HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/1962May 7, 1962 - 7.30 p. City Hall Petaluma, Calif. Regular meeting of the -Council of the City of .Petaluma called to order by Mayor Matzei ROLL: C:A 'LL,o Y. Present. Councilmen Colin, Cri:nell.a, Ellis, K -ing, Vag .Bebber and Mayor Matzen,, Absent: Counci,lm.an. Gust;afson,. INVOCATION: In. the absence of Reverend Godfrey Hartz an invocation prepared for a , .preVious'meeting was read, by-Mayor Matzen. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the meetings of =April 16 and .23, 1,962, were approved as recorded., PUBLIC :H EA RINGS Weed Abatement This being, the time set for hearing of protests relative to proposed removal, of weeds, etc., the �Clerlc announced that no written protests had been received Answering - a question by Councilman Cr.inel.la, C,ap .Joe Ellwood stated -that in th& areas recently annexed to the 'City, the Fire - Dept. , merely warned the property owners of the existing fire hazards and suggested that they disc around their buildings., There being no- further comments, the -following resolution was then adopted . Res... #2960 ;N. C. S. introduced by Councilman Colin, seconded by Councilman Ellis, entitled, "RESOLUTION ORDERING AB OF NUISANCES ICON- SISTING OF' WEEDS.'GROWING AND RUBBISH REFUSE AND DIRT EXISTING UPON; THE STREETS, - SIDEWALKS, • PA K- WAYS'AND PARCELS , OF PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE CITY -.OF PETALUMA AND ORDERING. THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO REMOVE SAID WEEDS, REFUSE, . RUBBISH AND - DIRT. " adopted , by 6 affirmative Votes, 1 absentee,. Southeast,Annexation ##2 .(Bristlin Propert Thus being the time set for hearing of protests on.the.'subject annexation, City Clerk Gladys Wallin informed the Council that no written protests had been received, .'There being- no protests or comments from members -of the audience, Ord.: #641 ..N. C. <So introduced lby Cou'nci'lman Crmella, seconded by Councilman Ellis, entitled, "'AN APPROVING:THE' ANNEXATION`OF CERTAIN' UNINHABITED I;ERRITORY, DESIGNATED 'SOUTHEAST ANNEXATION NO.. 2 TO TH'E Cl OF PETALUM A o: ':' was ordered ,pu:blished 6- affirmative votes, I absentees CONSIDERATION :OF -BIDS Sewer =Ma n :Construiction_& Replacement, -1962 : Report of :.Dir. of 'P,ublic_Works da May - 4,1962, - -- re -'bid opening on May 19628 read and.:filed. . The.report noted - that only one bid had 'bee received which was .10 j above the Engineer ' estimate' However, clue to the difficult nature 'of the work and the need to accomplish - it -as soon as- possible ' it was .recommended that the bid be -accepted. In vie - of ' . 'the way the -specifications -read, Councilman Kirig felt 'that any contractor bidding on this project would probably take .into consideration the fact that it might. be :necessary to -haul in a-11 new 'fill and .include tthis : additional expense in his bid price. -City, - Engineer -Don Scott pointed out, : however, that this. was- not necessarily true. :The contractor could ins:pe`ct the-are involved in-theprujecc an, determine Whether or not it Would be •necessary - to haul in all of -the .fill. 1\lr.o Scott. :portzted out tha- t,-Mr. Amaral °s bid on this particular item had not been high, that, me costly portion of°the subject project wa . the -work to be•done under the wharf_. ..Because of the tides,, this work'could only be done�durang -about 3 -houfs of., each :> day He believed this' -part item also accounted for the fact that only one bid had. received To 'a .ques;tion by .Councilman Colin, the - Director .of Finance answered that she - believed :there would be.aufficient� money in the Sewer Construction & Maintenance Fund to pay for the:,subject pro ject - when when this -obligation Was due whereupon, Res.-.#1296 'N. C. So introduced lay "Councilman Crinella s.econded Councilman Ellis, -- entitled, "RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT IN-ACCORDA'NC ! W ITH THE;TLANS' AND SPECIFICATIONS ENTITLED, 'SEWER MAIN CONSTRUCTION AND'RERLA 4EJNT '4962 was adopted by 6�affirmat ve votes, 1 absentee. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS o Northeast :Annexation 42 6arkesian - Property) ,Petition for annexation of the subject',uninhabited territory was submitted and filed Notice of' next.Mayors° & Councilmen's Assoc iaton;. meeting °to be - held at Sonoma Joe°s May 10 1962 submitted and. filed- Letter'frorri.Company "B", 579th Engineer .Battalionof' the Calif Army National--.Guard; dated Apr;i1 27, 1962 requesting th . Vallejo St.. from Jefferson St. - to the Armory - be improved during this-calendar=year; 9 tted and filed. Since, at. the -time the - A'rmory was constructed," the: City,_ had romised p that Vallejo''St would be unproved at some future -date, Councilman Kfng,,f0lt - that the City - should now attend to this .matter: as requested.' _ He, sug , 'that the_ other.-- property owner involved`be contacted to determine if he W uld .. be willing to`pay .for,'his - share-.of -the work - at: this tune 'The staff -eras then directed to - contact the bther proper=ty owner involved;. to see if he would be - to having the work.. done .novva City Employee- ,Eringe Benefits Letter from Petaluma CityErnp °loyees Association dated April 30,;19b2, cla ang tl e pos. tion>of the Association on' °negotiat ng for fringe benefit ; read' and filed The letter pointed out'that.the Employees Association recog w n}?ed that certain -of its members; wbshgd.to .represented';by,a; ;union ., ,their. choice >r hen steps were taken to qualify this. representaiiono Until such steps w(jre ,Laken; . the Employees " - , asoCiation should be co szdered as r- epres4 rnti4g PI alh:;employeesa; m 2 C t`d �.' n } May 7, ,1962 City •Enipiloyee F.ringe_Benefi cont 'd Cola - of letter from 'Teariaste.r�s Union attorney Joseph. R'. ' Grodin dated May 4, 1962, re representation of employees by Teamsters Union 'Local #624, read a-nd filed Councilman Crinella reported that the Council Committee had already meronce -with the Employee Association representatives relative to ifri.nge . benefits and that the Council Committee had :been pretty much" in accord with the.- -, ggesf ons made by the -employees, He felt that after one more meeting with .th.is group; the Council, Committee .would be - able .to report its recomm.enda- tions- to the , Councilu D To gPaesta;o -ns by the :Mayor and. various trxem.bers of the-Council., City Attorney Ed-'.Robert stated that the -union could represent :any City employee who chose ?to be represented by a union, as Tang as'-the charter of said union stated that one.of - its primary purposes.was the representation of pub "I. , employees.. However,. it was his understanding that'even though the majority of employees in any department voted in favor. of joining a union, this did not'commi6 th,. ' remainder of em - Dloyees in -that department., In other words, union reps- esentation was, not decided -by majority vote, beat by the choice of each individual employee. He therefore believed that the - Council would be �justif.ied in 'requesting to know which 'employees were. r.ep:resented by the anion, which employees were being, represented by the E'Mpl,oyees' Association, etc. Otherwise., it would be .possible for: one. ern ployee -to be represented lay two organizations or representa- rives at the - saute time„ Councilman Crinella . felt: that the :employees 'had the right to be represented by a'ny group they chose aid that. their also had the right to decide if they.did.not wash to be represented by a :part:culax group, - However, it was his belief that they would `be as well .represented by the Employees'' Assoei.aton as by any other hearing throii h the,es�tablishm group in as benefits were -concerned, He pointed out that these benefits .could, ..for_, ,znstanc e include the eari g of grievances g ent . of :a wel`.fa 'e commit:teeo Mr. ...Glen Clark:, Mrs ,Lowell. -Good ear -a -nd Mr'. 'ames; BL rsb y o y, .Teamsters , .Un on,representi,tives, addressed' the Council r,equesting the Council meet with ;them; formally, in order tha -t they night .officially establish the fact that, they -'do -represent certain - employees, Also, they were interested.i:n determining .what sorrof proof the Council. required to determine that they were qualified to , represent public 'employees, etc. A motion was .then made by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Colin,' that- a letter be wry. tten o the Teamster. s Union Local #624, requesting 'r it to furnish the City with a -proper copy of :its. charter, or other document, which indicates that one'of its primary purposes .i.s to represent'"public employees, and f �J r'ther :requesting that the' ,union -give the , City., proof or ilidicafion as to what members of - City Empl.o:yees they represent° ' motion carried by 6 affirma.ti -ve votes; ' 1 abseiite'e.. `The Casty Attorney was direc'bed to write .the above. mentioned Metter, liiasmiuch as this situation was quite new to the Council" Councilman Va Bebber felt that the City should obtain an opinion born the. :Attorney Genet_Ct ` Howevery the City Attorney noted that this would. take from 6 to 8 weeks and that hey could not obtain, an opinion directly. At the suggestion of. Counca.lrrian. King; the C�%ty Attorney was then directed to contact: r laud °Carpenter of the League of�Cali .. Clttes fbk'his - opinion on the matter. It wasl+fdxther directed that Mro Carpenter be requested to the 'City with'something in wri:tirig to 'the effect that the procedure being ,followed" by the City is proper. The subject �m fitter was to be placed bn _next Monday night's agenda jor further. di scus.s- io��,, m . u ' y , . May 7,A.962 R e :Cr Union-Payroll - .De ductions Lev. from Petaluma City Employees' Assoc :�: ca -on d t:ed M .:y 2,. 1'962; requesting permission to have payroll. deductions ,made 1n. conriectiori with the Petaluma Federal. -Credit Union, read and i ed, Some 'members of the Council. e:.xpressed concern as -to dhe titre and cost Inv Wed. in this operati-on,: The City Clerk, °stated :that it was a little difticLilt to §ay at this point bu she did not be .: eve it would be very much., Mr. :Ralph Kos ka pointed oix: t:hat none of the - actua1.bookkeeoing would . 'be - done by the City;,. This would merely be a matter of payroll. deduotions a nd -the issuance , perhaps -two checks per. month. The-fol re solut. on was thee. adopted- Res. :92963'N..C. ,S. introduced by King, seconded. by Cou:ncilmai Cr riel:la, entitlec. "RES'OLUTION ALTTHORI.Z,TNC� °THE.PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS FOR CITY' EMPLOYEES "FOR THE URPOSE:OF INVESTING'' ' INIO'R. MAKING. PAYMENT TO. TIKE. PETA LUMA FEDERAL CREDIT DN:ION. " read and addpted`b - 6 affirmative ,ot:es, 1 absentee, REPORTS OF CI TY OFF1 0MLSo C-it;�LMa, r Claims approved for payment by the Acting City Managers mere bmitted and. filed; whereupon, Re:s,, . #29.64.N. C; So int ~oduc:ed by Councilman :Colin, - seconded :by Councilman. Van.Bebber approv° ing claims and.bills ;(Nos 1 -2,62 _:to 1338 •inclusive, Nos 7455 to 768f. 'Inclusive - and Nos. 868W to 888'W- inclusive), was 'read and adopted 'by 6 affirmative .votes, 1 absentee, City Plainni Coo mxn issi.on Use Pe: -traits Re -. to John Carl.son construct n2 for vacc natty g: baby chicks . °' Petal uma `Blvd,,.. North. Res,:41.7 62 ­St, Vlnc.ent's.rFathers` Club F=ireworks stand at 708 'East - Washiii gtori Street.. CiAttarzie Memo„'. re rNoriel vs. City ofTeta City'Attorney °s memo. -to Couxicil dal.ed. "May 4, 1.962 advisiha that the, City had won the - subject case, submi:tt:ed and filed,, Cot n:cil.man C:rinell:a and Mayor: Matzen comrriended :Mrr . .Robert on the efficient rnarrner - ii which he had handled this case Water Commission North. Max -Ln - Agreemen R of Water Commission dated•.May. 1, 1962,. that;�an interim.- agreemi:ent with , North'Mar -ir? bi�, . pproved for , the' - purpose of :providing water sex vice -to a ranch situated -wit . hin the Petaluma'Water Service _Area, A , d f"7 d 1 yea a n t . (cony d �+. Maya, .-1 -962 North Main Agreements . c :ont °d Copy of letter from North Marin County. Water - Dist.. dated April- 24, . . • 1962, re individual connect:iorrs the �Nlarin Agneduct in the proposed;Petal�ma. servicere :.prior execution of Water sale contract, submitted and filed. Proposed North Mari ;Water Agreement prepared by City Attorney, . . a submitted and filed; letter thereon dated. May. ,2 '.1..962 . read and filed, Water Supt, Dave Y-oung explained that the interim agreement would set forth the Gino nt North Marin, would charge he City of ;Petalma for the water, etc'. if the master agreement was.not_ consummated M.thin one ✓ year, the water user would have to annex to the •North Mar-,in ;Water District or North Marin could not sell them water. Ca.l'i:n the C ouncil ' s attention ,to. the rovisions - of the interim agreement, g � p - Councilrnan. Coliia asked that the aster agreement with North_ 1VIarirr be exee'uted' as soon as possible.. The- -City - Attorney believed, that the interim agreement could be put into . effect by a letter stating that the City acce pts' the - terms set forth in.-North. �_Marbi',S fetter of 'May 24, . concerning interim agreements. This could be done b •..the stAff1 with Council direction'„ A concurrent re solution 'hereon could then be adopted, R'elative the master agreement, it was 1VIr_,.Robert °s understanding .that.,Nortb•Marin desired to'add to the proposed one for the' - purpose of giving some' kind of termination notice under this 'arrangezxient. Such te- rminatiori .. notice, - he understood,' Wo.u_ld.ar se. either -when there vias' o surplus capacity in the pipe for the City s water to go through it; or, when th ey - had no , surplus water; or, when both of these - conditions - arose. He believed they desired to be able: to give the* City one or two years notice of suc h, termination. . Councilman Colin then made. a motion that the agreement prepared by the City Attorney be ',accepted by the Council. at this time .and .sent on -to the North . City - Attorney proceed with the necessa r Marie County Water -District, sub °ect to their recommendation and that -the p _y steps in or to execute the interim a.greefrient..for the Rettinelli ranch as proposed by ,North Marin. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crinella an absentee° d carried by 6 affirrriative votes, 1 Aqueduct Agreement Referring to a resolution recently passed by the,B6ard of Supervisors .iii. connec.t,on'with the Aquedfict Agreem.'enat, the City Attc�rzle�� stated that he believed; basically, instead of requiring a $2.0 000 depo sit from No rth 'Marin , and` Petaluma, this Jresolut'ion authorized the. acceptance of $lu,. 000 as :an interim deposit and deferred' the .balance of the $20 M O, until needed by,the Flood Control District. He explained that the County had prepared an addendum the original: agreement. which sh10.0'1d lie authorized by a . resolution of the Cou.nclA theme executed anel forwarded to North Marini Where being no obJect ons to this procedure, the'.0 ty'Attorney was directed' to prepare' °such'a resolution for next Monday night meeting. King p . Cos. +ncilman. :K'in _ out that cinder the .present contract, the -City _ would- still pay -the same rate for any water used over the minimum amount " - contracted, for'. 'However, there would•'be no bond retirement in :the payment so that this money would go into 1 Plan , "l to be used at sortie time in the future for the construction of the unit from Cotati to Mirabel -Parka 1h"talking ,with the- -Flood Control - Engineer,. - he had indicated tha this possibly'co_uld be' changed. Councilman •King s;ugges:ted that the City press for a change iii tle.:Aqueduct Contract at this time 'i order .to. eliminate the ;''interest and debt reduction" component of the watef rate of water used ip exoess of the - minirxium contract amount, g Wa _r Supt 'Dave. n told tie Council. that. he .understood''Nor..th Marin had sliced y sent a letter to the .F1.00d' Control. District requesting Just such a . her e xn.•the ooritra,er <, ` t-the suggestu`on of Councilx nan.Col.in, Mr young wa,s':then directed to' contact the Flood Control people relative: to changing the contract as_ stated by''.:: Coy �nrc Icings = . May.7, 1962, . " Re Purchase of Drafting Equiprient: Recommendation: of Water Commission d ted.lVIay 1;:1 , tliat Cbuncl1 ,. auth orize the pur. cht , se ; of - drafting ,e quipment.frar the Water.. %ng..., off - submitted. and 'filed After - hearing an explanation from Mr® rel.a -tive to the need,'for . .Young, this equipmen , a `nnotion was made 'by Councilman 'Van Bebberp ' seco}�ded .by Councilman King, - .;that - the equipment be purchased asp ±ecom:mended by the:-Water Commiss'lon, The motion carried by 6 : affirmative :votes° 9x30 p m. . - "A" - recess was: declared day Mayor -Matzen The - meet ng was - called bank to order. a,t, approximately..9:45 .po ma. - Dire ctor of ..'Public Works Clarifier Painting Sewage Plant S ecifreatio is for the -sub °ect ' ro e'ct were' submitted anO Filed,* To . a question by Councilman King, it ,Attorney Ed;_Robert explained tla't - the emergency cl' use riad: °been included in 'the ordinance a'uthori'zing. the s.a rject . �. work, so the ; proleet could`'be corn;pleted' befo °'re the end. of- the fisca=l t yearo ,. Council- `man King - stated that he' -wotild vote,'%o" _.on this ordinance, .sirnpl .because of, the =emer- -gene clause, sf tlias had been nserted merel to coq fete .fie p olect before y p " the.,end of the .fiscal year. The C%ty Engineer sta that this pro ject`was notan" : emergency pro f "ecto " After 'fu- r -ther discussion-,, the following ordinance Was an . Ord. 4638'N.CoS> introduced by Councilman Colin - a n d seconded 'by Cou ncilrrian . llis, entitled; "ANA ORDI -: APPROVING : - THE SPECIFICATIONS . , xf R THE ',CLA`R'IFIER PAINTING .'AT THE, SEWAGE,. PLANT 'AND .. .-AUTHOR"IZING' TH TO BE DONE PURSUANT TO; -BID, ;. ordered-posted by .the. following vote. ... Ayes.: Councilmen,, Colin : Crinella, Ellis 'Va'in,Bbbbek and Mayor " Noes. Councilman King. Absent° Counc lrnan Gustafson° Direcfor.,of- 'Recreat:i.on & Parks R,& Lan an 1VIar - k ' p g- ; Y Sto .Parking .Lot" Comm'unicat :ion 'from Di f.'' of .Pat. ,& . Recrea tion .d'ated_1Vl 2, ' a .y .1 - per - in m of the Mary St :Parking Lot. requesting p p e g . ' ` `and sett %ng forth- the estimated costsefor the project on the basis of using,* C'ity- forces submitted and filed, Dick Shollenberger, Dir, :of Parks •& Recreation,, answered various ' questions of the Council in connection with the subject project, offer hich'a motion was made b y Councilman �7an :Bebber "=and'Jseconded Y y Councilman Colin ' that, permission -be- granted by - the Council to proceed - with_ - the projeca as . :. requested. The,mbtion.,car.r ed by . 6. Affirmative -votes; 1 absentee° .. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES Plumbing Code �. Councilman Van Bebber reported that-the :Council Comrriittee had gone over the Plumbing? Code with :rrierribers of the; staff . ands that certain changes shad 'been' made in order comply "with - :loca' requirements -, 'There as''one matter W11ich'. r _.. had..not peen covered by tile - Committee,` b,ut' left as,' a.policy `d, is.ion of ,tlr . .e:'Council This was the establishment of ..,a 'R ard`- of..Review. -He explained ~. t arthe Building' '.Officialsn; establishes policy on certain items- whieh before them :These policies °a're then passed'. _on to` the local inspector„ ' his .expected_; -.to comply, even. though 'the provisions are. riot included do the ord' na <nceo A Board of Review could rule: upon such things, -a;nd a, policy could be. - established the „ - .Councfl_ that. direction of the staff would be 'taken from the.Boarci of R'eview's ' .6 (Pont °d) .. 35� May 7, .1 'Pattie h 11t' Code .- cont d an from the directions received from the Building Officials` Association. Fotlow l.ng further discussion on the matter'..of establishing a Board of Review, the Gity Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary legislation to create such a Board. One Board of Review, consisting of 5 members, was Councilman .Crinella expressed the opinion that the experience requir ment for inspectors should be reduced from 5 years to , 2 or 3 years. Also, he objected to the .Ines set fort h in the ordinance for violations, stating that he believed they were a little too harsh. Referring to the provision that the manufac- turer °s' name be stamped on materials, Councilman. Crinella stated that he felt the stamping of the gauge on such materials should. be sufficient. Councilman Van Bebber stated that he definitely favored the experience requirement for inspectors set forth in the code. Relative to'the penalty section of the ordinance, the City.Attorney no nted out that this was the standard misdemeanor provision. city Plumbing.-Anspector A. Oberto told the Council that while attending a plumbing convention last year, the manufacturers had voted in favor of ; vamping their materials, either with their name or an identification mark, to indicate that they consist of standard; acceptable :material. After further discussion, the following ordinance was introduced: Ord; #639 N.C. S. introduced by Councilman Van Bebber, seconded by Councilman Colin, entitled, ''AN ORDINANCE ADO -AS A PRIMARY PLUMBING CODE THE UNIFORM, PLUMBING CODE.PUBLISHED'BY W ESTERN PLUMBING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATIONS .1961 EDITION, EXCEP- TING CERTAIN SECTIONS. THEREOF, EXCLUDED. AND AMENDED AS HEREIN PROVIDED; ADOPTING A SECONDARY CODES TO SAID PRIMARY CODE CERTAIN PUBLICATIONS REFERRED TO IN SAID PRIMARY PLUMBING CODE; PROVID- ZNG FOR THE PROTECT JON OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, AND, THE LICENSING OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF PLUMBING OR LABORING AT THE. TRADE 'OF'PLUMBING;.REQUIRING A PERMIT FOR THE INSTALLA- TION OR ALTERATION OF PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE SYS- TEMS; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS ESTABLISHING MINIMUM REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION, :ALTERATION OR REPAIR OF-PLUMBING DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND THE -INSPECTION THEREOF;.PROVIDING PENALTIES.'F,OR ITS 'VIOLATION, AND REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. " ordered published by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Colin, Ellis, . King, Van Bebber and Mayor , Matzen. Noes. Councilman. Crinella. Absent: Councilman Gustafson. Heating & Comfort Cooling Code Councilriman' Crinella obiected to the experience requirement for inspectors and the penalty provisions set:folth in the heating and comfort cooling orciinariceo He'also' felt that the'-suibject ordinance 'should indicate�whdt v ork people could: . without securing a permit. There was discussion on the subject of whether or not the proposed ordinance allowed for certain work to be done without a .permit, after which the ordinance was referred back to the Council..Committee for further review of - the code. The matter was to be placed on the agenda for the Council's consid- eratioim at the adjourned meeting next Monday night. - 7 - -Establishment of - Disposed 'ofT i, There Water Received' is. Consw l e--DiSPosal -SorV.ices - May 7, 19-62 ed'&-Not Ord. #640 N. C. S. introduced by - CoLincilm an.Ellis, seconded by Co uncilman_-_Van - Bebber, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING: ORDINANCE NO. 624 Ce S'. .AND CHAPTER -J9, ARTICLE, V OF THETETALUMA CITY CODE: OF;1958 BY A'DI)II TO SECTION 19.28 .'A SECTION - M 28.7 TO PROVIDE FOR. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CHARGE, WHERE THE. WATER.. RECEIVED IS. CONSUMED AND NOT DISPOSED OF-THROUGH SEWAGE DISPOSAL SER- VICES', ordered published 6affirmative votes, I absentee, CONSIDERATION. NEW OR'UNFINISHED` BUSINESS: Resolution of - Intention to jAbandon,Allev:­ West Street Answering a question -by .Mrs,.,- Dora 542 Howard Street,• the City Attorney explained that the -drainage. easement would be retained - by the City, even after the alley was abandoned; whereupon, Res. .42965 M C. S. introduced by Councilman Crinella, seconded by Councilman Van.-Bebber, entitled, "RESOLUTION OF _INTENTION TO ABANDON' AND CLOSE To PUBLIC USE THAT.CERTAIN EASEMENT FOR. ALLEY,PUR- POSES RUNNING FROM'GALLAND STREET TO WEST STREET ..- LYING BETWEEN CENTRAL AVENUE AND"HOWARD -STREET AND BEING A PORTION OF-BLOCK 2 THE . .CHERRY HILL SUBDIVISION,., was adopted by 6 affirmative -votes I absentee, West - Petaluma Annexation - (Bc)dega.-:Ave...) Certification of County. Clerk dated A 1127, 1962, to he, verification pr t verif icat of signatures to petitions-,- submitted and filed,;• whereupon, Res. 42 , 966- , .N.C. S. introduced by Co Crinelia, seconded. by Council an n:'Bebber, entitled, m a "RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF PETA LUMA".DECLA RING -ITS INTENTION TO CALL - A. SPECIAL ., ,FOR PROTESTS AND FIXING, A TIME A ,ND PLACE OR PROTESTS BY PROPERTY OWNERS` " was adopted by 6 affirmative votes, .1 absentee. R es Auth S41eof Surplus Material & Equipm'61if Pukchasinz­.Agent Ralph Kostka explained that.in disposing of some of-the .surplus items, . hd1elt- negotiatang,: - rather- thah'auctioning, would be to City!s advantage. .The-subject resolution was then Adopted. Res-, .#M7 IN., C., S. introduced. by Councilman King, `,9_e . conded - b'_Cduncilman Ellis, entitled 8 - 0 S May-7, 1962 Res. #2967 NCS - cont.'d "RES( LUTION FINDING PERSONAL PROPERTY HEREIN NAMED IS SURPLUS, NO LONGER REQUIRED AND DIREC- , TING THE CITE' MANAGER TO DISPOSE:.AND SELL THE SAME." adopted by - 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. 3�7 Res. .Requesiting Bd. of Supervisors to Take Steps to Correct the .Odor Problem in the -L akeville Area Councilman - Ellis stated that he would abstain from voting on this resolution, inasmuch as he was the owner of one of the .plants directly involved in the subject ma tter,. Res, #2968 'N. C. S. introduced by Councilman Colin, . seconded by Councilman Van Bebber, enacted, "RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SONOMA TO TAKE SUCH STEPS AS ARE AVAILABLE TO -IT WHICH. WILL CORRECT THE ODOR PROB- LEM IN THE LAKEVILLE AREA ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF PETALUMA. " adopted by the'followi.ng vote: Ayes Councilmen Colin, -Crinella, King,, Van. Bebber and Mayor - Matzen. .Noes: None. Absent. Councilman Gustafson. Abstained. Councilman Ellis, Re Extending Time to Subm Tentative Budget for 1962 -63 Before adoption of the - subject resolution, the following phrase was deleted from the last paragraph. "until such time as this City shall have employed a City Manager ". Res. 42969 N. C..S. introduced by Councilman King, seconded by Councilman Ellis, entitled, "RESOLUTION EXTENDING. TIME FOR THE SUBMISSION OF THE TENTATIVE BUDGET. " adapted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. A DJOURNMENT. There being no further business -to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned until Monday, t May.,14, 1962, at 7e30-p'. m. Attesta & �✓.. City Clerk - 1 9 - Mayor