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March 24, 1961 4.00 P. m.
City Ha I l" etal uma Calif.
Special meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma called to order
by'Mayb,t Parent.
Present: Cound'ilm Crinella-, Ellis, - Gustafson,' King, Matzen and
ma Parent..
Absent: C ouncilman Van Bebber.
Notice of the call for special meeting, certificate';of mailing of notices
theY'eof'.and consent to the ho'ld"gin' o s id * f id 'meeting of March 24, 1961, submitted
. 1
and f fled-.
- Purpose of the meeting was to adopt -a ,resolution authorizing the execution
of contract for engineering -, services-..- boat harbor; arid-to discuss charter
amendments.-and measures.
-B at:Harbor�T�pg.i-Tlpgi�jng,�$pky�p-ei Res re Execution of C
Ci ty - - hich had
. M_ rence - d " various ''ch a h e'
anageT`LaW - Ldrpon,pp�jpte out
Council I
beeii"n "in the -agreement since the: I ... ast gone:bvet it, explaining
the reasons f or or same.
(Councilman Van Bebb.,er entered the Council Chamber at this time
approximately 4-:15 p. m.'Y'
The Council then went through the agr eern ont making the following
chan L5 9. - bef6 fe, a doptin the s resolution--
A rticle! VI
Th e first of this article Was cha' ed to - read "The
-h ng
Engineer will furnish the necessary aril appropriate 9
engineerin services to
incli-ide,. a but not becessarily limited to e i f6wing items:"
d Ad-t "As required equr-ed and'sub*iect' to" prio . r approval by
Change to''re. . -;; - -
. . i I '. I �, "I h
the Ciq�. -as " -66'st97 w b sUbcoftiracte to soi mechanica
e ngineering r" nih'6 of actual
� s pecialists idlis ts aio - atelV billed �6' Cos t.
Article V-1 10
The fbllbwihgt s entence was .added to 'this section "The engineer
i ' s
shall submit a pielimina,ry written report -to this C t" "y on iests the
earliest possible moment for the purpose of deter"M fning project feasibility Within
scope of feasibility report
Article IX
Changed to read- "The 'City will provide at its expense- day to
-day . The in spector shall re to and under
�pspe(z or s a ere p
io' 'of ffi6
the direct suDervis" if engrine ., r.
To a question by Councilman Matzen Councilman - Criliella stated that in
, .,,.....
di9cussfig this agreement With the Noble Harbor Engineering . , `fir m' the Boat
itt&6 had e cledr'
14a" r ho r - C 6 m m d made' 'ft' - quit that the -City was fntbipsted in
rig t
making sure
during C'' , sure ith e - 1f . ; - peop f 'le - wou & be in; rgq.6f - th&;W'6rklirid' , , uld be available
A - thepr - o*" jec project 'ouncilman'M4tzenthen'J
at StA ted46i before the'
agreement was - signod, -_ belpieve ' d the City Manager should go over it quite
thoroughly with the :engin6erin' " g .
March 24, 1961
Boat Harbor Engineering Services ® conte. d
Councilman Crinella ;felt. that the boat harbor engineer, should provide
general supervision, cooperate with the inspectors and keep himself: informed
as to exact hove everything is being done. . He.;believed this was a part of the
engineer °s responsibility. Councilman Crinella .also felt' that the City should
not necessarily have to'go so far as the first 20 %_6f the project before stopping
if the project was not goang, to be feasible
Mayor Parent stated that, he believed the feelings of�the Council in this
matter should be put in' writing and tha t Noble .H.a rbor``Engir ee.rrng should be
~_fied ,accordingly,
The subject resolution was then adopted as follows;.
Res. #0815 C:: Sa
introduced by Cou'htiliiman Crinella, seconded by Councilman Ellis. entitled,
read and adopted by '7 affirmative votes.
Charter A & .Measures
Letter from Bond Attorneys Orrick - Dahlquist. Herrington & Sutcliffe
doted March 23, 1961 , re expenditure of 15alance of pfoceeds of `$2- 0 000 City
of Petaluma Munic pal' Improvement Bonds of 1.945, read filed
Report of City 1Vlanager da ed °1Vlarch. 22, 1961, listing. various items
which.have been mentioned or discussed relative to charter amendments and
measures for the June 13 19'61 election; s'ubmitted and filed."
To a question by Councilman Van - Bebber ;: City: Engineer. A1° Roberts
replied that the cost of a lifil bridge to replace the present Washington Street
Bridge would ,be somewhere in the ne %ghborhood ;of $650, 606' The City Manager
reported' that the total cost for construction - of a rigid` br'id'ge would'Yie approxi=
mately. ${1609 Q00 to'$180, . 0180`000 - addition to that, the City would be faced with
the .prevision of some alternative to the up stream users of that ,part of the
channel.. Facilities for this` could be acquired for approximately OOQ
however, the City has no way of knowing whether the provision of'these
facilities would be satisfactor. to the users; They may still' require and claim
additional damages over and above the furnishing of facilities - ,_; . -
Mayor Parent stated - that he wanted to clarify the fact that he had at
first not wanted to °put any'specific item on the . agenda relative to this matter
until more information could. be obtained> .However, the resolution concerning
the Wash Sto Bridge, .as it appeared on the agenda at the last meeting, had
been requested by two of the Councilman and was not entirely his oven idea.
The Mayor expressed the`Opinion - that if either` the swimming pool or
m seum measure shodid'16 put on the ballot, said m6asur;e should also include
a proposed tax increase for- maintenance and /or operation the facility. 'He
fe t that this would be' the ..only realistic manner Ift which to, present - these
measures Cou ' ilmanK' concurred with - the - Mayor`s th ' tights ; on. - this.
Ki, Dalton Dray Chairman of the °Recreation 'Commission addressed
the Council suggesting ;that °:the proposed pool might be located near, a school.
The, City could then have an agreement With ihe'`sehool to share in the .expense.
He felt �th`at a` swimrnir g pool could be operated in Petaluma a deficit
answering a question by Mayor Parent,' Mr' Dray started that he would prefer
to ee the proposed
roposed tax °increase put -on the ballot in` the form of a . rec,reational
tax,: rather than :strictly for - the pool; - -
Mn Larson stated that after having made` general - inq u iries of
of California Cities, it -:had been learned that,J generally speaking, swimming
pool's do not 'break "except in very unusual circumstances where they receive
a tremendous amount of use,
March 24, 1961
be used for We p 0 .
Charter Amendments & Measures - contd
&u -"I stating 'that' he definitely agreed
Mr Ed FEtinj addressed th6Z nci.
thezpublic' should be made aware e of the facfi',that there would be some tax
increase t. in the operatioii of a museum. He then asked, on behalf of
the proponents of the museum . project, that this matter be put on t he ballot if
at all pussible.
Mr. Al Roberts,. at this time speaking as a private - citizen, suggested
that, a wing be included , in 'the " ptbpdped il ew building ., wh ich - c ould ould serve
as ',q museum. Mrs. c
Bertuci L . t
Library Board Trustees sated that although
. .
. ... R. . � Y. .: _. - , �.. ., 1 as being p . Y . I anned for
do letters e. w
.a -special room for histoiicaldo etc
the new building thelibrary Roard 'would not ,be interested in - handling ,such
items as she believed the p'ropohents of the museum lad inmind.
Ma,yor Pa r enf informed th6 'piopo n ents o pool and museum
' j , of
issues that at the Cbun - cil . woul very much I lik e to put both mea on the ballot.
However, the two iss,ues, d1le now stand-, W&Id cost far more than the
balance Auditorium - Bbrid.'F.uhd "and the'-Cftyhas no' - Additional funds available
for the prbjects at this time:: 4 ' ,
Refierringjo the swimming pool proposal., Councilman'Matzen.suggested
that the Recreatibri Commission sit'dbWn.with members"of the City staff to,work
out a measure to sustain the operation of the pool,. etc',. He favored putting
bolli the . pool - and mu, I se . um, .. prop-os..q , Is . on the ballot Coluncilm an Matzen *also
s 0 possibility
ugge teb that the Council c nsider, the -of* proposing a special'tax_
Levy 'for, library, recreation,, etc -_
("'ouncilman Van Bebber he �yas afraid that funds for the
were -approved by th
construction of - a pool we' voters, a: p swimming ing pool would
be ilt - by privat en I te ; r H d.A p ut
.p e t a t,h m - b&
c fss s 'h - th Council woul
- - il t � e t
oil the ballot - as - s e pe lalbond .uep 1
',. -The 7 e
mber: to, p,u - a propo ion o the ballot
have'th,(z; opportunity,pb
:. Y:in
uld e this t mciney, the current: bond money,
saying they wo - like to h am bun
applied lieu of purchasIn new bondsv
Councilman 6 ' tequestedfA report} from the City - A ttotnO-, to- be
pl at the next' meeting;. relative . to -the " use of th&:Auditokium.. Bond Fund
J , 6 ,. i, -�ssary 'Alffi6ugh he would like to see .'the' -pool
propo'sal p,ut 6n", he felt 14hatithe' 1a"id'm' tal outlay
W any
pro liec ts 'Wh ich were more imp tX6ht
A.s long g,a s*'the people: ha d i Ellis '.petitione-d the Council to the pool-.and museum
on th ouncr
J'qne� baljot , "ij, these petitiohs shOu
man 'ing.-Suggested sotfi6-el
l' k that th`&m6a`s re - rea ectora -- could
us woul
vote on a museum and 'a pbol, but if the m 'e6m'issue 'failed all the money
The City At torney wa's directed to . determine if`,a tax increase -to cover
MaJiltenance and/or opereition ofthese p-rojectAicould be to- the
Fo llow, g�.d iseussion regarding, 'h 0
o 'e C was in
agree I ept that th.6; shdLi'. iL ,
June - ballot
Chang.ing the "'Gi -,4 -dhv -
t. ,s*.present, drr . to.'a, check
(2 It f F I7 advertising, -: rather
bntr&ctin for -h - f-i7c . q
than calling r
n'g f bid on - safty ,
(3) Setting a- : 100, iaxlevy` for capital outlay projects, - - (Council- .
man Van,Bebber suggested chart6i"affienciment; - explaining that it
actually only necessitated - a - .020 in c r eas' e i n the ..,
general tax le
, e
inasmuch .as the 40¢ -debt service Would be 'reduced by.. 080 this year;
( ntf d
PQ .. )
March 24, 1961
Charter Amendments & Measures cone °d
The Council; Was advised of 'the fact that any measure or charter amend
menu to appear on the Jun ballot would have to be decided upon ,no later than
April. 17, 1961.
There being no fur her business the meeting was adjourned.
0 J
Attest: �tl�
` City Clerk, .