HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/02/1949Re, Ttieetilig of tjze Council of the City of Petaluma
c: ted to or er by - Ajay'or '1voods(rz,
� "111 � cnt; G0X=ilrmen Del..ss, rC ; r, a 3no ue, �:syers ")e ds:11,
~ h`:e , :i, 7 a er, and 1 yor Woodson.
kin +.late C 1 a 7_ Fda e endeu to - L 9,5
ex srcm U3.ir.L✓ . ®11 0. kl'�gYi;�,,.�: Iir «.�.��n'z1C��' to 1 4 Ct
that, expiration date for the acceptance of apnlica.tions for expend-
.uv':a of Chajpter 4 and Chapter 20 R.vids has been - %tended to 1,951,
WiO that Aa jor City ;tree's rkra(ls are eli ible as ma.tchinn f?rnds for
is'Ctr; r�tiS w +ere road coristruct icin is contemplated,, read and filed.
Lee_ *i :3' ative INIletiia from Tea ue of C,,, ifo ia, Citi read
. . M.:.veq. Wa. sitYPJO ryRy
PrOPOSed bus =yet 1949-50:
rs y.:: aIt: '�[ck n submitted the proposed tndet
a.f Petalucra for the f1scal year 1049 -50, vyhereupon
Res. X34.5 N.C.S. •
,:n- ;'Urj. C� C� by Councilman King, seconded by Councilman Seidell,
8n t It I red,
esol.irtion setting dates and times for ;public hearings
an proposed 1949--55 Bucket"",
Assi. gi* zent of Personnel, under date of 26 Apr" 9 49, s�abmitt -d
wn .ti- led A
I fs } ='. RT O F CT.TY OFFICEIRs:
M onthly reports of the Auditor, the Treasurer, and the Police
:are read and filed.
Rr c;G�r T d:atiorl that bu.s. l.icens- ord. be ar iended:
51 ynendin that
re`_ e.nt, bus* ness lic :Ilse ordi n , dn� , e be c'ai'lE;Y1ded so that any gainful
cond ucted in a res1C,'ence ri1.1. be sibJect iii?t only to
a bl - -;ines , l � c�eszs� but i hat each re��.e�- -m . th.'reoff" �ti�.'_l. be subject to
'r e dirt' b y the Pl.azining Comm.lssiozz, read 9 filed., and taken unoea
Re. - Clark St. xtens 9 GYa;
MN - ua��cTE .cap oTi one city P �n _'Lng Carimrission Ita.tlnq- that
sD 3 C QTr J.ssJ,G can arrive at no declislon cork -ern ing ar extension
Of - G - 1a,rk Street without more specifi reccrmmndat ions from the
P ltl.oaers rerzarding the property - to be extended; the firlanc:Cn�; of
said J?IIp1^o e i eiit and the il.11 i�p ess of property owners to ded.bcate
propaIrt for th street, read, f iled and the T4'^at er referred to the
Ci At yz mana, ey for corfcrenr e with the property owners.
` El.i:-)c t on Ordinance-
1.®�t� Mtroduced by Councilman Shoemas.;cer seconded
by `,Iocnicilman Seldeil, entitled,
,•- T' T_P 1 r-- F C n _ t T *t, CIT rat; v k. "
was read and' to print by 7 affirmative Votes
t r rati Ord: M -� ��p�s. ?n r ace y ouncilm�n P;iy'e seconded by
• �o
Cowiel'Unan �..sino.g ie, entitled,
A. - PROPRD%':{'3 0C M 0rt�:rFA* N ;G`r N,0.53
i'. C,.. GR i T I Y ' + IC (1 L �rE i~i� =T�� Ci': X �ilJ?� �U ® 19!9, TO +.I'PPOT'hl��'1'
7-7V , 4 �'40 ? , C 1! . :1 1R � A Y •^ �d.'�T. � , E i 1 9
. F- �:���� �� >, r��� r�z:- ���A�,. FOR zz��. co►�,�,�.cszcr�4
.L.[' `LS i.�'� �..i ItY .•.11 .x.. i 4 �.. rtL : \ •.i l -L' P F�: .A U
e,%me Lip regularly Arid was adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
nos Charter Ameadhents;
E'sta.bl'ish ar Gash 3 sl.s Fund;
fffrcciiir:,ec� i mw�n W iQ falter , seconde by Councl1 aii "�r�
en its ed o
"Resoluti subtnittin^ to the electors at the General .
Election on Jm3e 14, 1949 an wMendsment to Article 9 of
Lne% City Charter by aMin; Section, 65a thereto for the
purpose of establishing , a cash Basis Nand. It
3,dopted by 5 affirm -stine votes, 2 negative votes.
Off•l not to be 1n in corntracts :jade
'l Yt .C".''YE�w�Pl V 'i Yl.�'!r" "1 f''1 O /7 ST Y1�r't.. tT• _.. �
f.iitrodUccd. by Councilman ahoema.% 'secanded b Cauncilman Myers,
e�?�enai ur Section 32 of tart. 6 of- the CitS Charter to provide that
city M icers shall not be Interested In any contract made by therin
in thelj� off icial capacity, or by any body or board of which they
wre members, and that city officers shah, not be purchasers at
any sale nor vendors at a purchase made by them in their official
capac,11 - ty, , adopted bar 7 affirmative votes.
to be sele e ounci.l in 1953-
un troouced b Ccunril.man Seide ll., seconded by Counci ,.`yens,
ar,tend:ln; ! eetions n and 15 of A'tii:cle 4 of the Cit Chartex to p
vide that the °gayer shall be selected by the members of the Council at
the. first Tgoeting of the Council. after 11� he General_ .election held -
eil t1he wnd 'Fuesday of June 1'• 53 and that thereaf'te'r the °Myor selected
shall serve for, r3.
a peod of - two years, adopted by 6 aff�.rnative votes.
1 �_ negative vote
Re con for Official Advertisig":
in'Lroduclxl by 0oW1ei1-, Mn °inogue, seconded by Cow:acilmar. Reiss,
prov :i.din for the 'method of invi.Ltiii� biCs for official advert) sin
and further providing that Li the event there is only one daily
nets ox general circulation prJ_n red end published in sa3 d City,
:hen the C:I.ty Council. shall. have the power to contract with such
new pape -' for the official. advertising : being required to
advertise fob ,aids therefor°, adopted by 7 affirmL Live votes.
Establishftng a " ,erg c Fluid;
introd by Council man Delss, seconded by Councilman Zeiss,
ame-ad r sec 65, Article 9 0 providin- for the a stablislu ent
and ;!ir :ta :inence of anmergency EUnd, adopted by a affirmative votes,
3 •neg,tivesvoLes.
t of elections
ti °Fi th
ffe-S. ; #339 N.C.S.
introduced by councilman vvers,
-mend -1-n Sec. 4 or Article 3, to
m uxiic pal elections of this %ity
p o4is- lo??s. of Division X! of the
California, and that the conduct
seconded by Councilman ! Riiiogue,
provide that all general and special
are to be held in accordance ai th the
Flect Code of the state of
and carrying on of all City elections
shall be under the control, of the Counc and the w:�ayor,.
adapted by 7 affirmative votes,
7,nit lat :Lve, referendum P. Recall.-
Res. fT540 W.C.S.
introduced by Councilman King, seconded by Councilman Seidel3,
providir for Tnitlatilre, Ref erendilmz and Recall, adopted by 7
af lr -mtive votes.
City 1;�" to submit list of cla approve
Res. !` 41 R.C.S.
- introduced by Councilman ? seconded by Councilman * .inogue,
ar!tend. Ong Sec. 241 of Article 8, to provide that the City *tamer
submit to the CoUneil at each Meting, a list of all claims
and bill approved for payment by hiii, adopted by 5 a ffirmative
vote;, 2 tie ;tine votes.
Crdtv nom., r b_ e posted upon u}i irn ous cons
Res. # 342 N.C.S.
introauced by Councilman Seidell, seconded by Coin
&, endin; Sec. 45 of Article. 7 of the city Charter
ox publication and/or posting ordinances, adopted
2c ilman ?t'yers,
to provide method
by 7 affirmative
Res. - 343 Pl. C. S. DEr -ATLD
Introduced by Councilman Shoemaker, seconded by Councilman Seideil,
faro; ld-ing the method. of wwarding contracts where the total cost
exca -ids X1,0000 was defeated by 2 afflyroluAve votes, 5 negative votes.
Calm ival a i icat ion :
p ca ' :ozl " or 1 to exhibit: in Petaluma r:14y 10 -15,
ir�c1 =rsiR�e, iRas sibmitted by the Imperial Exposition Carnl whereupon
Res. S3 M.S.
Introduced by Councilman '111ino -ue, seconded by Council. !Wers,
: 78 , �t,;Ang said application upon payment by the applicant of the sum
of C X5 0. as required by Ord.-4:60 C.'S. , adopted by 7 affirmative votes,
inty*oduced by Councilman Shoemaker , seconded by Councilman
1044 (4th extra, s8ss'ion.) rt
adopk1ed by 7 a.f firtmative votes.
?:o Ito. Abatement
�t ma er o" nc 3n, perr�l:�sion to circulate petitions for
annexing the City of Petaluma to the 1 onoma County Mosqui !abatement
?gist. was discussed tdith. Supervisor Lyttle and Mr. !- litchell.
Councilman Seidell gave a resnne of his Investigation in the
Matter statln that numerous ;reetin;s had been held with Amy.. P`avy,
and Government officials and other ,interested persons and that -much
mat erial had been gathered on the sub lec t .
Councilman King suggested that it would cost the City of
- I�etalura less to accomplish the abatan-iient aork an an Independent
basis than it would to become a Part; of the District.
The matter was taken under advisement.
iere bein no further bus to come before the meeting,
It :gas declared adjour to Tuesday,)Ay 3rd, 1949.. at t; hour of
6 1 'cl clock 1' 1 1 69