HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/27/1957May 27, 1957 7:3.0 P. M. City Hall Petaluma., Galif. Adjourned. . meeting of t:he Council of the C%ty of Petaluma called to order by Mayor Schoeningh: ftOL�L::C-AL.L o 1< Present. Councilmen Ada s, Bigelow, Brown, Crinella" and Mayor S.choeningh, Absent: Councilman. Gustafson,. . .APPRQVAL OF MINUTES': s ' , .Minutes from the meeting of May. 20, 1957 were approved as recorded. P ETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS° Memorandum of Agreement with Division of Highways re Budgeting Fund's for 1958 Fiscal Year, submitted and filed-; whereupon, a resolution a.dopring budget and approving° memo. of :agreement for expenditure of gas tax al'lo`cari_on for Major City Streets was read the Clerk. To a question. by` Councilman King, City Manager Ed. explained that theAgreement could alw be amended._ He stated that the agreement :was drawn. up to cover the three projects included therein so that the City would_ .bp.assured of receiving of the funds with which it is credited. The resolution was then adopted as follows. Res, #1880_ N. Co S� into odu ecl by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Crinella., entitled, "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PETALUMA ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMO- RAND IM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR C ITY STREETS, " adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. "D" St. Bridge Regulations Governing Qprat on of Same; 'Puhlid .Noti:ce : o. 57- 8;3 're application of .Petaluma. that Tegulations, governing operation of "D" -.Sto Badge be modified, read and filed. Tie notice was. dated.lVlay 20, 1.957, aft specified that objections to this action should be forwarded to the U. S. Army Engineer District, San Fran.cisc,o Corps of Engineers office no later than thirty days from the date Of noti'coo Ha,rold.Cornwell Alleged. Zoning Violation at 7 Hill .Dr. Petition protesting a situation 'ndw "eXistaht' at 7 Hill Drive, read and filed. The petition was signed by: Mark-T.. Ammons, 12 Hill Dr. Lucille Ammons',," 12 Hill Dr. Funk Hlebakos, 20 'Hill Dr. ; Margaret Hleba:kos, 20 Hill 'Dr. ; Gene .F. Dixon, 6 .Hill Dr. and Mrs. Gene 'F.. Dixon, 6 Hill. Dr City Attorney Ed Robert informed the Council that he w as working on this - ranter, but still did not have all of the facts. Mr'. Robert was directed to keep the Counc.ilAnformed as to any new developments° The subject was to appear on the next Council Agenda. (1> May 27, 19;57 a PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS cone. Petition re cond 'ti:on of property at the Southwest corner of Sixth Street and ''D" Street, requesting that conditions be investigated by Public Authorities and if the conditions warrant, that remedial act ion be taken Withoat delay; . and °filed. The petition contained eleven signatures, The matter was referred to the City Attorney and Director of PLiblic Works together with the City Manager; for their investigation and report to the Council.. Use Permit, m Sonom County Brd. of Supervisors re Veterans Memorial.. Resolution of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors dat -Od,' lay 21,; 1957, entitled, "Res I- olution in re 'consummation of purchase of lands f tho estate of Ida.. B. M cNear for use as a. site for Veterans Memorial Building fh* Petaluma, California;, "; submitted and filed, resolution of''City Planning. Commission ;granting Use Permit: to Sonoma Count Board of Supervisors to construct an auditorium to be known as the Petaluma Veterans" M emor al Audi= torium at the corner of McNea:r Ave, aid Redwood Highway South,, si bm4 ted. ',;' and filed. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES 1. t . 4$6 NCS - Authorizing Transfer of Funds Ord. #486 N� Co S introduced b Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Adams; ent itled, d, "AN ORDINANCE. TO AMEND THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE`NO. 449 N. Ca S.. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY .1 _1956 TO JUNE 30, 1957 FOR. THE PURPOSE OF: TRA THE TOTAL SUM OF $24, 19 FRO1VI SECTION 8, UNgUl) GETED RESE FUND, TO SECTION 3, GENERAL FUND, FORTUBLIC WORKS'. adopted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Variance - LaMa.r. Lauritzen Copy of Pies n.ing Commission resolution- granting Variance to La.' Ma Lauritzen for 1. 1/2', side yard instead of 5' required, to construct add ti one to: residence in line with existing. house at 228 Fifth.St. , R. -:3 Zone, submitted and.. filed.; whereupon, Res.. #1881 N., C. S,1 introduced by Councilman Brown, seconded,,by Councilman Crinella,, , entitled,; "RESOLUTION GRANTING APPLICATION OF La.MAR LAURITZEN FOR VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 340 NXC So," read and adopted .by 6 affirmative votes,. 1 absentee. Wickersham P ark m ­.Resolution Authorizing Use of ;Same Councilman Adams believed the subject resolution shouI.d be held. over, due to the absence of Council Gustafson, who had worked on this matter. as" a member of the Recreation. Commission. Councilmen Crinella and King believed that the proposed play .ar,ea: would be located: too close to the play area in Walnut Park, (2) (cont.) . Ma 27, 1957 C O'SIDPERATION 013 UNFINISHED BUSINESS, cont, Wickersham Park cont, Councilman Brown informed the Council. that this matter had come up once thefore, a.nd ha.d :ia very highly opposed at that time. Councilman Bigelow believed the proposed play area would help to keep small children. in the vicinity off the streets. The resolution was 'then defeated as follows Res. #1882 N. Co So int.r°odu y .ced b Councilman Bi Q1cw, . seconded by Councilman Adams, entitled, "RESOLUTION, APPROVI THE I OF A SMALL �CI-I.rLDRE.NS'PLAYGROUND AREA IN WICKE.RSHAM PARKo " read DEFEATED by` the following vote:o ` Ayes: Councilman. Bigelow and.Mayor Schoeningh. Noes. Councilmen Adams, Brown, Crinella and King. Absent; Councilman 'Gustaf son - Assessment: Dist. #3 N6 Se Res. Appointing. Attorney therefor Res.- #1883 M C. So introduced. by. Councilmah Brown, seconded. by Councilman Adams, entitled, "&ESOLUTION APPOINTING EUGENE K... STURGIS AS THE ATTORNEY FOR "ASSESSME.NT DISTRICT NO. .3 No So "a read. a.nd. •ad.opted by 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. Cherry' Valley. Sewer Assessment. District y Plans, specifications and stiiniates`of costs on the subject project were submitted and filed:. Attorney Eugene. K. Sturgis addressed the Council - explaining the purpose. -the '.2, resolutions before the Council for adoption at this time, Mr, o Sturgis stated that - a portion o the district is located outside the City. 4.40 Merit on to ex pla.n that the lave proxdes, where a portgn. of the property to be :assessed or the work to be doiie is within "the unincorporated' of the County,,, that the City has - to pass a roposed resolution of intention setting what - they propose do, adopt the plans and then submit that resolution and t he _Ians :to the .Board of Supervisors, - 'The Board of Supervisors - then gives the. City, Couiioil jurisdiction to include that area within boundaries of the district a;nd to do any4ork* which :s proposed to ,be done Within that area if the 'County approves it, City Manager Ed.Fr°ank stated that the plans and spec, ifipations on the project had been submitted to the County Council and to the County Engineer, and there will be a, resolution on the subject. the Board'. of Supervisors at their meeting of May 28 1957. The resolution's were then read and adopted as follows F Res: #1878 No Co S. introdueed by Councilm,an,:Crinella., seconded by Councilman Bigelow, entitled., "RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND. SPECIFICATIONS', " adopted. shy 6 affirmative votes, 1 absentee. (cont..) (3) Rental,-,of. Px ling Lot Adaoanj.ng= [ onsen Ppty. 'The Ci�t Att`orne expl.a�ne l that' th res�►lt�tion. bo or the' Council: on the subject pro aeet meze'ly directed the City M :tiger too enter into negotiations with, the Non:sen Estate, and that it dial n_ol Approve the x6fms of the ].ease. I ar�.swer to a: question by Council.n an King, the City Ma ages �xplaaned, that. the: motors °v h ch would be installed .n the lof wir used meters that'the City had can hand, The City Ma:na,gpr Wa:s directed to obtain further information as to the number of parking .spaces, estimated revonue to be received. from 'the 1ot etc, ; whereupon, introduced by Councilman Adams,. seconded by Councilman VBrowri, entitled _ a R. ESGLUTION AUTHORIZING _AND DIRECTiN.G THE CTT ,MANAGER, i `TO `EN TE R: INTO 1�1EG0O � TfONS° WITH T1-iE..: : V Jlt?SEN`ESTA`TtE IQ L` AaSE T'HE' °LOT ADJO1N NC THE VONS'E:N � 1L' 'fNG ON . K . LL'ER STRE T-- i OR aPARtKING . - ; il?, UR P0S ES:o' 1' t was read: and adopted folfbw '; A-ye' exi. Acl rrt?s& r owx r Cr eel :laT and Mayor Scho6nir�gh Noes= Coirinci..lm.en.- B ; gelow and King, Absent. Cou:nc:ilman Gustafson. Outside Sewer Co Hoyt, Buf Mr. Hoyt que. tin g-perrr `ssron' t® connect to the City sewer from his property on_Magn Ave. Mr. Buford e�pla r ed that he planned on running a. llne'fri�m fins property to, the City sew on Main Strout ar. his e p r se'9 i d that the la.xi vaoulo .be used' t® servi'ee' a frailer pa:rk which he proposed t® JMI;al1 on, his. property. Councilm6.n'Br6wn st,a.ted thdt hey would be Agreeable' to the connection if an 8" line were installed,, 'There being no objections voiced, M ayor Schoeningh - informed Mr; .Buford that the Council, wars lavora;bly ineli:ned towards granting the conneptioriq i3r, 27,t', 1 °. CONSIDERAT, 0�1 .F jNF°1NIS BUS INESS cont. Cherry dlle- Sey�or "SSess U:st ®ccn.t. t Res.- Al -879" N., Go _S . iritzoclt�oed.by; Cot ri l7ma:nX ng, ��,c'ohded py .Cour cilxnan A dams exit :tled,. ".RE OLUTION OF JNTEN' ION TO A..DOPT,kES'.OLU TI.Ol\1 TNUENT ON. ;r adopted. by 6 affir votes, . absentee. Mutt,l A1c[ Agreerrnor.�t, Peta�uxn .$z ,Two. R ®olc Ranch Fire Depts Coun�llmari B�gelbvy Mated` iha't he believe' these sYoirld also be a .. mutual Aid a.greexnept with the Division -of Forestry Following b, discussion relative �® th e��oet of . the s.ubJect. a on the C ity's l.xab�l�ty �.nsuraa?;co,Z ogee; :the r at,ter wa's referred to the City Manage'r d CUy. At.',orn6V, for �u :�ther,�tt�dy anc�; re ,t the.Counc l as soon r whi as posy .bleu A resolution on the sdb ect had boom intr ®deed by Cou 7cilr : - rna:n Bigelow wa.s' held. over➢ pending the .requested report, Rental,-,of. Px ling Lot Adaoanj.ng= [ onsen Ppty. 'The Ci�t Att`orne expl.a�ne l that' th res�►lt�tion. bo or the' Council: on the subject pro aeet meze'ly directed the City M :tiger too enter into negotiations with, the Non:sen Estate, and that it dial n_ol Approve the x6fms of the ].ease. I ar�.swer to a: question by Council.n an King, the City Ma ages �xplaaned, that. the: motors °v h ch would be installed .n the lof wir used meters that'the City had can hand, The City Ma:na,gpr Wa:s directed to obtain further information as to the number of parking .spaces, estimated revonue to be received. from 'the 1ot etc, ; whereupon, introduced by Councilman Adams,. seconded by Councilman VBrowri, entitled _ a R. ESGLUTION AUTHORIZING _AND DIRECTiN.G THE CTT ,MANAGER, i `TO `EN TE R: INTO 1�1EG0O � TfONS° WITH T1-iE..: : V Jlt?SEN`ESTA`TtE IQ L` AaSE T'HE' °LOT ADJO1N NC THE VONS'E:N � 1L' 'fNG ON . K . LL'ER STRE T-- i OR aPARtKING . - ; il?, UR P0S ES:o' 1' t was read: and adopted folfbw '; A-ye' exi. Acl rrt?s& r owx r Cr eel :laT and Mayor Scho6nir�gh Noes= Coirinci..lm.en.- B ; gelow and King, Absent. Cou:nc:ilman Gustafson. Outside Sewer Co Hoyt, Buf Mr. Hoyt que. tin g-perrr `ssron' t® connect to the City sewer from his property on_Magn Ave. Mr. Buford e�pla r ed that he planned on running a. llne'fri�m fins property to, the City sew on Main Strout ar. his e p r se'9 i d that the la.xi vaoulo .be used' t® servi'ee' a frailer pa:rk which he proposed t® JMI;al1 on, his. property. Councilm6.n'Br6wn st,a.ted thdt hey would be Agreeable' to the connection if an 8" line were installed,, 'There being no objections voiced, M ayor Schoeningh - informed Mr; .Buford that the Council, wars lavora;bly ineli:ned towards granting the conneptioriq U�:: May 27, 1957 CONSIDERATION OF UNF!NISHE.D.B[-7SINESS: cone. Traffic Control Mrs. Marvin Porritt addressed the Council stating that she had conferred with various school principals and board members regarding the recommenda- tion ;of Traffic Comm.ittee a Jr. Traffic Patrol b e organized, and that they_ believed the formation of a Jr. Traffic -Patrol in Petaluma would be impossible, Mr. John. Gibbs stated that Dr. Dwight Twist had informed him that he believed the schools would still take the legal stand that they could not operate sw.h traffic patrol. City Manager Ed Frank noted that the formation of a Jr. Traffic Patrol .' wound be a. matter *of policy, both by the Council a:nd b the School Board; that the report of the Traffic Committee was merely to bring to the attention of the- Council that it would be perfectly legal to organize a Jr. Traffic;Parrol.. Due to the fact that this was a ma of Council and .School Board policy, it was ordered.held in abeyance until new members of the Council and Board of Education were elected. A 5 minute recess was declared by Mayor Schoeningh: LEA Councilmen King and Bigelow the meeting. The time I was. approximately 9 :00 P. M. The. meeting was called back to order. Consideration of 195758 Budget `Me City Council revieWed Sections 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 30, 42, 80, and 91 of the .proposed approving the above enumerated budget sections 'without change as proposed by the City Manager., Budget.Section 40, City Manager, was approved; as to amount proposed but` the. opinion was` expressed that the item of $250. under section 40.. 230 for ICMA. Conference should be used.for the State conference rather than the conference out of the State. Budget Section 90, Miscellaneious & Fixed Expenses, was studied and approved as proposed with the following exceptions: - 4 - 0 (supplies) wa.s increased from $25. to $125.. to cover supplies needed for th multilith machine.. 414 :(pr. inting)' Was increased 'from $250. `to $500. to cover printing charges in. connection with. #6 codification `of ordinances. . 420 (field supplies) Municipal Band Uniforms for $1000a was approved. In this connection Mr. - Cletus Cory, leader : of - the Petaluma Municipal .Band, `stated that the band would furnish- ;3 during each cdlendar'year out of its transcription funds at no charge to the City. in return for the .'s contribution for' uniforms. A suggestion­that� a written agreement be. entered -into the. members of the band" was referred to the CityAttorney for abti.on. The question of whether or not. the Petaluma Municipal Band would participate, on a no charge basis' in the Convention of the Italian Catholic Federation m be held "in.Petaluma August'30th. to Sept. 2nd was referred to Mr:' Cory. (cont. (5) 202 May 27 1.957 CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHE BUSINESS- cone. 1957°58 Budget - cont., Current Capital Outlays Equipment Repla:cem:ent, Fund Dept. of Fina:n:c� & Records 2 glass desk tops $ 40. Approved 1 used bookkeeping machine for City Trea.surer $1,50 Approved City Attorney 2 dicta.pho_nes $600. Approved 1 electric typewriter $600. Deferred until 1958. ®59 - Budget.. Capital 'Outlay. Program. Dept. of Pdblic.�Works No recorn.mealda;i.on on t his . program., Ceun.cil suggested that it be referred to the- Council. taking office -July l o Further work on the budget was deferred. until the next meeting of the" City Council., A DJ OU,RNME.NT - Ther& : being no further business to come before the Council, the,: meeting was adjourned, N Attest: City Clerk:, 2d I �6�