HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/29/195013I Deco 29, 1950 5 o'clock p .m. Adjourned weta g of the C oun cil of the City of Petaluma (,-tilled to order by Itayor Itrerso RO CALL m resent: councilmen Brown, Gonzalez, Ifoln. es, 141nogue, Nonfood, shoemaker, and *'ayor '.1yers v APPROVAI, OF' JOUFW AL; � Tne m nutes 1* 7 the last regular meeting of Dec. 18, 1350, were approved as recorded. PE: 2'ITIO1111 a y. C 0' A. 0.., RTBL F'�AMNOI Proposed bad crossin e` r an.c reao aut. on adopted by the City of Santa Ross,, endorsingr the proposed new bridge coimecting the north Coast Area and the East day Area and t rr ing inclusion of rail facilities upon the said proposed bridge, read and filed. In 'this conr!ect ion a resolution for consideration of the City Council was presented and referred to the City Attorney for re- itTording after o bers of the Council had expressed objection to specifically namLig the type of cr. ossin� and also to Including rail fa cili ties as a. requirement. CcRmcllmw. Br°oim pointed out that there is not su ff i.c :k ent traffic to inerrant the expenditure required to build a b ridge of s fficlent strength to cagy the weight of modem Di estel engines w.id cars. Counc:i.)man Shoemaker stated, that he believed more study should be g given to o",her.° plans and that the Reber plan might be mach more satisfactory to the people of this area. R ,PORTS 'OF CI T Y OF'F IQUALS y C y IIAY'S ger claims approved by �: e t� :��nager for payment were submitted, whereupon Res. i/ 49 N.C.S. introduced by Cotmcilman Shoemaker, seconded by Councilman 11ino ue, entitled, "Restallttio'na prove the list of claims and bills (Nos. 2251 to 237r.3 inclusive approved by the city r2anager for payment," adopted. by 7 affirms - .ve votes. Assio'mzmt of Personnel i-mder date of Dec. 29, 1950, read and filed. City Planni ? Co ,nission Resolution adopt 7 ic;fy e�`an`a" �omriisslon reconmendirg the _grrranting of a vw- -iance to I-iam Schoeningh re side yard reetuUxements at, 114: Edith St. read and fil whereupon Leese. #750 N. C .S 0 introduced by Councl"!n1an Holmes, seconded by Councilman Gonzalez, entitled., "Resolution .:LoI1 m1t3I'1; 1ianl ScI oanin•7h variance froll the requirements of Zoning 0rdinarce. tdoo 1.93 adopted by 7 affirmative votes. ATTmend i- t to .;5.1n:I.vpT Ord.-re p ro � c:edi) -re: nepUr° P? annir g Commission, recomnendin.g asmendmei t to the Zoning Ord, to change procedure for .changing boundaries, etc read a N.C.S. ffiled,, whereupon. Res. x/751 t introduced by Councilman ',3r'own, seconded by Councilman Shoemaker, entitled, la 1 i I . , "Re sol:ut ; iOn naccep"CinF; the report of the City Planning Commission r°ecomriendiiV the adoption of an amendment to Chapter ?III of the r7on,ing Ordinance No. 123 TI.C.S. by amending sections 1.600, 16.1 1.6.2, 16.3 ,.tad 16,4 and adding 16.5, 1606 wid 16.7 for the jwlpose Of ch_unging the procedure for changin, boundaries o ' di stricts or zones., rec? assIf`ying Iroperty or otheyvise amending said Zoning Ordinance oxid for the pkwpose- of providing for the Zoning and classification of p- Opeyty =sexed to the City, and fixing the time and place for hearing; before the City Council on said proposed amendment. 1 1 adopted by 7 affinitiv votes,, whereupon ITITF.OuiCTION OF 04DINTMOBS o Zon ".w' Ord. re - arocedure4 UM -,, F'; o U . a iTt tro auc e by Councilman Brown, entitled, Shoemaker.. seconded "4.n Ordinance to amend Chapter XV� of the Zoniai; Ordinan . of the City of Petaluma., No. 123 N.CoS o ,, by amending Sections 1.6.0 16 ®1 1602 16.3d and 1604: and adding sections 1605, 16,6 and 13 .7 f or the : purpose of charging the procedure for changing boundaries 'of districts or zones, reclassifying , operty oar otherwise amending said Zon zzg Ordinance and for t he, purpose of providing For the zoning and classification of propert annexed. to the City." was read and ordered to print by 7 affirmative votes. A DOPTION OF ORM I410EF -3 o Amend. Ap Ord. . /� =1.7 ° n r uced by Counc5.lran Sh.oenaker, seconded by Councilman ii:l.nogu ° entitled, "An Ordinance amending the annual, Appropriation Ordinance No. 151 so as to authorize the trai"fer from the Emergency Reserve. Fund of the sum of nI 2 09.94, for this City's contribut'lon and payment to the 'Joint: Cities and County Civil_ Defense Planning Board of Sonoma County?' p an6 the suds of f ° for civi defense in this city to be cr edited to a ne budget. section No. 93 er?titl.ed, "Civil vil Defense"; determining 'the iwgency of this ordinance necess^,ry for the pre servation of the public peace, health and s ' ety of the City of Petalutme.. re came up r°evula,r ly and was adopted b 7 affix nmtive votes. Amend. to Ord 1110 F aCaS, . re .S ewar°e Pees oMETE H Brown, seconded by Cuunnilmaar Shoej�+.aker, entitled, "An Ordinance .amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 140 N.C.S. for° the purpose of f_�irig Fees and charges and times of payment for all. perTmits grmted far discharging sewage into the city's sever lines or system Pew outside the boundaries of the city; declaring that the immediate adoption of said ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, heal t h. and safety of the City of Petal uma. came up re alarly and - twa.s adopted by 7 affirm. tive votes, Amend. to A ouriati.an Ord. Orden ` 0 S. ~ . Intro 3 1ce y Councilmaxi Shoemaker,, seconded by Councilman Gonzalez, entitled "An Ordinance amending the annual A.ppt�oprla t i on Ordinance No, 151 T'I.C.S. for the purpose of transferring the sum of "'1564.64 from the. TEnergency I+'und to pay the e ;tenses of operatin the rniblic ambulance for the balance of the fiscal year endin- Ju 30 1351." came dp mna���:�y arf�: bras adopted by � aff3.r votes° Authorizing contract t -vith Adolph J. Calegari fpr collection of garbage until award of contract: Res. 7 1 752 M.C.S. introduced by Counc ilman Mlinogue, seconded by Councilman ?mown.. Ent+ sled, "Resolution authorizing— contract with ikdolph J. Calegari for collectioh and disposal of garbage and - ubbish In the City of Petaluma, California, until award of contract iY rsuant to Res. No. 739 14 o C o S . adopted by the City Council on the 4th clay of Dec. 1950, but not to exceed six months." adopted by 7 affirr Uve votes. '.layor 7.fyers thanked the press for the had put in in reporting Council meetinms of the City Cujncil , City Officials and and prosperous New Year. AI TIMENT time and efforts they and wished the members city employees a nappy There being no firther business to come befofe the meeting, the meeting, was declared adjourned. ATTr "T 1 3.