HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/05/1960�f I December .5,..1960 m 7030 p: M. C ity 'Hdll ,Petaluma, Calif. Regular meeting of the Council . of the City of Petaluma ca lied order by Mdyor Parent. Present- Councilmen,Cr-inella,, and MAy6i PaY&n't." Abse= Coui "Am K ing, nc an NVOGAT ION Ellis, Gustafson, Matzen, Van,Bebber Invocation was gi.Ven,by ReyQrend Kenneth Peterson, United Church of Christ.- APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes, from the me.eiing,pf November. 21 1.960 approved as were appr recorded,.- CONSIDERATION OF BI I DSa Radar Timer Report-on.-Bid Opening of. Dec.:- 1960 . -, R eport o f C M 4n ity ag -ce'' ate 2 1960, re radar 0. . m'�. timer bid opening a, t : 2 . 0.0" P ". 1 . on Dec,` 1 . 19 su m itted'and . filed City Manager LavVi La - d Larson reported that only one bid - ha been received on the subject equipment, me "this b6ink the bid' 6f ' is rece' t nt, ra ed Bar& Line Co. of Sa usalito in the amount of' 273,190. It was the recommendation of the Staff that t his, bid . be, accepted. A. resolution accepting the bid was then adopted as follows. R es. #2612 N!: C S. 7 � - introduced by Councilman Ellis, se'c6nd6d.byCQu'nc'iIman Matzen,, entitled "RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (ij RADAR TIMER FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AS A UTH O RIZ ED . . BY R ES OL U TI O N NO 259 N. Q'e S. adopted by 6 affirmative- votes, I absentee'.. A'e" uesvpf Shell Oil. C. 0. Excess Portions of , f o r' Abandonment -of- q in � Com i from Shell Oil Co.. dated Nov '21, 1960, requesting "" aba o excess portion of righv-:`6f7,.wa'� in vicinit;V 6i old U.. S�'. 44 e 01 and overpass.. submitted ci.;, repo nman - d i i d I report ii of, bi�'ec i De'. b­`*',­,,,--,an file or of Public' Works thereon dated-Deo,.: .2', 196Q, submitted a,nd'.filed. The City Engineer'noted . that the City now has some 150 of road right' of " " .- i _. I ' ' ­: " 30'" - -7 .'., - Way fronting this property an d 're"c' offimond6d - that 'aproximately :'6f this a explained that curb and side..'. -�ofr;w, ybe abandoned to the he I Oil Co,' C6.: H ,right d walk dif "ment will fift�'1�6 the p roperty gn- t,. rom t e station's hie outside pump pproximc line which will then 6' vtdce their 0 island a' itely - 5, f rom the newly bst'abfigh &d curb Jinie unless ffi&r reqdestabd d Jr .6.. ..n.onme of 'a portion of right - 4a the 'road H - f gr "'h y is grante ,, by "the ii S h Mr. the Council stating that their' ., Pipe & I 10 ft Co. C. 6. �ddiesised . - request for the City -s abandonment of a portion of right of � 'c 6nie about as a result of the City's requirements . . on the - curb aftknm"en�t Af ter d" ft - further 'discussf6n�: the City was ire'dted to make a and detailed report on the matter fo SUDMISsion to the. Council befo the next' meeting.' 3 December 5 1,960 Seer Le . lC reatment Plant Report dated love ber 1960 re proposed s'r� enlargers ents the mun' tclpaf seWV ge treatment plant for .the C. or ear hum subrn�tted bar Harry N.. Jenks & John H,, Jerikrs, consul'ting sanitary erigineers, sufin t, ed -,and file' da Mr. Harry Jenks addressed the.Council revieWN .,ng the subject .report;, for the Councit inform..gtiono He stated that with .the except ;on of a feVV minor items,, basi.cally 'the Pet;.lurna plant' i.s. suffibient air the pre'sei nt tune° Mr enks noted that tha s report rncl.'taded a review of existing, facilities, consi erasion ofthe disposal requ1r'&in.ents,, futiire'reeds ; "time of needed enla gements additional needs , etc (A,pproxi fm ate 8 2:5.p ;o m Co * ncilxnan King entered the Council Chamber at this tim. eo . To a question by Councilman KYng� the Ci ry' Eng .neei stated that his department had started a study of the existing sewer mains in the City - which r they hope 'have c ®rnpleted 'in time for submission Wvatki the 'General Plano Mt, Jenks stated that, this, study vac uld be rev.. wed by hirri also When any specific pi6b di should arts& Mr . stated h® would be very glad to st ®p by acid help i.n any dray possbl:e 50at Ha °rbor County: Counsel Richard Ramsey addressed the Council, reporting on the present status of the smAl] boat harbor, He e plaaried that the DAVision of Small Craft Harbors Will ill not approve the harbor loa�ri Without clear title to the land for which :the pile, of acquisition fs3 Q00 00 'The ° County only has.:12000.00. budgeted f6 the purpose this yearn A s 6ne soldt' ion to t is problem, he suggested that if ` it wo ild be possible for the `City to advance the dzfferex ce of 26-; 000 00,' this amo could then be paid back :by the County arx the `next couple of years • The Cir Attorne , noted Chat Mro Lars of Srnall C aPt Harbors meeting y y nw date with Mr L . A Richards State Division for -. - . a 9 discussion of ,other er aspects of tthi.s problem a.nd - i.t' might be possible to iron this matter out at that trrrie also Ix replay to, - a question y the Mayor Mr. P,Y - Ramsey stated that a represefti e' of the County Wvo,uld be happy to attend the. meeting, The City, Manager assured the Council that he Would asrrange ,for the meet ng Mro Richards as soon as posszbl.e. Proposal 'of Harry . Jenks Jo ii H Jenks dated Nov. ­128 �, 196Q for consulting:. laboratory services sewage treatrrient plant read and filed report of City Engineer thereony. submitted. ancl.filed. ` It was pointed out that tl?as proposal provided for an increase of 35a OQ 'per year for consultng ;& laboratory service's'° The total annual fee would .be .160. oo, There were no objections voiced `to the proposal, Forem, Ost.,Dairies -,, Ineo..0 Request, for. Enc roachment.Termit• Request, fr(im' Foremost Dairiesa Inc °dated ov S0 ` " "19 for encroach''': ment perna..t to d1loWV installation of a concrete sump on the river' bank behind the Golden Eagle Milling 'Co from wh 61 to pgmp river water for use in their plant,: submitted acid filed; report of Director of Public `Works thereon. dated; Dec. "2y i,960 9 ` - . s ubmitted and f ledn City Engineer =Al Roberts recorrimended the granting of this requ.est9 subjee't to the provis ons set forth in his report on the ma tte r : , Wwhe'.r Reno . #,2613 N. Co S. introduced by Councilman Matzen, seconded by Councilman Crinel:la entitled, S�'2� December 5, 1960 Res, 1 NCS ° cont 1 .iR S`.QLUTYON GRANTING FOREMOST DAIRIES,. INC. AN ENC:,�OACHMENT PER MIT'_ TO CO A CONCRE`T'E SU!'AP ON LEA'" STREET; To was, read and adopted by 7 affirmative votes, REP;.')- '.1 CITY OFF ICIALSe C ity Mana ex° Claltxt's approved for payr'nenX by the Ca.ty MAnager were submitted and 1. filed,. where upon,, Reso #2614 No Co: S,o . introduced by Couhdil.rnan Custafsoh. seconded by Councilman Crinell:a, approving clain.4s and Dills �N0 8 6 to 920 i .clusave� 515.6 to b34` inclus1 and Noso. 391W ,to 4,8 inclusive), was read �nd.'adopted by 7 aff rm, , 4 �e votes.' I' aytxa ent of Taxes � W °ter Oepta. Pro pert The City Attorney stated that there was some daestlon in his mind a s to whether or not' Clty should pay taxes on pipe lines located outside the City fir irs.on property not owned by "t ie City >"he C'ity'Ma.nager explain­ d that this matter was in connection with some tax .bills wh�c h"had been held over for invest gati ©n. at a. previous meeting. He cabled attention' to the fact that the re s6tu'd 6n h6w before the Counci.l wbuld'merely approve pa:ymnent the 1960 61 taxes so as to avozd penalties on same, However,. these tax 1a `lls o�a:l.d be paid under protests and investigation in t he matter w ou ld continue, There was some discussion as to the wording In the last paragraph. of tl�e :resolut;3ono The uroxds, "Y,st installment 1960 then inserted and the =esolu ion was adopted as fol.l:ows:o Res,, #2,61.5 N., G a S, . introduc:ed;hy. Councilman _Matzen, seconded by Co ncilmah Ck1hella, entitled,, :_`_50LTFION DIRECTING THE PAYMENT Op" 'T'AXES LEVIED UPON WATER DEpAR'IMEN` 'P-1 OPE'RTI8S To BE PAID BY WARR'ANTS UNDER,1?ROTEST6 read and adopted by 7 affa votes. 9,:25 pa nri< Mayor Parent called a recess at this time, 9, F, rno ® The meeting was called back to order.. Re port re Cost of Traffic .Crossing Gu Report of City Ma�gez dated Deco 1'9 1960, re paid crossing guards 'and school safety patrols,- read and -flied M:r... Lars re�orted'th t the Staff had also be en investigating the cost of traffic si. na�ls fha't could be activated by pedestrians, Quotations had been received on the cost of such signals from $50Oo 00 tb X750 00 - per unite He noted that, signs reading,: ''slow school c ossing ahead`''' lead already been ordered for th'e school intersections at Rodega Ave., western Ado D "I": Sf o and " -L ?" St In talking with; a representative of `the firm which sells: t6.e "pedestrian .operated sign Is- Mr.- °La�so.n stated he had been inf�orxn:ed, that these had been used'in other c :t.ies and had." not proved very satisfactory:, He called the Council'.� attention to a portion ;of" the State V e hicle Code wherein It was set forth that one- half tliTO cost of such signals shall be paid by'ihe school d:isfrict.o �3� (cont'd) 3. December '5. 1.960 Report re Cost of Tra c Qross:l g Gu ards : con d Councilman :Gustafson felt that if those s�.gnals mere purel sed end: . installed by the City_,p the schools Would cooperate b' h ,'"'hg the older children operaae them. , Clarke Matth essen,. Douglas Arthur and. Leonard Lasna.k, school: principals, addressed the Council. relating their thoughts in.connection with the suggested traffic signals,, etc. .Mr.. Herold Mah6ney,- President of the Board of Education, :stated that he could arrange fo jbi t melee ng' c�� the �oa,rd an `the Traffxe CQ�.tnjttee' withip a .24 hour period for discussion on this sib '6ct He also - suggested that the' City Manager members of the . .l Ao who had been aetWe in the rri�;t�tef ac' y also be invited to a;t=tezid Councilman Council arepresebtat ve on the Traffic Committee was requested to make arrangemen�.s for the io-in zx�ee�;in� �s soon as possibleo Wd,te,r ; Re�enu:e : Sond s Retort of City Mzgiager, dated Dec z 1.960 re repurchase of water revenue bonds by the City submitted and 'filedo !1e s ort' recommended against such action at t iii time_. The Council being ira agi6e. , ent with the recommendation of the .Cify Ma er no furtl ex . g e action as tai en on this matter. Cif Planning CQmmissiort Use ermits Copes of reisoluli.ons granting; lase .Permits to the following people to' ; sell Christmas trees were su rnitied and 611eda ` Sidney Yesn -.dn. 433 Wash:ingfon' St. Dale L.aFranchi 4th ;Sto between "Q­" & "D Sto: Mark. Am,monsn `415.Pet; 1um'a Blvd-. Noi°th Director of. Pudalid.. Wor Test Payran St Sto Ce of Carnpl'eta Certiff6ate .of corxaplet� tan on the spa ject lardject dated Novo Q -1960 and signed by the'.Dixector bi"Public Works, read.aiad filed; thereupon, Res. - 61.6 N Co'S introduced by Councilman \ran .Bebber,. seconded b Councilman Cu_stafson, entitled "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF CONTRACT FOR THE WORK OF CONSTRUCTING A 66" STO DRAN�,'_XNOWN AS-e "-WEST PAY'R.AN STREET STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT 1960% - 'IN THE CITY OF PE`TALUMA o was adopted by 7 of - Irmative votes6 INTRODUCTION OF , ORDI; NANCES_o , A�m:erid, Ordo,. #5,44 NCS ,r' Refund.Contra.c:ts.. �rater�`;16f Subd�vi etc; Councilmen Kini g' a d Crffiell;� expressed .their oblectidns to tha�s' orc�i:�iancea 'They bel -ieved this change �otld te?el to increase the price of --ew homes thereb �:Tl hinder the rowth of the Ci y g - Subdivider Charles less addressed the Council, also objecting t.o proposed ordnara.de on - the basis that it would increase Elie price of homes %n x:. Ctyo A motion was then made. Councilman. Gu.stafson,. , :s c.onded by Cognoilmari Crinel.la,. that the �subject'ordihanee ,be held'over next meeting for further stdyo The rx�otibr ca.rrxed by the fo11 wing vote Ayes': COUncilm.en Crinella, Gbs;ta. son_, 1lllatzem - Van Bebber & Mayer Parent:. Noes; Couxzcil.xxt.en Elms and 1Cinga.. December 5, 1960 AW ADOPTION ORDINANCES- #5 NCS -.Amend; Ord,­#468 NCS:to.Add-,Position Classification of ACCOUntant Ord.. #587 N. C. S. introduced by Councilman Ellis, seconded by"Councilman Van. Bebber, entitled, "' ORDINANCE, AMENDING ORDINANCE INA NCE NO. 468 N.C. S. TO ADD THE POSITION C,LAsSIFIC_A TON OF ACCOUNTANT AND TO ESTABLISH A SALARY RANGE THEREFORE, adopted .by' 7 affirmative votes'. CONSIDERATION OF NEW QRJUNFINISHEQ BUS.INESSa Res, Establishi.ng & for City Mr Larson 6illed'th6 Council's attention' to the fact that, portions of this resoluf ion had been left blank so that the proper insertions could be made in accordance with the desires of the Council. Upon the recommendation of the City Manager., the amount of'$25. 0.0 was inserted in Section 3, under, "Rule. IV.m 'Otder Books" _2 and the amount of $25, 000.00 was.41--serted in Section 3, under "Rule DTI m 'Bond",, ., A t the request of Councilman Van ' Bebber, Se ction .l "Agency and Using Agellu",. was changed . to. read as follows: Q)," -a:rtn� �n-s- -pxeept- -the -.Pe.;44tim-& C-fty -agen-eles op -Wreags z&f_other -j-Ri-its -off dip, Gi-ty_go-v_&r-nm-en-t -Wh" d€ xlve %uppar-t-wholl-)L 4ar- ki - - - - The resolution was then adopted, Res, #2617-'N.oC. So introduced. by Councilman King seconded by Councilman Crinella, entitled, ,"RESOLUTION ES'T'ABLISHING _PURPHA SING RULES AND REGU- LATIONS'FOR THE CITY.,OF PET --ALU M ad by o the following vote� Ayes- Councilmen Cr,inella,. Ellis,, Gustafso h, king, Matzen, and Wy6r Parent. Noes-- Counc'ilman Van Bebber. -Res". A p pointing .Dpputy..Ci:ty'Clq---.L-Ir-I - R es, #26 N. C-. S. introduced, by Councilman M . atzen, seconded by Councilman Ellis, entitled, "RESOLUTION APPOINTING BEVERLY CAMPBELL DEPUTY CITY, CLERK'. adop'tedby 7'a'ffirmative votes, R:es,;Appointin A uditor J)Opqty City.A.­ Res, . #261.0 K, C. S. introduced by Councilman Matzen,, ; by - Councilman Crinella entitled,. "RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOAN BETTINELLI- AS DEPUTY CITY AUDITORo adopted by 7a0irmative votes. (.CORRECTION) (5) "Any and all departments, agencies, commissions, bureaus or other units of the City government, except the City Library, which derive support wholly or in part from-, the •City. �I December S ;; 1960 Grant, Annexation #2 - Election The City Clerk 'announced ,that the "sem iGofficia,l returns glven the vote in the subject election were: Total. Votes Cast Tota ".:des'.` .Votes Total. `'No" Votes . IN 37 11 There were no absentee: ,ballots The ordinance approving the .annexation was then orde published a cop of which is attached hereto and made a, part hereof. Ord. #588 N Co S introduced by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Gustafson, entitled,, "AN ORDINANCE OF 'THE G`ITY PETA LUMA APPROVING! THE ANNEXATION TO "THE CITY OF PETALUMA OF CERTAIN INHABITED 'TERRITO'RY.' DESIGNATEli ASAGRANT - AVENUE ANNEXATION NO, 2 . Ordered published by Z affirmative votes'. ' Grunt.. Ave 'A- nnexation. #2.. °:Severs: Councilman Crirfell.a stated that he had been asked by the residents of the subject annexation, - how sooii - they would`be ab'1 to obtain�City',sewers. The Engineer explained that these -sewers could -be corstrucred by the people, by jointly hiring a contractor, or through assessment proceedings: He noted that hiss office and the City Attorney- offaice Would'be .happy , to assist them in any way' possible. Councilman Crinella then requested that the-City prepare a few petitions which he Would gave these people, -so that they might proc®ed with. the. necessary steps for the formation of an assessment district if they sq desired Acoustics ,°_Kenilworth Recreation.Puil.din Counc l ari Gustafson requested that a' resolution be prepared for the g pP . p l u p b jecte next meeting fora royal of lens and specifications on the sub °'ect ro There being no objection to this, plans and specifications °were directed to be prepared, together with a resolution thereon for presentation at the next meeting. To a question by Councilman King, the City Engineer answ -ered that his department had 'been :working on th proposed assessment district McDowell: Road and the possibility of improv. ng WK.enzie Dr. He stated that he' would. probably be in contact with Swanson Cutler and Petaluma Properties some" time this week, Mayor Parent 'called attention to the pattern of traffic in the doww— :ttown area, particularly late in the afternoons He had wondered ifsonreth.fng:_could, be done in the nature of one. -wasp streets "no left turn" signs, etc. , to 'speed up traffic. The'Mayor i nformed the Council that he h-ad asked'M_r_a Larson .to have the Police Department and Traffic Committee work -, on this ind' prese=nt the Council with s6mething to act on as soon as possible. Del Mar Subdo Abandonment, of -Right o vvay ncil ;r egar ding the aban,donmeht: - on the r ht- of wa extendin fro r - o, .Pen VVoo - .wort s resse t - e ou p roceedings g y g , m the end of Shasta Ave , acr - oss Linda; Del Mar Subdivision° He noted than the description he , had .furni shed; the - City on this included portion of -the land" which is h6w being a' s a -roadway for the subdivision stated 'that they would not Want- to abandon this part cuilar Property before Payran Street Extension is opened; (6) - - (co nCd),, December 5 1 Li nda:. Del M&r Sued �­uontr4d';. . Citytrorney Ed Robert informed Mr Woodworth that the description should then ;]e verified aril cla�°ified before. conti.niation of the a'andonnent proceedings. The City .Attorney was, directed fo fu. Cher discuss this `with Mr. Woodworth in order to.-resolve::the mdtt r. Pg ran St ... Ei fit. ' Corxnc°il;rx�an Cririela in quir.ed as to the present status of Payran Ste Exta a nd was informed by 'the Gity.Attorney that the Rarlroad'`has now i .that they would' like approximately $3U d0 00, However: he believed the City . vvoulci hare, to get further inf ®fatitb on fhe costs. whetherx not the City is prepared to'pay What the Railroad demands, efco The 'City Manager. called attention to a request: which had been received from the Mbrehantso Cornmittee of the Chamber, of Comxirierce for permission to broadcast Music i°ran� various store fronts °f rom `2x00 �. o to 80 p.m. dur� -gig the tree lighting c,erefi 'on­ on Dec-. 9. The Council* it . a 6ement that musicp, suit -ble to the occasion would ,be perfectly al;righta The - City Manager informed the Council of a'ccum laced com ensatory time�of .a,nd �radatio� ^,timd dOk Mrs gjI!afi" A' G bson Whb 'cosign pg'l er position as Steno -clerk with - the City of. �and''asl�ed the Council °s a:ppr.'oval far pa.vrara enf to IVlrsa 'Gibson h lieu of this 'aceurriul.ated time. There were no objections voice t ayor. expressed "his regret of this resignaf ion, commending Mrs. ' 6ibson oh the :fine vtiork she had done with the City.. As a Matter of interest, Mr. L a rson told the Council of a City of Petaluma, warrant which had recently been returned from Chicago w ith the n tation� , "this is not a cash - 'it He felt that this would probably happen as th.e .City grows and starts dealing uvith vendors in more remote areas. ADTO 1.KN IMENTo l ilt`cr being po fu -b usiness to come before the Council the meeting was adjoL, rnedo ki Attest City C1'erlr 1 . ayor (7) S 7 ORDINANCE NO. 588 Na Ce S. INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN. THOMAS J. ELLIS; .JR, MILTON] GUSTAFSON AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY �OF PETALUMA APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF PETALUMA OF CERTAIN .INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "GRANT AVENUE ANNEXATION NU 2 WHEREAS, pursuant .to the provisions' of the Annexation Act 1913, and pursuant to Resolution No. 2570 N. C. S. adopted by the City Council of,-the City of Petaluma on the 3rd day of October, 1960, a special election was on the 29th day of November, 1960 in inhaibted territory contiguous to, the City of Petaluma designated as "Grant .Avenue Annexation No, .2" and which is hereinafter more particularly described and L WHEREAS, at said special election the following question was submitted* to the qualified electors residing said territory: "Shall 'Grant Avenue Annexation No. 2' be annexed to the City of Petaluma and the property in such_ territory be, after such annexa- tion subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Petaluma, to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of . Petaluma outstanding or authorized at the date of .the first publica- tion of the notice of election, for the acquisition, construction or 1 completion of municipal improvements? -; and WHEREAS, it appears from the canvass of the returns of the.votes cast . at the special election that a majority of all votes, cast in said territory on the question of annexation and the assumption of said indebtedness favor annexation; and WHER it appears that the special election and all proceedings relating thereto have been conducted strictly in accordance_ with law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY '017 PETALUMA, AS FOLLOWS: _ 1_ 3 9 " That the annexation. of inhabited territory contiguous. to the City of Petaluma; designated as "Grant Avenue Annexation No; 2", be, and ,-the same is, hereby approved upon. the term's contained in the aforesaid question which was submitted ;art the special election held. on the 29th day of November, 1960. Said territory is described as follows: All that certain land situate in"the County of Sonoma, State of California, being more particularly, described as follows: Beginning at the most southwesterly corner of the "Grant Avenue School Annexation" as established by Resolution No. 19088 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma; thence South 89 56' 00" W,�,�_st 472. 5 feet more or less to the easterly right-of=way line of "I" Street Extension; thence North 15 21 00" West 588. 02 feet along the easterly right -of - way line of "I" Street Extension to an angle point in said right-of-way line; thence North 0 IF 00" West 26178 feet along the easterly right-of=way line of "I" Street Extension to an angle 0 }point thereon.; thence North 15. 11 00 West 422. 17 feet more or less along .the easterly right-of-way line of "I" Street Extension to its intersection with the existin qity_ l=,imits line: thence South,89 26' 00" .9 E-ast .1356. 4 feet more, or less, qlopg,the, existing. City Limits line to rile most northwesterly corner of the !'. Annexation", Par cel 22, as established by Ordinance No. 323 N. C., S. of the City of Petaluma; thence along the westerly boundary thereof the following courses and distances; South 11 20' 00"' East 188.00 feet South 89 50' 00" East 67. 82 feet; South 11 2 00" East. 311. 52-feet; North 450 09' 40" East ,14. 00 feet; South 00 21' 00" West 4 55 feet to the most north- easterly corner of the, aforementioned ,'!G rant Avenue School Annexa- tion"; thence along the boundary of said school annexation the following courses and distanbes° South 89 56, 09", West 243. 00 feet;- North 00' 53' 00" East 261. 10 fe6t-; South 72° 30' 00" West 408. 50 feet; ;South 04 48' 00" East 162.50 feet; South .74 � 0 18' 00" West 67. 50 feet; -2- 40 "South 00 40' 00' West 2650 50 feet to the point_ of beginning Containing 310 44 aces more or less. Basis of bear, ing, Southerly boundary line: of the. " G ±ant Avenu'e..S:chool. Annexation "..as : South 89° 56!,-00" West.'.- Ordered published this 5th. day:of December 1960. AYES- Councilmen Crinella E'11..sg: Gustafsony, .K %ng;- i\/tatzen, Van Bebber and Mayor Parent NOES- None. ABSENT None. Attest- GLADYS .Ro. WALLIN City Clerk _ Dt-, AR 4HUR W.PARENT Mayor -3- 1 1