HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/17/1961April 17 1961 ... 7_. - 30 p. m. City Hall Petaluma, Calif. RegQ . Iar meeting of the Council of the , City *of 'Petaluma called to order by - Mayor Parent. ROLL CALL!� Tfesent.. Councilmen-Ell-is, Gustafson, King,, Matzen, Van Bebber and Mayor Parent. Absent Councilman Crinella. . INV:OCA An invocation piepared fbi a,former meeting was read by Mayor. Parent. A,PPR_ MINUTES- Minutes from the meeting of April 3, 1961, were - approved as recorded. PUBLIC HEARINGS:: j4O4. No. 6 rin ions.-,:- No. , ella. Annexat ­-1.,: &( e, 16 . r I , earinQ prote ''bn' �"the` su'bj" ec This 'being the tird h t" annexations; ... ed. ' There thp:'Clerk stated that - no written brotbsis had been x6ceiv no prote rh m ofthL- d"' h ost,q or o r_ rs au "the ordinances were then introduced. Ord. #599 N. C,. S.. introduced by Councilm a Matzen, . , do tincilman Ellis, entitled, !"'AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANN EXATIO N I O F I CERTAIN .-,,UNINHABITED TERRITORY.- DESIGNATED C- 'ON'NO." TAE "b"9 - ANNEXATI . -F ' ordered Published -by the .following, vote.: A en Ellis' Gustafson, Matzen, a Ay es .Councilmen Van Bebber and Ma*'yor Parent. Noes Counc:`f1rhan` Absent- Councilman Crinella. Ord. #600 N. C. S., introduced b*v'-Councilm an Ellis seconded Councilman Matzen; entitled, ..'AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION'OF CERTAIN TERRITORY DES UNINHABITED NINHABITE'D IGNXT ED CR INEL LA - 2: 1 T( THE CIT E' F, PE L LIMA.' ANN EXATION NO' o" ordered published by the following vote; Ayes*' Co'unciimi t1lis,' Gustafson; . Matzen, Van Bebber and Mayo ' Parent Noes: ouncil" - anKin m " - Kin g, A bsent Go u ' an .Cr inella. ouncilman King. explained ,his _"n6"-vote on the two foregoing ordinances, stating that he still obj ected te'd to these the into e El ement ar y . ­ '. 1. .. D I _­ ­ .. _1 ­ C ity S6 "; hoof (cont' d) 1- April. 17, 1961 Crinella '& Novak Annexations -. cont °.d Ord. #601 N.C. S. introduced by Councilman Gustafson,' seconded :by` Councilman Van Bebbera entitled, "A N ORDI APPROVI NG TTH; I A NNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY- DESIGNATED °N(�VA AN'NEXA IOIaI NO. S.�' °TO' CII'�' OF PE T A LUIUTA. ." ordered published by 6 affirmative votes, 1. absentee. r Ord; #602 Na G. S. introduced by Councilman Van Bebber, seconded 'by Councilman Gu sta tson, l entitled, PAN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNTNHA BITE D. TER R`ATTORY DESIGNATED B N0VAIC ANNEXATION 'NO 6. ordered published by 6 affirmative votes 1 absentee. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS " Election. Measures L'etter'dated`Ap_ril 6,..1961 received from Petaluma Chamber of Commerce, advising results of survey conduc ed by Chamber of Commerce :re . projects proposed for ,June 1.3 'ballot read and filed, Water Rates ° La rge. Users Letter from. t' uma' Chamber of Commerce dated April 6; - 196 1 , recommending that water rates for- -large` users- be reduced, ° read and `fled. Next Monday night was' tentatively set as the'date for a Joint meeting of the Council and Water Commission; to discuss this rrratter; - The City. ga e hen confirm the r 'meeting. Manager vies directed to check with., the Commission and t . date with the :Council. .Civil Defense Final report of - Executive Board, Sonoma County Civil Defense, 'dated Feb. 25, 1.961 ._ Sonoma County Pilot Project, submitted and filed. - Report of City Manager dated April 17 1961, re Sonoma County Pilot Project on Local Area Survival, submitted and filed The report recommended that Pilot Project report be received and referred to the - Board of Sonoma County, .County Cities Civil Defense Group, for the purpose of review _ and _recommendat on concerning implementation; - and that - a reso utianof commendation - be to recognize the excellent work'of those par ticipati:ng in the Pilot.Project. Mayor Parent remarked that this was a - little different approach to Civil Defense, in that it - sets forth what each town would have` to' on and a: knowledge of :how 4his - could be done,. should it be on its own. There 'beim' no - objections to the recommendations of the City `Manager the following resolution was then adopted Res*, #26.94 N. G. S. introduced by Councilman Matzen; seconded by Councilman Gustafson,,, entitled,. '.'= RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATIOX FOR PERSONS PARTICI, DATING IN' THE SONOMA COUNTY PILOT. PRQJECT '° read and adopted by 6 affirmative- votes, 1 absentee. Before roll was ca °fled on the foregoing ordinance Councilman Van Bebber- questioned *nether or -not the alternate 'representativ& of a City °lied, a vote on such Civil Defense matters as the Pilot Project..,- (2) (con.Cd) I 1 . : 1 1 , April. 1.7, 1961 C ivil Defense cont Cit lUlanaget Lawrence Larson stated that he believed Councilman `Ta'n Rebiber was referring to the Advisory Committee. He noted that the Executi .e :hoard had worked on the Pi tot project-, - However, he sta that be would check: into this matter. McD owell. Creek Flood Control. Letter from _ Sonora, County Control : Water Conservation District dated' Aft. l 5? 1961: recommending �acv,bn to be taken by the City of Petaluma re McDowell 'Creek Control,, su.bm- Itted and ii:led. City Manager's report thereon dated April 13, 1961, submitted and filed, After considerable discussion relative to dra:lna,go in Montclair Manor etc,.,, "i.t was the general. feeling of the Cou'nci.l that this entire project should: be complet.;ed during the coming fiscal year, :Ttae Council agreed that (1 ) a sufficrEent tax should be considered to complete the projects; (2) the rem ain.ing portion of tk�;e $5 0000 :flood control. fund established for the area should be used, (8) the - subdivider should not be required to improve the channel; - and (4) dedication of right- should be required, The City Manager was directed to relate this information to the Board of Supervisors, REPORTS C °A.'TY OFFICIAL City - Manager CI'airds approved for payment by the City - Manager were submitted and filed; wheredpon . R es o #2698 N. C, S, introduced by Councilman 'Cu.stafson, ' seconded by Ellis - . approving clair6s arid bills' (Nos. 1497 to 1625 inclusive, Nos. 7 to 7428 in clusive, and 'Nos'. 806W to , 804W inclusive)s was read and adopted'by 6 affirmative `votes,. 1 absentee S tructural Inspections "D ". Street Bridge Cfty Manses s report dated April 11,1, re structural inspections of "D ". Street Rridge submitted. and filed. Mr. Larson noted that one of the local electrical - firms , now has an employee _who is capable .ofi doing the necessary electrical- work the . "D" St. Bridge, He stated that arrangements hid -been arnade to firm do such work and until such time 6s, for some reason this ar r anggme nt should prove unsatisfactory, - the staff recommended that the City continue on this basis° It was also recommended that annual structuT inspections of the "I?" Street Bridge be ar. anged with the Division . of Highways. "The cost of this inspection would be $7So 00o The staff recommended that Ibis, ih8 ectaon be made .just prior to budget, prepsra.tiOn in -order that allowance could.be made in the budget for ,a.�iy necessary repairs or modifications. There were no objections to these recommendations Conncilmain King'was of the opinion that a. structural, inspection should also be made on the Washington Street fridge. The City Engineer stated that he dad not believe the Div. of Highways would this 'wc�rko Coun' cl.lman K'fng felt that if` t-he' Div. of Highways would not. do this the City should find someone. wIho.would, This way, the d6dncil could determine - exactly wait. would be neces® sary to pur the l ridge in ,good condition, or if it would actually be necessary to replace tt, The City 1Vlanager ass�ired Couxzclrnan Ktng `that the staff would look into this matter arid. sub.mmt 6 report on. the findings (3). I � 122-- April.,17- _1961 City Planning Commission Res.. of intention To amend Zoning Ordinance to rezope propprrty at, 710, 728 and 732 Third Street from R -1 &.R'2 to C-2 Zone, submitted and filed. Refer to copies of Pla-nning Comnlissionminutes I_P - .. � _. 1. minutes ,which . had. been rec6i,Ydd, Councilm''A"n King called, the Council 's t attention to two typographical error -in the minutes of , March 20, 1961, it stated that several minutes - had . been `approved as read". He wondered if these minutes had'all been - read, and why- -there was such. a. back-log'". '1t was ex'plained,thaw the minutes had not been at the meeting,. and that thee backlog , wa s due. to the fact that the City Attorney - and City Planners, office share one nesteqograph,er Councilman King felt that this should be cori- that these. 'minutes should be brought 'up to date. Councilman King also called attention to. an error in the firs sentence of the minutes of .1961. T he read "November"' rather than . Varch". Water Commission Recommendation the Water Commission dated - 13, 1961,, re matter of extending water main- in W6stern to serve North .W'ebsterl- Street Jr. High School, submitted and filed. Th e C * ity explained .that there were several problems involved in this matter. He - stated that the School. had never committed itself to ` any definite amount that it Would -contribute to o this- project; although. the latest figure discussed was $49 300- Also, - if the Sch 0 ol, participated in this line, this would . necessitate a refund"agreement. There was discussion relative to the - City ' s policy ,coneexni . ng sewer and water main extensions.. Councilman King felt that the City's present policies on these extensions were -h * olding bac -- He, believed something " should he worked but whereby - both - water - and - sewage transmission - . Iines could be fris" ' talled by the C'Ity there was g , assurance that: devel6pment going; .* t a k e , to '. l , _ , pldce. A connection tee could - th . en, be assessed to the properties served by these lines' so that the - construction cost would eventually - be , - recovered. It was the decision of the Council to discuss this matter With the Water - Commission. Director of 'Public- Works School - Crossing Signals, 1 City Engineer `ls*cektifica . tion to the completion of the- subject project dated April 13, 1961, read and filed; whereupon, Res .#2702'N.C introduced. by C ouncilman. ouncil.ma.n. Ellis,- seconded'by Councilman VanBebb6r entitled, "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF CONTRACT F.OR. THE WORK OF INSTALLING SCHOOL CROSSING SIGNALS IN THE CITY OF PETALUMA. w as as adopted by 6affir'mative votes 1 abs.entee. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: Ord. Providing.fox Liability Boiler & Ell Ord. #60.3 N. C 1 . S. introduced by Councilman Van Bebber, seconded by Councilman King, entitled (4) /J-3 April 17, 1961 1 Or a` #603 NCS cont' d "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY .INSURANCE, FLEETAND PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE ON VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT OWNED BY THE CITY;, BOILER. AND MACHINERY INSURANCE AND VALUABLE PAPERS AND RECORDS INSURANCE ordered posted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES #598 NCS - Calling Special Municipal Election The ordinance was! adopted at this time. A copy of same is attached hereto and made a part hereof, (See last page of minutes. ) CONSIDERATION OF NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS: June -13 Election Res. Providing-for a Regular Municipal Election Res. #2703 N. C, S. introduced' by Councilman Matzen, seconded by Councilman Ellis, entitled, "A RESOLUTION CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN.THE CITY OF PETALUMA,. JUNE 13, 1961, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELEC- TING PUBLIC OFFICERS; DESIGNATING THE PRECINCTS .AND POLLING PLACES FOR SAID ELECTION; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF. " adopted by 6 affirm ative votes, 1 absentee. Res. (Measure A) re Warrant System Res.. #2704 N. C. S. introduced by Councilman Van Bebber, seconded by Gouncilma Matzen, entitled, "RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS AT THE REGULAR ELECTION ON JUNE I-3 1961 A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECT_ ION 64 OF ARTICLE IX OF THE CITY CHARTER. read and adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. Res. (Measure B) re Official* Advertising Contracts Res. #2705 N.C. S. introduced by Councilman Van Bebber, seconded by Councilman Matzen,. entitled, "'RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS AT THE REGULAR ELECTION ON JUNE 135, 1961., ,PROPOSED AMEND- I. MEND TO SECTION 69 OF ARTICLE X OF THE CITY CHARTER. " read and adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee., (5) D April 17,. 1961 June 13 Election cont: °d Res. - ..(Measure C) re Capital Outlay Tax Res: #2706 N: C. S. introduced by Councilman Van Bebber, seconded by' Councilman Gustafson, entitled, ''RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS AT THE REGULAR- ELECTION ON JUNE 13; 1961,- A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 63 OF ARTICLE IX` OF THE CITY CHARTER read and adopted by the following vot&.- Ayes.: Councilmen .Ellis, Gustafson, Matzen, Van :B'ebber and Mayor Parent: Noes: Councilman King; ,. Absent: Councilman Crinella. Res: - :(Measure D) ;re Tax:Levy .''Swimming Pool - Maiintenance Ulty Attorney :1a starea atw "' n is "Deapi tnat a-t t Dona 1. . g p of failed the subject - measure would` not become measure on the 'swimmin o a part of the City Charter. However, he felt it was conceivable, under the Constitution, that it would' be required to becotne part of the Charter should it pass and bond measure fail;? the charter eirt - in th&-Charter having no force and effect because'no bond measure would tfien be available: This would be true in.the case of the museum issues also, The subject resolution was then a dopted. Res. #2707 . N: C S: introduced by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councillnan' Van B entitled, "RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS AT THE REGULAR ELECTION ON. JUNE �13, 1961.; A. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE IX OF' THE CITY CHARTER BY ADDING THERETO SEC TION 63: 2. read and adopted by the following voter Ayes: Councilmen .El -lis, Gustafson, Matzen, Van.Bebber and` Mayor Parent. Noes:- Councilman Absent Councilman Crinella. Res.. (Mea-sure E) re. Tax Levy = Museum Maintenance Res. #2708N. C. S. introduced by Councilman Gustafson;" seconded by:Councilman Matzen, entitled, "RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS AT THE REGULAR. ELECTION ON _J:UNE`13, 1.961; A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE IX OF THE CITY'CHARTER BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 63 .1. read and adopted by the following_ vote:, - Ayes < Councilmen .Ellis, - Gustafson, Matzen, Van .Bebber and Mayor Parent: Noes: Councilman King.`' Absent Councilman Crinella (6) - e ~ - I April, 17, 1961 Rbs', Accepting_Grant of Easement, Gutermute.P'roperty Res,-'#2709 N, introduced by Councilman Matzen, . seconded b O y 9" uiicilmdn Van.Bebber - entitled, - "RESOLUTION ,. ACCEPT ING.GRANT OF EASEMENT. ' read and adopted by 6affir-matiVe' votes, I absentee. :Re .� . '. ty, , or. wo The City 'Attbrd Y. b" lain that upon the execution of this agreement,, m' tb at they prep c6plos, would be sub itted to the With -,'e r' quest tb h, are the .necessary order in connection with the City-'s ap for. the railroad crossipg,?° whereupon, Reso #2710 - N.. C, S. introduced by Councilman Ellis... seconded Eby C I oun6ilma-n Gustafson entitled, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE 'ANAGREEME'NT,!r' w - as read and adopted by 6,affirm votes, I absentee. Mayor Parent at this time reminded the Council of the North Bay League f " meeting to be held - at - Hamilton A1`r'Fo'r-ce­Base on 1. e aske that those planning to attend contactthe:City ;Manager ° s office. m r this 9.:-30. p A recess waa decla at is ti m.e. t � order * 9i:;40 p. Themeetihg Was called . ac o .� 1 WeGt,P.p talUma - "-- I. _ , ­. 1 - No I --Res to CdVhd!Iffia:ft Vd - n.Be"bb"e�r"� - 's -- � - t'a' - t"bd that, he still. felt the School Board should install the e f ire hy 'h n6w'Jk. High School t" y ih! City Jre y raPts,.at,t e a& requ j e b i .", He beli ` the 'Council Fir6*Chi6 and the State B ard of Qti&rW ers rli should" discuss this Matter with the School Board be'for6-'d iurfher action was taken felative - annexing the subject , During furtfi6 r di sc u ssion on e st the City Engineer E?cpl4ined t..' that if the Wester .. n Ave. 'Wabe'r noif,c'onst , ruct6d, -- a 6"'- water line Would rcip er ' Due to the length; pf tha run through the 'school - p line; the amount of fl6w �vciL H(oW'&v&r_9 `he' there would be some pres.sure and pumpers could �hook up to the hydrants - in order to build up further, pressure:: - He Went on to - say th6t in . 6 the - school to have adequa:te pressure-. the line would ov6nfuaIiV ha've.to'come in from Western Avenue. - The City Manager was directed, to arrange a joint meeting of the Council and w.amr.doiYim'issio'n to discuss this .Th is meeting was to be set up a the - il matter for sdryie.0ne in - next weekl,�.'so that Council could ' into the ma r furthe'r atita study ­,session next Monday night"6' subject r�eso ution was tab e d� e:bein - Q:.' The s ub b! d for time )Res.,. #27 N C'S introduced by Councilman King,, - 5'('�66 ­ ` ndedb ', Cbuhcilm,a :VAn Webber, entitled, '(7) April 17 ; 1961 4.4 Res,. #2711 NCS coht''d ''RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF PETALUMA ADOPTING BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF . FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES, " adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. ADJOURNMENT There being no - further business to come before the Council,, the meeting' was adjourned. M.6yor A tteste City 'Clerk 1 fi } r F..113 i x & sl ?'._-, J � '•x" rte. �' ORDINAN 598 h �S CE N0, < Attu . ORD%NANGE `GAIaLIN{ ,A SPECIAL' 1ti1UNICIPAI, ELECTION IN THE PETALUMAF{}R ,THE PITRPOSE OF' SUMgITTIIaG TO THE '. . Y OUALTFIE�? EI;ECTOR,S 0`F'j'S,AID CITY THE MEASURE OF EXPENDING UDIT O'AI Tvt '?30 MO 3Y-S F'pR A.. 1�iUIVICIPAL Slafli1IltiTING POOL AND - ". , ,' 4 , sZCIPAL AZL?SEUM , F ` AI'7U uCO1ta0I,IDATIN:G SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL' CT30Nh 'i�I'' li .REGUI;A `.111UNIC'IPAL ELECTION TO 3E. IiEIaD . ;<K c�U 4E 13'' '1. 61. O mi ,AS, this City" `Ca "until has heretofore.' determined b M y w e on W . 2699 ICS aldopted A ril ,3 1 6 1 � j 9 ' that t is r�"m rac'tical. and'univiae to. ez;pend X170,000 or" the 'ti�on� "s r- a Y ofW;_e:20, 000..pri' ,rc�p21 ,amount of C't off' Petal ' jpa1 Improverneht nerds of .1g5 for the ob acts and purpo F a ' 4 ,�uthorzed, now, th.erefore, { 4 p. '�rd4 '• E M COUVCT1- OF THE CITY OF PETALUY AS 1a'OLLOk35 ' Section' A specisl mirnieipal election be and is hrpb Q art :: axe ere.d a�2d$ 11 beheld in s.a' d Cit of'' Petalu on TUESDAY, l30 19. 1, 3,t the t h3ch . elution s,Y�11 be.. submitted to I� ups � ,�`� „� � G ♦4 ! P ... - T� ° L�?'lzali 1 'e1 e'lectoxs of said City , he questioiz of expending 219, 000 o � . the p.r ©cee la a sal" 'of f 220,`, OOfl ps°riric pal a. aid -, itt o tinic `al r IM_Pr�YeOift'nt B nd t'erest earned on inve6t-men-8 of said r�oxteye,�r} �'or � ti 1 ' _ T1 ,�, Ta�iiiiii1iL /rV �.l'oT' D 1 » Jac cs and purpose8' Set forth in the 3 ollawza "� n a r y J W{ MIN C SL 1 0 -01 Sp s A. � , 'G - o m ' 1 , r t MEASURES SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS MEASURE F : Shall the City of Petaluma expend un c; pa the sum of 1 $179,000 (being a por- Swimming Pool) tion of the moneys raised by the sale of $220,000 principal amount of auditorium bonds authorized by the electors of YES the City of Petaluma at the election held June 12, 1945, plus, 49,000 interest earned on investments of said moneys for the acquisition, construction and completion of the following municipal improvement, to NO wit: A municipal swimming pool and appurtenances, including pool, heating and filtering equipment, dressing rooms, land, site improvements, and other works„ property or structures necessary or convenient . for a municipal swimming pool for the City of Petaluma ?: . MEASUR (Gl Shall the City of Petaluma expend Pun ic the sum of $40,000 (being a portion . Museum) of the moneys raised by the sale YES of $'20,000 principal amount of auditorium bonds authorized by the electors o£' the City: of Petaluma at the election held June 12, 1945, plus $49,000 interest. earned on in-vestments of said moneys) for the acquisition, construction and completion of the following municipal improvement, to wit: A municipal museum, including acquisition from Petaluma ° City School District of Phillip Sweed School (including: both land and building), which has been declared by said District to be surplus property, construction of - : NO improvements to said building, site improvements, and . other wo'r'ks and improvements necessary or convenient to convert said land and building into a municipal museum for the City of Petaluma? .The estimated cost of the municipal improvement as set forth in said MEASURE (F) (Municipal Swimming Pool) (including legal and all other fees and all other costs and expenses incidental thereto or connected therewith), is the sum of $179,000 and the, amount proposed to`be expended for said municipal improve- - ment is the sum of $179,000. The estimated cost of the municipal improvement as set forth in said MEASURE (G) (Municipal Museum) (including legal and all other fees and all other costs. and expenses incidental thereto or connected therewith) is the span of $40,000 and the amount proposed to be expended for said municipal iiaprovement is the sun of $40,000. POI W17 7Z r . i w . Section -2 . Said City Council does hereby submit to the qualified electors of said City of Petaluma at said special municipal election said measures and each of them set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance and designates and refers to said measures as the measures to be set forth on the form of ballot hereinafter ,,, prescribed for use at said elacti•o:n. (a) S:a.id special municipal election shall be .hel,d and conducted, and the votes thereat canvassed, and the returns thereof made, and the result thereof ascertained and determined a'- as herein provided; and in all particulars not prescribed by r.- this ordinance said ele..ct*on shall 'be -held as provided by law for the holding o.f municipal. elections in said City. (b); All persons qualified to vote at municipal elec- tions in said City of Petaluma upon the date of the election herein provided for shall be qualified to vote upon the measures and each of'them submitted at said special municipal election,. `.~ (c) Said polls a the polling places hereinafter t designated shall be opened at 7 :00 o'clock A.I.. (Cal.D.S.T.•) of q ' sa day of election and shall be kept open continuously there- after until 7:00 o'clock P.M. (Cal.D.S.T.) of said day of election,, when the polls shall be closed (except as provided in -Section 5734 of the Elections Code), and the officers shall thereupon proceed to canvass the ballots cast thereat. (d) Said special municipal election hereby called shall be and is hereby consolidated with the regular municipal election to be held in said City of Petaluma on June 13, 1961, pursuant to , the City Charter, and the election precincts, pol'1•ing. plac'e;s and officers Of election within the City of Petaluma for the ,special municipal election hereby called shall be those selected and designated by the :City Council for said regular municipal election by its resolution adopted on .April 17, 1961, to which.refere.nce is hereby made for a 3 - �^...._.^e -- h �_� - ..•....eT 'r. 3y.n a .2�S..sp y ,.4 �t`P.Y�r'.. a Y :.:.> c i f s.; �r $ r:0;;. # 4 designation of the precincts, polling places and election . officers of the special municipal election hereby called; (e) Only one form of ballot shall be used at said regular municipal election.'and said special municipal election 6't hereby ,consol dated therewith, which, in add?tion to all other matters required 'by law to be printed thereon, shall state the measures and each of them set forth in Section 1 hereof. Each voter may vote on either or both of said measures. Each voter to vote for any.meas ure hereby submitted shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank apace opposite the word "'YES" on the ballot to the right of said measure, and.to vote against said measure shall stamp a cross "X" in the blank =space opposite, the word ",NO" on the ballot to the right of said measure. On absent voter ballots the cross (X) may be masked with pen or pencil. F '(f) The returns of said elections shall be made out and signed by the election officers and shall be by them deposited with the City Clerk, toge:the:r with the ballots cast at said election; and said City Council .shall meet at its usual meeting place and canvass•said.returns on Monday, June 19, 1961 (being the first Monday after said elections), at the hour of eight o'clock P.M., and declare the result of said special munici- pal election and the result of said regular municipal election. Sect -ion 3 .. The City Council proposes to expend not to exceed- W9,000 (being a portion of the moneys raised by the sale of $220,000 principal amount of auditorium bonds authorized by the electors of the City of Petaluma at the election held June 12, 1945, plus $49,000 interest earned on investments of said moneys) for the object and purpose specified in Measure (F) (Municipal Swimming Pool) if two- thirds of the qualified voters voting-on aaid Measure (F) at said special municipal election shall vote in favor of said Measure (F) and if a majority 4 of the qualified electors voting on Measure (D) submitted at said regular municipal election to amend the charter of the City of Petaluma to authorize a special tax to provide, a fund for the re- pair, maintenance and operati,o.n of the izlunicipal pool descri bed in said Measure (F) vote in favor of said charter amend- ment. I;f: said charter amendment as submitted by said Measure (D) 4 shall fail to carry, then no-moneys will be expended by the City Council pur -scant to said Measure (F) even though two - thirds, of 1 ` the qualified electors voting on; said Pleasure (F) at said special Ir k ' J , '> municipal election shall vote in favor of said Measure (F). The City Council proposes, to expend not to exceed $40,000 (being a portion of the moneys raised by the sale of $,'=L'0,0.00 principal amount, of auditorium bonds authorized by the electors of the City of Petaluma at the.election held June 12,, 1945 Plus $49.,00.0 interest earned on investments of said moneys) for the object and purpose specified in said Measure (G) (municipal Museum) if two - thirds of the qualified voters voting on said Measure (G) at said special municipal election shall vote - in favor of said Measure (G.) and if a majority of the qualified electors voting on Measure (E) submitted at said regular municipal elec- k: tion to amend the charter of the City of Petaluma to authorize a special tax to provide a fund for the repair, maintenance and operation of the municipal museum described in said Measure (G) .vote in favor of said charter amendment.. If said charter amend - ment as submitted by said Measure (E) shall fail to carry, then no moneys will be expended by the City Gouncil pursuant to said Measure (G) even though two- thirds of the qualified electors voting on said Measure (G) at .said special municipal election shall vote in favor of said Measure (G) . Section 4 . The City Clerk of the City of Petaluma is hereby dire,ete,d, upon passage and adoption of this ordinance, 5