HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/195219 July 7,, 1952 -- 7:30 PA. R, e�, --.> ,,ijlar Meeting of the Council of the City of Petaluma called to order by mayor Myers. ROLL CALL, Present: Councilmen Adams, .Brown, Nonvood,, Schoeningh, Schwobeda., Maoemaker " and VTayor Ayers. Absent: None. APMOVAL OP The minutes of the last meetincr of June 30,, 1952, were approved as recorded. V!JD1;1C 1 Abandonment of alley betwe n. lots 206,?. 267 from Bass6tt St. Th . is being the time set for a public lidarin for the purpose of hearing the evidence of any persons interested in Qt objecting to the abandonment of the alley between lots 266 and 267 from Bassett St., the Clerk reported that no �txitteri protests had' been fll.ed with her. Mayor Myers invited verbal protest's but there t, none, Res,, . A,984 N. C. S4 Antroduced by Councilman Norwood, seconded by Councilm'an'Schwobeda., entitled, "A RESOLUTION' ORDE-RING THE VACATION A'ND ABAMDOfP!R!T AND CLOSING TO PUBLIC USE TH?' FO1,LOVVTNG - -TR1 FT OR PORTION OF STR Z IN PETALTMA,, CALIFORNIA, TO ','SIT:- -M.-I ALLEY 20 FEET IN " RUTTI-ING LOTS 266 AND 267 AS SJ1O`- ON STRATTON f S M11P OF TIT - CITY OF PT7A!V.,!A, CALL - FOR-1 T AA p COTT.'ENC- I N ON WE SOUTHERLY SIDR' OF BASSETT STR77T VM RU VIN G T h I 11 GTI'-FLRAL SOUTHERLY DIRECTTOM TO DOUGLAS STR? T. adopted by 7 affirmative votkes. PETITTONS 9 • CWPV-,,TIC4LTTOj-Tq,: Publ i .!otice 52-45 ;Jar Dept., re Div. of Iftghways' application for cansLructlon of twin bridges across Petaluma Creek.. 400 upstream from Northwestem. Pacific Railroad Bridge, and setting July 22, 1952 P,t 10.00 Aj,. in the Council ,Chambers, City Hall, Petaluma, as the time and place for hearing, .-Protests on said application, read and filed. Letter frOW"OffItub of Civil te fense.,'' together.. with statement re 11 .G.round Obseiw Corps Operatiop. skywateb, 11 - - read and -f i-led. Resioniation of 'lalcoln, L. ce as memb er- or--e-Vt Plan ning Com. e C ty P ann n- Re on or 7 =C0 -H Byce as a member o Cloirmils,slon, read and filed, whereupon Res. r l/985 W.C.S. introduced by Councilman Schoenin.rph, seconded by Councilman Sdh7lobeda,, titled,, F ACCEPTING RESIGNATTON OF MALCOLM L. BYCR AS A OF THE' PEETALU-JA PI C0`, adoptled by 7 affirmative votes,, 't,.4ayor Myers commented on the rmany hours of ,Ivork that "fr. 3yce had devoted to the City without compensation, and expressed his apl.'recia-tIon fOl' 'the valuable service he had given to his cormiunity® ffer of James Co Blacicyvell to sell arprox. 35 acres of land to ML 7 7 7 7 - 5 - T opy of letter tte7n � J177i �ee=TPF, Re I' sTa e A75711, to 1 . 20 the City r.tana`,,er, re offer of ?Ir. James C. Dlackwell,, � Jr. to sell to - the City of f etaluma approximately 55 acres of land adjacent to Kenilworth Park, to the City Petaluma., for 13,000. per acre, read and filed. REPOWS OF CITY OPPICIA CC�itty klana.aer Claims approved for pa1,rmen�"by ' 6_ _ Manager were submitted, whereupon Rect #986 N.C.S. Introduced by Councilman Adams,*seconded by Councilman. approving claims (nose 1 to 25 Inclusive), adopted by 7 affirmtive votes. Re gasoline contract for 1952 -53 opy o e ter tier t en y `E .Frank, C1ty , °.Tanarer,to gasoll.ne distributors in Petaluma, stating,that contract,for the furnishing of gasoline to the City for the year 195253 had been awarded to the Seaside Oil Company and, the - , Shell Oil Company, .for a period of six months each at ' the maximum price of 20 ® 1' discount,, read acid filed'. City P Com Reco,amendation from the U air�.man o�tne City Planning g Coramission, asking that the City Council c ons id er amending; Zoning .Ord,. ''to make further provision for off-street parking, and attactiin& a copy of sugr7ested additions to the Zoning Ord. read.and.filedo At the su ~gestion of Councilman Shoemaker, copies. of the recommendations of 'the - Plannin Commission are to be furnished the members of the Council and the subject placed on - the . Ageinda for the next regular 'neetin.7 of the City Council. Dian of Public Works Estimate cost of extendin-, Clark St. from Bride to alle 1 r e est mate of total cos eext n n' 0 k St. St. from Brid St® to alley was submitted by the Di of Pablio -. read and filed, ThAs matter ;vas discussed and referred to the City ' 47r e for further stu and report back. Mont.% report of Public �.orks R Fngineerinr; Department reviewir�g status of engineering projects, read and filed. Other City Off- icials monthly reports of. the TJ rar an, oun�Dep _o, Police Court, Police Dept., Central Permit Bureau, Auditor, Treasurer, "read and filed. Donation o f , '1000 from Petaluma-Rotary Club to Libtary:. TFe - montnly report the Lib rar an ca e a ent on o' the donation of ! from the Petaluma Notary Club for the purrhas e of additional volumes to' the Rotary Vocat 1mal Bookshelf. It was requested by Councilman Shoemaker that a resolution of appreciation for this donation be prepared for, presentation at the next meetin„ of the City Council. The .Annual report of the Pound Dept. was submitted anti fyleda ADOFTxoh " of 0R -V ; Authoritin- rn.zrcnase of new rnzmp r.. motor _ B Sta Pu ' Plant O rd. No. 24 T'T a C a 7� u Er o u ea by Councilman Ylonioodp seconded" by Councilman. 'r3rovrn. entItled., 2. 91 ORDIr]A "ICF AUTHMI7ING THr PURC111` r 01, A PULP VT "OTM P R T!-7 "B" 5 ;1, 1 R " rU, TIVG PL`iNT," came up re rilarly and v,,as adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Authoriz purchase of center column k. dist.arms ­Sewage Plt. O rb IT o. 242' ;` fro uc° e7e y "Counc3 man Uams, seconded b .. Councilman Schwobeda, entitled, 44AN ORDINANCE AUTHORMI`;G TfIE PURCHASE OF A CENTT.:R COLtP34 NrJD T','0 FA?3RICATED DISTRIBUTOR ARMS FOR INSTALL MO AT SEVJAGE PU o " came up regularly and was adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Provi for purchase of new autos. ouncilman Schwobeda, seconded by Councilman Norwood, entitled, e �6UU ORDTNANCF PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE BY TH~. CITY OF PETA.LU OF' THREI R NX-7 FOUR -DOOR SEDAN AUTOMIOI3S1.,U� FOR THE POLICE DFPAR`I"`.MVT, MID PROVIDING FOR THE TRADE -IN TO TILE SUCC ,SSFt3i., BIDDER OF THl�, 1951 FORD V8, TI.3E 1951 MNISER MID THr 1951 DODGE, SEDANS O ".2 ED BY THE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR TIM. PURCHASIE OF A NEW SEDAN DELIVERY MOTOR VEHICLE FOR TF DEPART':'R;NT OF PIPLTC ';YORKS. tame up regularly and was adopted by 7 affirmative votes. rl T( A T O OF UP1PF`1ISIP:D T�tJ "d T'.�S ; Re pea ling , Res. M oo 3 70 ri, C Res. /! N.C.S. introduced by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Schoeningh, entitled, tt RESOLUTTON KFUPFALING RF:SO.WTTON NO. 370 N.C.S." adopted by 7 aff irmative votes,, Re of Dir. of Rec. o n McPJear Park F!:.nansion Pro; am A report signed by Steven A. piezzera., Director, Recreation, Parks X Music, can the subject of 11 1AcNear Lark Expansion Pr°ogra' and Expend - it,ux°es, was read and filed. ';.ir. Mezzera also presented a tentative sketch of improvements to MgNear Park, which plan was rec<aivaended by the Recreation Commission. included in the recommendations was the pr!j.posal to bi;d- A;he tproperty adjacent to McNear Park on 9th St:. between F and G Sts. a nd to make an exchan�,e of property with the Boy's Club. A po:l of the City Council revealed that al ?. of the members of the Council were In favor of this recommendation. Another poll of the Council was taken on the questl.6ri of whether or not the City shall i^rprove the property in':q:uestl.on, u~i.n- the "20,000. that is available and spend it as, far as it f-o to purchase the property and improve the park. All members of the Council indicated their approval of this plan, City i'ana,°er W.daard Frank stated that detailed plans should be presented for the improvement of the park and purchase of the property within the bounds of the ' The matter was referr to the City hfana er, City 'Mtorney Rec. r n(I City r a r ir,eex° for ,ction and report thereon,, 3e Res. to be C'.raivn expressing appreciation 'to Citizen's Deco Com. At one su!7restion of Cou Senoeningn, a resolution was ordered drain for pr esenta ti on at the next regu la r :Council meetinJ, expressinm the appreciation of the City Coundil for the excellent woric done by the Citizen's Recreation Com Traffic Rem-. l atorY Sig ..and Off- Street Parkin R e "wr en ZZ °page report Jta Y 31 51 v su i ted by the C:irtiz,en v s Committee on Traffic Regulatory SI.Uns and Off S treet Parkin was officially filed and directed placed on the Agenda for consideration at the Council meeting of July 21. Re - protest filed b 13a Gi.tie a's��1 ica L - ono v on o� r� l'ra.�,Tso ation Co, withdrawn. He Further asked that our City Manager be given authority to act for the City at said meeting Approval was indicated of this request. t i.on Co.,. aRa.I.ns t U des across reta.Luma Greek. Counc man r?r°ovin r°epor'ted that a meeting will be held next week between representatives of the Bay Cities 'Transportation Co., and officials of Chambers of Commerce of Sonoma County; members of the Board of Supervisors, and City s onagers at which time an attempt will be made to have the protest of the Bay Cities Traxispor %- Re -� lifting time 'limiti for tearin? down Shoe Pactory �ounEl m`an � c`�i`oen n:, 1 reT or iat 3 0`° r e C had requested thclt the tine li-nit on the tear down of the shoe Factory Building be lifted,due to the fact that when the original. ar, , reement was made, he had expected to take possession of the proper °:.i.th a month or six weeics, and had not expected 'thee ion delay in cl.earin: the titled tha -1 6 they are now going into their busy season and he doubts that he 7vi11 be able. to comply with the tima limit set for th in 'the ag After discussin the matter, it was agreed that a ",ener°ous time limit -� say to Aug. 1, 1953, be granted, but riot entirely e llrainated from the agreement. The City Manager was asked to act in the matter. BlackTr , offer to se.11 land rejected F61: ova ng a pell the memb ers of die `lity Council on question of spending .x'105,,000. for the purchase of approximately 35 acres from James C. Blackwell, Jr. the said offer was rejected,. Re - Propose Assessment District IET _ 8 10f the month y pr•o ress report of the Dir. of £�.ibl Lc 7r)rks was discussed. ':pro Baird explained that the Attorney hats recommended that all of the streets g under one contract and 1 . therefor no actual constrocti.on i7ork 'will start un til. about ­ext ;aril e !sembers of the Council. expressed 'their desire of having, the d ist r ict split in t t: or 'three parts and commencing ;cork on at least one part before the rainy season this fall. ''fr ',..ird sa'i }lE' �OU attempt t c om pl ete t�1e pavin; of �drnrih -- ebster St.. and Olive St. by November of this yew. 7t was po`.nted out 'u T ',.Tr. Prank that there are m - n;� ��±� .neerirg problems, involved and that they would attempt to se6ur ~e additional en7ineerin7 personnel to facilitate 'the ,vork. ADJOUR'.7.1 -'WT: There being no further business 'to come before the r L nn, t e •ne��=_tinf; was ZdJoournedo AT T T : i'i`i.. 4,