HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/19/1955December 19, 1955. - 7!30 P.M. City Hall - Petaluma, Calif. . Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Petalu called to order by Mayor -Scho6ningh. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Adams, Bigelow, Brown, Gustafson, King, Norwood and Mayor Schoeningh. Absent: None. INVOCATION: In . the absence of Reverend Charles Elliott, Church of God, an invocation written by Reverend Elliott was re.adby Mayor Schoeningb. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from the meeting of December 5, 1955 were approved as recorded. Mayor Schoeningh called led attention to the presence of the Boy Scouts attending the -meeting. Louis Hamilton,, who had been chosen as the Boy Scouts' Mayor, then introduced his Councilmbn;a'iid DeVartment Heads. It was noted that the boys will hold their own Council Meeting in January of the coming year. PUBLIC B,en Woodworth Annexation This Bing "the time for public hearing on the Beq Woodworth Annekation, the Clerk announced that no written protests had been received'. There being no verbal protests to the subject annexation; Ord. #419 N. C. S. introduced by Councilman King, seconded by Councilman Adams, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE. APPROVING ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRI- TORY KNOWN AS "BEN WOODWORTH ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA. was read and ordered published by 7 affirmative votes. CONSIDERATION, OF BIDS: "A." Street Parking, Lot Committee report dated Dec. 15, 1955, siped by Councilmen Brown, Adams, King, and Norwood, recomme , ndip g that the contract to improve the parking lot be p 9 awarded to I. J. Ely Company,- road and fi whereupon, Res. #1599'N. C. S. introduced by Councilman Brown,, seconded by C6 . uncilman Adams, entitled, "RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VEHICLE PARKING LOTALONG THE WEST SIDE OF "A" STREET BETWEEN 4TH AND 5TH STREETS, AUTHORIZEDBY ORDINANCE NO.. 415 N. C. S. was ad o P ted, by 7 affirmative votes. (1) 308 Docember 19, 1955 PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS1.0; Letter from J. M. Paw & Charles H. Kinne, Sonoma: County re'pre"sentativ6s of the -Bay Area Rapid Transit Commission, dated Dec.. 8 1955 y stating that the Commission is prepared to make a complete report to the City Council And the public in general on Jan. 16, 1956, at 2. P. M. in the Council Chambers or other designated place, read and filed. A letter was directed sent to the Bay Rapid Transit Commission advis7 im them that the Council will'be happy to 'meet with, them, on Jaq,,. 16 that the meet' ` ing will be sufficiently publiciz6d so that anyone interested may attend; and, that ,an invitation will be issuod'to the Chamber of. Commerce. Let - te'r from the Board of Education. signed by Dwight F Twist, dated Oec% 19,, r . . that a joint committee e organ e t' di scuss several problems, 1955 b 12' d o ic confronting the Petaluma City* School Di stricts: Which.ca I prop4� I �r . . y . be d&cId&d without aiu ent of - the -Council, the City Qread and - The" 16tte" stated i statd tt te Ooffi - - - . .. ­. - ", .: - , _ , - filed The , "It " - ". __ I-A., - e' ,-- Board ,of Education was m concerned"at this time with th " de v e lopment V of th, P, oolAnd t . I ..' property located on M Road as the location of the sc development of th6 streets and sewers in this Area would q6dd i action.. 2 The, Council being in favor of granting the g "forgoin re qupstir May or Schoeningh appointed the following Committee" Councilman Norwood Chairman Brown King The City Manager and City Engine"er were directed to act as, advisors to the Committee'. The' Mayor thenask that the Chairman of the Pl Comm,i s§ion appoint two members of that group to th& C ommittee".. At .this time. retiring Fire Chief Dan Nielsen was presented with a plaque in appreciation of his .many years of 80rvicO:, , May or h ked th' t fi­ City M yo ng rpmar .,a t e Mould suft6r '-, a great through M ­ n, Nielsen''' retirement.. , . I _REPORTSI.QF : CITY OFFICIALS: Claims approved for paympnt by the City Manager were submitti��d,-'Where -- .. submitted, I. w I--- on, . Res. #1600 N*. C S. introduced by Councilman Adams, seconded b Councilman Gustafson; approving claims and bills'(Nos.. 1985 . to . 2 . 163 seconded and , Ado ! p`te'6b'y' , the following vote,? Ayes; Counciiinen Adams,. ' Brown,. Gustafson Norwood and Mavot Scho'Oninh.� Noes: Counclilman,Kin& yT"AWg,.Qommission Us e: " km# B QY cQ u tm, T roop: # Resolu gra4ith Use" perm. �t i to Boy Scout Troop, #1 tos Chris''lihas trees on part lot located at 732 E. Washington Street, Rv'.J:tone submitted and filed letter ofex e 8, 1955, read and filed .Planation thereon dated Odc (2) 309 December 19, 1955 REPORTS-OF CITY OFFICIALS : cont. Planning Commission Gtitermute Annexation ­ Same Resolution of the Plannih Commi8sion approving annexation of uninhabited 9 territory to the City to be known as "Gutermute Annexation", submitted and filed-, whereupon, Res. #1601 N. C. S.. introduced- by Councilman Norwood, seconded by Councilman Adams, entitled, RESOLUTION PROPOSING ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF PETALUMA TO BE KNOWN AS GUTERMUTE ANNEXATION. was read and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Novak Annexation No. 4 7 Proposing Same Resolution of the Plaiining CommissiOn'approy annexation of uninhabited territory to the City to be known as "'Novak Annexation* No. 4", submitted and filed 7 whereupon, Res. #160 N. C , . 1 S. introduced by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman King, entitled "RESOLUTION PROPOSING ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY T . 0 THE CITY OF PETALUMA. TO BE KNOWN AS NOVAK ANNEXATION NOo 4. was read and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. Other City Officials Monthly reports of the FiT6 Dept. and Librarian were submitted and filed. CONSIDERATION. OF BIDS Off - ,Street Parking .Dist. #1955. 1 - Opening, of for Sale :of ; Bonds This being the time` .rid DldtO Set fdtthie -pning of bids for sale of bonds re .Parking District No. 1955-4, the bids which had been received were opened and read by tho' Clerk as follows: Est. Total Average Name tnt Rate Net Inca. Cost Int. Rate Lawson, Levy & Williams 476+ 3 1/2% $ 102, 723.95 3.,9502% Hannaford & Talbot 0 4- 3/4% 107, 4.1167% The b ids .were ere then referred to Councilmen Brown and Norwood, Mr. Bartell of Stone .& Youngberg, City Attorney Karl Brooks, Mr.; Eugene Sturgis, and City Clerk G I lad Wallin in for their study and recommendation to the Council. .A recess was called by Mayor Schoehing4 at this time to allow time for study of -the, bids. The. meeting was again called to order. (3) December 19,,,� 1955 CONSIDERATION. OF BIDS- cont.. Parking #1955 ®1. cont. Mff. - Stlegig dddf §s&d the Council stating that the Committee chosen to stucly, the bids recommended the bi&of Lawson; Levy & Williams be:'acc&Dted 'as it had been d6tbrrnined that this bid, would Tun approximately $4 00 less over the period of 20 years. Mr. B(Adon. Gardner, Jr. , representative of Hannaford & Talbot,-- referred to the notice of sale Wherein it Was stated that all bids must be prioqnditioridl. . He noted that the L.aw.'son. Levy & Williams bid had set forth a. condition whereby the' legal opinion of their attorney Would have to be giveii b6fore'the bonds, wbuldbe accepted. He then 'questioned the' Council as to the legality of such a bid.'under these* circunistan It was the qpin16n of both Mr .Sturgis gis and Mr-... Bkook& that the City .had, right to waive any irregularity or thformality in a bid if they so desired A resolution accepting the bid of Ld)yson, Levy & Williams was then read and adopted as follows Res. #1603 N. C•. S. introduced. by Councilman Brown, Nor*ood . _.n� seconded by Counc�ilrnan entitled, "RESOLUTION N AUTHORIZING SALE OF BONDS,, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N 055-1 'CITY OF adopted by the following vote- Ay0s: Councilmpn.Adams,< - Bigelow,. Brown.- Gustafson, No rwo od orwo. . d_ and 'Mayor SchQe Noes. Councilman King. INTRODU CTION. OF Authorizing .Lease ',,pf.,'..Farrell. Property ,for Off. Street .. - Lot Councilman Kiiig-as this e' 'g lbt� H stated that. Mr. Stanley' Dick son b lieV ' 'ed'onl 8 could bd parked there.: The e y City Engineer informed Councilman Kin g ff to park on two- of at ' i t w buld be d* ­ i ' cult the spaces, but theto would beano trouble` i n park' ' ten 'cars oft,th& lot. ing Councilman King stated that he was under the impression that the lot, was to be Wased for 6 months with - another , 6 month option, ratheik than P: straight one y0ar Q r Attorney I as provided for in the ordinance. The. it. .explained thaf"Mr... Farrell : would not rent the lot on that basis, therefore the - ordinance was drafted to pr6.vi do -for a one year lease. Councilman King then asked if all 'the property owners on North Main in Street were satisfied with the leasing of this lot,. Mr Frank stated that he3 had talked with many of th& they seemed t ­ . ..y owner, _e The .0rdihance' authorizing the lease of the, lot was ` thee ordered published as follows,e. Ord, N.. Q. S introduced by Councilman Norwood, se' oond6d by qouncilman.Bige'low,, - entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEASE FRONT A., HAMILTON FARRELL OF PROPERTY cON THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF MARTHA. AND MAIN STREETS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR. AT A TOTAL REN - OF F IFTY . TY D OLLARS ($50 0 0), PER M N TH.- THE PROPERTY TO BE USED FOR OFF'n PARKING,, read and ordered published by the following vote. Ayps,- Councilmen Adams, Bigelow, -Browh Gu0t6fson, Norwood and Mayor Schopningh, Noes Coun0iIiii6h King- (4) 311 December 19, 1955 CONSIDERATION OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS! cont. Carl Petersen. Rezone Request -,Ea Wq.sbipgt Street Mayor Schoeningh reviewed what had taken place to date on the rezone re- quest., stating that Mr. Petersen had addressed the Council at the last meeting reqpe. sting that a vote be taken on the rezoning so that, he could determine just wher& h e* stood so far as his own piece' of property Was concerned. Councilman Adam . fe lt that the Councilshould not start rezoning Washing - ton Street - until it was determined just, what would happen to the street when the new freeway goes through within the nex t year. It might he necessary to widen the street. Mayor Schoeningh stated that 73% of the people contacted on a house-to- house survey in the area Were in favor of it remaining an R-1 family residential sidential district, Mr Carl Petersen' stated . that he had contacted 14 ,of the people himself between Payran and Vallejo Street and 11 people were in favor . of the rezoning; 3 of the 14 people contacted were° more or less undecided on the matter. Councilman King requqsted that a portion of the minutes from Sept.. 6, be ,read. There.in it was stated that A6 written Protests had .been received during a public hearing on the rezoning. He believed that, East Washington Street was defin- ite i I I y beco' min' 'a commercial . street, indicating -on -map the % large Are as of - po - pula- tion from Lindberg Lane to Corona W Road that will .enter Petaluma. through the freeN and Edst Washington Street. He further, pointed out that such a heavily tra elc.ci street will on, be a. detriment to residential property. In view of these facts and thefdct, that only y 3 protests had.been received at the Planning Commission's hearing st , . the mat , ter and that no Written protes s had ' been received at the Council hearing, Councilman King felt that Mr. Pe'te'rsen"s rezone re should be granted. Cityl Attorney Karl Bt -stated that the, resolution before the Council on the subjoct.'was written so that.a "yes` vote 'Would reject Mr. Petersen's request and a "no" vote would approve the request, whereupon,, Reso #1 604 N. C. S. introduced by Councilman. Bigelow, seconded by Councilman Adams, entitled, "RESOLUTION REJECTING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 340 N. C. S. TO REZONE THE PART PARCEL NO, 7_Q22�l5, 23.0. 5 FEET ON EAST WASHINGTON STREET AND 120 FEET ON PAYRAN STREET AN "R� I" ZONE OR DISTRICT TO A T'C-lf ZONE OR DIST was as defea I tedby the following vote-: Ayes- Councilmen Adams, Norwood and Mayor Schoeningh., Noes: Counc-ilihen, Bigelow; 'B,ro.wn,- Gustafson and .King- Councilman Norwood stated that he had voted against the rezoning because he was 'opposed to spot zonin& He then suggested that Councilman King'write a statement in favor of rezoning the area involved on a I strip zoning basis, and that a member - of the Planning Commission write a statement opposing it, said statemeritas to be inai . led out in the form of "a :qp6stionaire for information to the Council as to how the p e0ple would li their property zonzoned; 6 The. Mayor the I happointed a Committee of two, Councilmen King and Norwood to see wb.at could be . done as to rezoning the area. Their report was to be submitted to the Co'until at the. 2nd meeting in January. 'Drainage Problem Mt. View &.Phillips Councilman King brought up the subjOct'of thb'diainage problem on Mt. View andPhIllip's, He° stated that the area had a - serious flooding problem after the 'done he.w!y rains of the past few days: and asked if something could be to elim.1hate the situation. (5) 31 .21 December 19, 19515 CONSIDERATION OF. UNFINISIHED,BUSINESS. cont, Drainage Problem . .Mv a : N ip-vy k Phffl' i s cont p, Mr. -Broo'l-Cs ih o CoWlIffi ring that the City had been advised by their insu. to Oo,rioffijbg about correcting the matter until the' suit which is pending on, th& subject has been settled 'or withdiawn.. The City Attorney was dfrecteid'to find out when the' suit will be outidwied'or wha t is taking - Dace on it C ouncilman hrown ct6s&-.�d to know if the properties involve in 0o the' fl ding were also involved in i the ,law suit. The City Engipeer was to check on this' and also work along with the' City Attorney on th&,matter.- Councilman Gustafson re marked that he` was very pleased tho recently installed lights in front of the C ity Hall; -Oak Hill Park At the request of Councilman Mr, Brooks e"xp . lained that menibers Of the Public Works D t. had b een the park to dbtodt oily m,�ebif that mig � t - be found on old tasklets", s th6rebv4(�termi"g'whe­th&r ther.6'drib'stilig 'An-tho park. To date; none cou whether 11 - _ , are W", eDark.6 . . . � U be ldcidtod, H& explained f h 'utd. h� as a I�iiied that' � b efor e t abandoned - ­ooiAetoty�- Oifawbdd hky_� . t, o god into court testify the someone fy, to 't satisfaction -of'a judge - 'h t at were Ao bodi6s b in Oak H ill Park: Mr. Brooks also noted. that f6Wr&c6r*ds as to jut t what par' I ­h i d'b i &'n' u ce s a e used for burials had - Over b0eh d"" il record' 'had not been found. recor ed and that so fifrAddition .�;� I —- - � . records a s Mayor S.Choeningh sugg!stedthat the detecting ork-_be. on by the g .. 1 Public- Works "Dept. v and that the City _ all the possible; fr. `h - • . .. - - .1 — ' I, - % VC people' ason"(�-m&n" who 'Was knJo.wh. to have h elped remove' bodies from ffi6 park at the time these bodies were : moved to Cypress Hill Cem'e*te­ry Mr Fok Case dddresse"d th,&: Council and intrVuc Mrs.'YaYish , whop will - PrPs& Democrat repr6sen.tativi�'a:fter 6 1 t of be the new th e Line: - Councilman .Br'0W_n k9p9i"rtied that the meeting 'pr'r-ty owners in w , , , ith the Cherr Valley had bo&n well attended and that all who were ther faV. d a district-. The' only " differo of opinion was whether the district 'should b& enlarjtbdo The meeting had iclo the that the City Eii e gin.., r would chOck ithibarea further and draw 1110 plans 'and' PIPcifit Pat igns for the s6vv6r line and another - meeting would b Mr. Eld addressed theCouncil speaking on behalf Of th'e PaytaJiff School District. He stated were , that they w­ itally interested' th subdivisions , an ons d n , e , w - e , - vI 'r-&Stedfn properties in that at I ed and which s chool they will be t 4 into. ADJOURNME Thibre being no further buglh. e to, com e: beior& the meeting the m&, e tilig was adfo - ne'd. L Attesto (Gla City Qjietk, (6) F