HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/06/1952tJ
O „t o'ber ms 0 7.
R( .Tilar meetin of the Council. Of the City of Pe t alutna called
, t: o or der by 4 Tayor r 1yer s o "
°_`° Councilmen Adams, Drown, Norwood, Schoeningh, Schwobeda,
i oemal:e?^, and °?ayor ?' .1yersd
A. 'e OF ` °1111UTES °
°.a.....�..— . e m nutes of '. the la l ' r ; ;7 ar meeting of Sept. 15 and the
special meeting of Septa 22, 1952, viere apTsroved as, recorded.
Harley Davidson moto rcycl e, a .
`l' 1? s b€ in7 thethe time fi ed for opening bids for.. the T.jurc, base
of a Harley - Davidson Solo 7r xotorcycie, the Clerk reportbd having
received one bid and proceeded to open and read said bid from
Joe Fa Frugol"L, for the total. not 'sum of 771 .99.
This bid was referred to the City ^:tanager for consideration
an.1 recorinen
ent" ed,
P esoluti.on orderinr- the vacation - and abandonment and
'E losing to public use the folloiv n street or portion
of the street, in Petaluma, Calif ornia, to -grit: All
of 9th Street between, 'the intersection thereof with
the, easterly line of 1 1'FPP, Stree and the . I ntersection
thereof t�ritl? the i +,reste line of "G" . Street. to
adoT:te�3' "by 7 affirmative vo tes.
Seal c oat various It stre
P TTs� - T in ; c�h e f e�i or opening bids far sealing certain
streets in the City of Petaluma, the Clerk reported, opened and
read the bl&s, of the X011 � a
AT. Amaral, Veta:lu:na, California;
J. Henry Har"ri s s - 9er kel ey, Cal !f Qrnia;.
Helwi7 Construc Co., .Sebastopol, California,
c1 i.chholcl P. Jurkovich, Richmond,, Californ
Nrthur n. Siri, Santa Rosa, California.
Tt was the recorn' of the Dir. . of. Public "corks that
tY�e loin bid of Arthur Da Siri be °accepted, y whereupon
.Res" ;`1028 N X.S o
int r o6uce'd by Councilman Morwood,. se.condeu by Councilman Shoemaker,
P Resolution, •ati4ardinM ,contract for work of preparin7
certain streets in the City of Petaluma. by sealing the
same, all as -provided. by Ordinance coq 253 M*. C S..
adapted by 7 affirmative votes.
9th St. Abandonment
°I'�.��. s FT the ti fi, �;d fo he obj e ctions to the
pro}pos.ed vacation of 9th St: , betw F and�G streets, the Cle rk
reported tY.at no written protests had been filed. 1, t.Iyers
called for verbal protests but none being received,
Res. 102,9 N X.S 0
intrz)dUced by Councilman Norwood, seconded by Councilman Schwobeda,
'3osen bloom Annexation
7 ci s sin ne t" 2' for hearinq* protests to the .
anrie d��ti o?'i of uninhabited territory lmovin as the Rosenbloom
Annexation to the City of Petaluma, tine Clerk reported that no
written protests had been filed. In connection aith proposed
annexation the Clerk read an a.reement and consent, signed by
;� ?m Rosenbloom and Plsic Rosenbloom, that said territory to
be anneRed may be 'taxed its proportionate share to pay any
indebtedness or liability of the City of Petaluma contracted prior
, co or existing ,at the time of annexation,, No one appearing
Hearings cont.
Rosenbloom Annexation
to 'protest said annexation, —
Ord. #25-,. H.C.S. introduced by Couricilma S hoe Maker
seconded Cc;ancilman Adams, entitled,
R Ir C
was re';_ and ordered piblished by 7 affirmative 'votes.
lie Armistice Day Para
T7 ---- -- /I e
I i I on 6F Peff=tuima los 28, American. I gion,, to the
Coun.cil 'to participate Ili ArfniStice Day Parade to be 'held Jn
Saita, Rosa, read 'and filed.
The Clerk was directed to acknowledge the invitation with
t h anks if 4-h Le�,grlon that the Coun cil will
- hanks and to not th Am a Olin.
te urfable . to participate in the parade.
hrnerican 1.1unici al AsSoCiatio"n con:
-Tnv1Via. on TO Ame
annua. rican M-un , cipal Cong - 0
be hold in Los Angeles Dec. 1, 2,, 3,, 10 52,, read- and f iled.
Counc Shoemaker stat'ed, that be 'would endeavor to attend
this corTerence.
Antexation Petition'
etitiorl slgn7 TT715 residents dents in the vicinity of 11c.Near
and 1.1t.View Avenues, requestino institution of proceedinrs for
annexation of property to the City Petaluma, .read and filed.
Councilman Shoemaker asked for a statement of the assessed
valuation of the property included within. the bomdariez, of the
proposed annexation.
Council .3rown surngest that the.zwners of large uninhabited
; parcels eels in 'the proposed district be contacted to. determine 'their
wishes in the matter. In this connection Mr. tfark Hein registered
an objection to havinT their property included in the district because
he stated that it is now being filled in and viould be years bef6re
it Is.in shape to build on,.
Councilmen Wanis- and Norwbod pointed out that thE; people w.110
haVe already !petitioned for. @.nnexation are expectincy , some action
and thdt the matter of annexinc their section of property -should not
be delayed too lon-
City A.t•orney Karl Brook stAted that unless the anrexation
are completed by Feb. 1st the property will not..r=
on the assessment roll until a year from February.
Donald '3aird', City En-gineer, pointed out thz the en�.rineeTin-.,
departm ' ent h, a=rea, ie to survey all of the a=rea, and th*at it
Is a '.on.-. . fro!_.i be on their agenda for survey.
Af te r a lene-th- on the atter.. -in vhlilh 'Mr. Frank
er ' M
indicated that "ore petitions -fti.7,ht be. received within the nex t two
, ! - iepks, the matter. s 'lAid on the -table until the meeting Of Oct.
20 1952.
w l
F 6 5
li •
E�F 9 COII% :!UNT(,'ATI con.,,.
,Her endorsement D off Tr,-Ans.-Si ?uil 3.te�rx E oute:
;Jet' er rc�► ;he
C; -Cy of Au rn+askn� rcors:emen'U of 'che
a.11-- weather Trans �Si_erra. ?Filit.ary Houte for p a tional Defense, read
and filed:
after discussion the- request was referred to,. the City TTana.;er
znd $10 i he Civ 1 _an Defense for i.nvest !, =zt °on aid recoTnr;tr- radstion.
Gi::lc.y ti;orncy I:nx , r ooks; su nested that the city 'janar write to
the C.t`ty of Placerville to deterni i ne whether or not there is any
OT) on to the plan m It was also sum est6d by , Coun.ci�.l;' an
Sch�trobecla that information regardi-n& it ,nimllt b ab'ia3 at the
Le agLI.e 'of California Cities conference.
Sus'oension of meter renulatians for tatter Fir` 1)�a s
beL Le TI UTiI L1lL Ljt ,LtC Ji U�41..L.L VL 11-LCL V. L U1_G�J
a.dopt�.or ,,of a resolution in opposition to Proposition . ' . No. 110
on . the ;Piovember ballot*, read and filed, whereupon
Re :x'1031 N.C.S.
introduced by Councilman i r o «n, seconded by Council n&n Schoeninnh,
s fte'sol:uti,on opposinc; Proposition. No. 10 or.1 I<iovernber 4,
3'5?, cenet'alElec t ion Ballot."
adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
Scien res eet n cr aorn osed Ric -San Rafae ;.Toll __ t�ri drye
° y .�' a .- '.�0 1 r 'fit or 'ty rospectirl
the proposed Richmond --San Rafael Toll Bridge, describing; the protect
and, ou•t;:l.iningr matters considered, by the authority prior to its
concurrence i the recommendation of i .
he 'Dept, of Public • orks that
' I� .he � tblject is' in the public interest and should proceed .at this i;trrcF "read and _placed on file®
I,e ter tom _j d uma Cn` amiDer of conFerc" e a° s nG t at
meter reg be suspended during. Batter and o- Days, read
arlcl , -- 'Cled, whereupon
Res. x`1030 'fia Co,a
introduced b Councilman 3rown, seconded by Co �da;ns
"Resolution suspending meter regulations under 'secti
34 of Irraffle Ordinance No. 82 r2.C.S o asamended."
adopted by 7 affirmative votes
Amend. t.o �M eement f or maintenance of State High.. 104 in Petalu
Tyr" - amen• to Cfeement _ l ie :;e of State H• gnviay
Ho;cite 104 in Petaluma, k?= oviding for increase in allotment thereon
of �.323a per month, read and filed,, whereupon
Res, #1032 N.C.S.
intiNbdUced by Councilman Schoeningh, :seconded by Councilman Schwobeda,
"Resolution of the City Council of the City of Petaluma
approving amendment avo® 2 to itgreement fox maintenance
o'f': ",tate Highway in the City -of Petaluma."
ra -dopt ed, by 7 affirmative votes.
in response to a question fro Councilman Shoemaker • rega.rd.i.n
tiais fi_;nc°.rbased allotment T:Is'. Frank •stated that the requc st had
been made from his office to the Divisio"ri of Highways on .the basis
that i.t vas necessary to have more personnel in connection witl� the
r+aa ;xxter'ance. of the bride which is a part of the State High��ayf that
t; au _? _�? eed that they would ,'�Y""cant us that amount in order to. Dover
the coot of additional personnel. Air- Shoemaker .stated that he
-,°rafrted a 7rankr. to ;et credit for t hi s ,ih.creasod all otment.
Nlati_onal Fire Prevention `leek diLEpl
.0 ,.fir, z - ion roTi, C let � nYel J�a Ael sen to visit
a display ti connection with National Fire Prevention creek, located
at 110 ke.!tucIcy Stu , read and filed.
30 •
Clairqd a oved for-payment by the City tanager ..mere 8ubmit.' t e
Introduced by Councilman %da-mss, aecon-ded by Counci-Iman S aimbeda,
approving claim (No-j-. - 91.4 to 1.122 iinclusive), ad6pted 1�v 7 affir
street- and Regulatory S _-rms
Repot ar 6 recommendations on the above subject,, dated 25.
Sept. 1 submitted and filed. The recommendations contained
in the report were approved -arid referred to the City Attdrhey for
th ? pr� e,�4 -i , on of the necessary legislation thereon
11111 Plaza Rest'RoOrns
1917,:? f r om Steven �. Dir.
Recreation, Parks & �Iusic:, on the Irrevious history of Hill Plaza,
rest rooms together with• a letter f rom the City �,,ianE;er suggpesting
that the mat of erecting modern up to-date rest rooms EM H
Plaza Park be given 8erlous cons Ideration 'E' the 1.953-5t1 bud get,
ti get,,
read,, filed- e recbiiinendAtion approved 'by the Council.
Street Iji§rhts
,T re or date d 3,0 s ,1,. 1952.,, on .tie subject of street
based on a survey made by Chief of Police L Del. Maestro; City R
said. 1 ight. S
and the Pacific Gas P-, Me ctric 'Co. and rocoTnmendingr that
be. Installed., read an.d The pro ram , as outlined ,*ias
approved by,the Council and the City .Manager directed L-0 Proceed
with ite
in' an_�§ to a q�iery, by CouncilrMaln - Brovin as to ahether or
not there is any provision not`i. for the installa- tio ' n of In
ne subdivisions before the City accepts the subdivisions ,, ' the
City Attorn that he believed the present stab divi
diriance nrovides t
.0, , hat it may be required by - Planninz� Comumission
and th& city Council.
JmEoveTn6-nt.s Park
Ti e`por� �052 attaching a memo, ,mated
Sept. from the Dit. of Recre,aiion ��-,ks, and -, .-!Usic*,,', outiining
the laork plan for improvement of r-41cNear Park with. the funds available
for that purpose, read and filed.
: The Council Indicated its approval of the proo7arn as outlined.
Proposed 41L: Uniform state )ales Ta,—,
R_e_pqrR7Fa_de ou Vincent Schoening dated 30
Sep'.�. 11 on the subject, of proposed 41, U'nJ form 'State S ales Tax,
subrmitted and filed. said report contained an outline Of the
proposals fOr'a statewide 40,r sales tax; the objections that have
been raised to this legislation-by some cities, and the conclusions
of Councilman Schoeningh, that the proposed law,. with some - restrictions
will bo of benefit to Petiluma and to Sonoma County.
Followin, a discussion of the matter,,
Re s 0 Z A A N - C -. S
seco nded by council'!nan schoenin-h
introduced b courcil Shoem._ SCcO
"Resolution supportin.� the proposed 'legislation establish.
a' iiniform S tote S�,7'ies - TOX
adopted by 7 affim-ative votes...
Planrin..7 Comr 'ission
' 77 MH of 'Kerfieth Paris
C a-p,- 115.
3opy of res'olutior� - 1 1 71T)FOXITYTE
to build an 'addition -.A 21.:-iOth ":street, read sand filed
R,C.- amend. to Zotin^r Ord
'CIPPY of resolut-L )rov ng and recommendIng
azien(aTiont -to Zoning Ord. : "123 N.C.S. reclassifying Parcel No.
AP 7• in Mc Dowell Village from an R-1 or to a 03-1
Zone read, filed. and referred to the City Attorney for preparation
of'tAe'recommonded amendment.
The matter of annexing a small piece of property, at the
conner- of *-, 3t. - and ! fioad was call .led to the attention
01, the:,Council by- Councilman S-chwobeda, however., it was decided to
wait until the Frteviay Is built in this area before takin steps
1*,:6 annex the property In question.
chief of . ,
Traffic Conditions
=-,fed - pct. 1 on the subject of Traffic
Con'ditions, submitted and filed.
Dir. of Flublic '.'V"ork.
Fir- t, St. Tin v
TF191� for the ir, of First St.,
si 'iled.
fr0'1'1r1'.'F".',JU_O I-T Streets, acre ib: 'and -f
The City kttorney reported that he and the Dir. of Public
Inad discussed t pro involved in that pro.grarm, which
jijclud'6`s'' t h � �)e probability" that all Of the property owners fronting
on the, property will not join L JJn the proposed plan of contributin
their shar e of the cost of the improvement work, and At is my
oVJ1jjQ.n that under those circumstances that an offer be submitted
by the various property ovvners fronting on the street to the City
agreeing, to make, their contribution - for the cost of the work, and
tEQ 11A.?i that offer hAd been circulated and all of t1hose who
Intend to join in the a had silsTned, then the City would
kftokli v I ;hat' portion "On of the work could be actually done.,, an Ordinance
coUld �be then introduced spenifAn� the lirffits of the work.
The form of the offer has been completed and turned over
to ty)e Dir. of Public "..ork for circulation, after ' the , filin,,; of which
the requLL-ed leryislation should be ready.
Park SuT)'l.
por a - e e 2 1.952, on the 1 .qclllear- Park 4a
ter Supply,
' rr two solutions for the inproveyi,"nt of the water sup
C - ind filed.
'Plie sur-restions' cbnta,1.r.ed In ort viere disaissed by
'51 p a vtell driller to loi - ier
the C,ounail and it w rtr
as aeed thatn
t i ie , re , 1 to anprox 122 in -an attem r
pt,to a in additional
sj 1-.,7 of ivator.
connected into Sa'nitary 'Sevvers"
Re Roof drains
i7_1P_0rT1___1Tg, Co ns inspector,
Tie �by au r
-24, subect, r
j.ead a filed.
0 1 1
01 0
rffie` s'u'a.c�estion that an article be prepared publicized
�_) -
calling attertiOn to the iTqT)ort nce of closin- off all. Open dins
in order to reduce t1i(a volume flow throu the treatment plant
or e'd to the City; The report of an open drain
vi,-Iss ref r an
h 5anderson res-Idence on D St. Was referred
on oro ,a�djoininr- t e
1) - Inspector for .J anon.
to - ,Une Cons tructi O In -n t
tii fnont*n'ly report of Public '.';orks and T�rineerin- Dept.
1 'slflynitted and filed..
City A•tornex
Copy , of letter addre!s �o .'.orS. 'De Fowler , d. wept , date,ept
30, 19, relatin.. q of . propearty 40 feet wltde and
extendihm 100 feet southwest from Belle View Avenue, 'i"ead'and'
filed. In conclusion the City i, stated-,
"It is my opinion, that you should secure the advice of an
Attorney, or a re.spQn,sible Title: -dompany., with respect U IL
present ownership of the ,property and the procedure-recoiinended
f or the purpose of beiiia, in a position to offer the parcc f_ to the
City for street purposes. Then If you have cleared up the owner-
ship satisfactorily., the City can decide if there Is sufficient
benefit from: this peircel to jpp; ify the ,acceptance thereof as a
� y a 'Private
part of the, My Street s�st.cni, - or whether it is mex
r3 ht of' the benefit of which is only enjoyed bSr zk liftAted.
number of people. If the City officials decide that - it can be
accepted as a street you will be notified as* - to qhat imW,,oveT
would have to be made for that purpose, also the City livill probably
require, as well. - as the County,, a payment of all delinqupilt telz<�es
and penalties on the property in question."
This matter was discussed and at the sug7cfestion of Councilmi'cly)
Z-) _ .
Adams no action was taken until �a,reply has 'been rec6lved froin
lj,!I•s. FoNvIer to the letter written by the City Attorney.
City Treasurer
Re- investm.ont of TIEUT - Fd= — ee_Mari�t�v Funds
Repot t r I ecorarnen(TaElon; ed - dat Oct. 4, lzTF)2, frorli Albert
Overton, City Treasurer, re Investment of Thomas Lee Charity
read ;knd' filed, whereupon
- Res. J/1034*
introduced, by Couvnd.i:lm-- seconded by Coiuncilman,Norwood,
' authorizing. .investment of Thdmds Lee Charity
Funds. vt
adopted by.7 votes.
other City Off icials
Monthly reports of Uhe MITTor., Tr6 urer, Central it
- - Rire- -Dept.,, Ambulance operations, Pol Judae,
I au,, Pound., Fire
and Police Dept submitted and filed.
TRe - sale of Shoe Facto'ry
(amended) introduced by Councilman Schaobeda.,
-s . ecoryded by r',ouncil7:iar,. h, entitled,,
N": OR DT"
PETAT,U...M, ChLIFORMIA FbRTHE 511 01 19 500.00 CASE !V
came up regularly ar.d was, adopted by 7 affix - mative votes.
Providinrip or urcha e. of street .swee fr,-
_Oun'c" mnan
r Mro uced H1. schwobeda,, seconded
by Councilrirn Schoenin.crh entitled.,,
ca up regularly and Nvas adopted by 7 affirmative votes,,'
CC ±1M7�'it OF LTd I'I ; C`:IiisD rtJ�I
&urraV T Gow req uest for buii6inv hermit
�tiwittbn x eques f array : ow?` TE -t-du .:!.ugust, ��_,' for a
buildlnn; p'ermi:t to be is sued to hirri ur!der the nrovisi'oris' of Ord. 139.
d�C.oS :and the opinion' of the City Attorney, dated Ayao 5';' 'cn the
appl,;jga ors of y'urray To Gow ,for 'a variance, - " ^rere re- read.,
T �F 161- il a. d i scussion of the request it .vias,, su,�7este that ' ra
Go,a be, r egZuc' ted to submit plans and specifications of exa6tly ytlat lie
i_sh.es 'to d and . to ap�i y for• ' a .building pe�mlt 'therefor �in the regular
` .� �_
after 1 � � �p� � p r pr esentation
' hrour h the
YIE -Iri0.: Nt:ha thereafter the .paid ar,p� lea�.ton br . roceaaed t,
aleg�.l —C -epar t ment and the public ' i4 d0 d tM, ,
to the
orks eat. bef
C M 1
The; City 'Attorney Seas, regU�Sted to advise tsr. Gow t0 f. le hi.s
�.ppIjic@Aion for z bui.ldin�; permit
1' . f il , itt app ointed
, r. t yGoiv a
r� loped violations of 1�ui.l code; specia cortim
she x5ca�s on ura .e or .a
buildin^ T)erm`.t , which, } f ,ranted wou ld result i tIhe
viola of
t code, Caunr,Ll.?zn I'.or�rood ,stated that •IZe understood that
:where,.are ,rather violations of, the bail dingy code) and r�efoi�ect to ailciled
kricl atioz� in ?:rcDoti'rell Villa ce This statement ,aas verified by Dir.
of Donald Baird®
rf - -h-e �Caty 11anager said tree Laxity in the enforcement of the
sizll.dir�'. :Code had co1e .about beoause previously authorized city Officials
had not adhered to its p isior_s in their inspections. He said that
a sj r t of policy on the pa of the Council is definitely needed.
® Franl aso ref err ed to to ne�� edition of the Building Code:
and. st,.t.ed that he hoped' that it tiaould be adopted without any amendm�ments
ilerx�b; =.rs of the Council. expressed their surprise at hearing that
a ny viola ions of the aaildin Code have occurred.
co t �uiiriian,_ Shoemaker staved that the situation is a ref`lecti_on on
U,e C1 y 4QIc��n�cil and he,•askked that a special ,com�ittee be appointed to
invcs * ate the alleced violations, uh�reupon Mayor TAyer.s appointed
U10- f o:��loydng Committee to meet With contractors in the community
to ilzvesti; ate the - matter
C ounci lman ..al lace ,'dams;
councilman Vincent : >choeninuh;
City rAanaaer Edward Frank;
City Ehgineer Donald E. Baird;
"a yor Leland 14. �ltyers o
off Revenue Bond ,
' � 1 ' tarn�y sr � - s r °eported that he is waiting to receive T �
ttra.f of the procedural ordinance on the off - street parkin; prouram.e
a,P � pr' ar lc reported that lie is working on a survey, including the as,ci.nr-
prices, of sites. recumnerrded for off - street parkin" lots.
01 d Ad�4riaT4ArwOOC ovement S,
re` - eerred to the recent improvement program
on the restoration o`f the Old adobe and asked the City' Manager to
rwegl.mest tl3�lt; funds he budbet i the State budget for the continuation
of this work o
Re -Booker Subdivis:lon flood Droblems
��man Jrn "ho :malzer as ea the spa us que o ?:ItoView flood
contra o?�" s"itUation. Mr. Baird, City En[,ineer, stated that if the
grates ar.o kept clear and the county ditch kept open there should be
rio dah er of floods. He stated, however that there probably. viould
be ; d rai.nape from the hills in back of the subdivision, which
i.s the responsibility of the property owners e
Tjq City I�ia�!ao, r' reported that he has provided a new procedure
t'ar ttte property protection in that area, consisting of patrols
cluri e, the r ainy season to report any great Increase of , in
,any particular section a. r!d to or der the blearing out Of any trouble
1 °ained1z..tte1ya
";ashin _G rammar _:chooj_ t � :e, etc
_ _e {
Council nan Shoemaker askdd it- there. ,ias e nutual understa.ndin
on the ownership o� , the ' gash- l� �`GJI�..(`r�3^1P.13Y' cC °r�ool betvreen tt e 1�ci�,� ^d
of -'E'ducation'. and the
city, and a7;so irf the ioard of- FdUcatI_Jn ,v
.be perri�w.;4.te to ,�as:e the :ti':as�iln t� � Granmar *5 s0 i r , c`� ' they
desired and that upon its xelinnulshment it viould' revert to •the 'c Cyo
, w
Couricil u ;Scho h stilted that he believed there, was. a co. l.tttee
workbir on the .raa t.er but` that there tivas as ye-t .'no def ni understandin ,
The City )Rana er stated, tha it had been discussed 8:t• ,a recent°
Drealkf ,, :st, i�,orufti fiat no chef Hite .s:o? ui. c�iz had beo�l rea et�ed
VIE' C�i'ty �'�,torney stated that the occupancy b - t-1ie td. of rdudse.tIo
of ``Ob � ^opbrty for school purposes would substantiate . its continue.?
use of the .school by the Dd. of Tducation.
Counc. loran Shoemaker reminded the Council that the time will soon
approach for considerat .ion of, the renewal. of the option with t lie 7-"
Ilospital Distr°Let .ori oak= I;I3ll Farl~.o • .
.Ii jg e. Prevention Ord,
un'C I nn c 0 11in�h reminded the Council of the ': irL Pr.evcntion
Ordin�z:nce. and surge' d 't;h . � the sitb ee t 'ire placed :on' the .Benda f'c�r.
fuure - disCussion.
IT, . rrank pointed out that this or dinance is beincr studied
t;he',Ci.ty 4ttoxady, ,memb of's he , Fire Department, and the• DUaj d- -of
Tire Undenvriters� and that. its -adoption ,jmight add- points to our cr•e(lito
Mayor Myers extended ari invitdti to the Council, City offtclals
Laid general public 'to attei3cl . the dedication of the new East-
E c Station.
There' ,bb3ing- r no . bis"Iness to - c ome •before the tl ieet nW - th
mr eet� n Wa declated a d o u rned at 11 s25 p.m.