HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/26/1953Meeting o. June 26 1953 - 8 P.Mb Adjourned meeting of the Counci of the Gity of Beta1uma called to ordet Myersd ROU CALI -tesOnt.o CoUncilmen Adams,, BPO Mi NorWood,, Shoemalker and 1&ayor blyets,, None, ,`ROVAL OF IKIHTRESO e minutes of the meet izigs of 15 I.B. and "22 1,vere approved . I f, I A he p - a­ from Petaiumaz� Veterans e--p'Mewssing tl z� a p re- to I.;he ',� C1.tV Couni_ if' maki-ne.; it - p6ssJ2 , e to Ea"ve the Pel.)alkrma �%n '- f oy: the �' Memorial or Day S a ry i s, d ce rea and flled,, H" C ITY O 0.7 FFICIALS n 3r. Cit"I Ila -rc ClalTls apDroved for pqymenl Y, ie U bv " 4 ' b� Gity Managar viezree subm:1 Wnereuponp Re s,, if I ntro) d a� by Councilman Adams - an5du k'c ncilman Norwood, approving clairis ven b:1 1 1, s % N'os. 4704 to 4850" inclusive) adopted .by 7 affirvafive -votes, Chft.af of Police Rcllpart and Ust of citations issued by the Police Departmeryt, ar dt thereof for first five months of 1953 - -ianua.y read" and filed, OP 0P.DINANCES.1 Ord,, ameng . y � & p�,InILal .1.at;:�on ord,,t n of 1952-53 t EqM� j qg2e Grd. 7 f-298 N'O:C,,S 0 ) Coulicilman Shoemaker and -seconde by Councilman ISChwobeda y 'WH 0 0.J_ R"'rNANCE AMENDING THE AN14TJAL APRIOPRIATION ORDINM4CE 1955 NO R, TE CAL YEPR IW',' 30 ' 240 N.C.S. P' . TIM PURPME OF O APPROPRT '�M "3 EUD 1` 01 J 51 U r OF- AVAILATRZ, REVENUE IN PM 1955 SANITARY Sr,;W- AGE, SYSTMM CONSTRUCTION ff= AND TIC' 1953 STORM WAT17M AND DRAINAGE SYSTKU C01%CTRUCTION FU111D NOT INCLUDED IN THE AMUXT, '',BUDGET v TO 'BE TRAWFEIITRED M1 OM SAID U1 IJ NIM - T T I-E GF, FM,, TO COVER EXPEENDITURES' FOR THE SANITARY'S'EMAGE S'3.3TEM AND FOR THE STORM VIATIER JUMID DRAINAGE RESPEc- T SAID E - il - L M, DI NK"i JUME 31 p AND TO - ALPPROPRYA"M .F -7,Y F OR T YEAR Ri tb IS-15 A LREADY 0 FROIM." TO COVER, 'EXPEN]DITURE S -, Cf,kiGED AGA:MT SAID FUNDS INCLURING INVU FOR ThT& BEENEFIT OF SAID FUNDS." Qfpor question by Counciluan as to the of the abovet ordinance In 1952-53 Instead'of Athat certain expendltUres rl Broolrs 3. and it is necessary to med%e an amendment Pago 1, reason for the L953­54, City were made' to the Meeting of June 26 v 1953,, INTRODUCTION OF COnt Approprialt-lop Ordinance to- include the ,items as,'sett 'fd-rth,. in said ordinance :uri '"ordei�r.� , to"aCcbmi.oddt - e the Auditbr,ks _Off 10 Iso giving authorization t bookkeeping purposes and a o the to enter thAse fund's .on : - books.,. , . - H., further stated 'Ph4t thy:; am6ndtbnt.-to the Ordin-ance is, :only , _to. - c,oTapie'te ,- Lt waCs orddred'pdblished by 7, aff irmat ive vote .Consideration of 1953�54_ jLdget Th budget as i ','it consideriiw. -and - approving _e6ch 'budget sectiC* aftd­br.1ef1 0iscus§1na some of the s,betions', r V ey, Budpet,, actl on; -SQ.; t was noted by 'the City Attorn inclusi6n has . not- been' made for. 'any ...a propriation the fun.ds ­.Yihich have been; _collected-, for the jayr4pn p of -the costs of .. the Pacifld Te�la­n phone. .& - Telegr�iph` 'Company As pro 't I &I. of the $7,075,,0O'cb1lected by the City , of Peta.lu fr other citle-JSV , Rw been spent for payment to 141r,, Robinson 'for legal services anad for Other �dur�rkrg­ the expenditures, the balance of the costs will have.,,,t�a.;bp,.,po,1.d 7 next f iscal ear,, S itice the change has been tig-db - In - the 'PUdgO. Y P j � OQ 00 - to,, - e , e c6n91- provide for" 8ome. M 0 b �O .. r as su xn dered-sati 4:� f br.. Budget ti in UnbUdgp G .to 1% rV vilth the uhders.1; n d 3zig that when the budget., - section,. in. 'regard itig4tion , . , s_ i Enense and Dtrve, is Adt* su&ent'x,p6i16"'es t�iere., be monies eparment 4 avali Rese ,able.� in Unbudgetedidl.'R.aserto' coverve f or. t : , e hat piwpose,. ­­ 1. ­ . -, - . . I bn� ity,'. liger Ed. .1 t 1. each, : budget - s F63,., owinR : he ap�toVa of 'itten , itbs'tAg-6,,' r0l, tiv 0 Frank annotinced he had,,. not i- completed.his-,iiyr a ther, woricing budget :biii bbsbrved � that d66 to no protests regarding the. budget the. publiethereby. ' dis�play,04'aphfid 'in...the C*fity,blanager and. �,the, pressed his. ap* eci .'p'��'jbartq'pnt Meads ..to .hold. the - bkpendit"ik es.'. to .. 'a"`% He also , o pr atiofi t the department , cooperation it attempting to hold the budg et down as 1ow pos'sible and it Is to be noted that ...in-comparlson wl�h the b�gdgets, WE' the last two years, 'there is little difterend`6 with, the . exception of normal'' , - 'P salary raises. However, he furth9r!..*stated ,.th_ at It will lbe �d lcul - t Z 'to propose a budget for 1954-55 thatilill ke the prope .ax mi e at 'the 6pva%leve! - dut,to',,the. f act, df an anti c ,low . .Pash, balanoe budget as subMitted -r.y- ng qutth!�, at tne en d.' d f `-;..953-54 om car 4 " result ' ­ Upon suggestion Of- CouncilftAn.." Adar,66 nag er E d F rank.. to _more explanation relat L" _­ 1953-54 Budget such r�a�s xp stated. ni I_V�e 'to ---the -,.sent e d °� �retaf�re® ,f ' or Pro i i 'p d16�.g _kih',`th6 Bbdi�'6t'� qr e? 9 . �f i�­ -.b E the benefit of. .the peQp1 derstand -the op6iatioib-.bf e: y un of the City of Petaluma -for .,the ensij,lng year n - ..',Ther.e g e q,,;, 1�f� t fie' b R e s .. 4i 1_ Z" S, 9 N 0 0 66co edby Cowdilma�i-'DMWA intrQfteed. 1)y_Cqunc.ilma n­. Aidam and � s Ad entitled,, '�RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AMPTING A FINAL. BUDGET OF "1' '. E-S IMATFD PIAOUNTS REQU1MD TO PAY TFM EXPEWES OF d0IMUCTITING - :B OF -THE •CITY GOVERIUMNT FOR ThT, :C 35 CAL,)MAR U&INESS azy I' - T 0 J 2�b 1 as adopted by 7 affirmative votes, 1953-54 Ord. #299 N-040 introduced by C . ouncilman Shoemaker and seconded by Cotncilaan Schwobeda entity ed Page P-,-, ..233 Meeting of June 26, 195 3, "'ANNIJAI, - APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE . FOR .` HEE, a IS CAI., YEAR JULY 1 1353 TO JUNE 30 1954. P° ?..+ ; �� �.. '=ii �pub1` shed b `r affirm- tive votes. c Slioer aker expressed his viers on - the 1953 -54 B,adr' ' q stating hie `is certain that the City of .Petaluma wtil operate a , a city sh ould without an y curtailment of services in view. of the ,L,- 'c ac get is veiny :limited. 'thro th coopeayat�.on of the t"s.i ,!V b�anazrer and the Depar�cment Heads, ' operations of the 'City will b,, )er~'°fL ?rmed as well this ,yeas° as in the past, and he dis pelled any thC)`i.3gub G)f f b-I thcoming gloom of future bu dgets• •:fo the City of .:.' Vet c , N Gu r:cilman .Brown pointed out that the Southeast annexation . shoUld be entirely. completed and certific filed w:U;h he Stat.b Board. Of Equalization. by Feb ruary lst,, 1954 in order for t &e City to recelve benefit of the increased- va°luat' lon, ah =.• ;�.r o City: I anager° Ed. ' Frank Informed the members . of the Counci 'rout the City is planning to complete said annexation by January l st, R x.ear gee,: mn:m:rr.n,rsm: n ww a+me.suemems av`s� coristruc;ton of Sazlitation Bld �'d:� {.r�9�� NUS int, °odtic�d by Councilman Br own arid• 1K; Counc: retlyi chw6beda,, entitled,, 71 1iN ORD INTANCE TROVID: kr FCR THE CONS TRUCTION OF .A Sl W- VATION U�i AND STORArxP, S I1EO AT THE dITV S ME PLANt =APPRO - ' - - n ' THE PlANS AND SFE IF'ICATIOtS PREPARM Erf THE CITY T 1�" .�� �m AIVD PROVIDING THAT THE COS'. SHALL DE PAID �OTJT OF - ` 9, r . 1 953 ,SANIT`.ATION StVAGE S '� t� "T tUCTXQN FUN t, AND DT��bARING THAT SAID ORDIRMCF, DE AWkED AS AN F` i GEIcy 1ZrtREo ""! U"o 1^ : y1;1,�.c'1rl anL� ad �3� ° r r'�t�r�.$ votes, 00 OF • 1.1N ,1.3tl1SEE BIBU M ,9 a r.emusrax °au- �sueme:sennxcxr - R r °e pest fog° meets of Council rl th Hospital, Bocnz(! 7 .l '1 : n s� S y� c y h y on, c ;s h S repo - he - itid Q b � ee ' 1 a y p � p r p o j ab ' b y a lL.�. d1L:lt l� r V U . GGl.�i�.7 Z,. ��.G.� �.J.L Cb. 31LV et.Ldig of 6+he CoUncJ1- Ftl.L.�� ' he tal *Board so .that. arrangements, could. be' made whereby' inn api * t y.ser 3.or the Hospital- Board and an apprai -ber for the City OpUld be a� ,I)oint ed an'd to gether with a. third appraiser the value of thIP. OcMc Hill Park site could -be establishe l In order to .snake Federal l an,d S t to "a ld for a new hospital more- secure" '}due to the urgency' of the ratter, it r.s decided the- Cotaici , as a Whole, Would meet with the Hospital Board before- after or t he regular meeting of the Council on July 0th, 19550 the ('��erk was directed to inf'orTa Rev. Cans of the action of r+scu.:mw..w +znicirrz..e,•srn.w® ' There b6ing no further business to come before the meeting,, tho mt eetirk was adjourned to June 30 1953 at 70 P OU. sil c�. vad�- .�y�,�r� t.o •L l.,s A 1 4ge 3,3