HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/29/1955- 237 August 29, 1955 - 7:30 P.M. City Hall ^® Petalama, Calif Adjourned meeting of the City of the of Petaluma called to order by May or Schoeniliagh. l ROLL CJ.�LL: Present: Co Adafi�is. Bigelow Brov alstafson, King � 19 3 Norwood and Mavor Schoenin7h. Absent: None. APPRO'\[AL OF MINUTES: Minutes - from the meetin,; of August 19, 1955, were aT)T)ro% as recorded. PETITIONS & COI11MULCATIONS: Letter dated. June 18, 1955, adCressed to Mayor Schoenin-h, received from the United States Corimiission, for the Celebration in 1955, of the T Hundredth Anniversary of the - n - _r�th of John Marshall, requestin g . that a corr� be appointed to. plan and coordidiatle the "John c ' Marshall Dicen"Ceni. Monthl in September, read. and filed, Ma� ior Schoeninph stated that he had requested the reading of l l2 i s c o tqmutnication f or the information of an m­ bers of the Council or an o -4 L 7, the local attorneys who might be inl in - 11 ' -� *U ­ e I e' rat (in a alc Ln�� observance of this bicentenn 1�_ REPORTS, OF CITY OFFICIALS: LLI.l v AJtorne - ---------- 22,inio re Subd, Fees % Earmarl1r.inp. Same -, Cor S2 P,. Attor-neyls opinlo 5 vF, i , s in conclusion, "Inv Levi of this last quoted sec t i o 7 . J is m y -1 "o arf 1 City Charter that the saf est course would be so as to authorize the creation and- maintenance of this capita"L. outlay fund or funds,, ", submit fled and -file2cl.. c.toy� WorXs Dire JJL Pa b I J Lc ReDort of Director of Public Worics dated AuM st lr/, 1-955, re Park Lane Estates Subd, No, 1 -- io-pr ovemertts Tvllich, are recom- mended by the Plannin, Coniiiission, submitted an( filed. n-, ssion. Park Lane Estates Subd. No. 1 Res. , ten alcive mal') of Farl<. Lane Estates Subd, No 1, submitted and filed, Res. approvi f inal map of Park Lane Estates Subd. tclo. 1, subiaitted and filed. Re Acce ta.(ice of New Police Stati Reyn eyn It, of Reyno ds Cons rucTion Company, addressed the Council requesting that they 7 I pass legislation accepting the completion of the new Police Station. He explained that there vias a one-year ,c_, in the contract, wherelyy the Council would be assured that 62i work not as yet done would be conypleted. City Attorney Karl Brooks had prepared a'rpsolution for accep*� the completion of the building, w stipulated stipulaed that certain, `paving worn be done,, In the .interim, 'this ivork been cormplet ' w ed. The resolution as therefore 'ordered rewritten, and ulie matter was deferred until' the next meeting, (1) 2 8, August 29, 1.955 INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: Levying Rates o5 Taxation f or 1.955-56, Ord. #407 N.C introduced by Councilman Brovm, seconded by.Councilman Norwood, entitled,, "AN ORDINANCE LEVYING RATES OF TAXATION UPON THE ' ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY IN THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL 'YEAR JULY 1, 1955 TO JUNE 30, 1956." was read and ordered published by 7 affi votes. Amend, tto Subd, Ordinance City Att'orney Karl Brooks explained that there would be no objection to the collection of fees as outlined in this ordinance, appropriations would have to be made for the e� saaie in each .year ls budget- In answer to a question 'by Councilman King,, Mr. Brooks further explained that, under this ordinance. the Council could not give the subdivider any assurance that the 1. money would be used for any specific purpose. Councilman . Norwood questioned the meaning of a portion of the last paragraph-of the ordinance referring to credit for outside sewer fees already paid by the subdivide_ r, Fp1lowing a discussion ion and a poll of the Council, and upon the consent of Councilmen acbiin and Adams, who introduced and seconded the ordinance, this section - was deleted,, In the poll which was 'taken to determine if this section of the of should be deleted the issue received 6 affirmative vot'e's and 1 negative vote, the negative vote being cast by Councilman .-tang. The ordinance, which had been read 'by the Clerk, was then introduced as follows: Ord. #408 N.C.S. introduced by Councilrftan Brotri, seconded. by Couh-cilman Adams, en-titled.' "AN OR.DIN*ICE TO AdjLND SECTION 3_1 OF T1­E SUBDIVISION ORDINX NO.. 132 14. C.,S. FOR TI-Eli PURPOSE OF FIXINC'.T' A FETE OF T'vM4TY FIVE DOLLARS ($25 PLUS SIXTY DOLLARS (S60. 00) PER LOT, OR T�FREE HiNDRED DO11_ 0$300, 00) PER ACRE, WHICHEVER IS LARGER, FOR FILING A TENTATIVE' MAP FOR ANY SUBDIVISION OF FIVE (5) OR MORE LOTS,-AND REPEALING ORDINXJCE NO. 267 ICI .C.S." ordered published by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Adams. rionvood and Mayor Noes: Councilman King. lz�l Bigelow, Broimi, Gustafson, Schoenin,gh. -- - agr e ementl pared on the. additional $30.00 per lot subdivision fee which would n ' ow be necessary before approving the final map of Park Lane Estates. Charles Phillips, representing the subdivid of Park Lane Estates, appeared before the Council and explained that he i not aware of this situation until late this evening, and was not prepared L-o furnish the Council with a check in payment of the additional fee at this time. The mat was therefore deferred. until the next regular mee"Ging. Councilman Bronm requested that 'the final map ,be in the caucus room _for the study of the Council. before the next meeting. The City Engineer was directed to take care of this matter. I I I (2) August 20, 1955 ADOPT-ION OF ORDINANCES: Araendin,o- Zoning _ Ord: '#405 N.C.S. introduced by CounciLman . Bigelow, sieconde� by Councilman Br entitled, "AN 'ORDINANCE AIVMNDING CHAPT� 11, ENTITLED_ OF THE. ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE.. CITY OF PETALUMA, NO. 340 M.C.S." I I adopted by 7 affirmative votes, Amending Fees Outside Sewer Connections Ord. #406 N.C.S. introduced by Councilman Norwood, seconded by Councilman Gustafson, entitled., "AN ORD111ANCE TO AlvMD SECTIONS 5 AND 9 OF ORDINA110E NO. 140 1N. C.'S. FOR THE PURPOSE OF CHANGING THE SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR SZ71M CONNECTIONS' OUTSIDE OF TIE CITY, EFFECTI JANUARY 1, lob6 -424D REPS A G-ORDINANCE NO. ' '69 N.C.S. EFFECTIVE JANUARY` 1. L 956. adopted by 7 affirmative votes CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Re Old Shoe Factory —Demolition Res, #1540 N.C.S.' introduced by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Gustafson, entitled, "RESOLUTION GRANTING TO `VICTOR L, De CARLI AND CHARLES P. De CARLI AN EXTENSION - UNT IL TILE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY 1957. WITHIN Mg-CH TO DEYIOLISH': THE OLD SHOE FACTORY BUILDING SOLD PURSUANT, TO. ORDINANCE NO." 24J - N.. C. 8 adopted by 7 affirmative votes, Resi ation of Donald Baird Res, #1541 N.C introduced by Councilman Brown, sebonded by Councilman Norwood, entitled, "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING RMIGN.hTION OF DONALD E, BAIRD AS DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC 1 11ORKS AND CITY ENGINEE was read by the City .Clerk. Mayor S'cho.eningh remarked ked that he was very sorry that the City was losing Mr. Baird, bUt happy for him that he was getting.promoted in'his profess ' ion. The entire C.ouncil.expre their regret of Don' Baird,':s resignation and him on his new appointment, Ail, the request - Of - Councilm'H i n -B1J'Fel61_v, the"Mayor was directed to draft a letter of recommendation I f ox` g Mr, , Baird, 1 Itb 'whom it may concern., statin. that the city Council would recommend him -f or any job. Don Baird remarked that it had'. been a . pleasure working for the City of Petaluma, and that all of the thin,7s which had been accomplished by. his department had beeh' through tfie cooperation of the City Counci 1, City' Manager:, other Dept'.. 'Heads and his Assistant, Pat Ingram, The resolution was then adopted by 1 7 affirmative votes, 240 CONSIDERATION OF U FINISIEHID BUSINJES"'S: cont t of Russell W. Ine, - Dire; August 29, 1955 of Public Works C 'tj h4&- CoIli-nici"'L.ma"-ri, KJ.n`o;..s a1.td that he xould. vote 11 noll on this- revolution. He was not questionings Mr. Ingram' s a-bi'lity, but merely the, method. used in hiring him. lie believed this position should have been open to -examination. Other members of the Council, and Don Baird, ex t1neir opinion that Mr. Ingram was better qualified to fill.. the position I y trained f or it.. than anyone else., because'he had been specifical-l- Councilman Non, quoting from the City Clharl, pointed out that this. method, whereby the Director Of Publi 3 - Works was appointed to of fice by the City Manager, was being used in et r ct accordance with the laws of the Cit, Chartel 1.?�hereup or, U y Res. #1542 N.C,S. introduced by Colancilman Gustafson, seconded by Councilman BPO entitled,, "RESOLUTION APPROVING APPO1 OF RUSSELL, ft 1% INGRAM 16 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC , CORKS M- CITY aJGINEER. was adopted by the f ollowing vote: Ayes': Counci Imen Adams Bigelow. Broach, Gustafson,,' Noy and Mayor Schoeningh. Noes: Councilman King. Aerial Lasc[er 2ruc Cou neilrj.iaj-i NorW5`od_ CrTairi an of the Committee appointed to study bids, etc; re a new aerial ladder tru reviewed- what had taken place to date on the matter ., ,stating that the entl.re Council had attended the last committee meeting, had v over the specifications - and had made only a mj:,aor change on page 2 of the specifications Councilman King questioned the legality of method of purchase. He asked the City Attorney if one Council could bind a future Council by an agreement such as this,, City Attor Erooks explained that this was not being done, as the lease agreement he i-irill draw up will give future Councils an option to renew,, After the reading of an ordinance, resolution and ,notice to bidders thereon, - the - ELolloirring legislation was passed: Res. #1543 NoC.S. introduced by Councilman Norwood, seconded by Councilman Adams, entitled.. "RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE - FOR'BIDS FOR TIE FURNISHING OF., AN AERIAL LADDER TRUCK FOR THE CITY OF PETALUILA. UNDER A LEASE CONTRACT WITH OPTIONS TO PURCHASE, it Ayes: Counciltien Adams, Norwood,'la-"ha Mayor Noes- Councilman King. Big Brown, Gustaf son, S�C I I ado by the following vote: (4) 2 4 J August 29, 1955 CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS' Cont. Aerial -Ladder Truck - cont. 1 Ord. #409 N�C.S introduced by Councilman Norwood, sec onded by Councilman Bigelow, entitled, '"AN ORDINANCE PROVID FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF AN AERIAL LADDER TRUCK AND APPURTENANCES TO BE FURNISHED UNDER A- LEAST CONTRACT WITH OPTIONS TO FURCHAS'F�,-" adopted by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Adams, Bigelow, Brown, Gustafson, Norwood and Mayor S'choeninghn Noes: Councilman King Re Lease of American Legion Hall 71 Manager Ed FranF, :expla1 there had been one change m a ke in the areemenu , , T t pertaining to janitorial services. In v ar.8`wer to a q uestion uestioh by Councilman King, iulr°e Frank stated that tiiis lease had'received the approval of theR Commission. I Ord. #410 N.C.S. introduced b Councilman Gustafson seconded by Councilman Norwood, entitled, "'AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING LEASE 'FROM THE HALL ASSOCIATION, PETALOAA POST NO. 28 AMERICAN LEGION, OF A:PORTION OF THE BUILDING - AT NO. 33 FOURTH STREET, PETAL=, CALIFORNIA. ordered poi ted by 7 affirmative votes. A 5 Minute recess was called at this time Parking District #19551 -" Mr. Eugefte �StuFg Y . TFT= 5 ormed Vie Council! o what had taken place on this project since the last meeting. He stated that a new option,had been,received on the Gervasonill lot in the amount of %29 500.00 and quoted the optibn he had received on. the Vonsen lot:.$43,500.00. After considerable discussion relative to elimination of certain lots, a poll 'of the Cou)icil,wa8 taken which revealed that the Council was in favor of eliminaljing, the North Main Street lot, the 40 of the Vonsen lot which had been in question, and the old City Hall site. Mr. Stunis informed the Coun(- that -1 1 - his, plan would keep the bond issue at,", approximately $203,808.00, 'which was considerably lower than the original estimate. The 'Council. Was assured that Mr. Sturgis would have the necessary legislation for chan', ,r the boundaries of the district, etc-, we for the meeting of Sept. 6, 1955. Ki-.,F- reiterated that he was definitely not in �Iavoz of this me thoa of 'procedure to acquire off -stree t parking Durii Ig the forgoing discussion, Mr. A. R. Bell and Mr. Jess Da beer, who are merchants on North Ma Street, expressed their desire for a, parking lot JLn that area, At, the suggestion of Councilman Nor wiood, 'the City Manager was directed to investigate the possibility Of leasing the lot for parking pi­ir L poses. lie Copeland Street Irn rovement TT mayor schoen requested that the Council r ema- 11, after the meeting and meet, as a committee to discuss the problem of the Copeland Street improvemenz (5) 242 August 29, 19:55 CONSIDERATION OF UNFMISBED B USIINIESS : cont 5th Street Traffic* Problem -TE7 Jess Darner addressed the Council relative to traffic problems on 5th , Street o He stated that. 5th Stx °eet will soon be in very back shape with. the 'Greyhound Ras Lines using the stre-et . continually, and reauest,ed that something be 'done about chanPging F this route. He also request that a stop -sign be installed on. the corner of 5th and "C" Streets as he relieved. this to bez a very dangerous intersection. Mayor Schoeningh informed Mr. Darner tihaAt these problehs would be presented to the Traffic Committee for their considera- tion. A.DJOIJR141VIENT : There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting wars adjourned. • �- !. .er -lire �. May P Attest: City Clerks _ 1 (