HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/02/1949Re, Ttieetilig of tjze Council of the City of Petaluma c: ted to or er by - Ajay'or '1voods(rz, � "111 � cnt; G0X=ilrmen Del..ss, rC ; r, a 3no ue, �:syers ")e ds:11, ~ h`:e , :i, 7 a er, and 1 yor Woodson. p kin +.late C 1 a 7_ Fda e endeu to - L 9,5 ex srcm U3.ir.L✓ . ®11 0. kl'�gYi;�,,.�: Iir «.�.��n'z1C��' to 1 4 Ct that, expiration date for the acceptance of apnlica.tions for expend- .uv':a of Chajpter 4 and Chapter 20 R.vids has been - %tended to 1,951, WiO that Aa jor City ;tree's rkra(ls are eli ible as ma.tchinn f?rnds for is'Ctr; r�tiS w +ere road coristruct icin is contemplated,, read and filed. Lee_ *i :3' ative INIletiia from Tea ue of C,,, ifo ia, Citi read h2po-PrIS OF CITY NTMNAGE,17 . . M.:.veq. Wa. sitYPJO ryRy PrOPOSed bus =yet 1949-50: rs y.:: aIt: '�[ck n submitted the proposed tndet a.f Petalucra for the f1scal year 1049 -50, vyhereupon Res. X34.5 N.C.S. • ,:n- ;'Urj. C� C� by Councilman King, seconded by Councilman Seidell, 8n t It I red, esol.irtion setting dates and times for ;public hearings an proposed 1949--55 Bucket"", Assi. gi* zent of Personnel, under date of 26 Apr" 9 49, s�abmitt -d wn .ti- led A I fs } ='. RT O F CT.TY OFFICEIRs: M onthly reports of the Auditor, the Treasurer, and the Police :are read and filed. Rr c;G�r T d:atiorl that bu.s. l.icens- ord. be ar iended: 51 ynendin that re`_ e.nt, bus* ness lic :Ilse ordi n , dn� , e be c'ai'lE;Y1ded so that any gainful cond ucted in a res1C,'ence ri1.1. be sibJect iii?t only to a bl - -;ines , l � c�eszs� but i hat each re��.e�- -m . th.'reoff" �ti�.'_l. be subject to 'r e dirt' b y the Pl.azining Comm.lssiozz, read 9 filed., and taken unoea Re. - Clark St. xtens 9 GYa; MN - ua��cTE .cap oTi one city P �n _'Lng Carimrission Ita.tlnq- that sD 3 C QTr J.ssJ,G can arrive at no declislon cork -ern ing ar extension Of - G - 1a,rk Street without more specifi reccrmmndat ions from the P ltl.oaers rerzarding the property - to be extended; the firlanc:Cn�; of said J?IIp1^o e i eiit and the il.11 i�p ess of property owners to ded.bcate propaIrt for th street, read, f iled and the T4'^at er referred to the Ci At yz mana, ey for corfcrenr e with the property owners. V�',NRQDL'Cr ION OF CRD INANCE S; ` El.i:-)c t on Ordinance- 1.®�t� Mtroduced by Councilman Shoemas.;cer seconded by `,Iocnicilman Seldeil, entitled, rte ORD"rNANT.0 1'.rROVIDINI FOR THF HOLDING 'OF THEE (1rEMERAL ,•- T' T_P 1 r-- F C n _ t T *t, CIT rat; v k. " was read and' to print by 7 affirmative Votes T TT OF ORDINANCES- t r rati Ord: M -� ��p�s. ?n r ace y ouncilm�n P;iy'e seconded by • �o Cowiel'Unan �..sino.g ie, entitled, A. - PROPRD%':{'3 0C M 0rt�:rFA* N ;G`r N,0.53 i'. C,.. GR i T I Y ' + IC (1 L �rE i~i� =T�� Ci': X �ilJ?� �U ® 19!9, TO +.I'PPOT'hl��'1' 7-7V , 4 �'40 ? , C 1! . :1 1R � A Y •^ �d.'�T. � , E i 1 9 . F- �:���� �� >, r��� r�z:- ���A�,. FOR zz��. co►�,�,�.cszcr�4 .L.[' `LS i.�'� �..i ItY .•.11 .x.. i 4 �.. rtL : \ •.i l -L' P F�: .A U e,%me Lip regularly Arid was adopted by 7 affirmative votes. nos Charter Ameadhents; E'sta.bl'ish ar Gash 3 sl.s Fund; fffrcciiir:,ec� i mw�n W iQ falter , seconde by Councl1 aii "�r� en its ed o "Resoluti subtnittin^ to the electors at the General . Election on Jm3e 14, 1949 an wMendsment to Article 9 of Lne% City Charter by aMin; Section, 65a thereto for the purpose of establishing , a cash Basis Nand. It 3,dopted by 5 affirm -stine votes, 2 negative votes. Off•l not to be 1n in corntracts :jade 'l Yt .C".''YE�w�Pl V 'i Yl.�'!r" "1 f''1 O /7 ST Y1�r't.. tT• _.. � n es f.iitrodUccd. by Councilman ahoema.% 'secanded b Cauncilman Myers, e�?�enai ur Section 32 of tart. 6 of- the CitS Charter to provide that city M icers shall not be Interested In any contract made by therin in thelj� off icial capacity, or by any body or board of which they wre members, and that city officers shah, not be purchasers at any sale nor vendors at a purchase made by them in their official capac,11 - ty, , adopted bar 7 affirmative votes. to be sele e ounci.l in 1953- un troouced b Ccunril.man Seide ll., seconded by Counci ,.`yens, ar,tend:ln; ! eetions n and 15 of A'tii:cle 4 of the Cit Chartex to p vide that the °gayer shall be selected by the members of the Council at the. first Tgoeting of the Council. after 11� he General_ .election held - eil t1he wnd 'Fuesday of June 1'• 53 and that thereaf'te'r the °Myor selected shall serve for, r3. a peod of - two years, adopted by 6 aff�.rnative votes. 1 �_ negative vote Re con for Official Advertisig": in'Lroduclxl by 0oW1ei1-, Mn °inogue, seconded by Cow:acilmar. Reiss, prov :i.din for the 'method of invi.Ltiii� biCs for official advert) sin and further providing that Li the event there is only one daily nets ox general circulation prJ_n red end published in sa3 d City, :hen the C:I.ty Council. shall. have the power to contract with such new pape -' for the official. advertising : being required to advertise fob ,aids therefor°, adopted by 7 affirmL Live votes. Establishftng a " ,erg c Fluid; introd by Council man Delss, seconded by Councilman Zeiss, ame-ad r sec 65, Article 9 0 providin- for the a stablislu ent and ;!ir :ta :inence of anmergency EUnd, adopted by a affirmative votes, 3 •neg,tivesvoLes. t of elections ti °Fi th ffe-S. ; #339 N.C.S. introduced by councilman vvers, -mend -1-n Sec. 4 or Article 3, to m uxiic pal elections of this %ity p o4is- lo??s. of Division X! of the California, and that the conduct seconded by Councilman ! Riiiogue, provide that all general and special are to be held in accordance ai th the Flect Code of the state of and carrying on of all City elections 20 J 341 shall be under the control, of the Counc and the w:�ayor,. adapted by 7 affirmative votes, 7,nit lat :Lve, referendum P. Recall.- Res. fT540 W.C.S. introduced by Councilman King, seconded by Councilman Seidel3, providir for Tnitlatilre, Ref erendilmz and Recall, adopted by 7 af lr -mtive votes. City 1;�" to submit list of cla approve Res. !` 41 R.C.S. - introduced by Councilman ? seconded by Councilman * .inogue, ar!tend. Ong Sec. 241 of Article 8, to provide that the City *tamer submit to the CoUneil at each Meting, a list of all claims and bill approved for payment by hiii, adopted by 5 a ffirmative vote;, 2 tie ;tine votes. Crdtv nom., r b_ e posted upon u}i irn ous cons Res. # 342 N.C.S. introauced by Councilman Seidell, seconded by Coin &, endin; Sec. 45 of Article. 7 of the city Charter ox publication and/or posting ordinances, adopted Votes. 2c ilman ?t'yers, to provide method by 7 affirmative Res. - 343 Pl. C. S. DEr -ATLD Introduced by Councilman Shoemaker, seconded by Councilman Seideil, faro; ld-ing the method. of wwarding contracts where the total cost exca -ids X1,0000 was defeated by 2 afflyroluAve votes, 5 negative votes. CON SIDERATION OF N7,,7 BUS1'PdESS: Calm ival a i icat ion : p ca ' :ozl " or 1 to exhibit: in Petaluma r:14y 10 -15, ir�c1 =rsiR�e, iRas sibmitted by the Imperial Exposition Carnl whereupon Res. S3 M.S. Introduced by Councilman '111ino -ue, seconded by Council. !Wers, : 78 , �t,;Ang said application upon payment by the applicant of the sum of C X5 0. as required by Ord.-4:60 C.'S. , adopted by 7 affirmative votes, inty*oduced by Councilman Shoemaker , seconded by Councilman "RESOI,LT AUTHORIZING T HE FILING OF SUP P1rTD: - `ARY .APPLICATION FOR PLAN Pkf1� ARATI01 Mr;: BURSEM` T FOR PUBLIC r' 0MM PROJIECT Llv C?LAM -R 47, STATUTES OF 1044 (4th extra, s8ss'ion.) rt adopk1ed by 7 a.f firtmative votes. Daiss, ?:o Ito. Abatement �t ma er o" nc 3n, perr�l:�sion to circulate petitions for annexing the City of Petaluma to the 1 onoma County Mosqui !abatement ?gist. was discussed tdith. Supervisor Lyttle and Mr. !- litchell. Councilman Seidell gave a resnne of his Investigation in the Matter statln that numerous ;reetin;s had been held with Amy.. P`avy, and Government officials and other ,interested persons and that -much mat erial had been gathered on the sub lec t . Councilman King suggested that it would cost the City of - I�etalura less to accomplish the abatan-iient aork an an Independent basis than it would to become a Part; of the District. The matter was taken under advisement. A JOTJRNjAVT: iere bein no further bus to come before the meeting, It :gas declared adjour to Tuesday,)Ay 3rd, 1949.. at t; hour of 6 1 'cl clock 1' 1 1 69 "a-