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Minutes 06/28/1954
-,.Tu, 28 1954: 7:30 M. Adjoirrned meeting of the Council oP the Cit'17 of Petaluma to order b, -1 Schoeningh. Q;ALL: r cilmen fvlams Tligejow,, '91r own Nori Fresen cou'll . SchWobeda,, Shbtz,rlaker, - and ljicv�yor Schoeningli. 'Absent: None. Tune' 21,, 1954 were ap -as 1 171"1 �111inlltes of the meeting of Reouest fbr s f oftball. a.cl : iti e s at hficNear Park Legion, Petaluma Post N6. reparding the nscessity for adequate softball f6eilitles; at McNear Park,, such. as proper bleacbers,, homav Plate back stc.)T),, skcreens,, .Aratcrr fountain,, and rest rooms read and filed. A general, ftscus.sion on the matter was held wherein It was T101'11ted out that finds for the improvement of. f McNear Park have been _-_TAe but that some work should be done on the backstop screen for the safety of the sioectators. It was suggested that perhaps - thlis could be done by volunteer 1-abor so that the Racreatian Dept . emplo',rees would not have to be trzansferred to McNear Park again and cause neglect of the other parks in Petaluma.. Councilman Brown believed that due to the fact I;he American Le; glo had been Inst;rumental in tb oromotion of softball in Petaluma th�H 0 ', -1- ion hould be given to the Improverient of the soft- t S ball -L'aoilltl.es as soon as Tiossible. The Cit, y Cler was directed to address a comunication to t Legion thankiyW, them for their kind attention and In the nkatter and outUne to them the policy of' the Counoil,, Is to contAnue vith the imrovement program of MeNear Park as -oocr, as f%inrls are available and that. In the meantime an endeavcr will 1) e nverle to install nec_ssary safety measures with the assistance volunteer helj�. Military Order of Fur Heart Exhibit ' cR_UH - ef of _R.�ffat.FF Jun Ir-5 e 7 Police Del Maestro reptaarding the 11 Military Ordrer Of the 'Purple Heart stating that upon through the American Legton and the veterans of Foreign -ju t,be Chief finds -(-. h alt ' it is a reputable orgy nizzation and aecommends that they be granted a permit to exhibit aar equipment,, r e , ereu UY via e, . cand filed, wh )on Ci Pttorney Karl. rooks s directed to a, resolution Indicating that the Council has no Objection 0 W - '�he- exhibit Providing that the - factors Involvo-6 such as placing of oxhibit etc. iffith the arproval of the 6h"ief m Police and City Manaper., Op 0 OTT F TC IALS: City Mana _ ger I -- I - t Claits aT)T)roved M by the C it Manaper s subini l.;fnere' 13,51 N.C. S Res. . it I - rfJ ., roluced by CounM,. Iman ,Adams seconded by Councl Imain Bi -own vi vnd lbill Nos. 4467 to 4, inclusive adopted by Tip clal is a . 7 1 ve votes. 1. ,34K 4 � 4- f RF 3POIMi OF CITY OFFIC JUne 28, 1954. My Manager. Cont, le - Labor's Usa e for Political Eucation beau Report,. da:t ' eC june err, 1954,,. of the City Mz:uuigf;r regarding :Lnvesti- gation of the Labor's League for Polit.-i-al Education request tha' the, City of Petaluma adopt ,, resolution a8lding the House of Represe'll"Gati'ves f or study on restoring local shipyards . to a level • of activity suff icicrnt to sem the .9bips of 'the merchant mia . rine, . etc. .staying after. due consideration Witt Ur. Lewis K611er of the Leazue of California Cip.s tl it was polnted out that this matter is no-n--polTt1ca7i - 1nasnTach as Congressmen sponsoring the resolution are both Republicans and Democrats and that - the :'-mtent of the resolution is to protect local shipyezd - -tidustry., read and filed. '12r. Frank .further :Mated it, ti as the opinion off' Mr. Keller that such a Peso'lution of the City; .Council. wauld be �,n order and would be proper to tran.Mnit copies to the Represen tat ive named in the Labor'3 League letter. Mr. Fratk also suggested that a copy of the Councils reakolution be sent to the local labor headq4m!ters, upon approval of the City - 1.4anager t s report Res. , ,- 1 1351"N.C.S introduced by.Coiinclltaft Shoemaker and seconded by Councilmazi Brol, entitlodp VI RESOLUTION REQUEMING TI ML )TUDY. BE MDE OF LOCAL >H11'YARD I-'NfjT, IN' BAY A PEA a" teas adopted by 6 affixmative votes and 1 negative4 Councian BJZ-elow coast - big the negative vote© V lm - C fot bids for ReS. #1352 N.C.S. introduced by Councilman Brown and seconded by CoWacilman Shoemaker., entit "RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE C1 CLERK T AI)vEPT.lsr,- FOR BIDS. FOR THE O' +F ADIMMSING ]POR TM FISOAL YMR IMINNING jo• J 19"-A." irias adopted by 7,af votes. Dfl."RODUCTION OF ORDINANCES *t, Curfew -Ordinance- Ord. #349 NX4S. tntroduced by Councilman Adams and seconded by Cduncilman Schwobeda.. entitled, 'Bk CURF WIN ORDIDIANCE MAKING IT tJNLA1VFW, FOR IENORS TO LOITuR Ma WANDER. -- )T.ROLL,. PLAY OR DRIVE, OR BE 1MVEN TN A MOTOR WHICIL IN PUBLIC STREETS OR PLACES. AT NIGHT; FOR PkZENT6 TO ASS18T OR IPMI- MIT V ,, R)3QU1RTIM, RET-ORTS OF THEE PRE3ENCE OF MIN RS - al HOTELS AND OTHER L01rzIDIG E6TABLISTMM 4TS; AND PROVIDING TOR, PENALTIES FOR THC VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. I I was ordered published Jo 7 affirmative votes, Amendment to J�- 2rt-U zip ce. Ord-. 03.90 N.C.S., Introduced by Councilman Schaobada and seemideC by CM-mclilm-an entitled 26 OF GAF ;J) LNA.140E. S a Cmit. c. �.�.a �n,.,. < w. 4 ...+.... a........ Fw++. ee.. r... w ...r.wo,wH.w..+.....�.m..w...nw r `ndP:1ent to Salary �OY"f in Cont, "AN 0 D1i,-.ANCr TO P..100 SECTI:CNS B Vii, AND 10 OF TJ-Mi SAUC -Z ?I F)lYlA?, C'E N10. 239. D C a FOR TI•IC aTRPUziE OF CHANTWNG AND T `3VIG SI1LtVUES CP' 7: °lr-. DR?ARTt.;E'NT OF FTIATqCE AND RFCO;;DS `I_ I' G'EPAc�'�.=� L��` T '`i' t!, C �1`'�' T��SA. IAGER AND `.CI IL" 13��+'I'�'ir T :' PdT OF THE' CITY ATTC�I"iI EY. ra by 7 affirmative votes. - 1� , Z 1-1 ;0N OF TRIFINISHED BUSINESS: Re...�- ,Off Street. kax°k nrr Pro�ra�a� .. W .........,,. m� .a....� »�....a.,,,............ =_ {� L.l _view of .,the recent defeat of the -Revenue Bond Election., lv yOr" 0eih -ingh skated that he felt the people Of PeViluma deserve. an �•.� d it t fL om t he Cou ncil utncil regarding tts attit on off- street pa.. ldlig a.. H 6u.g 'z ted that a resolution be proposed indicating specifically the poi .cy 6J'' the uquncil in this uatter. In ord to detUrmine- each = c�,�:nal st'�e mher l s vi:eft,, ljla. 'or° ac T ,en�.ng outl3..rzec� the fc�ila��rii?� quest�on:� an possible action: hat shcmald' by done about Cuff- atr°ee:t Parking - continue or abandan it entirely as a program for the City of Petaluma? 2, Dlepending u the answer to the a.'oove question - what should .be dole with the Votsen parking lot which the C _ty is currently r'•°ent ng... from the Von.-:, Estate Di ;posi.tlon of the pres City Hall site. Which had been Contemplated as a parkin., l ot in * con junctlon ivith the Ad, ;°� €. property recently a cquired, A Vl,at shouLld. be d.oy'ne about, Water 6tr°eet? �� R 4 a� ��''��{{ � y'� ; t q.1 ('� J�'� � '�'] V /�y y'� !9 y1 (' � ry lo l. y Adarms 4 t i w.. Gam i 1 fa Y oA . of I1�` epi 6 the V ons el l p' Ga'.I I. i i�'� l o . or, a Ie ie,- . �� � �s 9 "i poe`3sibl a ffe do not khot"i i' it is po as ble as we have r;O ; as on. We are just � acs:��Yr when we sey we ctu2 ..ease i.t6 ��l o i imi n favor of, enlarging that lot. I am in favor of sal:linp the . pLAr �, L O; qty Ball to our Parking Meter Fund a nd using the. property for a lot. T &w, not In favor of Increa,s:Vig taxes to fir Water Fs rwr�° ;� 1, would l'et It, stay ju�it the ivay It is u ntil another year -rolls (,;Io atic'I lnian Drown: . cal 'per' sonally do not think the voters, und6r stood the Term; of Va propos ition `the aqami Woy o it for .over a year 5116 se, -tared. expert:, Both groups adv ised and recommended the off -street. �caa .ra which gas submitted, 'to. the �rofer°s� and I can't help but ma which .�,ellevR ,�I hat the voters did not understand the issue; othex -raise, it could n(,,)t hays, •been defeated ' as. badly as It su �: personally am in favor of � �c.n W :r ' 1 cpar`' .ease • on the. Vonsen parking lot and buy in it w:ith Parking 4l eve.nuep whenever it is possib �: *i � d or q © y f sel the 7 ct..�ty ltsJ.� M�•t 40' the GL.I J.I� M e te r J'4tiid and Y it it as a lot. I: am in favor of developing a small parking area at - Hill 1'1a a 8 t¢a' e: th V- city is able to do so from Par king deter Revenue,. 2' em rr I'ti�, rra c): Y'f: toY`°aA the wharf on V?ater° Street as soon as possible, • ejtx erb`jerye :venue; from the pay kJ_na I,leter 14Pund or revenue by. tatzation. '-"art " "o take a.bythin €r away fr the people of Petaluma. They heNe en jo red— th6 pI'ivi.Lege of parking at the Cronsen lot and 1 S treet, ci.rl l T v olli a , 11 ce .to keep 'these for them and give them a little bit nor,. 50 CO NJIDMffjT Ojj OF UI�,t+ 1.NI IIEO BU;jII�'E iS ; €:ont R - Qfi :aGreet Par°kiny kam C on t. J une 28 194. ounGilm. rd 3..NG:: 'wood ; .- 1 ' 9 ThAe day f of OV9iner the Revenue i3t7nd Election, I talked to at least 2'0 people. I told them X was condizcti.n iA� , 6wil 13011 beca I wante to linow w hat, happened and what they thou.,'�4 �� I found% that they mere - div�i:ded about equally© Firat,� the more se r�- of the two D the ppeople to whom I talked didn't know what they Were. voting for - Y t�Zirils it was one of the poorest conducted campaigns for W Ie diss" minati.on of information that I have ever seen.. I think — ,, 1,00 � the attorneys were overcautious. The other half of the people there was no need, for any parking i txte cowiunity,> For the first time :ainee I have been a Council =i ,, S am going to vote diff tha.r? I feel npjse a.fm In other words, I 'think the people. said what they 13,ho tghtP ,r I am going to .,xrote with the people and agrainst myself, I Wn i n favor of giving Che Vonsen). lot 'back,, not T personally,, but the ..peupi'a are,, Until we can develop son. e parking for the cr itical area on rein Street I don't think vie ha- ve any right giving parking to a bspec ;it- -i ; select group of people* I am-riot speak i I for' myself but saying - what 11he people sand -, *In the election,' Sell the City Ha] 1 site to the _ hi ;best bidder fox° any purpose they des'ire,, Let bi ter Street �c until the City can see some way to fix it. I believe, I dot l t,� Vuth the people do,,, in reducing the parking meter area*. Pall the te . off of. Liberty Street entirely ., take them . off the upper end of Ventu..cky Street arid perhaps the lower end of Kentucky Street. Retrench on Par king,. I think ive have done "Coo 'auch too quickly for the coo-m)ni tl and the people dongt. realize t service that has been - given tli:em. On of par neighboring; cities spent over a mAi.11i.on dollars because i Council didn't see fi i.r., year.E past to establish sh parking areas. Gale have been too much foresighted and the people don't th:txk we need t th ings, so let A s do without them." I M Co Shoemaker.- v " I f6el the peopl,e .1nave spoken. However, it 1sn 4 t altogether in oppa6iti.on to rky own thinking. As I recall, I. thaught vie were going out on a limb to recommend the purchase of parkirtkr l of 3 but I Intended to go along just for the fact it w o uld 9ncorpora�t ill it the repair and improvement of '►'`darter _s'vreet, I feel that we show ld gs.) . . along a nd elther 1 a l.dJhl tern l.eaae or ; buy the Von?i proper because .we ha `If: mvde some headw y over ..the years and lt' is a:cco 18'. Al ao, 1: Feel �x�� aliould o�oll %i7:e C i y Hal l. site and 't'ste Adams pro`puy ty,- and -use the money to repair Water Street as quickly as it - can �be dome" I real ize thane arb not am ].e funds to be derived from this property to coo the complete j:uZ) on �ldater Street., but I feel that in a cC3cap +.e off` years the Yar•k3.ng Meter Fond perhaps can take cal e of It in Its entLL- e"ty.. Pl1v recorrnenda°i are as follows: Retain or boy Vonsen leis. Sell the City Hall . property -plus the Adaitts property, 'to the h ig4i�st bidder,. Repa r Water 3troet and maintain dour' present • tax rate as concerns the. Problems that con :frond, us at - this tlmeo` Mere should not be too Mch delany Ln the improvement of Water Street It is an eye - sore and c:ertwi.nl hazardous in its preseL:t status. I believe ive should buy additiona riff- street: lot a sp ive find the need. I donv beli Petaluma has- any terrific parking problem., but as we find the need presented to us a nd the proper lots become available or de7ir�able,, them buy." them, bast; not try to bu then all at once - perhaps by piece. -meal two or uhree year apart ®" t Ca.33 ci Bile B ge:lowo " I feel vie 6hould f'org,,et about offwStreet pad' :+���; for at least "three years and until our divided highvray guts off part of Ea. Petaluma, The Money that we have coi4ing In from the meters -shalld be used to f i_x the` itreets ,, at l east f or the pi e sent time. The off , , street paxrklng program was 'voted down by the people. Th ey'� Seem t.o want i.0 hav-a the str eets fixed,, so let's give them ?what they ,vr37i."1t. I :+"eC CaW'_nnf that the Vonsen lot be discontinued and Leave eater Street a.s ?r- June 28,, cont Re - Cuf - S treet Parkin Pro . Cont, `i l io l il�.`cd, i '`.fit f i i��A r LL1.f to f orz.r.�.lat a j n : i n �.r in 1fi ely 0f t7.t�a�t t�7otr pi ace � I csara t t. ar.�a? ��e what the 4, to 3_ vote me- ftt except to say that other an perhaps more wcrrt,''hY bond is iue.s all' atcund us have been defeated. Perhaps ^t' election -'ras ag- dJ_'13t bond'3 g , � e arCzless' of w1ap her they are 'rvv ve nue * or r'`erlx`�..ral ob' �. Lon. � �" that �. � true,, T think �'f� z3 i(X_ 1 � d ga ahead 1xi.th t�i'fae•St� �."�'� Fro ;� °am o� a pia-a.s -you- go a;�A.: Fra, my analysis, I don t in.k the people - would obj to off - , street rrarki.n r rovidine, we have the money to pa for. it., Or, i11_at basis',, I would Say lease the Vonsen dot for as long as c. Oalri g ell, I,t .a. 5 yF.at s P refer°ably,, and �;nlar .ge it from its 7y:r .P -qn.t limits, if the Vmi'k yen Estate will, agree to it,, and take ,, Yvrj r pert of the Premises b etween the prejent Vona3en parking lot and ile Vanser?. building. I believe the amount of revenue that vie h' ;��re in our- of street parkin fund today plus whet we will antlel— �jC.�. e d n the next year, w ill, be `auf:lLi: to ,,t the shortaage we 1nav to bU the police station. I think we should use our O"Y-Street parkd31g funds for that yo that this Ci:t,y %II lot and the Adams pr oparty Can be put in off -street pa&ftng o The more ai.ffic;ult 4iie6tion to ansiver is the one on Water Street. I Vre sume it Is goin; to get.. gorse and more of. It - will. be boarded off sea that it cannot: be used.© It Is a general oblflga.tlan of the City vrhether e , will use i'' , Ature parking meter Am ds or general fundso I think tr, s4iould set up a program so Mat the peoa a ail 1. laiow ghat to :;."f,:pe ;'a because sooner or later this Cou ncil,, or some succeeding �,caun z , w111 have to do Ls omething with 'VVP ter Street,, perhaps I3]"p .'iaand.'Vig f jture funds) from. the F'arkiug AMeter Revenues i3 the a,n, YYer. or° part - of t'he answer.- We should have some• reasonab1a pro - . so t;'iat vilthin a per iod of Zxio or t1u ee years we .aria a 4zave sufficient ��ac�ney tc f5,x that street. It is essential.. a stdeet problem and not an off .ftr°eet parl'..dzig problem. `t3:syor e hioen1:ngh° . " 'believe we should coi�ti.nue i1i fact we are com-pe led to conttnue if Rre are to retain the , weiers� Vyit71 the f fa.-: --street parking progr°an1 because the ordinance set c ln,g, up the me :era - , s pecifically provides that the revenue: fro:a the meters should go to px°ovide fear off- stteet park o This is what we had w attempted to cio in a short space of time with the revenue Bond ;s:ss*u� ., liowever, I think -We should follow _ the mand of the or dinance ;anc� c, ontin ��ilth, the off street parking program® If passible.. vie o'Lild r ene , our_ Iease on the Vonsen !;A. I think the. present t✓ L r` Via. l S be converted into rwkingr and the mn,ey from the P arking Meter 5 ind tm:.q sferred to the City lull Coins'l:,ruction Rvido 1 believe Wa.•ter® Street _ will, eventually have •t to come out, of taxes ti�lnca it x, be t mtiy long years it we wait for off-street parking ii�ei�l� nr .o f i:X It 11,0. M ov e vilft - h ave- to emim r°k on some methods of t nyzat:1.011 to fig. up 1-a:ter° Areet, We Canst leave It become a 'ha. za.rd both to the peo le using the street and to those Who use the river fog sh , Jn think the vote i ndicated to us that we were a 1111LItle t in advance of the people and the thinking. was too far acipzm Q • It might be : worthy of co& aent at this tlmie to bring to the :.t.enti ora o' the "People that in Futtiln this Frot°a1 to t vote 01. the Pe ople we followed out the reconmenda.tlon;:, that were made b;;r a Citi-engc3 forfmiittee appolzited by this Council soyne two ears a o.c. it ha.d. been the: idea, of the Council when we .."'Irst s -a4ed Me Ere all. the sane members with the e.•�cepti.on of 0c=CJ.l TMz1 BJ th�'t vie needed, off - street parki.x�0 We talked evbout this fm, qa� ,e some U", and finally our efforl:s Ci�.�_minated in the appoint — rrent of a Uti zen t s Co ai.ttee of some 30 people,, who brought in a X Litati ng t hat t :favored off - street par.Ki ng as a pollCy; 50 June 28,, Re - Off-street Pay P r'c��r°ania Cant .. �..., ..� l a 6 am _. _._ . that they favored specific iocdti.ons Wid f�IVOred b. revenue bond Is6ue to pay for those Lo cations, It will be .Hinted thWt; 00 i��� °n• cent of their reconn enda.tlons were concurred traf'fi'c that w ere e i mpl oyed and by f li anCt l e ? ex's „a that were later employed, The Couno.17 . in acting as it di.d merely acted on-' th.e rec6mxiendationo of •a C itizen I s Corgi ittee, so. I b8liweve tM,t all In all re shOWA continue with our off-street p4rki g Supplementing infor-untion on 4hater jtx ^eetp. Counc:i..lM.a �F•c►►�� rioted that the ol d City Charter of 1910 provided 6 of the .tarp i ate b placed in the River 86 Fzrb rand. `phis was c hant :I.r the .early I after the bui.l.dip of the I'D” ;street I�x i.dp e !.Tile. the Council diverted those �'=ds for the payment of bond and interest, and .theref are sacri ficed the waterfront, As a re mil. t.. no repaLrs or improvements have been lade f over 20 year .' So ,, C: ounc i lMan Brown added,, it i n t t a, street pro jec.t ., but a.. river ' and harbor project and ,should be mirta. out of general flrids a Can the ba:,is of *"he ol)ini.ons expressed by the, C ouncil m City Attorney Karl a7ooks i�as : dir°ected t separate resolutions covering each phase. of the discusgion,, utilizing the mJority views to fora, a policy. Sevier ]:3ne un6 jxta ;;hing -on Gmamriar asnool. sat e. In response to Councilman. shoemaker a s question as, to whet or not the �seiver, 11-rib tinder the V°ashington Grammw school. sU1,6 ha.s been located, City igineer Donald Baird stat that nere. i,s a tube wider said Ate .vihlell Intersects at Bassett .S eet.. v-nd :Further added that said line is deai hated on the plans. S, torm Cxaln. - Na hi . on Grarmar school sl.:teQ At the request of Council.t=, Schmbeda,, the City gineer was dir . - prepare a report wi.thih the next morith as to tk ,e;. - condition of the storm gain under the Washington ton Gra.imiar ghool site by a thorough lnve atlga.tion . of same. It was n oted by Maypr oho'e'ningh that said investigation would entall making arrrange- meats with the Petaluma Coca er°ative Creamer to shxit down. during, the time of Inspection as .� e storm. drain is used as an Outlet et for the steam, �°on their plant, Zo ni„r 0 d atio ark `C,, Ammons. Mr. George Dickerson, of 20 Hill Drive appeared before the, Council to protest business. operations perfo � b Mr. �xk To t�naoras or, property adjacent to his re'si.denceo fie . by that ��I tvMons _is storing heavy earth - 'moving equipment a.nd , malnta ni ng a general base of operations for his contracting business,, Whi.ch is in violation to 'Lhe' ex stirg [,(�n iYig (Jrd nanCC under the pro. v isions of an R -1 area: In a:d(11tJ.on, I`Lr. Amons is depositing sit. ng wire boxes, debris etc., , on the-property, making i t very ur sig�tl.yo zn -view, of the fact that this type of operation causes cansi.derable, noose in. a, i esi dental. district and that the moving of the heap Mach eery in and out cif the property is a serious hazard,, ,ire Dick- erson requ6sted that tho Courici.l act to correct this situation pur:9uant to the provi'sson of the Zon1nr 0rdJna 60 /-/- � - 7 ..�.. r� .R �.�. TIO OF ..A,.�.� I D ZT�.r�� J a Cunt v,7i YI '2z'S o 1954, 20 m Ordi nee Vi olat ton Maa k. T'. tiYTfmo S, Cot ;rr� Dicke rioted that the existing Zo ning Ordin wil]. be repealed upon the effective date of the ncs Z&ll.r§ Ordi.nanca �Irt i dil i July Cftm, x954 and if action is delayed un til af'ter� " Wha l otus mien t le ., l �.y be able .e to continue his 01 � 1'ateons due to. the Fact tha n.o legal protest w as rude during the t;,i me . of the present ordihariceo This v v3as substantiated b�v City Attorney ,rl. Brooks,, Ur,, Brooks further € tided that there deaf n1tel.y a. v- .ol:a.tion to the Zoning Ordina and 6uggested tt'At `,t;�e City fi an _.n,:�i r.Gt�.on ;suit' agaiin�'� idr'� tremors pr:.or gar, J3.tIY - fthp 1954.. In the evert-. Mr, , JVmona deci debs to core ly' With the provisions of the ordinance and cease operations at sa d louation the Injunction action ran be dismissed without and,:. difficLiltyo �� Poll. owing a : girth ° y di Cllsslon on the t -tter wherein jeetion i "�, r i�.i s Ord E:�aanee #123 tl nc a a s f 9 DU tins Of Office ' s to Enforce" 1 0 r' "vie-we by City Attorney � tu-1 brooks in answer to Councilmn � 0 a r Wood R s questiorx. regarding the responsibility ity of the po- ict11.g r said ardlna oe City Attor .f+ rl lWooka, was directed to prepare in ro s , y a � .ln � st � M r , ,lrmlons for the Councilgs ron. mq in fring eas ? n the diiucuss .on of of°.f. t parking pr'ogram fl Com cilmn I +7. r�'�Cod belleved that the City is over- , ,rae%e'3:ed in the fringe r'E a s and that some ihoL1�lif shoul be given by the CounpJ1 on tM Mtter, and after an o * c)lnion expressed by several Crnincilman W�.�, the deci.: ion of the; C'auncil that the ureters in the fringe a, b9 i ald remain as Inst: Iled at present. CI ZFir. °°`