a 3 North 1Vlarrn in this c use, inasmuch -as a ; 6:" line was required to serve >Mr De Rpo s 86bciivisiozn 6' lane was being l i.ns The City. Manages 'noted tb.4t M De Roo:'wIas dgr�ee to , installa� Lion of the w aterix�aiz� .as set fox in rh;e resolUiion note before:r1?e Council; whereupon, R.ese _ #2329 N Ce So introduced., by Councilman Matzen,, seconded by,''Courici.lman Ellis,: entitled, (2) (cont`d) 1 2 4_'D October 15, 1959 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH FRANCIS. DeROO TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A WATER MAIN IN MT. VIEW AVENUE, was read and 'adopted by the following vote: : Ayes:- Councilmen Criiiella, Ellis, Gustafson-, Matzen, Van Bebber and Mayor'Pa rent. Noes:: Councilman King. Res. - A uthorizing,'Wa ter Depto to Negoti. e - 'With M. -Amaral for Installation of Water Lines in Mt.: View Limits Res., #2330'N. C. S. introduced by Councilman Ellis,. _ seconded by Councilman Van Bebber, entitled, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WATER-DEPARTMENT TO NEGOTIATE WITH M. -AMARAL CONSTRUCTION CO. I FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE WATER LINESIN MT.. VIEW AVENUE TO THE CITY LIMITS. " - ' ; ' read and adopted . by 7. affirmative votes. Ord. ,.Author. Outlay .Program .--- Water Dept. To a question by_'Cbuncilman King, . t f6. rieplacement of water- mains on McNear. - Ave. and McDowell Road, 'the ' Cify.Engineer explained than as he understood this, -- these lines were e in poor condition. Councilman Kifig that he would vote "yes" on this ordinance, merely because It was'an.em.ergency ordinance inance and required a unanimous vote. However, he objected to the replacement of the on McNear Ave. and McDowell Road, inasmuch as he felt these cases could be compared the line in the matter . the De`Roo subdivision. with the extension - of t - - ; I The subject ordinance was then introduced. Ord., #558, N.C.. S. introduced by Councilman Van Bebber, Councilman Crifiella, entitled, seconded by o, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF P PROVIDING FOR A PROPOSED I CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM ROGRAM F,OR THE WATER DEPARTMENT TO BE COMPLETED'DURING THE FISCAL - YEAR 195.9-60; PROVIDING THAT THE"PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL' ARE TO BEAPPROVED'IN ORDER TO COMMENCE BY RESOLUTION; AND NAMING THE FUND FROM WHICH EACH,TA RIT. ICULAR PROJECT SHALL BE PAID. ordered published by 7 affirmative votes. Other, -City Officials Monthly reports of the various: City Departments were submitted and filed,, -ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES #557 NGS - Annual. Appropriation Ord, - Dept. Ord. #557 N C.S. introduced by. Councilman Vail Bebber, seconded by. Councilman Ellis, entitled, 244 October.15, 1959 "ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE PETALUMA WATER DEPARTI'MENT F'OR THE 'BALANCE OF THE' FISCAL . I. YEAR COMME'NC : ING' SEPTEMBER L 1959 TO JUNE '30; .1960, adopted by Taffirmat ive votes., CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS° Res.. Endors , .School Ron.d ::Elect o.n Reso331. N. Q. S, introduced by Councilman C rinel:la, seconded by Councilman. Ellis, entitled, "RESOLUTION L'lRGING THE PASSAGE OF THAT - SPECIAL ELECTION TO PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THE PETALUMA HIGH SCHOOL, DIS'T'RICT TO OETAIN SPECIAL , STATE ..APPORTIONMENT. adopted by 7. affirmative votes. -Rifle Range Karl Petaluma Police. Dept., addressed the Council reporting on the p.r.. status of the Petalurna- Rifly Range, stating that he-be.lieved there. was now approximately: 000 involved .1n'the .project. He presented the Council wi tli - a schetch of , what the 'site =and equipment ' will be like when .completed.and briefly gent over same,, expldining his plans for use of'th:e rang_ e in the future° - Offic°er Koh] was commended on the fine aob he is doing on this project. - River'. Harbor "Improvements Cit�;l�/ 4a:ge'r - -'Ed Frank stated: 'that he .had talked with Mr. Schruers, To Malone. Coo , ; and': been informed that so far hts firm had - only contacted a . ev . of th property _owners involved. . Mt. - ,Frank pointed out that Mra . Schruers 'had'not, aiy�wered: anv of - the' - questions .which 'had een� put'' to him -by-the- .Council -at the last meeting`eoncerning construction of a boat harbor, and he-had not stated - when they "woul:da After �'s6ine discuss ?on o�i the subject, it was the .feeling .of the Council. that neither° the. County - nor - Tornell . Malone Co... would :be :like,'ly -- to; rnako� any definite` move relative to - construction _of a boat` harbor in the near. future - Therefore, , it'WoL);d pr6bably •be advisable for the City to - apply for a ;planning oan - at this ; tirxteo - A, resolation,. which had been prepared at th.e Mayor' -s request, was then _read and adopted. 'as , follows a Res- . -92332 . N a C.-S. introduced by, Councilman Matzen, soconded .by C6unci'im. a Gustafson, entitled, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER `TO MAKE APPLIC,ATION TO THE SMALL CRAFT HARB:ORSI COMMISSION FOR A PLANNING LOAN PLIRSLTAINT TO SECTION 6499. 5 AND` - CHAPTER 23 62 THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE'. adopted,by Taffirmative .votes. Councilman. El.l :s suggested that Wes Hill, Water Dept Manager, atteixd .any-C.ouncil in.eetings where Matters concerning ihe: " Water-, pt'.. app, ear .on the agenda. A,DJOQRNMEI T o There being;no' further business'to' come before the. Council the meeting was'_adjouxnedo Attest.° City C�l.erko: (4) ayor.